
How to clean chrome car parts. Ways to restore and clean chrome parts from plaque and rust. Crushed chalk or tooth powder


There are many different chrome elements on cars that give the appearance a kind of chic. Shiny elements, reflective effect - everything is like for a holiday. However, without proper care, the elements may fade, and minor scratches appear during operation. It is a misconception that chrome parts do not rust. Under the influence of moisture, rust can spoil the external luster of chrome. What to do in such cases and how to restore the presentable appearance of the elements - later in the article.

Where does rust come from

Rust () itself appears as a result of a long-term destructive effect of moisture on the metal (including chromium). If the car has chrome elements, you need to be very scrupulous in caring for them. Wash the car preferably with warm soapy water. After water procedures, chrome surfaces must be wiped with a soft cloth to eliminate water stains and excess moisture itself.

Attention!It is not recommended to wipe chrome with a hard sponge (for example, a double-sided kitchen sponge), as microcracks may appear on chrome parts. From such rough care, the details fade very quickly.

Chrome elements are also afraid of a sharp temperature drop. If you washed your car on a hot day, then leaving it in the scorching sun is not recommended. It is better to drive the car into the shade after water procedures.

Interesting to know! Salt and lemon juice in equal proportions helps to remove minor rust from chrome surfaces.

Remember! A strong pressure of water from a hose also has a negative effect on chrome parts.

It is allowed to use white spirit, kerosene, gasoline in the care of chrome elements (we moisten a soft cloth and wipe the parts, so we degrease them). But at the same time, it is always necessary to remove the remnants of such substances from the chrome-plated surface with a damp cloth (moistened in warm water).

How to remove rust

If, nevertheless, corrosion has imperceptibly crept up, then it must be dealt with immediately in order to prevent its growth over a larger area of ​​the chrome-plated part.

First, we perform a mechanical cleaning to remove the rust itself. It is best to remove the part first, and the process of removing rust from chrome should be carried out in a room where there will be no temperature difference. This is best done with special anti-corrosion products (such are sold in car dealerships). If the chrome layer is not damaged by rust, then such a part must be polished with WD-40 (this is an extreme case).

Did you know?Rust from chrome surfaces can be removed with Coca-Cola: we clean the damaged part from dust and dirt with warm soapy water, moisten ordinary foil in Coca-Cola and grind the corrosive area. Stains are quickly removed. After the procedure with cola, it remains to polish the part with a soft cloth or felt.

At home, you can use soda, but be very careful, because soda (due to hardness) is a little aggressive towards chromium. Chalk powder or any soft powder is less detrimental to chrome parts: tooth powder, GOI paste diluted with a few drops of engine oil (we take the composition on a flannel cloth and process the rust until we remove it).

Then be sure to cover this area with oil varnish to block the access of oxygen and moisture to the cleaned surface. If the rust has already “eaten through” the part through, you will have to do mechanical cleaning with grinding material (fine sandpaper or larger abrasive). Then you need welding, applying soil to the welds. Restoring chrome at home is completely impossible. It is better to turn to professionals.

Note! When buying chrome polish, make sure that it does not contain anhydrous ammonia and acid. This is "death" for chrome surfaces.

How to restore chrome parts

Chrome parts are best restored by professionals, however, you can also try to do a similar procedure with your own hands, armed in a car shop with special compounds for polishing chrome.

So, we stock up on patience and proceed to restore the rust-damaged part:

1. Remove the element and move it to the room (without temperature difference).

2. Degrease the item.

3. We remove rust in any of the ways described above.

4. Severe damage at home can be covered with a metallized film, paint the part or apply silver plating.

5. At home, it is necessary to carry out a silver reduction reaction from an inorganic salt (metachromization will result). But remember that silver is not suitable for coating external parts, as it wears out easily.

6. Before painting a chrome part, bring the surface to a matte state, degrease, prime in several layers: first, an acid primer (this will provide a strong adhesion to the surface), a basic primer for further protection against rust and adhesion to the paint, a filler primer (if it is necessary to level the surface) , the paint itself (after repeated degreasing).

