
The Year of the Fire Monkey will be a good one for those who are persistent. Basic rules of sagaalgan After the New Year

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The international tourist project "Fairytale Sagaalgan in Buryatia-2016" began its procession through the cities of the republic. Characters of New Year's folklore of Russia, Buryatia, Mongolia, Slovakia and China participate in it. On February 6, their delegation of fairy-tale characters visited Kyakhta, Novoselenginsk and Gusinoozersk, and the next day - the tourist complex "Stepnoy nomad" in the Zaigraevsky district of Buryatia and the Ethnographic Museum of Ulan-Ude, UlanMedia news agency reports.

Buryat "Santa Claus" Sagan-Ubgun. Photo: Vasily Tararuev, UlanMedia

The event "Fairytale Sagaalgan" in our republic is held for the eighth time, we can say that it has become traditional for us. First of all, we are trying to expand our tourist season, fill the winter period with events. This event received an award from the government of the Russian Federation, it was evaluated at the federal level. And of course, we would like to give children a piece of a fairy tale, so that a fairy-tale character from another country comes to them, so that on the eve of the New Year according to the eastern calendar, a festive mood reigns in every family, - said Ekaterina Mukhina, Deputy Chairman of the Tourism Committee of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.

Slovak Saint Mikulas. Photo: Vasily Tararuev, UlanMedia

This time the following fairy-tale characters participated in the project: the Buryat "Santa Claus" Sagan-Ubgun (White Elder), the Baikal Santa Claus from Slyudyanka, Saint Mikulash from Slovakia, the Mongolian "Santa Claus" Uvlin Uvgun, accompanied by "Snow Maiden" Sasan Okhin, and also the Chinese Monkey King and the Evenk Mother Winter. In addition, the deputy mayor of the Slovak city of Bardejov, Milos Mikula, arrived with Mikulas. Recall that the action is timed to coincide with Sagaalgan, the new year according to the eastern calendar, which begins on the night of February 8-9.

Mongolian "Santa Claus" Uvlin-Ubgun. Photo: Vasily Tararuev, UlanMedia

The first city of the festive route was Kyakhta, which in the old days was one of the cities of the "Great Tea Road". Her New Year's characters visited on February 6, the delegation included Sagan-Ubgun, Uvlin-Ubgun with Sasan Ohin, Baikal Father Frost and Saint Mikulash. First, the guests were shown the Kyakhta Museum of Local Lore, where they demonstrated the exhibits, then they were treated to tea, showed the atmosphere and traditions of old merchant houses. Then the New Year's characters performed at the festive fair. There they were solemnly greeted by the head of the Kyakhtinsky district Alexander Buyantuev and the mayor of Kyakhta Evgeny Stepanov. After that, youth dance groups performed in honor of the guests, then the delegation was invited to a yurt to taste the Buryat hospitality, then a dinner was waiting for the guests in one of the restaurants in the city. The head of the Kyakhta region made solemn speeches, at the same time talking about the project of a new customs checkpoint on the border with Mongolia, for which a private investor has already been found.

Mongolian "Snow Maiden" Sasan Ohin. Photo: Vasily Tararuev, UlanMedia

In addition, Kyakhta has established a twinning relationship with the Slovak city of Bardeev.

The purpose of our visit is to establish cultural and tourist ties between Slovakia and Buryatia, twinning with your cities, we hope for constant cooperation in the field of tourism, - said Milos Mikula.

Deputy Mayor of the city of Bardeev Milos Mikula. Photo: Vasily Tararuev, UlanMedia

It can be noted that the history of Kyakhta on the Great Tea Road can also become a "bait" for tourists in Buryatia. Recall that in the "Strategy-2030" the development of the tourism sector is considered one of the priority areas.

