
Wedding toasts and congratulations. Beautiful toasts for an original congratulations to the newlyweds at the wedding Wedding toast to the newlyweds


A wedding is impossible without sincere wishes to the newlyweds. Guests think about their speech in advance and select the appropriate words. Some people like to say it in their own words, some prefer to choose a poem on the occasion of a celebration, while others prefer a long parable with an instructive ending. Whatever toast format is chosen, the main thing is to speak sincerely and from the heart.

Like any important celebration, a wedding should begin with an opening statement. Usually this role is taken by the event host. After a short introduction, he gives the floor to the guests.

The first toast at a wedding is an important and responsible moment. Only close people who mean a lot to the newlyweds are trusted to pronounce it. Usually these people are parents. They are the ones who say the first words of congratulations, sincerely wishing their children a long family life. Such words come out very sincere and touch you to tears.

Although parents cannot say anything bad, you still need to prepare for the speech: choose the right words, rehearse in front of the mirror, pronounce a toast out loud more often. It should sound melodious, harmonious and carry an important message and instructions to the young.

Below are 2 options that will touch both the couple and guests:

  1. “Young ones, you were born to meet each other. Your paths ran parallel. You grew up, learned new things and met each other. Family does not appear immediately. Anyone present here will say this. Family is a lot of work! Get ready to give it your all. But it's not all that complicated. All this work is easy, because love helps you survive any difficulties. Protect your love, do not let strangers interfere with it. Give your all to your relationship. Please listen to our advice!”
  2. “Happy day when love, loyalty, support are glorified. Be a support to each other, learn to forgive mistakes, find beauty even in everyday little things. We wish you to realize your potential as spouses and parents. Always remember the feelings that overwhelm you now. May you live happily ever after!"

Wedding toast from mom

The most touching are congratulations from mom. This is a person who, like no one else, knows a young or young person, will be able to choose the best words and will not wish anything bad. A wedding toast from a mother causes awe in the entire room, because these words contain true love and hope for a bright future for their children.

Not all mothers are eloquent, so the toast cheat sheets below will help you speak correctly or feel inspired to write.

in prose

“Time flies inexorably. First steps, words, assessment. And now you are standing before a wonderful stage in your life. Dear ones, may happiness be with you. We will always help you, in word and deed. Our family found a daughter (son) today, whom we also love and respect. Today all the words are for you!”

“My father and I lived together for many years and we can tell you that family life requires a lot of effort. And a happy life is even more so. There is no general recipe for a perfect marriage. Yes, this is not necessary. Just be gentle. Love is the key to a happy marriage, no matter how much time has passed since the wedding.”

“How much I want to say to express our love, dear newlyweds. Only a parent's heart can store all the memories and generously share them at such moments. May all the angels protect you, may all your joint dreams come true. Now there is a single “WE” that you must protect. For love, for your future."

in verse

Such a congratulation will be perceived much more pleasantly, so you should take a closer look at the following options:

“I’ll shower my family with congratulations
Which is a little more than an hour old
I'll sprinkle you with holy water
I will bless you so much that there is a reserve.”

Father's toast at a wedding

Men are rarely verbose at weddings. When it’s the father’s turn to give a toast to the young, this short parting word includes everything that is most important, significant, and valuable. The father's toast at the wedding is no less touching, all because the sincerity of the words of a strong man cannot fail to touch the heart.

in prose

In most cases, fathers choose congratulations in prose. Below are 3 options for a speech that will be remembered by everyone present.

“You have already been told more than once how long-awaited and wonderful this day is. I wish you to do everything together - laugh, be sad, work, relax. And even though it’s so fun today, I’m a little sad. Bitter for the young!”

“Do not know sadness and sorrow, let the family be shrouded in love, tenderness, and comfort. Know that you will always find support in your father’s home.”

