
How many toys does a child need? What toys do children of different ages need? What toys does a child need from birth to one year? What educational toys do a 6 month old baby need?


Your child is growing, developing, his skills and abilities are improving. By 6 months, not all, but many children already know how to crawl and sit. This gives them the opportunity to view the world around them in a new way - from a vertical position. And parents have something to offer six-month-old children, because their “field of activity” is rapidly expanding.

Kids see new things in old toys and begin to study them again, more closely, sometimes with surprise, as if they had just seen them today. However, the arsenal of children's fun should expand. For a 6-month-old baby, it is necessary to find toys that are appropriate for his age. They must develop him and help him improve.

The importance of playing with your baby

It is worth noting the important role of games with a 6-month-old baby. Yulia Kasatkina (educational psychologist, early childhood development specialist at the MAMAntenok club of future parents) reasonably notes that “skills are developed in play that will not develop on their own or will develop very late if there is no special influence from adults. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct games daily and several times a day.”

For example, if a baby is supposed to go at 8 months, then without development and without classes he will go only at 1.5 years. The same is true with speech - without improving this skill, the child will speak much later. Pediatricians all over the world record similar statistics, convincing mothers to pay attention to their babies and help them on this difficult path to self-improvement. And games are the best way to do this.

Playing with your baby means accelerating his development. Most modern psychologists and teachers agree with this statement.

Games for 6 month olds

Remember: the child does not know how to use toys. The parents' task is to teach him a variety of actions.

For fine motor skills

Starting from five months, your child can be offered time-tested toys that develop fine motor skills.

Game with a pyramid with large rings

When offering a pyramid to your baby, you should not expect him to immediately assemble it in order - ring to ring. At the first stage, the parent offers the baby one ring (the bottom one) and asks to take it off. Of course, mom or dad first removes it with their own hand, then with the child’s hand, and only after 2-3 weeks of such demonstrations will the child learn to remove it himself. When he learns to remove one ring, you can offer him to remove three, and after a while - all the rings. As soon as the baby masters the manipulation of removing the rings, you can start putting them on.

As soon as the baby turns 6 months old, offer him a pyramid - a toy that has been played by more than one generation of children. The pyramid is multifunctional, develops fine motor skills well and entertains the child.

Container with toys

When a 6-month-old child has learned to sit (even if leaning on mommy or daddy), he can be invited to play the following game on the rug: take a container or box containing various small toys. The container can be shaken to attract the child's attention. Say: “What is this in the box here? Let's watch!" Naturally, in the first stages you open the lid, then teach your baby to do it on his own. So, the box is open, what to do next? Next, you show the child how to take things out of the box, and when he learns to do this, then teach him to put everything back.

The simplest container can become part of a game with a child. You can put toys in it, take them out and perform various manipulations that only have enough imagination.

Balls (balls) in a cup

Let's complicate the task. You will need a box, balls and regular plastic cups (balls can be replaced with balls of thread or any other round objects). First, you teach the baby to take a ball from a box and then throw it into a cup. This is a rather difficult action for a 6-month-old baby, because first you need to take this ball, and then put it in a cup! This may take time.

Balls in a cup and spoon

To make this game even more challenging, use a large wooden spoon. Now we will first take a ball or ball from the container, put it in a spoon (by hand), and then transfer it to a glass.

For gross motor skills

Put on warm, thick socks, lie on the floor and place your baby on your feet. His head should be facing you. Hold your baby's hands tightly. Now move your legs: up and down, left and right, in a circle, etc. According to your capabilities and imagination. It’s still not difficult to lift a 6-month-old baby; at the same time, mothers are pumping up their abs.

Thanks to this fun, the baby trains gross motor skills, the vestibular system, masters balance, learns to navigate in space, and also trust an adult.

Kids really like this fun. The baby can lie on the mother’s feet, as well as on top of her legs (as is more convenient for her). This is both a game that develops the vestibular system and an exercise for mom that puts her tummy in order.

For learning to crawl

10-15 minutes a day should be devoted to games aimed at developing a skill such as crawling. 6 months is the time to learn this.

