
How can I dissolve and wash off epoxy resin or glue? How to wash resin


Resin stuck to hair causes a lot of trouble. In situations where you have something stuck to your hair, the first thing you need to do is separate the stuck strand of hair from the rest.

This can be done by using a small piece of paper or film that is simply wrapped around the sticky part of the hair.

Removing resin from hair is not that difficult. This can be done at home using available tools that are most often found in every home.

Let's look at three methods for removing resin from your hair; these methods will definitely not harm your hair and will allow you to quickly deal with the problem.

Removing resin from dry hair is the most difficult. This type of hair is brittle and if the resin is stuck to the ends, it is recommended to cut off the curls. But what to do if it’s not the ends that are damaged or you feel sorry for cutting them off?

It is necessary to prepare the following available tools:

  • vegetable oil;
  • a fine-tooth comb;
  • shampoo.

There is nothing special or complicated about this method. Before removing the resin from your hair, you need to generously lubricate the stuck curls with vegetable oil and wait 5-10 minutes.

After this, remove the resin from your hair with a comb and wash your hair with shampoo.

This method is effective, and you can use it at home, without resorting to the help of beauty salons.

Method number 2. For thick hair

Thick hair looks beautiful and has a healthy appearance. But we always have to pay for beauty.

Even in childhood, people with thick hair suffered, tearing off burdocks and plasticine from them.

How to properly remove resin from such hair without depriving it of its beauty and shine? Very simple.

Frozen resin turns into a hard pebble that can be easily broken off with your fingers. Therefore, to remove the resin, you will need ice, which you will use to freeze the resin, and then remove it with your hands.

After the procedure, freeze the contaminated curl again and remove any small remaining resin with a comb. Don't forget to wash your hair after the entire procedure.

Method number 3. For oily hair

Resin is the easiest to remove from oily hair. At home, you can get rid of sticky and sticky resin using ethyl alcohol, turpentine or kerosene.

This method is safe and will not damage your hair. Vodka will not help in this procedure due to its low alcohol content.

In order for the resin stuck in the hair to disappear, you simply need to moisten a cotton pad or piece of cloth with the liquid of your choice and apply it to the glued area for a while.

Once you feel that the resin has begun to liquefy, remove it from your hair with the same cotton pad or piece of cloth as the hair grows.

If necessary, the procedure can be repeated again. After the strands are cleaned, wash your hair with shampoo.

Also, for oily hair, there is also a cleaning method using. You just need to heat the stuck resin and remove it with a piece of cloth or a cotton pad as the hair grows.

Remove resin from clothes or shoes

Resin stuck to clothes is no less troublesome than resin stuck to hair. And you need to get rid of it no less carefully, especially if the item is dear to you. To prevent the cleaning procedure from causing damage to your items, we recommend considering the following cleaning methods.

  • Cleaning with ethyl alcohol. It is best to let the resin dry; to do this, place the clothes in a room on the shady side for several hours. After the resin has hardened, scrape off the main part of it with your fingers, and wipe the remainder with a rag moistened with alcohol.
  • Ironing. This method is similar to the described method for removing resin stuck in hair using a hair dryer. Place unnecessary rags or paper napkins on the ironing board. After this, place the soiled clothing face down on it, and cover it with gauze on top. By smoothing the contaminated part, you melt the resin, which begins to be absorbed into the placed napkin. After the procedure, you need to wash your clothes with powder.

Removing Tar from a Car

Tree sap must be removed from the car carefully. There is no room for mistakes, otherwise you can ruin the paintwork.

Now on the market there is a large range of special chemicals for removing tar, bitumen and other types of heavy pollution.

But you can first try to remove the resin from the car yourself.

To do this we need hot water, laundry soap and a rag.

  • The first thing to do is wash the surface with plain water. This must be done in such a way that no dust remains on the coating.
  • Next, cover the area with soap, which was previously dissolved in hot water.
  • Rub well with a cloth and wash.