“To the young couple, I wish you to treat each other with care. In the ocean of life's passions, they managed to stay afloat and protected each other from bad weather and worries. You are still so young, you have a lot to learn. But everything can be done if your loved one is nearby. For your endless love."

in verse

Nice short toast for a wedding

Brevity is the “sister” not only of talent, but also of a good mood. Who wants to listen to a long boring toast, even if it is about deep feelings? That is why experienced speakers recommend speaking briefly at special events, but so that those around you remember this speech.

in prose

“Always remember that you are the creators of your life. May the sun always illuminate your family, and may the winds bring only changes for the better!”

“So glad to be present at your celebration and would very much like to be present in your life. We wish from the bottom of our hearts great love, respect and tenderness. Fewer everyday problems and life difficulties. Let your dreams come true!”

“Let’s put it briefly - love each other. Then all difficulties will fade away. Protect each other. Then no one can ruin your relationship!”

in verse

Cool short wedding toasts

Cool wedding toasts will help to defuse the atmosphere a little and make it less lyrical. They will make those present smile, lift their spirits and stand out from the rest.

in prose

“Poets often compare love to a flower. And this is an apt comparison: love, like a flower, must be constantly given love, cherished. Then the plant will bloom magnificently. A person will also blossom if you love him with all your heart. Newlyweds, we wish you to always remember this comparison.”

“There is one secret that will allow you to live happily. You just need to always remember the first kiss and forget the last quarrel. Always remember this day and the feelings you feel now.”

“Let's drink to the male desire to hunt. If not for it, our groom would never have won such a charming bride. »

in verse

"Let it never go out
Happy life dawn
May you always be happy
And for today - Bitter!”

This verse can be accompanied by small gifts on the topic:

And one more option:

"To the sound of a crystal glass
To the sound of sparkling wine
Congratulations to the newlyweds
And today we drink to the bottom.”

Funny short toasts for a wedding

When the mood of the guests has risen to the maximum level, the fun is overflowing, you can move on to funny toasts. Usually they are successful with friends - cheerful people, young people.

in prose

“Funny marriage jokes often involve failed relationships. But there is also an anecdote about a happy marriage: “My wife and I lived happily for 25 years until... we met.” I wish that the happiness of our young people begins here and now!”

“One day there was an accident on the road. The inspector asks the culprits why this happened. The woman replies: “I was driving the car as usual, and my husband was driving.” Therefore, it is important that the bride remembers that she is the “neck” of her husband and turns in the right direction.”

“For love without marriage! So that newlyweds encounter only excellent quality in love, family, and people around them.”

“We wish the newlyweds to be in a fairy tale: wash a lot of diapers and choose a lot of onesies. After all, children are real happiness.”

“Who’s doing well today? Who coped with the task 100%? These are the parents of the young. They gave birth to good people, raised them and gave them a good ticket to life. Let's raise a glass to them!"

in verse

In poetry, funny toasts are also very relevant:

"Don't be shy about being in love
And cherish love
To make you newlyweds
They could name it all their lives.”

A few more options:

Original wedding toasts

Coming up with original toasts for a wedding is not an easy task. I would like to say both important and not boring words, such that they fully characterize the newlyweds. Selecting such a greeting will take time. You can read the suitable options below.

in prose

“Let's thank our enterprising groom. He managed to find a wife who combines beauty, intelligence, thriftiness, and femininity. Not everyone can do this. For the groom!

“Chekhov said very important words for every couple: “In marriage, the main screw is love.” So let's raise a glass to the newlyweds' love. Let it never know the end.”

“In eastern countries, men can have several wives. But our fiance doesn’t need all this. He just met his love, which will replace any harem. Let it always be like this. Bitterly!"

in verse

Touching wedding toast

If a guest wants to say a touching toast at a wedding, then you can use these preparations.

in prose

“Scientific minds have been racking their brains for many years over the definition of love. A chemical reaction, hormones, a higher gift... One thing is clear - this is a great mystery. I wish our newlyweds to live with this secret all their lives and never unravel it.”

