
Crochet sets for newborns. Crochet for newborns: examples and patterns with descriptions. How to crochet a jumpsuit for a newborn, a diagram with an explanation


Size: 0-3 months

3 x 50g skeins James C.Brett Rainbow Double Knit (100% acrylic)
hook number 4 and 5
3 buttons
5 m satin tape 6 mm wide

Sample: 9 st. from n. and 4 rows = 5 x 5 cm

Decrease: leave the last paragraph of each art. on hook, yarn over and pull yarn through all 3 sts.

Shell pattern: 2 tbsp. from 2 n., 1 air. p., 2 tbsp. from n.
Fork pattern: 1 tbsp. from 2 n., 1 air. p., 1 tbsp. from n.

Pico edge processing: * 2 9 tbsp. with n., 3 air. p., 1 tbsp. from n. in the 1st of 3 air. p., skip 1 tbsp. from n. *, repeat from * to *


Crochet number 4 dial 55 p.
0th row: 1 tbsp. from 2 n. in the 4th p. from the hook, 1 tbsp. from 2 n. in every p. to the end (= 52 st. + 3 air p.)

1st row: (Addition) 3 air. p., 1 tbsp. from 2 n. in a trace. Art., * 2 Art. from 2 n. in a trace. st., 1 st. from 2 n. in every from trace. 4 tbsp. *, repeat from * to * to the end, 1 tbsp. from 2 n. to the top of 3 p. Rotate (= 62 st. + 3 air p.).

2nd row: 3 air. p., 1 tbsp. from 2 n. in a trace. st., 1 st. from 2 n. in every Art. to the end, 1 tbsp. from 2 n. to the top of 3 sts. Turn.

3rd row: (Addition) 3 air. p., 1 tbsp. from 2 n. in a trace. Art., * 2 Art. from 2 n. in a trace. st., 1 st. from 2 n. in every from trace. 3 art. *, repeat from * to * to the end, 1 tbsp. from 2 n. to the top of 3 p. Rotate (= 77 st. + 3 air p.).

4th row as 2nd row

5th row: (Addition) 3 air. p., 1 tbsp. from 2 n. in a trace. Art., * 2 Art. from 2 n. in a trace. st., 1 st. from 2 n. in every from trace. 2 tbsp. *, repeat from * to * to the end, 1 tbsp. from 2 n. to the top of 3 p. Rotate (= 102 st. + 3 air p.).

4th row as 2nd row

7th row: (Increment) as 5th row until 1 st. from 2 n. and 3 air. p., 2 tbsp. from 2 n. 1 in Art., 1 Art. from 2 n. to the top of 3 p (= 136 st. + 3 air p.).

1st row: 3 air. p., * skip 1 tbsp., 1 shell in the next. st., skip 1 st., 1 st. from n. in a trace. Art. *, repeat from * to * until 3 tbsp. from 2 n. and 3 air. p., skip 1 tbsp., 1 shell in the next. st., skip 1 st., 1 st. from 2 n. to the top of 3 sts (= 34 shells). To turn.

2nd row: 3 air. p., * 1 fork in the air. n. shells, 1 tbsp. from 2 n. in Art. from n. *, repeat from * to * until there is 1 shell and 3 air. p., 1 fork in the air. n. shells, 1 tbsp. from 2 n. to the top of 3 sts. Turn.

3rd row: 3 air. p., * 1 shell in a fork, 1 tbsp. from n. in a trace. Art. *, repeat from * to * until 1 fork and 3 air remain. p., 1 shell in a fork, 1 tbsp. from 2 n. to the top of 3 sts. Turn.

4th row: (separate for armholes) 3 air. p., * 1 fork in the air. n. shells, 1 tbsp. from 2 n. in Art. from n. *, repeat from * to * 3 more times, 1 fork in air. n. shells, 2 tbsp. from 2 n. in Art. s n., skip 7 shells, 2 tbsp. from 2 n. in a trace. Art. with n., * 1 fork in the air. n. shells, 1 tbsp. from 2 n. in Art. from n. *, repeat from * to * 8 more times, 1 fork in air. n. shells, 2 tbsp. from 2 n. in Art. s n., skip 7 shells, 2 tbsp. from 2 n. in a trace. Art. with n., * 1 fork in the air. n. shells, 1 tbsp. from 2 n. in Art. from n. *, repeat from * to * 3 more times, 1 fork in air. n. shells, 1 tbsp. from 2 n. to the top of 3 sts. Turn.

5th row: 3 air. p., * 1 shell in a fork, 1 tbsp. from n. in a trace. Art. *, repeat from * to * 4 more times, 1 shell in the armhole chain between st. from 2 n., 1 tbsp. from n. in a trace. Art., repeat from * to * until there is 1 fork and 3 air. p., 1 shell in a fork, 1 tbsp. from 2 n. to the top of 3 sts (= 22 shells). To turn.

Repeat rows 2 and 3 for a total of 8 shell rows.

1st row: Wrong side to yourself, attach the thread in the same art. from n. from 2 tbsp. from 2 n. and 1 air. n. at the base of the armhole, 3 air. p., * 1 fork in a shell, 1 tbsp. from 2 n. in Art. from n. *, repeat from * to * 5 more times, * 1 shell fork, 1 tbsp. from 2 n. in the same st. from n. which is 2 tbsp. from 2 n. at the base of the armhole. (= 7 forks). To turn.

