
What to do if your fingernails peel? What to do when your nails become very peeling? Causes of longitudinal separation of fingernails


– a violation of the homogeneous structure of the nail plate, as a result of which it splits into separate scales. Peeling nails are characterized by increased fragility, brittleness, dryness, rough surface, lack of healthy shine, slow growth, etc. In order to determine the causes of peeling nails, it may be necessary to consult a mycologist, examine the nail plates for pathogenic fungus, and conduct a spectral analysis for microelements. Treatment for peeling nails should be comprehensive and include medical (taking dietary supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes, physiotherapy) and care procedures (therapeutic baths, masks, sealing and strengthening of nails).

General information

Exfoliating nails are dystrophic changes in the nails, characterized by their thinning and splitting into separate leaf-shaped plates. Along with brittleness and deformation of nails, peeling nails belong to the category of onychodystrophies. In dermatology, splitting of nails is distinguished in the longitudinal (onychorrhexis) and transverse directions (onychoschisis). Complete or partial separation of the nail from the nail bed is called onycholysis. Peeling nails can be an independent problem or part of a symptom complex for various dermatoses or somatic diseases. In addition, disruption of the structure and shape of the nail plates is an annoying cosmetic defect that causes psycho-emotional experiences and reduces the quality of life of patients, mainly women.

Causes of peeling nails

Nails are horny plates covering the terminal phalanges of the fingers and toes. Nails grow throughout life at an average rate of 0.1–0.12 mm per day and are capable of constant renewal and self-healing. The approximate thickness of the free edge of the nail plate is 0.385 mm; under various pathological conditions it can change, either increasing or decreasing. Keratin is the main substance that determines the strength of nails, and the layers of water and lipids located between the layers of keratin give the nail plates elasticity and shine. Normally, all layers of the nail plate are pressed tightly against each other. When exposed to any aggressive factors, tiny gaps and cracks can form between the layers, and when they increase, a cavity is formed that delaminates the nail plate.

Peeling nails can be a consequence of exogenous and endogenous influences. The separation of nails is promoted by frequent contact of hands with household chemicals, alkaline solutions, and hot water. Formaldehyde-containing nail varnishes, acetone-containing varnish solvents, nail extension products, violation of the technique of removing artificial nails, and improper treatment of nails with manicure instruments have a damaging effect on the nail plate. In this case, brittleness and separation of nails are associated with their dehydration and a decrease in the content of fat-like substances in their structure. Peeling nails can be an “occupational disease” of musicians (pianists, guitarists, harpists, etc.), typists, or occur as a result of mechanical injuries to the nail plates (bruises, compression, injuries during manicures and pedicures), onychophagia, onychotillomania, a bad habit or something pick or scrape with fingernails.

The most common endogenous cause of the appearance of peeling nails is an improper, unbalanced diet, accompanied by a deficiency of protein, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, silicon, zinc, phosphorus, and selenium. The problem of peeling nails can occur in people with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, biliary tract, endocrine system, iron deficiency anemia, eczema and lichen planus.

Onycholysis can be associated with injuries, intoxications (including drugs), skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, pyoderma, congenital epidermolysis, etc.), mycoses (rubrophytosis, epidermophytosis, candidiasis).

Characteristics of peeling nails

With onychoschisis, the nail plate splits into several leaf-like layers in the transverse direction, i.e., along the free edge. Only the growing part of the nail is subject to delamination; when cut, the main part of the nail looks normal. However, as the nail plate grows, it again begins to separate into separate scales. The separation can be symmetrical lamellar or only in the middle part of the nail. Peeling nails become thin, brittle and brittle.

Sometimes there is a change in the usual color of the nail to off-white or gray. Peeling nails can occur on one or more fingers, most often on the index, middle and ring fingers. The soft tissues around the nails are not affected by onychoschisis.

For peeling nails, local medicinal hand baths with the addition of sea salt and essential oils are recommended to improve blood supply and trophism of the nail matrix. To eliminate dryness of the nail plate, it is recommended to rub cosmetic oils and nourishing creams into the cuticle area. Among the procedures performed in a beauty salon for the problem of peeling nails, it may be recommended to seal nail plates, strengthen nails with gel, SPA manicure, Japanese manicure, masks for hands and nails, paraffin therapy, etc. Covering nails with special medicinal varnishes will help strengthen peeling nail plates , which contain silk or nylon fibers, proteins, vitamins, and moisturizers. These procedures will not only restore the external beauty of your nails, but will also prevent their further delamination.

