
Glass household goods consumer properties and classification. Consumer properties of glassware. Head: Karlovska N.V.


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The deformation of flat products is determined by measuring the gap between the edge of the product and a flat plane using a measuring wedge. Deformation of hollow products - by determining the difference between the maximum and minimum diameters; products on the leg - by determining the difference between the maximum and minimum height of the edge of the product, installed on a flat surface.

The strength of surface bubbles is checked by light pressure with a special metal rod 300-400 mm long, having a rounded end with a diameter of 1-1.5 mm.

The adhesion strength of silicate paints and films of precious metals on products is determined by wiping the products with a flannel cloth.

3.2 Requirementstoqualityglasscrockery

AT products made of colorless glass, slight color shades are allowed that do not spoil the presentation. A difference in the intensity of coloring of the same product made of colored and applied glass, caused by uneven wall thickness, and various color shades of decor obtained by heat treatment of zinc sulphide glass, are allowed without spoiling the presentation.

On the areas of products decorated with colored chips, foreign materials that do not spoil the presentation are allowed. inclusions with a size of not more than 1 mm in an amount of not more than 3 pcs. (for small and medium-sized products), not more than about pcs. (for large and extra large).

For defects that cannot be measured, approval of samples agreed with the consumer is allowed.

Local accumulations of midges, cut edges, adhering pieces of glass, burrs, matte coating on the edges, as well as under-finishing and elongation of pattern lines larger than 4.0 mm are not allowed in the dishes.

The following defects are allowed:

svil, rarely located, not spoiling the presentation;

a bubble in the form of a "sickle", which does not spoil the presentation at the junction of the vessel and the leg, the leg and the bottom, the handle and the vessel, decorative elements:

scree, edge remelting, processed chips and crevices, traces of surface disturbance, traces of molds and scissors that do not spoil the presentation;

traces of distillation and polishing, defects in decorating with preparations of precious metals, luster and silicate paints, underfinishing and elongation of the lines of the pattern when decorating with ring lines, twisting in products of mechanized production that do not spoil the presentation.

In addition, in products with a stem, the asymmetry of the junction of the vessel and the bottom is allowed without spoiling the presentation, and in the places of the fusion of the vessel and the legs, the legs and the bottom, there is also an annular thickening or waviness.

The “mound” on the decorated items must be melted, without cutting glass particles, and must not crumble. The seams and the end surface of the upper edge of the products must be smooth.

Lids and plugs must be matched to products. Lids should freely cover or enter products. Stoppers with an unground stem should freely enter the neck of the product. The lapped stem of the cork should fit snugly against the neck of the product, a barely noticeable swing of the cork in the neck is allowed. In toilet utensils, the stem of the cork should be lapped.

The product must be stable on a flat horizontal surface.

Glasses and saucers for tea, plates for hot food must be thermally stable. Blown products should not collapse at a temperature of 95-70--20°C, pressed 95--60--20°C.

The total number of permissible defects in appearance in one small product is no more than 2, medium - 3, large - 4.

When tapped, crystal products emit a long melodic ringing. The sound effect is enhanced by an increase in the lead oxide content and a decrease in wall thickness: products with a drop-down shape have a greater sound effect.

A feature of crystal products is also a light effect, depending on the amount of lead and the angle of cutting. At a faceting angle of 90 degrees, the reflection of the light incident on the facet is greatest. The reflection coefficient is directly proportional to the content of lead oxides in the glass.

Crystal products are made massive and thick-walled, so they can be applied with deep diamond edges and thereby increase the reflection of light.

depending on the quality of the glass. ways of producing and processing products are divided into 1st and 2nd grades. Products must have a shiny smooth surface, polished to full transparency.

In colorless products, slightly pronounced bluish hues are allowed that do not spoil the presentation.

Products made of glass and crystal, subjected to sudden heating and cooling, mechanical stress during operation, must have the necessary thermal resistance and mechanical strength, especially to impact.

Consumer properties (utility) of glass products used in everyday life and in the field of public catering are determined by a set of properties - functionality, economy, aesthetics, comfort (convenience, hygiene), reliability (strength, durability), etc.

The functional properties of glass products depend on the nature of the glass, shape, size and purpose of the products.

Ergonomic properties of products, first of all, ease of use (comfort) and hygiene of glass products.

The comfort of household utensils is determined by the convenience of performing its functions, keeping it clean, and storing it. At the same time, the shape and capacity of the product, the presence and location of the handles, and the correspondence of their shape to the fingers are taken into account. Assessing the convenience of caring for products, they pay attention to the diameter of the upper hole, the nature of the surface, the presence of roughness, sharp, cutting and scratching areas, corners and recesses, as well as ease of transportation, packaging, storage of products.

The hygienic properties of dishes are primarily due to the nature and properties of glass. Products must have high chemical resistance, must be harmless to the human body. When assessing hygiene, they take into account the simplicity and ease of removing various kinds of contaminants from the surface of products, keeping them clean.

The aesthetic properties of glass products are characterized by the integrity of the composition, the rationality of the form and information content.

Indefinite contours of both the entire product and its elements, unfortunate color and pattern, hiding the natural properties of the material, worsen the aesthetic perception of the shape of the product.

The ratio of the dimensions of the parts, sides, pattern characterizes the proportionality of the product.

The reliability of glass products is determined by their durability. Less reliable are products with attached parts, on a high leg, of complex configuration.

Products must have a shiny smooth surface, polished to full transparency.

The edge and end surface of the upper edge of the products must be melted or polished. Facet is applied to the edge of the upper edge of the products or other types of processing are used. Lids and plugs must be matched to products.

Lids should freely cover or enter products. The difference between the diameter of the cover and the edge of the body (or neck) should not exceed 2 mm.

Stoppers with an unground stem should freely enter the neck of the product. The lapped stem of the cork should fit snugly against the neck of the product. In toilet utensils, the stem of the cork should be lapped.

The spout of the product should be located opposite the handle.

Fixing sticky parts and decorative elements should be simple.

The bottom of the products must be smooth, clearly polished, ensure a stable position on a flat horizontal surface. The inner surface of the bottom of trays and saucers should ensure the stability of the products placed on them.

Products in the set must be selected so that the difference in height between them does not exceed the permissible deviation from the parallelism of the edge of the bottom plane.

The difference in wall edge thickness should not be more than 0.5 mm for products with wall thickness up to 3 mm inclusive and 1 mm for products with wall thickness over 3 mm.

The quality of household glassware depends on the presence of defects that adversely affect its mechanical, thermal, optical, aesthetic and hygienic properties.

Defects in glass products are divided into three groups - defects in glass, production and processing.

The impact of a particular defect on the quality of the product depends on its type, location, size, and also on the size of the products.

According to these features, some defects are allowed with restrictions on the number, size and location, while others are not allowed at all.

3.3 Evaluation of the labeling of glassware from different manufacturers

Products are marked on a paper label, which is glued directly to the product (the use of silicate glue is not allowed) or during the production process. The marking of consumer (group and (or) individual) containers, group packaging made of paper and shipping containers is applied to a paper label or stamp.

It is allowed not to apply marking on consumer packaging packed in transport.

The labeling of products on a paper label indicates the following data:

Trademark and (or) name of the manufacturer;

Vendor code;

Mass fraction of lead oxide (only for lead crystal);

Designation of this standard.

The label is placed on each product. In sets, the label will be placed on at least one product, in services - on the largest product and at least two others. It is allowed not to indicate the article in the labeling of products packed in individual containers.

Marking in the process of development must contain a trademark or the name of the manufacturer.

The composition of the kit or service is indicated on the consumer packaging or on the largest product. It is allowed, in agreement with the consumer, not to apply marking on products or to apply to part of the products in a batch.

Products intended for export are marked in accordance with the terms of the agreement or contract.

In the marking of consumer (group and (or) individual) containers and group paper packaging indicate the following data: trademark and (or) name of the manufacturer; name of products; vendor code; the number of products in a packaging unit (for group packaging); number of controller and packer; designation of this standard.

Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of the handling sign "Fragile - Caution".

It is allowed to apply the image of a manipulation mark on a label intended for marking containers.

The evaluation of the labeling of the submitted samples for compliance with the labeling requirements of the standard is presented in Table 3.2.

Based on the evaluation results, it can be concluded that sample No. 3 Melanie's dinner plate and sample No. 4 Dripping Black dinner plate do not have a manufacturer's trademark, and for all other indicators, all samples contain all the necessary information.

Table 3.2

Assessment of marking for compliance with the requirements of GOST


Name of the manufacturer

product name

Production material

LUMINARC, Czech Republic

dinner plate

glass ceramics

OLAFF (China)

dinner plate

glass ceramics

Sample No. 3 Melanie's dinner plate

is absent


dinner plate

Sample№4 Dinner plate Dripping Black

is absent

dinner plate

dinner plate

3.4 Organolepticgradequalityglasscrockery

Organoleptically in glassware determine:

The presence of defects;

Stability on a flat horizontal surface;

For products characterized by height and diameter, groups are determined (small, medium, large) by the largest size.

The evaluation results are shown in Table 3.3.

According to GOST 30407-96 (ISO 7086-1-82, ISO 7086-2-82) Crockery and decorative glassware. General technical conditions determined the resistance of the decor to the effects of alkaline solutions.

The method is based on determining the resistance of the decor to the effect of 1% - in a vessel with a 1% solution of baking soda at a temperature of (20 ± 5) ° C so that the decorated areas of the products are half covered with the solution. The solution is brought to a temperature of (60±5)°C and incubated for 15 minutes. After soaking in the solution, the product is removed, cooled and wiped dry. The areas of decor that have been exposed to an alkaline solution are compared with areas that were not immersed in it. The surface to be tested shall remain unchanged.

The results of determining the resistance of the decor to the action of alkaline solutions showed that in all samples, the decor treatment areas were not damaged and coincided with the untreated areas.

Additionally, the strength of fixing the decor applied to the surface of the product was checked using mechanical influences - rubbing with a dry cotton cloth for 30 seconds with force. In all samples, the destruction of the decor was not revealed. The decor surface remained unchanged.

Table 3.3

Assessment of the main indicators of the studied samples

Presence of defects

Stability on a flat horizontal surface

Product group

Sample №1 Dinner plate LUMINARC Water Color

white, flower design



Sample #2

white, design - pink roses



Sample No. 3 Melanie's dinner plate

white, flower design



Sample #4 Dinner Plate DrippingBlack

black, drawing - gold streaks



Sample №5 Dinner plate DURALEX Beaurivage Pink

pink, no pattern



3.5 Gradeconsumerpropertiesglasscrockery

According to GOST 4.75-82 “Sized glassware. Nomenclature of indicators" consumer properties and their indicators include the following:

Purpose indicators - the chemical composition and density of glass, the shape and main dimensions of products, their stability on a flat surface;

Reliability indicators - impact strength, hardness, heat resistance, water resistance, fastening strength of parts, annealing quality indicators;

Indicators of ergonomic properties - the content of harmful substances;

Indicators of aesthetic properties - the accuracy of reproduction of the author's sample, indicators of compositional integrity, informational expressiveness, perfection in the production of products, as well as refractive indices, average dispersion, light transmission, cutting angle;

Economic indicators - the mass of products (consumption of raw materials), cost.

