
Riddles about Christmas toys. Riddles about toys for children. Riddles about Christmas toys Riddles about balloons


Mystery- one of the most ancient genres of oral poetry. Collected to date a large number of a variety of mysteries. Almost all children love to guess and guess riddles. But many young parents do not know and do not think about the benefits of the riddle. But in vain. After all, the riddle in the development of the child has an important role. What do riddles give children ? Is it possible to introduce a child to them or can you do without riddles?

Riddles are not just for fun. Riddles contain a lot of valuable information about the surrounding world. A riddle is a brief description of an object or phenomenon. The riddle can be stated in verse or prose. Contain an explicit or implicit question. It is necessary to introduce the child to riddles at a younger preschool age. Then, when the child's speech is already sufficiently developed, he is keenly interested in the world around him, open to communication with people. Riddles can be made during creative activities with a child.

The riddle is of particular importance for the development of the child's thinking. Forces to observe, compare and compare phenomena. Therefore, the riddle is a kind of simulator for the children's mind. It teaches reflection and reasoning. Teaches you to think logically, analyze and draw conclusions, highlight the most essential features and phenomena, i.e. develops the ability of the child.

ü offering riddles to children preschool age, it should be remembered that they should be of the same topic (the topic must be voiced in order to focus the child's attention);

ü do not make riddles about things and phenomena that the child does not know;

ü offer riddles that describe the color, shape, size, qualities, character traits or behavior of familiar objects, phenomena or living beings;

ü before making riddles, it is advisable to carry out a little preparatory work on the chosen topic (draw the child's attention to signs that can be voiced in riddles);

ü pay attention to the fact that you need to listen to the riddle to the end, because the answer does not always lie on the surface;

ü Praise your child for trying. Praise is the most important incentive for further learning.

Riddles about the ball

He jumps up, he jumps down.

He can rush with you right at a gallop.

And you hold him tight.

After all, it is simple and rubber ... (ball).

If he is football

Forever dissatisfied.

Runs away

swift-footed (ball.)

Jump-jump yes jump

Round, yes elastic side

Rushing along the path

Loud and cheerful... (ball).

Likes loud spanking

And the game - racing.

Fastest of all rushes gallop

colorful, loud (ball.)

Round Belly Champion

Makes a moan on the beach.

He does not sink in the sea!

So what is moaning? (ball)

Voiced, round.

Rolled into a dark corner.


From there I'll get it.

I won't stop being friends with him. (ball)

He's beefy on all sides.

Round Belly Champion.

Touch your finger

Rides the Hare. (ball.)

He is round and loves to jump

And play with the kids

If you hit him,

He starts jumping! (ball)

On an empty stomach
They beat me unbearably;
Aptly pour players
I'm kicked. ( ball)

They beat him with a hand and a stick -
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
And for the fact that he is inflated. ( ball)

He is funny and funny
Together he jumps with me
Deftly jumping like a bunny
Striped, round ... ( ball)

I'm jumping on the asphalt
I'm flying through the yard into the grass.
Don't hide me from friends
Play with them... (Ball)

Throw in the river - do not drown,
You hit the wall - do not moan,
You will throw the earth -
Will fly upward. (ball)

He is basketball
Volleyball and football.
Jumping, jumping, flying
And does not know fatigue. (ball)

Hit the wall and I'll bounce.
Throw it on the ground and I'll jump.
I'm flying from palm to palm,
I don't want to lie still. (ball)

Small in stature, but daring,
Jumped away from me.
Though he is always inflated -
It's never boring with him. Ball)

Riddles about toys

We are the favorites of all children,

Schoolchildren and kids.

We are not bored

Have fun playing. (Toys)

This is a playground.
Ball here, bucket, shovel.
Both boys and girls
They brought with them …(Toys)

I'll be the master
Like our uncle Evdokim:
Make chairs and tables
Paint doors and floors.
In the meantime, sister Tanya
I myself do...? (Toys)

Bears, cubes, cars
And the designers are big,
And balls and trinkets -
These are all mine... (Toys)

And I draw, and I sculpt -
I love this very much.
And to my sister Valyushka
I myself do …(Toys)

This is not an easy toy
And it happens to be alive.
Turn the key on the side
Run where you want.
What am I playing with?

Tell me, friends?
(clockwork toy)

Children love to play with her

Many people like to sleep with her.

I'll tell you, not a pillow,

This is soft… (toy)

Airplane, teddy bear,

Ball, doll and bunny

How to call it in one word?

