
How to be a good girl at 14. How to be the perfect girl. What is the secret of a real super girl


A neat and serious straight-A student, an attractive laugher or an impregnable leader who looks down on everyone? Being perfect isn't easy.

It's impossible to be perfect for everyone. It is possible to become ideal for one person or for most of society. But this will require some work on yourself.

Why be the standard?

Success is a combination of many factors. You cannot become a standard without constant work on yourself. Being perfect is hard work. If you constantly work on yourself, in your own way, then this can become a habit.

Self-sufficiency and development

Being self-sufficient is very important at any age. Even at the age of 13, when your world is constantly changing, and complexes begin to overcome, it is not easy, but possible. Even if you are a teenage girl, it is possible to act like an adult.

Video: Men's point of view

Never stop. We must constantly develop and work on ourselves. Find, discover a new facet in yourself.

You can learn something new. Sign up for some courses, circles, choose those classes that will make you better. Sport is the key to health and beauty. It not only strengthens the body, but also makes you more strong-willed, purposeful and fit.

Do not sit still, strive to conquer new peaks, charge others with your example. If you study at school or university, you have all the prerequisites for this.

Just don't be smart. When a girl speaks with quotes from books, this is not an indicator of her intelligence or erudition. A smart person speaks in a simple, understandable language.


Become perfect girl outwardly difficult. The difficulty lies in the daily work. Every day you need to take care of yourself: do makeup, follow the figure.

Education and literacy

The ability to arrange others with good manners and literacy of speech are the components that can make you respect as a person.

  • Don't cry in front of others. Tears do not touch the stronger sex, but rather irritate. Even at the age of 13, you need to be able to control yourself.
  • Don't humiliate people.
  • Don't be arrogant. Cold, arrogant people are repulsive.
  • Punctuality is an important quality for an exemplary girl.


Being a good host is important. Comfort in the house - harmony in the family. We must learn to cook. Keep order in the house. Do not be lazy.


There is always something to appreciate regardless of time and era. If you want your friends to be faithful to you, set the right example. This rule also applies to relationships with young people.

Loyalty is an indicator harmonious personality. Being faithful means respecting yourself and your loved one.

Caring and understanding

A little sensitivity and understanding will allow others to see a strong person in you, allow them to open up and trust. Selfishness is the destiny of only weak people. Only strong man able to take care of others.
Take an interest in the affairs of the people around you, only do it sincerely.


People are drawn to those with whom they feel good. It's easy to see, even at school, those who have a sense of humor make friends more easily and are drawn to them.

You don't need to tell others about your problems. Assess failures appropriately. Remember that your loved ones may also have worries, do not burden them even more.


Show concern for loved ones. Take an interest in the affairs of relatives. Attention is very important for others. Some are embarrassed to ask for help. The ideal girl will always notice this and help herself.

Give gifts. Let them be small or homemade. That kind of attention is nice.
Praise those around you. Give compliments. It's nice. The main condition is sincerity.


Don't be hypocritical, don't pretend to be someone else. Falseness is always felt at the subconscious level.

A good girl for everyone is one who does not lie.

How to be perfect for a guy

Don't ask for the impossible

If a guy works two jobs or has problems with his boss, then it makes sense that when he comes home, he might forget to kiss you or buy you flowers.

It is not necessary at this moment to “cut” him and demand more attention to yourself. You need to let him lie quietly on the couch and rest. And who said that it would be easy for him to become the perfect girl for him.

Often a girl thinks she can change the man she is dating. It is a myth. Established character traits young man and thus remain unchanged.

You should not expect crazy and explosive acts from a calm and phlegmatic guy every day. When you start dating a man, immediately pay attention to how he behaves. Being perfect for one man is easier than for another.

Do not take dirty linen out of the hut

Don't discuss your personal life with your girlfriends or mom in front of your boyfriend. Listening in on your conversations with others about your conflicts or his misbehavior will only annoy the guy.

It is impossible to discuss conflicts with a guy even in his absence. Your words will still reach him. And then to explain that they were said in a fever is hard. Relationships can deteriorate.

love his pet

Many men become very attached to their animals. You can't criticize your loved one's pet. Befriend him, admire and praise him. Thus, it will be possible to win the favor of not only a cat or dog, but also your chosen one.

