
Logic games in teaching preschoolers. The development of logical thinking of preschoolers by means of logic and mathematical games. Age features of children of senior preschool age


Modern teachers have managed to appreciate the importance of development logical thinking in children of kindergarten age. Having gained an understanding of the elementary laws of logic, having learned to analyze, compare, generalize and highlight particulars, anticipate the result, the child will feel more comfortable when he is at the school desk.

The value of logical games in the development of a preschooler

Actually thinking and logical thinking must be understood as a generic and specific concept. Man as a rational being, which is characterized by higher nervous activity, receives information from the outside. His consciousness reflects this information directly or indirectly. This type of cognitive activity is inherent in all mentally healthy people.

A feature of thinking in a child preschool age is that he can not only synthesize a thought, but also express it in words. Psychologists characterize his thought process as visual-figurative, that is, the child sees an object and can determine its properties, purpose without performing any actions with it. Based on visual-figurative thinking, logical thinking can be developed.

It also represents the ability to process the information received through the prism of the laws of logic. The goal of logic-developing games for preschoolers is to teach children basic logical operations. That is, in a playful way, children 4-6 years old learn:

  • analyze;
  • generalize (classify);
  • highlight the quotient (synthesize);
  • compare;
  • build hypotheses.

Logic games contribute to the development of the child:

  • attention;
  • memory;
  • concentration;
  • the ability to express one's thoughts;
  • independence;
  • purposefulness.

In addition, logic games form the prerequisites for preschoolers, which in the future will help them solve complex mathematical problems.

Types of logic games with examples

1. Boolean constructors

Perhaps, the designer is the most useful and fascinating toy ever invented by mankind. Usually, this toy is associated with bright play sets, in which you can assemble a pirate schooner, an ambulance station, a train station, etc. from individual parts. But boolean constructors are something else. Usually, they are wooden, plastic or metal. By organizing games with such, an adult sets himself the goal of developing constructive skills and logical thinking of a preschooler. Having individual elements in front of him, the child must predict the final result in his mind, and, acting sequentially, assemble a certain geometric figure from the constructor, some other object.

Example: "Magnetic constructor"

The game set consists of metal sticks and magnetic balls. By connecting the sticks with magnets, you can collect three-dimensional figures. A 5-year-old child can be offered to assemble a model according to the example that comes with the kit. And already at the age of 6, the kid can fantasize and try to design the objects he has conceived.

Example: "Gyenes Blocks"

This simple constructor gives parents the opportunity to introduce their child to almost all the tricks of logic. It consists of a set of basic geometric shapes of different colors and sizes. Figures can be flat or voluminous. The finished game can be purchased in wooden or plastic versions. Something similar can also be made with your own hands from colored paper.

Operating with Gyenes blocks, you can teach a child:

  • identify and describe the properties of figures;
  • compare them;
  • group according to the same characteristics;
  • collect from individual elements (blocks) a single whole (certain object, symbol, animal, etc.).

The child can be offered the following activities:

  • Sort blocks by color, shape or size.
  • An adult lays out five blocks in a row, four of which are united by a common property, and one differs from them (for example, four green blocks and one red, four circles and one triangle). The child must remove the extra one and tell why he chose him.
  • An adult puts the blocks in a bag. The child will have to put his hand into it and, without looking, describe the object that he has come across.
  • An adult begins to build a logical chain of three elements. For example, he puts a square, a circle and a triangle. The child must repeat this sequence. Gradually, the number of elements in the chain increases.
  • The adult takes one block and hides it behind his back. He names the properties that the figure does not have. "It's not a triangle or a square." The child must guess the shape. "It's not red or yellow." The child must guess the color. Etc.

2. Puzzles

These toys can be offered to a four-year-old child. It is important that the adult who organizes the game correctly describes the logical task to the child and monitors the correctness of its implementation.

Example: "Kuisner sticks"

The puzzle is a set of plastic or wooden sticks of a rectangular shape. various lengths and flowers. The options for playing with them are varied.

Four-year-olds, for example, can be offered the following:

  • sort the sticks laid out on the table by color;
  • arrange the sticks in a line, starting with the shortest and ending with the longest, to make a ladder;
  • lay out five to ten sticks in front of the child, ask him to count them.

The older preschooler is capable of more complex games:

  • find such sticks, the length of which, if put together, would be equal to the length of the largest stick;
  • take yellow, red and green sticks and ask the child to name and show not red and not yellow;
  • sort the sticks by color and add geometric shapes from them.

Examples of games with sticks can be found in special collections or on the Internet (scheme kuizener sticks).

3. Graphic games

Collections of logic problems are sold in book and toy stores. Similar developmental tasks can be found in prescriptions for kids. The options for these games are truly endless.

Example: "Labyrinth"

Guided by logic, the child must overcome the ornate labyrinth and lead the teddy bear to the barrel of honey.

Example: "Paint according to the model"

The preschooler must reproduce the drawing by example or connect the dots.

Example: "Find the extra"

In the line of objects, the child must find the extra one and tell why he made such a choice.

4. Word logic games

In the process of verbal logic games, preschoolers learn to perceive information by ear, analyze and reproduce it, train attention and memory.

Example: "Say in one word"

An adult names a number of objects, the child must summarize them:

  • circle, rhombus, triangle - figures;
  • blue, red, green - colors;
  • car, bus, train - transport;
  • cup, plate, frying pan - dishes;
  • father, mother, grandfather - family.

Example: "What's different"

An adult calls a couple of words, the child should name their differences:

  • summer and winter;
  • machine and ship;
  • tree and bush;
  • ball and cube.

You can diversify the game with cards (or game sets).

Organization of logic games by teachers

Such gaming activity is purposeful, it must be planned. The organization of logic games by teachers in preschool institutions, as a rule, occurs in three stages:

  • Preparatory: the teacher decides which particular law of logic will be worked out during the game, selects didactic materials and visual aids.
  • Formative: the game takes place directly, based on operations with didactic material. Problems on logic are solved exclusively under the control of the teacher, and sometimes with his participation.
  • Control: in order to verify and consolidate the knowledge presented to the kids, the teacher can continue to untie typical logical puzzles for them on their own.
    Logic-developing tasks that can be offered to a preschooler are constructors, mazes, puzzles, desktop-printed (graphic) and word games. When organizing a logic game, you can also use any toys, substitute items, etc.

In a simplified sense logics- a synonym for the mind, that is, the ability to think and reason consistently and consistently. This explains the interest in the question “How to develop logic in a child?”

The Importance of Early Development and Learning

A person with a developed logic stands out from the "gray mass" with common sense and rationalism, and, as a rule, achieves success in life.

Develop logic in a child- means, firstly, to ensure that he understands the cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, processes and actions, and secondly, to form in him the ability to analyze the surrounding reality.

Since logic is not a specific skill or ability, but thinking, a way of thinking in general, in order to develop it in a child, it is necessary to accustom him to an “intellectual way of life” from a very early age. Stimulate the curiosity of the baby in every possible way: buy him developing children's toys, designers, puzzles; practice exercises to develop the inquisitiveness of the child's mind.

According to the Japanese (and it’s hard to disagree with them), children under 3 years old are more inclined to perceive information, since they are not endowed with those principles, complexes and conventions that we ourselves reward them with later. And from the age of 3, the influence of external installations begins to affect ...