Who can tell? (toys)

Riddles about cubes

I'll build a house out of them
Pyramid, spaceport.
What kind of bricks
How are the matchboxes? (dice)

Want to see:
I am a future builder!
How do I get the assignment?
I will lay bricks
exactly on top of each other
Like logs in a house.
What kind of square bricks
Colored, neat? -
Like paints in tubes
Multicolor... (cubes)

Let's take colored bricks,
Let's build any houses,
Even a circus for the public.
After all, we have… (dice)

Building a house out of bricks
He is still a nobody.
Here's brick to brick -
I build whatever I want!
I don't like it - I break it
And I start again. (dice)

We are skillful guys

Nothing that is angular

But of us, believe me

Children can do everything in the world -

House, tower, palace!

Did you recognize us? Well done! (dice)

These miracle bricks

I received as a gift.

What I make of them - I break,

I start all over. (dice)

I build whatever I want!
I lay brick to brick
I will build a tall house
And I will put the little animals in it. (dice)

Riddles about the roly-poly

Bend over - I won't fall

Put it down and I can get up again.


You won't be forced to sleep.

Just lay down - wants to get up.

More stubborn than a lamb

This doll is... (roly-poly)

That's a stubborn man!
Do not force to lie down forever!
Well, he doesn't want to sleep at all.
I'll put it up - it gets up again.
And it stands, swings.
What is it called? (roly-poly)

What a strange call
Heard from all sides.
You put her to sleep, she gets up,
He sings a song loudly.
This cute face
Everyone is familiar... (roly-poly)

This fat toy
Don't put it on a pillow.
Know, I took an example from a horse:
Standing up to sleep, not in the crib!

Here is a matryoshka girlfriend,

A very durable toy.

I will push - it will not fall,

It just wobbles back and forth. (roly-poly)

What is this animal?
Very strange toy
We put to sleep, she gets up
And swings, sings.
Very cute muzzle
These are kids, -... (Roly-poly.)

This doll won't get tired
Lie down, get up
Lie down, get up!


Riddles about Balloons

your ponytail
I held in my hand
You flew

I ran. (in balloon)

They rush up, they play,

They fly away from a thin thread.

This is the joy of children - Multi-colored ... (balls)

Everyone rejoices today!
In the hands of a child
Dancing for joy
Air… (balls)

Round, smooth, like a watermelon...
Any color, for different tastes.
When you let go of the leash,
Fly away for the clouds. (balloon)

I'm holding him on a leash
Although he is not a puppy at all.
And he got off the leash
And flew away under the clouds. (balloon)

He breathed light gas -

I wanted to go to heaven right away.


I'm holding on to a thread

rainbow flashlight

And I'm afraid that it will fly away

My... (balloon)

I'm in flight gentle, smooth,

If the holiday is “The most important”.

For children, as the air is needed,

I'm funny - ... (air balloon)

Riddles about dolls

There is only one doll in the world

Children love this doll.

She's a big fashionista

Dresses are constantly changing. (Barbie)

I change clothes for her
I put to sleep, I drive for a walk,
I'll comb it, and if necessary,
I will tie a beautiful bow.
What am I playing with?

Tell me, friends? (Doll)

What does all of this mean?
Daughter, not crying;
You put to sleep -
Will sleep
Day, and two, and even five. (Doll)

flaxen hair,

The eyes are blue.
And shod legs
In blue boots.
On a beauty - a coat,
Guessed? Who is this?.. (Doll)

I have a daughter Alyonka-

Here is an obedient girl!
She listens to her mother
All you need to eat... (Doll)

wears dresses,
Doesn't ask to eat
Always obedient
But she's not boring... (Doll)

My sister has a daughter:

Curls, rosy cheeks.

If the daughter is sick

That sister pities her.

This daughter is pretend

After all, the sister is still a baby. (Doll)

Riddles about nesting dolls

In this youth
The sisters are hiding.
Each sister is
For a smaller one, a dungeon. (matryoshka)

Near different girlfriends,
But they are similar to each other.
They all sit next to each other
And just one toy. ( matryoshka)

Hiding from you and me

One doll to another.

Peas on kerchiefs.

What are the dolls? (matryoshkas)

What toy
First break in half
And then they play it? (matryoshka)

Smiling at each other
One is put into the other
Wooden like spoons!
Do you know who it is? (matryoshkas)

Hidden in each other

Girlfriend girls. (matryoshkas)

Here is a great-grandmother toy,

Even though she's not old.

It's just inside her

There are three more that are similar.

We open every

And take another one! (matryoshka)

Children sit quietly in it,

They don't want to show up.

Suddenly their mother will lose,

Suddenly someone will scatter them?!