“Classics of the genre”: put the baby on a hard floor, and in front of him - his favorite toy. The toy should be out of his reach; the child needs effort to reach it. Of course, no matter how much he wants, he won’t crawl right away, so he needs help: place a cushion from a blanket or towel under the baby’s chest - it will lift his upper body. Now it’s easier for the baby to lift his back and tuck his legs under him. This way he will understand the “crawling” mechanism better and faster. Work with your child every day, and the results will not be long in coming.

At this age, babies learn to crawl at full speed. To help cope with this difficult task, the classic method is used - a toy “in front of the nose,” but at such a distance that the baby cannot reach it. This will encourage him to move his body forward.

For tactile sensations

This is a fun activity that all kids, without exception, enjoy. Undress your child down to his diaper (he already likes it!). Take several objects that you can move over your naked body - a feather, a piece of soft fabric, a silk ribbon, something fluffy, a comb for newborns with soft wool bristles, etc. Start with the tummy, then the arms, legs. The child will either freeze, then smile, or make sounds of delight from unusual sensations. As soon as you feel that the wave of interest has subsided, turn the baby over and stroke his back. Use 2-3 items in one “session”. They diversify the sensations.

To develop the baby's tactile sensations, you can stroke your hands or objects of different textures - a feather, a brush, a silk ribbon, etc. The baby can be placed on a velvet cloth or a soft towel. This will add sensation to him.

For speech development

Game "Telephone" (from 6 to 8 months). You will need a toy telephone handset. The essence of the fun is to speak into it, pronouncing different syllables with different intonations. Sit next to your child, hold the receiver to your ear, pronounce the simplest syllables, changing your intonation and voice. For example, “ba-ba-ba!”, “ba-ba-ba?” or “ma-ma-ma!”, “ma-ma-ma?”. Give the phone to your baby, perhaps he will also repeat these syllables after you.

Game “First Words” (from 6 to 12 months). We teach the baby onomatopoeia and the first babbling words. Place your baby on his back and lean over him so that he can see your face. Take him by the hands and begin to clearly pronounce syllables and words. For each word, spread the baby’s arms to the sides. “Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mommy (arms to the sides)”, “pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-daddy (to the sides)”, etc. The child will listen to you, smile, move his lips trying to imitate you. We spread our hands and bring them together - this way they will not distract him from the process, but on the contrary, they will help him concentrate on it.

Children's sensory mat for general development

Educational rugs are a large canvas (on average 110x80 cm), on which various colorful scenes are drawn. There are Velcro and buttons throughout, to which additional parts are attached. For example, a cloud is “fastened” to a button. Typically, the rug comes with up to 20 items - animals, birds, fish, butterflies, cars, geometric figures and much more. The pieces can move freely around the rug, allowing your child to create exciting stories and change the plot on the go. A 6-month-old baby will be fascinated by feeling the parts, tearing them off and attaching them back.

Sensory mats are very popular today. They include many tricks, secrets and tricks that are fun for kids to figure out. These are details that feel different to the touch, attached with buttons and Velcro, these are bright multi-colored figures, etc.

All figures are sewn from fabrics of different textures, which allows them to develop fine motor skills and tactile perception. Playing with them develops imagination, expands vocabulary and introduces the baby to the world around him.

How do you know when to make things more difficult?

The games that are offered to a child sooner or later become very simple for him. Therefore, they need to be complicated.

The game needs to be made more difficult when the child completes the previous task 100%.

It is very important not only to find time for games, but also to know how to play with a little person. The effectiveness of the game will depend on this. But the main thing is that everyone has fun, isn’t it?

  • Gameplay with a six-month-old baby should last from 3 minutes to 15 minutes. After six months - longer.
  • You need to play with him after feeding or sleeping. And also when he is in a good mood. If the baby begins to get sick or is overtired, then classes cannot be carried out, because they will bring neither benefit nor pleasure.
  • To play with a baby, an adult himself should remember what it is like to be a child.
  • You need to be on his level. If the baby is on the sofa, then you need to sit next to the sofa and play “eye to eye”.
  • The playroom should be ventilated more often - playing in a stuffy room with a child is very difficult. He will get tired quickly, be capricious and irritated.
  • Don't forget to praise your baby. If he succeeds in something, be sure to smile and say: “Well done!” You will see delight and joy in his eyes; for the sake of your smile and approving words, the baby will try to do more and more.
  • With a six-month-old baby, it is better to play active games in the morning, and calm educational games in the evening.