Don't interfere with your mom

There is truth in every mother-in-law joke. Statements: “My mother thinks” or “My mother said” will only cause irritation and discontent in a guy. He's the head of your relationship and your mom's opinion is irrelevant here.

If you still want to convey some position of your mother to your beloved, then say this: “I believe that ...”

Do not control the material aspect

The man is a provider. He earns, provides for his family, makes gifts. You do not need to control all his financial expenses and get into his wallet. This might humiliate him.

Every guy has a stash. If by chance during the general cleaning of the apartment you found it, do not touch it. For him it is important. Maybe he's saving up for you for a surprise gift.

Show respect and affection

Becoming the perfect girl is not easy for him. Praise your boyfriend more, give him compliments. Never tell your man that he is a loser. Believe in him and support him in all endeavors.

If your interests diverge in some way, try to find out more about his hobbies. Don't talk bad about your boyfriend's best friends. Admire and praise your man, being in the same company with his comrades.

Don't dig into notebook(correspondence, wallet). Trust is the main aspect in a relationship. No need to check his phone, computer, contacts every day for compromising evidence. This is how you test your boyfriend's nerves, and he may not be able to stand it and take a mistress to spite you.

The ideal girl should look great. "Men love with their eyes." Don't forget to watch your appearance. Control your weight, go to beauty salons and gyms. Find out how your man would like to see you, follow his preferences.

And be beautiful and well-groomed not only on holidays, but every day.

  • Be feminine for your lover. Men do not like rude, ill-mannered young ladies, with bad habits.
  • Do not be fancy Don't be a teenager.
  • Don't "drink" and force your boyfriend. Don't bring up the young man's past relationships. You don't need to tell your loved one. Leave the past in the past. Make your relationship better.
  • Change, be different for your boyfriend. Surprise your chosen one with surprises, new ideas, dishes.
  • Get ready to be a good mom and hostess.

How to be a model in bed

  • Remember about hygiene;
  • Remove excess vegetation;
  • Find your perfume. The smell of a beloved woman drives a man crazy. Perfume should excite, not repel;
  • Be nice to your boyfriend. Beauty saves not only the world in all its diversity, but also "the world in the bedroom";
  • The ideal girl should wear beautiful underwear. Be sincere, relaxed and loving in bed. You can't simulate. Simulation can permanently alienate a man.

Listen to your man, his desires. Be sure to tell him about your fantasies. Over time, feelings fade. In order for love to flare up again, it is necessary to experiment, to realize new sexual fantasies.

Lovers need to be different. Love and follow the desires of your man.

Video: What should be the ideal woman

For a long time I thought about what the ideal girl should be. There were many thoughts on this subject, but I still tried to somehow systematize them. Here is a list of qualities that should have perfect girl in my understanding. As necessary, I will decipher in more detail. So,
1. Be beautiful. Beauty is not 90\60\90. These are just your feelings. A person can be comfortable in their 65 kilograms. And it is at this weight that a girl can feel perfect. Here everyone has their own canons and rules. Of course, it is worth remembering that 1. men are not dogs, they don’t throw themselves at bones. and 2. Rubens' women are no longer in fashion. Everything in between is yours. Decide for yourself. The main thing here is personal feelings.
2. Self-confident. Beautiful posture, head held high. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise He will think that you are a pompous pretentious chicken.
3. Be active. Men love active girls, their eyes burn, they do everything quickly and well. So you have problems with the second one, slow down. And then He will say about you "every barrel plug." This happens very often.
4. Show initiative. Diversify your everyday life. Suggest something out of the ordinary. For example, a sudden trip out of town for the weekend.
5. Surprise. Let not everything in life go according to the worked out scenario. Leave room for surprises. Every little thing matters here. A new fridge magnet with a nice inscription, a sticker on the mirror with the imprint of your lips. Imagine, surprise.
6. Inspire. Teach him to appreciate your every gesture, every smile, every gentle look.
7. Support. A man loves to be told that he is the best / favorite / reliable. They are strong, but always need support.
8. Do not advise. Men rarely love and take into account women's advice. This does not mean that he does not love and appreciate you. They just look at life from a different angle.
If a woman is smart (well, I don’t consider the “be smart” rule, everything is clear with this), she will make the man’s decision be her decision. Only now the man himself does not even guess about it. But to bother and climb to him with your opinion is not worth it.
9. Create coziness. The woman is the guardian of the hearth. It creates coziness and comfort. This is order, things laid out, a deliciously cooked dinner and always neat appearance. Coming home from work, a man wants to have dinner and enjoy your company. Get ready for what he might have Bad mood. Therefore, the nest you created should distract him from all extraneous thoughts.
10. Social. You must know his friends. And accept them for who they are. You must be in the same company and on the same wavelength. Do you know how men like to introduce their girls to their friends? Yes, and pride for you, the very best, is bursting if they see that you are positive towards them.
11. Be yourself. No need for antics, embarrassment, antics. Stay true to yourself in any situation. Be natural.
12. Smile more often and don't grumble. Men do not like girls who constantly have some problems. Take everything easier and your man will decide everything for you. :)