The most important consumer properties of glassware are the following organoleptic indicators: aesthetic and ergonomic properties.

For our study, 4 parameters of aesthetic properties are most suitable: decoration, perfection of form, compliance with modern style and perfection of production performance of products.

Ergonomic properties include indicators of hygiene and ease of use of the product.

Ease of use is characterized by an indicator of the conformity of the mass of the product with the power capabilities of a person, its design - with the size and shape of a person's hand. Usability indicators are evaluated by an expert method in points. Thus, choosing from ergonomic properties for the range of consumer properties: ease of use and weight of the product.

The assessment of consumer properties was carried out by the organoleptic method using a rating scale according to a 5-point system.

Table 3.4

Grading scale on a 5-point system

The name of indicators

a) decorating the entire surface

b) decor occupies 1/3 of the surface

c) there is no decor, the color is plain

2. Form perfection:

a) the shape is correct

b) the presence of a slight deformation of the product

c) the presence of a pronounced deformation of the product

a) the decoration is made in a modern style

b) the decoration is made in a non-modern style

a) clear outline and pattern

b) a clear contour and a fuzzy pattern

c) fuzzy contour and fuzzy pattern

5. Ease of use:

a) comfortable to hold

b) not comfortable to hold

a) 0.28-0.30 kg

b) 0.31-0.33 kg

c) 0.34-0.35 kg

d) 0.36-0.37 kg

e) 0.38-0.39 kg

After conducting a study of the quality indicators of the selected samples and obtaining the results, Table 3.5 was compiled.

Table 3.5

The results of the study of consumer properties on a 5-point rating scale

The name of indicators

Sample №1 Dinner plate LUMINARC Water Color

Sample No. 2 Dinner plate Pink roses

Sample No. 3 Melanie's dinner plate

Sample №5 Dinner plate DURALEX Beaurivage Pink

2. Perfection of form

3. Compliance with modern style

4. Manufacturing Excellence

5. Ease of use

pits established in the standards (GOST 15467-79), when assessing consumer properties and product quality indicators, two groups of methods for determining weight coefficients are used:

1) Analytical methods for determining the weight (these methods include the method of regression dependencies, the method of equivalent ratios)

2) Expert methods for determining the weight (these methods of quality assessment include the method of preference (or evaluation), the ranking method, the method of pairwise comparison, the method of sequential comparisons).

The preference method is used if the number of indicators included in the group indicator of a higher level does not exceed four. When evaluating the most significant qualitative indicator, the expert assigns a weighting coefficient equal to one, and the weighting coefficients of the rest are determined in accordance with their significance compared to the first one.

Ranking - this method is used if it is necessary to reduce the complexity of operations performed by experts, and if the evaluation procedure causes difficulties for experts. Ranking is also used to divide indicators into groups according to their importance. When ranking, it is advisable that the number of indicators does not exceed 10, while rank 1 is assigned to the most significant indicator, rank 2 to the next most important indicator is carried out by mathematical processing.

Paired comparison - this method, based on the requirements of labor intensity, is recommended to be used only when determining the weight coefficients of indicators, the number of which does not exceed 20. At the same time, the most significant one is selected from the pairwise compared qualitative indicators.

Sequential comparison - this evaluation method is the most time-consuming of the above evaluation procedures, but which allows you to get the most reliable and most realistic results. It includes procedures for ranking (or pairwise comparison) and evaluation.

In the presented work, the weight coefficient of the quality indicators of faience dishes will be determined by the method of sequential comparison using the ranking method. In accordance with our own idea of ​​the importance (weightiness) of quality indicators in the column "Rank" of individual indicators, we will put down serial numbers (these will be the ranks of indicators) of indicators. In this case, number 1 will be assigned to the most important indicator, which in this case is the two indicators “appearance” and “form perfection”, number 2 - to the next in importance, etc.

Table 3.6

Results of a comprehensive assessment of consumer properties

Name of consumer properties and quality indicators

Score in points

Weight factor

Evaluation of quality indicators taking into account the weighting factor

Aesthetic indicators:

2. Perfection of form

3. Compliance with modern style

4. Manufacturing Excellence

Ergonomic indicators:

5. Ease of use

Comprehensive quality assessment

Table 3.7

Comparative characteristics of consumer properties of one type of glassware

Product type

Functional indicators

Ergonomic indicators



execution excellence


the convenience of use

ease of washing and storage

Life time


Sample №1 Dinner plate LUMINARC Water Color

The product according to the type of glass, shape and size corresponds to the purpose. Large decor

The product is easy to clean in special products and convenient to store, can be washed in a dishwasher

original, corresponds to the modern rational style, the product is expressed in form, corresponds to the conditions of operation and care for it.

Sample No. 2 Dinner plate Pink roses

The product according to the type of glass, shape and size corresponds to the purpose. Decoration on the edges of the product

The product is universal. Can be used to serve food

The product is convenient to use

The product is easy to clean in special products and convenient to store, can not be washed in a dishwasher

Accordingly, it has a longer service life and is reliable.

The product is safe to use and maintain.

original, corresponds to the modern rational style.

Sample No. 3 Melanie's dinner plate

The product according to the type of glass, shape and size corresponds to the purpose. The dining table is visible.

The product is universal. Can be used to serve food

The product is convenient to use

The product does not require care when washing due to strong and thickened walls. The product can be easily washed in special products.

Accordingly, it has a longer service life and is reliable.

The product is safe to use and maintain.

original, consistent with the modern rational style, the products are expressed in form, consistent with the operating conditions

execution excellence


the convenience of use

ease of washing and storage

Life time


information expressiveness

Sample №4 Dinner plate Dripping Black

The product according to the type of glass, shape and size corresponds to the purpose. There is no need for decorative markings, because product is opaque.

The product is universal. Can be used to serve food

The product is convenient to use

Has a short service life

Sample №5 Dinner plate DURALEX Beaurivage Pink

The product according to the type of glass, shape and size corresponds to the purpose. There is no need for decorative markings, because product is transparent. The stored product is visible.

The product is universal. Can be used to serve food

The product is convenient to use

The product requires care when washing due to the thinness of the walls (fragility) and decorating with gold. The product, however, is easily washed in special products.

Has a short service life

The product has a short service life due to fragility. Gold decor is easily washed off with improper care, as a result, the marketable appearance is lost.

Not original, Does not correspond to the modern rational style, the product is not expressed in form, corresponds to the conditions of operation of the product and care for it, has too thin glass.

Thus, after calculating the weighting coefficients of quality indicators of glass products according to two main group characteristics: an aesthetic indicator and an ergonomic indicator, it was revealed that the aesthetic indicator is the determining indicator in terms of assessing the quality of dining room glassware.

The second most important indicator of quality is the ergonomic indicator of the quality of glassware.

Sample #3 Melanie's Dinner Plate is 4.7, Sample #4 Dripping Black Dinner Plate is 4.6, and Sample #2


The development of glass production is one of the constituent factors in the development of the economy of our country. For the manufacture of household utensils and decorative products, oxide glasses are used, in which the main glass formers are oxides of silicon, boron, aluminum, etc.

The production of glass products consists of the processing of raw materials, the composition of the charge, the melting of glass, the molding and annealing of products, their primary and decorative processing.

Consumer properties and the main features of the assortment of glass products are formed at the design and construction stage when creating prototypes and in the process of mass production.

The range of glass goods is quite dynamic and changes due to the constant development of science, the state of production technology, the nature of consumer demand, and the change in style trends.

The range of household products is classified according to the purpose and operating conditions, the composition and color of glass, the method of molding and the nature of heat treatment, types (names), sizes, styles of products, methods and complexity of decoration, completeness. Consumer properties of glass products determine the possibility of their intended use, convenience and reliability in operation, beauty and artistic expressiveness. They depend on the perfection of the author's sample, the properties of glass and the quality of workmanship. Indicators of a number of consumer properties of products are indicators of the physical and chemical properties of glass.

The Enem store, on the basis of a contractual system, works with many suppliers of glassware: CJSC Thermopulse, Bryansk, OJSC Pervomaisky Glass Factory, Pervomaisky, Smolensk Region, Shumyachsky District, LLC Production Enterprise INTER-ART XXI, Tver, LLC Firm DP-Trade, Moscow, JSC Glassworks KAVALIER, LLC Uralposuda Gus-Khrustalny.

As a result of a well-established supply chain, the Enem store receives a large assortment of glassware, various series of tableware, glasses, goblets, bowls from leading world manufacturers.

An analysis of the data on the structure of the assortment of glass household utensils sold by the Enem store in 2013 showed that the group of tableware accounted for the largest share in terms of the number and amount of goods sold, since this product is in the greatest demand among buyers. The receipt of glassware in 2013 compared to 2012 increased by 290 items.

glass products must be manufactured in accordance with GOST 30407-96 Crockery and decorative glassware. General specifications and GOST 24315-80 Crockery and decorative glassware. Terms and definitions of types of glass, methods of production and decoration according to the technological regime and standard samples approved in the prescribed manner. Products must be of the correct shape, corresponding to the capacity (dimensions), with a crock of a certain thickness, stable on a flat surface.

For the study of consumer properties, 3 objects of glass tableware were selected: sample No. 1 Dinner plate LUMINARC Water Color, sample No. 2 Dinner plate Pink roses, sample No. 3 Dinner plate Melanie, sample No. 4 Dinner plate Dripping Black, sample No. 5 Dinner plate DURALEX Beaurivage Pink

A nomenclature of consumer properties of glassware was developed. The most important consumer properties of earthenware dishes are the following organoleptic indicators: aesthetic and ergonomic properties.

According to the results of the comprehensive assessment of dishes, it was revealed: the highest score - 5 - was scored by sample No. 1 Dinner plate LUMINARC Water Color.

Sample #3 Dinner Plate Melanie - 4.7, Sample #4 Dinner Plate DrippingBlack - 4.6, and Sample #2 Dinner Plate Pink Roses scored - 4.2.

Sample No. 5 Dinner plate DURALEX Beaurivage Pink scored - 3.9 points, which is due to the lack of decoration as the main consumer indicator.

From this it follows that the LUMINARC dinner plate has the best consumer properties among the samples in all respects.


1. GOST 30407-96 Tableware and decorative glassware. General specifications

2. GOST 24315-80 Tableware and decorative glassware. Terms and definitions of types of glass, methods of production and decoration

3. GOST R 51969-2002 Household utensils from special household glass. General specifications

4. Agbash V.L., Elizarova V.F. Merchandising of non-food products. - M., 2006

5. Vilkova S.A. Commodity research and examination of household goods. - Dashkov & Co., 2012

6. Ilyina M.G. Merchandising of non-food products. Practicum.- M.: Academy, 2010

7. Krasovsky P.A., Kovalev A.A. Product and its expertise. - M., 2008.

8. Lifits I.M. Theory and practice of assessing the competitiveness of goods and services. M., 2007.

9. Nikolaeva M.A. Commodity expertise. - M., 2008.

10. Neverova A.N. Commodity research and organization of trade in non-food products / Ed. - M., 2007

11. Chechetkina N.M., Putilina T.I., Gorbuneva V.V. Commodity expertise. - Rostov n / a., 2006

12. Khodykin A.P., Lyashko A.A., Voloshko N.I., Snitko A.P. Merchandising of non-food products. - Dashkov & K, 2008

13. Yakovenko N.V. Merchandising of non-food products. Workbook.- M.: Academy, 2010.

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The usefulness of glass products for consumers is determined, first of all, by their compliance with functional, ergonomic, aesthetic requirements and reliability in operation. The basis of consumer properties is the natural properties of glass, due to its nature, composition and structure, methods of obtaining products, decoration, as well as compliance with the correct packaging, labeling, transportation, storage and operation.