Therefore, it is very important to talk a lot with the baby from the first months of his life. Tell him about his surroundings, objects, discuss your current affairs with him - do not assume that the baby still does not understand anything. Very soon you will not only see a conscious look from his side, but also hear a babble changing intonations, which will soon be replaced by the first words and sentences.

Do not flirt with the baby, do not use diminutive, grammatically incorrect or non-existent words in your speech (such as "bibika" instead of "car", "lyalya" instead of "doll" or "top-top" instead of "went"). Try, if possible, to communicate with the child on an equal footing, and then his mental maturation will come earlier than the generally accepted age norm.

Children are naturally curious. They are inquisitive and restless in their eternal questions. Even if you are tired and you are not in the mood, try to hide your irritation and patiently answer all the children's questions. Don't get angry, don't be nervous, and answer with a smile. Only with your help will the baby be able to create a real picture of the world around him in his mind.

Logic games for preschoolers

Most effective method develop the logic of the child - playing games with him. After all, only what is interesting and fun is remembered best. Logic games develop memory, broaden horizons, teach you to reason independently, compare, compare, generalize, exclude, identify analogies and analyze.

Take some multi-colored and different-sized balls and cubes. Ask the baby to answer how, for example, a blue ball differs from blue cube and what they have in common. By analogy, compare the blue ball and the red ball, etc.

Put some toys in a box (or an opaque bag). Let the child, without pulling out the toy, taking it in his hands, name what kind of toy it is and what shape it is.

Logic is closely related to mathematics. The sooner you start developing your child's mathematical abilities, the easier and easier it will be for him to learn in the future. Start teaching your baby to count as early as 1.5-2 years old.

Perfectly develops logic manual geometric shapes on magnets, designed for children from 3 years old. You can play the following games with it:

1. "Find the figurine." Lay out geometric shapes in front of the preschooler. Give the task to find only polygons. Ask them to count how many corners and sides each of them has. Let the child name the remaining geometric shapes.

2. "Add in groups." Lay out geometric shapes in front of the baby and offer to find and put into groups all circles, all ovals, all squares, etc.

3. "Find an extra item", or "The fourth extra." Lay out in front of the baby multi-colored geometric shapes of one shape and one figure of a different shape. Ask to find an extra figure and explain why it is extra.

4. "What do we have in common." Invite the child to find shapes that are the same in color but different in shape. Let him name these figures, compare what they have in common.

5. "Geometric patterns." Invite the preschooler to make a pattern out of different geometric shapes. Ask what figures the pattern consists of? What figure did he form? Ask for a name for the new shapes.

6. "Figures-builders". Lay out in front of the baby a contour image of an object, made up of several geometric shapes, and a set of these shapes. Ask your child to post the same picture.

7. "Remember and describe." Show your baby geometric figures for 1-2 minutes. He must memorize the images and describe what he saw verbally.

A very interesting game of association, developing observation, attention, imagination. You draw geometric figures, and the child must say what objects he associates with this or that figure. Then combine different shapes into a common drawing, and let the kid name the depicted object. For example, adding windows in a rectangle, we get a house, and connecting two horizontal ovals with vertical lines, we get a glass.

Draw an equilateral triangle, and next to it - a horizontal oval, whose larger diameter is equal to the side of the triangle. Ask the child what, in his opinion, the object will turn out if you combine these two drawings (cap). Report that such a three-dimensional geometric figure is called a cone.

Such a game perfectly stimulates spatial perception and imagination.

You can draw geometric figures on each other's backs with your finger: one draws - the other guesses.

Logic games are good because many of them do not require much time or a certain place. You can play while traveling on public transport, in line at the clinic, or just walking down the street while walking.

For the smallest children, a game of opposites is suitable. You start a sentence, and the baby finishes. For example, an elephant is big, and a mouse is ..., it is warm in summer, and ... in winter, ice is hard, and snow is ....

The game “Guess the riddle” is also interesting for leading questions that require an unambiguous answer “yes” or “no”. For example:
- Is it alive? - Yes.
- The beast? - Not.
- Bird? - Yes.
- Chirping? - Not.
- Pigeon? - Yes.

First, let the baby ask leading questions, and then switch places. This game develops intelligence and ingenuity, trains logical thinking and observation.

The game to establish the belonging of the selected object to a certain group will help develop logical thinking. For example, you call "jacket", and the baby must say that it belongs to the "clothes" group; you call "apple" - the child should say "fruit", etc.

Many generations of children love the game "Edible-inedible", in which they throw a ball at the same time as the name of the object. If an edible item is named, the ball must be caught.

Teach your child to play useful board games: chess, checkers, tic-tac-toe, sea battle. Thinking about the next moves in the game is great for developing analytical thinking.

Raising an intellectual

All children love to watch cartoons. Offer your son or daughter only high-quality educational cartoons; viewing them will be not only pleasant, but also useful.

Read with a preschooler children's books with a teaching bias, informative stories. Ask him riddles, puzzles, develop mathematical and intellectual abilities. Solve logic puzzles, crosswords, chainwords together. Purchase children's educational teaching aids to prepare for school.

Teach your child to tell the time (using a watch with hands and legible numbers as an example). Explain how the calendar works. A wall or desktop flip calendar will help you with this (the latter, by the way, can be easily made with your own hands, which the child will really like). Show,

An example from life. Explaining the concept of “left” / “right” to a 3-year-old rural boy, he was told that the left is where the stove is, and the right is where the hut (house) of Uncle Vitya is. Years passed, the boy turned into a man and left his native village long ago. But the childhood impression turned out to be so strong that until now, when determining the direction, a man automatically remembers the location of the stove in his rural hut in relation to the house of Uncle Vitya's neighbor.

Or another real life example. The child was taught that to find out where the left is and where the right is, the printed letter “I” drawn in the mind will help: in which direction her wand is up, there is the right. One can imagine how difficult it is with such an explanation for a child, and then for an adult, to quickly navigate. But you should just tell the kid: the right is where the leading hand is, with which you write or eat (if he is right-handed), and vice versa.

At 4 years old, when the speech of a preschooler has already been formed, a sign of well-developed logic is the active use of detailed complex sentences, conditional moods, introductory words, etc.

It is very important to teach the child arbitrary thinking, that is, the ability to think purposefully. Adults can always choose what to think about and what not. In children, this ability is fully developed only by the age of 10. Therefore, the child must be taught to think, and in such a way that the mood of his thoughts is positive.

If you develop logic in a child from an early age, your efforts will not be in vain. This will form in him the flexibility of thinking and foresight, which will allow in the future to see the essence of things and phenomena hidden from many and to easily solve the most complex everyday problems.

Thanks to games, children develop resourcefulness, ingenuity, and the ability to achieve goals. Logic games play an important role in the development of the mental development of the child. This section contains logic games for the early development of children.

The development of logical thinking should begin in preschool childhood.

