
Is studying at a school or institute included in work experience: explanations and definition of insurance experience. Work experience: varieties, features, is study included in work experience? Is study at a school, technical school or institute included in work experience?


Work experience is the length of work activity of one specific citizen. In addition, it includes some periods of time when a person did not work, but the legislation counts these periods in the total length of service.

The concept of “work experience” is most often found in Law No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions”. This law states that the length of service of a particular person includes the following types of experience:

  • insurance period is the period when a citizen was insured in the pension insurance system.
    “Insurance” is confirmed by the transfer of mandatory contributions. These contributions are paid by the employer for each of its employees. The amount of income depends on the employee’s salary and the percentage of contributions;
    All contributions are transferred to a special individual personal account, which is assigned to each person from birth.
    To receive contributions, you must obtain a certificate from the Pension Fund at your place of residence. The employer pays contributions for those employees who work under an employment contract.
  • continuous experience. This is the duration of work activity without significant breaks.
    The law provides for a break period that is given to the employee to find a new job and to conclude a new employment contract. Depending on the circumstances of dismissal. This period ranges from 3 weeks to 1 month;
    Continuous length of service is taken into account when calculating sick leave payments, as well as for applying for housing subsidies and other social benefits.
  • special or professional experience. This is the duration of work of a particular citizen in his specialty, or in a certain area, or at a certain job.
    Such length of service is taken into account for early retirement, for assigning additional coefficients to wages and other additional payments. For example, special work experience in hazardous production gives the employee the right to additional paid leave.

So what is included in the total work experience?

The total work experience of a particular person consists of the following periods:

  • studying at a university;
  • child care until they are 1.5 years old. However, legislation limits this period. A woman can have a maximum of 6 years of such experience, that is, 1.5 years for 4 children;
  • maternity leave;
  • the period when a citizen is officially recognized as unemployed and is registered with the employment center at his place of residence;
  • service in the army, police department and other law enforcement agencies;
  • caring for an elderly person who is disabled and is over 80 years old;
  • basic leave and period of incapacity;
  • other periods that are listed in Art. 11 of Law No. 173-FZ.

The total length of service is calculated for receiving various social benefits and for assigning various award titles, such as “Veteran of Labor” and so on. Based on the total length of service, a citizen may be provided with various benefits and compensation.

Existing types of experience

The general concept of work experience, as well as its main characteristics, are contained in the current law No. 400 of December 28, 2013. In accordance with this legal act, length of service should be understood as special periods of a citizen’s professional activity, during which the employer made appropriate monetary contributions for him. Making these contributions is the direct responsibility of every modern leader. All of them are enshrined at the legislative level. It is the making of the required cash contributions that is one of the signs of official employment of an individual. Moreover, this type of contribution includes another important function - on their basis, there is a gradual increase in the size of the individual’s future pension.

In order to find out the current insurance length of a citizen, you can use one of the two most convenient methods:

  1. The easiest of them, of course, will be to study the work record of an individual. It is in this document that all important information regarding the citizen’s professional activities is placed. In accordance with established rules, absolutely all significant events that are directly related to a person’s professional activity must be recorded in this document. By studying the dates of acceptance for the next position and dismissal from it, you can calculate the exact duration of the current insurance period.
  2. Contact the Pension Fund. It is in this organization that all important professional events in the life of a citizen are also recorded. For this purpose, representatives of this institution regularly update the general database and maintain personalized records. A few years ago, obtaining the necessary information on insurance experience was possible only if an official request was sent to this organization. However, now everything has become much simpler. To obtain the required information, any citizen can use his personal account on the official website of the Pension Fund.

