
Russia: The Ins and outs of Love. Alexey Menyailov: “Stalin is just the beginning” Menyailov official



The reissue plan for the updated books is as follows:

It doesn’t even matter whether Stalin is good or bad - the main thing is that Stalin with his life showed the effectiveness of the ancient northern (Hyperborean) tradition of the initiatory path of becoming any genius, which Stalin went through almost completely:
dedication in the forge,
mastery of secret knowledge through the elements of earth,
dedication by death
dedication to the life of an outcast in the sacred White Mountains,
comprehension of the secret of the Great Goal (SLT),
dedication to Kama love.
There is only one path to true happiness - through self-knowledge, and the fullness of self-knowledge is given only through a series of twelve deeds, the order of which has been known since ancient times. Stalin was also taught this Volkhov Path - hence his incredible performance, his genius, and invincibility.

In the book, using obvious material, it is shown that Stalin is the Great Initiate of the cult of the Virgin, aka the Cult of Heroes, aka the primordial faith, aka the cult of Personality. Stalin is from the Circle of Heroes, entry into which is carried out through the sacraments of Ivan Kupala. Materials: Stalin’s strange actions in relation to the Tunguska “meteorite”, which led to the emergence of the mutagenic Zone; “Dead Road” (secret Construction 503); Stalin’s strange contacts in all his exiles with magi and shamans who came to Stalin thousands of kilometers away and even before the Revolution recognized him as an Initiate of a higher level than them; and others.

Here are links to excerpts from the books of the writer Alexei Menyailov. After reading them, you will learn the main idea of ​​the writer’s work; We are sure that you will want to read more about such interesting things.

A wolf is not an animal. Or not quite an animal. A person who has embarked on initiation will certainly have a special relationship with a wolf.
A real shaman takes his son, who is not yet four years old, to the wolf’s lair when there are cubs there, and leaves him there for the whole day. Then he takes it back, safe and sound. Wolves generally do not harm children under any circumstances. And further. Every woman - if she is a real woman - is looking for a blacksmith in her life. Surprisingly, this theme is directly related to the theme of the wolf and the stratagems of the initiation of a genius in ancient Russian cults.

10 “LOOK, LOOK CAREFULLY ABOUT THE WOLVES!” Only a few pages will be added.
You are either a sucker (performer, puppet) or a sorcerer. If you are a sorcerer, then the manifestations are similar - you are certainly partial to the wolf. And the stronger this feeling, the more amazing life is organized around you.


One of the basic ideas of this concept is the stratification of peoples according to a psychological principle, which L.N. Gumilyov mentioned only in passing and mainly intuitively in his works on ethnogenesis. Meanwhile, without taking this process into account, the most important thing in world history remains incomprehensible.

8 “STALIN: THE ENEPHANY OF THE MAGICIAN” Will consist of previous books. Incomprehensible chapters will be deleted, the remaining ones will be refined and supplemented.

It happens that a person changes so dramatically that legends arise about his replacement - which is how they try to explain the strange transformation of Koba into Stalin in 1911, during his exile in Solvychegodsk.
Initiation is the awakening of previously immovable layers of the subconscious, and the subconscious is in many ways a layering of the experience of all human ancestors. Ancestral memory can return this experience - which is what happens during initiation.
“Stalin: the Enlightenment of a Magus” is the discovery of the century, not because the transformation that happened to Stalin in Solvychegodsk is named after itself, but because the complex of initiating factors has been deciphered.
Stalin and those who understand him are even greater than one can imagine. It is no coincidence that an ancient prophecy, thousands and thousands of years old, speaks of Stalin, bypassing many, many people whom we stubbornly call great.
Koba (ancient Russian supreme sorcerer) in Solvychegodsk could not help but see himself in this prophecy - and became Stalin.


Invincible Joseph Dzhugashvili-Stalin in 1911 in Solvychegodsk was initiated into the second stage of the ancient Russian cult of the Virgin - the Breast of the Virgin.
As an initiate of such a high level, Joseph Dzhugashvili adopted a new name - Stalin (“the upcoming Bosom of the Virgin”).
But this book is not about Joseph Dzhugashvili, but about the initiatory Path of every Stalin (dedicated to the Virgin) - and his, like Stalin, invincibility.
“I know that a heap of rubbish will be placed on my grave, but the wind of history will mercilessly scatter it ...” (Stalin, shortly before his death).
“Stalin by Alexei Menyailov is the only book worthy of my grandfather” (V.K. Kuzakov, grandson of Joseph Stalin)

7 “FOOL: NOTES OF THE GLAVRAVVIN’S SON-IN-LAW” (sophisticated techniques of hidden control) The rework will amount to 20 percent.
Indeed, by my first marriage I was related to the chief rabbinate, the descendants of those high priests about whom we learn from the Gospel.
The first contacts began when I was 16 years old, and although I was stupid in proportion to my age, I still managed to notice that my super-lucky father-in-law makes decisions according to a logic completely different from those of those around him... It’s better to say this: my father-in-law acquired the skill by inheritance think completely differently from us, who from generation to generation constantly scratch our “turnips” to the accompaniment of “we wanted the best, but it turned out as always.”

6 “SEPHIROT” Notes of the son-in-law of the chief rabbi 2

5 “THEORY OF THE PACK” Notes from the son-in-law of the chief rabbi 3 It will be redone by 50%.
Psychoanalysis of the Great Controversy
What distinguishes a ruler from a puppet is knowledge of the PACK THEORY. Knowledge of the PACK THEORY also distinguishes a rare type of person who is psychoenergetically independent.

4 “PONTIUS PILATE: PSYCHOANALYSIS OF THE WRONG MURDER” (Catharsis-3) is a valuable book, but what to do with it is unclear.
A strange tension pulsates around the name "Pontius Pilate" - and happy is the one who is involved in this tension.
Mikhail Bulgakov approached this topic as a physically healthy person, wrote the “biblical” part right away and for the next twelve years worked only on the “Moscow” line. Nothing is accidental: only forty-nine-year-old Bulgakov made the last eighth edition at the cost of unbearable pain. One of his last words were: “So that they know... So that they know...” That’s not how they write fiction about love and witches...
So what did Bulgakov learn that was so inaccessible to others while working on the “Moscow” line? And in whose hands was the real power, since even Stalin, who patronized him, could not protect Mikhail Bulgakov? It’s hard to believe that so far no one has been able to understand the Secret Knowledge encrypted in the novel, so the assumption arises that those who understand have reason to remain silent.
The grandiose hordes of Bulgakov scholars all over the world are rustling like husks, unable to even come to grips with the initial question: why did Margarita value the master’s novel so much? She appreciated it so much that she was interested in the master only insofar as he writes about Pontius Pilate and specifically about him? The master was jealous of Margarita’s affair - he confesses this to Ivanushka. The master, having destroyed the novel to save his life, tried to escape from Margarita, but...
So what is the reason for such a powerful addiction of a beautiful woman, the queen of the Sabbath, to romance? Those who were lucky enough to get acquainted with any of the volumes of "CATHARSIS" and who, naturally, did not forget not only the power of the shock, but also the depth of the foundation laid, have probably already guessed that the answer to this question is only the first step...
You can start reading "CATHARSIS" from any volume; Moreover, this is another question - which one is better. We remind you: catharsis is a word believed to be of Greek origin, meaning deep cleansing accompanied by the highest pleasure. A strange tension pulsates around the name “Pontius Pilate” - and happy is the one who is involved in this pulsating tension...

“I’ll tell you a secret that if Russia is saved, it will only be as a Eurasian power!” - these are the words of the famous historian, geographer and ethnologist Lev Nikolaevich Gumilyov, crowning his many years of research.
Attracting a number of psychological and psychoanalytic ideas to the established theory of Eurasianism, using an array of facts from our recent history that in no way fit into traditional historiographical concepts, deep familiarity with theological issues - all this allowed the author of the proposed book to create an original historical and psychological concept, according to which Russia In the most important way, the entire 20th century went from victory to victory.
One of the basic ideas of this concept is the stratification of peoples according to a psychological principle, which L.N. Gumilyov mentioned only in passing and mainly intuitively in his works on ethnogenesis. Meanwhile, without taking this process into account, the most important thing in world history remains incomprehensible.
For a wide range of readers deeply interested in problems of history, psychology and ethnogenesis.