If you work regularly with your 6-month-old baby, you will quickly achieve important successes:

  • The baby makes full use of his hearing, vision, and speech skills. He easily makes eye contact, and his “hugs” are emotionally charged.
  • You can no longer keep a 6-month-old baby in a crib or playpen. He is smart and active. Thanks to daily exercises, he actively crawls, tries to sit independently and even stand on his feet!
  • The baby has excellent hand control, easily picks up small objects without the help of adults, and enjoys playing with them.

Don’t be upset if, when playing with your six-month-old child, you see that he is not interested in something or he does not live up to some “canonical” skills (that’s how it should be, period!). There are no canons or templates! All children are individual, each develops at their own pace. Enjoy every minute you spend with your baby as they grow so quickly. And there will definitely be victories!

When a baby appears in a family, parents and other relatives who are surrounded by the baby begin to actively pamper him with interesting toys.

A healthy child at this age develops quickly and shows a very conscious interest in all kinds of entertainment. For this reason, moms and dads have a completely logical question about how to choose the right object for their favorite child to play with. Today we'll talk about what toys does a 6 month old baby need?.

Toys for children aged 6 months: which ones to choose

Parents mistakenly believe that by purchasing a large teddy bear, they will be able to please their little one. In practice, such a purchase will gather dust in the corner, and the baby runs the risk of allergies or even stomatitis.

Bathing accessories

Their advantages are obvious, they are not only able to occupy the baby’s attention while adults are busy with hygiene procedures, but also develop the child, magically turning banal bathing into fun entertainment.

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A good solution would be a set of all kinds of rubber squeakers, from sea creatures to fruit. At the same time, objects must always be on the surface, otherwise the baby may dive into the water to get them.

Note! Some babies “throw” an object for entertainment over the side of the bathtub. Parents are advised to place toys around the perimeter of the bathroom, and a curious child will independently show interest in them.

Toys for baby development at 6 months

The principle of developing products comes down to sorting parts. First of all, the child needs to make friends with simple objects, for example, a pyramid or a nesting doll.

All kinds of manipulations with the elements of the toy will allow the young researcher develop intelligence, fine motor skills and have fun. Running toys will help develop motor skills.


Do not know, what toys are interesting to a 6 month old baby?? The rattle is still one of the favorite “gadgets” for the baby. Today the market offers rattles made of various materials, from plastic to paper.

At six months of age, a healthy baby continues to actively develop. Now he can not only reach his favorite toy with his hand, but also literally “roll” to it.

The baby’s motor abilities expand and become more complex, and accordingly, caring parents will have to think about choosing the right toy. The following recommendations will help you make an informed choice:.

  • The product must be made of wood, rubber or high quality plastic, which will not cause difficulties when washing.
  • Parents are advised to opt for “gimmicks” that produce interesting products for their children. sounds: all kinds of squeaks, music or words.
  • A product that has simple functionality for a baby will be the most successful solution. In this case, we are talking about clicks, rotations and other options that can reflect the result of the actions of the young researcher.
  • When choosing entertainment for a child, parents are recommended give preference objects of different colors and textures, which promotes the development of vision and fine motor skills.

Thus, when choosing a toy for a child, parents should set themselves the goal of finding interesting, and most importantly safe, tools that allow the child to get to know the world around him better. This product will help develop motor skills, tactile sensations and, accordingly, the intelligence of your beloved child.

What toys should I buy for a 6 month old baby?

Present to your attention rating of toys for 6 month old children, which will help loving parents find the right product for their baby. So let's figure it out what toys do babies play with at 6 months? in, let's make up list popular brands and consider them the best models.

Multi-colored fruits from RNToys company

The product is made of linden and painted with specialized paints that are safe for babies. Bright fruits will not only attract the child’s eye, but will also help develop fine motor skills. The cost of the set is 2400 rubles.

Children's rug from the Belgian company Nattou

The rug boasts colorful designs, additional sound effects and safe material. The product will allow the child to develop hearing, motor skills, and teach him to perceive colors. average price mat makes up 3,000 rubles.