Bear Riddles

Who does not eat fragrant honey

And doesn't live in a den?

He doesn't know how to roar.

This is plush... (bear)

In the forest - a shaggy big man,

And at home - a plush good man.

(Teddy bear)

The animal is funny sewn from plush,
There are paws, there are ears.
Give the beast some honey.
And arrange a lair for him.
(Teddy bear)

He's good, he's made of plush,

The cutest of toys!

And his taiga brother

Happy honey and raspberries! (Teddy bear)

He loves picking raspberries

Steal honey from bees.

Bees can sting!

Well, sweetie... (bear)

He is clumsy and brown.
If there is no honey - dull.
Loves to roar since childhood,
Because he … (bear)

He sleeps in a den in winter,
Snoring little by little
And wake up, well, roar,
What is his name? - ... (bear)

He is brown and shaggy.
Guess guys
Who, having built a warm house,
Sleeping all winter in that house? (m hardly)

Riddles about the spinning top (top)

Ask me how I work?
I spin around my axis. (yula)

Even though he is on one leg,
Spins like clockwork.
Just get tired - on the barrel.
Bright, edgy… (top)

One-legged Ivashka -
Painted shirt!
Sing, dance - master,
And no way to stand. (top)

The guys have fun with me:
On the leg I spin alone,
While spinning, I do not grieve,
I circle - I buzz,
I buzz - I circle. (yula)

I'm spinning and spinning, and I'm not lazy
Spin around all day long.

And I buzz like a bee
Who, children, am I? (yula)

Spinning on one leg

And suddenly fell on its side,

With a noise, the Multicolored... (yula)

Spin on a sharp leg
Buzzing like a bug
If he wants, he will jump a little,
If he wants, he will lie on the barrel. (yula)

I will finish - I will have fun.

And I'll get up - I'll fall on my side.


Riddles about cars

Maybe even without a driver

He rushes down the corridor.

Can go to the yard

There are wheels and a motor.

If you insert a battery -

He will reach the bench. (automobile)

She doesn't need a driver at all.
You turn it on with the key -
The wheels will start to spin
Put it on and she'll rush.
(winding machine)

There is a cabin, box,

Folding side on it,

Has wheels and tires

At the toy... (cars)

Drinks petrol like milk

Can run far.

Both wheels and motor

Rushed to full speed (a car)

And we have fun in the family -

We celebrate housewarming.

Moved in a moment

And he helped us... (truck)

I drink gasoline and eat oil,
At least not hungry at all.
And without them I'm so sick
That I can't go! (Automobile)

My brother has a lot of them:
Passenger, cargo and special such.
In this I open the door
Sand is loaded into this ...
My brother and I, to be honest
We play with them all day.
What am I playing with, Tell me, friends? (Cars)

Riddles about the drum

wooden girlfriends

They dance on his crown.

They beat him, and he rattles,

Tells everyone to walk in step. (drum)

Not thunder, but thunder.
But he is famous for that. (drum)

On elastic sides

The fat man is often beaten.
And the fat man rumbles
Substituting the barrel:
Boom bar, boom bar!
It's time for me to go to the parade!" (drum)

It looks like a simple tool.
It's inside, completely empty.
Lined with leather on the sides.
It looks like a saucepan.

I knock on it, I knock
Making sound
I want to become a musician
Tool is my friend (drum)

He is lean and thick-skinned.
Hit with a stick. -Bam, bam!
Thunder. Can't be silent
This loud... (drum)

What's the music like thunder?
Whole house is marching...
Who brings to the parade
Mom, dad and kittens?
Who wakes us up in the morning?
Not an alarm! - ... (drum)

Riddles about a bicycle

This horse does not eat oats
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it
Just better drive. (bike)

It has two wheels

Both seat and frame.

There are two pedals below -

Spin them with their feet (bike)

Steering wheel, wheels and pedals.
Did you know the transport for driving?
The brake is there, the cab is not.
Whispers me... (bike)

I rule the horned horse:
If this horse
I will not put on the fence,
He will fall without me! .. (bike)

Two wheels and two pedals
I twist them and go to the distance
I want to travel around the world
I've got!.. (bike)

Two wheels, seat, steering wheel,
Trunk, chain, pedals.
Who will sit on it
He will conquer all given .. (bike)

Two wheels, steering wheel and pedals
Saddle, motor, sorry, no.
When they came up with the name...
So beautiful... (bike)

Clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.
Feet go down the road
And two wheels are running.
The riddle has an answer:
This is my... (bike)

Riddles about the pyramid

Man all day long

We are not too lazy to order.