Simple preventive measures will help you strengthen your nail plates and forget about the problem of peeling nails forever. First of all, it is necessary to avoid contact with aggressive substances that disrupt the structure of the nails, including avoiding the use of low-quality nail polishes and solvents containing acetone. To shape the nail plate, you should use a glass or ceramic file, follow the rules for performing a manicure, and avoid injuring the nail bed. It is necessary to monitor your diet and health, since peeling nails can be a consequence of internal diseases.

I believe that hands and especially nails are a very important element of any woman's appearance. And when some kind of trouble happens to my nails, I feel insecure and embarrassed to show them somewhere again. And peeling nails are a real disaster. And you can’t get rid of it that easily.

When I discovered this problem, I immediately began to find out the reasons why my nails might begin to peel. And as soon as I started to find out, I was simply horrified. It turns out that there can be a lot of reasons and some of them indicate serious health problems.

Causes of nail splitting

The reasons why nails peel can be divided into two groups: external and internal.


  • Constant contact with detergents and household chemicals.
  • Prolonged contact with water.
  • Some cosmetics (including nail polish).
  • Frequently repainting nails and removing polish using acetone-containing liquids.
  • Any injuries or damage to the nail plate (for example, the habit of biting nails).
  • Exposure to cold in winter.


  • Deficiency of vitamins A and E in the body, which contribute to the normal and healthy development of nails.
  • Frequent or prolonged dieting (especially mono diets).
  • Intestinal infection with helminths.
  • Lack of calcium, zinc, silicon and protein in food.
  • Heart disease.
  • Anemia.
  • Diabetes mellitus or thyroid disorders.
  • Long-term inflammatory diseases - tuberculosis, kidney infections, chronic bronchitis.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Metabolic disorders and decreased immunity.
  • Stress and insomnia.

The list is impressive, but that’s not all.

Problems with nails may not only involve splitting; they may also have various stains, scars, and deformations. Based on these changes in the nail plate, you can determine the condition of the internal organs, as well as the true cause of problems with nails .

If the color of the peeling nail the plates acquire a pale or bluish tint , we can say with complete confidence that a person has problems with the cardiovascular system.

If the nail peels off and thickens, and deepened stripes appear on it , then this indicates hidden infectious processes. This, however, also happens after severe infections.

Longitudinal scars on the nail indicate improper and inadequate nutrition.

If nails flake too much Most likely, you have serious problems with your metabolism. Such disturbances in the body should not be left to chance and you should definitely consult a doctor.

If, in addition to nail separation, nails begin to appear White spots , you need to check your blood sugar levels. This may be a predisposition to diabetes or its initial stage.

Yellow spots peeling nails require a mandatory consultation with a pulmonologist, as this may indicate lung diseases.

The appearance of small nails on peeling nails raised white dots , resembling beads, indicates that a person has a latent viral infection and requires serious treatment.

If the nail the plate becomes concave , then most often this indicates iron deficiency in the body.

From all this it follows that the problem of peeling nails is quite serious and it is best to start treatment by consulting a doctor .

If you are sure that your nails have started to peel due to:

  • frequent application and change of varnish;
  • or regular and prolonged exposure to water and contact with detergents;
  • We are sure that you do not have chronic or infectious diseases, then I know how to help you.

Treatment of nails with folk remedies

I started treating my nails by donating blood. Having made sure that the test results were satisfactory, I began to look for a way to solve my problem.

There are several ways to cure your nails. You can use special medicinal nail polishes or creams, pencils . There are many of them, from different manufacturers and directions. Some strengthen, others create a protective layer, others nourish with essential vitamins and microelements. But I did not buy such a remedy for myself, but decided to turn to traditional medicine for help.