1. Functional properties

The type and composition of glass determine the chemical, thermal, atmospheric and mechanical resistance of finished products, i.e. their ability to "receive" and store food and drink. The ability to "give" food is determined, first of all, by a constructive solution.

2. Ergonomic properties provide for maximum convenience in using products and their hygiene.

The ease of use of glassware is determined by the degree of comfort, i.e. ease of holding, carrying, washing, storage, and this is ensured by the general parameters of the product, shape, size and location of individual parts, weight.

The hygiene of dishes depends on the chemical properties of glass and design features.

3. Aesthetic properties. Aesthetic properties are formed at the design stage of products, they are largely determined by the unique properties of glass as a material, and depend on the quality of production execution of operations for the formation and finishing of products.

The integrity of the composition provides for the connection into a single harmonious whole of all the constituent elements of the dishes.

The rationality of the form provides for its consistency, the correspondence of the form to the purpose of the product and the properties of the material, processing technology.

The information expressiveness of dishes is characterized by the degree of reflection in the form of a product of various social and aesthetic ideas and ideas, for example, national, age, regional traditions (significance).

The originality of the product is due to its difference from other similar products.

4. Reliability is a complex complex property characterized by the durability and storability of glassware. The durability of dishes is determined by its moral and physical wear resistance.

The quality of glass household products

Glass household products must comply with reference samples and technical descriptions, must be correctly labeled and packaged.

Products must have a smooth shiny surface, polished to full transparency.

The edge and end surface of the upper edge of the products must be melted or polished. Facet is applied to the edge of the upper edge of the products or other types of processing are used. Lids and plugs must be matched to products.

Lids should freely cover or enter products. The difference between the diameter of the cover and the edge of the body (or neck) should not exceed 2 mm.

Stoppers with an unground stem should freely enter the neck of the product. In toilet utensils, the stem of the cork should be lapped.

The spout of the product should be located opposite the handle.

Fixing sticky parts and decorative elements should be simple.

The bottom of the products must be smooth, clearly polished, ensure a stable position on a flat horizontal surface. The inner surface of the bottom of trays and saucers should ensure the stability of the products placed on them.

Products in the set must be selected so that the difference in height between them does not exceed the permissible deviation from the parallelism of the edge of the bottom plane.

The difference in glass edge thickness should not be more than 0.5 mm for products with wall thickness up to 3 mm inclusive and 1 mm for products with wall thickness over 3 mm.

The quality of household glassware depends on the presence of defects that adversely affect its mechanical, thermal, optical, aesthetic and sanitary-hygienic properties.

The impact of a particular defect on the quality of the product depends on its type, location, size, and also on the size of the products.

According to these features, some defects are allowed with restrictions on the number, size and location, others are not allowed at all.

Defects that do not affect the consumer properties of products:

Weakly expressed bluish tints in products made of lead crystal;

The difference in the intensity of staining of the same product made of colored and applied glass, caused by uneven wall thickness;

A barely noticeable difference in the density of the color shade in parts of sets or sets between large and small items in sets for items made of colored glass;

Barely noticeable rocking of the cork in the neck;

An annular protrusion with a size of not more than 1.5 mm on the inner surfaces of the bottoms of products with a leg, made by a multi-stage method;

Small deviations in height and width of the teeth located along the edge of the products;

Small deviations in coloring, engraving from a drawing or sample that do not violate the decoration of the product;

A small addition of a pattern or section that would not violate the presentation of the product;

The Guten products have transparent blisters, foreign inclusions, single streaks;

Foreign inclusions up to 0.5 mm in size, not more than 2 pcs. on medium, large and extra large products;

Bubbles are transparent, closed, without cracks around and cut, ranging in size from 0.8 to 2 mm: t

- "midge" single, rarely located on all products, except for small ones;

Variation in thickness of the edge of the walls from the nominal thickness is not more than 15%;

Non-parallelism of the edge of the bottom plane (bottom cosine):

Defects affecting consumer properties (not allowed)

Foreign inclusions with cracks and cuts around them;

Foreign inclusions that do not have cracks or notches around them, in tea glasses, cups, teapots;

Cuts, cracks;

The cutting track of the scissors is cutting;

Glass blown;

Sharp, cutting edge or edge of products;

Underpressing, scratching burrs;

Undermining attachments;

A trace of a tool strike with cracks all around;

Burnt paint, decals with shedding and erasing;

A bubble squeezing through on the inner surface of products for eating and drinking;

Devitrification along the edge of food and beverage products;

Scree unmelted along the edge of products;

Chips and crevices, unsealed or partially melted or painted over and scratching on the edge of products for eating and drinking;

Slipysh cutting.

If a defect is found on the products, you must make sure that it does not spoil the appearance.

Defects that spoil the appearance of products reduce the quality of products, depending on the location, size of the defect, and the product itself.

When accepting dishes, they also evaluate the thermal resistance of glasses, saucers and hardened dishes, the strength of fixing paints (flannel fabric should not be stained during friction), and the stability of products on the surface. Thermally stable glasses and saucers for tea must withstand temperature changes from 20 to 95 ° C (when pouring boiling water), and then up to 70 ° C (when cooled in air) and 20 ° C (when immersed in water).

Tableware and household utensils made of ordinary glass, crystal pressed without modification, that meet the requirements of the NTD, are classified as suitable and are not divided into grades. Crystal blown, press-blown and pressed with refinement, as well as heat-resistant kitchen utensils are of the 1st and 2nd grades.

According to GOST 4.75-82 “Sized glassware. Nomenclature of indicators" consumer properties and their indicators include the following:

  • - indicators of purpose - the chemical composition and density of glass, the shape and main dimensions of products, their stability on a flat surface;
  • - reliability indicators - impact strength, hardness, heat resistance, water resistance, fastening strength of parts, annealing quality indicators;
  • - indicators of ergonomic properties - the content of harmful substances;
  • - indicators of aesthetic properties - the accuracy of reproduction of the author's sample, indicators of compositional integrity, information expressiveness, perfection of industrial production of products, as well as refractive indices, average dispersion, light transmission, cutting angle;
  • - economic indicators - the mass of products (consumption of raw materials), cost.

The most important consumer properties of glassware are the following organoleptic indicators: aesthetic and ergonomic properties.

For our study, 4 parameters of aesthetic properties are most suitable: decoration, perfection of form, compliance with modern style and perfection of production performance of products.

Ergonomic properties include indicators of hygiene and ease of use of the product.

Ease of use is characterized by an indicator of the conformity of the mass of the product with the power capabilities of a person, its design - with the size and shape of a person's hand. Usability indicators are evaluated by an expert method in points. Thus, choosing from ergonomic properties for the range of consumer properties: ease of use and weight of the product.

The assessment of consumer properties was carried out by the organoleptic method using a rating scale according to a 5-point system.

Table 3.4

Grading scale on a 5-point system

The name of indicators

a) decorating the entire surface

b) decor occupies 1/3 of the surface

c) there is no decor, the color is plain

2. Form perfection:

a) the shape is correct

b) the presence of a slight deformation of the product

c) the presence of a pronounced deformation of the product

a) the decoration is made in a modern style

b) the decoration is made in a non-modern style

a) clear outline and pattern

b) a clear contour and a fuzzy pattern

c) fuzzy contour and fuzzy pattern

5. Ease of use:

a) comfortable to hold

b) not comfortable to hold

a) 0.28-0.30 kg

b) 0.31-0.33 kg

c) 0.34-0.35 kg

d) 0.36-0.37 kg

e) 0.38-0.39 kg

After conducting a study of the quality indicators of the selected samples and obtaining the results, Table 3.5 was compiled.

Table 3.5

The results of the study of consumer properties on a 5-point rating scale

The name of indicators

2. Perfection of form

3. Compliance with modern style

4. Manufacturing Excellence

5. Ease of use

pits established in the standards (GOST 15467-79), when assessing consumer properties and product quality indicators, two groups of methods for determining weight coefficients are used:

  • 1) Analytical methods for determining the weight (these methods include the method of regression dependencies, the method of equivalent ratios)
  • 2) Expert methods for determining the weight (these methods of quality assessment include the method of preference (or evaluation), the ranking method, the method of pairwise comparison, the method of sequential comparisons).

The preference method is used if the number of indicators included in the group indicator of a higher level does not exceed four. When evaluating the most significant qualitative indicator, the expert assigns a weighting coefficient equal to one, and the weighting coefficients of the rest are determined in accordance with their significance compared to the first one.

Ranking - this method is used if it is necessary to reduce the complexity of operations performed by experts, and if the evaluation procedure causes difficulties for experts. Ranking is also used to divide indicators into groups according to their importance. When ranking, it is advisable that the number of indicators does not exceed 10, while rank 1 is assigned to the most significant indicator, rank 2 to the next most important indicator is carried out by mathematical processing.

Paired comparison - this method, based on the requirements of labor intensity, is recommended to be used only when determining the weight coefficients of indicators, the number of which does not exceed 20. At the same time, the most significant one is selected from the pairwise compared qualitative indicators.

Sequential comparison - this evaluation method is the most time-consuming of the above evaluation procedures, but which allows you to get the most reliable and most realistic results. It includes procedures for ranking (or pairwise comparison) and evaluation.

In the presented work, the weight coefficient of the quality indicators of faience dishes will be determined by the method of sequential comparison using the ranking method. In accordance with our own idea of ​​the importance (weightiness) of quality indicators in the column "Rank" of individual indicators, we will put down serial numbers (these will be the ranks of indicators) of indicators. In this case, number 1 will be assigned to the most important indicator, which in this case is the two indicators “appearance” and “form perfection”, number 2 - to the next in importance, etc.

Table 3.6

Results of a comprehensive assessment of consumer properties

Name of consumer properties and quality indicators

Score in points

Weight factor

Evaluation of quality indicators taking into account the weighting factor

Aesthetic indicators:

2. Perfection of form

3. Compliance with modern style

4. Manufacturing Excellence

Ergonomic indicators:

5. Ease of use

Comprehensive quality assessment

Table 3.7

Comparative characteristics of consumer properties of one type of glassware

Product type

Functional indicators

Ergonomic indicators



execution excellence


the convenience of use

ease of washing and storage

Life time


Sample №1 Dinner plate LUMINARC Water Color

The product according to the type of glass, shape and size corresponds to the purpose. Large decor

The product is easy to clean in special products and convenient to store, can be washed in a dishwasher

original, corresponds to the modern rational style, the product is expressed in form, corresponds to the conditions of operation and care for it.

Sample No. 2 Dinner plate Pink roses

The product according to the type of glass, shape and size corresponds to the purpose. Decoration on the edges of the product

The product is universal. Can be used to serve food

The product is convenient to use

The product is easy to clean in special products and convenient to store, can not be washed in a dishwasher

Accordingly, it has a longer service life and is reliable.