Dress it up, then undress it!

We do it without remorse.

All orders (pyramids)

Toddler kids love
Spread all the rings
And then dress them together
It turned out to be a toy. (pyramid)

This is a children's toy:
On cola - colored drying.


wooden man

She wears a ring dress.

Loved by adults and children

Wear these rings. (pyramid)

Likes to dress up candle
In colorful rings.
Put it on soon, come on:
From below - wider, from above - already.

We sat on the porch
We collect rings.
And comparing them by size,
We decorate the rod white.
Well, tell me offhand
What are we building? - (pyramid).

On the column - colored drying.
The whole thing is a child's toy.

Rattle riddles

In the smallest children

Favorite toys

Without any difficulties, undertakings -

Simple... (rattles)

That's a toy, that's a toy!

Bunny, ball, frog...

Doesn't squeak or hum

You shake it - it thunders.

shaker, (beanbag)

They bought me games eyelet,
I shake it over my ear.
The balls inside are ringing
I bet they are silent. (beanbag)

Peas rattle inside her,
Or maybe millet.
I seem to be completely deaf
Brother is funny. (beanbag)

The peas are ringing in it,

The little ones are having fun.

This is the first toy

Under the title... (beanbag)

Touch - immediately thunder

And the baby will be surprised.

What the bright toy?

For baby... (beanbag)

You look at her - a whale,

You shake it - it rattles?

What kind of toy is this?

I know it is... (beanbag)

Rapped peas inside,
For kids and little babies.
With noise the first toy
Entitled... (beanbag)

I look at them carefully
Ah, how entertaining.

My first toys

Well, of course, … (rattles)

Riddles about a bunny

Gray flannelette animal,
Clubfoot long-haired.
Well guess who he is.
And give him a carrot! (h aika)

Who is shaking behind a bush,
Small tail trembles?
You know the cowardly one -
It's probably gray (Bunny)

Cowardly little animal
Tail white fluff,
The house is a bush, yes a lawn,
Well, of course it (Bunny).

Ears are long, timid.
He's gray, he's white.
It runs, and then it jumps,
The bob tail hides from the wolf.

This soft toy

Long-tailed animal.

Give her a carrot in her paw,

Because this toy is... (Bunny)

Grow on top
Long ears.
Even though he's a boy
And such a coward!
Well guess what it's called? (Bunny)

I have legs like this
What do I wear on the road
In summer, gray - all in alarm,
And in winter, snow is in help;
Tail - a short dandelion,
They call me - (bunny.)

Riddles about the plane

What kind of bird?
He does not sing songs, he does not build nests,
Are people and cargo being carried? (airplane)

He is winged like a bird

And dreaming of soaring into the sky.

There is a landing gear and a fuselage,

A bear with a doll is a crew.

Only for some reason at home

There is no airfield at all! ( airplane)

The iron bird is spinning in the sky.

At the signal of the pilot

Sits on the ground (airplane)

Floats quickly in the sky
Overtaking birds in flight.
The man controls it.
What's happened?… (airplane)

Very long and powerful
He flies through the clouds.
Roars loudly in the clouds
He carries passengers. (airplane)

For him, a dear home -
This is our airfield.
He's come a long way
To get some rest.
And when he rests
Will fly again. (airplane)

Without acceleration, I soar into the heights,
I remember the dragonfly.
I'm going on a flight.
What is this? (airplane)

A bird flies across the sky
You can hear her humming.
Departs for takeoff
Silver - ... (airplane).

Riddles about Petrushka

He is with a bell in his hand,

In a blue and red hat.

He is a fun toy

And his name is... (Parsley)

My beautiful hat
Famously shifted to the barrel.
I am a funny toy
And my name is... (Parsley)

My outfit is colorful,
My cap is sharp
My jokes and laughter
They cheer everyone up. (Parsley)

He is smiling, perky,

The cap is patterned.

And the shirt is in peas,

He makes honest people laugh (Parsley)

He is a dancer, he is a singer,

He is a funny talker.

He's a funny toy

And his name is... (Parsley)

I start the show

The audience is surprised
Louder you call me, Rattle rattles,
I am cheerful, mischievous.
Who can tell who is this?

Here is a toy - a bully,
Clown, mischievous, prankster!
Amuse, make laugh
Laugh heartily! (Parsley)

Eyebrows arched, nose poker,

Cap on the head

And he's funny (Parsley)

Riddles about the train

There is a ladder in the field,
The house runs up the stairs. (train)

A horse rushes, eyes are fire.

