
Congratulations on Railway Worker's Day to the station manager. Beautiful SMS congratulations on Railway Worker's Day. Comic humorous congratulations to railway workers in prose


Boss, congratulations
On a glorious holiday from the heart,
Let the semaphore blink for you,
Sleepers will be good.

Let the train of happiness arrive
To the platform of fate quickly,
He will bring you in his own carriages
Thick stacks of rubles.

Excerpts to you, optimism,
It's a glorious thing to love,
With understanding and charisma
We are only to be led.

Rails, sleepers, trains -
You are used to such worries!
We wish you always
The work brought only joy!

I wish you health, strength and patience,
Let your life be filled with goodness!
Let the mood be bright
And all your dreams will come true!

Dear boss, I sincerely congratulate you on Railway Worker’s Day. I wish you never to doubt your strengths and righteousness, I wish you to constantly achieve true victories and significant success in your activities, I wish that your efforts and hard work never go unnoticed, I wish you to achieve your goals as quickly as if a high-speed train reaches its destination.

Your boss
Severe, reliable,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Happy Railwayman's Day.

We wish that the compositions
How the clock went
Switchmen arrows,
To be translated.

So that there is no downtime,
Disasters, accidents,
So that they give us bonuses,
Orders and medals for you.

Under the uniform sound of wheels
Let the locomotive rush forward,
And the mood will be bright!

May joy always await you,
I wish you only success in everything,
So that nothing and never
Fortunately, it didn’t become a hindrance for you!

Congratulations, our boss,
The best, dear.
You are on the railroad
We chose our path.

On your holiday we wish you strength,
Don't be sad and don't complain,
Only with joy on the rails
Walk towards your dreams.

I wish you this holiday
Lots of happiness, many years to come,
So that this bright summer
The sun warmed your path!

Let your salary grow
Everyone's dreams come true!
And may this date give you
Gives a lot of kindness!

Happy holiday! Railway
Like the road of life it rushes forward,
There is still so much ahead,
And the road beckons and calls.

To glorify railway workers
On this holiday we want again,
We want to congratulate you, boss.
And wish you happy journeys!

Happy Railway Worker's Day
Congratulations, our strict boss!
Well, not strict - just responsible
You have to take up a post.

We wish you to hold on in life
Important truths, always smile.
To wish respect from colleagues
And always have inspiration!

Railway workers today celebrate
Its a big holiday. Because
Congratulations to the management
And I sincerely want to wish you,

So that all your wishes come true,
Problems should never happen.
Successfully end so that the quest
And happiness will always warm you.

Happy Railway Day!
The team respects you.
Let in all your affairs
Success accompanies you.

Take any height.
The one we strive for.
And great results
We wish you to succeed.

Happiness and health to you!
And high achievements!
Big investment for us,
Promising investments for us!

On the first Sunday in August, Russians celebrate one of the oldest holidays - Railwayman's Day. It was established back in Tsarist Russia, at the end of the 19th century. The holiday was timed to coincide with the birthday of Nicholas I on June 25. Later, the railway workers were forgotten, reviving the holiday only after the October Revolution. For many years the celebration was celebrated on July 30, and later moved to the first Sunday in August. On August 7, 2016, more than one million Russian Railways employees will receive congratulations on Railway Worker's Day, and colleagues will congratulate each other on their professional holiday. If in your family or among friends there are people for whom the word “train” means something more than just transport on rails, congratulate them on this holiday. These can be simple, artless congratulations in prose, romantic poems, or funny SMS. Children can draw pictures depicting mom as a conductor or dad as a driver of a large train.

Solemn and official congratulations to colleagues on Railway Worker’s Day in prose

On August 7, 2016, all Russian Railways employees will be officially congratulated. The Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation and his deputies will congratulate their colleagues at the highest level. At the local level, these will be crew chiefs and senior conductors. In honor of the solemn date, festive events and concerts will be held. On this day, the best and most distinguished employees of Russian Railways will be awarded. Their rewards will be not only praise and certificates, but also bonuses and material rewards. Employees of long-distance trains will be given special recognition. Their hard work will be rewarded and recognized.

Railway worker. The profession is very necessary. No one can even imagine their life without a train, without the pleasant sound of “chug-chug”, without tea in a glass glass and without casual acquaintances. You, in your own way, provide all of us with our trips. Thanks to you, I visit my relatives and friends.