But why does logic need a small child, a preschooler? The fact is that at each age stage, a certain “floor” is created, as it were, on which mental functions are formed that are important for the transition to the next stage. Thus, the skills and abilities acquired in the preschool period will serve as the foundation for gaining knowledge and developing abilities at an older age - at school. And the most important among these skills is the skill of logical thinking, the ability to "act in the mind." A child who has not mastered the methods of logical thinking will find it more difficult to study - solving problems, doing exercises will require a lot of time and effort. As a result, the health of the child may suffer, weaken, or even completely fade away interest in learning.

In order to develop logical thinking, it is necessary to offer the child to independently analyze, synthesize, compare, classify, generalize, build inductive and deductive conclusions.

Having mastered logical operations, the child will become more attentive, learn to think clearly and clearly, be able to right moment focus on the essence of the problem, convince others that you are right. Learning will become easier, which means that both the learning process and school life itself will bring joy and satisfaction.

Logic games unobtrusively teach the child to develop their intellectual abilities to the maximum, find ways to solve, and draw conclusions. All games have a clear description in Russian, which facilitates the first acquaintance with the conditions of the tasks. For kids just starting to play computer games we recommend such simple exercises for ingenuity as "Tic-tac-toe", "Pass the thread".

Logic games for children, they are also puzzles, they are also puzzles, they are also tasks for thinking, they are very useful for a person’s own development. Modern history is not known for certain the history of the emergence of the first logic games in human civilization, let's leave the history of logic games to historians and move on to useful facts. When you solve logic games, logical thinking develops, the speed of thinking develops, you begin to find solutions to the tasks set faster, which is so useful in today's rapidly changing world. Logic games are indispensable for the development of children of school and preschool age. All logic games have a pronounced mathematical orientation, this is mathematics, geometry. If you want to develop your child in the so-called creative way - music, dancing, etc., perhaps logic games will be useless for creative professions, but they will undoubtedly help the symmetrical development of the personality.

See on this site

  • talking books (the computer shows the syllable icon and can say it aloud)
  • Online game

