
Paper ship steamer. How to make a steamer out of paper. Paper catamaran boat


One of my childhood favorite pastimes was to launch boats in the spring, when the snow had already begun to melt. Probably, every person dreams of re-experiencing those unforgettable sensations when a boat made by oneself rushes through melted spring waters and streams. But in order to return to childhood, it is necessary to have the main attribute of this fun - a paper steamer? Let's try to find the most easy way.

In order for the ship to turn out to be naturalistic, it is best to use the world-famous needlework technique - origami. Thanks to her, you can do not only a beautiful craft, but really the right thing, which will become a useful prop for any game or just an interior decoration. That is why this assembly technique is most suitable for making a do-it-yourself steamer out of paper.

Origami is a unique technique with which you can make three-dimensional bodies without the help of glue. Therefore, to make a boat, you do not need glue. Required material is a square sheet of paper. The size of the sheet should be chosen based on the size of the future product planned to be made. The finished ship will be about 4-5 times smaller than the original material, this must be taken into account.

Now let's figure out how to make a steamer out of paper in stages. First, fold the prepared square sheet diagonally, one by one, and then the second. We open it again and bend the four corners of the sheet to the defined center. Then turn the paper over and do the same again. In total, the corners will need to be bent to the center of the square three times, the figure should also be turned over three times. These actions are performed alternately. The last step in the construction of the boat will be the creation of its two pipes. Select the two most similar squares separated by a diagonal fold line, and open them to rectangles along this line. Then fold the resulting product in half, and now your ship is ready using the origami technique. As you can see, it is very easy to make a steamer out of paper.

The made boat can be decorated. So that he can swim longer, pieces of cardboard should be glued to the bottom and sides of the steamer. Paper can be pre-dyed in any bright color to make the boat look even better. Now you know how to make a steamer out of paper. This skill at any age will help you return to childhood and take part in the fun fun of launching boats in the spring with your children and grandchildren.

So, now you know exactly how to make a steamer out of paper in stages, and also that origami is an excellent needlework technique that helps you create amazing three-dimensional figures of any complexity, type and shape from a simple piece of paper. Put the acquired knowledge into practice as often as possible so as not to forget the patterns you have learned, and make unique paper crafts that can help organize any games and fun. Delight loved ones and relatives with beautiful little things made by your own hands!

It is not at all difficult to make a steamer out of paper, moreover, such material can be found in any home.

Before you make a steamer out of paper, you will need to take a sheet of paper of any color in a rectangular shape. A regular A4 sheet will do. But you can also take special paper for origami.

We make a simple paper boat with our own hands in a step-by-step MK

To fold the boat presented above, perform the following steps. A sheet of paper should be evenly folded in half so that the corners do not overlap. Then the leaflet needs to be rolled up again, but not completely. You just need to squeeze the sheet in the middle a little.

Along the resulting line, you need to fold both corners. They should not overlap and should not diverge. After the paper is folded, you need to run your hand along its folds several times to press them more tightly and make them thin and smooth.

The edges of the sheet, which turned out to be at bent corners, should be wrapped on them, again smoothing the fold line. The corners need to be tucked, thereby securing the model. This action is performed for both parties. It turns out a neat triangle.

Inside is a kind of pocket that needs to be opened. Then the product must be folded along the fold line to make a square. The free edges of the square are bent diagonally and then stretched. As a result, we get one of those boats that each of us loved to let through the puddles in childhood.

Let's analyze the option of a steamer with two pipes

In addition to an ordinary small boat, you can go to a more difficult level, namely, a steamer with two pipes with your own hands.

To make such a boat as in the photo above, we need a piece of paper and a little patience. First, from a rectangular sheet, you need to get a square. To do this, it must be folded so that the short side exactly coincides with the long one. The rectangular strip that turned out to be at the bottom needs to be cut off. We have a square of maximum size.

Now you can start assembling the ship itself. To do this, you need to know the center of the sheet. To do this exactly, you need to fold the sheet diagonally again, but not along the strip that was obtained when cutting the square. The resulting intersection point will be the center.

Further, all corners must be directed to the resulting center, but you do not need to go beyond it. It turns out a square smaller than the original one. Paper folds should be smoothed out with a hard object so that they are not voluminous. The next step is to turn the square upside down and fold the corners in towards the center again. Now we need to repeat what we did. That is, turn it over again with convex details and again fold the corners towards the center. In total, we fold the corners three times.

The workpiece must be turned over again. Now two of the four corners need to be bent, thereby forming pipes, and smooth out the folds. It remains only to pull the two remaining corners, as if bending the figure in half and straighten the steamer. Ready!

Let's assemble a cute paper bird with a child

You can make a cute paper bird with your child, because it is very easy to make and does not require much time and skills.