Your profession is simply necessary for all of us. Therefore, I wish you a good mood, so that it will be more pleasant to go to work, which no one and nothing can spoil, neither bad weather, nor the dissatisfied faces of passengers. Happy Railwayman's Day!

Everyone has their own holiday a year, some even have two. So you, railway workers, have your own professional day. Thank you and I want to wish that you always have a job that brings you money, good moods and pleasant memories, so that later you have something to tell your grandchildren when you relax in retirement.

You and I have known each other for an eternity, but I will never forget how proudly you told me on the day of our first meeting that you work on the railroad. For me it was something of a mystery, that is, in front of me stood a person, thanks to whom the train moves on the rails, and I can get to any destination without problems. And on this summer day, I want to wish you that the optimism that I saw in your eyes that day never leaves you.

Cool congratulations to drivers, conductors, and railway station workers on Railway Worker's Day

Conductors and drivers who have worked all their lives “on wheels” know many comical and humorous situations that occurred during their work. Spending more time away from home and family, but among other people, they become more attentive and notice all the nuances in the behavior of passengers. Often it is the conductors who are the first to notice the threat posed by people boarding the train. However, most often, many anecdotal situations and jokes are associated with trains. When traveling by rail to another city, especially if it is not a few days away by express train, people stock up on both food and alcohol. Usually, during a few hours of traveling together, passengers drink, get closer, and share life stories with each other. The main witnesses to the events taking place in the carriages are the conductors. Each of them remembers funny stories related to trains. Railway workers also treat themselves with humor. On a holiday, they send funny congratulations to their colleagues, remind them of funny things that happened to them, and have fun from the heart!

Congratulations to the railway worker

Your whole life is the sound of wheels,

May this day bring a surprise!

Today we would like to congratulate you:

Deliver carriages of happiness to you!

You should be home more often,

Feel less tired on the road.

We wish you a happy journey

And happy holiday to you!

Cool congratulations to the locomotive driver

Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers,

The train is coming late,

Our driver sits in it,

He is no longer a chimney sweep.

He's in a decent suit,

Presses buttons personally

Educated and smart

He was born for the road!

Congratulations to the driver,

We wish you happiness and joy,

So that he can be the best

And he lived healthy for a long time!

Congratulations on Railway Workers Day

On Railway Workers Day

We congratulate you!

Train of happiness and victories

Have fun.

There's health and dreams

Let them come true

So accept it from fate

All these riches!

We wish you every day

Conduct with a smile

Have fun so that the soul -

Like violin strings...

Sounded, and to the family

Brought gifts -

Joy and harmony,

Let life become bright!

Short sincere SMS congratulations on Railway Worker's Day

Each of us has probably used trains. Many people remember the nagging feeling of the last minutes before the departure of the train and that unusual state of “sickness” after a long journey, when you get off on “solid ground”. Conductors and drivers spend most of their lives on the road. Many of them will celebrate Railway Worker's Day on the road. Don’t be upset if you can’t congratulate your family in person: send them short and sincere SMS!

Trains go into the distance

Carrying away worries

Only you always know

Subtleties of work.

On the day of your profession

I wish from the bottom of my heart

Happy days ahead

Well, in the heart - May!

The whistle of a locomotive once

Woke up our slumbering station,

Now there are electric locomotives,

A long train dragging along!

Behind all that complex organism

A reliable person stands -

Our Russian railway worker,

Be healthy and glorious forever!

By rail

The trains will run

Let sadness, anxiety,

They'll take you away forever

Be happy in life

Thank you for your work!

May all over your fatherland

Praise is being given out!

Wonderful congratulations on Railway Worker's Day in verse from relatives

Despite all the hardships of working on the railway and difficulties with the work schedule, the hearts of Russian conductors, drivers, and all employees of Russian Railways are with their families and loved ones. Even being thousands of kilometers away, you can congratulate your relatives and friends on Railway Worker’s Day. Send them a wonderful poem with kind words. Tell them that you always love them and are waiting for their return. Today, most conductors use mobile Internet. Send them a poem by email, congratulate them on social networks, or send them an SMS.

My glorious railway worker,

I congratulate you on this day!

