
I don't know if I need a relationship? I don’t know if I need such a relationship or file for divorce I don’t know if I need him


Hello. Can you please tell me if the commas are correct? Shevtsov, if you and your new one, I don’t know which one, are being held hostage by a camera, show your ring finger in the photo.

There is an extra comma. Correctly: Shevtsov, if you and your new one, I don’t know what kind of camera they are holding hostage, show your ring finger in the photo.

Question No. 301119

Hello :) Is it permissible in business (and not only) correspondence in response to a message about sending money to answer “came” (“yes, they came”, “1000 came”, etc.)? I have long been hurt by hearing when the word “came” is used in the meaning of “received”. But I don’t know how to explain where the dog is buried here =) Help me figure it out, please.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

We believe that such a use is non-terminological, although not erroneous from the point of view of the norms of the Russian literary language. It's better to say: funds have been credited to the account, money has been received etc.

Question #300858

Hello, please tell me where the comma should be and whether it is needed at all in the sentence: "I know which girl will like this song passionately" (If possible with an explanation)

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A comma is placed between parts of a complex sentence: I know what girl will love this song.

Question #300369

Good afternoon dear experts. I'm patrolling the Russian Wikipedia. In my work I often come across numerals, namely monetary names. I constantly have trouble with decimals. I don't know how to inflect nouns next to them. For example, 2.89 billion or billion dollar(s). I usually check myself by saying a fractional number: "Two point eighty-nine hundredths of a billion dollars," but I don't know if this is correct. Can you please explain and decline this number and, for example, one point thirty-one hundredth. Thanks to.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The rule is simple: with fractional numbers, the noun is used in the singular form of the genitive case: 4.3 rubles, 67.84 kilometers, 2.89 billion. Word dollar no longer depends directly on the numeral, therefore it is put in the plural: 2.89 billion(what?) dollars.

Therefore it is true: Two point eighty-nine hundredths of a billion dollars; one point thirty-one hundredth of a billion dollars.

Question #299990

Hello! I don’t know how to deal with commas, are they needed after “understand” and “signs”: How to understand that electricity is being stolen from you? If there are signs that your electricity is being stolen, call the power engineers. I would appreciate your help! Sincerely, Daniil Morozov

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: How do you know if your electricity is being stolen? If there are signs that your electricity is being stolen, call the power engineers.

Question #297777

Hello, I have a question about highlighting residues from subordinate clauses in cases like “I don’t know (?) How”, “I don’t remember (?) When”. Do I need to highlight and what are the exceptions/special situations?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

If the subordinate clause consists of only one union or allied word, a comma is not placed before it: I don't know how. I don't remember when.

Question #293339

don't know how to say Do I need a comma after "don't know"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The comma is needed.

Question #287724

I don't know about you, but I take these verses literally. Do I need a comma before "how are you"? I think the comma is not needed.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A comma is placed (separates parts of a complex sentence).

Question #282522
I ask questions again (I waited a long time for an answer, and I am making a book of a relative for printing) in direct speech. Is it true:
1) He asked where I served. He asked: "Where did you serve?"
2) To my question: "Did you see it?" – he answered: “No!”
3) How to properly punctuate direct speech inside direct speech? There is no such article on Examples (I don't always know how to do it right):
- It was that night. How many times have I thought to myself: did Riderhood kill him?
- I tell him: "Old man, I don't understand." And he says to me: "There are few such people."
“And then I started thinking, “Nonsense!”
"Where are you going?" “Yes,” they say, “for training. And you?" - “Yes, I,” I say, “here I handed over the documents.”

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

I'm sorry to be late with the reply. The punctuation in all the sentences you have given is correct.

Question #282156
Please tell me if a comma is needed in the sentence: "Now I know how you play."
If not, why do you recommend a comma in the sentence "Now I know how you play"? In both cases, the sentences are identical in meaning.
Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A comma is needed: Now I know how you play.

Question No. 281142
Hello! I argued with the director, I can’t find a rule to prove to him, can you help?) Here is the sentence:

"Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the root zones (TLD-Top-Level Domains) are managed by American companies, so if you are the owner of the .com .net .org .biz domain, etc., you should change your registration data to be different from the Crimean ones."

Do I need to put a dash after "therefore if you are the owner of the domain"? I say what is needed. I just don't know how to explain

I hope you'll give me a hand)

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

There is no reason to put a dash. Requires commas before if, between domain names, and a space and period in etc.: Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the root zones (TLDs - Top-Level Domains) are managed by American companies, therefore, if you are the owner of a .com, .net, .org, .biz, etc. etc., you should change your registration data to something different from the Crimean ones.