Baikal Santa Claus. Photo: Vasily Tararuev, UlanMedia

On the way back, "international Santa Clauses" stopped at Novoselenginsk. There they attended a festive concert at the local house of culture, then visited the Museum of the Decembrists. There they were shown exhibits, told the story of the exiled rebels who taught the Buryats to read and write, the glorious history of the Selenginsky Infantry Regiment, the schoolchildren played miniature scenes for them. For example, one of them portrayed "Peter the Great's arab" Hannibal, who was serving his sentence in the Selenga prison. The next stop was Gusinoozersk, where the guests performed on the New Year's stage set up in one of the city's squares.

Two monkey kings. Photo: Vasily Tararuev, UlanMedia

The next day, a delegation of fairy-tale characters visited the Stepnoy Nomad tourist complex near Atsagat in the Zaigraevsky district. There they were joined by new fairy-tale characters - two Chinese "Monkey Kings". There, "Santa Clauses" also performed at a festive concert in front of visitors to the complex. Ethnic creative groups of the Buryats, as well as "Semei" and Tatars performed at the concert.

Evenki mother-winter. Photo: Vasily Tararuev, UlanMedia

After that, the delegation went to Ulan-Ude to the Ethnographic Museum, where they were joined by another folklore character: the Evenk Mother Winter. By the way, this is one of the deities of the Evenk shamanic pantheon. By the way, the "Buryat Father Frost" White Elder Sagan-Ubgun is revered as a deity both in Buddhism and in Buryat shamanism, where he is called Burkhan Sagan Garbal.

At the monument to Bestuzhev in Novoselenginsk. Photo: Vasily Tararuev, UlanMedia

In the ethnographic museum, folklore characters also had to take part in the New Year's entertainment program, also related to the theme of the Great Tea Road. The program included all kinds of puzzles, quests, performances by artists.

In the Kyakhta Museum of Local Lore. Photo: Vasily Tararuev, UlanMedia

There are so many impressions about Buryatia that it is difficult to single out something: these are rituals, and clothes, and traditions, this is the very meeting of the new year according to the lunar calendar. Thank you very much to the organizers for the invitation, I will take a lot of positive impressions with me to Slovakia, - said "Saint Mikulas" in good Russian, which he also mastered while studying in the Soviet Union.

In Kyakhta. Photo: Vasily Tararuev, UlanMedia

Fairy-tale characters will amuse the residents of Buryatia until February 9th. Recall that this is not the first year when New Year characters from different nations come to the republic.

New Year's Eve is noisy, the long weekend is over, the work again takes us into its well-trodden rut... Have you already forgotten those wishes that you made, holding glasses of champagne in your hands and counting the last seconds of the outgoing year? How so?! You can't be so frivolous! After all, your new life depends on the fulfillment of what we dreamed about under the chimes! So we quickly remember everything and get down to business ...

Mid-February- this is a silver time of rest and purification, a period of transformation into a butterfly. For those who were born during this period, in 2018 will be fabulously lucky.

When will Sagaalgan be in 2018

With February 16 a period of strong winds will begin, turquoise water is the element of this time. AT 00 hours 05 minutes will come to us Sagaalgan - Shaman New Year according to the Buddhist calendar. The time will come to rule Yellow Earth Dog. However, about the main shamanic holiday later. Let's start, as they say, from the very beginning ...

First and second week of February. We celebrate the Shamanic New Year 2018.

Dear Carlos Castaneda spoke about the shamanic concept of "assemblage point", but hid the details of this very assembly. Therefore, we will have to take the initiative. Let's take as a basis the following statement: "assembly point" can be any action that destroys familiar programs. Even if it is non-destructive, we can manage, perhaps, without revolutions. Let's just try to change the usual course of events, to reject the routine.

1st of February go to the mirror. Look into your eyes. Would you like to go further in life with this person? If not, think about what you would like to change about yourself. Start small - with a real sincere smile. With a smile to myself. Would you say strange? Nothing weird, trust me. Many of our troubles are due to the fact that we do not know how to say a kind word to ourselves, we do not have time in the confusion to rejoice at our good intentions and especially deeds.