2 “CATHARISS: THE INDIVIDUAL OF LOVE. PSYCHOANALYTICAL EPIC" (Catharsis-1) - everything is completely new, the depth of the book will be increased tenfold. This, alas, is not soon. It’s a problem because without it it’s generally not clear how to understand the rest of the books.
Why haven't they criticized this book! Some criticized her for an overly engineering approach, while others criticized her for its complete absence, although this engineering approach clearly suggests itself within the meaning of the text.
Some criticized this book for its overt naturalism, which is clearly inappropriate in matters of the relationship between two people; but there were also those who demanded more details, which, supposedly, are clearly missing in this book.
They say that such opposite reviews are a sure sign that the book was a success. Perhaps this is true. I tried to write to myself, but to my 17-year-old self. I really want to believe that if I had a book at that time in which things are called by their proper names, I would not have made mistakes in this very “relationship of two” either at 17, or at 27, or at 35 years old. And the fact that everyone makes the same mistakes is not at all reassuring.

1 “WHEN ATTEMPTING TO ESCAPE” (the author’s first collection of stories, 1994)
Aliens (story)
Jacob and Mark
Another Easter
On the road
While trying to escape

Quote from the film “The Master and Margarita”. Dir. Vladimir Bortko. 2005. Russia

The 61-year-old writer was forcibly sent from the pre-trial detention center in the city of Suvorov for psychological and psychiatric examination in Moscow on a criminal case for videos that, according to investigators, showed signs of misogyny. This was announced by the writer’s press secretary Roman Argashokov on October 23 on the page of the community group of the writer’s supporters on the VKontakte social network.

The details of this case were discussed at the recently held conference in Moscow “282: don’t believe, don’t like, don’t post.” The basis for the accusation is the study by the Tula Forensic Laboratory of two videos recorded by Menyailov: “What do the mothers of Hitler and Poroshenko have in common?” and “Why are girls in such a hurry to give?” Forensic experts indicate in their conclusion: “In the video, the speaker repeatedly introduces various divisions between women and men, classifying most women into categories designated using colloquial and vernacular words that express a negative assessment: “whores,” “cheap,” “a pile of crap.” These assessments apply to the absolute majority of women and the men subordinate to them; the author presents the relationship between men and women as a confrontation in the struggle for power due to their nature.”.

Roman Argashokov commented on such accusations as follows: “The harsh expressions for which Menyailov is accused are terminology that he began to use in books and which he explains in his videos. For example, a woman is a woman who has experience of betrayal. And sharpness of expression is a writing technique designed to express a thought more clearly, to make it clearer and more prominent. This cannot be understood if you take individual videos of Menyailov out of the general context of his research. In our opinion, this is exactly what the investigation is doing - trying to snatch individual words, expressions, videos from the general context.”.

In turn, the defense turned to the “Center for Independent Expertise “ASPECT”” (St. Petersburg), whose specialists, a professor and a doctor of sciences, came to the conclusion that the conclusion of their colleagues from Tula was unreliable, biased, and did not meet the requirements of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation , because numerous gross violations were committed and that there are no signs of incitement to hatred in the videos.

In addition to the writer, his wife Slatana Menyailova was arrested and is still in pre-trial detention center, who is also accused of inciting hatred and humiliating human dignity on the basis of gender against women. As Olesya Terekhova, representing the writer’s wife, said, surveillance was established against Slatana Menyailova in the women’s cell "on suspicion of promoting misogyny".

Let us note that in the group of fans of the writer “Partisan Truth of Partisans” there are about 7.5 thousand women. There is also a specially created channel on Youtube, where fans, including women, speak out in defense of the writer and his work, declaring the absurdity of the accusation. But these facts did not confuse the prosecutors.

It should be noted that gender relations are just one of the many topics covered in the writer’s books and videos, such as the psychology of people in extreme situations, the study of the memoirs of partisans and military personnel, the study of the phenomena of luck and effectiveness in battle, the heroism of some and the betrayal of others, personality Stalin, the Third Reich, Ahnenerbe, NKVD, customs of small peoples of Siberia and the north, shamanism and much more.

This year, a group of enthusiastic comrades of the writer decided to leave the virtual world for the real one - in the city of Suvorov they began to build at their own expense the “Museum of Heroes of the Great Patriotic War as Teachers of Luck”, on the basis of which they came into conflict with the local administration. According to the writer’s press secretary, Menyailov clearly believes that the criminal case is just a convenient excuse to interfere with the construction of the Museum of the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War, since directly interfering with construction by demonstrating ill will towards the Heroes is too shameful.

“Restoring the beauty of the Heroes’ feat contributes to a healthier worldview, a reorientation from the values ​​of consumption, the pursuit of money, and walking over heads - to the values ​​of camaraderie, honesty, loyalty, and service to one’s people. This strengthens people's morale. History has shown that the high moral qualities of our soldiers were one of the important elements of victory in the Great Patriotic War. This means that any enemy of Russia, internal or external, does not benefit from the Museum of Heroes of the Great Patriotic War, since through improving the worldview it works to increase the defense capability of our country.”, says Roman Argashokov.

Let us also recall that in July of this year, in support of members of the organization “Partisan Truth of Partisans” detained in the city of Suvorov, Tula Region.

There is a conflict of expert opinions. Taking into account the fact that even the investigative examination indicates the absence of signs of inciting hatred and enmity, the preventive measure in the form of detention seems excessive and unfounded. The appointment of a psychological examination at the Serbsky center also looks strange, since the criminal act has not been confirmed. If the writer is right and the reason for the authorities’ actions lies either in a banal attempt to seize the building, or in a negative attitude towards the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War, then this is a very alarming call, the same as the ban on the Victory Banner at the march of the Immortal Regiment.


(Military-historical approach)

Everyone, without exception, has known since childhood, since childhood fights, that in order to defeat an opponent, you need to hit the weakest accessible point of the body with your strongest hand (foot, weapon). Girls know this too - you can only hurt the most by touching on the most painful topic. They remember this even when they become adults, say, officers, including military leaders. And if these military leaders really want to protect their people, they hit the enemy with the most effective technique at the weakest point. The traitor, on the contrary, will try to deflect the blow from the weakest point of his secret master, and if he is obliged to deliver blows due to his position, he will direct them anywhere, but not to the weak point. It is in this way that one can identify a traitor in one’s ranks by analyzing who is deflecting blows and from what, naturally, under the guise of aiming them at supposedly also significant objects. The method is absolute: in fights, it is not mistakes that are made, but self-exposure.

A very big fight is called a war.

With the same patterns in the actions of the opposing sides.

The weakest point in the Nazi military machine, especially at the first stage of the war, was the supply service with super-scarce fuel: firstly, because the means of fuel delivery are vulnerable, especially since transportation was carried out in occupied territories, depleted of military units; secondly, because due to the extreme limitation of sources, fuel losses are irreplaceable; etc. The most effective contingent of the Soviet armed forces at the first stage of the war were Russian rebels (small groups of spontaneous partisans).

Both Hitler and Stalin clearly foresaw the catastrophic situation with fuel, and the presence of disobedience in Russia (at least in the form of a tendency towards guerrilla warfare), and they could not help but comprehend this on a logical level.

Thus, even if we limit ourselves to considering the fate of only these two factors of the first stage of the war (1941), it is possible, limiting ourselves even to a military-historical approach, to understand the core of the entire Second World War.

Of course, an internally consistent picture is obtained only within the framework of the pack theory.

So, the naysayers are against fuel. Where did the Nazis even get fuel from, and who prevented the spontaneous partisans from destroying it - to the point that they even wanted to destroy these partisans?