13. Know the measure. Everything I wrote about above is undoubtedly a very necessary quality. But enumerating any of them will only cause a backlash. Do not overdo it!

AT recent times I write little about my life, I know. Somehow, everything is in a heap and very incomprehensible. I promise to fix it in the next few days. :)

Hello dear readers of our site. Today we will talk about how to become an ideal girl and wife, as well as about what an ideal girl should be like, her character, appearance and others. important points. Strive for the ideal is always good, the main thing is that it does not contradict your natural essence.

"All men are the same!" How often do girls say this phrase in relation to the stronger sex. But they forget that men also have a language and can also say to them: “All women are the same!”. And such words cling to the living. After all, no girl or woman wants to be equated with everyone else. At heart, every woman believes that she is unique and unrepeatable. And how much such a girl will give to the man who emphasizes, notices and appreciates it ... uuuh!

Every man has his ideal woman. Everything is a certain "skeleton" according to which men try to choose the very ideal woman.

For some men, it is important that they ideal woman was economic (like a mother), sociable (so that friends would appreciate it), while others are looking for an enterprising and businesslike woman (to provide for herself), passionate and plastic (to satisfy the basic instincts of a man).

Since the article is the very ideal girl and wife? More on this later.

Why do you need to be perfect?

It is clear that becoming an ideal girl for a guy is not an easy task. But as the Russian proverb says: "If you like to ride, love to carry sleds." It means - if you want to enjoy life, you must constantly work! This also applies to relationships! When a girl wants to have a handsome, smart, athletic, caring and loving young man, she needs to match him herself.

Such guys do not lie on the road and they want a worthy partner next to them, and not just a girl whose brain is full of endless fantasies and illusions.

If a girl has never achieved anything herself in life, has not developed comprehensively, then she will definitely find a match for herself the same man.

If the main goal of the girl is to get married as soon as possible and it doesn’t matter who, then naturally, there is no need for a great mind and you won’t have to try hard. She'll get married in the face of difficulties family life She will wonder why this is happening. And soon the couple will come to the conclusion that they are completely different personalities and want different things from life.

Conclusion: setting a high bar requires a lot of effort and patience!!! Remember Generals' wives married lieutenants.

Even the most pretty girls sometimes they worry about the lack of male attention, or this attention is there, but it does not come from the one from whom they would like. What attracts young people in girls, and what repels them? How to attract and keep the attention of the guy you like?

No guy will, first of all, look at the rich inner world of a girl. To begin with, she must interest him outwardly. As they say, they are met by clothes, and men love with their eyes. It is clear that for every commodity there is a merchant. And young ladies who do not take care of themselves are also sometimes lucky - there is such a merchant. But, basically, men prefer sluts - more refined persons.

AT modern world, the vector of professional success is slightly shifted. Modern businesswoman should not only be smart and responsible, but also look appropriate for the position held. Of the two identical candidates for the position, they will certainly choose the one that is more well-groomed, neatly dressed, because this means that she is more scrupulous and every little thing is important to her. The staff is also the face of the company and the leader. That is why directors' secretaries are always brand new.