One hundred carts run after him

And in all the people sit (train)

Yellow huts
Hold on to each other.
one with pipe
Pulls everyone along. (train)

The brothers were equipped to visit,
clung to each other
And rushed off on a long journey,
They just left smoke. (train)

Who, on the run of a pair of clubs,
Blowing smoke with a pipe,
Carries itself forward
Yes, and me with you? (locomotive)

On steel tracks
Centipede rushes.
Round click heel.
With a cheerful song
Along the iron ladder. (train)

Fifteen Brothers
They love to ride.
First with pipe
Leads everyone along. (train)

What kind of houses in a row
They stand in a row on wheels
Ran up to them on its own
Samovar with a pipe,
Grabbed, rolled
And the trail is gone. (train)

What toy
First break in half
And then they play it?

This fat toy
Don't put it on a pillow.
Know, I took an example from a horse:
Standing up to sleep, not in the crib!

When April takes its toll
And the streams run, ringing,
I jump over it
She is through me.
(jump rope)

One-legged Ivashka -
Painted shirt!
Sing, dance - master,
And no way to stand.
(spinning top)

Ask me how I work?
I spin around my axis.
(spinning top)

Gray flannelette animal,
Clubfoot long-haired.
Well guess who he is.
And give him a carrot!

This soft toy
Long-tailed animal.
Give her a carrot in her paw,
After all, this toy is ...

The guys have fun with me:
On the leg I spin alone,
While I'm spinning
I don't grieve
I circle - I buzz
I buzz - I circle.

I'm spinning and spinning, and I'm not lazy
Spin around all day long.

Spinning on one leg
And suddenly fell on its side,
Lying down on the floor with a noise

Dancing baby, just one leg.

I just keep walking
And if I do, I fall!

This horse does not eat oats
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it
Just better drive.

That's a stubborn man!
Do not force to lie down forever!
He doesn't want to sleep at all
I'll put it up - it gets up again.
And it stands, swings.
What is it called?

Beast beloved all from plush:
Paws, tail, even ears.
(Teddy bear)

I'm holding him on a leash
Although he is not a puppy at all.
And he got off the leash
And flew away under the clouds.

Everyone rejoices today!
In the hands of a child
Dancing for joy

This bird won't fly away
This bird will return
Let it circle under the clouds -
I hold the tail with my hands.

Building a house out of bricks
He is still a nobody.
Here's brick to brick
I build whatever I want!
I don't like it - I break it
And I start again.

These miracle bricks
I received as a gift.
What I make of them - I will break,
I start all over.

I'll get them soon
I will build a house for the animals
There will be a table and a chair in the house,
To be more comfortable in it.
For the typewriter, I will build a garage with a bridge ...

(building cubes)

I build whatever I want!
Laying brick to brick
I will build a tall house
And I will put the little animals in it.

Let's take colored bricks,
Let's build any houses,
Even a circus for the public.
After all, we have...

blue eyes,
golden curls,
Lips are pink.

I change clothes for her
I put to sleep, I drive for a walk,
I'll comb it, and if necessary,
I will tie a beautiful bow.
What am I playing with, tell me, friends?

What does all of this mean?
Daughter, not crying;
put to sleep -
Will sleep
Day, and two, and even five.

He is slim and handsome
He has a thick mane!
Too bad you can't ride it
You can only swing.
(Rocking horse)

Throw in the river - do not drown,
You hit the wall - do not moan,
You will throw the earth -
Will fly upward.

He is basketball
Volleyball and football.
Jumping, jumping, flying
And does not know fatigue.

I'm jumping on the asphalt
I'm flying through the yard into the grass.
Don't hide me from friends
Play with them...

It's rubbery and resilient.
So ask for hands
To throw and catch, ride along the track.
What am I playing with, tell me, friends?

What kind of bird? Not a tit
Not an eagle and not a cormorant.
This is a small bird
It's called...

My outfit is colorful,
My cap is sharp
My jokes and laughter
They cheer everyone up.

The peas are ringing in it,
The little ones are having fun.
This is the first toy
Under the title...

The whole board in squares,
They are full of soldiers.
Soldiers have no ammo
But they will put checkmate.

And I draw, and I sculpt -
I love this very much.
And to my sister Valyushka
I myself do...

What toy
Shoots like a gun?
More than one New Year
It won't work without her.

She doesn't need a driver at all.
You turn it on with the key -
The wheels will start to spin
Put it on and she'll rush.
(winding machine)

My brother has a lot of them:
Passenger, cargo and special such.
In this I open the door
Sand is loaded into this ...
My brother and I, to be honest
We play with them all day.
What am I playing with, tell me, friends?

