
Manicure for girls 9 10. Children's manicure on short nails: features, interesting ideas and recommendations. Experiments for the holidays


Many mothers think that getting a baby manicure for their children is not necessary. But they are mistaken. Manicure for children's nails is, first of all, health, and only then aesthetics and beauty. The procedure is performed on girls under 15 years of age. Until this age, active growth and development of the nail plate occurs. At about 15-16 years old, nails take on the same shape as those of an adult girl.

  • Children's nail plates have a thin and soft structure, so they must be handled with extreme caution. None of the procedures should cause discomfort or pain in the child.
  • For children, it is recommended to have an unedged manicure. The risk of injury must be avoided.
  • Some children have a habit of biting their nails, so the free edge is sometimes very uneven.
  • Children have a tendency to contaminate the subungual space, so experts recommend using warm baths more often.

  • Often the cuticle grows, but experts still strictly do not recommend removing it. Treatment of the periungual space should be gentle and safe. Careless actions can lead to deformation of the root zone and disruption of the natural growth processes of the nail plate.
  • Hangnails should be removed only after soaking.
  • Decorative nail design is optional. It is enough to get by with hygienic treatment of the plate and application of transparent varnish. To improve the condition of the nail plate, use varnish with medicinal properties. But for festive occasions, you can use a design with colored varnishes that matches the girl’s age. It should be recalled to use special high-quality products that do not harm the child’s thin nail plates.

Read also: Choosing the right manicure for a green dress

How is manicure beneficial for children?

  • Cleanses the subungual space from dust and dirt.
  • Weanes off the habit of biting nails (onychophagia). I don't want to spoil a beautiful design.
  • This is a source of pride for girls. There is even a special varnish for this with a bitter, unpleasant taste that you don’t want to try.
  • Creates a beautiful appearance and correct shape of the nail plate.
  • Develops the habit of taking care of oneself from a young age.

Mandatory conditions for performing manicure on children's nails

  • Children's nails and all instruments are treated with an antiseptic.
  • It is not recommended to cut your nail too short. You need to leave 1-2 millimeters of free edge. It is necessary to select scissors with rounded tips to reduce the risk of injury.
  • It is necessary to file thin and soft nail plates in one direction, using a file with an abrasiveness of 240. Experts recommend using glass files, which cause less discomfort.
  • Warm hand baths have a beneficial effect on the condition of the nails and skin of the hands. But it is important to choose mild hypoallergenic products that do not cause irritation. Herbal decoctions of calendula, celandine, and chamomile are perfect. They have an antiseptic effect, soften the skin, and heal small wounds and cuts. The water temperature should be comfortable for the child - 36-37 degrees.
  • Using a hand bath will remove hangnails without damaging the cuticle. To do this, use wire cutters or scissors with rounded ends. At this stage it is necessary to work especially carefully. If damage is accidentally caused, immediately wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide.

Read also: How to properly care for extended nails at home?

  • No need to cut cuticles! You just need to move it away. On sale you can find sticks with a rubber tip. When using such a tool, the risk of injury is reduced to zero.
  • After the procedure, you can soften the skin of your hands with baby cream. It will not cause redness or allergies. Alternatively, you can use almond oil. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to perform a light and pleasant massage of the hands.
  • You can apply a special water-based varnish for children to the records. It contains no harmful substances. Another option is baby nail stickers, which are easy to use and very colorful.

Children's manicure step by step

Are you planning to give your child a manicure at home? This is very responsible, as are many procedures that the mother performs. All stages of the process are not difficult to complete, but you need to do it very carefully! Every mother needs to master the technology of performing children's manicure!

Here are step-by-step instructions for performing a children's manicure.

  • Prepare all necessary tools and materials. In cosmetic stores or online, you can find a children's manicure set that contains everything you need. Although the range of such products is quite scarce, because children's manicure is a relatively new trend in cosmetology.
  • Boil the tools for half an hour and treat them with an antiseptic.
  • Prepare a hand bath with a decoction of herbs.
  • Place all the necessary supplies on the table so that they are easy to take. But don't put them close to the edge. It is better to keep all tools away from the child.
  • Wash your hands and your child’s fingers with baby soap. Wipe your child’s nails and periungual area with an antiseptic.
  • Seat your child comfortably at the table.
  • Use scissors to trim the nails, leaving 1-2 mm of free edge.
  • File down the uneven edges with a nail file.
  • Place the child's hands in a warm bath for 3-4 minutes.
  • Using a spatula, scrape away any remaining dirt and dust under the edge of the nail.
  • Carefully remove any hangnails.
  • Push back the cuticle with an orange stick.
  • Give your child a hand massage using baby cream.
  • If desired, apply a decorative finish or clear coat.

