
Mobile design in a kindergarten group. Registration of groups. “Corner for the development of fine motor skills”


Before enrolling their child in a preschool institution, all parents carefully study it. Therefore, the design of the group in the kindergarten, its appearance, the cleanliness, neatness and comfort of the premises play a decisive role in their final choice.

Kindergarten group design project

The main task when designing the interior of a kindergarten is to create a favorable atmosphere for the psychological development of children. The environment should be such that the child wants to come back here every day.

When developing a design project for a kindergarten, pay close attention to its lighting; it is advisable that the windows are located on both sides. It is not recommended to use fluorescent lamps in rooms; use natural light as much as possible.

Game Zone

Play areas in senior and preparatory groups should be quite spacious, so we recommend placing furniture around the perimeter. A mandatory element is indoor plants; their selection and placement should be harmoniously combined with the overall design.

The basis of the design of children's rooms is the creation of a special microworld that would arouse children's interest.

This is achieved by arranging functional areas:

  • game;
  • workplace;
  • dining room;
  • bedrooms.
  1. The interior of the kindergarten should not resemble an official institution. Large soft toys, light bright curtains, and sofa cushions can help make the rooms cozy.
  2. Children's furniture must be quite durable, since it is subject to particularly rapid wear. Interior items and furniture must have the correct size and height, selected in accordance with the height of the children in the group.
  3. Furniture should be placed so that there is enough space for games and exercise.
  4. In the premises it is necessary to provide play islands with toys, materials for crafts, pencils, albums and light movable furniture. Such areas require a bright design.
  5. Another important component of interior design is a variety of pictures hung on the walls depicting cartoon characters and animals. They will create a fun, comfortable environment.
  6. Provide a corner in the project in which children's drawings and crafts will be placed. At the same time, parents should have access to them; they should see what their baby creates with their own hands. Place the display area at a height so that children can easily pick up and put down the artwork.

Features of the design of different zones in the group

Bedroom in kindergarten

The interior of the kindergarten premises should be moderately saturated with different tones so that there is no clearly visible contrast.

Color solution

This will help to visually erase spatial boundaries and create harmony in the interior of the group.

Note! Child psychologists do not recommend actively using the color red, because its excess leads to aggression and nervous excitement. But all shades of green calm, lift the mood and have a good effect on the child’s psyche.

Game Zone

The playing area should be decorated brightly - in blue, yellow, orange and green tones, this will increase gaming activity. In younger groups, the interior should resemble a fairy tale; this will create a joyful mood in children and help their imagination develop.

The dining area should be designed depending on whether it is combined with a study or play room. Furniture should be comfortable and made of durable and environmentally friendly materials.


The most important aspect is organizing a place for daytime naps. The peculiarities of physical development are such that children get tired quite quickly. Based on this, their activity depends on the quality of rest.

Beds should be appropriate for the height of children; mattresses should be comfortable and not too soft. The use of spring products is strictly prohibited, as they can provoke curvature of the spine.

Bright and exciting colors are not allowed in the bedroom; the best solution in this case is to decorate the area in pastel colors.

About facing materials and equipment

The walls of the kindergarten should not be covered with wallpaper. All surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned and washed. In the games area, you can plan a wall painting that will depict cartoon characters or funny animals.

Plastic panels are quite suitable for the bedroom. in kindergarten it can be done with decorative plaster, which has a weak texture. The study area can be painted in bright colors, with decorative accents.

The floor covering should be as safe and tactile as possible. This could be a light-colored laminate flooring covered with medium-pile carpeting.

All furniture in the kindergarten should be adapted to the growth and needs of the children. In addition, its objects should be bright and interesting, attracting attention. It is best if it is made of natural wood.

If the beds in the bedroom are bunk, the second tier must be equipped with a side. In addition, the area must be equipped with lockers for storing clothes.

Play areas are equipped in different ways; the best option is to use soft ottomans, as well as racks and shelves with toys.

In the study part of the groups, as a rule, there are open cabinets for books, notebooks and other study supplies, small desks with chairs. Do not forget to provide a workplace for the teacher.

Textiles play an important role in the design of a kindergarten; it gives the premises a homely look. Use light and bright curtains, complement them with napkins, tablecloths, and towels that add comfort.

Indoor decor elements need to be safe and unbreakable. Toys are perfect for this, but they should not be placed in the learning part of the groups, otherwise the children will be distracted all the time.

Living plants, which are placed in flowerpots at a height where children cannot reach them, will help decorate the design of the kindergarten premises.

Summing up

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Galina Fundurak

Registration of a group in kindergarten, as a rule, falls on our shoulders, educators.

In order for children to feel comfortable, it is necessary to ensure that the environment in groups was close to home. Moreover, it is beautiful and tasteful group formed has aesthetic and developmental significance for children. The main thing is to approach the matter creatively. I brought all this to the attention of my parents. Someone draws beautifully, someone sews. And this is what happened.

Our the group is called"Fireflies". Login the group is designed this way. I glued an applique of self-adhesive paper to the ceiling tile door.

And that's how I am issued reception room based on the fairy tale "Kolobok". Working together with parents.

This is our Miracle Tree for children's creative work. My work.

Reception wall issued application of ceiling tiles and self-adhesive paper. Also the work of my hands.

So I decorated a corner"Lost." A basket of flowers, a sewn cover, letters and a crow made of felt. I tried to.

stand for crafts made of plasticine. A shoe box covered with self-adhesive paper and decorative felt work. Beauty!