Remember! Rust is better prevented than treated. Carefully take care of chrome elements, follow all the recommendations regarding the care of chrome, and the mirror shine of the car elements will please your eye for a long time.

In everyday life, we often encounter the problem of rust on various materials. In this article, we will tell you how to remove rust from chrome and nickel-plated surfaces. There is an opinion that chrome parts corrode less. But this is not so - chrome is covered with red spots no worse than ordinary iron.

What is chrome plating and why does it rust?

Chrome plating is a technology for coating metal surfaces with a thin layer of chromium. The most common chromium plating method is electroplating. The essence of this process is the deposition of chromium from the electrolyte onto a metal part under the influence of an electric current. Such actions significantly increase the strength of the material in products, make it more resistant to corrosion and allow the treated metal to be used for decorative purposes.

As a rule, chrome-plated metal is used in plumbing and mechanical engineering. Unfortunately, the beautiful shiny chrome surface acquires small scratches over time, which reveal the metal under the chrome. Under the influence of oxygen, an oxidation reaction occurs, as a result of which rust appears on the surface, which, as it turns out, is not easy to clean.

Important! The best way to get rid of rust is to prevent it from appearing.

Recommendations for the care of chrome elements of the car

To prevent the occurrence of all kinds of damage on the chrome surfaces of the car, you should, first of all, take care of their care:

  • When washing a car with chrome elements, it is advisable to use warm soapy water. It is necessary to wipe all chrome parts with a soft cloth or sponge immediately after washing.
  • A chrome-plated bumper is best wiped with a cloth dampened with warm water for softness.

Important! From processing with rough materials, chrome parts are covered with a network of micro-scratches and quickly fade.

  • To reliably protect the bumper from corrosion, after cleaning it with any composition from rust, it is necessary to generously lubricate the inside of the lining with “Litol”.
  • For the durability of chrome parts, exposure to strong temperature changes and high humidity should be avoided.

Important! In summer, after washing, it is better to put the car in the shade. In winter, it is recommended to use special protective sprays.

  • The water pressure during cleaning should have a small power. This will gently clean delicate surfaces.

Important! Leaving the garage with traces of moisture on chrome parts is not recommended. Wipe them dry before riding or wait until the drops dry naturally.

  • From time to time, you can wipe the chrome parts with kerosene, then wash it off with warm water. Care must be taken to ensure that kerosene, gasoline or white spirit never remains on the surface of the parts. Kerosene is also used to degrease chrome prior to polishing.

Important! Keep baking soda and mineral oil away from chrome surfaces.

  • To protect chrome parts, you can use a special varnish or technical vaseline. These substances protect well against corrosion, but may slightly impair the appearance of chrome.

Important! It is necessary to update such protection once every 2-3 months.

  • To remove traces of stains and grease, use cleaners.
  • For effective and high-quality protection, it is better to use tools specially designed for this.

How to remove rust from a chrome surface at home?

How to clean the chrome shelf in the bathroom and other products? If corrosion spots nevertheless appear, the first step is to localize the source of its spread, clean and remove the rusted area. After that, cover the surface with oil varnish. To remove rust from a chrome surface, you can do without special expensive cleaners. You can find the necessary substances for this at home.

Baking soda

It is necessary to use this tool with great care, as soda can provoke the appearance of small scratches. But if you apply it correctly, you will be able to remove rust from the chrome surface without damaging it. For this:

  1. Mix baking soda with water until you get a paste.
  2. Apply the mixture to the damaged area and leave for a few minutes.
  3. Remove soda and dirt with a damp soft cloth.

Important! Make sure the baking soda doesn't dry out. Do not leave the paste on the surface for a long time.

Pounded chalk or tooth powder:

  1. A similar fine abrasive substance is applied to a flannel rag and the surfaces are treated.
  2. After cleaning the rust spots, the powder and rust residues are removed with a damp soft cloth.

