
How to put your hair in an elastic band around your head. Favourite thing. Elastic band


In recent years, hairstyles with elastic bands have become very popular among women. This modern, convenient and beautiful accessory, the prototype for which was the tiara, is now available to almost any fashionista. And in ancient times, this attribute could only belong to high-ranking royals or priests. He was a symbol of their high position and exclusivity. By the way, the word “diadem” comes from the Greek diadeo, which means “to tie” or “to fasten.” That is why, probably, a modern headband with an elastic band is designed in the most elegant way to tie a beauty’s head and secure the strands as firmly as possible.


Reasons for the popularity of the modern analogue of the tiara

Today, the headband is extremely popular, and there are good reasons for this:

  • Headband hairstyles can be done simply and easily at home, without the help of a hairdresser.
  • The accessory can be used for both simple everyday hairstyles and complex, intricate holiday hairstyles.
  • A properly sized headband does not cause any discomfort to the head.
  • A vintage accessory makes a woman feel like a real queen.

Perhaps you have not yet tried to do your own hairstyles with a headband, only because you do not know how to handle it. Our master classes with step-by-step photos will help you correct this gap.


This hairstyle with an elastic band can instantly transform any girl. In order to make a hairstyle like the girl in the photo, you will need:

  • elastic band;
  • hairpins and bobby pins;
  • regular hair elastic;
  • fixing varnish.

Carefully comb your long hair to one side and tie it into a high ponytail with an elastic band.

Place the jewelry so that it is below the base of the ponytail. Attach it with bobby pins.

Divide your ponytail hair into any number of strands.

Twist the strand with a rope.

Pull the rope together to form letters as the master does in the photo. To do this, grab a small strand at the end of the strand with one hand, and with the other, pull the strands towards your head.

Place the curls on your head, giving them the desired shape. Secure the result with hairpins and bobby pins.

Do a similar procedure with all the strands of the tail.

Fix your hair with hairspray.

As a result, you get a beautiful hairstyle for a special event.

For daily styling, a master class with video would be a suitable option.

You can do this hairstyle on your hair almost any length and texture. For those with naturally curly hair, there is virtually no preparatory stage. For them, simply wash and dry your hair.

Straight hair should first be curled, as was done by the girl in the photo. You can curl them in any way convenient for you: curling iron, iron, curlers. Curled curls should be lightly fluffed with your hands and sprinkled with light-hold hairspray.

Place an elastic headband on your head. Divide your hair roughly into four parts: two on the sides and two on the back of the head. Lightly comb each strand to add volume. Carefully roll the back strands of your head one by one into a loose roller towards the elastic band of the headband, and pin the roller above the elastic band with hairpins and bobby pins.

Twist the side strands into a loose strand away from the face, and also secure with hairpins over an elastic band, forming a hairstyle like the girl in the photo.

At the final stage, if you wish, you can pull out a few loose curls from your hair to give the styling a slight, deliberate negligence. Fix the finished hairstyle with hairspray.

Believe me, it will take you a while to get this hairstyle done. no more than 15 minutes, and the result you will get is simply stunning.

Another option for festive styling in the Greek style is shown in the video.

Beautiful nymph

For girls with chic long hair, hairstyles with a headband are suitable. on loose hair. This accessory allows you to demonstrate to others all the beauty of long curls and at the same time have an interesting styling on your head, like the girls in the photo.

It is not difficult to make such a hairstyle by following the steps of the master class step by step.

Comb your hair well. If desired, curls can be slightly curl with an iron. Get a headband that matches your outfit.

Put the headband on your head, as the girl in the photo does.

Do you want a stylish hairstyle, but haven’t learned anything other than a ponytail and braids? Very quick and simple hairstyles with elastic bands will easily solve the problem, because anyone can do them!

Volume hairstyle for long hair

This beautiful hairstyle is ideal for holidays and celebrations. It's very easy to make - you only need a few accessories.