Let the roads be good

Happy are our sunrises.

Let the nights be together

And long, like rails.

I love you very, very much

Getting stronger every minute!

When the train arrives at the depot,

Then all our technical staff,

He doesn’t go home at all,

To give a way out the next morning!

Cordially to all of you: engineers,

And craftsmen and mechanics,

Everyone who does business for us at the depot,

Pour some stopar for the holiday!

Let the path be bright, straight,

Our son, assistant

Let's raise a toast to you


Let the carriage of your destiny

Rushing past troubles

And at the love station

The conductor will wake up!

Pictures with original friendly congratulations on Railway Worker's Day

Today, millions of compatriots use railway services every year. The train is still considered the safest mode of transport. For many, the train has also become the most comfortable way to get to another city and even country. If there is a Russian Railways employee in your family, congratulate him with an original postcard with a funny picture on the theme of trains and roads. Children can draw an unusual drawing and give it to mom or dad who works at the railway.

The morning of August 7, 2016 will begin with official ceremonial speeches by colleagues in honor of all Russian Railways employees. You too can join them: send short congratulations on Railway Worker’s Day to your friends and family. It could be an SMS or a postcard with funny pictures, poetry or even a song.

Today we celebrate Railway Worker's Day.
We wish you happiness, prosperity and love.
So that the mood never disappears,
And so that money floats to you in trainloads.

So that you don’t lack anything in your life.
May the fast train take you to a world of happiness.
And so that the path of life is always free and smooth.
Live happily forever without troubles, problems, worries.

Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers...
The holiday has arrived!
On Railway Day - your holiday is glorious,
We wish you success!

So that the train of your life travels
Only on happy rails,
We wish you happiness, a sea of ​​laughter
And you will only have fun living!

We can't imagine life without trains,
There are railways all around.
And happy holiday today
All those who are closely familiar with the train.

Conductors, railway workers, drivers,
Metrologists... We can't count them all.
Let life be like the sun, radiant.
Today there are toasts only in your honor!

If you work at the railway,
You are iron in spirit and body.
You don't care about the way,
Walk through life firmly, boldly.

At least the semaphores have blue light
You've already seen a lot,
Go quickly towards your dreams,
Like a steam locomotive flying to the station.

I wish your dreams come true
So that the carriages do not lag behind,
On life's long journey
So that everyone loves and respects.

I wish with all my heart
More sunny days for you.
Let, if your train is in a hurry,
The wheels are knocking more cheerfully.

Let it rarely be difficult for you,
Anxieties go around your life.
Let your position sound proudly -
Railway worker!

By rail by road
Their feet are used to wandering:
Some on foot and some in the carriage,
Someone standing on the platform.
Driver and conductor
Whose face always sparkles
Ticket takers at the station
And in the carriage there are controllers -
The sleeper united everyone,
Yes, and the rails sank into my soul.
Together a friendly family.
Happy holidays, friends!

The wheels are knocking, the train is rushing,
To congratulate you on a bright day.
Let joy settle in the house,
Opening the door wide in life.

We give you congratulations,
Wishing you a good journey,
May happiness have no end,
The disease will not let you go astray.

On the railway on the road
All the work is difficult.
Happy holiday to all of you -
We need it urgently.
People are full of courage
They all know the business.
Therefore we wish them:
In the light of the sun and moon
May you live happily ever after.
Make all your dreams come true.
For travel conditions
They will thank you.

The railway runs over the horizon,
The wheels are knocking their eternal tune,
There are so many goodbyes ahead and so many meetings,
And the locomotive rushes forward like an arrow.

And your destiny is bound forever
With a merry song of wanderings and wheels,
On your holiday, I heartily congratulate you!
I wish that work brings happiness!

Let life ride smoothly on rails,
Without speeding up too much,
And only good neighbors
Shared oxygen with you.

On the first Sunday in August, railway workers celebrate their professional holiday. Rail transport is the most reliable and popular transport. A large number of people work in this industry and they gladly accept congratulations on Railway Worker’s Day.

For you, a selection of the most diverse and interesting congratulations - in prose, poetry, funny short SMS, free pictures and postcards, voice congratulations and jokes on the phone.