The fate of fuel is traced in this book not at all because the author at one time, while still at the military department at the institute, received, having also completed military training, the rank of reserve officer in the military registration specialty "fuel supply service", and therefore, in the presentation people incapable of self-education should best understand precisely this side of the military machine. But if the author had been an infantry or chemical defense officer, this would not have changed his point of view - the presence or absence of mustard gas bags in units could not and did not become the main factor of the Second World War. And fuel, indeed, throughout the Second World War was the weakest point of the Nazis, especially in 41 and 45...

Fuel depots for enemy aviation are goal number one, therefore, in the event of the mere threat of a military conflict, fuel from large peacetime army depots is immediately dispersed among tens and even hundreds of smaller field depots, camouflaged in forests and ravines (hence such a number of those prepared by military departments reserve officers of the fuel supply service - heads of field fuel depots).

It’s another matter if the enemy does not have a sufficient amount of fuel, but goes on the offensive - then, of course, no bombing, no artillery shelling, but, on the contrary, attempts to capture warehouses without shots that threaten to cause fires. In this situation (the threat of the warehouse being captured and its reserves being used by the enemy), the duty of the warehouse manager and his subordinates is to ensure the destruction of fuel.

It is not difficult. Or rather, very, very easy.

If there are no special blasting means (and they are definitely provided), it is enough to open the tap, which is certainly at the bottom of each tank, and bring a match. There will be no explosion, because for an explosion it is necessary that gasoline vapors mix with air in a certain proportion - and this is only possible in fairly hot weather, when there is not the slightest wind and there is enough time for the required amount of gasoline to evaporate. In a word, for a warehouse worker to open the faucet and immediately put a match to the stream of gasoline and run away is completely safe. Warehouse workers are generally calm about fuel: the first exercise they are taught upon arrival at the warehouse is putting out a cigarette butt in a bucket of diesel fuel.

So, the tap is open, the fuel stream is ignited. During the time until the warehouse worker runs away to a three times safe distance, the following will happen: the resulting torch will gradually heat up the tank, evaporation in the container will increase, and due to the decrease in viscosity from rising temperature, the rate of gasoline flow will also increase - this will increase the torch, resulting in faster evaporation and due to a decrease in the viscosity of the liquid, the flow rate will increase, and this, in turn, will increase the torch even more... You don’t have to continue, and everything is clear: the enemy won’t get the fuel, the fire won’t be put out, and you can admire the explosion of the storage facility with safe distance for the arsonist.

Historical fact: during the offensive of 1941, the Nazis met more than a third of their fuel needs with fuel captured from Stalin’s warehouses! More than a third! With their fuel, the Germans would not have even reached Smolensk by the beginning of the frost. And these are hundreds of thousands and even millions of Russian lives saved.

But the Germans got there.

One of the most important questions - in itself already allowing us to understand the meaning of the strange events of 1941 - why were the fuel depots not destroyed - and, moreover, almost everywhere?

Is the situation unexpected for warehouse workers?

That's funny.

What kind of surprise could there be if party cars - political department officers, NKVD officers, command staff - rush past at breakneck speed? All this bastard (including hairdressers and orderlies) could not get past the fuel warehouses - like it or not, they had to refuel the cars. And even without that, the orderlies, who love to boast of their knowledge, have nothing to hide at all, especially since it is generally known: a German is rushing, he will be here soon...

Hence, the fate of fuel was determined by the psychological type of warehouse managers - the principle of personnel selection (party affiliation, age, national composition, profession of ancestors), in practice - whether the warehouse manager was liked or not liked by the authorities, ultimately, the same sub-leader Stalin.

To that same psychoenergetically dependent Stalin, who, right up to the very beginning of hostilities, the beginning of which he knew in advance from numerous intelligence reports, sent train after train of fuel to Hitler across the border...

September 30, 1941. There are battles with partisan groups in all areas.
Chief of the rear area of ​​Army Group Center, General Schankendorff
November 23, 1941. Numerous, sometimes stubborn battles with partisans took place throughout the region.
Operational report from the headquarters of Army Group Center

Hitler, who was preparing the offensive, of course, knew that in Russia there were still many detractors. What, then, could he not help but dream about?

First: Hitler, who was aiming for victory, could not help but dream that all Soviet dissenters would be, if not destroyed, then at least sent further away, to Siberia, beyond the Urals (Hitler generally imagined that the Germans would only receive the space up to the Urals). Or they were brought unarmed to the border with Germany, so that, taken by surprise, they could not become partisans.

In 1922-1935, partisan detachments were formed in advance in the western regions of the Soviet Union. The state allocated funds for the creation of bases, personnel training, and the approval of command staff. It is impossible to say with certainty how the detractors felt about this process - whether they fled from the official event, or used at least this opportunity to learn the techniques of mine demolition. Apparently, a variety of people took part in this movement - “outsiders”, “insiders” and dislikes.

Naturally, the greatest hypnotist of the 20th century, Hitler, could not help but dream that these people trained in mine demolition, capable of surviving in any conditions, and many of them, moreover, had a special (non-authoritarian) psyche, would somehow exist stopped.

Yes, Hitler could not help but dream that the partisan bases (hidden in forests, mountain gorges and generally in hard-to-reach places, warehouses with fuel, weapons, explosives, long-term food) would also be destroyed! This is the second one.

And - third: obsessed with the neurosis of the fight against the great city, Hitler also could not help but dream that again, after the start of his invasion of the territory of the Soviet Union, the created partisan detachments would also be destroyed psychologically, even at the stage of formation - by the fact that They selected people with psychological qualities opposite to those who were undesirable. Which, as a consequence, led to their insignificant resistance to the leader, that is, to their insignificant combat effectiveness.

So, three blue dreams of the super-leader of the 20th century:

Destruction of personnel psychologically inclined to guerrilla tactics or their isolation in concentration camps;

Destruction of bases;

The actual destruction of the created units by authoritarianizing the thinking of the partisans participating in them.

Hitler dreamed - and with all passion.

The dreams of every great hypnotist are not a decree only for dislikes, but for people who think and feel in a herd, especially for those who, by their psychoenergetic properties, are capable of being at the top of the hierarchy - a decree. For the topmost element of the state pyramid - triple. A guide to action emanating through the unconscious.

The Kremlin sub-leader could not help but listen to his inner voice. Could not!

So it is not at all surprising that after Hitler had dreams of destroying partisan bases and those for whom the military equipment placed in them was intended, Stalin’s instructions, unnatural from the point of view of the interests of the country’s defense, followed: destroy the bases, repress the leading cadres. The state's need for slaves protected the disliked from the destruction - everything is in dispute in the hands of the disliked, it was the hierarchs who were shot - they were of no use anyway. In addition, those who did not sit still, like hypnotized rabbits, and who did not believe in the suggestions of the omnipotence of the Stalinist state hierarchy, fled, and - an amazing fact of Soviet reality during the Stalinist repressions! - the NKVD officers didn’t even look for those who had escaped.

A characteristic detail during the destruction of bases: weapons and military materials were sometimes not transferred to army units, but blown up. An interesting “fantasy” of the leader, especially if we remember that publicly he liked to talk about his devotion to the principle of expediency in matters of national defense.

Having waited for Stalin to realize Hitler’s dream of eliminating defense lines, fortified targets and partisan bases on the territory of the Soviet Union, the Fuhrer, as one would expect, began the war.

After June 22, 1941, partisan detachments nevertheless, despite the destruction of bases, began to organize - of two different types.

Detachments of the first type arose on the orders of regional and district committees and consisted entirely of communists; and if there were Komsomol members in them, then no more than 2-3% - in any case, this follows from the documents of those years. Contrary to the openly commercial theory of Marxism (as well as other similar religions based on sovereigntism), but in full accordance with the theory of the pack, these communist troops were inactive. For example, out of 32 detachments formed from the highest communists of the Kursk region, only 5 operated (V. A. P. 44; TsAMO. F. 15, Op. 178359. D. 1. L. 272; Perezhogin V. A. Partisans in Moscow Battle. M.: Nauka, 1996. P. 44). There are plenty of facts that the commanders and commissars of these detachments created on the principles of authoritarianism fled first. The same thing happened, naturally, not only in the Kursk region. For example, the leaders of the Maloyaroslavets and Novo-Petrovsky detachments of the Moscow region got scared and fled - the detachments, naturally, disintegrated, because they consisted of the same gregarious “outsiders” as their commanders. The archives have preserved information about similar cases in the Kozelsky and Spas-Demensky districts of the Smolensk region, in the occupied areas of the Leningrad region (TsAMO. F. 208. Op. 2526. D. 78. L. 58; F. 214. Op. 1510. D 1. L. 8; F. 229. Inventory 213. D. 3. L. 327). And so on and so forth. (The fact that out of 3,500 detachments sent to Ukraine in 1941, only 22 were active, i.e. 0.5%, is a special case: Ukraine... Any super-leader is welcome there. In the Ukrainian forests, the Minister of War Industry of the Reich, Speer, walked alone , not at all fearing for his life even in 1943!)