1. Gently comb and part your hair. Take thin strands of hair from each side. Select the exact same strand in the center.

2. Tie these strands into a ponytail.

3. Make a hole in the central section with your finger (slightly above the elastic) and thread the strands through it.

4. Stretch the weave with your hands to make it fluffy.

5. A little lower, select two more of the same strands. Connect them to the tail and tie them again.

6. Stretch the weave, covering the junction.

7. Continue as long as length allows. The result will be a very beautiful holiday hairstyle.

By the way, you can wear the same hairstyle every day. In the everyday version, it is made tighter without stretching the strands. In all other respects, installation is performed in exactly the same way.

Hairstyle for loose strands

Long hair gets in the way and gets into your eyes. They can be easily assembled into a cute style.

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Separate one thin strand on the sides.
  3. Connect them with an elastic band, placing it on the side.
  4. A little lower, separate two more thin strands.
  5. Connect them again - approximately in the ear area.
  6. Continue braiding up to neck level. The elastic bands can be anything – bright or matching the color of your hair.

Greek hairstyle with headband

A hairstyle with an elastic band around the head can be done in 10 minutes, but it will make you happy all day long! With her you will not be left without the attention of others.

  1. Wear a stylish headband, lowering it almost to your forehead.
  2. Tuck the strands on the sides under the bandage.
  3. Braid the remaining hair into a fishtail.
  4. The end needs to be tied.


Do you like fishtail? It can also be created with accessories!

1. Comb it all back.

2. Separate two strands of medium width at the edges. Tie them in the middle without tightening the elastic.

3. For the next ponytail, take two more strands and tie them in the same way.

4. Throw the second tail up and turn it through the first. Be very careful not to get your hands caught in the rest of your hair.

5. Connect the next pair of strands together again and thread them through the elastic that tied the first ponytail. In this case, you need to lower it a little.

6. At each stage, the braids interlock the outer strands and turn them out through the first ponytail. To increase the length of the braid, the elastic band is gradually pulled down. Do this carefully so as not to tear it.

7. At the very last stage, do not turn the strands out, but chop them in front.

8. Decorate the tip with a hairpin, ribbon or flower.

Tips to help you create a beautiful and fashionable hairstyle from rubber bands in five minutes:

Reverse braid

The now fashionable reverse braid can be easily braided using simple elastic bands.

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. At the top of your head, separate a small section of hair and connect it.
  3. A little lower, separate the exact same strand and tie them again.
  4. Divide the hair in the first ponytail in half and pass it under the second. Tie it up.
  5. Separate the strands again and connect them.
  6. Divide the hair in the second ponytail in half and pass it under the third, securing it with an elastic band.
  7. Continue braiding until the end of your hair. The braid can be braided either in the center or diagonally.

Office ponytail made of rubber bands

This strict hairstyle for long and medium hair is ideal for going to work, relaxing or walking.

1. Tie a smooth ponytail, positioning it higher.

2. Take a separate strand and wrap the elastic around it. Hide the tip in your hair, securing it with a bobby pin.

3. Step back a little lower (10-15 cm) and tie a silicone elastic band on the tail (choose to match your hair color).

4. Make an inverted tail.

5. Step back the same distance again, tie an elastic band and make an inverted ponytail.

6. If the length allows, make a couple more of these loops.

Romantic styling

How to create a hairstyle that is suitable for parties and dates, weddings or proms? The instructions will help you!

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Gather the upper part of the hair at the top of the head.
  3. Select two middle strands of hair a little lower.
  4. Link them together.
  5. A little lower, select two more of the same strands and connect them.
  6. Decorate your hair with beautiful hairpins.

Laying of strands with tails

This stylish hairstyle with scrunchies looks simply luxurious! It can be safely done not only for every day, but also for a special occasion.

  1. Separate two thin strands of hair near your ears.
  2. Twist them into light ropes.
  3. Link them together.
  4. A little lower, separate two more thin strands of hair. Also twist them into ropes and tie them in the middle.
  5. Repeat 5-6 times.
  6. Curl the ends of your hair.

Tail flashlight

This simple hairstyle will bring a newness to your look and make you look very bright.

  1. Comb it all back or part it.
  2. Tie a tight ponytail around the back of your head.
  3. Tie another elastic band a little lower to match your hair color.
  4. Stretch the strands with your hands so that the flashlight comes out.
  5. Step back the same distance and tie another accessory.
  6. Stretch the strands again.
  7. Continue along the entire length.

How do you like this option?