Another important characteristic of such a concept as work experience is the following: it can include not only the actual periods of a person’s professional activity, but also some other segments. The most common of them include the following:

  • completion of compulsory military service by a citizen;
  • periods during which an individual received disability benefits provided for by law;
  • the time during which the citizen was officially registered with the local branch of the employment center and received cash unemployment benefits;
  • time spent caring for a close relative of an individual who had a disability. This also includes the time spent caring for a relative who does not have a disability, but whose age has already reached 80 years;
  • periods of residence of military spouses in various localities in which there were serious difficulties in finding employment;
  • the period of detention of an individual, provided that previously all charges were dropped and declared unlawful;
  • other periods in the life of a citizen, a general list of which is established officially and is contained in current legislative norms.

What is special training?

Many employees in the course of their work activities are faced with the concept of “special experience”. In accordance with modern legislation, this word must be understood as the fulfillment by individuals of professional obligations under special conditions.

The main purpose of allocating special experience to a special category is the possibility of subsequently providing citizens with some additional benefits and special privileges. One of the most important, of course, is the possibility of early retirement. Such a bonus will consist of the following: upon reaching a certain number of years of special experience, a citizen receives the legal right to apply to a pension organization to arrange the appropriate payment. At the same time, the current age of an individual, in this case, will not have any significance.

In some cases, for the possibility of early retirement for a well-deserved retirement, a citizen will need to have only a strictly limited number of years of special experience. However, in some situations, slightly different rules will apply. In particular, sometimes in order to receive a pension early, an individual will need a certain number of years of total experience. All these nuances, as a rule, depend on the specific type of activity where the citizen has earned special, special experience.

Registration of a pension based on special experience is carried out in the standard manner. The initial stage will be for the interested person to contact the local representative office of the authorized organization. There you will need to submit all the required documents. The main one, of course, will be the work record of an individual. In addition, special experience can be confirmed with the help of some other documents. In particular, full-fledged evidence may include: an employment contract that was previously concluded with the employer, various orders and extracts from official internal orders of management, as well as other papers.

How to correctly calculate the length of work experience?

As mentioned above, it is largely due to the length of the insurance period that a citizen’s future pension will depend. That is why every person needs to know simple ways to obtain information about the current length of service. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  1. Contact your local pension organization office. To obtain all the required information, the interested party will need to make a formal request. However, it should be remembered that this method has a very significant disadvantage. The fact is that representatives of pension organizations regularly receive a huge number of similar requests. That is why the procedure for obtaining a response to a previously sent appeal can really be seriously delayed.
  2. Independent calculation of the current length of service. This method can rightfully be called the most universal. To do this, the interested person will need only one document, namely a work book. You need to proceed as follows:
    • first you need to write down all periods of work that are confirmed by the corresponding entries in the citizen’s work document;
    • then all these periods need to be added up by day, month and year. Every 12 months must be converted into one working year, every 30 days into one month, etc. After such simple calculations, a citizen will be able to obtain the necessary information. To make the calculation even easier, you can use special programs that can now be easily found on the Internet. To obtain the necessary information, you will need to enter the dates of the employee’s acceptance into a particular position, as well as dismissal from it, in the appropriate columns.

The procedure for obtaining the title “Veteran of Labor”

The title “Veteran of Labor” was introduced in our state quite a long time ago, several decades ago. Since then, the procedure for obtaining it has remained virtually unchanged. The following citizens have the right to apply for this special title:

  1. Persons who began their professional activities before reaching the age of majority, as well as those who began working before the start of the Great Patriotic War.
  2. Persons who, since the existence of the USSR, have received various medals, certificates of honor, as well as other awards in professional and other fields. This also includes additional requirements regarding the mandatory presence of a minimum number of years of work experience, 25 for men and 20 for women.

The very fact that a particular citizen belongs to one of the above categories will be a legal basis for the subsequent registration of the title. The procedure itself must be initiated by the interested party. To do this, a citizen can contact the local branch of the multifunctional center. It will first be necessary to prepare mandatory documents, the list of which is approved at the legislative level. After creating an application, the submitted papers will be reviewed by the authorized organization within 10 days. After this period of time, the representative of the authority will be obliged to make an appropriate decision on the application. If all the conditions for conferring the title were met by the citizen, the decision will certainly be positive.