Coca Cola + foil

For this method of removing corrosion, you can use not only Coca-Cola. Pepsi and other similar drinks will easily cope with rust on chrome surfaces:

  1. Wipe all chrome surfaces with a soft cloth to remove dust and dirt.
  2. Wash the parts with warm water.
  3. Take plain food foil, moisten it with Coca-Cola and sand the chrome parts to remove rust spots.
  4. It is advisable to polish the surface after treatment with felt or a soft cloth.

Important! The aluminum foil method works by transferring electrons between metals, reversing the corrosion process. This method must first be tested on a small inconspicuous area to make sure that such an action does not damage the surface.

Table vinegar:

  1. Fill a plastic bag with vinegar.
  2. Secure the bag over the pieces with a rubber band and leave for a few hours or overnight. Small parts can be thrown inside the bag.

Important! The time of exposure to vinegar on the surface is determined by the degree of rust damage.

Salt and Lemon Juice:

  1. Mix equal parts lemon juice and salt.
  2. With a soft cloth dampened with the mixture, treat the damaged surface.

GOI paste + engine oil:

  1. Dilute the GOI paste with two drops of engine oil.
  2. Using a piece of felt soaked in the resulting product, treat the rusty surface.
  3. Carefully remove any remaining rust and product with a clean, damp cloth.

Important! Care must be taken to use this method, as the paste is usually coarse-grained. But it is this tool that gives an excellent result, even if you need to remove rust from a chrome surface with a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage.

Potatoes and laundry soap:

  1. Cut the potatoes in two.
  2. Rub each part in the cut area thoroughly with laundry soap.
  3. Place the potatoes on the rust spots for a few hours.
  4. Remove corrosion residues after a while with a damp soft cloth.

Copper sulfate and hydrochloric acid:

  1. Mix 200 grams of copper sulfate and 50 grams of strong hydrochloric acid in 1 liter of water.
  2. Dip a swab into the resulting solution and blot any rust stains with it.
  3. After - it is necessary to wipe everything with a weak solution of baking soda, rinse with warm water and dry.

Important! Be sure to perform this entire procedure only with rubber gloves. Be careful not to get the solution on skin or clothing.

Dry cement

Using such a fine abrasive will help not only remove rust from the chrome surface, but also polish it:

  1. Apply dry cement with a soft cloth or felt to damaged areas of chromed metal. Rub them lightly.
  2. Wipe with a dry cloth and degrease the metal.
  3. Place a soft cloth in a metal jar with melted medical wax (paraffin).
  4. When the fabric is soaked, remove it from the jar, wait until it cools down and beat off the excess wax.
  5. Rub the surface with a wax cloth to a shine.


In case of severe corrosion, as a last resort, you can use a common tool WD-40. It is applied like this:

  1. Spray generously and leave for at least 15 minutes.

Important! The optimal processing time for best results is 1 hour.

  1. After the time has elapsed, wipe the parts well.

Chrome shines like new.

Removing rust from chrome surfaces of plumbing and kitchen items

We encounter chrome surfaces in our daily life all the time. Initially, they delight us with their brilliance and radiance in the bathroom and kitchen. In the loss of the beautiful appearance of such elements, soap suds, mold on plumbing, dust and dirt in any form play an important role. To maintain a clean, shiny look, regular cleaning and maintenance of chrome elements is essential. To do this, you can use the following tools:

  • Multifunctional cleaners, as well as glass cleaners (“Mr. Muscle”, “Help”, “Clin” and others). Wipe the chrome with a soft cloth.
  • Baking soda and sparkling water are natural alternatives to ready-made detergents.
  • You can remove soap suds from chrome fixtures with anti-static wipes or cooking spray.
  • To remove soap scum, you can mix baking soda with water, apply it to the surface, and let it sit for a few minutes. Then wipe the surface with a soft, damp cloth.

Useful tips for removing rust from chrome surfaces:

  • If the rust has eaten through the chrome coating, machining is necessary. The grit level of grinding materials is determined by how deeply the parts are damaged by corrosion. In some cases, fine emery is enough, in others - a larger grain.