Evening hairstyle in Greek style

Evening hairstyles with an elastic band are in great demand, because they look incredible and can be safely combined with any type of outfit.

1. Place the headband over your hair, leaving your bangs and strands hanging freely at your temples.

3. Using the thin tip of a comb, create volume at the back of your head by carefully sliding it under your hair and gently pulling it up.

4. Twist the loose strands at the back into tight strands and tuck them under the bandage. Secure your hair with hairpins.

Air bubbles

1. Comb it all back.

2. Separate the strand from the side near the forehead.

3. Tie the strand with an elastic band, wrapping it twice.

4. Stretch the elastic with your finger, lower it a little lower, twist it and make two more turns with it.

5. Stretch the hair on both sides or in a checkerboard pattern.

6. Repeat the procedure on this strand of hair, but with a different accessory.

7. Use the same technique to style the rest of your hair. The size of the strands can be increased to create a wave effect.

8. Lay all the air loops in random order, securing them with pins. Decorate your hair with hairpins.

fairy tail

This adorable hairstyle is not just for kids. It looks just as beautiful on older girls.

  1. Tie a high ponytail.
  2. Separate two thin strands of hair from the sides.
  3. Tie them and gently stretch them.
  4. Select two more thin strands a little lower.
  5. Tie them and stretch them a little.
  6. Continue braiding until the end of the ponytail.

Three perky tails

With such a playful hairstyle you can go to work, a date, or a party.

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Gather the top part of your hair and tie it at the top of your head.
  3. Turn it outward, passing it through the elastic band.
  4. Below, form two more tails. Turn them inside out.
  5. Gently stretch the weave sections with your hands.

June 5, 2012, 20:45

In the preface, I want to tell you about the concept of this section in order to avoid misunderstandings and thoughts of plagiarism. After the first post: “Item under gunpoint. Torn jeans,” they told me that there is a similar section “Portrait of an item.” I found it and read it, the section is very good! I respect the work of others and in no case do I want to “take someone else’s bread.” My plan is different. I want to talk about my favorite things, explain why they have become indispensable in my life and tell me what and how to wear them, with the hope that this can help someone. Of course, there will be a little history of the origin of these things, but this is not the point of this article. I hope you will enjoy! This time I want to tell you about the elastic headband, which has gained popularity recently. Previously, we associated it with the Greek image, but now most girls decorate their hair with it. Stars have long adopted this accessory. I fell in love with it because it helps out very well in situations where the hair is not the first freshness, the second or third day after washing, there is absolutely no time to wash your hair, but you need to look 100%. By the way, styling on such hair lasts much better than on clean hair. Tiaras and crowns, the ancestors of the headband, are among the most ancient hair decorations. In many nations, hair was considered the wealth and pride of a woman, so they tried to decorate it in various ways. In ancient times, the crown was a closed ring, but the diadem was not a closed ring. This is where the hair band came from, which is used to secure the hair in front or to wear on the head as a decoration. Hairbands are one of the most popular hair accessories these days. Headbands are present in the collections of many famous designers (for example, Chanel, Valentino, Marc Jacobs, etc.). In this summer's collections, I liked the look of Louis Vuitton the most. Today, the headband acts not just as a means of securing hair, but also as a fashion accessory, a full-fledged toilet detail that allows you to complete a stylish look. How and with what to wear: Headbands in classic colors– black, beige, brown, etc. – suitable for almost any look and any clothing. For office and business meetings You should choose headbands without any special finishing, as laconic as possible, of medium thickness or thin.
Wide and bright headbands are perfect for relax. Such headbands will look very good with summer sundresses, one-piece swimsuits, and tunics. An example of bright rubber bands:
Headbands with rhinestones and all kinds of sparkles, flowers, and large decorations are best worn for evening events and holidays.