Many young people who want to enroll in an educational institution after school are concerned about the question of whether their studies are included in their work experience.

The answer is definitely no. There is only one small exception for students of pedagogical institutes studying full-time. Their studies will be included in their teaching career. We will look at why study is not included in work experience in our article.

Features of the definition

To calculate years worked, not only working, but also public employment is taken into account. In accordance with the former Constitution, length of service was taken into account to provide monetary compensation in the form of additional payments to salaries, sick leave, pensions, etc., provided by law.

The pension reform changed the relationship between the state and the citizen, placing first place the availability of social insurance, which is determined by the total length of insurance coverage.

Specialist's note: The insurance period includes the time when a person made insurance contributions, and the presence of breaks in employment is not taken into account.

Those years can be counted when a person did not work for reasons beyond his control, which can be recognized by law as valid.

Does the study period count?

According to the new current law of January 1, 2002, the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, when assigning a pension, the definition of length of service is replaced by insurance experience.

This means that they do not count the period recorded in the work book, but the contributions that the employer paid for you to the pension fund or you paid them yourself as a private entrepreneur.

In order for the years of study to be included in the insurance period, educational institutions need to transfer insurance contributions to the state fund for you, which, of course, they do not do.

In addition, the insurance period includes the time when the citizen:

  • served in the military;
  • received payments from the state for temporary disability;
  • looked after the baby;
  • was registered with the employment center;
  • cared for a disabled person of the first group or an elderly person of eighty years old;
  • was illegally convicted, served his sentence in prison, and then acquitted.

Until the first of January two thousand and two, studies at vocational schools, institutes and technical schools were taken into account when calculating seniority, just like working at an enterprise.

The legislation “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, adopted later and currently in force, determined a new procedure for assigning pensions. The law, in force until 2002, has lost its force.

According to the new law, study time is not included in work experience. Years of study do not equate to work, because during this period of time no insurance contributions are paid to the state.

An exception may be a situation where a student, while studying at a vocational institution, was on maternity leave to care for a child for up to one and a half years. Then the years of study will be included in the work experience.

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Work experience can be:

  1. General.
  2. Special – characterizes only certain industries, positions and professions. For example, special working conditions, disabilities of varying severity. Also, monetary remuneration for length of service depends on the length of special service.
  3. Continuous – characterizes a certain period of time during the entire period of operation. In some cases, this may affect the receipt of additional benefits and allowances.
  4. Strakhov.

Total experience

Total work experience– represents the sum of the duration of labor and socially useful activities, as well as periods of activity that are stipulated by law. Based on the total experience, the size is determined:

  • old age pensions;
  • in some cases it may be necessary to determine the size of the long-service pension.

There are two key points for inclusion in the experience:

  • Professional activities must be carried out only on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • It is necessary for payments to be made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

It is worth noting that the total length of service can include a period of work that was carried out outside the country, but subject to:

  • that this clause must be spelled out in an international treaty;
  • contributions were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Total experience includes:

  1. The period when one of the parents provides constant care for the child until he reaches one and a half years old. It should be taken into account that there is a limit - no more than four and a half years in total for each of the parents. Important, previously, until January 1, 2014, the length of service included a period of no more than three years. Consequently, with an increase in this period, the amount of labor pensions, which was established before January 1, 2014, is subject to recalculation.
  2. The period of temporary disability during which payments for compulsory social insurance (sick leave) were received.
  3. Service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and equivalent to it.
  4. The time when a citizen was in custody or in prison due to unjustified criminal prosecution.
  5. The period when a citizen is registered with the employment service and at the same time receives.
  6. The period of participation in public works that are subject to payment.
  7. The time of moving or relocating for the purpose of employment to another area, provided that this is carried out in the direction of the employment service.
  8. The length of time the spouses of contract servicemen lived in places where they were unable to find employment due to the lack of such opportunity. Important, in total this period should not exceed five years.
  9. The period of time when constant care is provided for a disabled person of the first group, for a pensioner whose age is over eighty years. Important, care should only be carried out by an able-bodied person.
  10. The period of stay abroad by the wives/husbands of workers who are sent to carry out professional activities in diplomatic and consular institutions of the Russian Federation. Important, in total should not exceed five years.