Important! Carefully choose the material with which you will apply the cleanser. Sandpaper of any grain size is absolutely not suitable for these purposes, as it can cause scratches. Remember that each new scratch is an additional access of oxygen to the metal, it enhances the rusting process.

  • If a significant amount of metal is removed during mechanical friction, it is necessary to protect it by applying a primer to welds and other areas.
  • The use of acids is possible only if they are immediately removed from the surface of the parts after processing.
  • Polish can be used if the damage is shallow. Polishes must not contain acid or anhydrous ammonia.
  • To remove rust from chrome surfaces and not damage it, you can use metal wool (steel wool). For particularly resistant rust, metal wool can be combined with other cleaning agents.
  • You can apply a protective coat of polish for chrome, rust spray or a deep penetrating lubricant like Prolong, NANOPROTECH, Nordtech, etc. Although these products are quite expensive, in the long run they are economically beneficial, because in this way surface wear will be significantly reduced, saving you from expensive rust removal procedures.
  • It is best to restore corroded chrome parts using specialized compounds that can be purchased at automotive stores.

Removing rust from metal

Not only chrome surfaces can be cleaned with home remedies. Almost all of the above methods are quite effective in removing traces of rust on ordinary metal. In addition to them, you can also use the following tools to get the desired result faster:

  • You can remove rust from metal as quickly as possible using chemicals. As a rule, they include phosphoric or oxalic acid. Under the influence of acid, rust is completely dissolved.

Important! Such products are very toxic, so it is necessary to work with them in rubber gloves and a respirator.

  • You can also remove rust from metal using rust removers, which will stop the rust from spreading. Means in the form of aerosols are applied to the iron with a light layer.
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A distinctive feature of cars of past years is the use of chrome parts in the exterior and interior trim. Chrome plating is the coating of the surface of steel parts with chromium. The chromium layer protects the metal from corrosion and improves the appearance of the metal surface, giving the car an original look. But over time, under the influence of an aggressive external environment, the glossy surface of chrome parts becomes cloudy, spots and scratches appear on it. This reduces the attractiveness of the exterior or interior of your car. To restore the original look and not damage the thin layer of chrome, you need to know how to properly clean the chrome parts of the car. By following the instructions below, you can clean the chrome surface from plaque and restore its original shine.

You will need:

  • clean rag
  • Cleaning products (one of your choice):
    • Chrome Surface Cleaner
    • Baking soda
    • Glass cleaner
    • Dishwashing liquid
    • Medical alcohol
    • Vinegar
    • Lemon juice
  • Manicure brush
  • Lemon skin
  • Metal polishing cloth
  • Car wipes
  • Carnauba or car wax
  • Brush with short bristles

Cleaning chrome car parts

  1. If possible, rinse the metal under running water to remove any dirt from the surface. If this is not possible, wipe the chrome part with a damp cloth.
  2. Choose a cleaner from the list above. Soak a rag or nail brush in it and clean the chrome parts. Baking soda works well for removing stains and streaks from chrome surfaces.
  3. Thoroughly rinse the remaining cleaning agent from the metal.
  4. If the chrome surface is dull, wipe it with lemon peel or a metal polishing cloth. Rinse the treated part with water.
  5. Buff the chrome piece to a shine with a dry cloth or car wipe.
  6. Cover the metal with a thin coat of carnauba or automotive wax to help keep the chrome looking longer. Try not to get the wax into the joints, as it will then be difficult to remove it from there and dirt may accumulate under it over time.
  7. If, however, the wax gets into the joints and seams, then immediately remove it. A car brush with short bristles or a large paint brush with short bristles (or wrapped with duct tape at the base) works well for this purpose.
  • Always use the minimum amount of abrasive and a more gentle chrome cleaner. Try stronger cleaners if necessary.
  • You can polish the chrome surface. Use only the amount of cleaner needed to clean chrome parts.
  • Chrome parts should only be sanded if necessary to remove stains.
  • Rubbing chrome with baby oil will remove some types of stains.
  • Never use chlorine bleach or strong acid to clean chrome parts, as this will damage the protective chrome layer and leave small holes in the metal surface.
  • If you need to store some chrome product for a long time, lubricate it with petroleum jelly - this will protect it from corrosion during storage.