As already mentioned, out of 32 detachments formed from communists of the Kursk region, only 5 operated. After the war, from this fact, holders of academic degrees and corresponding salaries and privileges for decades concluded that there were some (!) communists here and there (! ) sometimes (!)" did not fulfill their duties to protect the Motherland, and along with it they betrayed their parents, wives and children. Apparently, another, opposite conclusion is more justified and logical. If in these five - according to reports (rather mythological and embellished in favor of the political apparatus) that were listed as communist - the communists actually participated in the detachments, and were not unofficially replaced in the very first days by non-authoritarian people (for the sake of the opportunity to get weapons, you can even call yourself a communist - there is no one to check!), then the holders of party cards of the ruling party, if They resisted the fascists, then only “here and there,” only “sometimes,” and, moreover, very, very “some.”

Indirect confirmation that the hierarchs of power structures left to partisans in 1941 galloped into captivity first is the fact of the “strange” behavior of political workers and commissars at the front - they also surrendered or fled first. They were considered to be the “conscience of the era” (in those years some of the people called them “upstarts”, and the newspapers called them “promoters)” with only one single quality - the ability to selflessly servile.

So, for the Nazis, hierarchical partisan detachments in 1941 did not pose a threat. The communist hierarchs in 1941 either did not act at all, or, if they did act, then, as will be seen from the documents below, they provided significant assistance to the Germans.

In addition to the communist ones, partisan detachments of the second type were created, the opposite of the first - spontaneous, objectionable.

Detachments of this type arose spontaneously, in addition to the orders of the hierarchs and even contrary to their will. (When ideologists claim that the partisan movement arose for the reason that, they say, Comrade Stalin gave instructions to organize detachments, then one involuntarily recalls the response of the people to such official interpretations of what is happening around us:

Winter has passed, summer has come - Thanks to the party for this. Now we will ask the party, So that autumn comes soon.

Spontaneous partisan detachments were heterogeneous in every sense - social, age, party, gender, nationality; but they were homogeneous, and this is the most important thing, psychologically - and for the Germans they were no less dangerous than Bati’s detachment of scientific workers and artisans.

These same detachments, once they were formed, the Soviet “external” flock led by Stalin subconsciously wanted to destroy (or expose them to destruction), and if physical destruction was impossible, at least reduce their effectiveness.

Stalin (and in those days nothing was done without his verbal instructions, see the book: Nevezhin V.A. Offensive War Syndrome. M.: AIRO-XX, 1997) achieved a decrease in the effectiveness of units. M.: AIRO-XX, 1997) achieved, among other things, the following basic techniques:

Diluting the detachment at the expense of commanders and commissars sent from the “mainland”;

Execution of those who showed a tendency to independent thinking - commanders and commissars were authorized to carry out immediate executions in the event of disobedience to him, the sent “promoter”;

Substituting concrete combat operations with drill training (this is in the forest!), leading to the authorization of thinking, etc.;

Consolidation of detachments;

Equipping existing units with heavy weapons.

Now in more detail.

On October 7, 1941, partisan reconnaissance of the Duminichsky district of the Smolensk (now Kaluga) region discovered several enemy trains at the Duminichi station, one of which was carrying fuel. The partisans did not have explosives. But this did not bother them. With “sudden salvo fire” (apparently they only had rifles), they set fire to the train with fuel. The fire quickly spread to other trains. Ammunition began to explode, and there was a danger of detonation of all explosives located at the station. Naturally, panic began among the Nazis. The partisans took advantage of this and disappeared without suffering any losses. (see in the book: Glukhov V.M. People's Avengers. Kaluga, 1960. P. 65.)

Fuel tanks (including individual barrels and stacks of them) are the most vulnerable property of all armies of the world in general, including Hitler’s Wehrmacht. Since during manufacturing they tried to make the walls of the containers as thin as possible to reduce their weight, they were pierced by a bullet from any light small arms, a rifle, from a greater distance than a machine gun. Gasoline spilled out of damaged containers and caught fire either from bullets heated from friction with the air, or from sparks of any origin. Along with the fuel, everything that was in the fire zone burned and exploded - bridges, cars, the Nazis themselves, clothes, weapons, ammunition.

Although attacks on fuel containers destroyed a lot of various military equipment, and often personnel, in 1941 the most advantageous thing for the survival of the Russians was the destruction of the fuel itself. Due to geographical, geological (there were no oil deposits of its own), technological (plants for the production of gasoline from coal and gas had not yet been put into operation) and political (the British fleet blocked the supply of oil from the oil-bearing regions of the planet, and Stalin, in connection with at the beginning of the war, train after train could no longer supply fuel to Hitler), the fuel supply in 1941 was the weakest point in Hitler’s army.

Thus, due to the severe limitation of fuel sources, any losses were irreplaceable for the Nazis in 1941.

Moscow, in October 1941, practically undefended by regular troops (they were practically destroyed 91% of tanks, 90% of guns and mortars, 90% of aircraft, mostly captured and then starved to death), as is known, was not captured largely because The Nazi tank divisions stopped at its approaches - they ran out of fuel. There was no point in tanks that had not yet been knocked out (without fuel, these are piles of iron), or in reserves of ammunition (they cannot be transported to the guns), or in the manpower of the divisions - the military machine, due to the lack of just one element, stalled.

If from a convoy of ten cars you steal one spare part from each of them - but different ones! - not ten cars will stop, but only one, and the other nine will use this one as a source of lost parts. It’s another matter if the same parts are removed from all ten...

This principle is obvious and understandable even to children. For example, in the city of Klin, during the counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Moscow, “school-age children stole the crank handles of more than 50 German cars, as a result of which the Germans were forced to abandon these cars during the retreat” (Vasilevsky A.M. The Work of a Whole Life. M. : 1975. P. 172). It may very well be that stealing the last crank in this convoy with military cargo was mortally dangerous, but the whole point of this childish operation was to steal precisely the last one.

Thus, from the point of view of expediency, when defending Russia in 1941, it was not beneficial that the partisans blew up 10 bridges, 50 trucks, derailed 3 trains with tanks, 3 trains with ammunition, 3 trains with fuel, killed 80 Germans and policemen , and so that, neglecting all other goals, they set fire to 9 trains with fuel with the most primitive rifle fire. It was advantageous for not a single drop of fuel to reach the front line.

The German troops, according to the recollections of the Germans themselves (for example, the commander of the 4th Tank Army F. Mellenthin), differed from the Russians in the psychoenergetic solidity of their units and, as a result, in their non-verbal control. This difference was manifested in the fact that the Nazis rarely won in frontal, frontal attacks by individually persistent Russians. During frontal attacks, events develop rather slowly, giving the defenders time to prepare to repel the attack. However, the Nazis won (even in 1944!) by creating unexpected situations, the key to which was the audacity of maneuver, and, most importantly, speed, when going to the rear, to the flank, when they fell out of the blue, and this without means of transportation, without armored personnel carriers and tanks, which accelerated the movement of this psycho-energetically monolithic flock, it is impossible. Technology (fuel!) ensured this surprise, and therefore victory.

From all of the above, it is obvious that various losses - in ammunition, people, equipment - could stop a regiment, even a division, but the complete absence of one thing could stop an army, all army groups.