Rattle "Flower" Tiny Love

A bright toy will be a good start for your baby to get acquainted with the world around him. The rattle is equipped with textile and rotating elements that will allow the baby to develop not only hearing, but vision and touch. Cost of the toy varies within 530 rubles.

Kiddieland play complex

The house boasts bright colors, musical additions and other options, for example, moving elements. Average price - 4,100 rubles.

Necessary toys for a 6 month old baby: useful video

An experienced neurologist will tell you what toys for a 5-6 month old baby will be useful, teach educational games with your baby and tell you how to train the motor skills of children's hands.

A 5-6 month old child needs additional tools for development and knowledge of the world. You don’t have to buy everything in the store; you can make interesting toys yourself.

Such a gadget will not only bring a smile to your child’s face, but also develop his intelligence, hearing, vision and motor abilities. One of the mothers will tell you how to organize children's leisure time with your own hands.

Every mother is familiar with this situation - she went to the store to buy bread, but brought home not only bread, but also a new doll.

It would seem that all the shelves in the nursery are already filled with toys, fairy-tale characters peek out from different boxes, but this doll is so beautiful! It was simply impossible not to buy her - she has incredibly charming eyes. Or a similar situation when a child begs his mother for another “minion,” although every representative of this culture is already in absolute oblivion deep in the closet. “Well, buy it, buy it!” - can be heard throughout the entire store. “Won’t you buy it? Well, then, maybe this giraffe from Madagascar? Won't you buy it? You do not love me!". All this is accompanied by loud crying, whining all the way home about how bad the mother is and ends with the baby’s angry frowns.

According to statistics, each child in the average Swedish family has at least 600 toys (data from Esquire magazine). Having learned about this, I decided to count all my one-year-old daughter’s toys. There were more than 100 of them. A lot for such a little thing. At that moment I wondered how many toys she really needed. And why can’t I just go buy bread, and my hands are still reaching for that same doll with unforgettable eyes?

The level of development is directly related to the number of toys

As the child grows up, there are fewer and fewer new toys, and more and more time for playing with his peers. There is an increasing interest in group games, visits to various clubs and sections, as well as family outings, trips to the mountains or on a picnic.

For the first six months, the child needs colorful and bright toys that “squeak”, ring, and make various musical sounds. It is these toys that encourage him to make meaningful and purposeful movements. An indispensable condition for their use is safety. A musical toy should not produce too loud a sound; the maximum acceptable background noise is 65 decibels. Exceeding this norm can affect his hearing perception and even affect the baby’s mental state.

From birth to six months, the baby is very interested in touching and tasting everything. Tactile contact is simply necessary. During this period, the basic skill of grasping and holding is formed, so it is important to pay attention to toys that promote the development of fine motor skills. 5-6 toys made of different materials and shapes will be enough.

It is important for parents to know that a toy intended for such a small child must be absolutely safe for him. No sharp corners, protruding fasteners, small or crumbling parts, paint or varnish. The size of the toy should exceed a diameter of 4 cm so that the baby cannot accidentally swallow it. The material must be of high quality and non-toxic.

From 10 months to one and a half years The child undergoes a new stage of development when he explores everything around him. He already knows how to open closet doors, take laundry out of the washing machine together with his mother, and put his cubes in a box. At this age, sets of light colored cups, plastic pyramids with large rings, wooden nesting dolls, fabric cubes with bright pictures and the most ordinary ball are well suited. The ball develops manual dexterity; it can be rolled on the floor, thrown in different directions and kicked. To do this, it should be no more than 15 cm.

After one year and up to 2 years the child tries to imitate adults and tries to repeat all their actions. He develops an interest in the diverse animal world, so he may be attracted to toys in the form of a cockerel, cat or dog. If such toys bark, meow or crow, the baby will be happy to repeat all these sounds. He will realize that the dog makes one sound, and the cat makes another. Associative thinking will begin to dominate.

A duck on a string is also suitable, which you can drag along with you, and at that moment it will quack or play a cheerful melody. The duck can be replaced with a train or a car - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that you can pull them along with you on a string; kids love such games. In addition, this strengthens the skill of walking.