“When a man is stubborn, he will achieve what he wants. But on condition that the woman allows him to do this. For harmony in this couple!”

in verse

“Is it the dictates of fate or luck?
This meeting of two hearts definitely means something
After all, it’s probably no accident that you’re together today
In this role of the groom and his bride.”

Caucasian toasts for a wedding

Caucasian toasts for weddings are chosen far beyond the Caucasus. They are imbued with a special flavor, carry a strong message and act as an instruction for newlyweds. Not all of them begin “High in the mountains...”; there are also more original options.

The following congratulations can be distinguished:

  1. “Family life can be compared to a stormy sea. Only on rare days does it calm down, and the rest of the time the waves walk along its surface. But an experienced sailor can sail in both storm and calm. Be real sailors."
  2. “Let us remember the famous mountain that never reached Mohammed. He just didn't offer drinks. And we’ll drink to our friends who came to such an event related to the deprivation of a man’s freedom.”
  3. “One day a Caucasian husband got ready to run errands and told his wife to wait for him. The wife waited a long time and decided to send messengers to his friends. After some time, they all brought the same answer: “Don’t worry, I have your husband.” For real male friendship!

Wise toasts for a wedding

Wise wedding toasts must contain deep thought, instruction, and perhaps the speaker will even convey his own experience of family relationships.

in prose

“Every woman should always remember that her husband should always be surrounded by affection and love, then he will never go looking for it outside the home. Let's drink to wise women!"

“I want the family life of the young to be the personification of this celebration. Let there be as many smiles, joyful speeches and confessions in it.”

"Young! May the weather in your hearts always be clear, the sky above you clear, and all storms pass by.”

in verse

Toastmasters for a wedding

An experienced wedding toastmaster can juggle congratulations like balloons. Each of them is an example of the perfect toast. That is why, when preparing to attend a wedding, you can borrow some of them.

in prose

“Having attended more than one celebration, I can note that our bride is the ideal of beauty and grace. There is so much happiness in her eyes. Let it always be like this! And I wish the groom to always do so that his wife is the happiest!”

“Dear newlyweds! A man in love wears glasses that make gold out of copper and wealth out of poverty. Let you see all this with naked eyes.”

“One French writer said that a happy life is a fiction, there are only such days. I wish many happy days result in your happy married life.”

in verse

“Happiness for a hundred years ahead
Live without quarrels, misunderstandings
Here is a task from us for you
And love to keep each other
Let the district envy you!”

Toast - a parable at a wedding

In order for a parable toast to attract attention and be appreciated by guests, you need to think it through well. If you don’t have enough imagination, you can choose one of the following:

  1. “Some newlyweds quarreled very often. Then they went to the sage for help. He gave them a box of matches and said that a quarrel was minus 1 match. When they end, the couple must separate. The young people thought about it and began to value their relationships. Let not a single match be broken in your couple.”
  2. “One day a couple was walking along the pavement. The girl stumbled, but the guy supported her. “Careful, honey, there are pebbles,” he said. 5 years later, history repeated itself. “Be careful, there are rocks here,” it was now said. And after 10 years the man said: “What a stupid thing!” So let there be only pebbles and no stones in your destiny.”
  3. “Every young lady has a small gift from God - a piece of sugar. But some people hide even two such pieces within themselves. It is difficult to find such a person. But our groom made it through. For him!"

The wedding toast is a wish for all the best to the young family. The more interesting and beautiful it is, the more exciting and enjoyable it will be for both newlyweds and guests to listen to.

A wedding celebration is a wonderful, bright holiday, and every guest should be ready to share the joy with the newlyweds, tell them a few sincere warm words and wishes for happiness. If you are invited to a wedding and want to make an original toast that will be remembered by the newlyweds and will impress the guests, you will be interested in our article. In it you can find toasts from different countries for every taste, and also get acquainted with some recommendations on how to choose the right toast and how to pronounce it.

