
Lunar calendar for haircuts and coloring


With the onset of summer, we dream of only one thing - rest. The soul rejoices and sings, thinking about the pleasures of the upcoming summer holidays and planning a vacation, the heart trembles with impatience as in childhood.

The influence of summer on our appearance is quite controversial. The skin acquires an attractive golden tone, but, unfortunately, the hair, as a rule, loses its attractiveness during the summer. Without proper care, they become increasingly dry and dull. Why is this happening? First of all, due to the bright summer sun and drying wind, the hair quickly loses moisture, and the scalp also becomes dry. Therefore, taking care of hair, in the summer more attention should be paid to moisturizing the hair.

In order to minimize the negative effect of the sun on the hair structure, in the summer it is recommended to choose products from the moisturizing series for hair care: shampoos, balms, serums, moisturizing masks and special moisturizing sprays. Hair will also be happy and grateful for natural care, such as rinsing with nettle or chamomile infusion. It also has a positive effect on the hair roots.

Milk thistle oils or olive oil will help restore shine and radiance to dry hair. A small amount of oil is applied to the hair roots before shampooing, left for about 20 minutes and washed off with shampoo. The procedure must be repeated 2 times a week.

Taking care of the health of hair according to lunar rhythms, it is important to take into account that it is better to use all nourishing and restorative procedures and masks for hair during the growing moon. And if you cut your hair on the growing moon, then the hair will grow back faster. In June, the moon grows from June 5 to June 20. A haircut for the waning moon will have a positive effect on the hair roots, strengthening them, but the hair will grow more slowly. The moon wanes from June 1 to June 5 and at the end of the month after June 20.

The most favorable days for haircuts in June 2016: 2, 3, 9, 11 .
Most unfavorable: 4, 20, 28 .

A more detailed overview can be found in the attached table below.
Favorable, unfavorable and neutral days for haircuts in June 2016 are calculated taking into account the phases of the moon, the position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, the energy of lunar days, the moon without a course and its planetary aspects. Moscow time.

Date and description moon day Moon in sign Phase
1 Bad day. Moon without course 18:42-24:00. 26 Aries
2 A very auspicious day It should be borne in mind that the moon is waning and the hair will grow back more slowly, but will be healthier and stronger. Strengthening the roots. Moon without course 00:00-05:46. 27 Aries / Taurus
3 A very auspicious day. The same as yesterday. Good day for a makeover. 28 Taurus
4 Bad day. Moon without course 02:02-06:01. 29 Taurus / Gemini
5 Bad day. Planning procedures for caring for your appearance for the next lunar month. Moon without course 19:47-24:00. 30/1 Twins New moon
6 Bad day. Moon without course 00:00-06:41. 1/2 Gemini / Cancer
7 Bad day. 2/3 Cancer
8 auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair (especially in bright, golden and light brown shades) but only from 09:47. Hair will grow faster. You can do a perm if you want your hair to be very curly. Moon without course 03:18-09:47. 3/4 Cancer / Leo
9 A very auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair (especially in bright, golden and light brown shades) as well as for laminating or hair extensions. Hair will grow faster. You can do a perm if you want your hair to be very curly. 4/5 a lion
10 Favorable time before 10:14 and after 16:24. Moon without course 10:14-16:46. 5/6 Leo / Virgo
11 auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair (especially in dark brown and black shades) . Hair will grow faster. The day is suitable for all restorative and strengthening procedures and for perms. 6/7 Virgo
12 Neutral day until 17:27. Moon without course 17:47-24:00. 7/8 Virgo First quarter
13 Neutral day until 14:22. Moon without course 00:00-03:33. 8/9 Virgo / Libra
14 auspicious day but only after 15:29. Hair will grow faster. 9/10 Scales
15 auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair (especially in light colors), for light, airy styling but only from morning to 10:00. Hair will grow faster. Moon without course 10:00-16:18. 10/11 Libra / Scorpio
16 Bad day. 11/12 Scorpion
17 Bad day. 12/13 Scorpion
18 auspicious day for haircuts, hair coloring (especially in red and red shades). Hair will grow back faster. Moon without course 00:00-04:34. 13/14 Scorpio / Sagittarius
19 auspicious day for haircuts, hair coloring (especially in red and red shades). Hair will grow back faster. 14/15 Sagittarius
20 Bad day. Moon without course 14:02-14:55. 15/16 Sagittarius / Capricorn Full moon
21 auspicious day 16/17 Capricorn
22 Auspicious day. Same as yesterday but until 11:57. Moon without course 11:57-23:08. 17/18 Capricorn / Aquarius
23 Neutral day. The result may not be as expected. Hair will grow back more slowly. 18/19 Aquarius
24 Neutral day until 18:48. The result may not be as expected. Moon without course 18:48-24:00. 19/20 Aquarius
25 Bad day. Moon without course 00:00-05:30. 20/21 Aquarius / Pisces
26 Bad day. Moon without course 22:55-24:00. 21 Fish
27 Bad day. Moon without course 00:00-10:08 22 Pisces / Aries Last quarter
28 Bad day. 23 Aries
29 auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair (especially in dark brown and black shades) but only from 13:03. Hair will grow more slowly, but will be healthier and stronger. Strengthening the roots. Moon without course 10:46-13:03. 24 Aries / Taurus
30 auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair (especially in dark brown and black shades). Hair will grow more slowly, but will be healthier and stronger. Strengthening the roots. 25 Taurus