Car enthusiasts who attach great importance to the appearance of their iron pet often wonder how to clean chrome car parts. Chrome coating is designed to protect the metal from aggressive environmental influences and at the same time serves as a decoration that gives the car an elegant look. But over time, it also lends itself to corrosion, oxidation, becomes cloudy and becomes covered with cracks. To keep it in its original form for as long as possible, care is required.

In order for the chrome-plated surface not to lose its original appearance, it is necessary to carry out its periodic cleaning. You need to do this from the moment you buy the car.

Car care for chrome parts of a car includes two types of work:
  1. Actually cleaning the surface from rust and plaque.
  2. Polishing the cleaned part.

If the damage to the parts is not too deep, all the work to eliminate them can be done by hand, without resorting to the services of a car service.

If the chrome on the part has peeled off or crumbled in places of recesses or holes, it is impossible to restore the coating at home. In this case, it is necessary to completely remove the chromium and re-chromize the surface.

There are many cleaning products for chrome car parts. They can be purchased at an auto shop or use the household tools available in every home. When purchasing auto cosmetics, you should pay attention to the designations on the label, indicating that it has the ability to restore chrome plating.

Cleaning can be done with sponges, washing off the cleaning agent with water, and the final polishing is best done with a microfiber or fleecy woolen cloth.

On the Internet you can find many tips on how to clean rust on a car. The choice of a particular method depends on how deeply it has eaten into the surface of the part. Corrosion may be present in the form of small points, or it may appear as deeper damage, accompanied by swelling and shedding of chromium. This most often occurs under the influence of reagents that are used on roads in winter.

To remove rust spots, you can use:
  1. Means for cleaning gas stoves. It is mixed with soda one by one and a little warm water is added to make a paste.
  2. A mixture of citric acid and salt.
  3. Coca-Cola. It cleans small damaged areas well.
  4. WD-40.

In addition to improvised means, you can clean damaged areas using compounds specially designed for caring for chrome surfaces. These are Doctor Wax, Soft99 Chrome Cleaner and others.

Do not use sandpaper for cleaning. With its help, you can only scratch the part more strongly.

In addition to rust, dirt and various oil deposits can accumulate on chrome parts. They must be washed off before cleaning. After the surface has been washed, you can begin to remove rust. When using special compounds, it is enough to put a few drops on a rag and rub until the part begins to shine.

If do-it-yourself mixtures are used, they are applied to the surface and left for a while so that they enter into a chemical reaction with rust.

There are times when the car was washed and cleaned using all possible means, but rust and stains on chrome parts still remain.

In these cases, the following can help restore their appearance:

  • use of chrome film;
  • chemical plating.

Do not use cheap Chinese film. It is short-lived and can soon inflate and peel off at the edges.

Before using the film, it is necessary to achieve maximum smoothness of the restored surface. If it is severely damaged, the old chrome coating is removed.

Chemical plating is a more complex process. Compared to the galvanic chromium plating method, it is much cheaper, but it will be extremely difficult to make it at home.

The development of the automotive industry today boasts both an impressive scale and a very rapid pace. Nevertheless, there are some issues that, to one degree or another, remain problematic for many motorists, both half a century ago and in modern conditions.

One of these issues is how to prevent damage to all kinds of chrome parts and elements of the car, as well as how to restore them.

Let's start with prevention methods. How to prevent the occurrence of all kinds of damage on the chrome surfaces of the car? The beautiful reflective and shiny chrome surface becomes covered with small scratches over time, and it simply fades, from which the overall appearance of the car undoubtedly suffers.