2nd row: 3 air. p., * 1 shell in a fork, 1 tbsp. from n. in a trace. Art. *, repeat from * to * until 1 fork and 3 air remain. p., 1 shell in a fork, 1 tbsp. from 2 n. to the top of 3 sts. Turn.

Repeat the rows of the pattern, first 1 row with forks, then 1 row with shells 2 more times.

Track. row: 1 air. p., 1 tbsp. from n. at the base of the air p., * skip 1 tbsp., 1 tbsp. from n. in a trace. st., 1 st. from n. in a shell, 1 tbsp. from n. in a trace. st., skip 1 st., 1 half. from 2 n. in a trace. Art. *, repeat from * to * until the last shell, skip 1 tbsp., 1 tbsp. from n. in a trace. st., 1 st. from n. in a shell, 1 tbsp. from n. in a trace. st., skip 1 st., 1 st. from n. to the top of 3 p (= 29 p.). To turn.

Track. row: 1 air. p., 1 tbsp. from n. at the base of the air p., 1 tbsp. from n. in a trace. Art., * 2 air. p., skip 1 tbsp., 1 tbsp. from n. in a trace. 2 tbsp. *, repeat from * to * until the end. To turn.

Track. row: 1 air. p., 1 tbsp. from n. in every loop to the end (= 29 tbsp.). To turn. Repeat last. row 2 more times.

Track. row ("pico"): 1 air. p., 1 tbsp. from n. at the base of the air p., 1 tbsp. from n. in a trace. Art., * 3 air. p., 1 tbsp. from n. in the 1st of 3 p., skip 1 tbsp., 1 tbsp. from n. in a trace. 2 tbsp. *, repeat from * to * until the end. Finish.


Sew sleeves. Starting from the bottom edge with the right side towards you, crochet No. 4, knit 1 row of st. from n. evenly along the right edge, around the neckline and along the left edge (3 sts each in corner loops). To turn.

Track. row: 1 air. p., 1 tbsp. from n. in every Art. to the neck. To turn. Track. Row: Work edge with picot pattern to end. Finish.

Do the same for the other edge of the shelf. Finish.

Hide the ends. Sew on buttons. Pass the tape through each. 2 tbsp. from 2 n. around the yoke and at the bottom of the sleeves. Decorate with roses and bows.

Newborn babies are so defenseless and cute that you always want to do something special for them. Therefore, many mothers prefer to knit clothes for them themselves, rather than buying them in a store. Knitted clothes reliably warm the baby and make him cute. And for some mothers, knitting has become an opportunity to have a great time, because in the process of knitting you can relax and dream.

For others, it's a good way to make money. After all, every mother wants to buy comfortable, soft and beautiful things for her child, so she is happy to buy them from any needlewoman.

But when you are expecting a baby, there is a lot of time that can be spent on needlework. It is not necessary to have complex skills in order to create an attractive and fashionable little thing for your child. It is enough to learn how to knit the simplest patterns, which were probably mastered at school. And then there is a huge scope for imagination. You can decorate your child's clothes with all sorts of appliqués, beads, buttons, etc.

Every mother can make her baby the most fashionable. It is worth knitting a few things for the child so that he has something to wear in the first months of his life. Of course, you can buy them in the store, but things related to love from good yarn will be the best for the little man, they will reliably warm him.

We knit booties with knitting needles for a newborn

Each baby, when he was just born, put booties that will keep the little foot warm. It doesn’t cost anything to knit simple booties, so you can make several options that fit this or that clothing. They can be made under shoes, sneakers, moccasins, the fantasy in this matter is limitless.

But you must always take into account that this thing will be worn by a small child, so there should not be many seams. To make the child as comfortable as possible, the seams can be smoothed with knitted threads or tied with a soft fabric ribbon.

By knitting several types of booties, you will choose for any occasion for a holiday, for wearing at home, on the street. If you put a leather insole inside, you can even go outside in them, even if it's a little cloudy there. But you need to be careful when decorating baby booties. It is advisable not to include in decorations such details that the baby can tear off and swallow.

The choice of yarn must be approached responsibly. Any natural wool, acrylic, cotton is most suitable. For the winter version, it is better to choose wool and acrylic, and for the summer cotton. Satin braid, appliqués, embroidery, lace will help decorate the first children's shoes.

Before you start knitting, you need to determine the size of the child's legs:

  • at birth, a baby's foot is usually 9 cm long;
  • from 3 to 6 months - 9-10 cm;
  • 8 months - 11 cm.

Knitting booties has its own characteristics. First, they should not compress the leg. Ideal booties should be elastic, clearly repeat the shape of a child's legs. If possible, knit booties without seams, as they rub the child's leg.

Yarn will need quite a bit - about 40 grams. So, grab your yarn and knitting needles, remember your old school knitting skills and knit some lovely booties for your little one! By knitting booties for a newborn, you will provide warmth to the little man's leg, despite the weather outside.

For those who are interested in knitting booties, we recommend reading a more detailed article that contains a description of the pattern.

We knit a hat for a baby with knitting needles

A hat is not only a fashion accessory, but also an important thing that will keep a child's head warm on a walk. Especially this type of clothing will be needed in autumn and winter, when the weather outside is changeable. Such clothes should already be at the time of the birth of the child. In order to knit a warm beautiful hat for a baby, you will not need any extra ordinary skills.