By the way, there is a sign: if 1st of February, on Makariev's day, you will see drops - it will be early spring. The first day sets the weather for the whole of February. And here February 6- on the day of Aksinya Spring Pointer - you can find out the weather for the whole spring.

Third week of February

The 14th of February- our favorite holiday holiday! Valentine's Day is ruby ​​day, as I call it. Color is especially important here. It is known that cars painted in any of the shades of red (including ruby) are less likely to get into accidents. Why? Yes, because they have very long and strong optical waves.

They quickly reach consciousness. It is believed that red is the color of sexuality, strength. If you are having romantic failures or need additional financial income, buy red underwear on the waxing moon and put it on for Valentine's Day!

For those who already have a certain wealth, I recommend keeping a red 500 euro bill in your wallet at all times as fiat. It is important to agree with yourself: “I have a bill in my wallet, and I don’t spend it, no matter what!” When she is constantly with you, the subconscious mind tunes in as follows: “I have money. I always have money. I have money under any circumstances. And not a ruble, and not some green dollar, and not even one euro, but as many as five hundred! This is, if not a fortune, then a very decent amount! I always have money, and they are with me. Your beautiful money does not just lie in your wallet, does not just “walk” with you to work, visit and shop, but gives you peace of mind and confidence in the future.

In the middle of the month -February, 15- Orthodox celebrate the Presentation of the Lord. This is not only a great religious holiday, but also a time for omens and divination. Don't miss the moment!

As I already said, February 16, 2018 Sagaalgan is coming. He should be met in white - that color symbolizes happiness and prosperity. The Shamanic New Year begins on the first day of the second lunar month following the winter solstice. Sagaalgan is a great time to look into tomorrow. My ancestors knew perfectly how to predict the future, for example, using a specially prepared lamb shoulder. In the absence of a spatula, you can pour wax into the water and see what the figures look like. If you suddenly manage to see the silhouette of an animal in a frozen piece, this is a sure sign of good luck and soon prosperity. Turn on your fantasy! As a shamanic gift on Sagaalgan, please accept my proven wish-fulfilling hex:

The earth is my body
Water is my blood.
Air is breath
Fire is my spirit
We are one!
The whole truth - come out
Everything is false - go away!
As I want, so be it!
No one can cancel my conspiracy!

Fourth week of February. Follow the signs of fate!

February 22 look at the sky, look at the birds, look at the trees and realize that there is a huge power behind us. It feeds the seas, winds, gives life to animals and, of course, people. Moreover, for those of us who understand it, feel it and call for help, the energy of the Earth will provide everything that is lacking for complete happiness. The question is, what is happiness? But no one will give you this understanding - here, please, act on your own. Just look at the birds and think: “But they are happy! Perhaps because they do not create barriers for themselves ... "

February 23- Defender of the Fatherland Day. For me, as for a man, this is a very important holiday: the entire female part of our family always congratulates their loved ones. My mother is proud of me, and this always warms my heart. May it be the same in your home. Dear ladies, do not skimp on kind words and smiles. Remember: protectors are not born, they are made. And a significant role in this belongs to you!

In the last week of February, pay special attention to the signs by which the world speaks to us. For example, the colder the last week of February, the warmer it is in March. And if 24 February, in the Vlasev frosts, you will see that the roads have melted - it's time to clean your feet in winter. These are all folk tales, of course. However, you need to acquire your own signs, so to speak, personal. There is no better period than the last days of the second month.

In all cases of life, shamans see the intervention of the spirits of Heaven, Earth, Mountains, Water, Ancestors. For me, the connection with nature, the feeling of its rhythms and harmony is a familiar way of being. I know that everything around is alive, animated. “It is a great sin to cause any harm to nature - this is what shamanic wisdom teaches. Why am I? And besides, at the end of the month, the Higher powers will especially closely observe our every step, paying tribute. Remember this. Do good and it will come back to you a hundredfold.