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Since the beginning of time, people have been watching the moon and exploring its influence on nature and man. Perhaps many today consider this a prejudice, but they cut their hair only on certain phases of the moon and days of the lunar calendar. Our site gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with the most favorable days of the month of June and correctly set the date for visiting the hairdresser.

June 1, 2016, waning moon The general condition of the hair will not change,
in the sign of Aries, a haircut should be abandoned this
day, because hair can later
start falling out, and the ends - split,
coloring and general strengthening
procedures, on the contrary, will only bring

June 2, 2016, waning moon Today is a very good day for
in the sign of Taurus, putting your hair in order.
The haircut will be successful and the hair
They will grow beautiful and healthy.

June 3, 2016, waning moon Image change and hair color change
in the sign of Taurus today is most welcome, but a simple
hairstyle will help improve
well-being and attract to you
good luck.

June 4, 2016, waning moon Haircut to improve the condition of the hair, but
in the sign of Gemini, they may begin to curl. Coloring
hair negatively reflected on
general state of health.

June 5, 2016, new moon After the haircut, the hair will begin to grow
in the sign of Gemini is faster, but the haircut itself is negative
affect your well-being.
To protect yourself from the negativity of others
it is better to collect hair in a braid.

June 6, 2016, growing moon If you have a desire to get rid of
in the sign of Cancer from the obsessive guardianship of their loved ones -
today is a good day for that.
Rebel Day, and your hair
rebel with you and them as
never hard to lay down.

June 7, 2016, waxing moon Today is the most suitable for
in the sign of Cancer haircut day, if you require
radically change your
welfare and make another
step up the career ladder.

June 8, 2016, waxing moon To get rid of negativity and
in the sign of Leo, bad thoughts will have a haircut
correct option, also useful
try yourself in a new business.

June 9, 2016, waxing moon Day of unbridled energy and
in Leo of Change. Your hairstyle is lush
lion's mane, and all procedures -
only for the benefit of hair health and
to improve your mood.

June 10, 2016, the growing Moon Haircut will help "cut"
in the sign of Leo is negative, and the refusal to stain -
peace and tranquility in your family.
Worth giving preference
Strict and calm hairstyles.

June 11, 2016, waxing moon Haircut is acceptable, but your
in the sign of Virgo, sexual energy will gain
the greatest freedom in
significant change in style.
Release your freedom
Femininity, let your
curls to fall freely!

June 12, 2016, growing moon Life situation
stabilizes in the sign of Virgo, and circumcised
hair will grow back quickly. Today
all problems are easily solved.

June 13, 2016
in the sign of Libra, experiments on hair and
own style - exists
opportunity to attract

June 14, 2016, the growing moon Haircut will go well, but
in the sign of Libra there is a possibility too
go into the gap, and then regret about
perfect. Be careful.

June 15, 2016, waxing moon The day is filled with energy and
positive in the sign of Libra, and a haircut can be bad
affect well-being. Not
worth it, spend the day active
hobbies, and spend the evening with
close ones.