Children often want to be like their parents. Therefore, it is not surprising that little girls from the age of 10-12 try to wear makeup and do their hair the way their mother does. They also take care of their nails, collecting polishes or borrowing them from their mother’s shelf.

But a children's manicure is not just varnishing the nails. This is also a mandatory hygiene procedure that parents should teach their children at home.

In salons they often offer children's manicures for half the price, but you shouldn't get carried away with visiting a specialist. It is better to gradually teach your child to do his nails on his own. To do this, you need to not only tell him how everything is done, but also show him by example, and also give your daughter everything she needs.

Children's manicures are given to both girls and boys, because everyone's nails grow. You need to take care of your children's nails from infancy so that the baby cannot scratch himself and so that dirt does not accumulate under the nails.

At 10, 11 and 12 years old, you can already teach children to be independent, teach them to cut their own nails. Usually the problem lies in the left hand (in the right hand for left-handed people), because not even all adults can handle it easily.

To prevent your child from getting injured, you can learn how to give yourself a child’s manicure using nippers (2 types are shown in the photo). This is a unique tool that you will need to learn how to work with, but it is safer than nail scissors. Also, a 10-12 year old girl should also have nail files in her arsenal. It is not necessary to buy polishes, because children's nails are too thin and soft.

How to do a children's manicure for girls 2016 tips photo

In the salons where girls come with their mothers to beautify them, they treat the nails of young visitors as carefully as possible, since the nail plate has not yet fully formed: the child is given a manicure on dry nails without cutting the cuticle.

No grinding or polishing - children's hands are very delicate, blood vessels are located close to the surface of the nail, so they can be injured during the polishing or grinding procedure.

After treating children's hands with an antiseptic spray, you can file down the overgrown edge. Not all children can heroically withstand the vibrations of a file, so an overgrown nail can be carefully trimmed with nippers or nail scissors, or you can choose the softest file with an abrasiveness of 240 units or more.

You can make a softening bath. But, since children's skin is extremely delicate, choose fragrances and additives carefully. It is better to make herbal decoctions and add a couple of drops of essential oil. Use scissors with rounded edges to remove burrs that irritate children (which leads to the habit of simply biting them off).

The cuticle is left on children's nails because removing and disturbing it is too traumatic and painful - apply a product that dissolves the cuticle.
The next stage for children is the most pleasant - a light massage of the hands using aromatic baby cream.

If mom and dad allow, you can apply varnish to your nails. Usually, special children's varnishes are used that do not contain solvents and are washed off with plain water, or varnishes with a bitter taste so that the child breaks the habit of biting his nails.

Fashionable ideas for children's manicure for girls 2016 trends photos new items

On the eve of September 1, many parents are probably thinking about how to give a beautiful manicure to their child. At the same time, a manicure for a 12-year-old girl and a manicure for a 9-year-old girl will have some differences. First of all, in the color scheme and in the nail design itself.

If at 9 years old a girl is still just a child, then at 12 she is already a little lady who is quite demanding about her appearance. Before applying a design or choosing a varnish color, consult with your child and find out what he wants.

When decorating your nails, use translucent tones and light colors. At the same time, a manicure for a girl for school should be discreet and not contrast too much with her skin color.

The manicure for girls, designed in accordance with the theme of the event, is particularly original. Let’s say that on the first of September, a manicure for a 10-year-old girl may contain designs of bows, blots, ladybugs or fruits - as a reminder of summer.

For a birthday, the nails of a young fashionista can be decorated with images of cake, pastries, fireworks, and floral patterns. For New Year's celebrations, an excellent option would be all kinds of images of snowflakes, deer, Santa Claus, gifts, etc. The options are limited only by your imagination and artistic skill.

Fashionable children's manicure with princesses 2016 new photos

Easy manicure with princesses is especially popular among girls. At such a young age, you want to experiment with your appearance, change your hairstyle, make an original design on your nails, and learn how to apply makeup.

Such an unusual manicure will definitely attract the attention of others and deserve the highest praise. In addition, children's and teenagers' manicure with princesses is universal - it is suitable for both school and a date with a guy.

