
Adventurous salt dough vase from sqart. Cool vase made of salt dough Flowers in a vase made of salt dough


sqart for ( text from the author )

“For a long time I have been looking at handmade floor vases.

But my 45 square meters and my son, who had just learned to walk, simply did not leave me such an opportunity.

And then such an opportunity arose - to try a new type of creativity in adventurous exchange, which was organized by our forum “All by myself.”

And the work began to boil, it really boiled for a long time - a month, but this is what happened.

I bought 1 m of the thickest sewer pipe, sawed off 80 cm with a hacksaw. The excess lies in the pantry - waiting in the wings.

I cut out the bottom from a plastic container lid and glued it on.

At first, I simply painted the vase with a regular construction primer and acrylic paint - the result was not impressive - the paint strokes were too obvious.

Then I glued a piece of regular wallpaper for painting - I painted it - I liked it.

I kneaded the most ordinary salty dough and kept it wrapped in cling film in the refrigerator. I tore it off piece by piece - otherwise the dough will quickly become airy and dry. I rolled out the dough into a layer, using a regular leaf from a houseplant as a template, and cut out the amount I needed. I also pressed through the veins of the leaves with a knife. I glued the glue onto the “Master” in a rather chaotic order.

Next came the turn of the lilac clusters themselves. A small ball is made, a droplet is made from it, which we cut into 2 or 4 parts with nail scissors. Open them a little - the lilac flower or bud is ready. A bunch of these small flowers is collected. I glued it directly to the base. I dried it near the radiator, turning it one way or the other. I decided to somehow decorate the top - I cut out circles from the dough and glued them


The main sculpting work was completed. I painted the grapes and leaves with watercolors and shaded them with glitter nail polish. Something was missing - my flowers looked like orphans on a white background - I went over the convex parts of the wallpaper with blue paint. Painting the vase as a “birch tree” improved the appearance. At intervals of a day, allowing it to dry thoroughly each time, I coated it 3 times with acrylic varnish.

This is exactly how my vase left for its new place of residence. All!!!


To prepare salt dough you will need fine table salt, but not iodized salt, potato starch, wheat flour and water. There are many recipes; you can do without starch, but with it the dough will be more plastic and sticky. A large amount of salt leads to excessive softening during prolonged use. One of the best proportions is this: for a glass of flour you need to take half a glass of salt and 1 tablespoon of starch. All bulk products must be mixed, then gradually pour in plain or colored water, thoroughly kneading the dough each time.

You should immediately decide how the vase will be painted. A vase made from multi-colored dough looks impressive. To obtain it, you need to dilute food coloring in water in advance, and then knead the dough with this water. Or you can fashion a product from white dough, and after firing, paint it with acrylic paints.

Making a salt dough vase

You can use any plastic, glass or metal container as the base for the vase. For example, it is convenient to take a shampoo bottle, a plastic soda container, or any other. The top part must be carefully trimmed.

To make the work easier, roll out the dough using a rolling pin, then wrap the resulting layer around the base and seal the edges. To smooth the surface, you need to wet your hands or tools with cold water. It is also convenient to glue parts using wetting. You can immediately apply patterns to the surface using any available items - spoons, forks, spatulas, etc.

The resulting base should be dried for one or two days in a warm, dry place. When it becomes strong enough, start decorating the vase from salt dough. The neck can be decorated using a braid made of multi-colored dough, a thick “” in a contrasting color. Vases with sculpting or appliqué look impressive, and it can be very individual. For example, it would be appropriate for a woman who is interested in breeding fish to give a vase with their image.

Drying and varnishing

When the vase is ready, it should be dried. You can simply dry it near the radiator, in which case it will dry at a rate of 1 mm per day. Or use the oven, maintaining the temperature at about 70-80 degrees. It is important that there are no drafts or temperature changes, otherwise the product may crack or even become blistered. To check readiness, you need to knock on the vase with a stick. If the sound is ringing, then everything is ready, but if it is dull, more time is required.

The vase must be covered with one, or better yet, two or three layers of varnish, otherwise the dough will be washed away with any water. If it was painted with gouache, it is better to use a non-water-based varnish (for example, alkyd, PF or NC), but if not, use absolutely any nail polish.