Railwayman's Day - the history of the holiday

The date of the holiday has changed several times. Before the October Revolution, it was celebrated on June 25. The decision on Railway Worker's Day was made in 1896, it was timed to coincide with the birthday of Emperor Nicholas I. It was under his reign that the construction of railways in Russia began, a railway was built between St. Petersburg and Moscow, and a walking road to Tsarskoe Selo.

After the revolution, many holidays were forgotten, some were cancelled. Railwayman's Day was remembered in 1936 and the Soviet government set the day on July 30, later it began to be celebrated on the first Sunday in August.
There is probably no person who has not used the services of railway transport at least once. So let's congratulate the people who make our trips reliable, comfortable, the people who deliver goods throughout our huge country.

Voice congratulations on Railway Worker's Day to your phone

Official congratulations in prose

Today is Railwayman's Day. You, railway workers, travel daily from city to city, from country to country, counting kilometer after kilometer. Some will say that your profession is easy, others will say it is difficult. I know for sure that she is your favorite. So let me wish you as many kilometers of happiness as there are roads you have traveled. There are as many wonderful people on your journey of life as there are passengers you have seen. Love, happiness and health to you!

From the West to the East, congratulations are flying along all railway lines today. Happy Railwayman's Day! Thanks to everyone involved in this important industry! You make our travels comfortable and safe, may our railways continue to be as excellent. I wish that your profession brings you moral and material satisfaction, happiness, health, prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Railway workers! Thank you for the work you do conscientiously every day. We wish you good health, happiness, love, simple human joys. Let your work bring you only positive emotions and interesting moments.

Congratulations to railway employees on their professional day! I wish you to hear many pleasant words and wishes on this day. May your life be as brilliant as rails. May your luck be endless, like railroad tracks. Go towards your goals like a locomotive. Let insignificant problems rush past, like landscapes outside the window of a moving train. I wish you career growth and prosperity, so that your work will be a joy to you. Happy Railwayman's Day!

On Railway Worker's Day, I want to congratulate and thank all railway workers for the wonderful work. I wish you calm and serene work, grateful and grateful passengers, peace and tranquility. May your work bring happiness and prosperity to people.

Dear railway workers! Today is your professional holiday. We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the important and necessary work you do for people and for the country. We wish that your life is filled with bright events, pleasant moments, that you are surrounded by the love and care of your family.

Poems for Railwayman's Day

Romantics of the railways!
Managers of obedient rails and sleepers!
A beautiful summer day was named after you
Happy railway workers of all countries!
May your home always be a full cup,
May his happiness never diminish,
Everything works out the way you dreamed
And we were looking forward to seeing you at home!

It seems to us that it has no end,
The railway is endless!
The names of the stations are also endless,
But this is out of ignorance, of course.
The railway is getting stronger
And the rails, like rays, bring the whole world closer together.
From the southern mountains to the northern seas,
They run from west to east.
The railway, as always,
Alive by people who give care,
And, devoting my life to the road,
They put their soul into that work.
We send our prostration on your holiday,
And gratitude is endless, like the road,
Which is growing every day,
Bringing us closer and closer every year.

Trains rush by day and night,
The whole country was in motion.
You are the lords of the steel roads,
Without you, life would stop.
Drivers, dispatchers, conductors,
Technicians, station managers -
Please accept congratulations on this holiday,
We want life to pamper you more often.
We wish you good health,
May your eyes always sparkle with happiness
We are grateful to you for
that the trains are still rushing, rushing, rushing.

The roads are endless, the wheels are knocking,
Somewhere the arrows are clicking on the rails of fate,
Somewhere along the road there is a beginning,
Somewhere the train must arrive at the station.
Someone has to guide the trains along the sleepers,
Someone - to go around the half-asleep station again...
May he always be on your road
Only joy! Let your eyes shine with happiness!

Our railway workers
We wish God to help you today,
We always wish you good luck in your work,
So that only green light greets the trains.
We want to congratulate all services today,
And send you a telegram
Your wishes in difficult work.
You live in friendship with the railway.
Dispatcher and switchman, our guide,
Everyone has poured their soul into their work.
Lineman, traveler, and brigade foreman
We are very happy to congratulate you today.