Models that reliably protect the child’s head from the cold are ideal for a newborn child, provide optimal thermoregulation, so they should fit snugly to the head and cover the ears and forehead. It is worth making ties to securely fix the hat during a walk so that it does not fidget from side to side. The cap should be without seams, but if you can’t do without them, then let them go out.

Although a knitted hat for a newborn has a more practical purpose - to provide warmth, you can also knit this attribute for beauty. Hats with pom-poms, caps, helmets, earflaps, etc. will undoubtedly adorn the little man, although they are not as comfortable as bonnets with bandages. But you can use beautiful beanies for photo shoots or for children who are sitting in a stroller rather than lying down.

For walks, it is better to knit a cap with knitting needles for a newborn. After all, it covers the entire head, including the back of the head, the ties hold it tightly. After all, any kid is such a fidget, he constantly turns his head, so it is important that the cap does not slip off him. If you want to knit a cap for spring, then make an openwork pattern on it, if for winter, then you should make a fleece lining.

If you don’t succeed or have questions, then be sure to read the detailed article about.

Socks for a newborn with knitting needles

Our winters are usually cold, so the feet of a small child must be well protected from the cold during walks. Better protection than warm, woolen socks is hard to come by. Therefore, mothers will have to take care of purchasing these clothes.

In no case should the lower limbs of the child be allowed to freeze, this is fraught with the development of serious diseases. Those socks that are usually sold in the store are usually made from synthetics. And this artificial material does not protect very well from the cold.

In addition, the feet in them can sweat, and synthetics hold water. Subsequently, the child may become ill if he gets into the cold with wet feet.

It is better to knit socks for newborns with knitting needles that will prevent getting wet and feeling cold. With such socks, you can be sure that he will definitely catch a cold in them, under no circumstances.

You can find a variety of sock patterns that can be openwork, Irish motifs, cuffs, etc. Choose what's right for you.

We knit a sweater for a baby

A jacket is simply necessary when it's cold outside, such clothes can even replace a jacket. The jacket can be made in any shape: bolero, pullover, raglan.

Before knitting a blouse for a newborn, think of a style. This type of clothing can be elegant, casual, warm. For a newborn baby, choose soft, hypoallergenic yarn so as not to damage the delicate skin of the baby. Look at the label, it should indicate that this yarn is suitable for a small child.

Such threads usually have attractive colors, softness, they do not prick the skin and do not deteriorate during washing. Great for a small child wool with the inclusion of acrylic mohair, soft products are obtained from it. For a blouse, it is better to take plain threads, for a girl - pink, for a boy - blue.

For small children, it is better not to use such accessories as zippers, hooks, hard buttons. It is better to take smooth buttons, preferably made of wood.

It is necessary to take measurements before starting knitting, but if the blouse is knitted in advance before the birth of the baby, then you can take the average size. 22 centimeters is the circumference of the neck of a newborn. This means that the neck should be 20 cm. Based on the knitting density of 1 cm 2.5 loops, you need to dial 40 loops. But it is better to have a pattern in front of you, for this you must first know the exact size.

Do-it-yourself envelope for a newborn

An indispensable thing in the wardrobe of crumbs is an envelope. It is simply necessary for discharge from the hospital - the first solemn ceremony in the life of the baby. Yes, and during a walk in the first months of life, you can’t do without it, especially if it’s cool outside. You can buy it in stores that offer products for newborns. And you can tie yourself. In this case, your child will have not only warm, but also a unique thing that keeps the warmth of mother's hands.

Envelope models vary. For example, it could be a kind of sleeping bag with a hood. Or an envelope with knitting needles in the form of a cocoon with a hood and sleeves. And you can also just knit a warm blanket to wrap the baby in it before a walk in the fresh air. If desired, you can decorate the finished product with original details: unusual buttons or tassels.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the features of the envelope in the form of a cocoon. Such products are quite spacious, the baby in them can seem to fall through. In order for the thing to fit the baby, mom will have to calculate the size of the envelope. True, in this case, the child will grow up very soon and will no longer fit in it.

As for the envelope with sleeves, on the one hand, it gives more freedom to the baby's arms. And on the other hand, an envelope with sleeveless knitting needles will be warmer for a newborn. It is worth considering which option is preferable. Much depends on the time of year and climate.

The best option would be, perhaps, a warm knitted blanket with a hood. It has significant advantages over other envelopes:

  • this model is much easier to knit, even a beginner needlewoman can handle it;
  • the product fits snugly to the baby’s body, it is impossible to “fall through” in it, and heat is retained better;
  • the blanket will last much longer, the newborn will not grow out of it as soon as from a knitted cocoon;
  • the baby will grow up, but the blanket will still be in demand - they can still cover the child in a crib or stroller for a long time.

As a rule, such things for babies are made on a lining. It can be knitted from soft wool yarn or cut from warm fabrics (eg fleece, flannel). Well, if it is very cold outside, then you can make insulation from synthetic winterizer or wool between the lining and the envelope.

If you like an envelope in the form of a sleeping bag, then you should prefer models that fasten on the side (preferably with a zipper or buttons, options with buttons are very uncomfortable).