The spontaneous partisans were armed primarily with rifles, which, after the flight and extermination of the regular army, were scattered in abundance throughout the territory of the Union captured by the enemy. For example, a rifle in the occupied territory cost only one pood of grain, and a machine gun - four (from a report from the political department of the Bryansk Front dated May 2, 1942 - TsAMO. F. 202. Op. 36. D. 275. L. 47). The partisans armed with rifles could not encroach on bridges (they needed explosives), on garrisons (they needed machine guns, mortars and guns), on artillery warehouses (to break through forged - that is, more durable than those processed on metal-cutting machines - shell bodies, the strength of a rifle the bullet was not enough). A single Nazi even for a rifle (especially in the hands of a non-professional) is a target that is too mobile and small, it is easy for inexperienced people to miss, but it is almost impossible to miss a stack of barrels, and especially a tank, with a rifle.

Hence, the fact that the spontaneous partisans were armed only with rifles, aimed them at the weakest point of the Hitlerite pack - fuel!

Amazingly, the naturally developing circumstances directly forced the spontaneous partisans of the 41st to commit sabotage that was most beneficial for Russia and lethal for the German Fuhrer!

Hitler, of course, had a vested interest in ensuring that fuel reached his executors. This meant that he was interested in the partisans scattering their attention on a variety of goals. In other words, it was beneficial for Hitler to have heavy weapons fall into the hands of the partisans!! So that it would be taken away from the front, where it was the only thing needed, and transferred by plane to the occupied territory!

As a result, the obedient part of the partisans, instead of primarily destroying fuel, began to blow up bridges and destroy garrisons. The bridges were quickly restored by numerous crowds of captured Komsomol members; and the garrisons consisted mainly of police: Russian emigrants, criminals, recent Komsomol members (many diligent policemen even carried Komsomol cards with them, see the book: P. Vershigora. People with a clear conscience. M.: Sovremennik, 1985), Don Cossacks , Chechens; as well as Spaniards, Italians, French, Romanians, Hungarians, and so on - in general, all this biomass of traitors was unnecessary ballast for the Germans. By repurposing the partisans, several goals were achieved at once: not only was fuel precious for the Nazis preserved, but also the outflow of heavy weapons from the Soviet front was carried out - which was exactly what was needed!

In a word, a simple combination is the basics of a chess game: by sacrificing an insignificant piece, the enemy is pushed into immeasurably large losses.

And the communist hierarchs of the times of Stalin - “externals”, and therefore psychoenergetically obedient to every dream of the planetary “external” super-leader - zealously set to work. An entire squadron of aircraft was removed from bombing the advancing Nazis (one was permanent; there were also one-off activities for other squadrons; and this was at a time when the fronts were suffocating from the weakness of air support) and switched to transporting mortars, heavy machine guns, and warped weapons to the rear of the Wehrmacht. newspaper "Pravda" and leaflets.

But not only that! The harmful effects of heavy weapons, which redirected the partisans to targets less significant for the defense of the Fatherland and led the detachments to death (as a result of reduced maneuverability, increased vulnerability to Nazi aviation), were reinforced by the top of the ruling hierarchy with ideological duping: printed instructions for partisans!!

Here is one of the examples of creativity of the Moscow Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks - a leaflet “Wait for us - we will come again!” dated November 5, 1941:

...Ruthlessly exterminate the enemy army's manpower, destroy German tanks and vehicles, blow up bridges and roads, disrupt the supply routes for ammunition and food, disrupt the enemy's telephone and telegraph communications, set fire to the warehouses and convoys of the German invaders!
(They kept the oath of allegiance. Partisan Moscow region in documents and materials. M., 1982. P. 27-28. Quoted from the book: Perezhogin V. A. Partisans in the Moscow Battle. M.: Nauka, 1996. P. 68)

They listed everything, even remembered telegraph communication with convoys, but not a word about the most important thing - about fuel! This is as “natural” as if they sent powdered milk, flour, salt to those in distress in the sands of the Karakum Desert, but forgot to send... water! There is no doubt that the forgetful supplier had serious motives to “forget” about the most important thing. And it doesn’t even matter whether the obsequious official consciously or subconsciously wishes death to those who find themselves in the desert. (By the way, one of the first targets of Bati’s detachment of scientific workers and artisans was an oil storage facility, left intact by the “externals” to the enemy - it burned gloriously!).

The German offensive of the 41st was saved by the efforts of the Russian-speaking sub-flock of “externals”.

The Germans reached the approaches to Moscow, although without the “help” of the Stalinists they would not have been able to reach not only Smolensk, but even Kiev.

It is, of course, possible to calculate, with an accuracy of up to a kilometer, where the engines of German tanks would stall in each of the following three cases:

If Stalin had not sent train after train of fuel to Hitler before the war;

If fuel from Soviet warehouses that fell into the occupation zone were destroyed and did not go to the Nazis;

If the ruling elite, led by Stalin, had not undermined the partisan movement (disobedient) in such many ways; in particular, if the partisans had not been redirected from easily vulnerable fuel to difficult to vulnerable and at the same time not so important targets.

However, we will not be distracted by calculations - the principle of the measures taken by the “external” substance is already clear - the most powerful Russian weapons were either destroyed by all possible means, or at least retargeted...

The second technique, with the help of which the ruling “external” hierarchy sharply reduced the effectiveness of the spontaneous partisan movement, consisted of consolidating units.

The consolidation of Soviet partisan detachments was also Hitler’s blue dream. And that's why.

A group of two or three villains was elusive, it could well exist on “grazing”, there were no problems with creating secret warehouses and supply bases, camouflage of secret dwellings was simplified, and so on. The Nazi losses outnumbered the group after only one or two successful ambushes. (And there were many ambushes, because they attacked small groups of Germans, who either died completely or, naturally, could not organize pursuit.) The consolidation of detachments destroyed all these advantages. For comparison, we can consider such a very active (!) detachment as “Grandfather” (the very name, which deviates from the traditional names, say, “In the Name of the XV Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks)”, suggests increased activity of this detachment; by the way, the organizer of this relatively highly active detachment was not a career officer, but a Moscow militiaman). So, with a strength of six thousand people, the “Grandfather” detachment, according to reports, destroyed only about two thousand Nazis in two years of existence, that is, three partisans killed only one Nazi in two years. If we remove the postscripts, then the smallness of the figure will be even more shocking. (Recall that at the front the effectiveness of the fighters was many times less. If we compare it with Bati’s detachment of scientists, then considering that the latter operated for only six months, the effectiveness of this six-thousandth monster - the best of them! "is a thousand times less.)

Party workers tried to increase the number of detachments to the staff not only of a battalion (800-1000 people), but of a regiment (1.5-3 thousand people) and even a division (6-8 thousand people). As the detachments grew larger, their mobility and effectiveness became increasingly lost. Moreover, the Nazis quickly surrounded these monsters with outposts.

The main advantage of the partisans - small, but highly effective, in terms of each participant, ambushes - was knocked out of their hands by the Stalinists. If partisans escaped unpunished in small groups, or German losses were many times greater than those of the partisans, now the situation was reversed. German outposts called in aviation, against which the partisans were powerless, and then tanks - with corresponding results. The detachment ceased to exist, leaving, however, the opportunity for the commissar and communist commander sent from the mainland to kiss the breech before his death! - a much-needed heavy machine gun confiscated from the front was heavy and useless in the German rear.

But the main benefit for the Nazis from the consolidation of detachments with the formation of stationary partisan regiments, divisions and partisan regions was not even in reducing their maneuverability and increasing their vulnerability. Bolshevik power was being restored on the territory of the partisan region, courts were working to calculate alimony, party meetings were held dedicated to the fight against the invaders, for which they prepared for a long time, the fighters were intensively engaged in drill training - in general, there was simply no strength left to beat the invaders. Facts indicate that when the Communist-Stalinists managed to put together a large formation that occupied an entire region among the swamps, they attracted many small partisan groups from vast territories into it. Thus, the Nazis in these territories liberated from partisans gained security.

A paradoxical conclusion: large army-type partisan formations were formed at the will of Hitler’s pack - under those conditions this was the most effective form of neutralizing unformed dissidents!