Today I will share with you my experience in making a vase from salt dough, and at the same time I will tell you about the mistakes made that can ruin the whole thing. Making a beautiful vase from salt dough is actually very simple, the main thing is to do it right. By the way, a minimal set of tools is needed for this:- rolling pin; - an empty glass bottle of a suitable shape; - knife; - plastic bag and tape; - and of course the dough. For the test you need:- one to one extra salt and flour (I took 1 glass each); - ice water (approximately 0.5 cups per 2 cups of bulk mixture). It must be a tough salty dough. We have already told you more than once, so I won’t dwell on this point for a long time. Let's start making a vase Roll out the dough evenly so that the height is 3-5 mm.

We put the bottle in a bag and secure it to the neck with tape. And then I made a fatal mistake, which led to the collapse of the whole business - the bag must be secured with tape ONLY on the neck of the bottle, otherwise it will not come off later, which means the dough will remain on the bottle. We wrap the bottle with dough and smooth the joints well. Then we make the height of the future vase - trim off the excess dough and smooth the edges. Now let's move on to the formation of the relief. I planned to make a vase “like a tree,” so I made the relief that you see in the photo. Once the relief is ready, you can begin to form additional patterns. It is better to make patterns that will be end-to-end after the dough has already begun to dry out a little, this will make it more convenient to cut out clear details. Don't forget to smooth all the edges to make them neat. After you have cut everything out, leave the bottle to dry for two days or put it in the oven to bake. When the vase is ready, you need to cut the tape on the neck of the bottle and remove the vase along with the bag, then remove the bag from the vase (this is not difficult). If, after you have removed the bag from the vase, the inner walls are not yet completely dry, then you need to dry the product. Remember that natural drying, although it takes more time, leaves the product without cracks or flaws. The vase can be painted and varnished, or decorated using decoupage. It all depends only on your imagination. Of course, you can’t put fresh flowers in such a vase, but dried flowers in such a vase or artificial flowers perfectly complement the interior. Good luck in your creativity and don’t repeat other people’s mistakes! Author of the master class Olga Olefirenko

Technology for making salt dough products

More and more attention has recently been paid to the revival and promotion of various types of folk applied art in Russia.

It is no secret that since ancient times in Rus' they treated bread with great respect. How many holidays and rituals are dedicated to him. And the most important holiday among the peasants was dedicated to the harvest. For this occasion, festive loaves, pies, braids, rolls and many other delicious masterpieces of culinary art were baked. Masterpieces, because they were not only incredibly tasty, but also beautifully decorated with various patterns and figures. And the remaining flour, or, as it was called, flour, was not thrown away (this was considered a great sin). Salt and water were added to it, and various figures, amulets, and totems were sculpted from this (inedible) dough. And this type of creativity in the old days was called mukosol.

Over time, other ingredients were added to the salt dough recipe, but the main ingredients - salt, flour and water - remained unchanged.

Here, for example, are some recipes for making salt dough:

1. Flour and salt are taken in equal proportions 1:1 and ½ part water. For example, 1 glass of flour, 1 glass of coarse table salt and half a glass of warm water. All this is thoroughly kneaded for 10 - 15 minutes so that the dough becomes soft, like plasticine and at the same time does not stick to your hands. Then the finished mass is placed in a cool place for 3–4 hours to “settle.”

2. Take flour and salt in equal proportions (1 glass of flour, 1 glass of fine salt), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil and half a glass of warm water with the addition of 2-3 drops of iodine. The mass is well kneaded and placed in the refrigerator for 2 - 3 hours.

3. The following method: 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of coarse salt and 1 cup of glue mass (100-150 ml of water and 2 tablespoons of wallpaper glue). Mix everything thoroughly.

4. Instead of wallpaper glue, you can use PVA glue: 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of salt and ½ cup of water with PVA glue (50 g of PVA glue for ½ cup of water). Everything is also thoroughly mixed until smooth. Products made from salt dough can be left to dry completely naturally (in a warm place near a stove or radiator, or in the sun), but this way the product will not be ready for further processing soon.