For mothers who do not have much experience in knitting, it is better to master the simpler models first. This is the same blanket or envelope with fasteners on the side (a straight fabric is knitted and sewn on top). So that the thing does not seem too simple, you can decorate it with voluminous details on top. In any case, it's worth a try.

We knit pants for a newborn

When the weather is cold outside, every mother or grandmother is preoccupied with acquiring warm clothes so that the child is warm during a walk so that it is not worth it. You can go to the store and buy a pair of warm pants, or you can knit warm pants for your baby with knitting needles for newborns - this is quite easy to do. The process of knitting this often clothes is quite simple, so even a beginner knitter can knit them. You can find an interesting scheme and try to do something intricate.

Do not be afraid that small children can stain children's pants and they will deteriorate from constant washing. Modern washing machines have a delicate wash cycle that perfectly wash woolen items without the risk of ruining them.

For starters, we suggest knitting a simple seamless pattern of pants that are intended for children under one year old. Prepare for this soft yarn - wool or acrylic. Take circular needles and 5 pieces of stocking. Try to take the same knitting needles, otherwise the thing may subsequently be deformed.
Measure the circumference of the hips and dial the appropriate number of loops, their number should be in pairs. The main part is knitted with facial loops. The beginnings are knitted for 6 rows, then it is necessary to make cloves where the elastic is inserted. To do this, we knit two loops together and make a crochet. After that, you can continue knitting facial.

To make the legs, it is necessary to divide the knitting into two parts after the femoral part has been knitted. We leave one part for a while, distribute the other on stocking knitting needles. Knit in front loops and where the leg ends, knit with an elastic band 1 front, one purl. Make sure the size is right for your child. The second leg is knitted in the same way as the first.

After that, you can make an elastic band on your stomach, into which you can insert a cord with pompoms or a brush. The teeth that were made earlier will help to easily make a hem. Use a sewing machine for this, but you can also do it by hand. At the very end, the panties must be ironed. You can show your imagination and take threads of different colors for knitting, which you can alternate. Get cute, attractive pants for the joy of the kids.

Video tutorials will help you to knit things with your own hands if you are a beginner. Having clearly studied the master class, how the work is done, you can knit original things with knitting needles for a newborn with knitting needles, you can knit so many things that you can’t even imagine. And all of them will decorate your baby. Your hard work will be rewarded with the attention and admiration of other people!

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


Children's things made with their own hands are superior to purchased products in terms of quality, they are made with love from the material they like. In addition, making a blouse and panties for a newborn is a pleasant way to pass the time while waiting for the baby.

What should be knitted things for newborns

The baby's skin is very delicate, and a product made of hard yarn can cause irritation on it. Knitted baby suits for newborns should be soft to the touch. When choosing yarn, it is better to give preference to expensive materials designed specifically for the manufacture of children's clothes. It is desirable that the composition of the threads be mixed, including natural fibers with acrylic or microfiber. Pure cotton baby clothes can be tough, while natural wool can often cause itching and redness.

Children's suits are knitted and crocheted: each method has advantages and disadvantages:

  • You can crochet children's products of unusual shapes with openwork lace.
  • Knitted suits for newborns with knitting needles with a description are more elastic, softer, evener.

The choice of children's model depends on the experience. It is better for beginner needlewomen to start creating simple knitted children's suits for newborns. Gradually, a transition to more complex products is possible - a dress, a cap, a hat, socks. Everything comes with time and experience is no exception.

Knitting for newborns with patterns and descriptions

Patterns make it easy to create a knitted baby suit for newborns. Drawings along with a description of the process of creating things can be downloaded from the Internet or found in special magazines. The scheme is an alternation of threads of different colors or a combination of knitting methods. For those who are just learning how to knit or crochet, it will be convenient to use a simple front surface or regular posts. As skills develop, more complex techniques will be applied.

Knitted suits for newborn boys

To create a cute little thing for a baby, you need to choose a model and material. Knitted suits for newborns with patterns are small in size. Pants for boys do not differ from similar things intended for girls, except for the color. On the contrary, there is a difference in blouses. Knitting for newborn boys involves the location of buttons on the right side. When choosing yarn, it is better to give preference to blue or blue tones.

Crochet newborn costume

Yellow knitted baby suits for newborns look cute. The set consists of a blouse and trousers. The upper part fastens at the back with buttons, and the loops are the holes in the pattern. Embossed elastic band and pattern are knitted according to the scheme. The knitting density is 18 loops per 10 cm. To make a children's costume, you will need:

  • acrylic yarn - 200 g;
  • buttons of a suitable color - 2 pcs.;
  • narrow satin ribbon - 2 m;
  • hook number 3.5.

The baby blouse is knitted like this:

  1. Dial 55 back loops, make an elastic band 3 cm. Decrease evenly 8 times.
  2. Make armholes by removing 4 times 17 cm from the edge.
  3. Close 1 time in the middle, knit each side separately.
  4. Start doing before.
  5. Bind off the center 17 sts 22 cm from the edge.
  6. Sew the shoulders. Pick up 35 loops along the edge of the armholes. After 2 cm remove 3 times in every 6th row.
  7. After 14 cm, continue working with an elastic band.
  8. Complete the seams.
  9. Treat the neckline, the edges of the cut with figured knitting.
  10. Sew on ribbon, buttons.