It is necessary to stock up on meat and dairy products in advance, accumulate sweets for kids who cannot be released without treats and tasty gifts;

Buy new clothes for yourself and gifts for your older relatives and guests;

Pay off monetary and moral debts and make peace with those with whom you quarreled;

Do not just a general cleaning, but by all means get rid of rubbish and old clothes: in the entire Buddhist East, this means getting rid of old failures;

Perform a purification ceremony - fumigate all family members, the house and existing buildings with incense;

Update the symbol of the house: in the old days, men in front of Sagaalgan updated the main symbol of the house - the hitching post, prepared new harness and saddle, and even changed the collar and leash of the dog. So, if you do not have an iron horse, you can please your dog with a new thing.

Seeing off the old year

The day before the New Year in Buryat is called "butuu uder" - literally translated, a closed, deaf or dark day. According to the lunar calendar, this is the thirtieth and final day of the last winter month. It symbolizes the old year, leaving in the "darkness" of time. It's a mix of old and new. That is why the tradition of seeing off the old year is called “butuulhe”. The day before "butuu", i.e. On the 29th day of the last winter month according to the lunar calendar, you must:

Finish the preparations, once again clean the house, the household and the surrounding area around the housing;

Shake out the bed and clothes;

For believers to perform the rite “burkhan delgeelge”, when the altar is festively decorated;

Establish dishes so that the food is consecrated by the deities and the next day it can be eaten;

Light “zula” (lamps) and “huzhe” (aromatic herbs pressed in the form of a stick);

The hostesses prepare dishes and begin to put them on the table in the afternoon;

In the evening of the “butuu” day, the whole family sits down at the table. On this darkest night, at the junction of the old and the new, you need to drink tea, fastening all the buttons of your clothes. According to the ancient Mongolian custom, in headdresses;

Tea is first presented to the fire and the gods, and then the hostess pours it for the owner of the house, then for the rest of the household;

On this day, believers should try to fast. It is highly undesirable to eat meat and drink alcohol. This makes it difficult to fully spiritually and physically prepare for the New Year, to focus on good thoughts and deeds.

Dugzhuuba is not a climax

Due to the brilliance of the fire, many mistakenly consider the Dugzhuub rite to be the culmination of the Khurals of the White Month. This is fundamentally wrong. It is here that those who visit the datsan make many mistakes.

It is forbidden: wiping the body and throwing dough or cloth into the fire during the “Dugzhuuba” rite, since the Khural itself is a kind of rite of general purification. Therefore, one should not throw dough and cotton wool containing impure bodily energy into the fire in which “rubbish” is burned.

Need: during the prayer service "Dugzhuub" and especially when burning "litter" to pray that sorrows and hardships remain in the outgoing year, so that the coming year will be bright and joyful.

We meet the dawn

In fact, more important than Dugzhuuba is the Khural Tsedor Lhamo, held on the last night of the old year. It is on this night that it is desirable to stay awake. It is believed that Lhamo (Sridevi) on New Year's Eve descends to the earth and goes around his clients, bestowing his blessing on them. She counts the people she has to protect in the coming year. She may not notice a sleeping person or take her for dead.

Sign of the New Year

The New Year and its first day have come, if you can distinguish the fingers of the hands in the predawn lightening darkness. Then you can safely congratulate your loved ones on the New Year.

Who and how to congratulate first?

On the first day, the children are the first to congratulate the head of the family on the holiday, who wishes them happiness and longevity;

If your parents are no longer alive or they are far away, then visit the elders in your family: uncle, aunt, brother or sister.

New Year's special gesture

The younger extends both hands to the elder, palms up, and the older, in turn, puts his hands on top, palms down. It should look like the younger one is supporting the older one under the elbows. This is a deeply symbolic gesture, signifying the willingness of the younger to always support the older in life. And if a man and a woman are the same age, then the woman is considered the youngest.