In another case, the finished salt dough elements can be dried in the oven over low heat and at a temperature not exceeding 125 °C.

As for coloring the finished product, there are several ways:

1. Food coloring is added to the dough during the process of kneading the dough (disadvantage - the colors are not too saturated).

2. Oil paints look very impressive and colorful (the disadvantage is that the paint takes a long time to dry on the product).

3. Gouache paints create a dense, rich layer (the disadvantage is that the paint can wear off if not covered with a clear varnish).

By doing modeling, a teenager develops fine motor skills (and this also contributes to the development of speech). Modeling develops spatial thinking and imagination. Thanks to modeling classes, a child or teenager directly experiences reality. In addition, when modeling from salt dough, the teenager works with environmentally friendly material.

When making products from salt dough, they use the same techniques and methods of working as with plasticine:

1. At the beginning of work, you need to take care of your work area (the surface of the table should be covered with oilcloth or a piece of plexiglass), you need to have several napkins (paper and cotton).

2. To work with the dough, you will also need a variety of tools: stacks (wooden, metal, wire), various molds, templates, etc.

3. Basic sculpting techniques: rolling, rolling, flattening, pinching, pinching, pressing, bending edges, etc.

You can create an entire composition from individually sculpted parts. Composition is a creative process, combining individual details into an expressive picture.

When making paintings from salt dough, you can also use additional materials: scraps of fabric, beads, beads, buttons, feathers, etc.

Working with salt dough gives the children great satisfaction; they work with great interest with this “unusual” material, creating extraordinary, fabulous paintings.

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How to make a vase from salt dough?

    I really love salt dough. This material is accessible to everyone because it is very easy to prepare at home. A glass of fine Extra salt is enough, for example; glasses of cold water and flour. Knead the dough and let it stand. In order for the vase to dry, we need to make a frame or base. I recommend using foil. Just crumple up a decent lump and then cover it with dough. you can give it the shape you want, using a finished image or using a vase that you already have. Your hands should be dry, but if you find it difficult to work with the dough, you can moisten them a little(!) with water. We form a vase and let it dry. It’s best to put it in a preheated oven (but already turned off). Then you can apply the design and varnish it.

    By the way, you can put green grass in the vase. To do this, the dough must be colored with gouache.

    Like this, vase from salt dough, it is very easy and simple to make.

    What you need for work, take a plastic bottle of the desired shape, prepare salt dough

    cut off the neck of the bottle

    roll out the dough and wrap the bottle

    now we need to leave our vase to dry

    Now, from the salt dough we make such a circle

    lubricate with a little water for good fastening

    attach it to our vase

    now you can varnish, sign or draw beautiful flowers

    Crafts made from salt dough are a very creative and interesting work. In addition, products made from salt dough are quite durable and can delight the eye with their beauty for a long time. It is much more interesting to make functional crafts from salt dough that can be used in the future. One of these crafts can be a vase made of salt dough. If you put decorative flowers in such a vase, it will become a real designer touch in decorating any home. To make a vase you need to prepare the following materials. This is the salt dough itself in two colors - green and orange, an empty bottle of some detergent (the main thing is that it is round, since this will be the base of our vase), a special silicone glue gun, toothpicks, acrylic paints, scissors, tulle (small piece), leaf, varnish. First of all, you need to make the colored salt dough itself. To do this, stir food coloring in water and pour it into a pile of salted flour. Knead the dough thoroughly until it becomes homogeneous. When the dough is ready, we move on to the next stage. We take an empty bottle, cut off the top and cover it with green salted dough. To ensure that the dough is distributed evenly, you can roll it on a flat surface. To make patterns on a vase, you can take a pre-prepared sheet and apply its stem to the dough, you will get patterns. We make bees from salt dough of a different color and fasten the body to the head with toothpicks. You need to leave the craft for a while to dry. All that remains is to decorate the bees, glue pieces of fabric to them instead of wings, glue them to the vase and cover the craft with varnish. In such a wonderful vase you can put not only decorative, but also fresh flowers.