Everything here is absolutely natural and real:

  • So, a bath for hands and nails with sea salt . Salt should be without flavorings and dyes. For 0.5 liters of warm (preferably boiled and slightly cooled) water, take 1 heaped tablespoon of salt. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved and put your hands in this solution for 20 minutes. Then wipe dry and lubricate with nourishing cream. The duration of the course of treatment is 10 days. Repeat in a month. To prevent and strengthen nails, it is enough to do such a bath once a week.
  • Another good and personally proven way to restore nails using olive oil . To do this, mix 3 tablespoons of oil with 0.5 teaspoon of lemon juice. Then rub the resulting mixture into the nails and cuticles, immediately put on cotton gloves. It is most convenient to do this before bed. The duration of the course is 7 days in a row, then a 7-day break and again 7 days of procedures. For prevention, once every two weeks is sufficient.
  • Milk bath with gelatin . For a glass of milk, take a teaspoon (without a slide) of gelatin, dissolve and dip your hands in this solution for 15-20 minutes. This product will perfectly strengthen and moisturize your nails. Afterwards, wipe dry and lubricate cuticles and nails with lemon juice. Vitamin C will give your nails smoothness and youth.
  • There is one nail mask that I really like . Take a small amount of blue clay, add a little warm olive oil and 5 drops of iodine. Mix until smooth (the mask should not be too liquid) and apply to the nails, leave for 20 minutes. The course of treatment with this mask is 7 days. If your nails are in very poor condition, you can extend the course to 10-12 days. I adopted this mask and use it regularly for prevention. And I apply it not only to my nails, but all over my hands up to the wrist. The result is amazing. I recommend!
  • Purchase one of the essential oils at the pharmacy: olive, castor, sea buckthorn, sheep or jojoba. Rub a few drops into each nail plate and cuticle every day before bed for 14 days. Very good effect.

A few words in conclusion

I was able to completely restore my nails in about a month and a half. In addition to baths, masks and oils, I also took a multivitamin complex

and took separately vitamin A (coordinate with the doctor).

Well, I took care of my hands, naturally. All household chores related to household chemicals and water were done exclusively with rubber gloves.

For the period of treatment and restoration of nails - no varnish!

There is probably no woman who would not always want to have well-groomed hands with beautiful nails. But, unfortunately, not every one of us finds the opportunity to pay due attention to the health of our nails. Let's try to figure out why nails peel and what to do if this problem affects you.

Often the reason for this phenomenon is quite banal - we lack calcium and other microelements (silicon, iron, etc.), which is especially noticeable at the end of winter and spring. After all, many of us have probably noted: when returning from a vacation at the seaside, we completely forget about brittle and weak nails. Having received the necessary portion of microelements, the nails recover for some time, but then we again begin to notice a slight separation on one nail, then on the others. And now you have to part with long nails or a beautiful manicure.

By the way, a violation of the manicure technique itself can also contribute to delamination. For example, inaccurate cutting of nails (which are better not to be injured in this way at all, but to use files). Or a dry manicure, which also leads to sad consequences, plus applying varnish without a base.

Another possible cause is improper extension and removal of acrylic nails. These procedures, due to their popularity, have recently been often carried out by amateurs, who should be avoided.

From a medical point of view, nails are most prone to splitting under stress, diabetes, in adolescents, in the postoperative period, during climate change, and with hormonal and endocrine diseases. This may be one of the symptoms of menopause, as well as -. But there is no need to despair: helping your nails is real and not as difficult as it might seem.

Let's start with nutrition

Naturally, only medical research can determine exactly why nails peel and what is missing in the body. But in most cases, it’s enough just to change your dietary preferences a little, and take a few more simple measures to once again have flawless, well-groomed hands.

So, hard cheese and cottage cheese, fermented milk products, skim milk, nuts, fish, and fresh (preferably young) cabbage will help replenish the lack of calcium in the body.

To ensure that the body does not feel a deficiency of silicon, you need: green beans, currants, parsley, bananas, salad.

If you have anemia (lack of iron in the body, causing a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood), add eggs (especially the yolk), dried fruits, liver (beef has the most iron), greens, beans, peas, lentils and other legumes.

In spring, tea made from burdock, dandelion and sorrel will help especially well. The green parts of the plants are finely chopped, poured with boiling water, brought to a boil, and then the fire is turned off, and the decoction is infused under the lid for about 10 minutes. For a glass of this tea, a tablespoon of a mixture of these herbs is enough. Drink like regular tea.

Gelatin also helps strengthen nails. Prepare various jellies, jellied meats, jellied dishes. The daily norm should not exceed 5 grams.