If you decide to follow the centuries-old ritual of presenting a gift to the end, then remember that the donor must hold a hadak in his hands. On top of it, a gift is placed on the palm of the right hand or on the joined palms. The giver and recipient must be wearing hats and face each other. If a gift is given to you, then you accept it while sitting and with both hands.

What to feed?

The festive table includes dishes that are rare for everyday food. According to ancient traditions, a boiled lamb's head served as an honorary dish. Now it can be successfully replaced by brisket. Of course, buuzy, khushuur, salamat, black pudding are being prepared, buhler is being cooked. And an indispensable attribute is dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream.

Test for knowledge of folk customs

If you are served a lamb shoulder, in no case do not eat it completely yourself. Only greedy people do this. Cut the meat into small pieces and divide it among all guests. And you are a generous person and a connoisseur of customs in the eyes of the owners!

"Buuzy - to all the little ones"

The first days of Sagaalgan in the villages resemble carols without songs. In the old days, children and youth gathered in groups and went around all the yards. They were treated in every house. After that, they visited their closest relatives living in remote uluses. Follow this principle now! Do not let your little guests go without gifts. No sweets - give money.

How not to gain weight from heavy meals

On the days of the White month, many fun outdoor games are held. Previously, they competed in ankle shooting (shagaai kharbaan), played chess and domino-dulun. Today you can see the old fun heer shaakh (break a bone with a fist), compete in singing (duu bulyaaldaan), dance an incendiary round dance (yokhor).

To drink or not to drink?

One of the most common misconceptions is that in Sagaalgan it is possible and even necessary to pay tribute to alcohol immoderately.

Visiting a datsan while intoxicated is unacceptable according to the laws of any religion and morality.

In the days after the onset of the New Year in any house, a guest will be served a glass or two. But if you have to go around several houses, consider the capabilities of the body.

After the New Year

In the first 15 days, divine services are held dedicated to the fifteen miracles of the Buddha. At this time, the “new” moon, growing, is considered the most suitable time for prayers and rituals for the year, because. the virtue accomplished at this time, marked by the blessing of the Buddha, is multiplied many times over.

Rites "sergem" and "dalga" are performed;

It's time to visit an astrologer lama (zurhaishi) and learn about the features of the year for yourself and your children;

The astrologer will also tell you what position your chi morin is in, symbolizing the state of your well-being.

In the correct position, the "winged horse" seems to take off into the air. If it “falls” upside down, then the person will have a bad mood, a breakdown, things will go very badly, he will be haunted by failures. Depending on the year of birth, chii morin has its own color. The lama reads a prayer, and the person hangs the hiy morin in the given direction.


Imagine how lucky the Buryats are - they have more New Year holidays than Russians. Ask which ones and why? Now I'll tell you.

Buryatia is the Republic of the Russian Federation, therefore Russian laws apply on its territory, including holidays. Therefore, the New Year, which is a public holiday in Russia, is celebrated in Buryatia in the same way as throughout the world: from December 31 to January 1. Buryats, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and representatives of other nationalities (Buryatia is a multinational republic) will celebrate the New Year 2016 in unison, joyfully and tasty. Then many will once again celebrate the Old New Year on the night of January 13-14 (a truly unique holiday). But on February 8, 2016, all residents of Buryatia will celebrate the New Year according to the Chinese lunar calendar, it is on February 8, 2016 that the year of the Fiery Red Monkey will come, and the White Month - Sagaalgan will come to Buryatia. Since 1991, the New Year according to the Chinese calendar has become an official holiday in Buryatia, this day is declared a day off in the republic, and if it falls on Saturday or Sunday, then the day off moves to the first working day following it. They are so lucky - they have three New Years. I won’t talk about the celebration of our common traditional New Year: everything is the same as ours - a Christmas tree, tangerines, Russian salad, herring under a fur coat, Blue Light, congratulations from the president, etc. But about Sagaalgan it is necessary to tell in more detail.