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How to choose and give a toast at a wedding

Many people become shy from excessive attention, blush and stammer in front of a large audience. If this sounds like you, consider the following tips:

  1. If there are people you don’t know at the event, it would be appropriate to introduce yourself and greet those present at the beginning of the monologue. This will put the audience in a favorable mood, and, accordingly, it will be much easier for you to communicate with them in the future.
  2. The most important thing is to attract attention. An effective technique is a joke at the beginning of a monologue. You can remember a funny story from the bride or groom's childhood, but don't overdo it. It is very important here to attract attention, but not to turn the joke into laughter.

  3. When the guests smile and listen to you attentively, you need to keep their attention until the end. Say your wishes sincerely and with intonation, without making too long pauses, but also without rushing. Avoid excessive artistry and pathos, otherwise you will be accused of insincerity.
  4. The entire speech should consist of an introduction, a body and an introduction. The toast should not be very long so that no one gets bored. Break it down into simple sentences, then it will be well understood by ear.
  5. It's easier to talk when you maintain eye contact with someone in the audience. Establish such contact with 2-3 guests and periodically change your gaze. You can use gestures, but they should not be excessive.
  6. If you are interrupted, turn it into a joke, without focusing too much attention on it and without making comments to anyone.
  7. If you have the desire and opportunity, prepare a short presentation and demonstrate it on the screen. Use photo collages, bright inscriptions and unobtrusive background music.
  8. If an additional wish, a small memory or any other idea that applies to a wedding toast suddenly comes to mind - don't be afraid to impromptu. You will earn the reputation of a sincere person who wholeheartedly shares the joy of the bride and groom.
  9. Don't say a toast in one breath. For the last 2-3 sentences, slow down and say them with maximum expression. The final touch is raising a glass with the words “To the bride and groom!”

Wedding toasts



Georgian toasts are small treasures of age-old wisdom; they are listened to like fairy tales with bated breath.


In Spanish traditions, during festive feasts, long toasts are rarely said; they prefer to choose short and succinct congratulations.

  • >The great poet and playwright Miguel de Cervantes said that love gives glasses that turn copper into gold, poverty into luxury, and tears into pearls. So let's drink to our newlyweds and to their love, which is capable of such miracles!
  • I wish you to burn in a hot flame day after day, without respite! This is the flame of your love, don’t let it go out!
  • May your journey be long and may luck never leave you! Your marriage is a journey for life, I wish that love becomes your eternal companion!


  • The powerful goddess of ancient Greece, the great Nike, was invincible in battles. She had wings, and in her hands she held a palm branch as a symbol of victory. Our whole life is a battle. Let's drink to the bride and wish her to always bring victory to her husband, lead him to victory day after day, be a support and support in all his endeavors!

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Wedding toast

None of the scientists can still
give an answer to the question: what is love?
Everyone agrees that love is a mystery
which remains unsolved to this day!
So let our newlyweds live their whole lives
with this secret in their hearts and will never be able to solve it!

Toast to the wedding

I want to drink to you, dear newlyweds, and make a wedding toast:
Each of us has our own path, which may be different. For some, this is a winding path full of barriers and obstacles. Someone has a wide road along which you can move freely and easily. Some people like to move quickly and swiftly, while others value caution and calm. Today you have connected two completely different paths into one common one. I would like to wish you that no matter what you encounter, you will always move together, hand in hand, support each other and protect each other. Have a smooth road!!!

Wedding toast in your own words

Bride and groom!
I ask you to rise.
Guests bow.
From now on, your fate is decided,
You have been given the titles “husband” and “wife”!
We wish you great and heartfelt love,
May your union be the strongest and most eternal.
May everything become more beautiful day by day
And let your home be a full cup!

Wedding toast in prose

Dear young people! My toast is clear and short. I wish that four holy names, four guardian angels are always present in your life: Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia-wisdom. Follow them, and may God grant you happiness in your family life.

Cool wedding toast

As they said in ancient Babylon: if you grab your chest, say something. Take a glass - say a toast. Here is my wish: “May two loving hearts never separate, may they grow together in sweet fidelity, as the creator wanted.” Congratulations on your legal marriage!