Many surveys have been conducted regarding male preferences regarding the appearance of a woman. The men expressed the most unusual preferences. In general, they can be combined into some generalized group of what an ideal girl should look like:

1. Well-groomed appearance

The ideal girl should first of all take care of herself. The way a girl is dressed, what hairstyle she has - says a lot about herself. She still may not say a word, but the guy either has an interest in her or instantly disappears. Important role in the work of impression play:

  • Clean, washed, beautifully styled hair . Curls slicked into a ponytail or hair with a greasy sheen will not add chances to anyone. It is worth trying to experiment with different hairstyles. If there is not enough imagination, then on the Internet you can find a huge number of suggestions on how, quickly and with the help of improvised means, to make a beautiful, interesting and unusual hairstyle (and not just loose hair, a gathered ponytail and two pigtails). But even loose hair can be styled beautifully and elegantly. .
  • Beautiful manicure well-groomed hands and feet . Not everyone has the opportunity to go to expensive beauty salons and change the color of nails 2-3 times a week. But you can always find 5 minutes of free time and file your nails. Another 5 minutes to remove cracked varnish with acetone. And 10 minutes to apply new polish. Trim excess cuticles from nails once a week. Do a pedicure once every two weeks (scratch the heels with a foot file, paint the toenails and lubricate the legs with a moisturizer). A small procedure will give lightness and self-confidence.
  • Nice smell . The exquisite aroma of eau de parfum will intrigue a man. Oral hygiene is of great importance. It is important to monitor the cleanliness of the teeth, tongue, so that when talking, make not only sounds, but also a pleasant smell. The use of deodorants will enhance the effect of the girl's beauty, and the smell of delicate, feminine perfume will attract fans like bees to honey. However, if you apply these cosmetics, but do not take a shower - there will be no benefit. No perfume or antiperspirant will kill the smell of sweat on a body that has not been washed for a long time.
  • Skillful use of cosmetics . Too bright war paint will repel the guy, and modest makeup will give femininity and show the chastity and inner beauty of the girl.
  • Nice and clean face . If there are problems in this regard, it will not be superfluous to visit a beautician, make facial masks, as well as cleaning and peeling. Expensive, but effective! The result is worth it. If there are small problems with the face - a couple of malicious pimples jumped up - gently and inconspicuously retouch them foundation. But don't forget to moisturize your face. A lot of healthy recipes for facial care you will find in our section "".
  • Removal of unwanted hair on the body . Legs, arms, armpits, eyebrows, mustaches, white line of the abdomen, bikini area - this is what many girls need to correct in themselves. The ideal girl will choose the method that is convenient and accessible to her and will use it regularly, avoiding thickets in these places. All you need to know about .
  • Good body . Someone naturally got a beautiful, athletic figure. But this is rare! The ideal girl will prioritize this item while exercising at home or in a fitness club. Thanks to such regular efforts, her body will be toned and attractive! .

Conclusion: If you want to be perfect, don't be lazy! It is important for an ideal girl to take care of herself, then men will follow the girl!!!

Clean and appropriate clothing +1 in your favor.

It doesn't matter how much money you have. Today there are many stores where you can pick up universal looks for any occasion. We remind you of 2 simple secrets that for some reason many girls forget about.

  1. "Small black dress» should be in the wardrobe of any self-respecting girl. When choosing this dress, try to make it universal: for business meetings and dinners, important events, and even for dates. You should feel as comfortable as possible in it. No wonder this outfit has been in fashion for several decades.
  2. White top black bottom- so far the most winning option in clothing that is out of time, out of culture. It is absolutely versatile! Combine blouses, jackets with skirts and trousers and you will always be in trend.

Better a little - but beautiful and stylish; modest but tasteful! It's easy to chase the latest innovations fashion, but you should not be the last to take off an old-fashioned thing.

And a few more rules:

  • Keep your clothes clean. Wash it in time and be more careful.
  • Appropriate outfit. You don’t need to strive to show all your charms, you need to be able to create a mysterious image and intrigue a man so that he becomes interested in getting to know you better. Having shown everything at once to a man, he is unlikely to be interested in you, and if so, then only for fleeting pleasures. Too revealing clothes will show that the girl desperately demands to draw attention to herself and give herself to the first comer. Such behavior will not cause respect from the guy. In addition, dirty, unironed clothes will show that the girl is perfect ... dirty and sloppy!
  • Moderation in the details. The ideal girl for a man is the one who knows how to choose jewelry, accessories and clothes to match, in style and color. At the same time, she will not overdo it with the amount of clothes she wears, but she will not diminish the importance of these little things in creating her unique image.

3. Ideal character

Character is what couples agree on, it is what they are not alike in. Couples similar in character live in more harmonious relationships.