Here's a very interesting option. I want to try it on. If anyone has seen where they are sold, please share the information! It’s very good to use hairbands when you’re tired of bangs and want them to grow back faster. The colors and designs of the headbands should be chosen depending on the outfit, weather, and mood. You can match the headband to the color of your accessories: shoes or handbag, scarf or gloves. It will look very stylish. Typically, hairbands can be purchased in stores that specialize in selling various accessories and jewelry. Now I want to talk about hairstyles with this type of headband. 1. The simplest option is to simply put it on top of your hair.. I won’t show examples; there were enough illustrations above. For example, you can style your hair like this: 2. A strict version, a bun, a braid with a headband. You can make a regular bun or ponytail and put a headband on top, or you can make a complex bun. For example this one. 3. You can also make Bobetta, according to the instructions, it is tied with a ribbon, but you can also put on an elastic band. 4. My favorite hairstyle is Greek. I am often asked how I made it, so I will try to describe it in more detail. I have found many variations of it for myself. The headband is put on OVER the hair, then a strand is taken, the first one from the temple, as if wrapped around the headband, pulled down, then the same strand and part of the adjacent hair are taken and also scrolled around the headband. This is how the hair is wrapped on both sides so that it meets at the back of the head, in the middle. You simply roll up the remaining tail under the elastic band. If the hair falls apart, secure it with 3-4 bobby pins or hairpins. I hope the submitted illustration will be clear)
If you like your hair loose, you can tie only two strands on each side around the headband and leave them loose. A little trick, you need to comb your hair better with your forehead to give it volume.
Well, the last version of this hairstyle, in continuation of the previous one, when you have twisted only a few strands, from the remaining ones you can weave a braid, a loose one looks better. If you like to do things with your own hands, you can make this accessory at home. Celebrities' choice Many celebrities really love headbands and can't do without this accessory almost a day. Among the special fans is Jessica Alba. Jessica Alba uses an elastic headband in everyday life. She even buys headbands for her little daughter, who still has very little hair on her head. But the headband also serves as decoration, doesn’t it? Another lover of headbands is Paris Hilton. In everyday life or at social events and red carpets, Paris often chooses a headband as a stylish decoration for her blond hair.
Daria Zhukova very often does her hair with this accessory. A good option for short hair using the example of Milla Jovovich. Reese Witherspoon, her voluminous hairstyle is framed by a strict headband. An example of a double rim.
A good example of a bun with a headband.
I hope you liked the post and find it useful!

You can learn how to make a Greek hairstyle with your own hands from the guide offered on this page. Instructions for Greek hairstyle are accompanied by detailed descriptions of steps and photographs.

Greek hairstyle with elastic band

An incredibly popular hairstyle in the classic Greek style. To get an original Greek-style hairstyle with an elastic band, follow these steps:

3. Create additional volume at the back of your head by pulling out the strands with the tail of a comb.

4. Twist loose hair into plaits and tuck one at a time under the elastic.

How to make a Greek hairstyle with an elastic band?

Before you do a Greek hairstyle again, experiment with an elastic band: try to collect only part of the hair.

1. Place the headband over your hair, leaving strands of bangs and temples free.

2. Separate the strands near your face and tuck them under the elastic. Move from the parting to the ear. Repeat the same steps on the other side.

3. Separate a strand in the temple area and loosely wrap it around the hoop several times so that it is not visible. If the length of your hair allows, wrap a hoop around this strand, reaching the middle of the back of your head. If the hair is not long enough, add the same amount of hair to the strand and continue wrapping the hoop. Repeat the same steps on the other side.

4. Lightly pull out the strands at the back of your head with a ponytail comb.

Another Greek hairstyle step by step

A stylish and spectacular Greek hairstyle can be done step by step for a beautiful and elegant styling of curly hair. Hairstyle with partially collected hair.

1. Separate the hair of the parietal and temporal zones, pin with bobby pins.

2. Put on a headband with an elastic band and straighten it on your hair.

3. Pull out the strands with a comb to create additional volume.

4. Separate a small strand on the right and secure it with a clip in the middle of the head so that it fits tightly to the hair. Take the same strand on the left and secure it under the first one. Consistently separate the strands on both sides and pin them along the entire length of the hair.

5. Remove the clips and fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

6. Wrap a thin strand around the end of your hair and secure it on the inside with a hairpin or bobby pin.

How to braid a Greek hairstyle with voluminous braids

Voluminous strands will make your hair airy and give the image a slight negligence. Next, you can read how to braid a Greek hairstyle with voluminous strands.