Wedding toast to the newlyweds

I propose to drink to the young people, let today begin the countdown of the most wonderful part of their lives. Let the clock hands freeze forever, recording the moment of the beginning of their family life, and let the chimes strike only on happy dates that are worth remembering! For the young people and their family!

Beautiful wedding toast

Wedding toast in verse

The life of a modern person is a garland of colorful days: bright and cloudy. And it depends only on you, dear newlyweds, which days you will have more! So let everyday trifles and troubles not spoil the most important thing in your life - your selfless love, which makes you the happiest in the world. Bitter, newlyweds!

Wedding toast in your own words

On this joyful day, I would like to wish you family happiness.
As you know, happiness cannot exist without love. Today is a wonderful sunny day. Let's imagine for a second what would happen if it were cloudy? Would this ruin your holiday? No. Do you know why? Because you really love each other and want to be together. So let's drink to the young people and their family happiness. Bitterly!

Short toast for a wedding

I want to congratulate our newlyweds on this extraordinary event in their lives, wish them mutual understanding and great love. Today is your day, and we drink to your happiness!

Cool toast for a wedding

Dear newlyweds!
With all my heart I wish you to celebrate in your life
at least ten more weddings: paper - in a year,
glass - after two years, aged - after three years,
calico - after five years, bronze - after ten years,
porcelain - in fifteen,
crystal - in twenty,
silver - in twenty-five,
gold - in fifty,
diamond - in seventy-five years.
I also wish that all today’s guests
were certainly present at all these weddings.
Let's drink to the fulfillment of this wish and the happiness of the young!

Cool short wedding toast

Marcus Aurelius believed that “people exist for each other.”
So let's drink to this
so that it will be so in this newly made family.
Young people, live for each other!

Funny wedding toast

I will say in the words of Rogers: “Live, young people, so that you will not be ashamed to sell your pet talking parrot to the main gossip of the city!”

Wedding toast in prose

Newlyweds, please tell me how children are born? Do not know? I will remind you of three ways how and where you can find them. First, order them from the stork. Second, look in cabbage. And thirdly, go to the store. But I want to drink to the fourth way to replenish your family - the most pleasant and proven one! For the young and their future children!

Wedding toast in verse

Friends! Today at an early hour
Suddenly the muse visited me!
She came to ask about you
And she gave me a toast for good luck!
What tender words
She dictated to me, brothers!
And... my head started spinning!
I have to admit now...
Search for eternal words
Take a spoon full of tenderness!
And let it burn like firewood,
Love passion is inevitable!
And Muse’s toast was simple:
“We must love each other steadfastly!”
And I, a single boy,
Raising my glass, I’ll shout to you: “Bitter!”

Funny wedding toast

A slender poplar grew in the forest,
and a slender birch tree grew nearby.
And they fell in love and were drawn to each other,
until they finally connected their branches and wove themselves together.
How are our newlyweds not poplar and birch?
Let's wish them twigs
their loves were never unraveled and held tightly to each other.

The best toast for a wedding

There lived a variety of feelings on a distant island: Joy, Boredom, Pride, Happiness, and, of course, Love. One fine day they noticed that the island was slowly sinking into the water, and decided to move to another before it was too late. Only Love was in no hurry to leave her favorite place. But when there was only water around, she began to call for help. No one wanted to save her, only one old man swam to her in his boat and transported her to the island. She tried for a long time to find out his name, and when she was told that it was Time, she was very surprised. Only Time can understand how important Love is in life.
Let's drink to ensure that this bright feeling never fades in your life and illuminates your long and happy path.

A short wedding toast in your own words

They say that marriages are made in heaven. Today, on your wedding day, I wish that your union will be protected by heaven, and may all life’s difficulties and everyday problems be nothing to you. Love each other and be happy all your life.

Wedding toast from friends

We would like to wish that the road of life along which you will walk, holding hands, will run through a beautiful blooming garden with sweet-voiced birds of paradise. So that the bright sun of love and goodness warms and illuminates your path. May fate favor you in all your endeavors; may obstacles and sorrows not be able to break you, but only make you stronger and more resilient! Be happy!