Round, smooth, like a watermelon...
Any color, for different tastes.
When you let go of the leash,
Fly away for the clouds.

barrel after barrel
I'm pulling from the bag.

Riddles about toys with answers

Riddles about toys
    That's a stubborn man!
    Do not force to lie down forever!
    He doesn't want to sleep at all
    I'll put it up - it gets up again.
    And it stands, swings.
    What is it called?

    Answer: Roly-Vstanka

    I just keep walking
    And if I do, I fall!

    Answer: Bicycle

    This horse does not eat oats
    Instead of legs - two wheels.
    Sit on horseback and ride it
    Just better drive.

    Answer: Bicycle

    This bird won't fly away
    This bird will return
    Let it circle under the clouds -
    I hold the tail with my hands.

    Answer: kite

    I'm holding him on a leash
    Although he is not a puppy at all.
    And he got off the leash
    And flew away under the clouds.

    Answer: Balloon

    Round, smooth, like a watermelon...
    Any color, for different tastes.
    When you let go of the leash,
    Fly away for the clouds.

    Answer: Balloon

    What kind of bird? Not a tit
    Not an eagle and not a cormorant.
    This is a small bird
    It's called...

    Answer: Volan

    One-legged Ivashka -
    Painted shirt!
    Sing, dance - master,
    And no way to stand.

    Answer: wolf

    She doesn't need a driver at all.
    You turn it on with the key -
    The wheels will start to spin
    Put it on and she'll rush.

    Answer: clockwork machine

    And I draw, and I sculpt -
    I love this very much.
    And to my sister Valyushka
    I myself do...

    Answer: toys

    Building a house out of bricks
    He is still a nobody.
    Here's brick to brick -
    I build whatever I want!
    I don't like it - I break it
    And I start again.

    Answer: cubes

    I received these miracle bricks as a gift,
    What I make of them - I break,
    And I start all over again.

    Answer: cubes

    I build whatever I want!
    I lay brick to brick
    I will build a tall house
    And I will put the little animals in it.

    Answer: cubes

    barrel after barrel
    I'm pulling from the bag.

    Answer: Lotto

    He is slim and handsome
    He has a thick mane!
    Too bad you can't ride it
    You can only swing.

    Answer: rocking horse

    What toy
    First break in half
    And then they play it?

    Answer: Matryoshka

    Near different girlfriends,
    But they are similar to each other.
    They all sit next to each other
    And just one toy.

    Answer: Matryoshka

    Throw in the river - do not drown,
    You hit the wall - do not moan,
    You will throw the earth -
    Will fly upward.

    Answer: ball

    This fat toy
    Don't put it on a pillow.
    Know, I took an example from a horse:
    Standing up to sleep, not in the crib!

    Answer: Tumbler

    My outfit is colorful,
    My cap is sharp
    My jokes and laughter
    They cheer everyone up.

    Answer: Parsley

    Beast beloved all from plush:
    Paws, tail, even ears.

    Answer: Teddy Bear

    When April takes its toll
    And the streams run, ringing,
    I jump over it
    She is through me.

    Answer: Skipping rope

    What toy
    Shoots like a gun?
    More than one New Year
    It won't work without her.

    Answer: Clapperboard

    Everyone rejoices today!
    In the hands of a child
    Dancing for joy

    Answer: Balls

    The whole board in squares,
    They are full of soldiers.
    Soldiers have no ammo
    But they will put checkmate.

    Answer: Chess

    I'm spinning, I'm spinning
    And I'm not lazy
    Spin around all day long.

    Answer: Yula

    The little one is dancing
    And just one leg.

    Answer: Yula

    The guys have fun with me:
    On the leg I spin alone,
    While I'm spinning
    I don't grieve
    I circle - I buzz,
    I buzz - I circle.

    Answer: Yula

Mornings and evenings
reread books
Bunny, elephant and... (Mishke)

Dolls Ninochka and Nastya,
Ira, Olenka and Katya
My friend and I very often
We measure ... (Dress)

It is both light and thin!
A lot of girls
And without hands they rotate it,
And don't drop it on the ground!(Hoop)

There are so many board games
What can not be counted!
Well, me and brother Sasha
We play all day...(Checkers)

With brother Misha from him
Lots of different things
We collected in a day
And not tired at all!(Constructor)

In the smallest children
Favorite toys
Without any difficulties, undertakings -
Simple... (Rattles)

And Kolya is ours until the very night
Plays and plays
From different little pieces
Collects pictures.(puzzles)

