
Chekhov beard. Goatee or Van Dyck style. What is required for self-shaping a beard


The goatee is one of the most stylish and elegant types of beard ever flaunted on a man's face. So it was in the days of gallant musketeers, so it is today.

  • Modern men appreciate the goatee because it adds sophistication to the features of almost any (with the exception of a particularly round) face.
  • This aristocratic beard has never gone out of fashion and has always been relevant.

In contact with

A man who adorns himself with this neat beard immediately acquires the appearance of a stylish, refined and self-confident person.

The goatee is a small island of vegetation left under the lower lip in the very center of the chin, shaped like a wedge.

The goatee is sometimes erroneously referred to as the goatee. In fact, these are different types of beards, differing both in shape (the outlines of the goatee are more rounded) and in the area occupied on the round part of the male chin. The goatee occupies all its roundness, the goatee is much narrower.

  • The goatee can be completed with a mustache and wide sideburns, at the same time it is often worn without additional accessories.
  • There is also a miniature version of it, which is only a small strip of hair under the lower lip. Most often there is a combination of this beard and a stylish short mustache.

Men with what type of appearance can wear such a beard?

We emphasize again: the goatee is not suitable only for chubby men. On the faces of all other types, it looks impeccable.

This beard is most often found in the artistic environment and among famous people representing show business.

She gives special romanticism to the appearance of thin men, and burning brunettes acquire with her help a special attraction for the fair sex, who prefer communication with true machos.

Types of goatee

The variety of goatees can be reduced to three main types. They are:

How to grow and arrange a goatee?

Growing a beard is a very responsible step that radically changes the appearance of a man, so it requires a certain preparatory period.

Preliminary steps

  • By moving the razor away, facial hair is given complete freedom. Since the hair on the face of a man can grow in the most unexpected way (the reason for this is a genetic predisposition), before releasing the goatee, you need to make sure that they are in the right areas of the face. This will become apparent after a few days.
  • After making sure that the hair in the desired area grows without problems, you can safely wait until they become a little longer. If there are few of them there or they generally refuse to grow in the chin area, a man should think about what other kind of beard suits him.

How to quickly grow a beard - video:

  • Having mentally imagined his image with a goatee on his face, the young man must think over several possible combinations of its length and shape. This can be done with the help of information obtained from illustrated magazines and sources on the Internet. An excellent opportunity to choose different types of beards for your face is provided by computer modeling programs for appearance. They are both on the Internet and in good hairdressing salons.
  • Having decided on the choice of shape and desired length, you can begin to form a beard.

Stage of goatee formation

How to make a stylish goatee?

  1. Any beard begins to form around the edges, and this is where you should start. Carefully acting with a razor, they begin to remove excess hairs, outlining the desired contour. At the same time, the strict symmetry of the created beard is monitored.
  2. It is necessary to perform the operation of delineating the contours of the goatee with a trimmer (razor) or an impeccably sharp blade.
  3. Since the direction of hair growth on the face is never constant, you will have to wield the blade in different directions.
  4. If the beard will be completed with a mustache, it is necessary to determine their shape. If desired, you can make a small gap between the mustache and nose.
  5. Completing the formation of the beard, it is given a wedge-shaped shape, sharpening the corner (if the shape of a traditional wedge is chosen as a sample). If it is assumed that the goatee will be Vandyke, the corners should be made on both sides of the chin.

How to make yourself a goatee - a master class in the video:

What is a beard shaving template and how to use it?

Beginners who are not confident in their abilities, you can purchase a special template for shaping and shaving the beard. You can buy it both on the Internet and in a specialized store offering products for stylists.

Such templates are universal, because, by slightly adjusting the size and adjusting to a certain face shape (there are three types of settings), they can be used by men with any type of appearance.

How to make a neat beard using a template?

What is required for self-shaping a beard?

A beginner barber will need very few tools. He must have:

  • Large mirror (possible with a magnifying effect).
  • Electric or battery trimmer with a set of special attachments for beard care.
  • Hairdressing or nail scissors.
  • Comb with frequent teeth.
  • Shaving cream. Its use will be especially relevant if the young man is endowed with sensitive skin or too hard facial hair.
  • Cosmetic wax for hair styling. It is not necessary to use this tool, it will only give the beard and mustache an extra gloss and well-groomed appearance.