June 16, 2016, waxing moon This day is extremely successful for
in the sign of Scorpio haircuts of thin and sparse hair,
and also extremely successful for everyone
wellness procedures.
Today there is a chance to
relationship with the opposite

June 17, 2016, waxing moon Unexpected changes in your
in the sign of Scorpio of appearance will attract material
good, but bold hairstyles are not
leave no one indifferent
your admirer. Time

June 18, 2016, waxing moon Small style changes
in the sign of Sagittarius will be appropriate, but today is not the same
day on which it is appropriate
be completely transformed.

June 19, 2016, the growing moon The most unfavorable for
day of the month in the sign of Sagittarius. Shouldn't start
responsible projects today
and think ahead. All
changing too fast,
including cutting and coloring
will be kept for a long time. Hair
fully activated their

June 20, 2016, Full Moon Haircut on this day bears
in the sign of Sagittarius, liberation from all past
troubles and worries,
helps to cleanse
new plans and
successful accomplishments.

June 21, 2016, the waning moon Haircut will help strengthen the roots
in the sign of Capricorn hair and put your thoughts in order.
Today is meditation day
Planning, self-cleaning and

June 22, 2016, waning moon Today is the day of the New and
in the sign of Capricorn the Unknown. Day
Change and Change. You wish
to begin a new life? Then
you need a haircut today.

June 23, 2016, waning moon Do you want extravagance or
in the sign of Aquarius or even your extreme
hairstyles? Woke desire
do crazy things? Dare!
Everything is possible today!

June 24, 2016, waning moon Relay continues
in the sign of Aquarius, radical changes in oneself and
own life. Leave the gray and
routine to others. It's come
time to become brighter, to give freedom
irresistibility and conquer all!

June 25, 2016, waning moon Day of calm and rest.
in the sign of Pisces Do not burden your appearance
change, give
tranquility preferences
and ease of hair. A haircut
Not recommended.

June 26, 2016, waning moon The brightest day and to him
in the sign of Pisces fully correspond
give preference to light
tones in clothes. It will attract
the right people, and a haircut
help avoid problems with

June 27, 2016, waning moon A new haircut will enhance
in the sign of Aries self-esteem and others
recognize your achievements.
Will contribute to resolution
problems with the respiratory system.
Don't cut too much
short - waning moon
slows down hair growth.

June 28, 2016, waning moon There will be an aggravation
in the sign of Aries creative "I". you are original
and all conditions assume
successful independent
experiments with your
appearance and hair. However,
shaving is not recommended.

June 29, 2016, the waning moon The day is conducive to self-knowledge
in the sign of Aries and reflections. There is no
the need to change something
Moreover, any changes
style can have a negative impact
on your life.

June 30, 2016, the waning moon Haircut will be held with a bang and
in the sign of Aries will have an extremely successful effect on
the quality of your life. Forward,
to new achievements!
Our advice will help you to always be beautiful and successful, in any life situation and under any circumstances.

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Haircut lunar calendar for June 2016 indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the location of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable lunar days for cutting hair. The lunar haircut calendar will allow you to almost always be aware of what the moon is at the moment. The lunar hair cutting calendar for June 2016 will be able to assist you in planning a visit to the hairdresser and will be able to help you determine the favorable and unfavorable days of the month for hair cutting.

Haircut lunar calendars by day for a year ahead:

In the haircut lunar calendar for June 2016, various events have a certain effect on cutting a person's hair. By choosing the most favorable day for a haircut, you will save your positive forces and get rid of all the negative, find harmony with yourself and the outside world.

The life of each person passes according to his natural individual rhythm. With the help of the lunar calendar of haircuts for June 2016 with the display of lunar rhythms, you can explain the various mysteries that mother nature asks us.

Until that time, they were incomprehensible, but if you pay attention to the gravitational field of the Earth, the ebb and flow, it becomes clear why the distribution of blood in the human body changes under the influence of the Moon, which in turn affects its behavior. In addition, the Moon has a significant effect on hair growth.

The moon makes a full circle around our planet in 30 days, so some months have an unfinished lunar cycle. During the incomplete lunar cycle, you may encounter some problems and troubles. With a 30-day cycle, the month passes more favorably.