There is a cabin, box,
Folding side on it,
Has wheels and tires
At the toy...(Cars)

Lies in the corner - and clumsy,
But just get up - very quickly
It suddenly turns...(Yula)

Bears, cubes, cars
And the designers are big,
And balls and trinkets -
These are all mine...(Toys)

Dancing baby, just one leg.(Yula)

Ask me how I work?
I spin around my axis.(top)

Very fast two horses
They carry me through the snow
Through the meadow to the birch,
Pull two strips.(Skiing)

She doesn't need a driver at all.
You start it with the key -
The wheels will start spinning.
Put it on and she will rush.(Clockwork machine)

The doll cries: "I'm old,
It's time to throw me out!"
But the hostess came
- Wipe your tears!

I will save you now
I'll take it to the workshop!
You will be like new
Beautiful, healthy!
You can't leave who you love
Otherwise you won't be happy! (Old doll)

What is a fidget toy
Dancing, running around? -
I pressed, started,
Suddenly swirled... (Yula)

Touch your head
I will deftly spin -
colored skirt,
I myself am a clockwork!
I spin - and all the cases,
What is my name? (Yula)

Touch - immediately thunder
And the baby will be surprised.
What is a bright toy?
For baby (Beanbag)

She looks like an actress
IN beautiful dress silver,
I'll tell her a story
She will close her eyes
Let's play - let's sleep
I'll put her to bed.
What a cute toy
Daughter in the morning, girlfriend in the afternoon? (Doll)

Beat - do not moan,
Doesn't sink in water
colored side,
Rubber bun. (Ball)

I like to play with him
Jump, run, chase!
What kind of ball is jumping briskly? -
It's my favorite... (ball)

colorful bun,
He will give you a side
He is not afraid of pain
Loves to jump and roll!
Who is jumping like that? -
My cheerful round... (ball)

I'll build a house out of them
Pyramid, spaceport.
What kind of bricks
How are the matchboxes? (Dice)

Want to see:
I am a future builder!
How do I get the assignment?
I will lay bricks
exactly on top of each other
Like logs in a house.
What kind of square bricks
Colored, neat? -
Like paints in tubes
Multicolor ... (Cubes)

I'm just a rope
Short stature,
Instead of hands - two sticks,
What's my name? (Jump rope)

I'm holding on to a thread
rainbow flashlight
And I'm afraid that it will fly away
My air ... (Balloon)

Smiling at each other
One is put into the other
Wooden like spoons!
Do you know who it is? (Matryoshka)

Here is a car with a long neck,
With a hooked head
Lifts a huge load
Get out, don't stand under him!
It has a driver, like a captain.
What's this? (Crane)

Who cannot live without cargo,
Who has a huge body?
Anything you want will take away
Never gets tired.
Straight on the road
The cargo will deliver... (Truck)

What a strange car -
Big tank not for gasoline?
There is also an inscription on the sides.
Let's read in syllables?
Simple, delicious - "Mo-lo-ko"!
Now I know for sure -
The car is... ("dairy")

If there is a fire somewhere,
The car is moving fast there.
An alarm signal is given -
And the people are falling apart!
Not cargo, not commodity,
What is it? ("Fire")

What is an ambulance
With a siren rushes through the city,
Hurry to help the sick
Both old and young? ("Ambulance")

For cement and concrete -
To build a cottage, a house -
Barrel stirrer machine
It's called... (concrete mixer)

What kind of car is this
Covered body and cab?
She brings us fresh bread
For breakfast, dinner and lunch.
Save from hunger and trouble
The car called... (Bread)

On parade and in battle
Power will show everyone its:
Instead of a body - a rocket,
What kind of car is this? -
The car is extraordinary
Green - ... (military)

Boys and girls of all ages love toys. Therefore, they will certainly like to guess our riddles. The page contains riddles with riddles and drawings for children. This is a fun pastime for parents and children. That moment when mom or dad gets closer to their child. Make riddles more often, thereby you will help your child develop vocabulary, logical thinking, memory and aesthetic taste.

Riddles about toys

I'll be the master
Like our uncle Evdokim:
Make chairs and tables
Paint doors and floors.
In the meantime, sister Tanya
I do it myself..?

And I draw, and I sculpt -
I love this very much.
And to my sister Valyushka
I myself do...

This is a playground.
Ball here, bucket, shovel.
Both boys and girls
They brought along…

Riddles about cubes
These miracle bricks
I received as a gift.
What I make of them - I will break,
I start all over.

I build whatever I want!
Laying brick to brick
I will build a tall house
And I will put the little animals in it.