Wedding toast from parents

Our dear children,
You are more valuable than anyone in the world,
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
We bless your union.

You take care of each other
And always live together
And appreciate it every time
That fate suddenly brought you together.

For parents Beautiful New Cool From friends From a friend From a friend From a witness Good Wedding

Wedding toasts in prose and poetry:

So the wedding has arrived!
Whether you like it or not, have fun!
Everyone sit down at the table together,
The young people need to be congratulated!
Pour the stacks full,
The first toast is to the young!!!

As they said in ancient Babylon: if you grab your chest, say something. Take a glass - say a toast. Here is my wish: “May two loving hearts never separate, may they grow together in sweet fidelity, as the creator wanted.” Congratulations on your legal marriage!

In ancient times, in the beautiful country of India, there lived a padishah who had three wives. The padishah also had an astrologer who predicted his fate. And then one day the padishah calls the astrologer to him and says to him:
“You lived with me for a long time, but you never predicted anything bad for me.” And that’s why I wanted to reward you. Choose any of my wives. And then our astrologer approaches his first wife and asks her:
- Tell me, woman, what is two and two?
“Three,” she answers. “What a thrifty wife,” thought the astrologer.
The second one answered him:
- Four.
“What a smart wife,” thought the astrologer.
The third answered him:
- Five. “And this is a very generous wife,” thought the astrologer. What kind of wife do you think he chose?
At the table, everyone usually expresses their opinions. After a pause, the person giving the toast says:
- No, you're wrong. He chose the most beautiful one! So, friends, let us raise a glass to our beautiful ladies sitting at this table!

One ruler was asked:
- How do you maintain peace and tranquility in your state?
And he answered:
- When I am angry, my people are calm. When they are angry, I am calm. In other words, when I am angry, they calm me down, and when they are angry, I calm them down.
The family is a state in miniature. My toast is to preserve peace and tranquility in our families in this way.

Dear newlyweds! I propose a toast so that in your family life you always remember the words of the French writer Jean Rostand:
“A good family is one in which the husband and wife forget that they are lovers during the day, and that they are spouses at night.”
Let's drink to make sure this happens in your family!

A young man after the wedding says to his wife:
- Expensive! I forgot to tell you about one of my big drawbacks: unfortunately, I am often unreasonably jealous.
And his wife reassures him:
- Don't worry, dear! You don't have to be jealous of me... for no reason!
Here's some advice for young people. Don't give reasons for jealousy and don't be jealous for no reason!
I propose a toast to love without jealousy.

Dear young people! My toast is simple and short. I wish that four holy names, four guardian angels are always present in your life: Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia - wisdom. Follow them, and may God grant you happiness in your family life.

At this solemn hour, everyone rushes to congratulate you on your legal marriage.
Let's raise our glasses so that your marriage will be without marriage!
May the dawn of happiness shine! Let it only be bitter at the wedding. Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds! Today is your wedding day. As a sign of your union, you exchanged rings. There is a belief that newlyweds should have three rings: the first is a wedding ring, worn during engagement; the second is a wedding dress, worn for a wedding; and the third is the ring of patience. You can take off the first two rings, but the third ring should remain with you for life. I wish you mutual and unlimited patience in your family life! You have love, you will have patience, and your life will turn out successfully and happily. Good luck to you!

Making a beautiful toast is a kind of art. Words from the heart will definitely be remembered by the newlyweds and will delight them. The portal has made for you a selection of beautiful and original wedding toasts.

Toasts for a wedding: cool and funny

Funny congratulations are a good option for the best toast from a friend or friend of the newlyweds. Everyone loves funny wedding toasts - they sound beautiful and lift the spirits of the guests and the bride and groom.