Naturally, a girl should not unquestioningly obey her man in everything. Undoubtedly, men value calmness, obedience. But a "voiceless" girl can alert some men and even repel them. When a girl does not have her own voice, her opinion is like a pet. Men appreciate when a girl knows how to respectfully, unobtrusively explain herself, while not humiliating a man's opinion and not imposing hers on everyone around her.

"Bazaar women" attract only the same "bazaar" dorks.

Constant disputes, eternal showdown, complete control, jealousy and distrust - this is what not to paint the perfect girl!

She is very sympathetic to men when a young lady is friendly, soft, gentle, loves animals, children, shows respect for parents and older people. The same traits will be appreciated by the parents of the chosen one, with whom you will have to link your fate (if you are in the mood for a serious, long-term relationship).

Even when something bad happens around, a girl should be able to control herself and get out of situations beautifully.

Let's sum up the intermediate results.

What should be the ideal girl

1 The ideal girl does not break down over trifles, does not be impudent, does not swear, knows how to control her emotions, does not gossip about other people in the presence of a guy.
2 The ideal girl will never embarrass her boyfriend in public. She will never make remarks to him in front of his friends or a parent. All that is needed, she will tell him in private.
3 The ideal girl should be an educated, well-mannered lady. She follows the rules of etiquette, knows how to correctly express her thoughts in words, and does not “bake” and “mack”, not knowing how to link two words into an articulate sentence.
4 The ideal girl is a good hostess, or at least the desire for one.
5 The ideal girl knows how to cook something tasty and edible.
6 Her house is in order. And this order does not consist in the fact that before someone arrives, all things are actively transferred to the closet and under the sofa, and then they get back, as if nothing had happened. The ideal girl understands the importance of cleanliness and neatness of her house or apartment!
7 The ideal girl should be independent and self-respecting first of all. She must be confident on her feet.
8 Good taste in clothes is another quality of an ideal girl.
9 The ideal girl always takes care of her appearance: paint over the regrown roots, remove the old gel polish, tighten the sagging sides on the simulator, remove the plaque on the teeth at the dentist.
10 The ideal girl is also a wise woman. A man next to such a woman will never feel that he is infringed on his rights.
11 The ideal girl is a faithful girl. There are a number of .
12 The ideal girl has no bad habits. She does not smoke and knows the measure in alcohol.
13 The ideal girl knows the value of her time and never wastes it.
14 The ideal girl knows how to create beauties around herself and notices only the good in others.
15 The ideal girl always thinks positively. She will always find the right words in a difficult situation.

For girls, the main thing is to be loved, and for men it is more important that the girl respects them. Respect is manifested in the manner of behavior, communication, the ability to reckon with the opinion of a man, to praise and respect him.

4. The perfect girlfriend knows how to build the perfect relationship.

Relationships between a man and a woman are hard work. They cannot be built overnight, but they can collapse in an instant. Therefore, do not forget about simple rules behavior, no matter how long your relationship has been.

What qualities spoil relationships?

The 3 most common causes of disputes and breakups in couples.

Deception Resentment Ignorance and flirting
Men feel when something is not told to them and some details are hidden. Therefore, no matter what serious and terrible thing happens, you don’t have to hide it from your boyfriend. By honestly telling him about everything, you can win his trust and respect for yourself in the future.

You should also not follow his life by checking his phone, contacts, messages, e-mail, social networks. It is not your property and has the right to an uncontrolled life.

We are all imperfect. A guy can also make a mistake, break loose, forget important dates. If a girl constantly saws her soulmate, then soon he will get tired of it, and he will begin to think that he will live well in the world without a girl. And such relations only infringe on his freedom and the right to vote. You need to be able to forgive men for their little weaknesses, and in return they will forgive and not pay attention to women's whims and shortcomings.When a girl does not use pleasant words in her speech sweet words, it's very annoying. The ideal girl will not imitate the conversational style of men. She is woman! And this is manifested in her soft voice, good manners, the words "sorry", "please", "thank you".

But you need to know the line of what is permitted and not allow such tenderness to grow into flirting with people of the opposite sex. Otherwise, the intelligence and tact of a girl for a guy will turn into a disadvantage.