To knit panties, do the following:

  1. Cast on 19 front stitches.
  2. Make an elastic band 2 cm wide.
  3. Double crochet 1 instead of 2, inc evenly 7 times.
  4. Connect the legs with 3 air loops.
  5. Continue with the same pattern.
  6. At 13 cm from the connection of the legs, make an elastic band.
  7. Finish the piece 30 cm from the edge.
  8. Complete the back side.
  9. Sew details.
  10. Pass the satin ribbon through the waistband.

Knitted suit for a newborn girl

The styles of clothes for girls are distinguished by special grace and cuteness. Knitted suits are made in pink, red colors. If the children's blouse is fastened in front, the buttons are located on the placket on the left. A knitted suit can be decorated to your liking using embroidery, beads, ribbons, braid. At the same time, it is important that the decorative elements hold tightly, do not give the child the opportunity to tear off a small detail.

Suit for a newborn with knitting needles

Pale pink baby set, designed for the age of up to 3 months, is simple and elegant. Simple suits for newborns with knitting needles with patterns are knitted easily and quickly. The small set consists of pants and an openwork jumper. A simple drawing is done according to the scheme. To knit a kit for a newborn, prepare:

  • pink acrylic yarn - 150 g;
  • knitting needles No. 3, 4;
  • children's buttons matching the tone - 4 pcs;
  • elastic band - 40 cm.

The children's jumper is knitted like this:

  1. Cast on 46 back stitches, work 6 rows in 2X2 Rib. Add 1 time.
  2. Remove 2 times for armholes.
  3. Close the right shoulder, neck. On the left, make an elastic band 2 cm.
  4. Cast on 46 sts in front, tie elastic.
  5. Add 11 times.
  6. Decrease 2 times for armholes.
  7. Bind off 11 loops in the center. Decrease 4 times, 2 times 2, 1 time 1.
  8. Rib the last 2 cm of the left shoulder.
  9. Sew right shoulder, pull 72 sts from armhole. Dec 1 time in every 8th row.
  10. Tie the neck. Make loops on the left, sew on buttons.

To make baby pants, do the following:

  1. With needles No. 3, cast on 22 loops of each leg. Work 2x2 Rib for 6 rows.
  2. Continue back piece with size 4 needles. Inc 8 times on row 1.
  3. Bring the legs together 16 cm from the edge, picking up 1 loop between them.
  4. Dec in every 2nd row 6 times 1, continue straight.
  5. 13 cm from the leg joint, work a couple of rows in garter st, 4 in stockinette stitch, purl 2, 6 again in stockinette stitch. Close the detail.
  6. Complete the front side.
  7. Sew the item. Fold over, sew on the top.
  8. Pass the braid, as in the photo.

Having been born into the world, a newborn, whether it is a girl or a boy, knows little about new trends in fashion, about high-quality clothes, about stylish decoration. So to speak, the basis for self-expression from the cradle is mostly set by the mother, less often by the father. Beautiful crochet booties for newborns are in great demand among young mothers, because what is made with love for their child is, first of all, high-quality needlework that protects both from the cold and from possible negative energy influences.

It's great if the baby's wardrobe is complemented by stylish and colorful booties, which do not take much time to knit. Especially if you get carried away once, there is a high probability that you will like it, and with a sharp sense of dignity and joy you will knit booties for each new costume for your child.

The style and format of the shape of booties has no boundaries. Made in different color schemes, they look perfect with an additional attribute. For example, bows for girls and cars for boys. You can make booties in the form of some animal or just sneakers with laces.

We will analyze these and other models in detail in our article, and you yourself will see that crocheting the booties, the scheme of which is clear and detailed, will not take much effort. Do not doubt that the baby will definitely appreciate your efforts and will look with curious interest at his beautiful new thing, which is made with love from his mother.

Booties are used both for everyday wear and for a holiday. It will be very convenient if you can sew a thick leather insole on the sole of the booties, then the child will be able to walk with such booties on the street or take the first steps. And even if baby booties are not planned to be dressed for the holiday, make them bright, because colors play a beneficial role on the impression of the baby and his development.

A few rules when preparing for knitting

The skin of babies is so delicate that sometimes even a short contact with synthetic fiber can cause irritation and a rash. With these features in mind, we recommend:

  • The choice of knitting fabric should be from natural fibers;
  • Be attentive to small accessories sewn on booties. Sew them very securely to the threads or completely abandon small details, because the baby can inadvertently tear them off and taste them;
  • Determine the size depending on the size of the foot and the age of the baby;
  • The child's fingers should not be tightly squeezed together;
  • Do not use internal seams, they can obviously irritate the baby's delicate skin.

How to choose the right yarn

As noted earlier, for babies, they make a choice only in favor of natural fibers: wool, acrylic, cotton. Cotton is ideal for hot summer weather, the skin will breathe and the legs feel comfortable. Wool and acrylic will be indispensable in winter conditions, they will keep the legs warm.

When choosing yarn, pay attention to what structure it has. If the coat is rather rough or creates a “prickly” effect when touched, then, of course, it is better to refuse it. After all, at some point the baby will want to get on his feet and take the first steps, and he can simply abandon his natural desires from discomfort. Another exception, despite its soft texture, is angora wool.