Table of contents INTRODUCTIONChapter 1. Stages of development of thinking in preschool age 1.1. Features of thinking in early childhood1.2. Verbal-logical thinking and its connection with the previous stages 1.3. Formation and development of the logical sphere of preschoolersChapter 2. The development of logical thinking in preschoolers by means of logic and mathematical games2.1. Teaching mathematics in the senior group of kindergarten 2.2. Pedagogical possibilities of the game in the development of the logical 2.2. Logic-mathematical games as a means of activating the teaching of mathematicsConclusionList of references INTRODUCTION Relevance. Logical thinking is formed on the basis of figurative thinking and is the highest stage in the development of thinking. Achieving this stage is a long and complex process, since the full development of logical thinking requires not only high activity of mental activity, but also generalized knowledge about the general and essential features of objects and phenomena of reality, which are enshrined in words. One should not wait until the child is 14 years old and reaches the stage of formal-logical operations, when his thinking acquires features characteristic of the mental activity of adults. The development of logical thinking should begin in preschool childhood. But why does logic need a small child, a preschooler? The fact is that at each age stage, a certain “floor” is created, as it were, on which mental functions are formed that are important for the transition to the next stage. Thus, the skills and abilities acquired in the preschool period will serve as the foundation for gaining knowledge and developing abilities at an older age - at school. And the most important among these skills is the skill of logical thinking, the ability to "act in the mind." A child who has not mastered the methods of logical thinking will find it more difficult to study - solving problems, doing exercises will require a lot of time and effort. As a result, the child’s health may suffer, interest in learning will weaken, or even completely fade away. In order to develop logical thinking, it is necessary to offer the child to independently analyze, synthesize, compare, classify, generalize, build inductive and deductive conclusions. Having mastered logical operations, the child will become more attentive, learn to think clearly and clearly, be able to concentrate at the right time on the essence of the problem, convince others that they are right. Learning will become easier, which means that both the learning process and school life itself will bring joy and satisfaction. Purpose of the study- consider logical and mathematical games in work with older preschoolers. Research objectives:one. Concretize ideas about the peculiarities of thinking in preschoolers.2. To study the formation and development of the logical sphere of preschoolers.3. Consider logic-mathematical games as a means of activating the teaching of mathematics. Object of study - thinking of preschool children . Subject of study - logical and mathematical games as a means of developing the logical thinking of preschoolers . Theoretical basis This work was served by the works of such authors as: Sycheva G.E., Nosova E.A., Nepomnyashchaya R.L. and others. Research methods: literature analysis. Work structure: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references. Chapter 1. Stages of development of thinking in preschool age1.1. especially mindset in early childhood Parents of preschoolers are most busy looking for an answer to the question "how and what to teach a child?". They choose the "most-most" from a variety of innovative methods, enroll the child in various circles and studios, engage in various "educational games" and teach the baby to read and count almost from the cradle. What is the development of thinking in preschool age? And, indeed, what is the priority to teach children? As in any area of ​​personality development, a child's thinking goes through several stages of formation. In psychology, it is customary to define three stages in the development of thinking: visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical. For a baby who cognizes the world through the active work of all the senses, the basis for obtaining information is the motor and tactile channels of perception. A small child in early childhood literally “thinks with his hands”. Not only their own information depends on the work of the receptors of these channels, but also the activity of other types of perception, other sense organs. What does it mean? For example, the visual perception of a baby is not yet perfect, its capabilities, in comparison with the vision of an adult, are somewhat limited. The child does not understand the perspective - it seems to him that if the high-rise building is barely visible on the horizon, then it is very small. He still cannot always understand the three-dimensionality of things. The baby does not understand visual illusions - for example, he wants to reach the horizon or touch the rainbow. The image for him is a special state of the object, he does not believe that the image does not actually exist. In this, children's perception is reminiscent of primitive man. Seeing an evil character in a book of fairy tales, the child closes the “good fellow” from him with his hands, and so on. Everything that the child sees, he wants to touch, act with this object, experience it. And the more actions he performs with a thing, the better he perceives its properties. The better it works for him, not only the motor and tactile, but also the visual channel of perception. Visual-effective thinking is a method of "trial and error". When receiving a new object, the child first of all tries to interact with it - try it on the tooth, shake it, knock it on the floor, twirl it from all sides. In her book “A Child Learns to Speak,” M. Koltsova cites an interesting experiment as an example: two groups of babies who began to speak the first words were shown some objects to memorize new words. In one group they were allowed to play with objects, in the other they were only shown and called. Children from the first group memorized the names of objects new to them much faster and better and introduced them into speech than in the second group. Each object seen for the child is a new puzzle that needs to be “disassembled” and then “assembled”. The only thing that interests him in early childhood is what can be done about it? That is why it is so dangerous to get carried away with newfangled methods that offer training in early childhood, attempts to develop logic or the basics of analytical thinking in kids. What to do with the baby? More often include him in any household activity, let him participate in all mother's affairs - washes dishes, wipes dust, sweeps. Of course, mom sometimes has to take more away from such "help", but the teaching always goes through trial and error! It is during the period of early childhood that the child learns the world in activity as actively as never before. And in order to master the space, to understand the interconnection of things, he needs to perform real, meaningful actions as much as possible, imitating adults, and not shifting the details of a special "developing" game. It is also useful to mess around with various substances - sand, water, snow. However, many textures can be found at home, without any special classes - various cereals, shreds of rags, dishes and all kinds of ordinary household items. In terms of creative development the child is now going through a period of acquaintance with the materials, where he needs to be given complete freedom and not yet expect any "crafts" and any other results. The second stage in the development of thinking begins at about 3-4 years and lasts up to 6-7 years. Now the child's thinking is visual-figurative. He can already rely on past experience - the mountains in the distance do not seem flat to him in order to understand that a large stone is heavy, he does not have to pick it up - his brain has accumulated a lot of information from various channels of perception. Children gradually move from actions with the objects themselves to actions with their images. In the game, the child no longer has to use a substitute object, he can imagine “play material” - for example, “eat” from an imaginary plate with an imaginary spoon. Unlike the previous stage, when in order to think, the child needed to pick up an object and interact with it, now it is enough to imagine it. During this period, the child actively operates with images - not only imaginary in the game, when a car is presented instead of a cube, and in an empty hand "turns out" a spoon, but also in creativity. It is very important at this age not to accustom the child to the use of ready-made schemes, not to impose their own ideas. At this age, the development of fantasy and the ability to generate their own, new images are the key to development intellectual abilities- after all, thinking is figurative, the better the child comes up with his images, the better the brain develops. Many people think fantasy is a waste of time. At the same time, on how fully it develops creative thinking, its work also depends on the next, logical, stage. Therefore, do not worry if a child at the age of 5 cannot count and write. It is much worse if he cannot play without toys (with sand, sticks, pebbles, etc.) and does not like to be creative! In creative activity, the child tries to portray his invented images, looking for associations with known objects. It is very dangerous during this period to "train" the child in given images - for example, drawing according to a model, coloring, etc. This prevents him from creating his own images, that is, from thinking. 1.2. Verbal-logical thinking and its connection with the previous stages In the period of early and preschool childhood, the child absorbs sounds, images, smells, motor and tactile sensations. Then there is a comprehension of the accumulated material, processing of the information received. By the end of the preschool period, the child has a well-developed speech, he already owns abstract concepts and can independently generalize. So gradually (from about 7 years old) there is a transition to the next step in the development of thinking - it becomes verbal-logical. Speech allows you to think not in images, but in concepts, to structure and designate information received with the help of the senses. Already at 3-4 years old, the child is trying to classify known objects, for example: an apple and a pear - fruits, and a chair, and a table - furniture. He often accompanies his actions with comments, asks an infinite number of questions, for him the naming of an object is a sign of its existence. But speech has not yet become an instrument of thought, it is only an auxiliary instrument. To the younger school age the word for the child becomes an abstract concept, and not associated with a specific image. For example, for a three-year-old kid, a "sofa" is just a sofa he knows, standing in his living room. He still does not have a generalization and abstraction from a specific image. Children 7-8 years old can already be distracted from a specific image and highlight the basic concepts. The child determines essential features of an object or phenomenon, relates a new object to categories known to it, and, conversely, fills a new category with the corresponding concepts. Children are able to appreciate the real size of an object (a ten-story building on the horizon does not seem tiny to them). They form causal relationships, general characteristics of phenomena and objects. They are able to perform actions without relying on images. But, no matter how perfect verbal-logical thinking seems to us, adults - parents and teachers, we should not rush and form it artificially in a preschooler. If the child is not allowed to fully enjoy the game with images, to teach him to think logically at a time when he is not yet ready for this, the result is just the opposite. Extremely schematic, weak thinking, formalism and lack of initiative are found precisely in those children who have gone through a serious school of "early development", as it is now fashionable to call the mechanical training of babies. At the age when the brain is ready to operate with vivid images, dry schemes were brought to it, preventing it from enjoying all the richness of colors, tastes and smells of this world. Everything is good in time, and the child will certainly go through all stages of the development of thinking, let each of them give him everything that is possible only in a certain period. 