What qualities should be formed in yourself in order to become an ideal girl

Qualities of an ideal woman

1 Loyalty and loyalty.By your actions, it is important to show that no one else will take the place of the chosen one. It is the most expensive and significant person in life. And since fidelity, in our time, is a rather rare quality, a man will certainly appreciate it. Let the proverb be true for him: “In life, as in chess. If you lose the queen, then be content with pawns.”
2 Respect for a man, his family and friends.For a guy, his social circle is very important. If a lady begins to act up, grumble and resent her surroundings, then troubles and a break in relations, in many cases, cannot be avoided.
3 Ability to listen and not interrupt.Men rarely share their feelings and experiences. But if such a rare moment has come, the ideal girl will not miss the opportunity to listen to him, understand the feelings of her beloved and, if necessary, help, support, caress, hug.
4 A positive attitude is very important.Indeed, in life, so, there are enough problems and sour faces. If the beloved woman is also sad herself and whines about her difficulties, then this will become boring and repulsive. Smiling is a great way to look happy and beautiful.
5 Praise is uplifting.And the ability to laugh at yourself and your shortcomings will cause a positive reaction from your partner and respect for the person of the girl.
6 Self-development.This is the development of not only the mind, but also the body.

Spend enough time to develop yourself, improve your level of education, monitor your appearance and physique.

7* And a bit more…It is important to develop worthy qualities in yourself: humility, politeness, gentleness, responsiveness, kindness, naturalness, punctuality, self-confidence and self-esteem.

Given all of the above: do not stop until there is a reason to be proud of yourself!!! Then you can easily become a beloved, desired and ideal girl for a man.

Dreams Come True! The perfect girl married the man of her dreams. How to get a new title: "Ideal Wife"? Yes, it's simple, do not forget who you were before marriage.

After getting married, many women stop caring for themselves, are lazy to play sports, allow themselves to scream and grumble at their husbands, refer to severe fatigue, forget that a man needs to be fed, respected, listened to and put to bed.

And for men, such changes are stressful and a big blow. After all, they married sophisticated beauties, ideal women. And what is the result? The ideal has become the most ordinary. Sorrow sad!!!

What to do so that family ties do not turn into a routine? In principle, everything is the same as before the wedding. Only now twice as much effort and dedication. Why?

Because before marriage, on dates, everyone tried to show their best side. Once married, a completely different life begins. Spouses see each other day and night. They are constantly together. And now the fullest bouquet of shortcomings and weaknesses is revealed, in all its glory.

And at this time, more than ever, it is simply necessary to work on yourself and improve your personality and your relationships.

The ideal wife for a man is a woman who:

When a woman gets married, they say about her: “She is married”, and the man is “married”. But sometimes the roles in the family change and the man becomes " per married", and the wife " husband", without the prefix "for"? If this happens - this is a serious reason to think about your relationship !!!

The woman was created by God from the rib of a man, and not from the head, so as not to rise above him. Not from her leg, so that her husband humiliated her and did not put her in anything. And at hand, so that she feels protected and close to her heart, so that she is loved and desired.

Being perfect is not easy, but it is possible and necessary!

Video about the ideal woman through the eyes of a man

What should be the ideal woman / girl? How to become a desirable woman? How to please men?

Many girls strive to get closer to the model, the standard. Then it will be easier to establish contact with your loved one, communicate with people, conquer new heights. Of course, becoming ideal in your own way, it is easier to achieve happiness in your personal life. How to become the perfect girl? What exactly needs to be done, how to behave, how to change? How to conquer the desired man, please others with beauty, manners, achieve success in different areas? It is important to take into account many different points, to try to surpass yourself in some way, to constantly improve. Such a task is quite up to you, if you approach the matter responsibly, you will act purposefully. Remember a few recommendations, strive for the goal. The results will not keep you waiting.

How to be the perfect girl for him? Appearance
In an effort to become the perfect girl for a loved one, almost all the fair sex first of all think about their appearance. Of course, the value of your reflection in the mirror in a relationship with a man is greatly exaggerated. But something really worth paying attention to.
Watch yourself. Trying to look like a fashion model or movie star is not worth it. Be yourself, create a harmonious and feminine image, attractive, moderately catchy.

Become the perfect girl for your beloved. Character
Character matters a lot. To become an ideal girl, you have to change something in yourself, develop individual features, and forget about something forever.