This method will most likely help those whose resin has not yet dried on the surface of the car. Resin is pine sap that dries and hardens when exposed to air. Don't try to pick out dried resin from your car's paintwork.

Remember, if you are removing resin that has dried in your hair, on clothes or on the body of a car, you can always soften it by increasing the temperature. So, the most effective way to remove resin stuck to your hair is simply going to the bathhouse.

There are different resins: natural (wood) and chemical. But they are all distinguished by their viscosity and insidious ability to harden and glue everything that comes to hand. How to wash resin if it stains clothes, hands or hair? The cheat sheet will tell you.

Ways to clean epoxy resin

Epoxy resin can be hazardous to health, causing dermatitis, burns, and respiratory damage. When working with epoxy resins, it is important to adhere to safety rules, and this, first of all: protective clothing and room ventilation.

If epoxy resin gets on the skin, wash it off immediately with soap and water or denatured alcohol. Organic solvents can remove resin stains: 5% varnish thinner, acetone, denatured alcohol and others.

It should be remembered that it is easier to remove fresh, not yet hardened resin. A cloth is moistened with acentone or liquid paint remover, for example, and wiped over the surface. The frozen substance is rubbed off mechanically. On hard, smooth surfaces, try picking up a piece of resin with a knife blade or breaking it off with light blows along the surface. You can try to heat the resin with a hairdryer.

How to wash tree resin from clothes, hands, hair?

Try to remove resin from a jacket, fabric, in a word, from any clothing in the following ways:

Place the pine tar stained item of clothing in the freezer for a couple of hours. Then carefully try to scrape off the hardened resin with a knife, being careful not to damage the fabric.

If the cold has only partially removed the resin and stains still remain on the clothes, use alcohol. Soak a cotton swab in it and treat the stain. By the way, alcohol will remove resin not only from clothes, but also from hands and hair.

The Soviet-era book “Chemistry in Everyday Life” describes a way to remove paraffin stains from fabric: cover the fabric on both sides with soft paper (napkins) and iron it with a heated iron. The high temperature will melt the resin, and the paper will immediately absorb it.

Sealing wax is a mixture of resins, dyes and other fillers. The same book advises removing sealing wax stains with a mixture of alcohol and turpentine in equal quantities.

Solvents can neutralize not only epoxy, but also wood resin - see the list above. Apply them carefully to avoid damaging the surface.

Acentone is part of nail polish removers, which means it can discolor fabric. But acetone will remove the resin from your hands and hair without any harm. But you definitely shouldn’t drench yourself in it from head to toe - all products are good in moderation 😉

Epoxy resins are produced in a liquid state for various household needs. By adding a hardener, the resin turns into a solid consistency.

The use of epoxy resin is multifaceted: from gluing metal and plastic surfaces to creating decorative items.

In its solid state, epoxy can stick tightly to materials that are not intended for this, and then you should know how to dissolve the epoxy resin in order to remove its traces.

The most common way to use epoxy resin is as an adhesive. Epoxy glue is an old proven tool for repairing rubber products, shoes, gluing wooden and ceramic surfaces.

  • Ice cubes. If you are at home, you can use a cube or piece of ice from the freezer. Rub the dirt vigorously with ice and wait. Under the influence of cold, the glue will dry quickly, and it can be carefully removed from your hands, for example, with the blunt side of a knife.
  • Oily liquids. Spread the resin stain with a thick layer of oil: sunflower, olive, cosmetic. As an option, high-fat mayonnaise is sometimes used. Periodically rub the oily substance into the epoxy stain. Then you can try to remove the softened resin from the skin with gentle movements.
  • Solvent. Both for hardened stains and for fresh smears of glue, a solvent or various alcohols are used: denatured alcohol, wine alcohol, ammonia, etc.

Frozen clumps of resin on good clothes are an unpleasant phenomenon, but also completely removable.

Advice! Large pieces of dirt must first be mechanically scraped off with a knife or a thin file. This method is applicable only for rough work clothes: overalls, denim trousers, aprons.