1.3. Formation and development of the logical sphere of preschoolers The formation of logical techniques is an important factor that directly contributes to the development of the child's thinking process. Almost all psychological studies devoted to the analysis of the methods and conditions for the development of a child’s thinking are unanimous in the fact that the methodological guidance of this process is not only possible, but also highly effective, i.e., when organizing special work on the formation and development of logical methods of thinking, there is a significant increase the effectiveness of this process, regardless of the initial level of development of the child. Let's consider the possibilities of actively including various methods of mental actions on mathematical material in the process of mathematical development of a preschool child. Seriation is the construction of ordered ascending or descending series. A classic example of seriation: nesting dolls, pyramids, loose bowls, etc. Seriations can be organized by size: length, height, width - if the objects are of the same type (dolls, sticks, ribbons, pebbles, etc.) and simply "in size" (with an indication of what is considered "size") - if the objects different type (seat the toys according to their height). Seriations can be organized by color: according to the degree of color intensity. Analysis is the selection of object properties, the selection of an object from a group, or the selection of a group of objects according to a certain attribute. For example, a sign is given: sour. First, each object of the set is checked for the presence or absence of this feature, and then they are distinguished and combined into a group on the basis of "sour". Synthesis is the combination of various elements (features, properties) into a single whole. In psychology, analysis and synthesis are considered as mutually complementary processes (analysis is carried out through synthesis, and synthesis through analysis). the very first steps of a child's mathematical development. For example: A. The task of choosing an object from a group on any basis (2-4 years): Take the red ball. Take the red one, but not the ball. Take the ball, but not the red one.B. Task for choosing several items according to the indicated attribute (2-4 years): Choose all the balls. Choose round ones, not balls. B. Task for choosing one or more items according to several indicated criteria (2-4 years): Choose a small blue ball. Choose a big red ball. The task of the last type involves combining two features of an object into a single whole. For the development of productive analytical and synthetic mental activity in a child, tasks are recommended in the methodology in which the child needs to consider the same object from different points of view. The way to organize such a comprehensive (or at least multidimensional) consideration is the method of setting different tasks for the same mathematical object. Comparison is a logical technique that requires identifying similarities and differences between the features of an object (object, phenomenon, group of objects). Comparison requires the ability to single out some features of an object and abstract from others. To highlight the various features of an object, you can use the game "Find it": Which of these objects are large yellow? (Ball and bear.) · What is the big yellow round? (Ball.) etc. The child should use the role of the leader as often as the responder, this will prepare him for the next stage - the ability to answer the question: · What can you tell about this subject? (The watermelon is large, round, green. The sun is round, yellow, hot.) Option. Who will tell more about it? (The ribbon is long, blue, shiny, silk. )Option. “What is it: white, cold, crumbly?” etc. Methodically, it is recommended to first teach the child to compare two objects, then groups of objects. It is easier for a small child to first find signs of difference between objects, then signs of their similarity. Tasks for dividing objects into groups according to some attribute (large and small, red and blue, etc.) require comparison. All games of the “Find such same” are aimed at developing the ability to compare. For a child of 2-4 years old, the signs by which similarity is sought should be well identifiable. For older children, the number and nature of signs of similarity can vary widely. Classification is the division of a set into groups according to some feature, which is called the basis of classification. The basis for the classification may or may not be specified (this option is more often used with older children, as it requires the ability to analyze, compare and generalize). It should be taken into account that during the classification separation of the set, the resulting subsets should not intersect in pairs and the union of all subsets should make up this set. In other words, each object must be included in one and only one subset. Classification with preschool children can be carried out: by the name of the objects (cups and plates, shells and pebbles, skittles and balls, etc.); by size ( large balls in one group, small balls in another; long pencils in one box, short ones in another, etc.); by color (red buttons in this box, green in this one); shape (squares in this box, and circles in this box; cubes in this box, bricks in this box, etc.); on other grounds (edible and inedible, floating and flying animals, forest and garden plants, wild and domestic animals, etc.). All the examples listed above are classifications according to a given basis: the teacher himself informs the children about it. In another case, children determine the basis on their own. The teacher sets only the number of groups into which the set of objects (objects) should be divided. At the same time, the basis can be determined in more than one way. When selecting material for a task, the teacher must ensure that a set is not obtained that orients children to insignificant features of objects, which will lead to incorrect generalizations. It should be remembered that when making empirical generalizations, children rely on external, visible signs of objects, which does not always help to correctly reveal their essence and define the concept. The formation in children of the ability to independently make generalizations is extremely important from a general developmental point of view. Due to changes in the content and methodology of teaching mathematics in primary school which aim to develop in students the ability to empirical, and in the future, theoretical generalization, it is important already in kindergarten to teach children various methods of modeling activity using real, schematic and symbolic visibility (V.V. Davydov), to teach a child to compare, classify, analyze and generalize the results of their activities. Chapter 2. Development of logical thinking in preschoolers by means of logic and mathematical games2.1. Teaching mathematics in the senior group of kindergarten The "kindergarten education program" in the senior group provides for a significant expansion, deepening and generalization of elementary mathematical concepts in children, and further development of counting activities. Children learn to count up to 10, not only visually perceived objects, but also sounds, objects perceived by touch, movements. The idea of ​​the children that the number of objects does not depend on their size, spatial arrangement and the direction of counting is being clarified. In addition, they are convinced that sets containing the same number of elements correspond to a single natural number (5 squirrels, 5 Christmas trees, 5 ends at an asterisk, etc.). Using examples of compiling sets from different objects, they get acquainted with the quantitative composition from units of numbers up to 5. Comparing adjacent numbers within 10 based on visual material, children learn which of the two adjacent numbers is larger, which is smaller, they get an elementary idea of ​​​​the numerical sequence - about the natural series. In the older group, they begin to form the concept of that some objects can be divided into several equal parts. Children divide models of geometric shapes (square, rectangle, triangle) into 2 and 4 parts, as well as other objects, compare the whole and parts. Much attention is paid to the formation of spatial and temporal representations. So, children learn to see the change in size of objects, to evaluate the size of objects in terms of 3 dimensions: length, width, height; their ideas about the properties of quantities deepen. Children are taught to distinguish geometric shapes that are close in shape: a circle and an oval shape, to consistently analyze and describe the shape of objects. , there is a closet in front of me"), in relation to another object ("a hare is sitting to the right of the doll, a horse is standing to the left of the doll"). They develop the ability to navigate in space: change the direction of movement while walking, running, gymnastic exercises. They are taught to determine the position of the child among the surrounding objects (for example, "I am standing behind the chair", "near the chair", etc.). Children memorize the names and sequence of the days of the week. Visual, verbal and practical teaching methods and techniques in mathematics classes in the senior group are mainly used in the complex. Five-year-old children are able to understand the cognitive task set by the teacher and act in accordance with his instructions. Setting the task allows you to excite their cognitive activity. Such situations are created when the available knowledge is not enough to find the answer to the question posed, and there is a need to learn something new, to learn something new. For example, the teacher asks: "How to find out how much the table is longer than its width?" The application technique known to children cannot be applied. The teacher shows them new way comparison of lengths using measurements. The motivation for the search is the proposal to solve any game or practical task (pick up a pair, make a rectangle equal to the given one, find out which items are more, etc.). Organizing independent work of children with handouts, the teacher also sets tasks for them (test, learn, learn new things, etc.). Consolidation and refinement of knowledge, methods of action in a number of cases is carried out by offering children tasks, the content of which reflects situations that are close and understandable to them. So, they find out how long the laces of boots and low shoes are, select a strap for a watch, etc. The interest of children in solving such problems ensures the active work of thought, a solid assimilation of knowledge. Mathematical representations "equal", "not equal", "more - less", "whole and part", etc. are formed on the basis of comparison. Children of 5 years old can already, under the guidance of a teacher, consistently consider objects, single out and compare their homogeneous features. On the basis of comparison, they identify significant relationships, for example, relations of equality and inequality, sequence, whole and part, etc., make the simplest conclusions. Much attention is paid to the development of mental activity operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization) in the older group. Children perform all these operations based on visibility. If in junior groups during the initial selection of one or another property, objects were compared that differed only in one given property (the strips differed only in length, when understanding the concepts of "longer - shorter"), now objects are presented that already have 2-3 signs of difference (for example, they take strips not only different lengths and width, but also of different colors, etc.). Children are first taught to compare objects in pairs, and then to compare several objects at once. They arrange the same objects in a row or group them according to one or another attribute. Finally, they carry out a comparison in a conflict situation, when the essential features for solving a given problem are masked by others, outwardly more pronounced. For example, it turns out which objects are more (less) provided that a smaller number of objects occupies a large area. Comparison is made on the basis of direct and indirect methods of comparison and opposition (overlays, applications, counting, "measurement modeling"). As a result of these actions, children equalize the number of objects or violate their equality, that is, they perform elementary actions of a mathematical nature. The selection and assimilation of mathematical properties, connections, and relations is achieved by performing various actions. The active involvement of different analyzers in the work of 5-year-old children is still of great importance. Consideration, analysis and comparison of objects when solving problems of the same type are carried out in a certain sequence. For example, children are taught to sequentially analyze and describe a pattern made up of models of geometric shapes, etc. Gradually, they master the general method of solving problems in this category and use it consciously. Since the understanding of the content of the task and the ways of solving it by children of this age is carried out in the course of practical actions, the mistakes made by children are always corrected