  1. Become more gentle, soft. Even if you are rapidly moving up the career ladder, earning a lot and making important decisions, you need to remain a woman. Don't be afraid to show weakness sometimes. Be mindful of fluidity of gestures, speak softly, develop melodic intonations.
  2. Keep calm. Most men dream of a calm, balanced girl. Learn to control yourself, control your emotional condition, do not get annoyed over trifles. Did something anger you, are you outraged? Don't take any action, just wait a bit. Then you will be able to look at things easier, formulate your opinion more correctly. This way you will avoid quarrels and conflicts.
  3. Respect his personality. Do not take on the role of educator. Trying to change a man is a bad idea. You are both adults, it is important to respect the lifestyle and opinion of your beloved man. To become an ideal girl, forget about constant remarks, attempts to turn a man into someone else, corresponding to your ideas about the reference “prince”.
  4. Be delicate. Learn to give advice and convince so that your words really inspire confidence, a desire to listen to them. Remember that peremptory demands in themselves cause a negative reaction. Any point of view must be argued, even if it seems obvious to you.
  5. Carefully build relationships with his family and friends. It is very important to establish contact with loved ones of a beloved man.
  6. Respect his interests, preferences, habits. Delve into the activities, hobbies of your loved one. Wanting to become an ideal girl, try to be with a man more often, but not interfere with him, namely, share his hobbies. Do not break his usual way of life.
  7. Keep your individuality. It is also not necessary to completely “dissolve” in your beloved. A man can quickly lose interest in a girl who does not have her own interests, personal affairs.
  8. Create comfort, become an excellent hostess. Of course, you should learn how to cook, keep order in the house. Comfortable conditions are of great importance.
Learn to be perfect in different areas, watch your manners, habits, communication style. Respect the personality of your beloved man, be attentive to the people around you, be friendly. Become the perfect girl and do not forget that you need to constantly improve. anna base

Surely every girl at least once dreamed of seeing in the mirror a reflection of the ideal version of herself. After all, the admiring glances of men, self-confidence, close and warm relationships with parents, girlfriends and a beloved man are worth striving for the ideal and starting to work on yourself. It remains to find out how to become an ideal girl, and what should she be? It is unreasonable to focus on the accepted standards of beauty, it is important that the desire for perfection does not interfere with preserving your own individuality, because without it the girl will lose her “zest”. Therefore, each female representative has her own “directions of ideality” and you will have to work on yourself in accordance with them.

How to be the perfect girl on the outside

One phrase reads: "No one wants to know what kind of soul you have if you do not have a beautiful appearance." Therefore, every girl must strive for a toned, athletic figure, well-groomed body and face. Row useful advice: how to become the perfect girl outwardly.

Skin care. To love your skin, even if it is not perfect, while constantly caring for and struggling with shortcomings. This will help regular cosmetic masks, visiting a beautician, including vegetables and fruits in the daily diet.

Figure. Do not chase imposed and unrealistic standards female beauty, which "throws" from the covers of glossy magazines. You need to accept your body and tirelessly work on it, give up fatty foods and fast food, and exercise regularly.
Hair. Can there be an ideal girl without luxurious hair? The length of the hair is not so important, let it be a bob or bob, the main thing is cleanliness and well-groomed appearance. A visit to a competent hair stylist will allow you to choose the right hairstyle and hair color.
Snow-white smile. Smooth and healthy teeth are a business card of a girl! This will help regular visits to the dental office and daily brushing of teeth in the morning and evening.

It is worth remembering that healthy deep sleep- a pledge of attractiveness and positive mood. It is important to accustom yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time, sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Otherwise, fatigue and irritability will certainly affect the appearance. Emphasize the merits and hide the flaws in appearance and figure will help proper makeup and your own style of dress.

And, of course, how to become perfect beautiful girl without confidence? When a girl considers herself attractive, others think the same way. Complimenting yourself in front of the mirror every morning about your appearance will give you a boost of mood for the whole day.

How to be the perfect girl for your man

It is impossible to build strong mutual relationships without working on yourself. Therefore, if there is a loved one and a desire for a happy relationship, you will have to work hard and understand how to become the perfect girl for your man. To begin with, it does not hurt to carefully study his character: habits, hobbies, principles, desires. In the future, this will help to find common interests and goals. Simple Tips they will tell you how to become an ideal girl for a guy or a man:

Trust and respect for each other is the foundation of a strong relationship, without them the couple has no future. does not deceive a man, does not make scandals in front of strangers, and in domestic quarrels there is no place for foul language and mutual insults. Even if a man is wrong, a girl striving for perfection will not belittle his dignity and constantly recall these unpleasant moments.
Refusal of commercialism. Men are wary of those who pursue material gain. If a man is serious about a girl, he himself will make every effort so that she does not know the need for anything.
Getting rid of bad habits. It would be strange to see an ideal girl smoking "like a steam locomotive" with a glass of strong drink in her hand. It is unlikely that even one man will like her. Therefore, in order to get closer to the ideal, you will need to eradicate the habit of smoking and abusing alcohol.