Question No. 279085
Hello. There is such a sentence: "And red berries grow behind the house, which I don't know (,) what they are called." Firstly, please tell me, is a comma needed before "how", and secondly, can you explain whether "I don't know" can be considered the main part inside the subordinate clause?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correctly: And behind the house, red berries grow, which I don’t know what they are called.. This is not the main part.

Question #277663
Please help correct the sentence.

"We do not get tired of studying and admiring the art of ancient painters who created beautiful canvases."

I understand that "to study and admire art" is not spelled correctly, but I don't know how to grammatically correct in this case.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

You can say this: study the art of ancient painters and admire them.

Question #272075
A melody that, I don’t know about you, but the very next day after watching it, I set it on the alarm clock. Are the punctuation marks in this sentence correct?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The punctuation is correct, but the grammatical structure of the sentence is "lame".

Question #271846
Hello, I don’t know how to correctly spell (say) the phrase FIVE THOUSAND RUBLES or FIVE HUNDRED? Sorry if this answer is on your site, I did not find it. Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: one and a half thousand rubles.

Hello. My situation is a bit confused and I hope for your help. We had a company of 8 people, everyone lived together, then another couple (a boy and a girl) joined us, they met together for about 2 years, and after six months of our friendship with them, I begin to understand that I like this guy's girlfriend . I start spending more and more time with her, I feel good with her, fun and funny, she with me too, meanwhile she and her boyfriend are arguing a lot, and after the new year they disperse, and somehow it happened after two weeks after they parted, we kissed, it was an amazing feeling. So we started an affair, none of our friends knew about it, neither did her boyfriend or my best friends, who at that moment supported her boyfriend, I felt like a bastard, I knew what I was doing, maybe not quite it was right that I should have told others about this, my friends, her ex, but there was fear in me, I was afraid of condemnation, I was afraid of losing all our relationship. I stopped seeing my friends, all the time inventing some reasons, I didn’t know how to be with them and with her at the same time, because my two best friends now spend time with her ex, with whom we were also friends once, all this lasted 3 months, after which the whole truth surfaced. I had a big fight with my friends, our company split into two camps, we got into a fight with ex-boyfriend girls, the girl hated my two best friends. It was a strong emotional blow, I was very depressed, I no longer had as much happiness as I used to, I missed my friends, for good times, everything seemed to be gone, only she remained. Another 3 months have passed, we lived well, sometimes it’s hard, and now I’m suffering and I can’t understand whether I need this relationship or not, she is a wonderful person, I really appreciate and love her, I’m afraid to part with her, I’m very used to her , I love spending time with her, but somewhere deep down it seems to me that she is not mine, and I am not hers, that we have different roads, and it hurts me to realize this, because so much firewood has been broken. I know she loves me a lot and I love her, but I don't want to be with her.

Oleg, Moscow, 24 years old

Answer from an art psychologist:

Hello Oleg.

It seems that you feel as if you do not have the right to be happy with your girlfriend, you feel guilty in front of a friend. And now you seek to destroy your happiness, your relationship. You and your girlfriend made a conscious choice to be together. You are not responsible for her relationship with a former boyfriend. But it might be easier for you to get your friend's "approval" for your relationship with his ex-girlfriend. Unfortunately, this rarely happens. It turns out that to be with your girlfriend, you had to "sacrifice" relationships with friends. Actually, real friendship, this is much more than conflicts over ex girlfriend. Friendship is the ability to hear, understand and forgive. You started a relationship after they officially broke up. You had every right to start dating her. Respect your choice. Life does not stand still. There is also the issue of competition. It turns out that your friend may perceive you as a "winner". And himself as a "loser". That's why he doesn't want to talk to you. You, on the other hand, are open to him. My recommendation to you is this, if the relationship with the girl suits you, you have mutual feelings, do not go against yourself for the sake of such "friends". Be a winner, it's your right. Do not destroy your happiness, strengthen, cherish and cherish. Develop your relationship further. If your friends were really your friends, over time the relationship can be rekindled. If not, then new people, new comrades, will take their place. Don't sacrifice love and be alone. Don't punish yourself for something you're not guilty of. Appreciate and take care of your relationship with the girl. You have every right to be happy. You are very good friend in fact. Good luck to you.

Sincerely, Irina Potemkina.

Hello everyone! Here is my story, which has been going on for 6 years.