Having outlined the range of reasons why fingernails peel, we quietly come to the conclusion that nails, like our entire body as a whole, need artificial vitamin support. There are special vitamin complexes, such as Revalid, Perfectil or Vitasharm, which have proven themselves quite well, judging by the reviews. But before use, it is, of course, advisable to consult a doctor, or at least carefully study the instructions.

In this case, calcium and vitamin will be especially useful D, since this microelement is poorly absorbed in its pure form.

If you can’t find a vitamin D complex, you can purchase it separately.

Cosmetic procedures

While naming the reasons why nails peel, we did not mention another one - the negative influence of the environment. This can include exposure to various components of household chemicals during washing dishes, laundry, cleaning the apartment, etc.

The very first tip here is to always use rubber gloves when working and, of course, take care of your hands and nails.

Let's look at what includes mandatory nail care that no woman should ignore. Following these simple rules will help your hands always look lovely, no matter how hard you work:

  • Get your nails done at least once every two weeks. You can use a salon, but you can do all the necessary procedures at home, which is sometimes even preferable;
  • forget about metal files, which only increase the problem of delamination; use files with a plastic or wooden base;
  • choose good varnishes containing silk or nylon, they strengthen your nails. Use special anti-fragility products;
  • Take a complete break from nail polish two days a week, but remove it only with mild products that do not contain acetone.

Folk remedies in the fight for healthy nails

Now let’s talk about procedures that can be carried out at home if you suddenly find that your fingernails are peeling. These can be either ready-made cosmetics or proven home recipes. The main thing here is regularity of use, and not from time to time. They won’t take much time, but you will notice the results very soon.

The oldest recipe from ancient Egypt is nourishing nails with oils. One of the best for this purpose is olive oil. A couple of times a week you should perform the following procedure: take a teaspoon of olive oil, add a few drops of natural lemon juice to it, apply it to your nails before going to bed and put on cotton gloves to sleep in.

Three times a week, it is useful to take a warm nail bath with sea salt and iodine before going to bed. There is no need to skimp on salt, but it is better to take the cheapest one, without additives. Pour a good handful of salt into a bowl, dissolve with boiling water, wait until it cools down so that you can hold your hands, add a little iodine (5-7 drops) and dip your fingers in this solution so that the water covers them approximately up to the phalanges. Do the bath for 20 minutes. Then do not wipe your hands - they should dry on their own. Do not smear or wash your hands with anything!

If you have dry skin on your hands, lubricate them with cream 20 minutes before the procedure, and you can wash them only in the morning! If you follow these recommendations exactly, after the first session you will notice positive changes, and after three weeks you will forget about splitting nails for a long time.

Baths made from water in which potatoes were boiled are considered effective not only for peeling nails, but also for the skin of the hands. You can make five-minute hand baths from fresh potato broth. Then wet your hands with a napkin and rub a little vegetable oil into the skin around the nails.

Another grandmother's recipe is lemons. Cut it in half and dip the nails of both hands into the pulp. Hold for 5 minutes. Do not throw away the lemon, but store it in the refrigerator; you can use it for this simple procedure for at least another week.

What about salon procedures?

Yes, as practice shows, the fastest and best way to help you if your nails are peeling and breaking is in a beauty salon. Choose a good salon, where an experienced cosmetologist will examine your problem and prescribe appropriate recommendations that will make your hands soft and tender, and your nails hard and durable.

And finally, I would like to give one piece of advice: take proper care of your nails, do not put off visiting the salon, and then your nails will always be flawless, and your hands will be well-groomed and aristocratic! Good luck, happiness and health to you and your loved ones.

Nutritionist trainer, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Nature created us beautiful and ideal, but many life factors influence our appearance. The same applies to the structure of the nail plate. Have your nails started to peel and have lost their attractive appearance? What to do, how to get rid of this violation?

The main reasons why nails peel

When our body lacks beneficial vitamins and minerals, our hair and nails begin to feel it. It turns out that nail platinum can tell us a lot, “tell” us about the ongoing changes in the internal organs.

If the nails begin to peel, then you need to pay attention to the condition of the liver, kidneys, gastric tract, pancreas, and reproductive organs. This includes environmental pollution, changes in hormonal levels, hormonal imbalance, and poor nutrition.

If there are depressions and dents on the nail, then we can assume the presence of psoriasis, which has not yet manifested itself externally. Urgent diagnostics will be required to determine it.