The original is a larger shot of Einstein and his companions in the car. It was then cut off just to show Einstein. In the photo we see the great 20th-century physicist with a shock of white hair, provocatively sticking out his tongue in a moment of carefree fun before driving home after an exhausting party.

Photographer Arthur Sasse needed the last shot of the professor as he passed away, and what he did became a photography classic.

By the time the famous sticking out tongue photograph was taken in 1951, Einstein's life was fine and peaceful. He basked in his scientific fame, and the world considered him the greatest genius of all time.

Using his persona as a strange scientist, Einstein deliberately used eccentric mannerisms and habits. For example, he rarely wore socks and bought a lot of fancy-patterned robes, and also gave free rein to his hair and mustache, in fact, this is how the world remembered him. When asked for an interview, Einstein spoke to reporters on the porch, wearing fluffy pink slippers. He joked a lot with visitors and kept his pipe in his mouth, which, he claimed, made his thoughts orderly.

The famous photo was taken at his 72nd birthday party hosted by Einstein's colleagues at Princeton. There he met professional photographer Arthur Sasse, who took several photographs of the scientist.

When the party was over and a weary Einstein got into his chauffeured car, Sasse went to the open door and asked him for another photo. Einstein turned and stuck out his tongue.

Arthur Sasse sent Einstein copies of all the photographs he had taken at the party. It was the last frame that Einstein really liked, and he ordered nine of them, and then ordered more and more, putting this picture on all his greeting cards.

After his death, four years later, Einstein's heirs obtained the rights to the photograph for further reproduction. Unlicensed images have spread even faster, and over the past 60 years, Einstein's portrait has appeared on mugs, T-shirts, posters, and everywhere else.

Arthur Sasse himself provided the photo for publication in the International News Photos Network, where it was almost buried on the editor's desk. There were even discussions about the appropriateness of such a frivolous photograph of such a respected scientist as Professor Einstein, but as a result, they decided to publish the photo after hearing about how much Einstein himself adored him.

Subsequently, the original print and negatives were auctioned for $72,300. Einstein's tongue is the most expensive portrait of a scientist to date, as well as one of the most iconic images of the 20th century, which he so heavily influenced.

Even once Henry IV had a pointed beard, from which all women admired. Today, a goatee beard is very stylish and at the same time fashionable, and it’s easy to make it. She has enough admirers, among whom there are celebrities, for example, Brad Pitt.

An unusual combination of mustache and a small beard gives the man solidity and self-confidence. It is not recommended for owners of a round face to let go of this type of beard, since the wide lower part of the goatee will only spoil the appearance of a man.

Let's talk about the goatee beard. This is the name of the part of the hair located under the lower lip in the middle of the chin, which is given a wedge shape.

Who is best suited for this look?

Goatee suits almost any type of face. It looks best with short mustaches that are located above the upper lip. Thin men with this kind of beard will look romantic, and guys with dark hair will be real machos. Very often, such a beard can be seen on your favorite actors and famous people in show business.

Growing the beard you want is easy

Are you tired of your image, and you want to change something in your appearance? It must be remembered that in order to grow a goatee beard and properly care for it, you need to have a lot of patience, practice and, of course, self-confidence.

There are 3 types of goatee:

  • traditional - the hair is placed under the chin;
  • Van Dyke's beard - a wedge-shaped beard connected to a thin mustache;
  • circular beard - has a round shape and is connected to a small antennae;

Whatever type you choose, it will always give you confidence and a masculine core.

And so, what is the best way to grow this goatee desired by all men? Let's take a look at the main steps to a rapid result:

  1. You need to stop shaving to see all the facial hair and analyze whether you can get the desired beard.
  2. After that, visit the Internet pages or look through magazines to choose the type of goatee that you like and best suit.
    • If you are shaping your beard yourself, follow these guidelines:
    • carefully shave the edges, while making a contour;
    • carefully inspect that both edges have the same shape;
    • make a smooth contour only with a new sharp blade or razor;
    • move the blade in different directions, as not everyone's hair grows evenly in one direction;
    • give the mustache a shape, if necessary, shave the vegetation between the nose and mustache;
    • give your beard sharp corners.
  3. It is necessary to constantly monitor the shape of the beard, shave off excess hair on the face.
  4. After each meal, rinse the goatee with water to remove excess food residue that can ruin your appearance.

How to cut and make an amazing goatee shape?

All respectable men want to make a goatee, but not every one of them knows with what and how best to do it.