IN I decorated the wall in the group room with applique, continuation of the fairy tale "Kolobok". The bunny is made of fabric, and everything else is made of self-adhesive paper.

A corner of nature is not only decoration groups, but also a place for self-education. I decided to make flower stands from stumps and decorate with felt work. Fabulous forest inhabitants live in a corner of nature. Fedor and Fenya. They are also made from stumps.

And this is our Masha. Mummers corner. The idea was mine, but my parents brought it to life.

These paintings are made from felt by me hands, they decorate group.

Both me and my kids feel comfortable here group!

Publications on the topic:

Summer decoration of the site with your own hands in kindergarten.

DIY model for a story game in kindergarten “Farm”. Play is the leading activity of a preschooler, which affects all aspects of him.

The middle group of our kindergarten is called "Smeshariki". All information for parents and children is made in the same style, with images of characters.

Hello, dear colleagues and friends! I bring to your attention the design for the corners of art, mathematics, literacy. These are funny.

Each group in our kindergarten has its own name. Our group is called "Little Red Riding Hood." This is how I designed the information stand for.

Forming a group in a kindergarten, as a rule, falls on the shoulders of the teachers. In order for children to feel comfortable, it is necessary to ensure that the environment in the room is close to home. In addition, a beautifully and tastefully decorated group has aesthetic and developmental significance for children.

There are many options for creating children's corners, decorating cabinets, and designing stands. The main thing is to be creative. You need to get the attention of your parents. Perhaps one of them draws beautifully, takes photographs, or is fluent in computer programs and will be able to create excellent nature calendars, posters with lists of birthday people, etc.

It is possible, by agreement with the parents and the head, to arrange the group with ready-made manuals and stands. They are made to order by specialists; their topics and volume are determined depending on preferences, taking into account the age and needs of the children. And you can see beautiful finished stands by copying the link Here you can purchase ready-made solutions.
Stands need to be given special attention. They can be done with help. The main set of stands usually includes a poster with information for parents, a menu, a group list, announcements, and congratulations. You must not forget about stickers or pictures on the lockers, a poster on the front door with the name of the group.

The kindergarten group should be decorated in bright and rich colors as in the photo. Stories from fairy tales or cartoons are perfect for decorating walls. Kids will be very pleased to see their favorite characters on the walls. The main thing is that the stories, in addition to the aesthetic, have an educational effect.

When setting up a group, it is important to pay attention to a corner where they can display their crafts and drawings and show them to parents. For small children, it is better not to clutter the group with a lot of furniture, but to provide space for outdoor games.

Now you know general recommendations on how to design a kindergarten group with your own hands. We hope that our photos helped you with decorating a kindergarten group with your own hands. We'd be interested to see what you come up with! Therefore, we look forward to your pictures with pleasure on the theme of the original design of a kindergarten group; maybe your templates will help someone else decorate the interior of a kindergarten.

Teacher of MADOU No. 203 “Combined kindergarten”, Kemerovo.

This work is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions, this is the design of a group and a reception area.

A kindergarten is a special institution; it is practically a second home for its employees and children. And you always want to make your home cozy and warm. The lack of financial resources to purchase various equipment and games contributes to the development of teachers’ creativity.

This is my second year working in my group. The group arrived unkempt. But I tried to do everything possible to make the children comfortable and interesting, so that they enjoy every day they live in our group.

Design “Our group”. The squirrel and the umbrella are made of ceiling slabs, painted with water-based paint with the addition of multi-colored colors.

Also in the reception area there was a stand for children and parents “Do not bring to kindergarten” (as practice shows, this is very useful information).

To congratulate the children on their birthday, I made a cake with candles from corrugated paper.

Algorithm for dressing (we hang clothes according to the seasons) and putting clothes in a locker.

This is the “Funny Pencils” design for the art corner.

I make a lot of aids from waste material. Pencil in the corner of Fine Art (from toilet paper rolls).

These are attributes for the role-playing games “Shop”, “Daughters - Mothers: dumplings, dumplings, fried eggs, cakes, pastries, sausages, noodles, carrots.

The decoration of the play corner is also made of ceiling tiles and painted with water-based paint.

Corner for studying and consolidating traffic rules.

Corner “We are on duty” and “Learning to set the table.”

Corner “Mumming” and “Barbershop”.

This is our “Hospital”.

Decoration of the “Nature” corner.

Educational zone and mini-museum “Burenushka”.

Design of the Cognition Center.

Svetlana Safina

Nursery group decorations

I present to your attention group design for a nursery, and I will be very glad if my ideas are useful to you. The parents' corner and the corner for the exhibition of children's works are made entirely with their own hands. For this were used: foam ceiling tiles, adhesive film, double-sided tape, files, decorative stickers. The fish are made from isolon and adhesive film.

The lockers have an individual designation made of a disk and a cut alphabet with pictures. Each locker is signed.

Group, Same designed in an original way. Inscription: “Let’s explore the world together” is made of isolon and red adhesive film. A boy and a girl and a hedgehog reading a book are drawn on thick paper and covered with transparent film.

Zone of cognitive development. Here are various didactic games and sensory development games.

Speech development zone. There are books with songs, nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes, lullabies, poems and first fairy tales. also in group There is a theater corner, unfortunately it is not in the photo now.

Zone of social and communicative development. For boys and girls.

Corner of nature

Zone of artistic and aesthetic development

Children's physical development zone

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Project goal: To develop cognitive interest in the animals section, to introduce the world of literature, to develop speech, motor skills, and creative abilities.

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