Finer fabrics should be cleaned delicately and carefully. You can remove stains at home using well-known products. For best results, glue stains must be frozen. We place the clothes in the freezer for two to three hours, the cleansing process will go faster and more efficiently.

  • Alcohols. Wine, ammonia, and denatured alcohol are excellent means for resuscitating your favorite clothes. We moisten a piece of clean rag or a cotton-gauze swab in alcohol and begin to clean the dirty stains. As a rule, with some effort, it is quite possible to achieve complete victory over the dirt.
  • Turpentine. Natural pine extract has a good cleansing effect. For fabrics, it is better to choose pharmaceutical gum turpentine rather than technical turpentine. Apply generously to the stain and leave it on the clothing material for a while. Take a soft brush and scrub the stain. Turpentine has a sharp, characteristic odor, which can be eliminated by subsequent washing in the machine with aromatic powder. For stubborn stains, use a solution of turpentine and alcohol mixed in equal parts.
  • Melting. Epoxy can both harden and liquefy. For this purpose, a heating method is used. Hot ironing of stains works great for fabric. Lay the material out on an ironing board and place a piece of clean plain fabric or a paper towel on both sides under the stains. With intensive ironing, the glue will gradually melt and be absorbed into the substrate. After the procedure, light stains should also be rubbed with alcohol to consolidate the effect. The final stage of cleaning will be automatic washing of clothes on a standard cycle.
  • Store-bought stain removers. Some types of stain removers are very successful at removing even stubborn stains such as epoxy glue. Stains from white clothing should be washed with oxygen-containing bleaches. Soak a white item in warm water, add bleach and leave for 1-2 hours to act. Yellowish stains on the fabric after soaking will disappear when washed in an automatic machine.
  • Solvents. Silk and synthetic fabrics lend themselves well to cleaning with a range of solvents. Printed fabrics can be cleaned with nail polish remover; it is less aggressive to fibers and patterns. For plain clothes, white spirit and acetone are more suitable.

Non-standard methods for cleaning clothes

As practice shows, non-trivial ways to save wardrobe items dear to your heart also work.

For example, the well-known brands of carbonated drinks “Coca-Cola” and “Pepsi-Cola” have proven themselves well as a powerful household cleaner.

Of course, there is no need to add it to lemonade, but it is quite possible to mechanically remove stains from colored fabrics. After the obvious cleaning effect, it is better to wash the item thoroughly.

Dimexide is a cheap pharmaceutical product for treating postoperative sutures and compresses. Dimexide should be diluted in warm water in approximately a ratio of 1:3, wet the fabric generously with the solution, leave for a while, and then wash in the usual way.

Often, after installation and finishing work in the bathroom, sloppy smudges of epoxy remain on the tiles, since the grout is made on its basis. Or epoxy glue was used to attach the cladding panels.

If the surface is light enough, such unsightly smudges and stains will spoil the whole picture of a fresh renovation. You can remove stains from tiles using a variety of methods.

  1. Heating method. We remember that epoxy resin-based glue can soften. Therefore, we arm ourselves with household appliances: or a steam cleaner. We direct a stream of hot air onto the dirt and wait for it to melt. After some time, we clean off the softened dirt with a spatula and wash it with conventional products.
  2. Freezing method. A more complex but effective way to clean tiles. We will need a special refrigerant in an aerosol package. Having previously protected the skin and eyes with protective clothing and goggles, spray the liquid from the can onto the stain. After a few minutes, the fragile resin particles can be easily scraped off with a regular scraper or spatula.
  3. Chemical reaction method. You can quickly remove resin from ceramics, marble, and earthenware using chemical reagents. It can be boric, hydrochloric, nitric acid. Having treated the surface with the reagent very carefully, after a while we wash off the dirt with a concentrated washing solution.