We will need:
  • Colored paper with a pattern
  • Paper of a different color for the wings
  • Pencils
  • Thread and needle

So, before you start creating a bird, you need to draw a template on colored paper or cardboard. The template can be of any size and shape. To make the bird the same on both sides, you can cut out two templates and glue them together. Next we make wings. To do this, you need to fold a sheet of colored paper with an accordion, and then fold the resulting accordion in half. The resulting wings must be inserted into the hole previously cut in the upper part of the base. Now the bird can draw eyes, draw a beak, decorate the body. Then you can make a hole with a needle and thread, thread the thread itself there and then the bird can be hung at home. In this paper craft, you can experiment with the size and color of the bird.

Let's study the lesson with colorful birds from culinary molds

To make such a simple picture with birds, you will need multi-colored cupcake molds, glue, a felt-tip pen and a little imagination. All you need is to take a landscape sheet, and then fold in half the culinary cupcake molds of various colors and glue to it. Here is the main part of the work done. Now it remains to pick up a marker and draw the paws and beaks for the birds. You can also take eyes from needlework stores and glue them to our birds. But if they are not there, then the eyes can be drawn. The result of the work is visible in the photo below. A leaf with bright birds can be framed and hung on the wall. bright picture will decorate any children's room.

Video selection on the topic of the article

And to make it easier to make paper steamers, below are videos on this topic.

There is a very easy way to make a paper boat. All its details are simple geometric shapes, mostly circles and rectangles.

Materials used:

  • Double-sided cardboard in blue and yellow;
  • Black paper;
  • Scissors, ruler, glue stick, compasses;
  • Black and red markers.

Paper steamer step by step

The basis of the steamer

Draw a circle of the desired size using a compass or any rounded object. From its size depends on what the ship will be. Cut out a circle from blue cardboard.

Fold it in half.

Prepare small details:

  • Two cardboard yellow rectangles slightly smaller than the folded side of the folded circle;
  • Two yellow rectangles that should be smaller than the yellow ones;
  • Two very thin yellow stripes, which will be the pipes of the steamer.

Assembling crafts

Glue a yellow wide strip to the top of the folded circle.

Turn the craft over to the other side and glue a blue strip on top of the yellow one, to its edge.

And on top is blue, only perpendicularly - two yellow ones.

Glue the second blue strip symmetrically to the first.

Seal all the details of gluing with a second wide yellow strip. You will get the same view on both sides of the steamer.

Cut out 6 small circles from black paper, as well as a larger yellow circle to make a life buoy out of it. To do this, draw a circle in the center with a black felt-tip pen, and red stripes branching off from it.

Glue the mugs on both sides of the craft and the lifebuoy as shown in the photo. Draw red stripes on the pipes on top. That's it, the paper steamer is ready. This is a great craft toy that can swing from side to side.

Origami technique is an ancient and fascinating art accessible to everyone. It perfectly develops mindfulness, logic and fine motor skills hands Thanks to our simple step-by-step instructions, you and your child will learn how to create amazing and at the same time simple paper boats with your own hands.

For our master class, we took white paper. This is no coincidence, because the boats can be decorated at your discretion. In addition, not everyone has specialized origami paper at hand. So, how to make a paper boat?

Classic do-it-yourself paper boat

The first model is a classic boat made from A4 sheet. To fold such a paper boat, follow this algorithm of actions:

Take an A4 sheet and fold it in half across the paper. Then start bending the resulting workpiece again. But not completely, but only slightly pinching the corner, as shown in the photo.

Focusing on the intended line, fold the upper left corner to the center.

Fold the second corner in the same way as the first. Run your finger firmly along the fold lines to make them as thin and smooth as possible.

Tuck the lower free edge up, up to the line of the previously bent corners.

Do the same with the second free edge.

Then you will need to fix these edges on the model, making some kind of corners out of them.

Do this for both edges.

A triangular pocket formed inside the blank. Open it up.

Fold the product along opposite fold lines.

You got a pocket again, this time square shape. Bend one free edge of the workpiece diagonally.

Do the same with the second edge.

Take the resulting model by the edges and gently stretch.

Fine! You made your paper boat according to the classic scheme.

If you have any difficulties in making this craft, this video will help you:

How to make a ship out of paper?

The second model is a two-pipe motor ship. This wonderful boat floats great and has such a bizarre shape that few people can resist the desire to create a copy of it on their own.

To make a ship, you will need an A4 sheet and scissors.

Bend the sheet as shown in the picture and cut off the excess edge. You have received a square from which you can make a motor ship.

Take the resulting square sheet, and bend it diagonally to get such a cross.

Bend one of the corners across to the center. Do this for all remaining corners.

Turn the piece over. Similarly to the previous point, bend all the corners to the center.

Turn the workpiece over again. Bend all the resulting corners to the center again.

Turn the workpiece over again. No, you don't need to fold the corners anymore. Open one pocket as shown.

Open the opposite pocket.

Unfold the workpiece.

Fabulous! You have made a paper boat.