We met when I was 15 years old. A friend introduced me to a new company and he was there accordingly. At that time, I just broke up with a guy who was very cool, the whole yard knew him and, accordingly, this company. Well, when we met for the first time, he immediately began to pay attention to me, talked to me, after 15 minutes of acquaintance we were already sitting in an embrace, an hour later we kissed). He was also 15, let's call him Vasya. It was the first time for me that I kissed a guy so quickly. But then my friend pulled me, you said that he was a freak, and we successfully merged with her. A week has passed, we have not met, I have even forgotten what he looks like. And so I come to the same place where we met him, and there he is with the same company (as it turned out later, according to him, he appeared there every day and waited for me). This time I was without a girlfriend (not on purpose, it happened) and we went for a walk with him and he walked me home. When we were standing near the entrance, he asked for my number, his phone was dead and he memorized it from one time, as it turned out later. Long story short, we started dating. Everything was) And the first time and even experiments in bed. I skipped school, he went to college, and we hung out at his house while my parents were at work. Then I started smoking, tried to drink. My friends did not like him, but my mother said that he was good, apparently because of the way he looked after me. We got a job together in a fast food restaurant. He even got into a fight with my ex because of me. This went on for only 5 months. Then he found another ... For me it was a blow, he said that he loved us, that we would get married, I knew his parents ... But everything turned out as it happened. The girls from work told me about this, that they saw him with her (let's call Luda) ... I begged him not to leave, but we parted anyway. I worried about it for a long time, tears flowed right in public transport simply because I remembered it.

A year later, I found a new guy, met him for 1.5 years. At this time I entered the university (on a budget!). In the end, nothing stuck together with him, and we parted by mutual agreement.

And here Vasya appears on the horizon! He met Luda for 2.5 years and broke up with her at the moment when I broke up with my boyfriend. He began to pay attention to me, took me to restaurants, spent every penny on me, made clips for me with my photos and declarations of love. We ended up dating, but I didn't have any feelings for him. Didn't like it at all. I wanted to send him off at first, but I was flattered by his attention, care and love that he gave me. Tembolee he was not going anywhere from me. So 1.5 years passed, we talked, met as a girl with a guy, he said that he loves, to which I answered "thank you") I had a conflict in the family, I had to move (then I was insanely proud). She moved in with him and lived with his parents. We had a wonderful relationship with his mother. In a year living together I had to move away from him. I had a big fight with his mother, she realized that I did not like Vasya. Moreover, I thought that he was not a couple for me, I don’t like him, he works in a car repair shop, doesn’t want to go to college ... He doesn’t want to do anything. I moved back to my parents and realized that I love him ... After 2.5 years of relationship. Now he lives separately from his parents, I love him, I am satisfied with his shortcomings. But I understand that we have no future. I have ambitions, I study at a prestigious university in my city, in a prestigious specialty. I climb out of my skin, doing science, and he ... Works in a car repair shop and barely has enough money to support himself. He calls me to live together again, but I don't want to starve again because I don't have money. And if a child, you need a lot of money for everything ... On this moment Not only do my friends like him, but my parents don't like him either. Now we are 21. I don't know what to do with him... I apologize for the mistakes, if any. Please advise me what to do....