As the experience of home-conscious and thrifty housewives shows, even such incredible pollution can be quickly eliminated without any special financial costs or titanic efforts. Take note of these simple recommendations, and your everyday problems will be solved quickly and effectively.

Coniferous or man-made resin cannot be removed with water or scrubbed off. When heated, the substance becomes sticky and spreads across the fabric. Freezing it will help make removing the tar stain much easier. Low temperature will make the resin hard and brittle. The soiled item must be placed in the freezer for approximately 1.5-2 hours. A lump of frozen substance can be easily removed from the product. If the stain has been spread over the surface in a thin layer, lightly rub the cloth. It is recommended to carry out the procedure with rag gloves to avoid the resin sticking to your fingers. The stain will crack and crumble. After freezing, small compact stains can be removed without leaving a trace. However, in most cases, such cleaning will leave a stain.

If the freezer is not accessible, you can remove the top layers of dirt using a dull knife or spoon. You must act carefully so as not to increase the area of ​​the stain, not to rub the resin into the fabric and not to damage the clothing.

Pre-cleaning will help get rid of most of the dirt without much effort or damage to the fabric. However, this method is not suitable for very thin and delicate items. Mechanical destruction of the hardened resin stain can disrupt the structure of the fragile tissue.

To remove residual contamination, you will need to use other methods. Organic solvents, under the influence of which the resin dissolves or swells, can cope with such contamination.

Preparing fabric before processing

Clothes must be cleaned before applying stain removers. The presence of other contaminants can lead to the formation of streaks after treatment of the fabric with preparations. It is best to clean the contaminated area with a regular dry clothes brush.

Before the procedure, the place where the stain is located must be fixed on a hard surface. It is advisable to place a board wrapped in several layers of white cotton fabric.

If the soiled clothing has a lining, it needs to be propped up and the board secured between the fabric and the lining material.

It is recommended to moisten the cloth around the stain with water. You can sprinkle it with talcum powder or starch on top. This zone will serve as a kind of barrier for resin and stain removers. It will protect clean areas from contamination during the procedure.

Methods for removing fresh stains

A fresh stain can be easily removed with gasoline. But you only need to use a purified product that is sold in the store. Trying to remove resin from clothes with car fuel can completely ruin the item.

If there is any doubt that the fabric will withstand cleaning with gasoline without loss, it is better to use a more gentle product. White baby soap is diluted in gasoline in a 1:1 ratio and the composition is applied to the stain. After an hour, the fabric must be rinsed in cool water. Refined kerosene can be used instead of gasoline.

Many people successfully remove fresh resin stains using acetone. The usual nail polish remover that every woman has will do.

Alcohol is a proven remedy against tar stains. Vodka will remove small stains. For large stains, it is better to use rubbing alcohol. A piece of rag or cotton swab is moistened with alcohol and treated with it until the stain disappears completely. Removing stains with alcohol will require patience. The procedure will take at least half an hour. This much time is needed to saturate the fabric fibers and destroy the remaining resin.

Turpentine will help enhance the effect of alcohol. The stain is generously moistened with it and left for 20-30 minutes to act on the resin. During the chemical reaction, the contaminant softens. In this form, the substance can be easily removed with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. The disadvantage of treating with turpentine is its strong, unpleasant odor. After removing the stain, clothes should be washed in powder and hung to dry in the open air.

If you don’t have any of the listed substances on hand, you can try to remove the stain using dishwashing detergent. The stained area must first be treated with vegetable oil and after 20-30 minutes, apply dishwashing detergent to it.

You can get rid of tar stains by soaking clothes for several hours in carbonated drinks - Coca-Cola, Pepsi or lemonade.

Regular milk can remove tar from clothes. Soak the stained area in it for at least one hour and rinse the product in cool water. How to remove a stain without using stain removers?


Getting rid of resin using an iron is the easiest and safest way. It is successfully used to remove fresh and small stains. Place paper napkins under and on the stained area (paper towels or cotton rags will also work). Iron the contaminated area with a hot iron. Under the influence of high temperature, the resin melts and is absorbed into the napkins. The procedure should be repeated until the contamination completely disappears, constantly changing the absorbent material.