See also the video on how to make such a craft with your own hands:

DIY paper boat in the shape of a sailboat

This scheme is easier to implement than the previous two. This type of paper boat is not designed for sailing. When it hits the water, it falls on its side. But as a land toy, it looks great. Also, if you make a lot of sailboats different size, they can decorate the interior.

Like a boat, you will need to make a square from A4 sheet.

Take a square sheet of paper.

Bend it diagonally.

Fold the sheet along the second diagonal and open. Before you is a blank with marked lines.

Bend one of the corners across, with a sharp edge towards the center.

Fold two more corners in the same way. Get an envelope.

Fold the bottom of the envelope into reverse side, retreating from the edge by about 1 cm.

Fold the workpiece in half to break the central diagonal in the other direction.

Attention! The most important moment! You need to fold the workpiece, directing the center inward.

Tuck in the bottom edge of the workpiece, so you get a support for the sailboat.

Excellent! Your luxury sailboat is ready!

How to make such a sailboat is also shown in this video:

These three simple schemes will keep you and your child busy for several hours, and the result is a variety of do-it-yourself paper boats. It remains only to decorate or decorate them at your discretion and put them on the water!

Tamara Green taught us how to make paper boats
Photo of the author. Copying prohibited

It is not at all difficult to make a steamer out of paper, moreover, such material can be found in any home.

Before you make a steamer out of paper, you will need to take a sheet of paper of any color in a rectangular shape. A regular A4 sheet will do. But you can take special paper for origami.

We make a simple paper boat with our own hands in a step-by-step MK

To fold the boat presented above, perform the following steps. A sheet of paper should be evenly folded in half so that the corners do not overlap. Then the leaflet needs to be rolled up again, but not completely. You just need to squeeze the sheet in the middle a little.

Along the resulting line, you need to fold both corners. They should not overlap and should not diverge. After the paper is folded, you need to run your hand along its folds several times to press them more tightly and make them thin and smooth.

The edges of the sheet, which turned out to be at bent corners, should be wrapped on them, again smoothing the fold line. The corners need to be tucked, thereby securing the model. This action is performed for both parties. It turns out a neat triangle.

Inside is a kind of pocket that needs to be opened. Then the product must be folded along the fold line to make a square. The free edges of the square are bent diagonally and then stretched. As a result, we get one of those boats that each of us loved to let through the puddles in childhood.

Let's analyze the option of a steamer with two pipes

In addition to an ordinary small boat, you can go to a more difficult level, namely, a steamer with two pipes with your own hands.

To make such a boat as in the photo above, we need a piece of paper and a little patience. First, from a rectangular sheet, you need to get a square. To do this, it must be folded so that the short side exactly coincides with the long one. The rectangular strip that turned out to be at the bottom needs to be cut off. We have a square of maximum size.

Now you can start assembling the ship itself. To do this, you need to know the center of the sheet. To do this exactly, you need to fold the sheet diagonally again, but not along the strip that was obtained when cutting the square. The resulting intersection point will be the center.

Further, all corners must be directed to the resulting center, but you do not need to go beyond it. It turns out a square smaller than the original one. Paper folds should be smoothed out with a hard object so that they are not voluminous. The next step is to turn the square upside down and fold the corners in towards the center again. Now we need to repeat what we did. That is, turn it over again with convex details and again fold the corners towards the center. In total, we fold the corners three times.

The workpiece must be turned over again. Now two of the four corners need to be bent, thereby forming pipes, and smooth out the folds. It remains only to pull the two remaining corners, as if bending the figure in half and straighten the steamer. Ready!

Let's assemble a cute paper bird with a child

You can make a cute paper bird with your child, because it is very easy to make and does not require much time and skills.

We will need:
  • Colored paper with a pattern
  • Paper of a different color for the wings
  • Pencils
  • Thread and needle

So, before you start creating a bird, you need to draw a template on colored paper or cardboard. The template can be of any size and shape. To make the bird the same on both sides, you can cut out two templates and glue them together. Next we make wings. To do this, you need to fold a sheet of colored paper with an accordion, and then fold the resulting accordion in half. The resulting wings must be inserted into the hole previously cut in the upper part of the base. Now the bird can draw eyes, draw a beak, decorate the body. Then you can make a hole with a needle and thread, thread the thread itself there and then the bird can be hung at home. In this paper craft, you can experiment with the size and color of the bird.

Let's study the lesson with colorful birds from culinary molds

To make such a simple picture with birds, you will need multi-colored cupcake molds, glue, a felt-tip pen and a little imagination. All you need to do is take a landscape sheet, and then fold in half the culinary cupcake molds of various colors and glue to it. Here is the main part of the work done. Now it remains to pick up a marker and draw the paws and beaks for the birds. You can also take eyes from needlework stores and glue them to our birds. But if they are not there, then the eyes can be drawn. The result of the work is visible in the photo below. A leaf with bright birds can be framed and hung on the wall. Bright picture will decorate any children's room.

Video selection on the topic of the article

And to make it easier to make paper steamers, below are videos on this topic.