I am 20 years old, I am a student. I was raised by my mother, they divorced my father when I was 2 years old. From class 7, he tried to communicate with me, but it was not very important for me, I was not on fire with communication with him. He helped me with money and only because of this I kept in touch with him and nothing else .... When I met my boyfriend, I was 18, I was finishing the 1st course. When we started talking, he met with my classmate. I fell in love with him, he was with me and with her. So everything went on for half a year, he told me that he loves me and wants to be with me, but when I said leave her and let's be together. He found many reasons not to do it. I really wanted to be with him, so I endured everything, but when I realized that I had no more strength to wait, I put him before the choice of me or her. Yes, he chose me, but it was very difficult, we continued to hide, I had a constant fear that I would have problems with his ex since we were studying together, and it passed more than a year when we could live in peace and fear nothing. At the beginning of our relationship, when he broke up with that girl, there was, as it turned out, another one at work, a situation developed and I found out about it, there was a scandal, he left that girl, but I could no longer trust him! Yes, I forgave him, but who is still sitting in my soul, both for my classmate and for this girl from work. He often lied to me, I struggled with this for a very long time, then he stopped doing it, he often walked with friends, everyone used him, he paid for all the parties, he really liked to draw attention to himself, but when I explained to him that these people they just use it, and they are not friends at all, he stopped walking. I was completely in these relationships, I forgot my girlfriends, friends, I wanted to be only with him, but we began to have conversations about the family, about children, this is me of course pleased. Yes, he provides for me, he can clean the room, and cook, and wash, and stroke. As a girl, of course, I do it all myself, he can only sometimes help me. We very often swear over trifles, word for word, and a scandal ensued, yes, I pay great attention to trifles, if a scandal starts, I won’t let myself be offended, and it always angered him that he was always to blame, and always tried to find my weak place, but he can’t do it, he said that I crushed him mentally, that I was stronger than him. There was a time he came up to put up first, there was a time for me, then no one came up, there was a time when we didn’t talk for weeks, but then I couldn’t stand it and started the conversation myself. Our problem is that he doesn't like to talk. If he knows that he is to blame, he will not admit his mistake, but will look for jambs in me, and not answer the questions I posed, but simply avoid answering. He provokes me in every possible way, it started with tantrums, with my tears, now it has come to the point that he takes me out and I can be the first to rush to give him a slap in the face, or somehow hurt him, he used to endure, and now he gives back. The only way I could bring him to his senses was to say that I was leaving him. I always thought that in order to solve the problem, you need to talk about it, but he does not want this, and when I leave it to chance, everything starts anew. He said he was tired of me with my conversations, he was tired, but I had accumulated a lot of resentment both for the past and for our relationship. Now I don’t know whether I love him or not, but the fact that we have now switched places is for sure. Now he loves me, but maybe I just allow myself to be loved. I’m afraid that I won’t find a better one, so I don’t know how else to save these relationships, or is it better to leave and live at least in peace ...


My husband and I have been living together for 5 years, married since 2012, our son is a year and 7 months old. After the birth of the child, constant quarrels began to occur, a huge number of mutual claims accumulated. For my part, my husband does not want to pay attention to the child (despite the fact that he wanted a child when they learned more about pregnancy than I did), he does not help with the housework (even to wash the dishes after himself, you have to ask for a long time), he is not able to fix a broken item (you have to to call my parents), doesn’t go out to shops and for a walk with me and the child (refers that he is sick, doesn’t want to, his head hurts, the cat shat in his shoes, it’s cold outside, etc. ... despite the fact that there is a personal car ). There is not enough money in the family and the husband does not even try to fix this, he says that "people live even worse." He also doesn’t know how to spend money rationally, recently, without my knowledge, he spent the entire advance on car repairs and insurance, we had to live for half a month on 1,500 rubles. For all 1.7 years I have not bought anything for the child, I or my mother buy things and toys. Feeding my son when I need to go away is only possible if I leave a note with a clear plan of action. But the main problem- it computer games. Sometimes you leave to cook, the child runs around the apartment by itself, and the husband sits playing the computer with headphones, not paying attention to anything. My husband's claims to me - in his words, during pregnancy and after the birth of a child, I began to treat him coldly (I don’t meet after work, I don’t show initiative in intimate life). We have intimate life once a week. The husband does not want to understand that the child is hyperactive - and with all the household chores that I have to perform, plus with classes with my son, I get tired mentally and physically no less than he does at his job. In order for my husband to help with something, I must ask well and correctly. He explains his inattention to the child by my coldness (like you are to me, so am I to you ... but what does the child have to do with it?), He also explains his sitting at the computer by my coldness and desire to mentally relax after work. I cannot (or cannot) change until there is help from my husband ... plus I'm not sure that this help will be, and he will not continue to play the computer. For some reason, in his opinion, the first step should be taken by me, and not by him. He says that I am to blame for all conflicts, I should try to save the family so that the child grows up with his father. And I don’t know if I need such a relationship ...

Good day! In a family, both are always "guilty", that is, mutual understanding depends on two people. Therefore, your unwillingness to change until your husband begins to change is a road to nowhere. If you need this man, if you have feelings, you should think about how to start "acting" yourself, trying to gradually establish communication. Of course, you miss his help. BUT men very often do not know what exactly they can do: friendly, short and clear "instructions" can help - write notes. The computer is a way to "get away" from reality, from worries, and this just means that in the real world he is really not comfortable. Do not saw, let him play sometimes, and if you need to play with the baby - give "what" and explain HOW. A family can be preserved, but not only for a child, but for adults to feel good in it. Remember why you married your husband at all, what attracted you, whether it can be "refreshed". Good luck, Svetlana.