Up to approximately 2.5 years Children are interested in knowing themselves and their capabilities. They try to carry a rubber dog on a train, stack cubes on top of each other, then pull one out and watch how the entire structure they built collapses.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

There must be a place in the house where the child can lay out all his toys. Cabinets for their storage must be provided. Showing initiative and trying to come up with a new way to play with a toy should find approval in the actions of parents. Psychologists believe that toys for children should be simple and allow children to show their imagination in using them.

When the baby reaches the age of 4-5 years old, he needs more practical toys that carry meaning. These can be children's sets of household appliances (consisting of a microwave, washing machine, stove or vacuum cleaner), various construction sets, elements for a puppet theater, puzzles, mosaics and auto tracks. The child can now choose what he needs. He comes up with stories, builds a whole storyline in the game, and he needs all its components to be present. Parents don’t have to run to the store to get them every time; they can make do with “improvised” means. ()

The right choice is the key to a happy childhood

Once I was in a supermarket and heard people standing next to me arguing about whether to buy them another car for their son or a play tent. It made me smile. It’s better to buy a tent for the child, I thought. The car is just another one, but there is no tent yet. A child should have the entire “arsenal” of toys, a little of each type. This will give him an idea of ​​all the objects, ways of playing with them and will develop his imagination.

Those who differentiate toys by gender are mistaken - boys should play with cars, and girls with dolls. This is wrong. In order to develop harmoniously, a child must use both toys for games. A huge amount is useless. Variety is what every child needs.

You will not find information in any book about the exact number of toys a child needs. It is impossible to foresee the characteristics of each child, the conditions of his life, upbringing and give just one comprehensive answer to all situations. But we will still try.

Child and toys – School of Dr. Komarovsky

Not a single child can imagine his life without toys. And parents, in turn, try to make these toys as interesting and safe as possible. And today TV and radio host Sergei Rost came to see Dr. Komarovsky to ask what you need to pay attention to when buying toys, how to care for them and which toys can be considered safe.

What toys does a child need? Mom's school. TSV

There is nothing unusual in the fact that a child is passionate about play - this is the only way children learn about both the world and themselves. At the same time, it is important to understand where the line is beyond which the passion for a toy fleet of cars or princesses in pink outfits begins to harm the baby. Let's consider the situation: less toys - more imagination.

For the first six months, the baby’s development period proceeds in the observation phase. Therefore, any material object that is in the house will be educational for him. But how to amuse the baby? What do psychologists recommend, what toys does a child need at 6 months? What criteria should you use to choose a gift for girls and boys?

Why does a baby need toys?

Toys are items intended for leisure, as well as the development of moral and physical skills in a child. They stimulate logical thinking and encourage the baby to take certain actions. At six months, with the help of toys, children understand the world much better, namely:

  • look closely at unfamiliar silhouettes;
  • touch surrounding objects;
  • study a variety of sounds;
  • develop fine motor skills and logical thinking;
  • They train motor activity - crawl on all fours, throw and gnaw everything that comes to their hands.

The most popular toys for 6-month-old babies that will cheer them up:

  • Garlands, rattles. They are pulled over the child's bed. Their benefit is that they perfectly develop the hearing system.
  • Teethers. It is recommended to buy models that are made of latex. It should be comfortable for the baby not only to chew on them, but also to hold them in his hands.
  • Melodic. They respond to touch, button press or push. By playing with such toys, the baby develops cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Play panels - the toy is attached to a table, bed, or simply lies in front of the baby. Such a children's object serves as a stimulant in the development of auditory and visual perception.

In addition to the above toys, the baby will need: soft cubes, balls and small balls. They are great for developing finger exercises and the musculoskeletal system.