The product is safe to use and maintain.

original, corresponds to the modern rational style.

Sample No. 3 Melanie's dinner plate

The product according to the type of glass, shape and size corresponds to the purpose. The dining table is visible.

The product is universal. Can be used to serve food

The product is convenient to use

The product does not require care when washing due to strong and thickened walls. The product can be easily washed in special products.

Accordingly, it has a longer service life and is reliable.

The product is safe to use and maintain.

original, consistent with the modern rational style, the products are expressed in form, consistent with the operating conditions

execution excellence


the convenience of use

ease of washing and storage

Life time


information expressiveness

Sample №4 Dinner plate Dripping Black

The product according to the type of glass, shape and size corresponds to the purpose. There is no need for decorative markings, because product is opaque.

The product is universal. Can be used to serve food

The product is convenient to use

Has a short service life

Sample №5 Dinner plate DURALEX Beaurivage Pink

The product according to the type of glass, shape and size corresponds to the purpose. There is no need for decorative markings, because product is transparent. The stored product is visible.

The product is universal. Can be used to serve food

The product is convenient to use

The product requires care when washing due to the thinness of the walls (fragility) and decorating with gold. The product, however, is easily washed in special products.

Has a short service life

The product has a short service life due to fragility. Gold decor is easily washed off with improper care, as a result, the marketable appearance is lost.

Not original, Does not correspond to the modern rational style, the product is not expressed in form, corresponds to the conditions of operation of the product and care for it, has too thin glass.

Thus, after calculating the weighting coefficients of quality indicators of glass products according to two main group characteristics: an aesthetic indicator and an ergonomic indicator, it was revealed that the aesthetic indicator is the determining indicator in terms of assessing the quality of dining room glassware.

The second most important indicator of quality is the ergonomic indicator of the quality of glassware.

According to the results of the comprehensive assessment of dishes, it was revealed: the highest score - 5 - was scored by sample No. 1 Dinner plate LUMINARC Water Color.

Sample #3 Dinner Plate Melanie scored 4.7, Sample #4 Dinner Plate Dripping Black scored 4.6, and Sample #2 Dinner Plate Pink Roses scored 4.2.

Sample No. 5 Dinner plate DURALEX Beaurivage Pink scored - 3.9 points, which is due to the lack of decoration as the main consumer indicator.

From this it follows that the LUMINARC dinner plate has the best consumer properties among the samples in all respects.

The usefulness of glass products for consumers is determined, first of all, by their compliance with functional, commercial, ergonomic, aesthetic requirements and reliability in operation. Based on the requirements of various categories of consumers for these products, it is possible to single out the corresponding consumer properties. They are based on the natural properties of glass, due to its nature, composition and structure, methods of obtaining products, decoration, as well as compliance with the correct packaging, labeling, transportation, storage and operation.

In view of the greatest diversity of the assortment of glassware among all glass household goods, it is advisable to consider a detailed description of the consumer properties of glass products using the example of glassware. It is easy to see that the main functions of glassware are the ability to "receive", store and "give away" food and drinks. The performance of these functions depends both on the design solution of the product and on the type of glass. On fig. 10.1 shows a group characteristic functional properties glassware.

Type and composition of glass determine the chemical, thermal, atmospheric and mechanical resistance of finished products, i.e. their ability to "accept" and store food and drinks. The ability to “give away” food is determined, first of all, by a constructive decision.

Commercial activities to provide the population served with glassware must necessarily provide for a deep knowledge of the consumer properties of products and the requirements of various categories of consumers for individual indicators and in terms of assortment.

Group indicators ergonomic properties provide for maximum ease of use of products and their hygiene (Fig. 10.2).

Ease of use glassware determines the degree of comfort, i.e., ease of holding, carrying, washing, storing, and this is ensured by the general parameters of the product, shape, size and location of individual parts, weight. hygiene glassware depends on the chemical properties of glass and design features. It is known that glassware is chemically resistant and harmless, however, some paints and compositions used for decoration may not fully meet these requirements due to the content of heavy metal salts in them. The bulky, inconvenient shape and design of products can also reduce their hygiene, making it difficult to clean (wash) in hard-to-reach places.

Glassware, like other products, is designed to perform an important aesthetic function, i.e., to satisfy the spiritual needs of consumers, to educate them in taste, a sense of beauty, to contribute to the creation of coziness in housing, a sense of comfort at the table. Aesthetic properties are formed at the design stage of products, they are largely determined by the unique properties of glass as a material, and depend on the quality of production execution of operations for the formation and finishing of products.

The integrity of the composition provides for the connection into a single harmonious whole of all the constituent elements of dishes: the properties of glass, the shape and design of the product, the proportions and ratio of individual parts, decorativeness (Fig. 10.3).

Rationality of form provides for its consistency, conformity of the form to the purpose of the product and the properties of the material, processing technology.

Information expressiveness(informativeness) of dishes is characterized by the degree of reflection in the form of a product of various social and aesthetic ideas and ideas, for example, national, age, regional traditions (significance).

Product originality determines its difference (dissimilarity) from other similar products.

Reliability is a complex complex property characterized by durability and persistence glassware. Such durability indicators as non-failure operation and maintainability are not typical for glass products (Fig. 10.4). The durability of dishes is determined, in turn, by its physical and moral wear resistance. Optimal is the coincidence in time of performance of utilitarian and aesthetic functions, i.e. physical and obsolescence.

The considered groups and individual indicators of consumer properties of glassware are formed at various stages of the production of products. This includes design, preparation of raw materials and glass melting, product molding, annealing, technical processing, decorative processing.


1. Theoretical part

2. Practical part

2.2 Assortment analysis




Glassmaking in Russia arose in the 9th - 10th centuries, i.e. much earlier than in America (XVII century) and earlier than in many other countries of Western Europe (England, Sweden, Venice, Bohemia, Lorraine, Normandy, etc. .).

The general industrial upsurge that began in the reign of Peter I also captured the glass business. The development of glass production was caused by a great demand for glass products - window glass, mirrors, dishes, which could not be satisfied by the old glass factories that existed in Moscow Russia back in the 17th century (Dukhansky, Izmailovsky, Chernogolovsky) and the desire to abandon the expensive import of foreign glass. The well-known economist of that time, Ivan Tikhonovich Pososhkov, wrote about this: “Yes, they bring glassware to us so that we can break it and throw it away after buying it. And if we build five or six factories, then we can fill all their states with glassware” and “we can bring glassware to them, and not to them to us.” The range of products of the utensils shop of the Yamburg plant was very large. So, for example, in 1722 the plant produced: beer glasses with and without lids, wine and vodka glasses of various sizes, beer glasses, vodka glasses, various bottles, lamps, salt shakers, cucumber bowls, pocket “flasks” (flasks), inkwells and etc.

From the above historical data, we can conclude that the topic of glass production was relevant for our country already 250 years ago.

In our time, the traditions and secrets of the old masters are preserved, the ability to work with glass is transmitted at the genetic level from generation to generation. Time dictates new trends, but the fundamentals of the craft remain unshakable.

The work of the blower is a magical sight: the breath of a person transforms a drop into a wonderful product. Today, enterprises of our country produce products from glass and crystal: glasses, goblets, wine glasses, decanters, jugs, bowls, glasses, beer series, highly artistic shtofs, salad bowls, varietal vases, vases for decorating interiors, perfume containers, medical bottles that meet the most demanding taste, these are: CJSC KC Elvis, which includes four glass factories: Ivanishevsky, Tasinsky, Zolotkovsky and them. Vorovsky, Industrial enterprise "Inter-ART XXI" Tver, LLC "Uralposuda" Gus-Khrustalny, etc.

Along with domestic manufacturers, recognized world leaders in the manufacture of glassware, such as: Glassworks "KAVALIER" of the Czech Republic, the Italian company "Carlo Giannini", etc., are fighting for the sales market.

The relevance of this topic of course work is obvious, since the development of glass production is one of the constituent factors in the development of the economy of our country.

The purpose of the course work is to analyze the range, competitiveness and quality of glassware based on the study of this problem in the trading company LLC "1000 trifles" in Belgorod.

Work tasks. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are considered in the work:

1. Study of consumer properties of glassware and factors affecting consumer properties;

2. The study of the range of glassware, its classification and characteristics, as well as its implementation by the 1000 trifles LLC store based on the analysis;

3. Analysis of consumer properties of glassware sold by the store "1000 trifles";

4. Draw conclusions and make suggestions based on the work done.

The analyzed enterprise LLC "1000 trifles" is located in Belgorod at the address: st. Kirov, 34.

The main type of production activity of 1000 Melochey LLC is retail trade, this is the sale of goods to the final consumer, which is the final link in the movement of goods in the sphere of circulation.

The main function of LLC "1000 trifles" is the sale of goods to consumers. The study period for this enterprise is 3 years.

The course work used literary sources of domestic and foreign authors, materials of periodicals, data of normative documentation, operational and statistical data of the enterprise under study.

The work contains 42 pages, 11 tables, 16 figures, 3 appendices. When writing it, 8 literary sources were used.

1. Theoretical part

1.1 Factors that shape the consumer properties of glass products

Glass products in accordance with the purpose are divided into three classes: household, architectural and construction and technical.

Household glass products include dishes, artistic and decorative products for decorating the interior, lamp products, mirrors.

Glass is an amorphous body obtained by supercooling the melt, regardless of the composition and temperature range of solidification. With a gradual increase in viscosity, it acquires the mechanical properties of a solid.

Glass is classified by origin, chemical composition, basic properties and purpose.

For the manufacture of household utensils and decorative products, oxide glasses are used, in which the main glass formers are oxides of silicon, boron, aluminum, etc.

Glasses in which the main glass former is silicon oxide - SiO 2 are called silicate, glasses where the main glass formers are boron and silicon oxides are called borosilicate, and glasses with the main glass formers in the form of aluminum, boron and silicon oxides are called aluminoborosilicate. These oxides form the basis of the glass structure and determine its most important properties.

In addition to these acidic oxides, glass contains oxides of alkali and alkaline earth metals. From alkaline oxides, sodium oxides are used - Na 2 O, potassium oxides - K 2 O, lithium oxides - Li 2 O; from alkaline earth - calcium oxides - CaO, magnesium oxides - MgO, zinc oxides - ZnO, barium oxides - BaO, lead oxides - PbO.

Each oxide contributes its inherent properties. Therefore, many properties of glass depend on its chemical composition.

The composition of glass is expressed in terms of its constituent oxides.

According to GOST 24315-80, glass for household utensils and decorative products is divided into the following types: sodium - calcium - silicate, special household, crystal (contains at least 10% oxides of lead, barium, zinc), low-lead crystal (18-24% PbO) , lead crystal (24-30% PbO), high-lead crystal (30% or more PbO), barium crystal (at least 18% BaO). Heat-resistant borosilicate and aluminoborosilicate glass are classified as special household glass.

Sitalls are also used to make kitchen utensils. These are opaque white glass-ceramic materials of high temperature resistance. They are produced by directional crystallization of lithium aluminosilicate glass in a special heat treatment process.