If you pre-treat the contaminated area with turpentine, you will be able to get rid of the stain faster.

The product can be soaked in a mixture of alcohol and turpentine, taken in equal parts. The treated fabric is ironed through a napkin with a hot iron several times, changing absorbent napkins.

How to get rid of old dirt

Old tar stains are more difficult to remove. Before processing, they should be greased with fat (sunflower oil, lard, butter or petroleum jelly) and left to soak for 3-4 hours. You should try to carefully remove the top layer of dirt with a knife, and treat the remainder with turpentine. After the procedure, the turpentine remaining on the fabric must be washed off with water. You can blot the treated area with a sponge soaked in water. If this is not done, a turpentine stain will remain. It is better not to use turpentine on light-colored fabrics.

You can remove the resin with a mixture of white clay, potato starch, turpentine and ammonia.

White clay and potato starch should be taken in equal parts. The composition is diluted with turpentine to a paste-like state and a few drops of ammonia are added to it. The prepared product is rubbed into the stain and remains on the fabric until completely dry. The dry product is cleaned off with a stiff clothes brush. The stain may not disappear completely the first time. Then the procedure should be repeated. The yellowish stain left after removing the resin can be removed with a bleaching agent. This method is suitable for white cotton fabrics.

A mixture of 1 tbsp effectively eliminates tar stains. l. potato starch, a few drops of ammonia and turpentine. The mixture is used to treat the stain and leave it on the fabric until it dries completely. Using a brush with stiff bristles, clean the stained area of ​​the product. Along with the stain remover, dirt is also removed.

Old stains, after pre-treatment with fat, are slightly heated and carbon tetrachloride or chloroform (in the form of a paste) is applied to them. After this, the area to be cleaned is wiped with soapy alcohol and rinsed in warm soapy water.

To clean fabric, you can prepare English liquid. 15 g of gasoline and 100 g of wine alcohol (95°) are poured into a glass. The liquids are thoroughly mixed and 35 g of ammonia (specific gravity 0.875) is added to them.

For synthetic products it is better to use white spirit. This is a powerful gasoline solvent. It can be purchased at the store. The drug is used to treat the contamination using a cotton swab. When the stain dissolves, the product is washed in powder.

Industrial stain removers and bleaches will help remove stubborn stains. How to remove resin from valuable materials?

We tidy up delicate fabrics

You can remove pine resin from wool or fur using vegetable oil and dishwashing liquid. First, treat the stain with vegetable oil, then carefully clean it with a soft cloth soaked in dishwashing detergent. It's better to use "Fairy".

Medical alcohol removes dirt from fur products. This method is best used for items made of valuable fur.

You can remove dirt from dark woolen items with a cotton swab dipped in turpentine. It is better to clean white woolen items with soapy alcohol.

The resin on a genuine leather product should be generously lubricated with vegetable oil and left for 20-30 minutes. Treated dirt can be easily cleaned with a hot soapy solution.

Suede can be cleaned with rubbing alcohol. To remove stubborn resin from the fibers, it is recommended to use a wire brush with short wires.

Natural silk, velvet, velor and acetate are best cleaned with ether or alcohol. For delicate fabrics, you can use a mixture of 2 parts potato starch, 1 part turpentine and alcohol. The composition is applied to the stain for 12 hours. After this, the item is thoroughly rinsed under running water and washed with powder.

Ether is preferable for removing stains from fabrics that cannot be washed. A cotton swab is moistened with ether and the contamination is treated. After the ether, medical alcohol is applied to the area to be cleaned. The stain usually does not disappear the first time. Therefore, the procedure must be repeated several times. When applying ether, you should always use a clean sponge or cotton swab. How to clean clothes correctly?

It is better to start removal with less aggressive means. If gentle drugs do not cope with the task, then you can move on to the use of more powerful formulations. After each treatment, the product must be rinsed thoroughly.