Indeed, safety for the invaders is a big deal: Hitler’s soldiers and officers, who were taken to rest, could only restore their combat effectiveness in safety - with all the ensuing consequences for Soviet front-line soldiers. It may very well be that the commissars who were sent into spontaneous partisan groups and soon seized power in them (it is difficult for a partisan to shoot “one of their own,” but references to hostility towards “paratroopers” can be found even in the memories of veterans barbarously mutilated by Soviet censorship) took them to the partisan lands , in their reports they reported that their group, they say, with the greatest difficulties and hardships, reached “theirs” hundreds of kilometers away, thus, it turns out, fighting the Nazis. But the commissars, who were selected in the Soviet rear primarily on the basis of their ability to fawn, were mistaken about the true subconscious motives of their actions; at best, they were sincerely confused. These mergers of small groups were so profitable for the Nazis that they should have gladly allocated a truck, found super-scarce fuel and themselves transported such a wonderful detachment to the partisan region, and even imprisoned the commissar - with honor! - into the cabin and treat you to ersatz coffee.

In static partisan-communist zones, difficulties immediately arose with food - if the small operating group could provide for itself, especially without burdening the population, then a formation of thousands, in order to feed itself, was forced to simply rob the population to the bone. Naturally, local residents, knowing about drill training and party meetings with, in general, inactivity, could not help but consider the “organized partisans” to be ordinary idler bandits.

So, with such targeted actions as:

Authoritarianization of the thinking of those few who took up arms in the German rear (by sending commissars with the powers of immediate execution in case of disobedience to him, the newcomer; drill training in partisan regions, etc.);

Consolidation of units;

Equipping previously operating partisan groups and detachments with heavy weapons, -

The top of the ruling “external” hierarchy in the Soviet Union sought to reduce the effectiveness of the spontaneous partisan movement (in 1941 only units of this type operated) - as super-leader Hitler wanted.

But that's not all.

There was another way in which Russian-speaking "externals" helped Hitler without exposing themselves to the risk of being exposed as traitors.

One of the most effective ways to reduce the effectiveness of partisan resistance to the super-leader was the physical destruction of the partisans, destroying them one by one, at the hands of the Nazis and Smershevites.

The name for those prepared for such technology of killing or at least neutralization was the following: connected.

The word "connected" comes, of course, from the word "connection". The top of the hierarchy ruling on the territory of Russia inspired that non-party residents of the occupied territories are not capable of fighting the enemy on their own, but only at the direction of officials entrenched in the far rear areas - in political departments at army headquarters or in regional committees evacuated to the deep rear from the occupied regions. Since there was almost no operational radio communication with the mainland in 1941, it was believed that the partisans needed to send a person to the Center “for communication.” The path from the German rear to the Soviet rear was not close, especially since it was necessary to move mainly at night, and it was not always possible to cross the front line in a swoop, but only after a long reconnaissance - so it took weeks to travel one way. The intelligence data of the liaison officers became hopelessly outdated at such a time; the meaning of the instructions from above, even if it had been in them initially, was completely lost due to the constantly changing situation during such a time. In short, there was no defensive meaning in the institution of messengers.

However, since some action was performed, it means that someone needed it.

Naturally, the super-leader-aggressor benefited most from the appointment of liaison officers. The forced establishment of the institution of messengers achieved several goals at once. Firstly, an active partisan (and who else could be sent on a mission dangerous and fraught with surprises, if not the best of the best? Besides, it’s a joy for the commissar - an objectionable person is removed from the detachment) was incapacitated for a long time (the road behind the front line; interrogations in SMERSH , which could well have ended in execution only because the investigators did not like the person being interrogated; rest after interrogation; sessions of idiotic suggestions from communists fattening in the rear on the topic of effective fight against the invader; return to the detachment and rest - the whole cycle took more than a month). In other words, a person was eliminated for at least a month as a highly effective combat unit, and all this time he did not pose a danger to the Nazis, and indirectly to the super-leader.

Temporary disablement is an even more or less favorable result, because for the most part the messengers did not reach. They were shot either by SMERSH or by the Gestapo.

The number of those killed under torture, shot down by patrols, hit by a stray bullet while crossing the front, blown up by mines, and so on can be indirectly judged by the available statistics of movement in the opposite direction. So, in the fall of 1941, the Oryol regional party committee sent 116 messengers behind enemy lines, but by the beginning of 1942 only 34 returned (RTSKHIDNI. F. 69. Op. 1. D. 61. L. 1), that is, less than a third. Those who did not return, of course, did not necessarily all die, some went over to the side of the Nazis (as did a particularly proven and especially reliable - in the opinion of the communist hierarchs - army captain, who was thrown behind the Nazis’ lines in order to destroy General Vlasov), but I want to believe that Some of those who did not return spat on the treacherous fuss of the ruling “foreigners” and began to fight with the enemy, who has set himself the task of destroying 85% of ethnic Russians, not in the Stalinist way, but in the hostile way.

The removal by commissars from units under the guise of coherent dissidents did not simply lead to a numerical reduction in real combat units. The decrease in the combat effectiveness of the partisan movement as a whole was significantly greater. “You are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13) - this principle of mutual influence of people on each other is eternal. Since one of the best people in terms of non-authoritarian thinking was removed from the detachment, the detachment psychologically changed as a whole, and thus its combat effectiveness was further undermined. In other words, with the removal of an established enemy, not one combat unit was lost, but, say, three. (We are talking, we repeat, about the first stage of the war with the super-leader; in the second, with the onset of paranoid hallucinations in the super-leader, the activity of the hypnotizable herd increases and is perceived by a superficial observer as a purely heroic struggle for the liberation of the Motherland.)

The fact that they tried to remove from the detachment first of all those who think non-authoritarianly follows from the immutable psychological laws: if power over a spontaneous partisan detachment or group was seized by a standard communist of the Stalin period (not so much a rogue as a rapist), then he simply tolerated thinking people in his subordination he couldn’t - and how could he calm himself down in his quest to get rid of them?! Therefore: get rid of it in any way! Preferably the least suspicious - for example, under the guise of devotion to the institution of messengers.

In other words, the commissar manifested his essence in exactly the same actions as the feudal landowners and the elders-pleasers of the peasant communities, who sent the troublemakers as recruits for twenty-five years of service in the army of the Romanov Germans.

Since those who thought non-authoritarianly in 1941 were the salt of partisan detachments and groups, their psyche protected the detachment from the Cannes syndrome (inability to raise a weapon when you are being killed, a passionate desire to surrender), which was possessed at the first stage of the war by “mind, honor and conscience” era. The elimination of dissidents from the detachment changed the psychological climate in it, and it turned into a martinet association, which was quickly destroyed - as historical facts show, without noticeable losses for the invaders.

Therefore, it can be assumed that the sufficiently formed villains who were expelled from the detachment under the guise of connections to certain, and most importantly, senseless death, did not die, but the commissars were sent to hell and continued the stunningly effective war against the Nazis alone - free from the “valuable instructions” of cretins with party cards. Saving the Motherland and not participating in betrayal.

We, of course, do not learn about these lone fighters from pro-communist reports and reports, primarily because the reports were ordered not at all in order to reflect objective reality, but in order to glorify the hierarchical principle represented by its bearers.

But, fortunately, history, although suffocating, is not silent - we can use the surviving reports of the Germans as sources.

A single partisan, who, in addition to the mental advantages, also had the surprise of an attack (you can freely throw several grenades or fire several aimed shots before resistance is organized), also had time, if the terrain was favorable, to hide - to prepare for the next "event". The result is two or three killed per gun. Only a company could kill so many invaders at the front, suffering, however, at the same time losses (in the perversely massive Stalinist attacks - ten, if not a hundredfold) - and even then in a day of fighting.

We read the German order for the 6th German Army of Field Marshal von Reichenau (we must be aware that for ideological reasons it was beneficial, and even necessary, for the Field Marshal to pass off a single partisan as a group in order to maintain the morale of his subordinates):

On the night of November 5-6 (1941 - A.M.), Colonel Zin and two engineers from his headquarters were killed by partisans. Another partisan group killed five people... I oblige every soldier in all cases: during work, during rest, lunch, etc. to always have a rifle with him... Single officers travel only on main and guarded roads...
(TsAMO. F. 208. Op. 2526. D. 78. L. 18)

The archives have preserved hundreds, thousands of staff reports of this kind; about the atmosphere

The nightmare that was created by single partisans is evidenced by many captured letters in which Wehrmacht soldiers, taken to “rest,” yearn for the front as a place that is safer and calmer for them.