through actions with didactic material. In the older group, they expand the types of visual aids and somewhat change their nature. Toys and things continue to be used as illustrative material. But now a large place is occupied by work with pictures, color and silhouette images of objects, and the drawings of objects can be schematic. From the middle of the school year, the simplest schemes are introduced, for example, "numerical figures", "numerical ladder", "path scheme" (pictures on which images of objects are placed in a certain sequence). "Deputies" of real objects begin to serve as a visual support. Missing in this moment the teacher presents the subjects with models of geometric shapes. For example, children guess who was more in the tram: boys or girls, if the boys are indicated by large triangles, and the girls by small ones. Experience shows that children easily accept such abstract visualization. Visualization activates children and serves as a support for arbitrary memory, therefore, in some cases, phenomena that do not have a visual form are modeled. For example, the days of the week are conventionally denoted by multi-colored chips. This helps children to establish ordinal relationships between the days of the week and remember their sequence. In working with children 5-6 years old, the role of verbal teaching methods increases. Instructions and explanations of the teacher direct and plan the activities of children. When giving instructions, he takes into account what children know and can do, and shows only new methods of work. The questions of the teacher during the explanation stimulate the manifestation of independence and ingenuity by children, prompting them to seek different ways solving the same problem: "How else can you do? Check? Say?" Children are taught to find different formulations to characterize the same mathematical connections and relationships. The development of new modes of action in speech is essential. Therefore, in the course of working with handouts, the teacher asks one or the other child what, how and why he is doing; one child can do the task at the blackboard at this time and explain their actions. Accompanying the action with speech allows children to comprehend it. After completing any task, a survey follows. Children report what and how they did and what happened as a result. As the ability to perform certain actions is accumulated, the child can be asked to first suggest what and how to do (build a number of objects, group them, etc.), and then perform practical action. This is how children are taught to plan ways and order of completing a task. The assimilation of the correct turns of speech is ensured by their repeated repetition in connection with the performance of different variants of tasks of the same type. In the older group, they begin to use word games and game exercises, which are based on performance actions: "Say the opposite!", "Who will call you faster?", "Which is longer (shorter)?" etc. The complication and variability of work methods, the change of benefits and situations stimulate the manifestation of independence by children, activate their thinking. To maintain interest in classes, the teacher constantly introduces elements of the game (search, guessing) and competitions into them: "Who will find (bring, name) faster?" etc. 2.2. Pedagogical possibilities of the game in the development of logical Theoretical and experimental works of A.S. Vygotsky, F.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubenstein indicate that none of the specific qualities - logical thinking, creative imagination, meaningful memory - can develop in a child regardless of education, as a result of the spontaneous maturation of innate inclinations. They are formed during childhood, in the process of upbringing, which plays, as L.S. wrote. Vygotsky “leading role in mental development child.” It is necessary to develop the child’s thinking, you need to teach him to compare, generalize, analyze, develop speech, teach the child to write. Since the mechanical memorization of various information, copying adult reasoning does nothing for the development of children's thinking. V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “... Do not bring down an avalanche of knowledge on a child ... - inquisitiveness and curiosity can be buried under an avalanche of knowledge. Be able to open one thing in front of the child in the surrounding world, but open it in such a way that a piece of life plays in front of the children with all the colors of the rainbow. Always open something unsaid so that the child would like to return again and again to what he has learned. ”Therefore, the education and development of the child should be easy, carried out through the activities and pedagogical means characteristic of a particular age. The game acts as such a developmental tool for older preschoolers. Despite the fact that the game gradually ceases to act as the leading type of activity in the older preschool age, it does not lose its developing functions. Ya.A. Komensky considers the game as a form of activity necessary for the child. A.S. Makarenko drew the attention of parents to the fact that “the upbringing of the future figure should not consist in eliminating the game, but in organizing it in such a way that the game remains a game, but the qualities of the future are brought up in the game child, citizen.” In the main form of the role-playing, creative game, children's impressions of the knowledge surrounding them, understanding of ongoing events and phenomena are reflected. In a huge number of games with rules, a variety of knowledge, mental operations, actions that children must master are imprinted. This development takes place in proportion to the general mental development, at the same time, this development is carried out in the game. The mental development of children occurs both in the process of creative games (they develop the ability to generalize the functions of thinking) and didactic play. The name didactic itself suggests that these games have their own goal of mental development of children and, therefore, can be considered as a direct means of mental education. The combination of a learning task with a game form in a didactic game, the presence of ready-made content and rules allows the teacher to use didactic games for the mental education of children. It is very important that the game is not only a way and means of learning, it is also joy and pleasure for the child. All children love to play, and it depends on the adult how meaningful and useful these games will be. While playing, the child can not only consolidate previously acquired knowledge, but also acquire new skills, abilities, and develop mental abilities. For these purposes, special games are used for the mental development of the child, saturated with logical content. A.S. Makarenko was well aware that one game, even the best, cannot ensure success in achieving educational goals. Therefore, he sought to create a complex of games, considering this task to be the most important in the matter of education. In modern pedagogy, a didactic game is considered as an effective means of developing a child, developing such intellectual mental processes as attention, memory, thinking, imagination. With the help of a didactic game, children are taught to think independently , to use the acquired knowledge in various conditions in accordance with the task. Many games challenge children to rationally use existing knowledge in mental operations: find characteristic features in objects and phenomena of the world around them; compare, group, classify objects according to certain characteristics, draw the right conclusions. Activity children's thinking is the main precondition conscious attitude to the acquisition of solid, deep knowledge, the establishment of various relationships in the team. Didactic games develop the sensory abilities of children. The processes of sensation and perception underlie the child's knowledge of the environment. It also develops the speech of children: the dictionary is filled and activated, the correct pronunciation is formed, coherent speech develops, the ability to express one’s thoughts correctly. Some games require children to actively use specific, generic concepts, exercise in finding synonyms, words similar in meaning, etc. . During the game, the development of thinking and speech is decided in continuous connection; when children communicate in the game, speech is activated, the ability to argue their statements and arguments develops. So, we found out that the developing abilities of the game are great. Through the game, you can develop and improve all aspects of the child's personality. We are interested in games that develop the intellectual side of the game, which contribute to the development of thinking of younger students. Mathematical games are games in which mathematical constructions, relationships, patterns are modeled. To find an answer (solution), as a rule, a preliminary analysis of the conditions, rules, content of the game or task is necessary. In the course of the solution, the use of mathematical methods and inferences is required. A variety of mathematical games and tasks are logical games, tasks, exercises. They are aimed at training thinking when performing logical operations and actions. In order to develop the thinking of children, various types of simple tasks and exercises are used. These are tasks for finding a missed figure, continuing a number of figures, for finding numbers that are missing in a number of figures (finding the patterns underlying the choice of this figure, etc.). Therefore, logic-mathematical games are games in which mathematical relations are modeled, patterns that involve the execution of logical operations and actions. L.A. Stolyarov identifies the following structure of a learning game, which includes the main elements characteristic of a genuine didactic game: didactic task, game actions, rules, result. Didactic tasks: always developed by adults; they are aimed at the formation of fundamentally new knowledge and the development of logical structures of thinking; they become more complicated at each new stage; they are closely related to game actions and rules; they are presented through a game task and are realized by children. rule. Game actions allow you to implement a didactic task through a game one. The results of the game are the completion of a game action or a win. Logic and mathematical games and exercises use special structured material that allows you to visualize abstract concepts and relationships between them. Specially structured material: geometric shapes (hoops, geometric blocks); Schemes; Schemes-rules (chains of figures); Schemes of functions (computers); Schemes of operation (chessboard). So, the pedagogical possibilities of a didactic game are very high. The game develops all aspects of the child's personality, activates the hidden intellectual abilities of children. 2.2. Logical and mathematical games as a means of activating the teaching of mathematics Interest in mathematics among older preschoolers is supported by the amusement of the tasks themselves, questions, tasks. Speaking of entertainment, we do not mean entertaining children with empty amusements, but the entertainment of the content of mathematical tasks. Pedagogically justified entertainment aims to attract the attention of children, strengthen it, and activate their mental activity. Entertaining in this sense always carries elements of wit, playfulness, and festivity. Entertaining serves as the basis for the penetration into the minds of the children of a sense of beauty in mathematics itself. Entertaining is characterized by the presence of light and clever humor in the content of mathematical tasks, in their design, in an unexpected denouement when performing these tasks. Humor should be accessible to the understanding of children. Therefore, educators seek from the children themselves an intelligible explanation of the essence of easy tasks-jokes, funny situations in which students sometimes find themselves during games, i.e. achieve an understanding of the essence of humor itself and its harmlessness. A sense of humor usually manifests itself when they find separate funny features in various situations. A sense of humor, if a person possesses it, softens the perception of individual failures in the current situation. Light humor should be kind, create a cheerful, upbeat mood. The atmosphere of light humor is created by including story tasks, tasks of heroes of funny children's fairy tales, including joke tasks, by creating game situations and fun competitions. a) Didactic game as a learning tool mathematics. In mathematics lessons, games occupy a large place. These are mainly didactic games, i.e. games, the content of which contributes either to the development of individual mental operations, or to the development of computational techniques, skills in counting fluency. The purposeful inclusion