  1. To get started, take a trimmer and trim all facial hair to 3 mm.
  2. Use only high-quality equipment with which to create a rounded beard shape.
  3. Using a precision trimmer, sharpen the mustache ends so that they come into contact with the main bristles.

Video how to make a goatee with a trimmer.

In addition, do not forget to trim the mustache so that it only reaches the contour of the lips. It must be remembered that the goatee should not hang below the chin.

Naturally, you need to care for the goatee in the same way as for the hair of the head. If there is no permanent care, then you yourself understand at what level your reputation will be.

Basic Grooming Practices

  • you do not need to wash your beard every day;
  • once a day, use hair conditioner, no more;
  • comb your beard as often as possible so that it looks decent;
  • washing your beard is best with soap, not shampoo;
  • if you see that your vegetation has "naughty", then it is best to change the type of beard.

Do not be afraid of changes, experiment with your appearance and you will not only look solid and confident, but also achieve a successful result. Pay attention to your previous haircut, the beard will look even more luxurious with it.

You probably know that there are many different beard styles. Have you heard that each type has its own name? Below are some of the most popular beard styles.

Van Dyke

It's really a standard combo that includes a neat little beard and mustache that mature men often prefer to wear. On the one hand, it is a simple style, on the other hand, it is traditional and timeless. Such a beard was recently shown to the world by the American actor Christian Bale, although it was named after the 17th-century Flemish painter Anthony van Dyck.


Bandholz is currently the most requested beard type. This masculine, testosterone-filled style is one of those beard types that automatically asserts masculinity. This type is distinguished by an exquisite beard, which must be properly cared for in order to maintain its ideal shape. It is currently one of the most popular beard styles with hipsters, musicians, and fashion-conscious tough guys. This style is also complemented by a neat and at the same time unusual shape of the mustache.

Hollywood beard (Hollywood beard)

One of the most popular varieties of beard is sometimes called "winged", but it has gained popularity under another name - Hollywood. This particular style can be worn by men of all ages and requires minimal maintenance by shaving the hair off the cheeks in a straight line all the way to the ear. Currently, such a beard is quite popular with athletes, musicians and young guys.

Stubble beard

The Stubble beard is one of the beard styles often sported by many celebrities, namely George Clooney. And although this is certainly not the only look that has come into fashion, it can be called a timeless classic that makes men brutal. Such a beard does not need much care. The style is considered simple also for the reason that you can grow an “accessory” in a short period of time. Moreover, such a beard often gives a man an unusual appearance, which cannot be said about a clean-shaven face.

Chinstrap (Chinstrap beard)

If you have some skill, try making a thin strip of hair cut with a razor or trimmer. It looks exactly like a helmet strap on the face, only in the form of hair. A thin line of vegetation will, as it were, encircle the face from one temple to another. This beard style is worn by popular actors such as Gerard Butler and Ben Affleck.

Dear Gentleman (Respectable Gent)

This short, neat and well trimmed square beard is perfect for men who like to be in control. You need to be able to properly care for her, and this sometimes takes a very long time. But, despite all the difficulties, young guys also prefer such a cute beard.

Viking beard (Viking)

You don't have to be a member of some swag to grow your chin hair into a V shape. Not only is it high style and fashionable, the tapered shape flatters the facial features, elongating it and making it seem more chiselled. This is a kind of small facelift, only without any surgical interventions. This shape is great for men who are trying to hide the signs of aging, and for this reason, the length of the beard can reach unpredictable lengths. Plus, nothing says masculine like a giant beard on your face.

Honest Abe

This is one of the most classic beard styles and was created by, you guessed it, American President Abraham Lincoln. This is a complete and just the right balance between a rural, earthy masculinity and an intelligent city guy. Most notable here is the complete absence of a mustache. Abraham tried not to shave off his facial hair, and his beard was proof of that. Although beards began to fall out of fashion among high-profile politicians after his election, few presidents since 1913 have had no facial hair at all.

Butcher's beard (Butcher's Delight)

This is a short vegetation at the tip of the chin and around it with severed sideburns. This style is complemented by a long mustache, smeared with wax, with rounded ends up.

Soul Patch

By law, only Billy Bob Thornton is allowed to wear the Soul Patch beard. Of course, this is a joke. But seriously, it's a tiny patch of hair in the center of the chin, surrounded by clean-shaven skin. We do not know how such a name appeared, but we are sure that it has nothing to do with souls.