Also, a manicure with a “princess” design is also suitable for children over 10 years old who are just starting to paint their nails. We suggest you make a simple, but at the same time effective drawing, which will take only half an hour.

Fashionable manicure with Mickey Mouse 2016 stylish ideas new photos

There is hardly any need to explain who Mickey Mouse is. Although, not everyone knows that this cartoon character, a symbol not only of the Disney film company, but also of American culture, appeared back in 1928. Despite such a decent age, it not only has not lost its popularity, but thanks to the skill of the animators and modern technologies, it has only increased its ratings. And so much so that adults and children like it equally.

T-shirts, jackets and shoes with his image are proof of the unfading popularity of Mickey Mouse. Well, since nail design also keeps pace with the latest fashion trends, it would be unforgivable for nail art not to take advantage of such a multifaceted plot.

As for manicure in the style of Mickey Mouse, there are dozens if not hundreds of variations on this theme. Photos of various options are probably in the portfolio of every nail art master. The design can be from the simplest - a red background and a bunch of circles on the nails, to a complex full-fledged reproduction of the main character or even entire scenes from his adventures.

Of course, not every nail design master will be able to reproduce a design with this restless mouse, so that it looks beautiful and bright. In order to simplify the task of the master, as well as to allow Mika’s admirers to apply the design on their nails themselves, ready-made stickers with the image of the favorite of millions are available for sale. Produced industrially using special equipment, these nail stickers are distinguished by their beautiful design, rich colors and affordable price. So affordable that you can change them every day if you wish. And such stickers are applied simply and without problems.

But if you still prefer varnish, then you can reproduce Mickey Mouse schematically in the “head and two ears” format or symbolically in the form of circles. As for the color scheme, it is preferable to use bright colors for children’s manicure; for “adults,” it is better to stick to the traditional white-red-black color scheme. Photos of various manicure options a la Mickey Mouse can be viewed online.

Manicure for girls for school 2016 fashion trends photos new items

If the school does not have a strict dress code that also applies to the issue of decorative cosmetics, little fashionistas can be allowed a manicure. Again, to look more mature and like my mother.

In addition, adolescence, especially in educational institutions, is filled with attempts to stand out and attract attention. And in this, the mother should help her daughter in order to instill in her an aesthetic taste at a young age, explain what is appropriate at school, and what is better left for a special occasion.

It is undesirable to use excessively bright and dark shades of varnish. No black and nothing close to it, red. The pastel range of nude and dusty tones is ideal: beige, milky, porcelain, ivory.

If the varnish has a “jelly” texture, which indicates its transparency, single-layer coatings of coral, sunny yellow, coffee and lilac tones are also appropriate. However, it is recommended to make these shades an accent rather than a background.

Unlike adults, manicure for teenagers requires more care, since surfaces at a young age are prone to damage. A timely instilled habit of caring for the plate will eliminate fungal diseases and the bad habit of biting nails. Parents are obliged to instill in girls a sense of beauty and explain the importance of grooming and attractiveness. This knowledge will help you become a true fashionista in the future.

Features of teenage care

Girls begin to become interested in their own appearance between the ages of 9 and 14. This age is considered reverent, as personality and habits are formed that play a decisive role in the future. If there is a matinee, a school holiday, or just an important event at stake, it is important to choose the right nail polish and design to match the style of the outfit. This will allow the child to feel growing up and turn into a real princess.

The design shouldn't look like mom's. You should take into account the child’s preferences and not try to turn him into an adult. Remember that children have their own fashion trends.

Before you begin the procedure, you need to prepare your fingers. To do this, treat your hands with an emollient and wash them with soap. Then use small scissors to cut off the excess length and shape it using a nail file. Do not cut the cuticle to keep the thin skin intact and avoid bruising. Use a wooden orange stick. Simply push the cuticle away from the surface. Before nail art, consult with your child which design is preferable.

Popular options for 9–13 years

Forget that it’s too early to get your nails done at this age. Girls already want to look like their mother and surprise their classmates with their fashionable looks. Support your child in his desire to become beautiful. Just explain that frequent dyeing is harmful to health. But on holidays it’s quite possible to please a fashionista. Let's look at popular design ideas.

  • Animals. Animal prints are popular with adults and children. They attract and amuse them. The difference is that women use a separate element reminiscent of the animal, and you will need to try to depict a whole bunny or cat. It’s difficult to do this at home if you don’t have drawing skills, but you can use stickers or practice several times. The panda is considered a fashion trend. To depict it you only need colorless, black and white varnishes.