Correct selection criteria

What requirements must toys meet and what should you pay attention to when buying them for a six-month-old child? The main criteria for choosing a gift are the convenience and safety of the product. This list includes:

  • The material from which the item is made meets safety and cleanliness requirements. Toys should be comfortable, easy to wash and clean, without sharp ends, chips, small or loose parts, and also have a confirmed quality certificate.
  • Meet age criteria. When buying a gift for a 6-month-old baby, you should take into account his needs and age characteristics. At six months, the child demonstrates an active reaction to toys - he concentrates his attention, tries to reach, crawl. Therefore, such gifts should be of a convenient shape for gripping, suitable in size and weight, not scare away the baby, but delight and help to learn about the world around them.
  • To be useful to children and contribute to their harmonious development. Objects that make sounds - talking dolls, squeakers (for girls), musical machines, mobiles (for boys).
  • Toys that help a child master motor skills (balls), fine motor skills (balls, pebbles), tactile sensations and vision.

Keep soft and fluffy toys clean. After all, a baby will carefully study a teddy bunny or a bear and will definitely put it in his mouth. And this is a source of microbes that can cause an allergic reaction in the body, and sometimes inflammation of the oral mucosa (stomatitis).

Developing fine motor skills

At this age, the baby’s muscles are still in good shape, so he is not able to coordinate the movements of his limbs and fingers well. These skills will require the development and perfection of fine motor skills. For a 6-month-old baby, it is advisable to purchase toys such as:

  • Rattles are one of the first educational objects in a baby's life. After all, until three months, the little man basically supervises what is happening. He tries to concentrate his vision on the baby rattles offered to him, which vary in color palette, type of shape, melodic sound, and size. At 4-5 months, training in movement coordination and the formation of grasping actions begins. During this period, the child needs toys that are hard, textured and heavy.
  • Sensory bags containing different materials (sand, risk, cereal, peas) or bundles of wooden blocks. Experiment with shape, color, size. A child is always interested in touching and feeling small objects. Such toys can be made with your own hands at home. The main thing is to choose safe materials, without impurities and chemicals.

  • Balls. A six-month-old baby needs small balls so that he can squeeze, transfer in his hands, throw or roll over the surface. This round simulator is a good helper for the development of fine motor skills and precise coordinated movements.

Developing hearing and speech

From approximately 6 to 8 months, the child’s articulatory apparatus begins to develop. Listening to different sounds, the baby concentrates its attention on them and babbles something. The task of parents is to provide the child with good playing material that will promote the development of speech and hearing skills. Musical toys will help them with this:

  • spinning tops with sound and light effects;
  • mobiles, beepers, tumblers;
  • voiced books with animal voices, poems, songs.

For the development of logic

Every day the baby grows and accordingly develops his intellect. In addition to becoming familiar with the shape and size of toys, the child learns to compare different objects and draw conclusions about their significance. So, during the gameplay, the naughty boy masters new skills and achievements.

What toys will contribute to the development of logical thinking at 6 months:

  • Cubes (wooden, plastic) of different shapes and sizes.
  • Sorters (houses, turtles, caterpillars, puzzles, mosaics). The main task of sorters is to teach the baby to correctly sort items by type, size and color. That is, each geometric figure has its own designated place.
  • Pyramids with rings and cups. By six months, children enjoy mastering the disassembly and assembly of pyramids. This will be a labor-intensive process at first. But when a child learns to think abstractly, he will easily add 3-4 elements by color and size.

Tactile sensations

The formation of tactile sensations occurs when, in the process of playing with toys, a child learns to distinguish their shape, weight, hardness of the material, as well as the sensation of cold and warmth. The development of skin receptors makes the baby think better and explore the world in a safer and more interesting way. To provide competent assistance to a baby, you need the following useful items:

  • tactile sound and touch sets;
  • balls, marbles;
  • magic bags with sand (cereals);
  • books;
  • developing mats;
  • pyramids with rings.

Each toy for a toddler will be special. At first, he will examine it carefully, then feel it and finger it with his hands. If a child suddenly becomes afraid, he needs help to imagine this or that object. It is better to do this together, for example, take the baby by the hand and give the opportunity to touch the surface, telling its characteristics.

Bath toys

At 6 months, it is no longer interesting for a baby to take water procedures without a toy. In order for the bathing process to bring pleasure and benefit to the body, you should acquire them. It is better to buy rubber squeakers, fish, balls, sponges that do not sink and do not provoke the baby to go under water.