Let's take colored bricks,
Let's build any houses,
Even a circus for the public.
After all, we have…

Building a house out of bricks
He is still a nobody.
Here's brick to brick
I build whatever I want!
I don't like it - I break it
And I start again.

Riddles about the doll (the last one about Barbie)
blue eyes,
golden curls,
Lips are pink.

I change clothes for her
I put to sleep, I drive for a walk,
I'll comb it, and if necessary,
I will tie a beautiful bow.
What am I playing with?
Tell me, friends?

What does all of this mean?
Daughter, not crying;
You put to sleep -
Will sleep
Day, and two, and even five.

There is only one doll in the world
Children love this doll.
She's a big fashionista
Dresses are constantly changing.

Riddles about lotto
barrel after barrel
Pulled from the bag.

Soft toy puzzle
The funny animal is sewn from plush:
There are paws, there are ears.
Give the beast some honey
And arrange a lair for him!
(Teddy bear)

Beast beloved all from plush:
Paws, tail, even ears.
(Teddy bear)

Who does not eat fragrant honey
And doesn't live in a den?
He doesn't know how to roar.
This is a plush...

Gray flannelette animal,
Clubfoot long-haired.
Well guess who he is.
And give him a carrot!

This soft toy
Long-tailed animal.
Give her a carrot in her paw,
After all, this toy is ...

Riddle about the rocking horseHe is slim and handsome
He has a thick mane!
Too bad you can't ride it
You can only swing.

Riddles about Yulu

The guys have fun with me:
On the leg I spin alone,
While spinning, I do not grieve,
I'm spinning, I'm spinning, I'm spinning, I'm spinning.

Dancing baby, just one leg.

I'm spinning and spinning, and I'm not lazy
Spin around all day long.

Spinning on one leg
And suddenly fell on its side,
Lying down on the floor with a noise

Balloon RiddlesRound, smooth, like a watermelon...
Color - any, for different tastes.
When you let go of the leash,
Fly away for the clouds.

Everyone rejoices today!
In the hands of a child
Dancing for joy

I'm holding him on a leash
Although he is not a puppy at all.
And he got off the leash
And flew away under the clouds.

A round pillow is flying
The pillowcase is rubber.
Air instead of down and feather

Smelling the roses in the bushes
He did not say in delight: "Ah!"
But, pricking your smooth forehead,
He said very loudly, "Bang!"

Riddles about the spinning top (toy)
One-legged Ivashka -
Painted shirt!
Sing and dance - master,
And to stand - no way.

Ask me how I work?
I spin around my axis.

Even though he is on one leg,
Spins like clockwork.
Just get tired - on the barrel.
Bright, edgy…

The little one is dancing
And just one leg.

He dances and sings
And it buzzes like an airplane.
He runs running
He buzzes with a beetle.

Spinning - standing or walking,
And if you stop, it will fall.

Be sure to read It vividly describes an evil wolf that has turned into a toy wolf.

Riddles about the ball (ball)
Hit the wall and I'll bounce.
Throw it on the ground and I'll jump.
I'm flying from palms to palms -
I don't want to lie still!

Throw in the river - do not drown,
You hit the wall - do not moan,
You will throw the earth -
Will fly upward.

He is basketball
Volleyball and football.
Jumping, jumping, flying
And does not know fatigue.

I'm jumping on the asphalt
I'm flying through the yard into the grass.
Don't hide me from friends
Play with them...

It's rubbery and resilient.
So ask for hands
To throw and catch
Ride along the track.
What am I playing with?
Tell me, friends?

They beat him with their hands
They kick him
He is not offended, he does not cry,
Silently jumps and jumps.

Rattle riddles
The peas are ringing in it,
The little ones are having fun.
This is the first toy
Under the title…

Riddle about a kaleidoscope

Look deep into the pipe: like in a fairy tale,
There, the colors formed into a pattern.
The tube is not a microscope.
And colored...

Riddles about TumblerThat's a stubborn man!
Do not force to lie down forever!
Do you meet this?
He doesn't want to sleep at all
I put it - rises again
And it stands - swings.
What is it called?

This fat toy
Don't put it on a pillow.
Know, I took an example from a horse:
Standing up to sleep, not in the crib!

You won't be forced to sleep.
Just put it down - it wants to get up.
More stubborn than a lamb
This doll is...

Riddles about a typewriter for childrenMy brother has a lot of them:
Passenger, cargo, special such.
In this I open the door
Sand is loaded into this ...
My brother and I, to be honest
We play with them all day.
What am I playing with?
Tell me, friends?