  • Cartoon characters play an important role. The main thing is to consider the child’s preferences and remember adolescence. For example, the characters from Malyshariki are no longer relevant. Variations with anime are possible.

  • Bows and flowers suitable for princesses who want to grow up faster.

Pay attention to your daughter's character. If she doesn't like the drawing, discard it. Otherwise, problems with self-esteem may arise and complexes may develop. Remember the time spent together. Avoid conflicts and opposition of interests. Mom should be a friend at the same time. Put yourself in the shoes of your own child and try to find a common language.

Advice! Before applying polish, degrease your nails. This way it will remain in its original form for a long time. Don't forget the base coat.

What do 14 year olds like?

During this period, it is no longer the drawing that is important, but the condition of the hands. Show how to make caring moisturizing masks and salt baths to soften and nourish the skin. Now you can allow yourself to take care of your nails, but still stay nearby while using scissors.

The maximum length of the free edge cannot exceed 4 mm. Don't cut it close as the plate may start to form incorrectly. For decoration, use regular varnish. Helium coating is still very heavy for thin plates.

At home you can reproduce:

  • Compositions from hearts. They are especially popular around Valentine's Day. If red is too bold, replace it with pink. It goes great with white.

  • Fun colorful polka dots. Dots are easy to make on a plain base. You can vary their number, location, size and shades.

  • Simple leaves and flowers Will decorate a child's fingers at any event. At the same time, they don’t look too flashy.

  • Stripes, lines and geometric patterns are elementary in execution, especially if you use special stencils.

Don't forget about decorations. In youth, stones and rhinestones are popular and attract attention. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will end up with a vulgar image. But a few crystals at the base are perfectly acceptable.

Advice! Avoid metal nail files. They cause fragility, brittleness and delamination.

Design for 15–16 year olds

In high school, fashionistas' preferences change. They already try to please the boys, go for walks in the evening and feel like adults and independent individuals. This period is critical as character development occurs. Therefore, try to support your daughter in her desires, of course, if they are within reason.

What to choose for an elegant nail design?

  • Emphasize the fact that you don't have to use too bright colors to stand out from the crowd. It is better to follow fashion trends and use pastel shades, nudes and small design elements.

  • If the desire to emphasize individuality is stronger, pay attention to abstractions.

  • Do not discourage self-expression in red and burgundy unless it interferes with your studies, for example, during the holidays. We will talk about this in more detail.

If a child considers himself to be one of the subcultures, be prepared for the fact that he is unlikely to like the classic look. But don't be led. Goths don't have to paint their nails black. Show the advantages of French. Offer the best option. Replace the skulls with silver chains. You will receive gratitude if you try to plunge into and understand the inner world of your child.

Advice! Do not remove coatings using improvised means. A special liquid is designed for this. Take your time and perform the manipulation carefully.

Ideas for school

Remember your school days. We always wanted to stand out in some way. The awareness of one's own beauty and its emphasis often went beyond. Therefore, follow the preferences of the growing girl and show her truly original and appropriate options, for which teachers will not punish her.

You know for sure the importance of well-groomed hands, so don’t send your child to class with dirty nails of different lengths. But with design, things are a little more complicated. Let's consider the most affordable and acceptable styles.

  • French– a classic look that is suitable for all ages. It looks neat, discreet and well-groomed. The trend is a smile of different shades, so don’t forbid you to dye the white tip pink. You can add a small design or stone on one selected finger, for example, the ring finger.

  • Gradient or ombre pastel colors look charming and emphasize good taste. It is not difficult to do at home if you use a regular foam sponge.

  • Plain coating will never lose popularity. Play with monochrome through texture. Alternate between gloss and matte to add flair to your look.

Pay attention to the moon manicure and negative space techniques. Try not to use flashy colors.

Advice! Do not overuse nail dryer as it mainly contains acetone. The most acceptable option is an ultraviolet lamp.

Experiments for the holidays

When the lessons end, freedom comes. Schoolgirls dress and paint themselves however they want. The task of parents is to channel creativity and enthusiasm in the right direction. Liberation from occupation does not mean complete anarchy. But you can allow the use of bright colors.

  • At 9 – 13 years old Help the young lady portray her favorite cartoon characters. Black Mickey Mouses on a red background are a perfectly acceptable option. Multi-colored fruits and animals look funny on short nails. Don't be afraid to combine with yellow, orange, blue and green.