There is no need to try to forcefully rub stain removers into the dirt. Handling the stained area should be gentle.

Applying the product from the edges to the center will prevent streaks from appearing after the procedure. If the stain is very small, it is better to use a pipette or a cotton swab to apply the stain remover.

Precautionary measures

Remedies for removing tar stains are aggressive and can cause harm to health. It is strictly not recommended to wash soiled items in organic solvents. Vapors of substances are toxic and fire hazardous. The product must be applied directly to the stain in a minimal amount.

At home, the procedure should be carried out with rubber gloves and in a well-ventilated area. It is necessary to open the windows or turn off the hood. There should be no sources of fire in the room.

Things treated with drugs should be kept out of the reach of children.

Before using substances to remove tar stains, their effect on the fabric should be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product. This measure is especially relevant for dyed and delicate fabrics. It is advisable to apply the product from the wrong side of clothing.

When choosing a stain remover, you need to consider the type of fabric. Acetone should not be used to remove stains from silk acetate. Alcohol can ruin the color of colored fabric. It is not recommended to use gasoline for cleaning synthetic materials. Bleach is not used for dyed fabrics.

Using the listed means you can clean clothes from resin of any origin.

Epoxy resin is used in everyday life for gluing metal and plastic surfaces and making various decorative elements and objects. The substance polymerizes after adding a special hardener. In its hardened state, epoxy is extremely difficult to remove from hands, clothing, and various surfaces.

How and with what to dilute epoxy resin to remove traces of it is a difficult question. The substance is resistant to esters, acids and alkalis, so cleaning epoxy is not so easy.

What is epoxy resin

Epoxy resin in its pure form is an oligomer consisting of short chains of molecules. To transform it into a polymer, various hardeners are used, resulting in a glassy substance.

Epoxy that gets on the epidermis can cause pathological reactions:

  • allergies (atopic dermatitis, urticaria);
  • burns on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • intoxication of the body.

When epoxy is mixed with a solvent, a plastic substance with various properties is obtained. It can be soft, easily deformed, or hard as metal. When choosing a method for removing such stains, their size and the type of material that has been contaminated (wood, metal, human skin) are of particular importance.

Advice! Before you start working with epoxy resin, take care of your own safety. Wear thick long sleeves and gloves.


The first step is to ensure that the epoxy resin solvent does not damage the surface on which the stain is located.

Will help break down the resin:

  • varnish solvent (5%);
  • denatured alcohol;
  • acetone;
  • remover SP-6 (effectively removes epoxy resin from metal surfaces, apply to the stain and leave for 30-40 minutes);
  • DMF (dimethylformamide - a viscous liquid with a fishy odor, an organic compound);
  • DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide - colorless liquid, odorless).

Using DMF, do not even try to get rid of epoxy resin stains on PVC or polyurethane-coated materials: they will dissolve along with the stain. DMF is best used on wooden surfaces.

DMSO mixes well with water, so after treatment, the remaining product can be easily removed by simply washing the surface. DMSO is part of the Dimexide ointment.

Use of solvents:

  1. Wear gloves and safety glasses and open windows and doors to quickly ventilate the area.
  2. Most solvents contain acetone, which softens the epoxy, but it must be applied and left on the stain for at least an hour. Otherwise there will be no effect.
  3. Remove the top softened layer and reapply the solvent if the contamination cannot be completely removed.

How to wash it off your skin

If resin gets on your skin, you should not use aggressive substances as a means to remove contaminants, as they will only aggravate the problem.

The algorithm of actions should be like this:

  1. Remove damaged gloves.
  2. Wash your hands under running water and soap as soon as possible and rinse with any disinfectant (eg, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide).
  3. As much as possible, remove any remaining resin from the leather with a soft brush or sponge.
  4. Rub the remaining stains with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover, denatured alcohol, alcohol or acetone.
  5. Wash your hands again with soap.
  6. Dry your skin with a towel and apply nourishing cream.