Very often, the baby's palms are wet, do not neglect this. Taking his booties in his hands, he can roll up a considerable ball of wool, which later can become a problem if it enters the child's mouth.
It is recommended by experts to use merino wool for knitting for newborns. The composition of such wool is completely natural and, moreover, does not cause allergic reactions on the skin of a child. In some cases, cotton yarn is used along with acrylic.

Accessories for booties

Properly decorated booties can determine the gender of the child, the taste preferences of the mother, and also what kind of exit they are intended for (ordinary or festive). Having entered the store, pay your attention to the optimal accessories for baby booties:

  • Applications;
  • Satin braid;
  • Lace;
  • Embroidery;
  • Velcro;
  • Ties.

When choosing beads, and indeed any other accessory, try to check them for strength after the first wash, so as not to risk if they suddenly end up in the hands of a child. Thanks to Velcro and ties, you can easily fix the baby's leg, this will eliminate the possibility of the booties falling off.

The size of booties for a newborn: how to calculate

The size of booties is usually taken based on the age of the baby. From birth to eight months, booties can be made from the following scheme: newborns - 9 cm, from 3 to 6 months plus 1 cm, at 8 months 11 cm.

Diagrams and descriptions

To understand what is more convenient for you to knit or crochet, start with the easiest option for connecting the patches. If you are determined to more complex schemes, proceed, just remember the sequential instructions that you must follow. Crochet booties are especially often used, let's describe the crochet lessons for beginners.

Given the age of the child, you will need no more than 50 grams of knitting yarn. In order to start any style of booties, you should form the sole, and then start knitting the top.
Consider crochet patterns that are not difficult for newborns. We knit according to the scheme:

The red arrow indicates the beginning of the knitting. For example, we will dial 16 loops, where one of them is additional for raising the row. In the resulting closed chain, you should measure the length so that it matches as much as possible with the leg of the newborn from heel to toe.

When forming the sole, focus on the density of the loops. We knit the first rows of half-columns as in the diagram, then we move on to the tables. The task is this: from one loop you should knit two tables, and the last row with half-columns.

Crocheting booties for the upper part suggests the following pattern:

This diagram shows part of the knit from the sole to the ankles. The first part is a table without throwing a thread on the hook, followed by six dozen loops.

Beautiful booties for a little princess

Booties for girls, in view of the natural charm, should be bright or delicate shades of pink, purple, white, red, yellow. A great idea would be booties shaped like a shoe. Let's look at a step-by-step description of this model.

As usual, the beginning of the work of knitting booties begins with the formation of the sole. Take hook number 2.5.

For a more detailed description, refer to the step-by-step steps.

1 row: On the hook we collect 17 in. loops, we knit with the third. Without throwing (nakida), we collect 7 columns, then 7 tables with throwing and 4 tables without throwing into the last loop and connecting table.

2nd row: 3 in. loops, column (table-to) with throwing in the same area. 14 throw tables (2 throw tables from one loop - five times. 16 throw tables, 3 throw tables from one loop, connecting table.

3rd row: 3 in. loops, 15 tables with throwing, (2 tables with threading from one loop, table with throwing) - 2 times, (3 tables with throwing from one loop) - 2 times, (table with with throwing, 2 tables with throwing from one loop) - 2 times, 16 tables with throwing threads, (2 tables with throwing threads from one loop, standing with throwing threads) - 2 times, (3 table with a crochet from one loop) - 2 times, (table with throwing thread, 2 table with throwing from one loop) - 2 times, connecting table-ik.

4th row: c. loop, we tie a whole row of tables without throwing a thread on the hook, we finish with a connecting table.

5th row: 3 in. loops, we form the entire row of tables without throwing our insole over the back half-loop, we finish the final row with a connecting table.

6th row: 3 in. loops, we knit the whole row of tables with threading, we finish with a connecting table.

Change the thread to white.
7 row: 3 in. loops, 15 tables with throwing, (we knit 2 tables with threading according to the common top) - 10 times, we finish the row with tables with throwing, we finish with a connecting table.

8 row: 3 in. loops, 14 tables with threading, (2 tables with throwing we knit together with a common top) - 6 times, we knit a row of tables with throwing, we finish with a connecting table.

We form five connecting loops. Now it's time to knit the bootie from the inside.
9 row: 3 air loops, 27 tables with threading.

For the jumper, we dial 20 in. loops.
10 row: we knit in the fourth loop from the hook table-to with a throw, 2 in. loops, skip 2 tables of the past row and knit 2 tables with threading, again knit 2 in. loops - skip 2 loops of the past row and knit to the end of the row with a double crochet table.

The final touch - we tie the edges of the booties with tables without throwing a thread on the hook.

We sew on the necessary accessories.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, and the result is exquisite.

Booties for a boy step by step

Crochet booties for a boy are distinguished by their color palette. The color of booties is usually chosen in strict shades: blue, dark green, olive, gray, sometimes white.

So, to start knitting the next model, we need delicate natural yarn in two colors.
We recruit 12 air p. + 3 v.p.p. (in the amount of 15 ch), we take a hook in the 4th loop from the hook of a vicious circle and knit 3 rows according to the above pattern.

After three rows, change color.

4th row - in each table-ik (back) we knit a loop without throwing a thread. As a result, 56 loops should come out.

5th row the same. As a result, we have two rows knitted with white thread.

Back to blue. We start work by knitting the “bumps” (2 in. loops, after 2 unfinished tables, then one in. loop)

We skip one loop and again make a “bump”.