Factors of formation of consumer properties and range of glass products. Consumer properties and the main features of the assortment of glass products are formed at the design and construction stage when creating prototypes and in the process of mass production. When developing new products, the artist takes into account the conditions of their operation, the method of molding, the need to ensure ease of use and durability of products, the requirements of artistic style and fashion. Based on this, the composition and color of glass, the configuration of products as a whole and in detail, the wall thickness, the method of decoration, etc. are determined.

The prototype must be accurately reproduced in serial (mass) production. The quality of its reproduction, i.e., the quality of the manufacture of products, depends on compliance with the production technology.

Raw materials of glass production are divided into basic, or glass-forming, and auxiliary.

Acid, alkali and alkaline earth oxides are introduced into the glass composition with the basic materials.

The main acid oxide, SiO 2 , is introduced into the glass through quartz sand. The sand must be free from impurities, especially coloring (oxides of iron, titanium, chromium), which cause bluish, yellowish, greenish shades of glass, reduce its transparency. With an increase in the content of silicon dioxide in glass, mechanical and thermal strength, chemical resistance improve, but the melting temperature rises.

Boron oxide B 2 O 3 is introduced with boric acid or borax. It facilitates cooking, improves the physico-chemical properties of glass.

Aluminum oxide A1 2 O 3 is usually introduced through alumina. Its addition improves the strength properties and chemical resistance of glass.

Alkaline oxides Na 2 O, K 2 O are introduced through carbonic acid (soda, potash) or sulfate salts. They lower the melting temperature of glass, facilitate the molding of products, but reduce strength, heat resistance and chemical resistance.

Alkaline earth oxides are usually introduced by means of carbonic salts. Thus, calcium oxide is introduced through chalk or limestone, magnesium oxide through magnesite or dolomite, lead oxide through red lead or lead litharge.

Oxides of calcium, magnesium, zinc increase the chemical resistance and heat resistance of products. Oxides of barium, lead and zinc increase the density, optical properties and therefore are used in the production of crystal. In the production of glass, alkali-containing rocks, waste from mining and processing plants, non-ferrous metallurgy, blast-furnace slags are widely used, and cullet is used in large quantities.

Auxiliary materials facilitate and speed up the melting of glass, color and muffle it. According to their purpose, they are divided into clarifiers, bleaches, silencing agents, dyes, reducing agents and oxidizing agents.

Clarifiers contribute to the removal of gases from the glass melt, which are formed during the decomposition of raw materials.

Decolorizers extinguish or weaken unwanted color tones.

Silencers (fluorides and phosphates) reduce transparency and cause the glass to appear white.

Dyes give the glass the desired color. Heavy metal oxides or sulfides are used as dyes. Coloring can also occur due to the release of colloidal particles of free metals (copper, gold, antimony) in the glass.

Glass is dyed blue with cobalt oxide, blue with copper oxide, green with chromium or vanadium oxide, violet with manganese peroxide, pink with selenium, lilac with neodymium oxide, yellow with cerium oxide, cadmium sulfide, etc. Red glasses are especially distinguished - rubies: selenium, copper, gold.

The production of glass products consists of the processing of raw materials, the composition of the charge, the melting of glass, the molding and annealing of products, their primary and decorative processing.

Processing of raw materials is reduced to cleaning sand and other components from unwanted impurities, fine grinding and screening of materials.

The preparation of the mixture, i.e., a dry mixture of materials, consists in weighing the components according to the recipe and thoroughly mixing them until completely homogeneous. A more advanced method is the production of briquettes and granules from the charge; at the same time, the homogeneity of the charge is maintained, and cooking is accelerated.

The melting of glass melt from the charge is carried out in baths and pot furnaces at a maximum temperature of 1450-1550°C. During the cooking process, complex physical and chemical transformations and interactions of raw materials occur with the formation and melting of silicates and free silica. With the help of clarifiers, the glass mass is freed from gas inclusions, thoroughly mixed until a uniform composition and viscosity is achieved.

In case of violations of the modes of processing raw materials, preparation of the charge and melting, defects in the glass mass are formed in the form of unwanted color shades and foreign inclusions - vitreous (stripe, schlier), gas (bubble, midge), crystalline (stones).

The molding of products from viscous glass mass is carried out by various methods. This possibility is associated with a gradual increase in the viscosity of glass with decreasing temperature and a high surface tension of glass, which provides a smooth, shiny surface of products. The molding method largely determines the configuration of products, wall thickness, decoration techniques, coloring, and therefore is an important assortment feature and pricing factor.

Household products are made by manual and free blowing, mechanized blowing, pressing, pressure blowing, multi-stage method, bending (bending), centrifugal molding.

Manual blowing - using a glass blowing tube using wooden or metal molds, in which molding is completed when the blank (bullet) is rotated. This method produces products of any configuration and wall thickness with a smooth and shiny surface. They produce colorless, mass-dyed and overhead products (two- and multi-layered). During the blowing process, you can decorate the dishes in various ways.

Free blowing (in trade - Guten molding) is also carried out by means of a glass tube, but the products are molded and finally finished mainly in air. Products are characterized by the complexity of forms, smooth transitions of parts, thickened wall. Decorate them with colored stripes, ribbons, bubbles, moldings, etc.

Mechanized blowing on automatic machines (VS-24, R-24, VM-16, R-28, VR-24, etc.) produces colorless products of simple outlines, mainly glasses.

Pressing of products is carried out on automatic presses in metal molds under core pressure. Colorless or colored products have a flat, cylindrical, conical shape, expanding at the top. Wall thickness more than 3 mm. On the surface, you can see the seams - the junction of parts of detachable forms. They try to overcome some monotony of pressed products by creating a light relief pattern on the surface (textured press), by pressing without an upper ring, which makes it possible to obtain a freely formed edge different for each product, by combining pressing and bending (press bending).

By pressing blowing on automatic machines G-28, PMV, LAM-2, glasses and dishes of complex shapes are made - carafes, bottles, etc. On automatic lines "Interglass" glass products are produced by pressing blowing. In this case, the bowl is blown out, and the bottom and leg are pressed and welded to the bowl.

Other molding methods are less common.

Possible molding defects - curvature of products, asymmetrical attachment of parts, wall thickness variation, folds, wrinkles, scratches, small cracks (cuts) of the surface, etc.

During molding, due to the low thermal conductivity of glass, sharp and uneven cooling, residual stresses arise in products that can cause their spontaneous destruction. Therefore, annealing is mandatory - heat treatment, which consists in heating the products to 530-550 ° C, keeping at this temperature and subsequent slow cooling. During annealing, residual stresses are weakened to a safe value and are evenly distributed over the cross section of the products.

Primary processing consists in removing the cap of products after manual blowing, processing the edge and bottom of products, grinding corks to the throat of decanters and bottles. In pressed products, fire polishing of the surface is carried out.

Decorative processing is the application of decorations (cuts) of a different nature to products. Decor to a large extent determines the aesthetic merits of dishes; it should emphasize the transparency, brilliance and play of light of glass, the features of the shape of products and have an independent artistic value. Decor is an essential feature of the assortment, one of the main pricing factors.

Cuttings are classified according to the stage of application (hot and cold), types, complexity.

Decoration of blown products in a hot state is carried out by applying glass moldings, colored chips, ribbons, twisted and tangled threads, and colored spots. Apply cutting "crackle" - a network of small surface cracks formed during the rapid cooling of the set in water or in wet sawdust. Special techniques create a pattern of air bubbles, ribbons, threads in the thickness of the glass. A “roller cut” is used, which creates an optical effect due to the wavy inner surface formed when the billet is blown in a ribbed shape. Iridescent films (irisation) on the surface of products can be obtained when salts of tin chloride, barium, etc. are deposited on a hot product; these salts, decomposing, form transparent, shiny, iridescent films of metal oxides. Peculiar patterns of different colors and transparency are obtained by using zinc sulfide glass.

Decorating blown products in a hot state is laborious, but it perfectly reveals the properties of glass, gives uniqueness and originality to products.

Pressed products are decorated mainly due to the pattern from the mold.

Decoration of products in a cold state is carried out by mechanical processing (figured grinding), chemical processing (etching) and surface decoration using silicate paints, gold preparations, chandeliers.

Mechanically applied cuts include matte tape, numbered grinding, diamond cutting, flat cutting, engraving, sandblasting.

Matte tape is a strip 4-5 mm wide. Number grinding - a matte surface pattern of round, oval sections or notches.

The diamond face is a pattern of deep dihedral grooves, which, combined with each other, form bushes, nets, polygonal stones, simple and multi-beam stars and other elements. The pattern is applied on manual or automatic machines using an abrasive wheel with a different edge profile. After cutting the pattern, it is polished to full transparency. The diamond facet is especially effective on crystal products, where the brilliance and play of light in the facets are well revealed.

A flat edge is a polished plane of various widths along the contour of the products.

Engraving - a surface matte or less often light drawing of a predominantly vegetative nature with a careful study of details.

Sandblasting - a matte pattern of various textures, formed during the processing of glass with sand, which is fed under pressure into the cutouts of the stencil.

The cuts applied by etching are divided into simple (heliospheric), complex (pantograph), deep (artistic) etching. To obtain a pattern, products are covered with a layer of protective mastic, on which a pattern is applied with machine needles or manually, exposing the glass. Then the dishes are immersed in a bath with a mixture of hydrofluoric and sulfuric acids, which dissolve the glass in a naked pattern to various depths.

Simple, or heliospheric, etching is an in-depth transparent geometric pattern in the form of straight, curved, broken lines.

Complex, or pantograph, etching is a linear in-depth pattern, but of a more complex, often vegetative nature.

Deep, or artistic, etching is a relief pattern in the main plant plot on two-layer glass. Due to the different depth of etching of colored glass, a convex pattern of different color intensity is formed. The division is very labor intensive.

Surface decoration with silicate paints, gold preparations, chandeliers is painting, applying ribbons (4-10 mm wide), layering (1-3 mm), antennae (up to 1 mm), decals (decalcomania), photographic images, etc. Drawings are fixed firing at a temperature of 550-600 °C.

New methods of jewelry are being developed - plasma spraying of metals, glass powders, photochemical engraving, etc.

The production process ends with acceptance control and labeling of products. Blown, press-blown products are marked by gluing a paper label indicating the trade mark of the plant, standard number, grade (crystal blown), cutting group, price. Pressed products are marked with an imprint of the necessary data on the bottom of the products during molding.

1.2 Classification and characteristics of the range

The range of glass goods is quite dynamic and changes due to the constant development of science, the state of production technology, the nature of consumer demand, and the change in style trends.

The range of household products is classified according to the purpose and operating conditions, the composition and color of glass, the method of molding and the nature of heat treatment, types (names), sizes, styles of products, methods and complexity of decoration, completeness.

By purpose, household goods are divided into dishes and decorative items for table setting and interior decoration, household utensils for food storage and home canning, kitchen utensils for cooking, lamp products (table lamps, lamp tanks, lamp glasses) and mirrors.

According to the composition of glass, dishes from sodium - calcium - silicate, special household and crystal glass are distinguished.

Tableware is made from sodium - calcium - silicate glass, crystal of various types, as well as from opaque borosilicate glass; household utensils - from sodium - calcium - silicate glass with additives that increase chemical and thermal stability; kitchen - from special household glass and glass-ceramics.