of the game increases the interest of children in classes, enhances the effect of learning itself. Creation game situation leads to the fact that children who are passionate about the game, imperceptibly for themselves and without much effort and stress, acquire certain knowledge, skills and abilities. At older preschool age, children have a strong need for play, so kindergarten teachers include it in mathematics lessons. The game makes the lessons emotionally rich, brings a cheerful mood to children's team, helps to aesthetically perceive the situation related to mathematics. Didactic game is a valuable means of educating the mental activity of children, it activates mental processes, arouses in students a keen interest in the process of cognition. In it, children willingly overcome significant difficulties, train their strength, develop abilities and skills. It helps to make any educational material exciting, causes deep satisfaction in children, creates a joyful working mood, facilitates the process of mastering knowledge. generalizations. Didactic games provide an opportunity to develop in children the arbitrariness of such mental processes as attention and memory. Game tasks develop in children ingenuity, resourcefulness, ingenuity. Many of them require the ability to build a statement, judgment, conclusion; require not only mental, but also strong-willed efforts - organization, endurance, the ability to follow the rules of the game, subordinate their interests to the interests of the team. At the same time, not every game has significant educational and educational value, but only one that takes on the character of cognitive activity. A didactic game of an educational nature brings the new, cognitive activity of the child closer to the one already familiar to him, facilitating the transition from play to serious mental work. Didactic games are especially necessary in the education and upbringing of children of six years of age. They manage to concentrate the attention of even the most inert children. At first, children show interest only in the game, and then in that. learning material, without which the game is impossible. In order to preserve the very nature of the game and at the same time to successfully teach children mathematics, games of a special kind are needed. They must be organized in such a way that they: firstly, as a way to perform game actions, there is an objective need for the practical application of the account; secondly, the content of the game and practical actions would be interesting and provide an opportunity for the manifestation of independence and initiative of children. b) Logical exercises in mathematics classes. Logical exercises are one of the means by which children develop correct thinking. When they talk about logical thinking, they mean thinking that, in content, is in full accordance with objective reality. Logic exercises allow children to build correct judgments on the basis of mathematical material accessible to children, based on life experience, without preliminary theoretical development of the laws and rules of logic themselves. In the process of logical exercises, children practically learn to compare mathematical objects, perform the simplest types of analysis and synthesis, establish connections between generic and specific concepts. Most often, logical exercises offered to children do not require calculations, but only force children to make correct judgments and give simple proofs. The exercises themselves are entertaining, so they contribute to the emergence of interest in children in the process of mental activity. And this is one of the cardinal tasks of the educational process of older preschoolers. Due to the fact that logical exercises are exercises in mental activity, and the thinking of older preschoolers is mostly concrete, figurative, I use visualization in the lessons. Depending on the characteristics of the exercises, drawings, drawings, brief conditions of tasks, and records of terms-concepts are used as visualization. Folk riddles have always served and serve as fascinating material for reflection. In riddles, certain signs of the object are usually indicated, by which the object itself is also guessed. Riddles are a kind of logical tasks to identify an object by some of its features. Signs may be different. They characterize both the qualitative and quantitative side of the subject. For mathematics lessons, such riddles are selected in which, mainly by quantitative characteristics, the object itself is located along with others. Highlighting the quantitative side of an object (abstraction), as well as finding an object by quantitative characteristics, are useful and interesting logical and mathematical exercises. c) The role of role-playing games in the process of teaching mathematics. Role-playing games can be described as creative. Their main difference from other games is the independent creation of the plot and rules of the game and their implementation. The most attractive force for older preschoolers are those roles that give them the opportunity to show high moral qualities of a person: honesty, courage, camaraderie, resourcefulness, wit, ingenuity. Therefore, such games contribute not only to the development of individual mathematical skills, but also to the sharpness and logic of thought. In particular, the game contributes to the education of discipline, because. any game is played according to the relevant rules. Involving in the game, the child follows certain rules; with all this, he obeys the rules themselves not under duress, but completely voluntarily, otherwise there will be no game. And the implementation of the rules can be associated with overcoming difficulties, with the manifestation of perseverance. At the same time, despite all the importance and significance of the game in the lesson, it is not an end in itself, but a means for developing interest in mathematics. The mathematical side of the content of the game should always be clearly brought to the fore. Only then will it fulfill its role in the mathematical development of children and instilling their interest in mathematics. There are a variety of educational materials in didactics. The most effective tool is the logical blocks, developed by the Hungarian psychologist and mathematician Gyenesh, for the development of early logical thinking and for preparing children for learning mathematics. Gyenes blocks are a set of geometric shapes, which consists of 48 three-dimensional figures that differ in shape (circles, squares, rectangles, triangles), color (yellow, blue, red), size (large and small) in thickness (thick and thin ). That is, each figure is characterized by four properties: color, shape, size, thickness. There are not even two figures in the set that are identical in all properties. In their practice, kindergarten teachers mainly use flat geometric shapes. The whole complex of games and exercises with Gyenes blocks is a long intellectual staircase, and the games and exercises themselves are its steps. On each of these steps, the child must stand. Logical blocks help a child master mental operations and actions, these include: identifying properties, comparing them, classifying, generalizing, encoding and decoding, as well as logical operations. In addition, blocks can lay the beginning of an algorithmic thinking culture in the minds of children, develop in children the ability to act in the mind, master ideas about numbers and geometric shapes, spatial orientation. In the process of various actions with blocks, children first master the ability to identify and abstract one property in objects (color, shape, size, thickness), compare, classify and generalize objects one of these properties. Then they master the ability to analyze, compare, classify and generalize objects at once by two properties (color and shape, shape and size, size and thickness, etc.), a little later by three (color, shape, size; shape, size, thickness etc.) and according to four properties (color, shape, size, thickness), while developing the logical thinking of children. In the same exercise, you can vary the rules for completing the task, taking into account the capabilities of children. For example, several children are building paths. But one child is invited to build a path so that there are no blocks of the same shape nearby (operating with one property), the other - so that there are no identical ones in shape and color nearby (operating with two properties at once). Depending on the level of development of children, it is possible to use not the entire complex, but some part of it, first the blocks are different in shape and color, but the same in size and thickness, then different in shape, color and size, but the same in thickness and at the end, a complete complex of figures. This is very important: the more diverse the material, the more difficult it is to abstract some properties from others, and therefore compare, classify, and generalize. With logical blocks, the child performs various actions: lays out, swaps, removes, hides, searches, divides, and reasons along the way. So, playing with blocks, the child comes closer to understanding the complex logical relationships between sets. From playing with abstract blocks, children easily move on to games with real sets, with concrete material. Conclusion The mathematical development of children in a specific educational institution (kindergarten, development groups, additional education groups, gymnasium, etc.) is designed based on the concept preschool, goals and objectives of the development of children, diagnostic data, predicted results. The concept determines the ratio of pre-mathematical and pre-logical components in the content of education. The predicted results depend on this ratio: the development of the intellectual abilities of children, their logical, creative or critical thinking; the formation of ideas about numbers, computational or combinatorial skills, methods of transforming objects, etc. Orientation in modern programs for the development and education of children in kindergarten, studying them provides a basis for choosing a methodology. Modern programs (“Development”, “Rainbow”, “Childhood”, “Origins”, etc.), as a rule, include the logical and mathematical content, the development of which contributes to the development of the cognitive, creative and intellectual abilities of children. These programs are implemented through activity-oriented personality-oriented developing technologies and exclude "discrete" learning, i.e. separate formation of knowledge and skills with subsequent consolidation Logical techniques as a means of forming the logical thinking of preschoolers - this is a comparison, synthesis, analysis, classification, proof and others - are used in all types activities. They are used starting from the first grade to solve problems, develop correct conclusions. Now, in conditions of a radical change in the nature of human labor, the value of such knowledge is increasing. Evidence of this is the growing importance of computer literacy, one of theoretical foundations which is logic. Knowledge of logic contributes to the cultural and intellectual development of the individual. When choosing methods and techniques, the educator must remember that the basis educational process lies problem-gaming technology. Therefore, the priority is given to the game as the main method of teaching preschoolers, mathematical entertainment, didactic, educational, logic and mathematical games; game exercises; experimentation; solving creative and problematic problems, as well as practical activities. List of used literature 1. Bezhenova M. Mathematical alphabet. Formation of elementary mathematical representations. - M.: Eksmo, SKIF, 2005.2. Beloshistaya A.V. Getting ready for math. Guidelines for organizing classes with children 5-6 years old. - M.: Yuventa, 2006.3. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Abstracts of classes in the senior group of kindergarten. Maths. A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - M.: TC "Teacher", 2007.4. Denisova D., Dorozhin Yu. Mathematics for preschoolers. Senior group 5+. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007.5. Entertaining mathematics. Materials for classes and lessons with preschoolers and younger students. - M.: Uchitel, 2007.6. Zvonkin A.K. Kids and math. Home club for preschoolers. - M.: MTsNMO, MIOO, 2006.7. Kuznetsova V.G. Mathematics for preschoolers. A popular method of game lessons. - St. Petersburg: Onyx, Onyx-St. Petersburg, 2006.8. Nosova E.A., Nepomnyashchaya R.L. Logic and mathematics for preschoolers. - M.: Childhood-Press, 2007.9. Peterson L.G., Kochemasova E.E. Playing game. Practical course of mathematics for preschoolers. Guidelines. - M.: Yuventa, 2006.10. Sycheva G.E. Formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschoolers. - M.: Bibliophile, 2007.11. Shalaeva G. Mathematics for little geniuses at home and in kindergarten. - M.: AST, Slovo, 2009.