  • At 14 the desire to be an adult becomes stronger and red appears on the plates. Remember that it is seductive and sexy only on an adult hand, so don’t worry about it and feel free to draw hearts, polka dots, bows.

  • At 15 – 16 Offer the fashionista the broken glass technique or a matte manicure. They are in the 2017 trend for adults, but they look no less attractive on teenage nails.

Advice! Under 16 years of age, the plate cannot be extended. The original surface is still weakened and will not withstand aggressive influence. If the need arises at 14 years old, use helium materials.

Manicure for graduation

The last school ball characterizes the period of transition from childhood to adolescence. Girls become girls and certainly strive to emphasize this. Explain that moderation is important in everything. This also applies to style. Of course, it should be more sophisticated than usual, but consider the style of the dress and the event in general. Add more sparkle with rhinestones that sparkle under the evening lights.

Decorate the monochrome design with sparkles. Make a scattering on the tips so that it covers a third of the surface. It's stylish, fashionable and youthful.

Photo design will be creative. Select any image and print it in a photo salon. Decorate one or more nails with it.

Modeling is not used in everyday nail art in 2017–2018. But as a small original element at a prom, it is quite harmonious. Make one large flower on your ring finger in the salon. Try to match the style with other accessories.

On a magical evening, any manifestation of individuality is possible. The main thing is to use moderation and do not try to depict all the patterns in one design. Conciseness and simplicity are most appropriate. It's no secret that naturalness is the main trend of the current season.

Advice! For a girl to see the right technology, take her to a professional salon.

Dedicated to the boys' parents

Men should take care of their hands just as much as women. This needs to be explained to the child from school. Of course, there is no need to use varnishes. But cutting your nails on time and nourishing your skin so that it doesn’t become too rough is necessary. Let's take a step-by-step look at the execution process:

  • Treat your fingers with an antiseptic to destroy pathogens.
  • Carefully file the ends so that they are the same shape and length. Don't cut it too short. Leave 2 - 3 mm in length.

  • Treat the cuticle with an emollient and remove it from the surface with an orange stick.

  • Remove hangnails with pliers. If wounds have formed, seal them with medical glue.
  • Massage your fingers and hands with a cream that softens the skin.

If a young man complains of increased dryness, perform paraffin therapy. An ordinary colorless varnish will help prevent brittleness and delamination. It is not visible on the surface, but it plays the role of an excellent fixative.

Advice!Remember that manicure is an important part of hygiene. Teach from childhood that hands should look well-groomed and attractive.

Recently, children's manicures have become increasingly common. And this is by no means excessive extravagance, but a normal procedure for caring for a child’s nails for hygiene purposes. If you do not properly care for your nail plate from childhood, then as a result, the nail plate will turn out to be short. In addition, children very often bite their nails or parents try to cut them as short as possible, all this also leads to the destruction of the nail in the future.

Why does a child need a manicure?

Children's manicure is a standard mandatory procedure that should be performed once a week, or a little less often.

Any mother can easily perform a children's manicure on her own; to do this, it is enough to take into account some nuances, and you can also watch video materials on the technique of performing it.

If a nail manicure is done correctly, it will help quickly wean your little child from biting his nails, and will also have a healing effect on them.

Nuances of children's manicure on short nails

  1. Manicure for children should be performed in an untrimmed manner so as not to damage the cuticle and nail plate, and this is also the safest way to treat a nail.
  2. All products that will be used - creams, soaps, varnishes and oils must be from a children's line.
  3. All procedures should be performed carefully so as not to damage the nail.
  4. The length of the nail should be at least 2 mm.

It is important to teach your child to take care of his nails from childhood, so he will not develop complexes about his appearance and will enjoy the procedure every time.

Nail polish

The question that worries parents most about children's manicure is: is it even possible to paint children's nails? The answer to this question will be yes. All salons provide manicures using varnish. If you perform a children's manicure at home yourself, then you should choose the products carefully. You need to buy varnishes in specialized stores and carefully study the composition of the product. It is very good if the composition contains vitamins and calcium.

The procedure for children's manicure can be turned into a real game, where the child himself must choose the color of the varnish and the design, and the mother must try to fulfill his wishes.

What else, besides nail polish, should be included in a children's manicure kit?

First of all, this is necessarily an antiseptic, emollient cream or oil, varnishes of various shades, as well as stencils and glitter. After all, with the design of a children's manicure, you can safely fantasize and come up with unusual patterns or designs.