Trains and locomotives -
Your main love,
In heat and rain, in blizzards, in frosts
You come to us again and again.
And despite all the adversity
Your trains are coming,
For all this, just happiness
We wish you the best as always!
So that the schedule is correct,
And your family was waiting for you at home,
So that passengers love you,
So that you like your destiny.

Short SMS congratulations for railway workers

Dear railway worker,
I want to wish you
So that you buy an SUV,
Get a lot of money
Be rich and happy
Help many people
Live beautifully and tastefully,
And love work!

Trains go into the distance
Carrying away worries
Only you always know
Subtleties of work.
On the day of your profession
I wish from the bottom of my heart
Happy days ahead
Well, in the heart - May!

Happy Railwayman's Day
Please accept my congratulations.
We wish you happiness and goodness,
All blessings multiply.
May you be lucky in life
Locomotive of luck,
Always easy to solve
Work tasks.

A public holiday is already on the threshold,
For those involved in the railway!
We wish you success in your work
And in happiness the road led without obstacles!

To everyone who spends half their life on the road,
Can’t imagine life without a railway,
We wish you good luck, good routes,
Live a fun, bright, rich, cool life!

Let them accept gifts
Who is connected with the railway?
We don’t feel sorry for anything for you,
And you don't judge us harshly.
Congratulations without a shadow of a doubt,
And we wish you a lot of joy.
We also wish you good luck,
And for the thousandth time, congratulations.

Cool congratulations in verse on Railway Worker's Day

The blue carriage runs, sways,
The fast train is picking up speed,
May you celebrate well
Railwayman's Day once a year.
Let the tablecloth be beautiful
Your path is creeping
Let life be happy
And joy is just waiting!

Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers,
The train is coming late,
Our driver sits in it,
He is no longer a chimney sweep.
He's in a decent suit,
Presses buttons personally
Educated and smart
He was born for the road!
Congratulations to the driver,
We wish you happiness and joy,
So that he can be the best
And he lived healthy for a long time!

All railway employees,
Multifaceted roads
On this holiday, without a doubt,
A bag of congratulations awaits!
We wish at night
Don't doze off at work
Sober passengers only
Load on the way!
Have a safe flight,
So that there are no worries,
So that luck smiles
Constantly - all year round!

You are the kings of the railroads,
You are the wizards of our stations,
We want to congratulate everyone today -
From bosses to stokers.
Let there be fewer problems along the way,
Passengers who are treacherous and harmful,
That they are ready to take away the bed,
And, of course, ticketless ones.
And to a simple phrase: they say, yes,
There are no tickets, and there won’t be any soon -
Passengers: “Well, that’s nonsense!” —
They answered in unison with a smile.

Rails, sleepers, platform noise -
This is all so familiar to you.
You live on wheels
Even sleep at work.
For railway workers
Home is everywhere:
In the city or in an open field -
You are always in your carriage.
I would like to wish you
Never be discouraged
Live in peace and prosperity
And drink a cocktail of happiness.

Happy Railway Workers Day!
Extremely useful for our country!
Let work be a pleasure,
Let romance not only be a concern!

May your health never let you down,
And your partner will help if anything happens!
Let the family miss you, wait for a new meeting,
All doubts and sorrows will be healed!

Sleepers-sleepers, rails-rails,
It's a wonderful day for you!
Personal holiday celebrates
Who loves railways!

And as a reward for your efforts,
Live long and happily
In “silence” and on driving days!

You volunteered
The rail and sleepers are held hostage.
Please accept congratulations,
Railway workers!

On your holiday I wish you happiness,
Let the train rush to luck,
Let only you be green
The semaphore is always on.

Comic congratulations to railway workers in verse

Railway workers
I wish you many blessings:
A carriage with luck and goodness,
Always keep the house full.
Through life let the locomotive
Lucky with health, positivity,
Cash container.
May everything be great for you!

What is a country like without a railway?
Their feet won't reach the outskirts!
Our salary is not enough for gasoline!
On the plane, what if you suddenly get a heart attack?

To those who work here, congratulations
And we wish you peaceful travels!
Increasing your salary
To be kind and rich!

To you, brave railwayman,
We wish we had a steam locomotive!
So as not to live like a famous shoemaker,
You took everything home from work.