According to the color, dishes made of colorless glass, colored (colored in mass) and laid on (two- and multi-layer) glass are distinguished. The names of colored glasses are given by color tone (yellow, green, pink, etc.), by the nature of the dye (cobalt, manganese), by analogy with precious stones: rubies (red), topazes (yellowish brown), sapphires (light -blue), emeralds (light green).

According to the method of molding, hand-blown, free-blown, machine-blown, pressed, press-blown, multi-stage molding, molded, centrifugal ware are distinguished.

According to the method of heat treatment, dishes are distinguished not hardened, that is, annealed, and hardened by hardening.

The vast majority of high-quality glass products and all crystal products are produced annealed.

Hardening consists in heating the products to 700 ° C and subsequent rapid and uniform cooling by air blowing. In this case, high, evenly distributed residual stresses appear in the glass, which increase the impact strength by 5–8 times, and the heat resistance by 2–3 times. Harden some types of pressed tableware and heat-resistant borosilicate glass cookware by tempering.

Types of glassware. There are about thirty items of tableware; these are glasses, goblets, glasses, goblets, wine glasses, jugs, decanters, sugar bowls, oilers, vases for table setting (for fruit, jam, cookies, cream, sweets, salad bowls), bowls, etc.

Decorative products are glass sculpture, flower vases, toiletry, horn-shaped goblets, dishes, etc.

Each type of product is produced in several varieties (articles), differing in size and style.

By size, the dishes are divided into small, medium, large, extra large. The size of products is characterized by diameter, length or height, and the size of hollow products is characterized by capacity.

According to the style, the products are subdivided taking into account the shape of the body (ball, oval, cone, etc.), the presence of sticky (handle, leg, lid holder) and removable (cork, lid) parts, the nature of the edge (smooth, cut) and the bottom of the products. The dishes are produced with a bottom of normal thickness, thickened, as well as on a pallet (a ledge or ledge at the bottom of the product).

The leg of products can be of different heights, shapes (straight or figured) and processing (faceted and even). Blown vases for flowers, depending on the complexity of the form, are divided into three groups.

The style, along with the aesthetic features of glass mass and cutting, largely determines the artistic expressiveness of products. It is subject to change in accordance with the requirements of the style. At present, tableware of a festive and gift character is distinguished by a complex silhouette, careful processing and complex shape of details. Everyday utensils have simpler and more solid forms.

According to the method of decoration, smooth and decorated dishes are distinguished. Decorated dishes, depending on the nature, complexity and artistic merit of the cuts, are divided into group and non-group. Sections of group blown glassware made of sorted colorless glass are subdivided into groups 1-7, colored glass - into groups 3-8, from overlay glass - into groups 4-8. Cuts of crystal products are referred to the 4th-10th difficulty groups.

The group combines drawings of the same complexity, but with a different plot. They are designated by three-digit numbers, in which the hundreds digit indicates the group number. For example, fig. 979 - group 9.

Non-group products are characterized by originality of forms, complex, often combined drawings of high artistic value. They are individual for the products of each plant.

Many products with the “H” index and sold at contractual prices are classified as non-group products.

The cutting of pressed products is not divided into complexity groups.

Modern trends in the decor of glassware - expanding the range of colored glasses, a combination of colored and slightly muted glass in the overlay, contrasting combinations of diamond-cut elements in the pattern, matte engraving, a chandelier, the widespread use of decal and silk-screen printing patterns of various subjects, picturesque cuts with paints and gold, often in combination with matting. Harvest cuts and products are still popular.

By completeness, they distinguish piece products, sets (include products of the same type - a set of glasses, etc.), devices (contain products of different types for the same purpose) - for water, jam, flask, toilet, etc. Products of kits are characterized by the unity of artistic and constructive solutions.

The range of dishes for table setting is extremely diverse and is grouped taking into account all the features mentioned earlier. The main types of products: glasses, mugs, cups, goblets, wine glasses, glasses, goblets, decanters, jugs, milk jars, vases for table setting (for fruits, cookies, sweets, jam, cream, salad, bowls), butter dishes, sugar bowls, croutons and etc.

Decorative items are represented by sculpture, flower vases, toilet utensils, horn-shaped glasses, etc.

Household utensils are produced manually or mechanically from colorless and semi-white glass. The range includes thermoses and other products for food storage - jars, jars for pickles and jams, kegs, bottles for storing liquids. Thermoses are divided according to their purpose into thermoses for liquids and food (with a wide mouth), according to the capacity of the flask, the design and material of the shell (metal, plastic, combined).

Kitchen utensils made of heat-resistant glass and ceramic glass are represented by pots of various capacities, baking dishes, braziers, frying pans. Sets of pans and the “Kid” set are produced from sitall. Heat-resistant glassware is tempered and not decorated. White glass-ceramic tableware with a smooth shiny surface is additionally decorated with decal patterns.

1.3 Consumer properties of glass products

Consumer properties of glass products determine the possibility of their intended use, convenience and reliability in operation, beauty and artistic expressiveness. They depend on the perfection of the author's sample, the properties of glass and the quality of workmanship.

The main consumer properties of glass household products are functional, ergonomic, aesthetic and reliability properties.

The functional properties of glass products provide the ability to perform two main functions: "accept" and store food and drinks in the same quantity and quality, and "give" them in whole or in part as needed. These properties depend on the nature of the glass, the shape, size and purpose of the products, the characteristics of food and drinks. All these factors determine the variability of the shape and size of products.

The ability to "accept" and store food and drinks is determined by the following group indicators: chemical resistance to food and drinks, resistance to weathering, resistance to thermal effects, resistance to mechanical stress. The ability to "give away" food and drinks: the functionality of a three-dimensional solution and versatility.

Ergonomic properties predetermine, first of all, the convenience (comfort) of use and hygiene of glass products. The comfort of household utensils is determined by the convenience of holding, transferring, performing storage, washing functions, as well as ease of transportation and storage. Hygienic properties are primarily due to the nature and properties of glass and are characterized by such group indicators as harmlessness and contamination.

The aesthetic properties of glass household goods are determined by the integrity of the composition, the rationality of the form and information content.

The integrity of the composition characterizes the arrangement, addition and connection of parts into a single whole in a certain order. It is due to the spatial and decorative structure, tectonics, proportions of the shape of glass products.

The rationality of the form characterizes the compliance of the shape of the product with the functional purpose and environmental conditions, the compliance of the tonal and color solutions of individual elements with the requirements of ergonomics, the style solution - the interior, the manufacturing technology - the properties of the material.

Informativeness of glassware is determined by the symbolism, originality and compliance with their style and fashion prevailing at the time.

The property of reliability of glass products is determined by their durability and storability. The most important is durability, which is characterized by physical and moral wear and tear.

Indicators of a number of consumer properties of products are indicators of the physical and chemical properties of glass.

The most important of them are the following.

The density of glass varies from 2.2 g/cm 3 for quartz glass to 3.0 g/cm 3 or more for high-lead crystal. It depends mainly on the presence of heavy metal oxides (lead, barium, zinc) in the composition of the glass and affects the mass of products, optical and thermal properties. With an increase in density, the refractive index of light, the brilliance and the play of light in the faces increase, but the heat resistance, strength and hardness decrease.

The mechanical properties of glass are characterized by the absence of plastic deformations, high compressive strength (500-800 MPa) and low tensile, bending (25-100 MPa) and especially impact (15-20 MPa). The strength depends on the chemical composition: it increases from the presence of SiO 2, Al 2 O s, B 2 O s, MgO in the glass composition and decreases from the presence of alkali oxides, PbO. However, the internal structure of the glass, the state of the surface, and the presence of defects on it have a decisive influence. Strength is increased by hardening, ion exchange in molten salts, deposition of oxide-metal coatings on the surface, and other methods.

The thermal properties of glass are characterized by very low thermal conductivity, significant heat capacity and thermal expansion. The thermal stability of products increases with an increase in the mechanical strength of glass, thermal conductivity and with a decrease in thermal expansion and heat capacity. A measure of heat resistance is the temperature difference that a product can withstand without destruction. Heat resistance of quartz glass - 1000°С, ware from high-quality glass - 95°, ware from glass-ceramics - 300-600°С.

All methods that increase mechanical strength simultaneously improve heat resistance.

The optical properties of glass are varied. Glasses can be transparent (transmittance of 0.85 or more) and muted to varying degrees, colorless and colored, with a shiny and matte surface. Optical characteristics of glasses - refractive indices and average dispersion, reflection and transmission coefficients; color indicators largely determine the aesthetic merits of dishes. Especially important is the ability of glass to perceive colors that increase the emotional expressiveness of products.

The chemical resistance of glass determines the purpose and reliability of products. It is very high, especially in relation to water, organic and mineral acids (except hydrofluoric). Alkalis and alkali carbonates act more aggressively. Hydrofluoric acid dissolves glass and is therefore used for applying patterns to glass, matting and chemical polishing of products.

According to water resistance, glass is divided into five hydrolytic classes: the first class is glass that is not changed by water, the fifth is unsatisfactory.

According to GOST 4.75-82 “Sized glassware. Nomenclature of indicators" consumer properties and their indicators include the following:

Purpose indicators - the chemical composition and density of glass, the shape and main dimensions of products, their stability on a flat surface;

Reliability indicators - impact strength, hardness, heat resistance, water resistance, fastening strength of parts, annealing quality indicators;

Indicators of ergonomic properties - the content of harmful substances;

Indicators of aesthetic properties - accuracy of reproduction of the author's sample, indicators of compositional integrity, informational expressiveness, perfection of industrial production of products, as well as refractive indices, average dispersion, light transmission, cutting angle;

Economic indicators - the mass of products (consumption of raw materials), cost.

Table 1. Nomenclature of consumer properties of glass household goods

N Comprehensive indicators Group and generalized indicators Single indicators
1 2 3 4
1 Functional

1. Perfection in the performance of the main function of "accepting" and preserving food and drinks (corresponding to the material)

1.2. The ability to "give away" food and drinks (constr.)

2. Versatility

1.1.1. Chemical composition of glass

1.1.2. Heat resistance, etc.

1.2.1. Dimensions

1.2.2. Product shape and design

2. Ability to perform multiple functions for different purposes for different products

2. Ergonomic

1. Convenience (comfort) of using the product

1.1. Anthropometric

12. Physiological

1.3. Psychophysiological and mental

2. Ease of washing and storing the product

3. Hygienic indicators

1.1.1. Compliance with the structure of the human hand

1.1.2. Ease of drinking

1 2. Compliance with human power capabilities

1.3.1. The action of color

1.3.2. The action of the image of the product as a whole (comfort or disgust)

3.1.3 pollution

3.2. Harmlessness

3. aesthetic

1. Information expressiveness

2. Rationality of form (for dishes)

1.1. Significance (recognizability of the subject)

12. Originality

1 2 3 4

3. The integrity of the composition

3.1. Shaping properties

3.2. Harmonizing properties

1.3. style matching

fourteen. fashion fit

2.1. Functionally - constructive conditionality

2.2. Consistency of form

2.3. Logic decor

2.4. Correspondence of the form and decor to the material

2.5. Matching the shape of the processing technology

3.1.1. Spatial solution (form)

3.1.3. Tectonics (static or dynamic)

3.1.4. Structure (metric or rhythmic)

3.2.1. Proportions and Scale

3.2.2. Contrast

3.2.3. Nuance

4. Reliability

1. Service life (durability)

2. Persistence

1.1. Wear resistance of decorative coatings and elements

1.2. Microhardness (glass wear resistance)

1.3. Wear resistance of structural elements of the form

2. Preservation of individual property indicators during storage



one . Expediency of release

2. Social address

3. Compliance with the optimal range (sizes)

4. Obsolescence

6. Security The presence or absence of cutting fragments during destruction (conventional and hardened products)

1.4 Quality requirements for glass products

The quality of glassware and decorative glass products must comply with the requirements of GOST 30407-96. According to GOST, in the general technical requirements, products that do not spoil the presentation are allowed:

Processed chips;

Rarely located striation;

Rarely located "midge";

A bubble in the form of a sickle at the junction of individual parts of the product and decorative elements;

Edge remelting;

Traces of violation of the surface;

Traces from molds and scissors;

Traces of distillation and polishing;

Not finishing and lengthening the lines of the drawing;

Defects in decoration with preparations of precious and other metals, luster and silicate paints;

Torsion in products of mechanized production;

Thickening with one protrusion on the upper edge of the glasses made of sodium-potassium-silicate glass;

Waviness of the surface of the faces;

Deviation in the drawing from the reference sample, caused by the need to eliminate defects;

Asymmetry of the junction of the vessel and the bottom, an annular thickening or waviness in the places of the junction of the vessel and the stem, legs and bottom.