Here are lines from a letter from a murdered German officer who died in a punitive operation against Leningrad partisans:

It’s better to be on the front line than here, where I would know that the enemy is at such and such a distance. Here the enemy is everywhere, he is around us, tracking us from behind every cover. Several (!) (my italics - A.M.) shots, and usually these shots hit...
(Quoted from the book: On the North-Western Front, 1941-1943. M., 1969. P. 284)

Hitler’s flock was psychologically exhausted, thereby breaking the super-leader’s psyche, by the mere existence of individual partisans, and not at all by the detachments appearing in the papers of communist reports of the trained mind, absorbed in the partisan regions and zones of drill training.

So it is no coincidence that the particularly hypnotizable communist hierarchs, in accordance with Hitler’s wishes, tried to either destroy the dissidents, or lure them to Soviet territory, or force them to engage in drill training in the partisan regions. We tried. But did it always work out?

So, if we express ourselves in a high style worthy of the topic, then the person who was sent to the liaison office in 1941 was placed by external circumstances in a position in which he was forced to make the most important spiritual decision for his soul: either become an “external” and die without any meaning and benefit for the Motherland and eternity, and even worse - having survived, cause harm to the Motherland, enlarging the flock and making it even more subject to the will of the super-leader; or, on the contrary, having chosen the Truth, leave the pack completely and act to the detriment of the enemy on your own (together with your own kind), thereby gaining eternal life.

In fact, for whom was it worth dying - both biologically and spiritually? For the sake, ultimately, of Hitler? Even with a dying cry: “For Stalin!”?

Of course, if we talk traditionally, suffocating in the Procrustean bed of sovereigntism in its commercial version, then there was one category of the population of the Soviet Union that was directly interested in the existence of the institution of messengers. These were the highest local hierarchies of power: secretaries of regional committees, regional committees, district party committees, who had fled to the deep Soviet rear from the occupied regions, their deputies, instructors, as well as officials in army uniform from the political departments of the fronts. Despite the fact that all of the above could only negatively influence the fight against the invaders by their mere existence (at least in the first period of the war), they, nevertheless, acquired a justification for their sitting in the rear - they say, they are organizing resistance to the enemy in the occupied territories, systematizing the reports of liaison officers (correcting documents to the letter and spirit of Marxism-Leninism in the Stalinist interpretation; if you don’t correct them, they can be shot) and giving valuable instructions to those who, unlike them, did not scramble, but defended their wives and children , - friends, finally.

And this top of the management hierarchy, scuttled and hiding in the rear, did not at all share a half-starved existence with the rest of the population of the Soviet Union - no, it ate.

During the war famine, when the population ate something unknown, bread was baked from mixtures of strange composition, even with the addition of sawdust, and potato peelings were perceived as a delicacy, something like a gift from heaven, the author’s mother and his grandmother lived on the second floor of the house, which had a bakery on the ground floor. Yes, not a simple one, but a “special” one - sweet buns made from snow-white flour were baked in it - for the communist elite of the city of Kovrov. It was beyond the power of the hungry people to endure the aroma rising from below; and then the young grandmother (she was not forty years old) could not stand it, burst into the communist bakery, and, despite the pokes and beatings, grabbed a bun in each hand and rushed away from this den.

“The mind, honor and conscience of the era” ate up, naturally, not only in Kovrov, but everywhere, and - like the prostitute Maslova, who considered her occupation highly worthy only because she was doing it - she apparently considered this process of digestion for the country very useful - after all, the party members needed strength to convince the population that they were the “mind, honor and conscience” of the Hitler era...

Of course, the hierarchs needed strength to fight each other - after all, in the rear there were many party bodies, each of which gave their orders to the partisan detachments - naturally, opposite and mutually incompatible.

Despite the importance and seriousness of the partisan movement in the Patriotic War, the main organizational issue has not yet been resolved at the center - who should organize and lead the partisan movement... There are a number of bodies trying to lead the partisan movement... As a result, on the ground sometimes it comes to big misunderstandings , conflicting instructions are given to detachments and local district party and Soviet bodies.
Head of the Political Directorate of the North-Western Front, Brigade Commissar Kovalevsky, report to the Main Administration of the Red Army on October 17, 1941. (TsAMO. F. 221. Op. 362. D. 16. L. 436; Op. 1366. D. 6. L. 255-256; cited from the book: Perezhogin V. A. Op. op. S. 63)

It is useful to think about what lies behind the euphemism “big misunderstandings.” Generally speaking, disobedience to an order entailed, according to the laws of that time, only one thing - execution (in the new Stalinist Disciplinary Charter of 1940 there was an innovation: Article 6 specifically stipulated that the subordinate must carry out any order, if not - execution on the spot; according to Article 7, a commander who did not take all measures to carry out his order was to be tried by a military tribunal). Any “misunderstanding,” apparently, consisted primarily in the fact that it was not clear who to shoot—the partisans, of course—after all, by following only one of the opposing orders, they thereby refused to carry out the other. In essence, in any case, the entire partisan detachment was subject to execution! What, as is obvious to anyone familiar with psychological science, even superficially, subconsciously, was what the top of the communist hierarchy was striving for - psychologically, as can be seen from its behavior during the war, despite mutual hatred, one.

It couldn’t be otherwise: every war is an attempt by a pack to civilize the undesirable, to spiritually destroy, in addition to the usual methods, also with the threat of immediate execution.

In general, the mutual hatred of the regional committee secretaries should not be misleading about their monolithic nature as a pack. The flock is held together by vertical connections, not horizontal ones. In addition, its center may be on the territory of another - enemy - state.

It systematically turns out that the sub-leaders, generally speaking, do not believe that their accomplices really love their common idol-super-leader. Albert Speer, the Minister of War Industry of Nazi Germany, who was sentenced to 20 years in prison in Nuremberg, where he wrote his memoirs, involuntarily spoke about this mentality among others; in them, in particular, he said several times that no one except him, Albert Speer, the intellectual architect, really loved Hitler, only he alone. And the rest around Hitler are lackeys and nonentities, and he, Hitler, are secret enemies. The minister, naturally, with all the sincerity of an ordinary jealous woman, believed only in his true devotion to the Fuhrer. As, indeed, did the rest of his competitors in serving the leader - but everyone always did only what was necessary for their leader, who was subject to sadomasochistic swings.

So the regional committee secretaries in 1941, who supported each other, also did their own thing - but all to please their sub-leader (insofar as he was a puppet of the super-leader).

It may, of course, seem from the outside that the sub-sub-leaders are fighting among themselves in an inconsistent manner - but their hatred is reminiscent of the mutual hatred of spouses, from whom children-executors are still born.

The secretaries were united in the fact that their main enemy were dissidents - and it does not matter that the hunt for them was masked by heaps of executed political instructors and commissars who deserved to be shot even before the start of the Great Patriotic War - as sycophants.

Let's summarize.

The weakest point in Hitler’s “external” military machine was fuel, which was sorely lacking.

The most powerful weapon of the Russians is the mental independence (non-stanchness) of a small part of the population. It was they, expelled from hierarchies and from fuel depots, often deprived of weapons, who ensured victory in the Great Patriotic War - first of all, directly over Hitler himself.

An analysis of the circumstances of the Wehrmacht’s fuel supply and the nature of the intervention of Russian-speaking “outsiders” in the spontaneous partisan movement shows that the actions of Stalin and the highest hierarchs both before the war and after it began (1941 and most of 1942) systematically revived the fuel situation among the Wehrmacht. Hitler, at the same time they tried to destroy the partisan movement in general, and the spontaneous movement in particular.

This was by no means a chaos of unnatural errors.