Well, firstly, this holiday, which embodies the transition from winter to spring and the onset of the New Year, has its roots in the 13th century, it was established by a descendant of Genghis Khan, Khan Kublai. The name of the holiday Sagaalgan was born from the Mongolian language, and in translation, as you already understood, means the White month or the Milky month. The festivities last for a whole month, and during this period, dairy products and white foods are preferred in food. Festive clothing should also be white or light colors. The white color for the Mongolian-speaking peoples, which include the Buryats, is a symbol of purity, holiness, prosperity and happiness. The holiday begins on the eve of the fact that in front of the datsan (Buddhist temple) a large ritual fire is lit, into which all those who come to worship throw old, unnecessary things, various rubbish, thus symbolically getting rid of everything outdated that interferes with life: misfortunes, grief, troubles; to enter the New Year renewed, not burdened by the baggage of old thoughts, worries and sadness. Relatives, relatives, friends and acquaintances prepare gifts for each other in advance, often white, and at the dawn of the first day of Sagaalgan they exchange them. The first gift usually goes to the oldest and most respected member of his family, then they always give gifts to children. In general, in Buryatia, people of the older generation are especially respectful. Throughout the month of Sagaalgan, festivities continue, without interruption from work, of course, when they meet, everyone congratulates each other, wishes health, prosperity, happiness, joy and good luck. Religious and family traditions and customs are closely intertwined in this holiday. A wonderful holiday that brings families together, teaches friendship, respect and sincere generosity.

Happy holiday to you all, Happy New Year 2016!

Buddhist believers around the world will meet the 2016th year according to the Eastern calendar on February 9th. The holiday will also be celebrated in Buryatia, the center of Buddhism in Russia. In the holiday calendar, the date of the New Year according to the Eastern calendar was officially entered 20 years ago - this day is an official holiday. About the rules of the Sagaalgan meeting and forecasts for 2016 - in our material.

Studying the historical roots of the White Month holiday - Sagaalgan, scientists have established that the holiday was originally a national holiday. In Eastern astrology, it was traditionally celebrated at the beginning of spring, when nature is cleansed, and, as part of nature, man is also cleansed. From time immemorial, the Buryats have considered the white color to be the color that brings happiness, kindness, good luck, peace, according to the manual for the celebration of the White Moon holiday. It became a religious holiday after the spread of Lamaism in the world (the latest trend in Buddhism).

Traditional Sagaalgan

The cult part of the celebration takes place in datsans, where on the eve of the holiday and after it, prayers are held for the well-being of all living beings on Earth. On the 29th day according to the lunar calendar, the rite of purification “dugzhuub” takes place in the datsans of the republic. This year it fell on February 7th. This rite involves the destruction of evil spirits in a ritual fire. As the clergymen of the Buddhist traditional sangha of Russia note, in this way all the impurities of the body, speech and mind of each person are burned. Believers bring pieces of dough or paper to the temple, with which they first wipe the body. They leave paper or dough where rubbish will be burned in the evening. During the prayer service, hostile spirits from all ten directions of the world and spirits that cause 64 types of suffering, illness, and premature death are infused into the magical trihedral cone “Sor” with a skull on top and flaming edges. Sor is taken out of the datsan and burned outside the monastery.

The last day of the old year - February 8 - is called "butuu uder". The name literally translates as a closed, deaf or dark day. The day symbolizes the old year, leaving in the "darkness" of time. On the eve, you need to clean your house cleanly, prepare as much food as possible and hang on the walls an image of deities revered in the family, in front of each of which a lamp is lit on the day before Sagaalgan. On this day, according to Buryat customs, it is forbidden to consume alcohol and meat.

Prayers in the datsans of the republic continue until February 23. One of the main ones is the Khural, dedicated to the goddess Baldan Lhamo. It will start at 22:00 on February 8 and end only at 06:00 the next day. It is believed that for those who do not sleep that night, she will grant her patronage and help in solving the most difficult issues. In order to receive the blessing of Lhamo, one can also get up early in the morning and light a lamp. The owner of the house should be the first to go outside and greet the sunrise with gifts from the whole family.