The number and size of foreign inclusions that do not have cracks and cuts around them should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in Table 2.

table 2

On the parts of the products decorated with colored chips, foreign inclusions not exceeding 1 mm in size that do not spoil the presentation are allowed. in the amount of not more than 3 pcs. for small and medium products, no more than 5 pcs. - for large and extra large products.

Depending on the size of the product, they are divided into groups in accordance with table 3.

Table 3

The group of products is determined by the largest parameter.

M a r k i r o v k a

Products are marked on a paper label, which is glued directly to the product (the use of silicate glue is not allowed) or during the production process. The marking of consumer (group and (or) individual) containers, group packaging made of paper and shipping containers is applied to a paper label or stamp.

It is allowed not to apply marking on consumer packaging packed in transport.

The labeling of products on a paper label indicates the following data:

Vendor code;

Mass fraction of lead oxide (only for lead crystal);

The label is placed on each product. In sets, the label will be placed on at least one product, in sets - on the largest and smoldering on no less than two others.

It is allowed not to indicate the article in the labeling of products packed in individual containers.

Marking in the process of development must contain a trademark or the name of the manufacturer.

The composition of the kit or service is indicated on the consumer packaging or on the largest product.

It is allowed, in agreement with the consumer, not to apply marking on products or to apply to part of the products in a batch.

Products intended for export are marked in accordance with the terms of the agreement or contract.

The labeling of consumer (group and (or) individual) containers and group paper packaging indicates the following data:

Trademark and (or) name of the manufacturer;

Name of products;

Vendor code;

The number of products in a packaging unit (for group packaging);

Number of controller and packer;

Designation of this standard.

For certified products, the sign of conformity or the number of the certificate of conformity is affixed to the product marking on the paper label and (or) in the marking of containers and packaging, as well as in the shipping documentation.

Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of the handling sign "Fragile - Caution".

It is allowed to apply the image of a manipulation mark on a label intended for marking containers.


Products are packed in consumer and transport containers.

Specific types of containers and packaging that ensure the safety of products during transportation, gross weight are indicated in contracts for the supply of products between the manufacturer and the consumer.

Safety requirements

Permissible migration of harmful substances emitted from glass products in contact with food products is established by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities in the relevant regulatory documents approved in the prescribed manner, and in their absence, in accordance with Appendix A.

The water resistance of products must be at least hydrolytic class IV (4/98).

Glasses and saucers for tea, plates for hot food must be thermally stable. Blown products ms should be destroyed at temperature differences of 95-70-20C, pressed - at 95-60-20C.

Products are not allowed: chips;

cut edges; stuck pieces of glass;

cutting and crumbling glass particles when decorating products in bulk; through sections; foreign inclusions with cracks and cuts around them.

The end surface of the upper edge and the seams of the products must be smooth.

The decorative coating applied to the inner surface of products in contact with food must be acid-resistant.

The fastening of product handles and decorative elements must be durable.


Products are accepted in batches.

A batch is considered to be a certain number and products of the same range of glass of the same type. The results of batch acceptance must be confirmed by the technical control department.

To establish a group, the height and diameter of the products are determined by any measuring instrument, the capacity is determined using measuring utensils or by weighing the mass of water that fits into the product on a scale with a scale division of at least 5 g. Water is poured to the edge.

To check the conformity of products with the requirements of this standard, an acceptance control is carried out.

The plan and procedure for conducting acceptance control is established in accordance with GOST 18242. The value of the acceptance level of defectiveness is 4.0%.

Defective products, not more than 4% of the batch, must be returned to the manufacturer.

2. Practical part

2.1 Characteristics of the range of glassware sold by the store LLC "1000 trifles"

LLC "1000 trifles" on the basis of a contractual system works with many suppliers of glassware: CJSC "Thermopulse" Bryansk, OJSC "Pervomaisky glass factory" Pervomaisky village, Smolensk region, Shumyachsky district, LLC Industrial enterprise INTER-ART XXI, Tver, LLC firm "DP-Trade" Moscow, JSC "Glass factories KAVALIER", LLC "Uralposuda" Gus-Khrustalny. The contracts on the basis of which the goods are supplied from the manufacturer are presented in the work and appendices 1 and 2. Consider the assortment list of products supplied from suppliers.

OOO Production Enterprise INTER-ART XXI, Tver, is a manufacturing and trading company specializing in traditional and modern decoration of glassware. The company pays special attention to the hygienic safety of products. All dishes are certified. The range of products supplied to LLC "1000 trifles":

The Elektra series is shown in Figure 1 in Appendix 3 and is a transparent - decorated colored dish of rich sparkling shades. The brilliance and beauty of precious stones seemed to be absorbed by the products of this series. Ruby, emerald, sapphire sparkle their facets. Such dishes will illuminate the house and office with bright colors. Will be a great gift for the holidays.

The TITANIC series is shown in Figure 2 in Appendix 3. Glass products decorated with mirror and semi-mirror coatings. This technology is the result of a unique development of Russian scientists. The coating is applied by ion-plasma technological equipment. It is highly resistant to abrasion and washing. The coating is extremely resistant to all acids and alkalis (even in concentrated form). Products are certified and are absolutely hygienically safe.

The DISCO series is shown in Figure 3 in Appendix 3. It demonstrates very fashionable colored dishes that look elegant at the festive table, as well as elements of a modern interior in apartments. These products are especially good in youth bars and discos. DISCO tableware is created using French materials and technologies.

The GAMBRINUS series is shown in Figure 4 in Appendix 3. It represents beer glasses and mugs decorated with high-quality decals depicting symbols of famous beer brands. Some of the products are also decorated with natural gold borders.

DP-Trade, LLC, Moscow Delivers a wide range of glassware, various series of glasses, goblets, bowls from the world's leading manufacturers. These are companies from Italy and the Czech Republic. Great attention should be paid to products made of LUMINARC glass, which is resistant to temperature extremes up to 60 C. The dishes can be washed in dishwashers. Due to the high quality of the application, the pattern can withstand more than 10,000 washing cycles. The thickened edge of glasses and wine glasses prevents the formation of chips. The range is presented in table 6.

Table 5. Assortment list of goods supplied by LLC INTER-ART XXI, Tver

Table 6. Assortment list of goods supplied by LLC "DP-Trail" Illustrations of goods: figures 5 - 15 in Appendix 3

1 190220 glass for juice 210 ml 0,49
2 190200 glass for juice, water 275 ml 0,49
3 190190 water glass 305 ml 0,52
4 190230 whiskey glass 200 ml 0,47
5 190210 whiskey glass 250 ml 0,49
ISLANDE Fig.6 LUMINARC - Bar glass
1 40375 glass for vodka 65 ml 0,42
2 5425 glass for vodka 100 ml 0,58
3 40367 glass for vodka, juice 160 ml 0,51
4 72388 vodka glass with handle 55 ml 0,84
5 12714 narrow juice glass 220 ml 0,65
6 40359 wide juice glass 220 ml 0,64
7 40342 water glass 290 ml 0,70
8 40334 water glass 310 ml 0,71
9 12713 water glass 330 ml 0,72
10 40326 water glass 360 ml 0,81
11 40383 whiskey glass 200 ml 0,68
12 40391 whiskey glass 300 ml 0,83
1 21524 glass for vodka, tequila 34 ml 0,57
2 21523 glass for vodka, tequila 64 ml 0,67
PRINCESA Fig.7 ARCOROC - impact-resistant glass for the bar Pic. eight
1 42438 glass for juice 180 ml 0,78
2 42439 glass for juice 230 ml 0,82
3 42440 water glass 300 ml 0,85
4 42441 water glass 350 ml 0,91
5 43829 whiskey glass 230 ml 0,85
6 43826 whiskey glass 310 ml 1,07
7 25442 glass for vodka, liqueur 90 ml 1,50
8 25436 port wine glass 140 ml 1,54
9 25425 champagne flute 170 ml 1,68
10 25569 white wine glass 190 ml 1,82
11 25565 red wine glass 230 ml 1,86
12 25433 water glass 310 ml 2,26
13 37684 Irish coffee glass 2,08
14 79921 margarita glass 270 ml 2,47
1 37264 glass for vodka 65 ml 1,26
2 37439 glass for liquor 120 ml 1,32
3 37249 port wine glass 145 ml 1,35
4 37413 white wine glass 190 ml 1,58
5 37405 red wine glass 245 ml 1,62
6 50143 water glass 310 ml 1,99
7 8204 martini glass 90 ml 1,74
8 37298 champagne flute 170 ml 1,49
9 37652 champagne saucer 160 ml 1,74
10 2932 glass for Hurricane cocktails 440 ml 2,81
11 79923 margarita glass 270 ml 2,25

Cognac glasses DEGUSTATION Fig. ten

1 65342 wine glasses for cognac - 3 pcs. 145 ml 3,69
2 65341 wine glasses for cognac - 3 pcs. 255 ml 4,10
3 71427 cognac glass 410 ml 1,68
4 47403 glasses for cognac - 6 pcs. 770 ml 14,43
OENOLOGUE Restaurant Crystal - VCA
1 17661 cognac glass 175 ml 4,99
2 7716 white wine glass 220 ml 4,99
3 47413 red wine glass 280 ml 5,63
4 47411 water glass 350 ml 5,96
5 8669 champagne glass 190 ml 5,63
6 8670 champagne glass 260 ml 5,63
7 1548 wine glass 450 ml 6,96
8 1549 wine glass 550 ml 7,31
MARTIGUES Fig. eleven Wine glasses and glasses for beer Fig. 12
1 26507 beer glass 330 ml 0,91
2 37779 beer glass 568 ml 1,31
1 43716 beer glass 280 ml 0,64
2 4087 beer glass 340 ml 0,72
3 49357 beer glass 560 ml 0,89
1 7135 glass for beer 260 ml 1,34
2 7132 glass for beer 380 ml 1,59
3 7134 glass for beer 320 ml 1,50
4 7131 glass for beer 500 ml 1,85
Beer mugs Fig. thirteen
1 12019620 ROSY - beer cr. (Italy) 250 ml 1,37
2 12020020 ROSY - beer cr. (Italy) 500 ml 1,76
3 72902020 CLASSIC - beer cr. (It.) 500 ml 1,42
4 4361 HAWORTH - beer mug 280 ml 1,07
5 13192 HAWORTH - beer mug 560 ml 1,40
6 989 BRITANNIA - beer mug 560 ml 1,36
7 22814 MINDEN - beer cr. 330ml 250 ml 1,48
8 22809 MINDEN - beer cr. 380ml 300 ml 1,60
9 22820 MINDEN - beer cr. 490ml 400 ml 1,93
10 22539 MINDEN - beer cr. 630ml 500 ml 2,30
Ashtrays Fig. fourteen
1 51254 ashtray white round 8.5cm 1,00
2 52719 ashtray white round 10.7 cm 1,36
3 14263 ashtray transparent. a circle. 10.7 cm 0,91
4 55878 ashtray black round 8.5 cm 1,13
5 187 ashtray black round 10.7 cm 1,47
6 15000522 ashtray transparent. a circle. 10 cm 0,56
Caviar Fig. fifteen
1 15026 dish for caviar odnoports. 7 cm 0,45
2 6067 ice goblet 2,22
3 14060 multiport caviar dish 10 cm 0,57
4 43294 ice goblet 1,97

Look at the appearance of the products in Appendix 3.