Strictly natural “mistakes” are not mistakes. It doesn’t matter that the chorus of hereditary traitors will defend merchant sovereignty in their justification.

From the above military-historical analysis alone, it follows that Stalin is a traitor.

It doesn't matter whether he received money for it or anything else; most importantly, he is a traitor to the Motherland.

And this could be judged in advance: simply by the fact that he is a typical “outside” sub-leader.

In one regional committee instruction, for example, partisans were advised to fight tanks in the following way: tie an anti-tank mine to a string, dig into the snow near the road and, waiting for a tank to pass by, drag the mine under its track.

This book is not about Stalin - although every novel tells about one or another event in the life of this Great Magus, who wore a mask all his life, like every great sorcerer.

This book is based on the materials of many expeditions of the author to the places of Stalin’s northern and Siberian exiles, dedicated to the study of how Koba, before becoming Stalin, mastered the Volkhov skill of non-textual knowledge: the child of the Virgin, the Cup of the Virgin (Grail), the Staff of the Virgin.

Hence, in fact, Stalin’s ability to find out the secrets of both obvious enemies and allies who want to appear loyal.

Stratagems of the initiation of genius in ancient Russian cults

Wolf- this is not an animal. Or not quite an animal. A person who has embarked on initiation will certainly have a special relationship with a wolf.

A real shaman takes his son, who is not yet four years old, to the wolf’s lair when there are cubs there, and leaves him there for the whole day. Then he takes it back, safe and sound. Wolves generally do not harm children under any circumstances. And further. Every woman - if she is a real woman - is looking for a blacksmith in her life. Surprisingly, this theme is directly related to the theme of the wolf and the stratagems of the initiation of a genius in ancient Russian cults.

It is obvious that the Magi have a certain secret. Very important. Knowledge is not just mental knowledge, but also the mastery of the Force. There is a Path to this Power - an initiatory one. It is also clear that civilizers do not hesitate to lie in order to slander both this Path (Worg) and those few who in the history of our planet accepted the treasure of the Magus’ Power. They are not shy about lying and do not spare billions of dollars to support it.

But the Path itself is irresistible, and the map of the Path is before everyone’s eyes. You just have to see it.
And the wolf is ready to show the way to a meeting with the Spirit of the Wolf.

Russia. The Ins and Outs of Love

Russia: the ins and outs of love. Psychoanalysis of the Great Struggle (Catharsis-2).

“I’ll tell you a secret that if Russia is saved, it will only be as a Eurasian power...” - these words of the famous historian, geographer and ethnologist Lev Nikolaevich Gumilyov, crowning his many years of research, are known.

Attracting a number of psychological and psychoanalytic ideas to the established theory of Eurasianism, using an array of facts from our recent history that in no way fit into traditional historiographical concepts, deep familiarity with theological issues - all this allowed the author of the proposed book to create an original historical and psychological concept, according to which Russia in Most importantly, the entire 20th century went from victory to victory.

Stalin. Cult of the Virgin

Invincible Joseph Dzhugashvili-Stalin in 1911 in Solvychegodsk he was initiated into the second stage of the ancient Russian cult Virgo - Virgo Breast.

As an initiate of such a high level, Joseph Dzhugashvili accepted a new name - Stalin ("the upcoming Bosom of the Virgin").

But this book is not about Joseph Dzhugashvili, but about the initiatory Path of every Stalin (dedicated to the Virgin) - and his, like Stalin, invincibility.

“I know that a heap of rubbish will be placed on my grave, but the wind of history will mercilessly scatter it ...” (Stalin, shortly before his death).

“Stalin” by Alexei Menyailov is the only book worthy of my grandfather” (V.K. Kuzakov, grandson of Joseph Stalin)

Stalin. The Magus's Epiphany

It happens that a person changes so dramatically that legends arise about his replacement - which is how they try to explain the strange transformation of Koba into Stalin in 1911, during his exile in Solvychegodsk.

Initiation- this is the awakening of previously immovable layers of the subconscious, and the subconscious is in many ways a layering of the experience of all human ancestors. Ancestral memory can return this experience - which is what happens during initiation.

"Stalin: the epiphany of a sorcerer"- the discovery of the century, not because the transformation that happened to Stalin in Solvychegodsk is named after itself, but because the complex of initiating factors has been deciphered.

Stalin and those who understand him are even greater than one can imagine. It is no coincidence that an ancient prophecy, thousands and thousands of years old, speaks of Stalin, bypassing many, many people whom we stubbornly call great.
Koba (ancient Russian supreme sorcerer) in Solvychegodsk could not help but see himself in this prophecy - and became Stalin.

Durilka. Notes of the son-in-law of the chief rabbi 1

My first father-in-law amazed me by the fact that from circumstances that implied seemingly unambiguous conclusions, he made conclusions that were clearly unusual for the general public.

At first it even seemed unnatural to me.

But the father-in-law, relying on this “unnatural” way of thinking, always acted successfully - unlike his subordinates, who, following the “natural”, then scratch their “turnips” with a sigh: they say, “I wanted the best, but it turned out as always”...

Pack theory. Notes of the son-in-law of the chief rabbi 3

What separates a ruler from a puppet is knowledge of pack theory. Knowledge of the pack theory also distinguishes a rare type of person who is psychoenergetically independent. This distinction goes back to antiquity and has been artificially maintained since ancient times.

In Russia they know very well what it means to live under a puppet ruler of a foreign world center. Everyone knows the taste of personal failure, when, it would seem, everything was planned, but for some reason it didn’t work out. The secret of this “for some reason” was owned by both the winner Kutuzov and the winner Stalin - both were clearly guided by some kind of unconventional knowledge. We don’t know where they found out about the secret, but we know where and how the author found out about it.

Pontius Pilate. Psychoanalysis of the wrong murder

Pontius Pilate: Psychoanalysis of the wrong murder (Catharsis -3)

A strange tension pulsates around the name “Pontius Pilate” - and happy is the one who is involved in this tension. Nothing is accidental: the last eighth edition of “The Master...” was completed by only forty-nine-year-old Mikhail Bulgakov at the cost of unbearable pain. One of his last words were: “So that they know... So that they know...”. That's not how they write fiction about love and witches...

It’s hard to believe that so far no one has been able to understand the Secret Knowledge encrypted in the novel, which is why the assumption arises that the initiates have a reason to remain silent. Is it just fear? Grand hordes of ordinary Bulgakov scholars all over the world are rustling like husks, unable to even come to grips with the key question: why did Margarita value the master’s novel so much? What is the reason for such a powerful dependence on the romance of a most beautiful woman, a superwoman, a supertypical woman and therefore the queen of the Great Ball?

Catharsis. The Ins and outs of Love

There are a number of damned issues in world culture. Let's say, how did the clinically impotent Hitler lead an abundant sex life? Why did millions of women declare their passionate love to him? Why have so many authors slandered the married life of Leo Tolstoy, essentially spitting on the great writer? Why is so little known about Stalin's intimate life? What aspects of their lives have psychic healers, say, Grishka Rasputin, hidden in all centuries?

Does a person have a soul mate, how to meet and recognize her? What is the fundamental difference between a soul mate and a partner? An original method of psychotherapy that amazes the imagination with its results helps to find answers to these and other questions. The method is simple, accessible to everyone and is mentioned even in the Bible (by the prophet Daniel). The book presents in an accessible way the psychoanalysis of halves (P. and his Beloved) - fundamentally new results of psychological science. The book is fascinating and well written.

Stalin. Initiation of the Magus

It doesn’t even matter whether Stalin is good or bad - the main thing is that Stalin with his life showed the effectiveness of the ancient northern (Hyperborean) tradition of the initiatory path of becoming any genius, which Stalin went through almost completely:

initiation in the forge, mastery of secret knowledge through the element of earth, initiation by death, initiation by the life of an outcast in the sacred White Mountains, comprehension of the secret of the Great Goal (GLT), initiation by Kama love.

There is only one path to true happiness - through self-knowledge, and the fullness of self-knowledge is given only through a series of twelve deeds, the order of which has been known since ancient times. Stalin was also taught this Volkhov Path - hence his incredible performance, his genius, and invincibility.