But you are not like that and we wish you a salary,
For honesty, a big raise!
Railway worker, we congratulate you,
In your own way, jokingly and with soul!

you railway
I took her captive a long time ago.
I wish you a glorious holiday,
So that there are no problems.

So that the barrier rises
Before happiness and good luck,
Let it sound victorious, loud
All problems are solved.

Cool congratulations on Railway Worker's Day to colleagues

We are married to the iron road,
We traveled to all the nooks and crannies of the country.
I would like to wish you, colleagues, now,
So that there is someone to meet you from the flight.
So that only the rear is reliable and strong,
And so that you have enough strength to work.
May you be rewarded with interest for your efforts,
And the way home will always be joyful.

There is no dearer road than the railway
For the workers of our path!
Our work is responsible and useful:
Take everyone across the vast country!

To you, colleagues, only clean paths!
The most devoted, loyal friends!
And more radiant smiles,
To make your heart warmer!

Like a plantain lifesaver,
Helping everyone along the way.
Companion - railway worker,

May your path be the same
The path in life runs smoothly.
On your personal day, very important
Be happy, my colleague!

Congratulations, colleagues,
Happy special holiday to us.
Let the fast train take you away
Get rid of problems and worries.

May you be lucky to love and happiness
Nice blue carriage
Let all the difficulties, guys,
They won't care in life.

Funny short congratulations on Railway Worker's Day (SMS)

Vivat for the railway worker!
Be healthy, happy and rich,
Good luck to you in all your endeavors,
And all the best in the world.

Happy Railway Worker's Day!
Everything will work out, everything will work out!
And there will be no hitch, no obstacle,
Only the sun, only summer outside the window!

Railway workers receive honor and respect,
Good luck with your protégé and personal victories.
And also big congratulations from all of us,
Russian Railways are class and it’s no secret!

You are a railway worker.
It's a glorious holiday for you today.
I wish you good luck and happiness,
May your blue dream come true.

Comic humorous congratulations to railway workers in prose

Railway workers are well aware that one of the first routes in Nicholas’s times was the highway between St. Petersburg and Moscow. Let each of you have the opportunity, in addition to a motor home, to acquire modest housing in each of the capitals. Good luck to you, good luck, excellent mood. Let your dreams come true, and let your happiness multiply, waiting for you in every carriage, and even on the platform.

Happy Railwayman's Day to you, servant of rails and sleepers! We wish that on this magical day the arrows point only to a happy distance, trains go to the “Privavka” and “Bonus” stations, passengers are annoying with politeness and tips, in general everything around is as usual! Consistency is the best gift for a personal holiday! Hooray!

Happy Railway Worker's Day, friends! The road... Hundreds of thousands of kilometers, thousands of people and fragments of their destinies replace each other in your everyday life. Thank you for your work, for your responsibility and patience! More goodness to you! Let your home be a real fortress, where you are loved and always welcome! And health and luck never fail!
Happy holiday!

Dear railway workers, a telegram for you!
Congratulations on your professional holiday, we wish you to continue to love and favor us, to give us all your strength, skills and talents. And we, in turn, promise to serve you faithfully and always pave the way for you to happiness, joy and success.
Sincerely yours, rails and sleepers.

Official congratulations on Railway Worker's Day

Being a railway worker is not an easy job. Many of you have had the opportunity to travel around the world, see different cities and countries. It was on this journey that each of you spent most of your life. I sincerely wish you good luck not only at work. Let every railway worker be sure to have that same cherished station where they will never stop waiting, will always sincerely love and dream of a long-awaited meeting. Best wishes to you and your families.

As a child, you must all have loved books about travel and adventure. And when you grew up a little, the romance of the high road brought you to the railway and left you to work there. Well, congratulations on this! Happy Railway Worker's Day, friends! Good luck, patience, beauty outside the windows, and if adventures happen, then only fun ones!

With undisguised pleasure and great respect, we congratulate everyone involved in the railway sector! It is extremely difficult to overestimate your work and labor. You help people develop space. So let the huge transport link be your second home: cozy, friendly, fair and generous! Happy holiday, dear railway workers!

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Railway Worker's Day! Please accept my sincere gratitude for your dedicated, difficult and much needed work. Let difficult work always give you joy, open new horizons and always be adequately paid. Peace and happiness to you in your families, success and advancement in your work, a positive attitude in all life situations.