The next step is followed by one c. a loop

And so a whole series, after - close. 7th - repeat the 6th row

We conclude the row in a chain and cut the thread. We begin to knit the ledge, marking the center with a white thread.

We draw the hook into the back wall of the loop and knit a white "knob" from 2 not integral loops.

After we knit “round bumps from 3 non-integral loops to the center (get 14 pieces). The final bump of two non-integral loops.

We turn the knitting over and also knit "round bumps"

As a result, we get 7 pieces, then we need to tie them together.

We finish another row as well.

2 more rows and again we take the blue thread to work.

We decorate the frill by knitting 3 in. loops for each table.

Here is such a master class on creating a new attribute in the boys wardrobe can be knitted with your own hands.

Where can I buy everything you need to create stylish booties

Usually, an attribute for creativity can be ordered in two ways. The first is to place an order online from an online store, the second is to buy it in haberdashery stores. When choosing a product, it is necessary to take into account the main features, because the product should be as safe as possible for a small child.

Not only an important feature is its ecology and natural properties, the main thing is that the material does not cause allergic reactions in the crumbs. To do this, after you have tried on new booties, make sure that there is no redness. Allergies usually show up on the same day.

Crochet booties for newborns are not difficult to make, proof of this is a step-by-step knitting photo.

Crochet booties for a newborn has a lot of thematic forms. Inspired by the created creation, mothers themselves can often create a real masterpiece in the form of bunny booties, sneakers, bears, hearts, etc. without even expecting it. Do not rush to take on the most complex pattern for creating booties, try it easy if you are a beginner. And then you will no longer keep up with the time, the work will seem fast and productive.

Crocheting an elegant costume for a baby is not an easy task, but both an experienced craftswoman and a beginner will be able to cope with it.

Tools and materials Time: 6 hours Difficulty: 6/10

  • a hook that is suitable in size to the selected yarn;
  • yarn - 200-300 grams;
  • decor: ribbons, buttons, fasteners.

A knitted suit for a newborn should fasten at the front, be appropriate for the season and be made from yarn intended for children. The assembly of the parts of the costume is done with the seams outward.

Knitted suits for newborns

A crochet baby costume is a great gift for a baby. Its production is within the power of even beginner knitters. Equipment options:

  • cap + jacket / dress;
  • bonnet + jacket / dress + booties;
  • cap + jacket / dress + booties + pants;
  • jacket + pants;
  • jacket + pants + booties;
  • jacket / dress + booties;
  • jumpsuit + booties;
  • jumpsuit + booties + bonnet.

Knitted suits for discharge for newborns in hot weather in summer consist of a cotton or linen openwork jacket / dress, a light cap and socks. For cool weather, woolen sets are more often knitted, which include a sweater with pants or overalls, if desired, booties and a hat are added to them.

Crocheted baby costumes for a newborn photo shoot are distinguished by the brightness of the images. These can be costumes of a bee, a dragon, a butterfly, a flower, a little superhero, a sailor, an angel, a young Santa Claus.

Requirements for a baby costume for a newborn

When knitting clothes for a newborn, the following requirements must be considered:

  1. Yarn. Threads should be hypoallergenic and pleasant to the touch. They are “forbidden” to inject, accumulate static electricity.
  2. No awkward details. The main thing is that the suit does not squeeze the child's tummy with an elastic band of panties and does not leave marks on the body. The clothes are knitted so that they do not hamper the movement of the newborn, and all solid details (buttons and other decorative elements) are in front.
  3. Clasp. It is positioned so that it is easy to change the baby's diapers. For this, additional buttons are often made in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs of the overalls.

When assembling parts, the seams are stitched to the front side of the product or the method of seamless knitting in a circle is used.


Yarn. So that the product is not rough, we knit a summer or winter version of a suit for a newborn from thin and soft yarn. Threads should not shed, strongly stretch or shrink. Consumption for 1 suit - 200-300 grams.

The hook is selected according to the thickness of the threads. The recommended hook number is indicated on the yarn label. However, in order to finally determine its thickness, you need to tie the sample. If you want to get an openwork knit, then take a hook thicker than the one with which the sample is connected, and if it is denser, then thinner.

Decor. These are ribbons, buttons, fasteners and other elements. They must be safe for the newborn, not injure or scratch him.

Step-by-step instruction

In order to quickly crochet a newborn costume, proceed according to the following plan:

  1. The choice of a model of a knitted suit, the number of parts included in it, a knitting pattern, a suitable color.
  2. Buying yarn. It is better to take threads that are designed specifically for knitting products for children. For example, yarn Pekhorka "Children's novelty", Alize "Sekerim Bebe", Alize Cashmira, Nako "Bambino Matik", Pekhorka Pearl, Baby Joy, Baby YarnArt and others.
  3. Calculation of the footage and weight of yarn, creating a pattern.
  4. Knitting parts and their assembly into a finished product.

Below is a diagram and description of a basic knitted suit for a newborn, consisting of a jacket and pants. On their basis, following the general instructions, it is easy to knit an openwork dress with breeches or a T-shirt with shorts, as well as a warm jumpsuit.