There is a widespread belief that chrome parts rust less. This is not so, chrome rusts no worse than ordinary iron itself, therefore, first of all, you need to be careful about washing a car with chrome elements. Water should preferably be soapy and warm, and immediately after washing, it is recommended to wipe all chrome elements with a soft foam sponge or cloth. Remember that chrome parts tarnish quickly from being treated with rough materials, becoming covered with a network of micro scratches. Therefore, before, for example, wiping a chrome-plated bumper with a rag, be sure to moisten it with warm water for softness.

In order for chrome parts to last for a long time, strong temperature changes and excessive moisture should also be avoided. In summer, after washing, it will be enough to rearrange the car in the shade. In winter, it is best to use special protective sprays. In addition, the pressure of water during washing should be tried to be made weaker. And don't leave the garage with traces of moisture on the surface of the chrome parts.

Periodically, you can also wipe the chrome parts with kerosene, then wash it off with warm water. At the same time, care must be taken that neither kerosene nor white spirit ever remain on the surface of these parts. Avoid contact with soda and mineral. For degreasing before polishing chrome, use kerosene.

Corrosion is the most serious problem for all chrome parts, because they are inevitably exposed to aggressive road environments. Therefore, the best way to get rid of rust is to prevent rust. To do this, you can use a special varnish or technical vaseline. These substances do a good job of protecting, but they can slightly degrade the appearance of chrome. Plus, you will need to update such protection approximately once every 2-3 months.

Polished chrome door handle

For high-quality and effective protection, it is best to use specialized tools. Due to the action of water with various salts in the composition, even the highest quality products can become covered with corrosion spots. The first thing to do in this case is to localize the source of corrosion, to perform mechanical cleaning, removing the rusted area. After that, the surface is also covered with oil varnish.

To remove rust at home, baking soda is also suitable, with which, however, you need to be careful, as it can be too hard. Alternatively, you can use a soft powder or powdered chalk on a flannel cloth.

It is best to restore corrosion-damaged chrome-plated parts using specialized compounds that can be purchased at an auto shop. Despite this, you can come up with something without specialized tools.

With severe corrosion, you can use such a common tool as, but this will be an extreme case.

WD-40 or simply "Vedeshka" - it can also easily remove corrosion from chrome

Before cleaning a rusted part, the first step is to remove it from the car and move it to a place where there will be no temperature changes. In a situation where rust eats through the chrome coating through, machining will be required. The level of abrasiveness of materials for grinding is determined by the depth of corrosion damage to parts. For some cases, a fine emery will suffice, for others, a coarser abrasive.

When removing a significant amount of metal, you need to take care of its protection, apply primer to the welding seams, etc.

A full-fledged chrome plating process at home is not possible. It is very likely to achieve a silver reduction reaction with an inorganic salt, but the resulting coating is a bit brittle and not at all practical as a coating for external parts.

To remove traces of stains and grease, use cleaners. The use of acids is allowed, but only if, immediately after processing, they are removed from the surface of the parts. Do not allow anhydrous ammonia or acid in the polish. Polish will be required if the damage is shallow. In addition, you can also use chalk, any kind of tooth powder, GOI paste, which should be diluted with two drops of motor oil. Keep in mind that the paste is usually coarse-grained, so be careful when removing damage and polishing here.

There is also another popular folk remedy for removing rust - foil dipped in Coca-Cola.

Here is an example of a sequence of actions to remove rust from car chrome parts using Coca-Cola, Pepsi and similar drinks.

1. To begin with, carefully wipe all the chrome surfaces that we want to clean from dust.

2. After that, you should additionally wash the surfaces with warm water.

4. After processing, it is desirable to polish the surface with felt. If there is no felt, use a regular soft cloth.

When using specialized rust removers, the algorithm of work is, by and large, the same. It should also be noted that if the rust is initially quite deep, it may be worthwhile to first apply sandpaper or other abrasive products. Only this must be done very carefully and purposefully, so as not to remove the excess layer of coating.

And remember that under any circumstances and in any conditions, it is the attentive and caring attitude to chrome parts that is the main factor in achieving its ideal appearance.