Important point concerning the period of full-time study for students. Until January 1, 2012, full-time education, along with work, was included in the general education system. But in connection with the current pension program, periods of study are not considered work activities, since the payment of insurance contributions to the country’s Pension Fund does not occur, which means that this period will not be included in the calculation of a future pension.

All of the above activities will be counted towards the length of service only if the requirement is met.

Professional activities must be strictly required before and after them. It is worth considering that there is no duration limit.

Periods that are not included in the total length of service:

  1. Training, various courses for training/retraining of personnel.
  2. The period of residence of citizens in occupied areas during the Second World War.
  3. Staying in concentration camps during the Second World War.
  4. Accommodation during the siege of Leningrad.
  5. Time for parents and other legal representatives to care for HIV-infected minor children.

Confirmation of work experience can be done in two ways:

  1. Based on entries in the work book of the established form. If you lose your employment contract, you can provide a contract, an order for hiring, as well as statements of deductions made from salaries.
  2. Corroboration by testimony of two or more witnesses. This method can be used, for example, if documents are lost during a large-scale natural disaster.

Calculation of total work experience

A citizen must first calculate his or her total length of service at the time of retirement. According to Russian legislation, full length of service is 25 years for men and 20 years for women. Provided that the length of service is fully developed, the size of the future pension will be calculated based on the employee’s average earnings and will be equal to 55% of it.

The current pension program proposes to increase the length of service coefficient for overtime over the established years; for 1 year there is an increase of 1%, but not higher than 20%.

Thus, all pensioners who continue to carry out professional activities are adjusted to the length of service coefficient.

Work experience can be calculated in two ways:

  • simple;
  • preferential.

With a simple method, counting can be done manually, but a more convenient way is to use a special computer program. When calculating manually, it is best and most convenient to calculate when all the data is summarized in a column. The calculation is carried out for each individual place of work of a citizen.

To do this, it is necessary to subtract the date of his first working day from the date of dismissal of the employee and add one day. The result will be the sum of all the results obtained. It is worth noting that a whole year of experience is 12 calendar months, and a month consists of only 30 days. Important Keep in mind that if there are no exact dates of entry in the labor record, then the beginning and end of the period is considered to be the middle of the month (15th day) or the middle of the year - July 1.

Based on the legislation, every citizen needs to have at least five years of work experience to receive a basic old-age pension. If the work activity will be more than five years, then the following formula is applied.

The result of the ratio of all payments made by the citizen to the pension fund to the total number of months during which the state undertakes to pay the pension (228 months) is added to the basic pension.

Continuous experience

Continuous service does not have any effect on the amount of pension. But there are cases when, nevertheless, when calculating the total length of service, it becomes necessary to compare the data obtained with continuous experience. If, during comparison, the total length of service is less than continuous, then the amount of benefits will be determined based on data from continuous work experience.

Continuous service will be maintained if:

  • when changing jobs, the period of cessation of work activity did not exceed one calendar month;
  • the employee terminated the employment contract on his own initiative and the temporary break until employment at a new enterprise was no more than 3 weeks;
  • the woman is pregnant, has children under 14 years of age or a disabled child under 16 years of age;
  • the employee terminated the employment contract on his own initiative, due to the fact that the husband/wife was transferred to another location to continue professional activities or retired.

Continuous length of service will not be maintained if the employment contract was terminated due to:

  • systematic failure to fulfill their direct labor duties;
  • absence from work for a valid reason;
  • being drunk at work;
  • if a court verdict comes into force, according to which the worker is sent to prison.