A bluish tint to the nail plate may indicate impaired blood circulation, and other systems of the human body may also suffer from such a disorder.

It should also be noted that hands are often exposed to a damp environment and are constantly exposed to detergents and other household chemicals. Therefore, you need to carry out household chores in special gloves that will help protect the nail plate.

Other causes of brittle nails

Frequent application of varnish can change the structure of the nail, causing it to become brittle and split. The same applies to the use of low-quality cosmetics for nail care. You should avoid nail polish remover that contains acetone, toluene, and their derivatives.

Mechanical damage can cause brittle nails, for example, if you constantly knock on a hard surface, as a result, cracks will appear on the nail plate, and then brittleness and delamination.

Experts note that this problem can occur in those who often bite their nails, break them, or incorrectly adjust their length, and therefore it is better not to cut the nail, but to file off its top, giving it the desired shape.

The relationship between nails and vitamins

We often hear the phrase: “Nails break, which means there is not enough calcium in the body!” In fact, the role of calcium in strengthening the nail plate is too exaggerated; foods rich in sulfur, silicon, selenium, and zinc will be much healthier for nails.

  • Sulfur provides disulfide bonds in protein molecules, which makes nails stronger and more durable. It is part of biotin, the beauty vitamin.
  • Selenium has a close effect on the metabolic processes between Vitamins A, C, E; with its deficiency, skin diseases and dystrophy of the nail plate begin.
  • Silicon plays a role in collagen synthesis, ensures strength and elasticity of joints; its deficiency leads to fragility and brittleness of nails.

Nail separation may be associated with serious internal causes; in this case, it is important to undergo a full diagnostic examination and begin qualified treatment.

To normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, the patient may be recommended the herbal medicine “Alba”, which is based on the extract of white cinquefoil root. This plant has been used for a long time to improve the functional state of the thyroid gland, as well as to restore the hardness of the nail plate.

What to do when your nails are very flaky?

To solve this problem once and for all, you need to completely change your diet and lifestyle: create the right menu, sleep at least 8 hours a day, get proper rest, eliminate bad habits, get rid of negative influences from outside, avoid stress, do not expose your nails to chemicals influence and properly care for them.

Menu correction

To strengthen the nail plate from the inside, you need to reconsider your diet, add more foods that contain calcium, phosphorus, selenium, silicon, magnesium, and sulfur.

Such ingredients include milk, meat, dried fruits, cottage cheese, eggs, nuts, prunes, hard cheese, fish, beans, gooseberries, broccoli, poppy seeds, celery, almonds, red meat, shrimp, tomatoes, ginger.

If your body lacks chromium, you can add hazelnuts or Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, dates, cherries, and plums to your diet. Eat less empty carbohydrates and unhealthy foods, more fiber and vegetable fats.

External nail treatment

When nails are very peeling, you can treat at home, using various masks and baths to strengthen the nail plate. For this purpose, you can use natural ingredients, essential oils and food.

This is an excellent nail care product. You need to mix the oil with lemon juice and regularly rub the mixture into the nail plate. For a teaspoon of oil - a third of a spoon of lemon juice. The course of treatment is every evening for a week, then take a break and, if necessary, continue your recovery.

What else can you do when your nails peel? You can soak your nails with lemon juice, which softens and whitens the nail plates. The main thing is to maintain the norm so as not to dry out your nails.

Sea salt and iodine

This bath will help strengthen your nails and make them healthy. To make a bath, you need to take a glass of warm water, a teaspoon of sea salt and 3 drops of iodine. Dissolve the components in water and soak your hands in the liquid for 15 minutes.

It is best to do this bath 2 times a week, and you can also apply a generous layer of iodine once a month to strengthen and prevent brittle nails. The yellow tint can be easily removed with a cotton swab soaked in lemon juice.

Strengthening nails with zest

Lemon zest contains a huge amount of useful substances and has a positive effect on nails. To perform the procedure, you need to take a piece of lemon zest and rub the plate with gentle movements.

Once completed, apply a generous amount of moisturizer to the skin around the nails, and massage your fingertips to improve blood circulation. “Once a week will be enough.

Combined bath

When your nails are very flaky, you can try the following option for healing your nails: you need to combine 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a small spoon of iodine, 10 g of sea salt, and 2 cups of boiled water in one cup.