Alla Korneeva
Logic games as a condition for successful readiness for school

In modern practice preschool education, there is a clear shift in teaching elementary mathematics to children in the direction of development. Today, mathematics should become for the child not just a system of knowledge, but a powerful tool for learning about the world around us, stimulating the child’s independent development of means logical reflection of objects and comprehension of the relations between them, which as a result, in the aggregate, ensures the intellectual and cognitive development of the individual.

Developmental orientation of education in logic games, mathematics is the leading trend of the modern learning process preschooler. Therefore, mathematics should become for the child a necessary method of research that is related to the tasks of daily practical life.

Development logical thinking is one of the main tasks comprehensive development children, which should be given serious attention. Thinking is the highest form of human cognitive activity, the process of searching for and discovering something essentially new.

Developed thinking enables the child to understand the laws of the material world, cause-and-effect relationships in nature, social life and interpersonal relationships. Boolean thinking is fundamental in achieving success in life. With its help, a person is able to analyze any situation and choose the best course of action in the current situation. conditions. Boolean thinking must be constantly trained, best of all - from early childhood, in order to avoid stereotypical thinking, which is characteristic of the bulk of people.

Entertaining games on thinking, they teach the child to highlight the main thing, to generalize and draw appropriate conclusions. Gradually games develop in children the ability to think and reason independently, which is so important for harmonious development.

Formation logical thinking is important component pedagogical process.

It is solved mainly by means of entertainment in teaching mathematics. Mathematics provides real prerequisites for development logical thinking.

The task of the educator is to help children fully demonstrate their abilities, develop initiative, independence, manage the mental activity of children, organize and direct it.

The primary source of knowledge for children is sensory perception derived from experience and observation.

In the process of sensory cognition, they form representations - images of objects, their properties, relationships.

Understanding logical definitions, concepts is directly dependent on how children go through the first sensory stage of cognition.

The richer their natural-scientific ideas about the quantitative and spatial properties and relationships of real objects, the easier it will be for them in the future, by generalization and abstraction, to move from these ideas to mathematical concepts.

Due to this preschooler is a subject of the natural-mathematical space and this is given an important place in the system preschool education.

Effective development of children's intellectual abilities preschool age is one of the pressing problems of our time. IN preschool age, the foundations of the knowledge necessary for the child in school. Mathematics is a complex science that can cause certain difficulties during schooling. In addition, not all children have inclinations and have a mathematical mindset, therefore, when preparation for school it is important to introduce the child to the basics logical thinking, basic tricks: comparison, synthesis, analysis, classification, proof and others, which are used in all activities and are the basis of mathematical abilities.

However, one should not think that the development logical thinking is a natural gift, the presence or absence of which should be reconciled. There is a large number of studies confirming that the development logical thinking can and should be practiced (even in cases where the natural inclinations of the child in this area are very modest). When organizing special developmental work on the formation and development logical methods of thinking, there is a significant increase in the effectiveness of this process, regardless of the initial level of development of the child.

Modern pedagogical and educational literature offers a variety of methods that stimulate intellectual development children. However, in the literature it is difficult to find a holistic set of tools, techniques and methods, the totality of which makes it possible to provide manufacturability of this process.

Thus, a contradiction is revealed between the need to increase the level of formation of mathematical abilities, logical thinking of preschoolers and insufficient technological development of this process in conditions traditional learning system preschool education.

Currently, there are many games and exercises aimed at developing figurative and logical thinking, memory and attention, speech and creative imagination. The sooner you start developing and stimulating logical thinking based on the sensations and perception of the child, the higher will be the level of his cognitive activity, the faster the main, natural transition from concrete thinking to its highest phase - abstract thinking will be carried out.

Organization of mathematical education and development at various stages preschool childhood is due advancement of the child on the cognitive levels of development mathematics: from sensory-objective to figurative. Smooth progress of the child on the stairs logical development, provides children with an independent discovery of the meaning of mathematical relations with the help of objective action and a visual image.

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