Mutual support. It is not in vain that the expression was coined that behind every successful man there is a woman. Women's support and understanding energize men to overcome life's difficulties and obstacles.

How to be the perfect girl for him? Be feminine! This is a quality due to which the guy feels like a man and is ready for exploits for the sake of his beloved. You don’t need to perform masculine duties, solve difficult problems, constantly strive to surpass and take on a leadership position in relationships. This will only push him away and not make him feel needed.

You can not do without respect for hobbies, friends and relatives. Without this, the couple is doomed to constant scandals and misunderstanding. You need to know about the guy’s favorite hobbies and be sure to try to find something interesting for yourself in them. Even if this fails, the study of his hobbies will become a common topic for joint conversations. Friends for men are sacred. Under no circumstances should you criticize friends or the man himself with them. It’s also not worth forbidding them to meet, the man will still do what he needs, and the girl will “lose a few points” in his eyes. Men do not choose relatives, so you have to find mutual language with them. And it’s better to keep your opinion about them to yourself and not spoil your relationship with your loved one.

Becoming the perfect girl in a relationship will help, she will allow you to change yourself and him in better side and overcome difficulties.

How to be the perfect girl in everything

The desire to be perfect in everything involves not only a beautiful appearance and a slender figure, but also hard hard work on your personal qualities. But in return there will be pleasant changes. An ideal girl in everything will cause pride and admiration among relatives, friends and acquaintances, increase her self-esteem, realizing her uniqueness and significance. This will change the circle of communication, as a developed, interesting and positive person attracts his own kind. There will be new opportunities in your career and in your personal life. Feeling the desire to become the perfect girl in everything, you need to pay attention to the following:

Constant development. At any age, it is useful to learn new things, to discover unknown facets in yourself. These are courses, travel to other countries, professional and personal trainings, reading books, learning languages. What makes a girl's personality interesting and self-sufficient.

upbringing. It is important to learn to restrain yourself in the right situations, not to “lose face”, not to complain about life and not to cry in the presence of strangers. Eradicate arrogance in yourself, learn to value your time and the time of others, such people command respect. Do not scatter on unnecessary gossip and chatter, it is better to do useful things. Work on your speech, everyone is pleased to listen to a person with a competent pronunciation and without junk words.
Thrift. In the progressive 21st century, economic girls are worth their weight in gold, so the ability to maintain home comfort and cook delicious dishes will be appreciated.

Nothing attracts people like. No man can resist a sincere charming smile. The ideal girl is distinguished by the constant manifestation of attention and care for friends and family. Even if someone hesitates to ask her for help, she will show participation and offer herself. And she constantly pleases her loved ones with sincere compliments and gifts, people appreciate such attention.

The firm intention and desire to change yourself and become the perfect girl will help you overcome all obstacles along the way. When working on yourself becomes a habit, it will no longer be hard work, but pleasure. And tips on how to become the perfect girl will help with this:

You need to look good and take care of yourself both on holidays and on everyday days.
To change, to bring variety into the usual life. So, changing your hairstyle or hair color, updating your wardrobe or preparing a new culinary masterpiece will add color to gray everyday life and cheer you up.
You should reconsider your attitude towards your personality. Self-love is the main quality of an ideal girl. Even if there are a lot of claims, you need to gradually and carefully get rid of them, overcome yourself, then self-respect will appear. And a self-respecting girl will not meet a man just for the sake of a relationship and endure a negative attitude towards herself. She deserves worthy man and knows about it.

Let the advice and recommendations will allow you to see yourself from the other side, love and start self-improvement in the near future. Despite the huge number of articles and books on how to become an ideal girl, the main thing is to be yourself, not to focus on shortcomings, but to find and develop your strengths in order to become a self-sufficient person.

February 11, 2014, 17:18