After that, mix thoroughly and place your fingers in the prepared container for 15 minutes, and then wipe dry with a napkin and apply nourishing cream to your hands, lightly massaging the limbs.

To strengthen and nourish the nail plate, you should regularly rub vitamins A and E, alternating every other day. After a week you need to take a break, and then continue as necessary.

You can also carry out procedures with glycerin, shea butter, and almond oil. Such components help to restore nail strength and a decent attractive appearance in a short time.

Red pepper

Perfectly improves nail structure, improves growth and strengthens nails. This product will make a good and effective mask. To prepare it you need to take 0.5 teaspoon of red pepper, 2 tablespoons of nourishing cream.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and heat in a water bath, then apply to nails for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, massage hands with a warm towel. It is advisable not to go outside for 2 hours after the procedure.

Natural nutritional supplements to strengthen nails

In order for nails to start growing faster, you need to add gelatin and calcium to your food; you can make various desserts from the first ingredient; the daily intake of gelatin is about 5 g.
As for the second element, chicken egg shells are suitable for this purpose. It needs to be dried and ground into powder, then added to food for 2 weeks, one teaspoon at a time.

When your nails become very flaky, Ekaterina, a mother of three children, knows for sure that evening treatments based on olive oil and lemon juice are the most effective. For better results, it is important to review your diet and add more sources of natural vitamins and microelements.

Ekaterina advises carrying out all household chores with gloves and if a nail is broken, do not cut it off with scissors, but carefully file it down to a certain length. Such measures will help prevent delamination of the nail plate.

Olga, at 22 years old, already knows what it is - problems with nails, because before adolescence she bit her nails all the time, which damaged their integrity. Now every evening the girl massages the nail plate with lemon zest and once a month applies iodine to her nails, and then paints the top with varnish.

Now her nails are beautiful and well-groomed; just a few months of struggle to keep them looking beautiful have done their job. The main thing in this matter, Olga says, is to believe in the result obtained, try and not skip procedures. Yes, beauty requires attention, perseverance, patience and hard work!

To get your nails in order and be proud of your strong and strong nail plates, you need to follow the advice of experts:

  • timely and correctly diagnose the whole body and find the cause of nail separation;
  • fill all gaps in nutrition, make the diet balanced and healthy, saturate the body with vitamins and microelements;
  • use natural oils to regularly rub into the cuticles, which will allow the nail to renew itself at the cellular level;
  • before going to bed, take baths with sea salt;
  • properly treat the nail plate, use only high-quality and cleaned manicure accessories;
  • remove varnish with acetone-free liquid;
  • externally protect the nail from the effects of negative environmental factors;
  • do not injure the nail on purpose by tapping it on a hard surface;
  • take natural nutritional supplements to strengthen the nail plate.

Now you know everything you need to do to improve the appearance of your nails. Take care of your health and enjoy life to the fullest!

Video about what to do if your fingernails peel

Video about strengthening nails

A beautiful manicure is impossible without well-groomed nails. The most common problem for many women is cracking and peeling of the nail plate, which indicates errors in care or some health problems. Only by eliminating the cause is it possible to restore a healthy appearance to your nails. Simple and effective folk remedies will help with this in a short time.


Why do nails peel?

The nail plates are formed from many thin horny scales. Keratin is responsible for the density of nails, and layers of water give them elasticity and a healthy shine. Under the influence of negative factors, gaps appear between the dense layers of scales, which develop into cracks and delaminate the nail. It becomes brittle, dull, dry, roughness appears, and plate growth slows down.

The reasons why nails peel can be divided into external and internal. External ones include:

  1. Negative effects of household chemicals: dishwashing detergents, bleaches, powders.
  2. The use of aggressive cosmetics for nails: applying formaldehyde-containing varnishes, using acetone-containing solvents.
  3. Violation of nail extension technique, improper removal of artificial coverings.
  4. Regular hypothermia and dry hands.
  5. Insufficient care: irregular hygienic manicure, incorrect technique.
  6. Frequent mechanical damage to nails associated with professional activities.

Experts include constant diets and unbalanced nutrition as internal causes of weakening of the nail plate: lack of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, E, D, protein. Iron deficiency also adversely affects the condition of the nail plate. Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and endocrine system lead to disruption of mineral metabolism.