So, let's summarize some conclusions from the article:

  1. The size of the pension is directly affected by the total length of service.
  2. Labor activity is included in the calculation of total length of service provided that it is carried out on the territory of the state and social payments are made.
  3. To receive a basic pension, you must have no more than five years of total work experience.
  4. To receive social benefits, for example, when calculating sick leave, in a 100% amount, you must have at least 8 years of work experience.
  5. You can confirm your experience using entries in the work book or using witness testimony.

It is worth noting that the calculation of the total length of service for each employee can be carried out not only by the pension fund, but also by the personnel department at work, which is required to have a special computer program.

Every citizen should think about the size of his future pension in advance and consciously make a choice of work in favor of an organization that pays wages officially, and not in envelopes, since the size of the pension will be calculated based on the average salary of the employee.

Calculation of pensions is a pressing issue today. Many people are interested in whether studying is included in the experience. And what kind of education is considered? You will find answers to all questions in the article.

From this article you will find out.

Is study included in the pension experience?

To answer this question, let’s first figure out what kind of length of service must be taken into account for pension calculations: labor or insurance.

Until the end of 2001, to determine eligibility for an old-age pension, the total length of service was taken into account. This included periods during which a person officially worked, as well as others separately prescribed in labor and pension legislation, for example, time spent studying in colleges, schools of the state labor reserve system and the vocational education system.

Since the beginning of 2002, the new law on labor pensions No. 173-FZ introduced the concept of insurance, which includes:

  • periods when insurance premiums were received into the employee’s individual PF account;
  • other periods from Article 12 of the Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ

They are currently taken into account when calculating pensions.

On August 29, 2018, the President of the Russian Federation announced that he was thinking about raising the retirement age and made 12 amendments to the pension reform. Find out exactly what will change and how it will affect your life from the cheat sheet that the experts of the Personnel Directory magazine have prepared for you. You will also be able to calculate when you will retire according to the new rules. This is a very useful article because we are constantly updating it.

There are two features:

1. The new law cannot infringe on the rights of citizens in the field of pension provision in comparison with previous calculation standards. Therefore, in order to understand whether studying at a technical school, institute, or college is included in the length of service for calculating a pension, first check the date on the diploma - before 2002 or after. And, accordingly, use the accrual rules that were in effect at that time.

2. Clause 12 of the new Law No. 400-FZ additionally lists the periods that are included in the insurance period. This is the time when an employee:

  • served in the army;
  • received unemployment benefits;
  • received temporary disability benefits;
  • looked after a child up to 1.5 years old;
  • was detained and was wrongfully imprisoned;
  • cared for a disabled person of group 1, a disabled child, a person over 80 years of age;
  • lived with a military spouse in a place where there is no work;
  • lived with my husband abroad.

Thus, if the training coincided with one or more of the above periods, while the student was previously employed and then continued to work, then these periods are included in the insurance period and affect the pension.

Is study included in the insurance period?

To understand exactly what is counted, check the date you received your diploma. If the diploma was issued before 2002, these years can be included in the work experience. If the diploma was received after 2002, then the time of payment of insurance premiums must be considered. To do this, find out whether during the period of study the employee’s personal account in the Pension Fund received contributions or not, and whether this time coincided with the periods specified in paragraph 12 of the law on pensions.

What documents must be provided for the length of service to be counted?

All periods of study that can and should be taken into account for calculating a pension must be documented. It does not matter what exactly the employee graduated from: technical school, vocational school or university - the principle is the same for all cases.

Thus, in order to count into the insurance period the period of study after 2002, when the student worked and contributions were received into the Pension Fund into his account, check the work record in the work book and obtain confirmation from the Pension Fund about the receipt of contributions.

If the student was engaged in entrepreneurship, a certificate of education as an individual entrepreneur and confirmation from the Pension Fund about contributions are also required. If a student paid pension contributions on his own during his studies, he must have a special agreement with the fund, which specifies the terms and amounts of their payment. Request an agreement to take this period into account for calculating your pension.

It is these documents that will become the basis for counting the time spent studying at a university, vocational school and technical school in the insurance period.