For knitted suits for newborns, the following measurements are used (in cm):

  • baby's height - 50, 56, 62, 68, 74;
  • pants length - 32, 34, 36, 38, 40;
  • step height without belt - 12, 13, 14, 15, 16;
  • hip circumference - 44, 46, 48, 50, 52;
  • waist circumference - 42, 44, 46, 48, 50;
  • chest girth - 42, 44, 46, 48, 50;
  • sleeve length with collar (inner) - 12, 13, 14, 16, 17;
  • sleeve length with a collar - 14, 16, 18, 20, 22;
  • neck circumference - 22, 22.5, 23, 23.5, 24;
  • front length to waist - 13, 14, 16, 17, 18.

At the age of 0-3 months, head circumference is 35-40 cm, foot length is 7-9 cm.

Construction of a pattern and calculation of loops

As a basis, you can take a pattern of a knitted jumpsuit, making a blouse and panties of the desired length.

To find out how many loops to dial, you need to knit a sample of 10 x 10 cm with the selected pattern, and then count the number of loops of 1 cm horizontally and rows of 1 cm vertically in it and multiply by the desired length. For example, in 10 cm there are 22 loops, then in 1 cm there will be 22: 10 = 2.2 loops, and in 13 cm, respectively, 13 x 2.2 loops = 28.6 ≈ 29 cm. Similarly, calculate the number of rows along the length products.

the front of

The front part consists of two shelves. The width of one shelf is equal to: half-girth of the chest + 4-5 cm for a free fit: 2. To this value, you need to add the width of the fastener strap.

Main pattern: double crochets.


We collect the required number of loops corresponding to the width of the shelf.

We knit a row with a double crochet.

Knitting relief columns. We make a crochet, bring the hook under the double crochet of the previous row from the front side so that it “bulges out” on the front side. Then we pick up the thread and knit it like a double crochet.

Next, we make a crochet, draw a hook under the column of the bottom row from the wrong side so that it protrudes to the wrong side, pick up the thread and knit it like a double crochet. We repeat this technique, alternating picking up the column of the previous row from the front and back sides.

We knit the desired length of the elastic band, repeating row 3. We bring the hook according to the pattern.

You should start knitting shelves with an elastic band. We knit 3-5 cm, and then we increase the loops along the width of the pattern, distributing them evenly along the width of the shelf. We knit the added loops in the form of a regular single crochet.

Armhole trim

Having tied the shelves and the back to the armhole line, you can continue without reducing anything to the very top. In this case, you get a model with a lowered shoulder line.

For newborns, sweaters and T-shirts with raglan sleeves are more often knitted. Here, at the shelves and back, starting from the armhole line, you need to evenly reduce the number of loops (usually 1-2 in a row). The most common models are with a one-piece knitted raglan or a round, square yoke - when the jacket is knitted from the neck down.

In a newborn, the depth of the armhole is 1/3 of the semicircle of the chest + 2 cm.

In front, the depth of the neck drawn from the upper point of the shoulder is 5 cm. Its width is 10 cm (5 cm per shelf) or 1/3 of the volume of the neck + 2 cm. We decrease the loops evenly in the form of an oblique line (1-2 columns in each row) or a semicircle (3.2 and then 1-2 columns).

Behind the lower point of the sprout of the back is at a level of 1.5 cm down from the upper point of the shoulder.


The back is knitted in a single piece of fabric in the form of a square with a depression in the center in the sprout area of ​​3 cm and a width of 10 cm.

When knitting from the bottom up, we start with an elastic band 3-5 cm high, and then we increase the loops, as on the shelves.


The sleeves of a suit intended for newborns should be made with a margin of length, since the distance between the fingers of the hands spread apart in the next 3 months will increase by 6-12 cm.

To minimize the number of seams, they are knitted in a circle in the form of a rectangle from the armhole line down. At the bottom of the sleeve, the number of loops is evenly reduced, and its lower part ends with an elastic band.

They are knitted in the round from top to bottom and start with ribbing. It sits above the waist. The width should be sufficient so that the panties can be easily put on a diaper (at least the width of the hips plus 10-12 cm for a loose fit).

Having knitted the main pattern 16-18 cm, they begin to knit the legs and crotch. To do this, a strip is knitted in the center of the resulting “skirt” with double crochets (about 6 columns wide - 1.5-2 cm, 3 rows high - about 5 cm) and connected to the opposite side.

After that, they start knitting with a straight fabric in a circle of legs. At the end, they are shirred, loops are reduced and finished with an elastic band. Another option is to put ruffles on the bottom and thread a ribbon for decoration.


Sweater. First, the shelves are sewn with the back on the sides, and then along the line of the shoulders with the seams outward. If the model provides for separate details of the sleeves, then first the shelves and the back are connected along the line of the shoulders, then the sleeve is sewn to the armhole in an expanded form. After that, the back and shelves on the sides and sides of the sleeve are connected with one seam. At the end, buttons are sewn to the fastener area and the finished top of the suit is decorated.

Pants. When knitting panties in a circle, there are no seams, so an elastic band is simply inserted when it is provided by the model.

Features of costumes for boys and girls

Traditionally, knitted suits for newborn boys are distinguished by a more strict pattern and a minimal amount of jewelry. The most commonly used colors are blue, green, white, brown.

For newborn girls, knitters decorate costumes with lace, ribbons, and actively use openwork knitting. The color palette is distinguished by brightness, saturation of shades. Pink or white is often used.

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