After the completion of all obligatory ceremonies and the advent of the new year, festivities begin. People celebrate and do nothing else. Note that in Buryatia, the day of celebration - February 9 - is traditionally officially declared a non-working day. On the first day of the White month, everyone visits guests, congratulates relatives and friends.

Buryats have a special New Year's greeting. The younger extends his hands to the elder with palms up, thereby showing that he is ready to accept all the good things from the oldest relative. The elder puts his hands on the hands of the younger, palms down, expressing his readiness to give it away. After that, the younger gives gifts to the elder, who, in turn, reciprocates. Women's gifts include scarves, cuts of fabric, tea bags, men's gifts - hadak (ritual silk rag, white ribbon or scarf) and tobacco.

Of particular importance is what kind of person visited your house first on the day of the New Year. It is best if it is a man with a happy fate. According to ancient tradition, it was believed that what kind of person comes to the house on the first day of the new year, this will be the new year for the family.

Equally important is what you serve to your guests. The festive table today consists of dishes that are rare for everyday life. According to ancient traditions, a boiled lamb's head (“teelai”) was an honorary dish. In addition, dairy products are always put on the table - sour cream, milk, cottage cheese, as well as buuzy, "buheleer" and other treats. Sagaalgan literally translated like the white month. In one version, Sagan hara is also translated as "curd month", that is, the month when cottage cheese (tsaga) appeared on the tables of nomadic cattle breeders. According to other versions, at the end of winter, when the holiday is celebrated, a massive offspring of livestock begins and white milk food (sagaan edeen) appeared in abundance on the table of nomads.

Buddhist Predictions for 2016

Buryatia sees off the year of the wooden sheep and welcomes the year of the fiery monkey. Giving forecasts, astrologers agree on one thing - the year will be like its mistress - bright and full of surprises. The head of the Buddhist traditional sangha of Russia, Pandito Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev, called the coming year of the red fire monkey according to the lunar calendar A year of great harvests. Sharing his expectations for the coming year, he quoted the text of the daily Message of Khambo Lama Dashidorzho Itigelov dated December 1, 2015.

The teacher described 2016 as a year of great harvests, but on the condition that each person applies great diligence in creating the causes of all their future successes, Ayusheev said. "Plant the seeds!" - such parting words were given to us by Khambo Lama Etigelov. And success always comes and will come to the one who is vigilant, vigilant in everything. These are the words of the great Master Nagarjuna.

Did Khambo Lama Dagba Ochirov in an interview IA "Vostok-Teleinform" said that luck in the coming year will accompany inquisitive and purposeful people.

The monkey is curious by nature, always looking for a way out in different situations. So, the symbol of the year will be favorable to people who have such character traits as perseverance and pressure. Those who are not looking for the reasons for their failures, but are looking for solutions to problems. Luck will also smile on creative people who are distinguished by curiosity, - notes Ochirov. - I wish that in the new year the inhabitants of the republic do not lose faith and go only forward.

Did Khambo Lama Dagba Ochirov advises all believers to visit the khurals of the Ivolginsky datsan, which will be held on the first 15 days of the new year according to the lunar calendar. According to him, it was at this time that “Buddha performed miracles.”

The Vice-Rector of the Buddhist University "Dashi Choynhorlin" Samdan Lama, who shared his forecasts with the publication "Tradition", also predicts a rich harvest year. In the year of the fiery monkey, according to him, angry and angry people, those who manifest the element of fire, will have a hard time. Samdan Lama advises not to neglect cleansing procedures, to be examined by doctors, especially those who were born in the year of the monkey. All believers are advised to do more "works of the spirit" - attend prayers and do exercises related to breathing exercises. Despite the crisis, Samdan Lama predicts a good time for businessmen and all people who know how to make decisions on time. Good luck will accompany, in particular, those who are spiritually rich and firmly on the path of enlightenment.

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