Advice! When using solvent, do not treat the entire surface of your hands. Apply the product locally, rubbing from the edges of the stain towards the center to avoid smearing.

Contamination that has hardened is removed using olive or sunflower oil. Rub the product into the stain and the area of ​​skin around it; over time, the stain will become softer and begin to peel off from the surface of the skin, which will remove the dirt.

You can remove epoxy resin from things or furniture by heating or freezing.


Epoxy stains can be successfully removed from tiles or kitchen furniture using heat. Initially, before contact with the hardener, the substance has the consistency of a gel. High temperature will return the resin to its previous gel-like aggregate state.

Advice! Before heating the wood surface, dampen the stained area with acetone. This will prevent the wood from cracking.

How to apply the method:

  1. Wear safety glasses and gloves. This is necessary because when heated, the epoxy resin releases vapors that are dangerous to the eyes and skin. Glasses should fit snugly to the face, have no holes, and provide good protection from the penetration of vapors into the eyes. Gloves should fit snugly to limit air ingress and cover the wrists by at least 8 cm.
  2. Wear long sleeves made of thick fabric. This will prevent harmful vapors from penetrating the skin.
  3. Lubricate the contaminated wooden surface with acetone. It will take at least 60 minutes for the resin to soften and absorb the product into it. After this, start heating.
  4. Turn on the hair dryer at maximum power and blow on the contaminated area for 3-5 minutes. The epoxy must heat up to 90° C, in which case it will soften.

Advice! Acetone is absorbed into wood, but does not penetrate into plastic, vinyl, marble, cement or metal, acting only on the surface.

Do not direct the hot stream of air motionlessly to one place; move the hairdryer from side to side while heating.

Be careful not to overheat the surface made of plastic or wood, as there is a risk of fire in these materials.

A hairdryer can be replaced by a blowtorch: run it along the edges of the contaminated area. As a result, the epoxy will soften.

Place a small object that has received resin on an electric stove. This way the area of ​​contamination can be heated and the epoxy will become soft.

Use a hairdryer to heat small areas up to 8 cm in area; it is impossible to keep a large spot hot for a long time. When you completely separate one heated area from the surface, move on to the one next to it. Gradually you will be able to get rid of all the pollution.

Remove the epoxy adhesive (resin) using a razor blade, knife, or other sharp tool. In some cases, the contamination does not warm up completely, then continue to heat it.

Advice! Let the stain cool for a few minutes before reheating it. This will prevent the contaminated material from overheating and burning or melting.


The special coolant needed to remove epoxy resin by freezing is available at a hardware store.

Advice! When refrigerant is sprayed, chemicals are released into the environment. A respirator or gauze bandage will help prevent them from entering the body.

Removing epoxy by freezing:

  1. Wear skin-tight safety glasses, gauze or a respirator, and thick, long gloves (wrist covered). Compliance with such measures is necessary, since the refrigerant is a dangerous reagent that can seriously damage the eyes, respiratory system and skin.
  2. Open doors and windows to allow harmful fumes to quickly escape. If there are people or pets in the next room, the door there should be tightly closed.
  3. Shake the refrigerant canister and spray the contents onto the dirty area. The container should be located approximately 30 cm from the surface of the stain. To prevent the coolant from leaking, keep the can with the neck up. Hands should not be close to the surface to be frozen.
  4. The temperature of the epoxy will drop sharply and the stain will become brittle. Scrape it off with a sharp object (knife, spatula). Another option is to break up the stain with a wooden or rubber mallet. Collect the fragments with a vacuum cleaner or brush into a dustpan and throw away.

Advice! Do not scrub too hard as there is a risk of damaging the surface underneath the dirt. It is better to re-spray the refrigerant.

Epoxy resin is a reliable adhesive and universal filler for creating amazing souvenirs and decorations. When working with it, you need to take protective measures; if a stain does appear, use our recommendations to return the surface to cleanliness.