Lichen, fungal infections and other skin diseases affect the health of nails. In addition, they can peel off due to hormonal imbalances: during pregnancy, during menopause.

Video: Why nails peel

Methods for strengthening nails

The problem of nail plate delamination can be solved with the help of traditional medicine. For treatment to be successful, it should be carried out according to a certain scheme:

  1. Take care of your skin and nails: protect your hands in frosty weather, avoid contact with any chemicals, and do your homework with rubber gloves.
  2. Eat right: include dairy products in your diet, especially cheeses and cottage cheese, eat more greens, fish, nuts, and you can take a course of vitamins.
  3. Carry out a hygienic manicure according to all the rules: prepare a bath for your hands, carefully remove damaged areas of the nails, do not use metal tools, use high-quality varnishes, apply a medicinal coating.
  4. Avoid nail extensions for a while.
  5. Take a course of treatment using traditional medicine: make medicinal hand baths, use natural masks.

Video: How to care for your nails

Recipes for peeling nails

Homemade masks and baths will help restore the nail plate and prevent repeated delamination. If you carry out the procedures regularly, your nails and hands will soon return to a healthy and well-groomed appearance. The advantage of home procedures is their accessibility and effectiveness. In addition, you can always be sure of the naturalness of the components included in the prepared care product.

Nourishing mask with whitening effect

Helps saturate nails with useful elements, strengthens the nail plate, makes it dense and elastic, and whitens it.

Lemon – 1 pc.
Olive oil – 1 tsp.
Sea salt – 1 tsp.

1. Squeeze the juice of one lemon.
2. Combine it with a small spoon of olive oil.
3. Add sea salt and mix all ingredients.
4. Rub the composition into the nails and the skin around them.
5. Keep the mask on for 10-12 minutes, then wash your hands with warm water.
6. It is recommended to make a mask against splitting nails every day for a week.

Purifying mask with vitamin A

Nourishes nails, saturates them with vitamins, cleanses and whitens, prevents peeling, and cares for the skin of the hands.

Apple cider vinegar – ½ tsp.
Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Salt – 1 tsp.
Vitamin A – 2 drops

1. Heat the oil: heat it as much as possible, but do not bring it to a boil.
2. Cool the oil and combine it with salt.
3. Add vinegar and vitamin A to the mixture that has cooled to a comfortable temperature.
4. Thoroughly rub the mask into your nails and leave on for up to 15 minutes.
5. The mask can be used several times and stored in the refrigerator.
6. The procedure can be performed every day, and after a week the nails will stop peeling.

Video: A simple mask against brittle nails

Strengthening bath for brittle and peeling nails

Cleanses nails from dirt, softens the skin, fights peeling, and is perfect for manicure procedures.

Water – 1 glass
Soda – 1 tbsp. l.
Iodine – ½ tsp.

1. Heat the water to a temperature of 37-40 degrees. It shouldn't burn.
2. Dissolve a large spoonful of baking soda in a glass of warm water.
3. Add half a small spoon of iodine.
4. Place your hands in the bath and hold for 5-7 minutes.
5. This bath can be done up to 2 times a week.
6. Soda therapy is considered the best start for a manicure procedure. After it, it is easier to process nails and remove cuticles.

Oil bath for strengthening and growth of nails

Disinfects and treats infections, makes the nail plate thicker, accelerates growth, removes yellowness, and evens out the surface of the nail.

Olive oil – ½ cup
Nettle – 1 tbsp. l.
Chamomile – 1 tbsp. l.
Linden – 1 tbsp. l.
Flax seeds – 1 tbsp. l.
Ylang-ylang oil – 1-2 drops
Tea tree oil – 1-2 drops
Sandalwood oil – 1-2 drops
Oatmeal – 1 tsp.
Sea salt – 1 tsp.
Vitamin E – 1 capsule

1. Place olive oil in a water bath and heat until steam appears.
2. Add chamomile, nettle, linden and flax seeds to it. Cook the mixture for 15 minutes.
3. Then the oil needs to be cooled and strained.
4. Grind the oatmeal and salt in a coffee grinder and combine with herbal oil.
5. Before use, add essential oils and vitamin E.
6. Dip your fingertips into the bath and hold for 15-20 minutes.
7. You can do a short massage of your nails and hands.
8. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week and used daily.