Luxurious Greek hairstyles are still in fashion. And for good reason, because they can become a decoration for women during any celebration: weddings, proms, parties. And for an everyday look, these universal hairstyles are no less suitable. Looks especially touching and gentle hairstyle with headband.

Hairstyle with headband

Hairbands, tiaras, crowns. Even in ancient times, women used similar decorations for their luxurious hair. Today, these accessories have been replaced by more modern options. For example, elastic headbands that have managed to conquer the entire fashion world. They are also called khairatniks. This simple and extremely functional accessory has been at the top of its popularity for several years. Hairstyles with it are done by young people and older women, ordinary girls and representatives of the star world.

In principle, you can leave it at that stage - the hairstyle is already beautiful. And we can go further

Gather your hair with a thin elastic...

...and lead them by the bandage

Ready! If necessary, secure individual strands with bobby pins or hairpins.

Bright colors are appropriate for summer. And headbands with artificial stones, rhinestones, sequins and sparkles are the best option for the holiday. Although a very original headband can be made with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to attach decorative elements to the finished elastic band. You can use the material from which the dress is made, then you will get not just a separate accessory, but a creative, stylish continuation of the created ensemble.

Neat, beautiful hairstyles with a headband will decorate any woman. Such extraordinary styling looks very impressive, transforming women for the better. The advantages of hairstyles with a headband listed above are appreciated by celebrity beauties who periodically shine with such hairstyles. So the headband definitely appealed to Milla Jovovich, Sandra Bullock, Jessica Alba, Paris Hilton, Gwyneth Paltrow, Rihanna and many other celestials.

Cutie Keira Knightley

Emma Stone in an elegant metal headband

Beautiful Charlize

Kirsten Dunst in a cute girly headband with flowers

Paris Hilton imitates 30s style

AnnaLynne McCord curbed her curly hair

How to do

There are a lot of master classes on the Internet with step-by-step photographs and videos of doing it without outside help.

Doing this hairstyle yourself on medium-length hair and long curls is quite simple. The simplest version of the Greek hairstyle is considered to be:

  • the hair needs to be combed and parted in the middle;
  • put a headband with an elastic band on your hair. You can secure it with bobby pins, which will securely fix the tape;
  • you need to take a strand of hair near your ear and put it behind the elastic. You should do the same with the rest of your hair.

Next hairstyle option:

  • after combing the hair and strengthening the headband, the first separated strand should be twisted into a rope and only then tucked under the headband;
  • repeat the procedure on all hair.

This romantic hairstyle can be done in 5 minutes

Put on a headband and separate a strand at your temple...

...twist the strand around the headband... the same with the strand on the other side

Hairstyle with a headband looks best on curly, voluminous hair. This technique is especially suitable for a special event. And straight hair can be slightly curled in any convenient way.

This version of the Greek styling with a rim has another way of doing it:

  • for additional volume of the hairstyle, you need to comb your hair a little at the roots on the top of the head, and then lightly smooth the upper part of the comb with a brush;
  • after securing the elastic, the strands are placed under the headband;
  • one beautiful curl can not be pinned, but left to hang softly;
  • You can also leave a strand of hair at the back at the base of the hairstyle to create a sophisticated, romantic look that is best suited for a wedding hairstyle.

A slightly disheveled hairstyle that is suitable for a look in style or

A slightly modernized installation option:

  • After all the initial steps, the hair is styled from the temple. In the usual way, the strands are bent under the headband on the left and right at the temples;
  • the hair that remains behind is pinned up in sections, or you can gather it all together and tuck it in a bun under an elastic band;
  • You don’t have to hide the lower strands, but simply leave them hanging freely or weave them into a braid.

A beautiful hairstyle based on a braid

The version of a fluffy hairstyle for the evening, in which the hair:

  • first you need to twist it, lift it at the crown, creating volume;
  • Divide your hair into five to six strands. Do not touch the hair behind the ears, but comb the strands on the back of your head one by one and tuck them loosely under the elastic. Secure each action with pins and varnish;
  • at the end you need to hide the hair at the temples under an elastic band, leaving soft curls.

The final touch for any hairstyle is to decorate it with flowers or hairpins. But you cannot find a better decoration than the happy eyes and radiant smile of a woman!