Dear newlyweds, I want to tell you a short parable. One day a man asked God: “Why did you create women beautiful but stupid?” And God answered: “I gave them beauty so that you men would love them. And I made them stupid so that they could love you!” Therefore, if a woman is both beautiful and smart, like our bride, she will only be able to fall in love with an exceptional man - such as our groom. Let's drink to the wonderful couple - our newlyweds!

Friends! We shouted “Bitter!” to the newlyweds many times, and so I suggest we drink to the kiss. After all, it was invented by a man because he couldn’t find another way to shut a woman’s mouth. Kiss with or without reason!

Today I want to give you parting words, repeating the words of the writer Will Rogers: “Let your family live in such a way that you are not afraid to sell your talking parrot to the main gossip in town!” Live in love!

A succinct and short toast to the newlyweds

A short and beautiful toast for the newlyweds will certainly become one of the most memorable at the wedding. An interesting aphorism or a small quatrain will allow the bride and groom to take a break from long toasts and remember yours for a long time!
A good marriage is one in which the husband is the head and the wife is the heart. I wish your union that there will never be any heartache or headache!

To the sound of a crystal glass
Let's pour wine for each other.
Congratulating the newlyweds,
We drink to the dregs for their love!

Friends! Today is your holiday, and I feel so happy, as if they were congratulating me. Give each other and those around you as much light and warmth as you do now!

To the young people today I wish:
And in love, and in joy, and in sorrow
Remember your first hug,
Forgetting about the last quarrel

I drink to wealth! Be rich in smiles, children, happy days, and money - you can’t live without them. Congratulations!

In order to live in love and happiness until the golden wedding, the wife must have a golden character, and the husband must have iron patience. I raise a glass to the reliable alloy of two metals, to the merging of the souls of the bride and groom!

Beautiful wedding toast in prose

Wedding toasts in prose are an option for those who want to say words from the heart to the newlyweds. A wedding toast in your own words will sound beautiful and touching.

One famous writer said: “Happiness is when you are understood.” And this is true! I wish our young people to always hear and understand each other. Only by listening to your soulmate and supporting her will you find family happiness. Bitterly!

Today I propose to drink to the mathematics of family life. Thanks to addition, we have a new family. We subtracted both from the number of unmarried and unmarried. Our newlyweds will now share all the hardships in half, and multiply each other’s joy many times over! For the young!

Today I want to raise a glass not only to the bride and groom, but also to the children and parents. For the parents who raised such wonderful children and gave them a start in life. Health and strength to you, and many thanks! And, of course, for the children - for the future children of our newlyweds. Let your family grow, and let boys and girls like you make us all happy!

A toast to the newlyweds in verse: poetic and beautiful

A correctly chosen congratulation in verse will sound pleasant and will delight the bride and groom, as well as the guests. Try to choose a poem for your wedding that won’t be too long and won’t bore your listeners.

Whatever you dream - let it come true
Only good things will be remembered by you
And only happiness shines in the soul,
And very faithful friends will meet
You live together until old age,
Living all your days only in joy!

We congratulate you on your happy marriage.
And there is simply no happier moment!
We wish you goodness, smiles, happiness,
Much love and many, many years to come.
Today you are rich: how much
Surrounded by family, friends, smiles and flowers.
Now you've taken the common road
Her name is true love.
Hand in hand now, as they say -
Just walk together so as not to get lost,
So as not to fall or stumble
And you will only fall in love stronger and stronger!

The wedding is just the beginning
Family birthday.
Screams - Bitter! - sounded,
May your days be sweet.
And to the loud clink of glasses
And the radiance of lights,
To a standing ovation from the audience
Smile more cheerfully!
Good luck to you in a clear light
The common path will illuminate,
Well, those close to you give advice
They will not allow sadness into your heart.
May it never fade away
The sparkle of cheerful eyes,
What a wonderful holiday
May it bind you forever!

A well-spoken wedding toast is a great way to instruct the newlyweds, express your joy for them, congratulate them, or simply cheer them up. Our portal site hopes that one of the proposed options will be suitable for congratulating the bride and groom on their wedding day.