Sales of glassware in 2001 increased significantly compared to 1998. Information on the sale of glassware for the period 1998-2000. percentages are shown in Fig.16.

The dynamics of the sale of glassware in the store LLC "1000 trifles" for the period 1998-2000 is presented in table 7.

Table 7

Name of product Realization, pcs.


Realization, pcs.


"-" 2000 to 1998

1998 1999 2000
1. glasses PCS. 12000 16800 4800 28423 16423
2. Vases PCS. 5640 8320 2680 16235 10595
3. Glasses PCS. 24000 35213 11213 74233 50233
4. wine glasses PCS. 6523 8235 1712 18562 12039
5. Ashtrays PCS. 1253 2565 1312 4562 3309
6. Glasses PCS. 11562 15682 4120 36523 24961
Total: 60978 86815 25837 178538 117560

It follows from the data presented that the trade turnover increased in 2000 compared to 1998. The sale of goods in 1998 was extremely low, as in general the situation in the country's economy was in a difficult and unstable state, which affected the standard of living of the population and purchasing power. With the improvement of the situation in the economic sphere, there were tendencies towards the growth of trade and profit.

2.2. Assortment analysis

Data on the structure of the assortment of glass household utensils, sold by the store LLC "Thousand trifles" in 2000, are shown in table 8.

Table 8

Grouping dishes Product types Admission Specific gravity
by number by amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Dinnerware glasses, mugs, cups, glasses, wine glasses, glasses, goblets, decanters, jugs, milk jars, vases for table setting (for fruits, cookies, sweets, jam, cream, salad, bowls), butter dishes, sugar bowls, croutons, etc. 110000 800000 79,4 40,6
2. Household utensils jars for pickles and jams, kegs, bottles for storing liquids 15263 183156 17,6 9,29
3. Kitchenware pans of various capacities, braziers 5648 694704 6,6 35,3
4. decorative utensils sculptures, flower vases, toiletries, horn-shaped glasses 7560 292231 6,4 14,81
138471 1970091 100 100

From the data in the table it can be seen that the largest share in terms of the number and amount of goods sold was the group of tableware, since this product is in the greatest demand among buyers. Further, it can be seen that the Unit weight by quantity does not entail an increase in the unit weight by amount for the proceeds of goods. For example, the share of kitchen utensils was only 6.5% in quantity and 35.2% in total. This is due to the fact that a unit of kitchen utensils has a rather high cost. Although household utensils were sold by quantity in a larger volume, their share was 17.6%, but since the retail cost of a unit of production is not high, its share in value was only 9.29%.

Table 9. Data on the structure of the range of household glassware sold by the store "1000 trifles" in 2000 by suppliers

From the given data, it can be seen that the largest share in deliveries, both in terms of amount and quantity, is LLC Industrial Enterprise INTER-ART XXI, Tver.

Table 10. Data on the structure of the range of household glassware sold by the store "1000 trifles" in 2000 by types of glass

The largest share in the amount, if we take into account the supply of glassware together with the supply of crystal, was crystal. This is due to the fact that the cost of 1 unit. crystal has the highest value. Ordinary tableware made up the largest share in terms of quantity, but the smallest in terms of amount, since this is a product for 1 unit. products have the lowest cost.

2.3 Analysis of consumer properties

Data on the quality of glass goods received from suppliers in 2000 are presented in Table 10.

Table 10. Data on the quality of glass goods received from suppliers in 2000

The main reason for the poor quality of the goods was the fight, which occurred due to improper packaging of products. Some products were not packed in consumer group or individual and transport containers. Although cardboard was used as a cushioning material, dried sea grass was not enough, and no other soft cushioning material was used, which led to a fight during transportation.

Table 11







Reliability aesthetic
execution excellence versatility the convenience of use ease of washing and storage save the awn information expressiveness
beer glass The product is convenient to use.

CJSC "Termopulse"


beer glass The product according to the type of glass, shape and size corresponds to the purpose. Decorative marking is required, because the product is opaque, the stored product is not visible. Improvement of functional properties is necessary. The product is universal. Can be used for other drinks The product is easy to clean in special products and convenient to store; it can be hung by the handle on special devices for drying and storage. Accordingly, it has a longer service life and is reliable. The product is safe to use and maintain. The product has a simple metric structure, not original, but consistent with the modern rational style. However, the purpose of the product is not expressed in the form and decor (low sign),
LLC Industrial Enterprise INTER-ART XXI, Tver Tea glass The product according to the type of glass, shape and size corresponds to the purpose. There is no need for decorative markings, because product is transparent. The stored product is visible. The product is universal. Can be used for other drinks The product is convenient to use The product does not require care when washing due to strong and thickened walls. The product can be easily washed in special products. Accordingly, it has a longer service life and is reliable. The product is safe to use and maintain. original, corresponds to the modern rational style, the product is expressed in form, corresponds to the conditions of operation of the product and care for it.

CJSC "Termopulse"


Tea glass The product according to the type of glass, shape and size corresponds to the purpose. There is no need for decorative markings, because product is transparent. The stored product is visible. The product is universal. Can be used for other drinks The product is convenient to use The product requires care when washing due to the thinness of the walls (fragility) and decorating with gold. The product, however, is easily washed in special products. Has a short service life The product has a short service life due to fragility. Gold decor is easily washed off with improper care, as a result, the marketable appearance is lost. Not original, Does not correspond to the modern rational style, the product is not expressed in form, corresponds to the conditions of operation of the product and care for it, has too thin glass.


The development of glass production is one of the constituent factors in the development of the economy of our country. For the manufacture of household utensils and decorative products, oxide glasses are used, in which the main glass formers are oxides of silicon, boron, aluminum, etc. The production of glass products consists of raw material processing, batching, glass melting, molding and annealing of products, their primary and decorative processing. Consumer properties and the main features of the assortment of glass products are formed at the design and construction stage when creating prototypes and in the process of mass production. The range of glass goods is quite dynamic and changes due to the constant development of science, the state of production technology, the nature of consumer demand, and the change in style trends.

The range of household products is classified according to the purpose and operating conditions, the composition and color of glass, the method of molding and the nature of heat treatment, types (names), sizes, styles of products, methods and complexity of decoration, completeness. Consumer properties of glass products determine the possibility of their intended use, convenience and reliability in operation, beauty and artistic expressiveness. They depend on the perfection of the author's sample, the properties of glass and the quality of workmanship. Indicators of a number of consumer properties of products are indicators of the physical and chemical properties of glass. Products are made in accordance with GOSTs: GOST 4.75-82 “Various glassware. Nomenclature of indicators”, in terms of manufacturing quality, glassware made of sodium calcium silicate glass must comply with the requirements of GOST 26821-86. Standards limit the possible defects of products. Quality control of glassware is carried out according to TOST 26821 - 86, GOST 1770-74, GOST 23676-79. Marking and packaging must comply with the requirements of standards in accordance with GOST 8273-75.

LLC "1000 trifles" on the basis of a contractual system works with many suppliers of glassware: CJSC "Thermopulse" Bryansk, OJSC "Pervomaisky glass factory" Pervomaisky village, Smolensk region, Shumyachsky district, LLC Industrial enterprise INTER-ART XXI, Tver, LLC firm "DP-Trade" Moscow, JSC "Glass factories KAVALIER", LLC "Uralposuda" Gus-Khrustalny.

As a result of a well-established supply chain, the store "1000 trifles" receives a large assortment of glassware, various series of glasses, goblets, bowls from leading world manufacturers.

An analysis of the dynamics of the sale of glassware in the store LLC "1000 trifles" for the period 1998-2000 showed that the turnover increased in 2000 compared to 1998. The sale of goods in 1998 was extremely low, as in general the situation in the country's economy was in a difficult and unstable state, which affected the standard of living of the population and purchasing power. With the improvement of the situation in the economic sphere, there were tendencies towards the growth of trade and profit.

An analysis of the data on the structure of the range of glass household utensils sold by the OOO Thousand Melochey store in 2000 showed that the group of tableware accounted for the largest share in terms of quantity and amount of goods sold, since this product is in greatest demand among buyers. Further, it can be seen that the Unit weight by quantity does not entail an increase in the unit weight by amount for the proceeds of goods. For example, the share of kitchen utensils was only 6.5% in quantity and 35.2% in total. This is due to the fact that a unit of kitchen utensils has a rather high cost. Although household utensils were sold by quantity in a larger volume, their share was 17.6%, but since the retail cost of a unit of production is not high, its share in value was only 9.29%.

An analysis of data on the quality of glass goods received from suppliers in 2000 showed that the main reason for the inadequate quality of goods was a fight that occurred due to improper packaging of products. Some products were not packed in consumer group or individual and transport containers. Although cardboard was used as a cushioning material, dried sea grass was not enough, and no other soft cushioning material was used, which led to a fight during transportation.

List of sources used

1. Handbook of a commodity specialist: (Non-food products). In 3 vols. T. 3 / N.G. Asuturyan, A.V. Viktorov, E.V. Zaitsev and others - 3rd ed., revised. - M.: Economics, 1999

2. Agbash V.L., Elizarova V.F., Loiko D. Commodity research of non-food products: / Textbook. allowance for bargaining. universities / - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Economics, 1989

3. Bezborodov M.A. "Essays on the history of Russian glassmaking" - M., 1952

4. Semenenko S.V. Examination of goods: Study guide. - Belgorod: BKAPC, 1997

5. Snitko A.P. Examination of glass household products: Lecture. - Belgorod, BUPK Publishing House, 1998.

6. Umantsev Ya.Z. Household goods and household chemicals: Commodity science, - M .: Economics, 1985.

7. Examination of consumer properties of new products. / Valitsky A.I. and others - M .: Economics, 1981.