Tools should include nail scissors and several orange sticks.

Technology for performing children's manicure on short nails

  1. First of all, the child must be adjusted to the procedure.
  2. Use an antiseptic to treat your hands and your child's.
  3. Pour some warm water into a bowl, add aromatic oil to it and steam the girl’s hands.
  4. The next step is to treat the cuticle with a special oil. This is necessary to soften it and prevent the thickening of the cuticle itself. If a cuticle has formed on the nail, it must be pushed back with an orange stick. Under no circumstances should you trim the cuticle, otherwise this will cause it to thicken and it will form even faster.
  5. Next, you need to file your nails, giving them shape using a soft file. It is best to use a glass nail file for this procedure, as it will help avoid discomfort during the procedure.
  6. Then the base coat is applied to the nails and left until completely dry. At this time, you can lubricate the girl’s hands with cream and perform a light massage.
  7. The final stage will be the design of the nail plate. You can choose a design using a photo and try to depict the same thing on the child’s nails.

Features of children's manicure

In the first year of a child’s life and up to 6 years of age, nails should not be cut under the skin, but should be left 1-2 mm. This should be done after taking a bath, once a week will be enough. After trimming the nail, you can rub baby oil into the skin.

Starting from the age of 7, girls are allowed to have an unedged manicure. With a hardware manicure, the cuticle is removed, which is harmful to the tissues, and, in addition, deformation of the unformed nail plate may occur.

At the age of 12, the body’s hormonal levels begin to change and the nail plate becomes stronger. This lasts until age 17. By this point, with proper care, the girl’s nails become strong and healthy.

That's why it's important to take care of your nails from early childhood.

Video on the topic of the article

Manicure for girls becomes interesting from a very young age. Any mother is the standard of beauty for her daughter. Little princesses ask to have their nails painted in bright colors. Which design should I choose for my child?

Nail treatment

Since the child will not be able to treat his fingers on his own, these procedures must be carried out by the parent.

Remember that the skin on your hands is very sensitive, and children are very restless. You should approach the coating of your nails with extreme caution.

Children's manicure for girls should be performed in several steps.

  1. It is necessary to steam the handles well. This can be everyday bathing or a special bath with warm water. After it, the nails become elastic and pliable.
  2. Before the procedure, you must disinfect your hands and your child’s hands with an antiseptic.
  3. It is recommended to trim the nails using thin straight scissors.
  4. Apply nail softener or cuticle oil to your nails. Use an orange stick to clean the nail plate.
  5. Give your nails a neat shape using a soft file.
  6. Moisturize the skin of the nails with oils (tea tree, avocado, lemon). They will help your fingers look beautiful and well-groomed.


What color should you paint your child's nails? The best thing to do is ask him about it. Maybe the child wants to choose a specific shade. It is recommended to use white or clear varnish for the base and under the stickers. And manicures for fashionable girls can come in different shades.

All pastel colors

  • light pink;
  • mint;
  • turquoise;
  • lilac;
  • pale yellow.

All rich shades

  • red;
  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • green;
  • violet;
  • blue;
  • blue.

Ideas for children's manicure

It is important to remember that the design should not be flashy or annoying. The child should like it and not cause discomfort. The simpler the design, the better. Variations of manicure for girls are presented in the photo below.

Rainbow nails

Children love a riot of colors! The more there are, the more interesting. Cover each nail with a different polish. You can add some peas, hearts or bows.


Introduce your child to a true friend. Let cute little animals adorn your fingers! The choice here is huge. It can be:

  • kittens and dogs;
  • bunnies and raccoons;
  • chickens and ducklings;
  • fawns;
  • butterflies, ladybugs. bees, etc.


No children's manicure for girls would be complete without their favorite cartoon characters. Draw on your fingers or glue stickers of your child’s favorite friends:

  • Hello Kitty's sweet pussy;
  • My Little Pony toys;
  • Smeshariki;
  • Disney princesses;
  • minions or emoticons;
  • Minnie and Mickey Mouse.

Draw Hello Kitty on your fingers.

Glamorous manicure

It’s very easy to turn a beautiful manicure for girls into a fairy tale. Just add a little iridescent glitter or shiny foil, which is attached with glue. With such an original design that shimmers in the sun, every girl will feel like a real princess.

Design for school

If a child goes to school, then it is better to choose a neutral and light manicure for a girl. The best option is nails coated with clear varnish. It is worth sticking to light and beige tones so that the coating does not distract the child and his classmates.