Modern bath toys have several main tasks:

  • distract the baby from washing his face and hair while parents carry out the hygiene procedure;
  • playing in water contributes to the active development of the muscular corset;
  • accelerate the process of mastering speech skills and mental development;
  • floating objects teach better concentration.

When purchasing bath toys, do not forget about the safety and quality of the product - the absence of sharp corners and small parts. Keep them clean after finishing the procedures - wash them regularly and store them in a specially designated place. Children grow up very quickly. They care not only about the love and care of their parents, but also about being surrounded by a lot of active and fun activities.

When arranging a nursery for our long-awaited baby, most of us either put off buying toys until the last minute, leaving them to friends to buy, or, on the contrary, buy up the entire assortment at our disposal. Meanwhile, toys for a baby, especially in the first months, are one of the most important sources of obtaining new information about the world, a tool for the development of consciousness and fine motor skills, which are directly related to the development of the baby’s speech. That is why we have created a short guide for you with information about what toys your child will need in the first six months of his life.

General rules when buying toys

Check the strength of the toy and make sure that it does not have small parts that could fall off and get into the baby’s mouth, or sharp edges that could cause injury. The best option is toys in red, yellow, green and blue colors. It is them that babies perceive first. Remember that the child should be surrounded by no more than 2-3 toys at a time, which you will change every few days.

Remember that the child should be surrounded by no more than 2-3 toys at the same time.

First month

In the first month of your baby's life, you won't need toys yet. But you can stimulate your baby's vision development by hanging a few near the crib or changing table. simple black and white images with geometric patterns. With their help, he will learn the ability to focus his gaze.

Second month

At this point, your baby will begin to be interested in his immediate surroundings, so it’s time to secure it above his crib or changing table bright mobile(movable structure with music and various figures), a funny rattle or cardboard figures(cubes, prisms, balls) with black and white geometric patterns. They will contribute to the development of the baby's vision and his ability to fix his gaze on a moving object.

Third month

Now is the time to start developing your baby's grasping abilities. Perfect for this purpose rattles and any other toys that can be taken by hand ( balls, mushrooms, plastic and rubber rings and so on). Make sure that you have rattles of different shapes at your disposal: with a grooved handle, in the shape of a ring, with a stick-shaped handle, and so on. Such toys can be either plastic or fabric. It's better if you have both at your disposal. Another necessary element of the nursery is educational mat with arcs. In addition, you will need a large beach or gymnastic ball, on which you can ride your child in the morning.

Fourth month

You will need several bright toys that can attract his attention.

At this stage, your task is to strengthen the baby’s interest in lying on his tummy and stimulate his desire to roll over. Therefore, you will need several bright toys that can attract his attention. You can use it for this purpose tumblers, rattles and soft balls, bells or other sounding toys. In addition, now is the time to develop tactile sensitivity. They will cope with this task perfectly toys made from different fabrics, or simply set of different shreds(feathers, satin, fur, flannel and other materials). To develop fine motor skills, purchase bright rag bracelets or socks with a bell, which can be put on the baby's hand. This toy will teach the child to connect two handles together and touch one handle to the other. A month later you will attach them to your baby's legs.

Fifth month

This month's toy is cubes. They can be either plastic, wood or even vinyl. Getting to know their rectangular shape will develop your baby's grasping skills. To develop fine motor skills at this age, stock up on small balls(about the size of a ping pong ball) , sticks and small cubes. It is better if all items are wooden. With their help, you will teach your child to transfer objects from hand to hand and make decisions. Another useful toy at this stage is a ring- teether, intended for chewing during the period of teething. Give preference to products with surfaces of varying degrees of ribbing and those that can be cooled in the refrigerator. In this case, they will help relieve pain when the first teeth appear.

Sixth month

At this age, the child becomes interested in playing with picture books.

It's time to pay attention to the development of your baby's hearing, diversifying his life musical toys. They will teach the child to find the source of the sound, and can also stimulate his desire to crawl towards it. In addition, purchase bath toys. Your baby will have fun playing with them in the bath. At this age, the child becomes interested in playing picture books. They can be wooden, thick cardboard, rag or even vinyl. In addition to this, also purchase toys that contain mirror, the child will study his reflection with interest.

In the next article we will tell you about what toys your baby will need in the second half of the year.