According to the lunar haircut calendar for June 2016, the main dates that affect the entire month are the New Moon (5th) and the Full Moon (19th).

Lunar haircut calendar by day for June 2016

June 1st- Waning Moon in Aries. The beginning of the month is not the best time to experiment with hair length and color. This threatens with trouble, overwork and headache.

2 June- Waning Moon in Taurus. A haircut can adversely affect the quality of the hair - dandruff will appear, the ends will begin to split.

June 3- Waning Moon in Taurus. If you do not want conflicts in the family, avoid any hair manipulation. Even at home, they should not be twisted or stacked.

June 4- Waning Moon in Gemini. Today it is better not to experiment with hair - postpone it for a more favorable period.

June 5- New Moon in Gemini. The trip to the master will turn out well - it will bring you health and good luck. The new image of others will be a success.

June 6 Waxing Moon in Cancer. Allow yourself to color your hair, but in natural shades. The image may seem unusual, but you will like it.

June 7 Waxing Moon in Cancer. Today's haircut will bring serious expenses and financial difficulties a month later. Move the trip to the master to another June day.

June 8 Waxing Moon in Leo. Manipulations with the hair will lead to poor health, possibly exacerbation of chronic diseases.

the 9th of June Waxing Moon in Leo. It is not recommended to go to the hairdresser - you will cut your luck, which will return only with the next growing moon.

June 10th Waxing Moon in Leo. Do not spend effort to change your appearance - the result will not please. Instead, irritability and a bad mood will appear.

June 11th Waxing Moon in Virgo. Deal with the planned affairs, and leave the haircut for another time. Coloring today is possible only in the salon and with natural substances.

12 June Waxing Moon in Virgo. Together with the cut curls, all the bad things will go away - you will be in harmony with the inner world.

June 13- Growing Moon in Libra. Change the length - this will attract financial well-being. If you feel sorry for the hair, do not worry - they will grow back quickly.

June 14- Growing Moon in Libra. Haircut will heal the hair, they will become obedient and thick. Today's trip to the salon is good luck.

June 15- Growing Moon in Libra. A favorable date for both a haircut and cardinal changes, as well as for a simple trimming of the tips. This is the best time in June to visit the master.

June 16 Waxing Moon in Scorpio. Neutral day - to do something with the hair today or not, depends on the need. If you have time, wait a little.

June 17 Waxing Moon in Scorpio. A haircut today will lead to envy and intrigues of others. Your rivals and enemies will profit from your misfortune.

June 18- Growing Moon in Sagittarius. Hair manipulation will attract new acquaintances that will play a positive role in your personal life and at work.

June 19- Growing Moon in Sagittarius. Hair cut today - to good luck, success and health. Your hair will become smooth, beautiful, the problem with dandruff will disappear.

June 20 Full Moon in Sagittarius. Today, you should not trust your hair even to loved ones - only self-styling, washing and other actions.

21st of June- Waning Moon in Capricorn. Do yourself a favor - go to the master. Hair growth will accelerate, their structure will improve.

June, 22- Waning Moon in Capricorn. A new image promises useful acquaintances, just don’t get carried away - the haircut should not be too short.

June 23- Waning Moon in Aquarius. A very bad day for shortening your hair - you will absorb a lot of negative energy, which will end in stress and depression.

June 24- Waning Moon in Aquarius. If you don’t radically change yourself, there will be nothing wrong with visiting a hairdresser.

June 25- Waning Moon in Pisces. Whether to trust yourself in the hands of a hairdresser is up to you. Hairstyle will either turn out great, or you will be dissatisfied.

June 26- Waning Moon in Aries. A haircut today will save you from a lot of negativity and memories that poison life.

27th of June- Waning Moon in Aries. Small and annoying troubles lie in wait for those who decide to work on their hair today. But in general, nothing bad will happen.

June 28- Waning Moon in Aries. Hair cut today will grow slowly - if you want this, feel free to sign up for a hairdresser.

June 29- Waning Moon in Aries. New haircut, new life. Some of your qualities will change in a positive direction, tolerance and purposefulness will increase.

30 June- Waning Moon in Taurus. Do not frighten off luck - postpone the visit to the master for the next month.

The constant pursuit of fashion makes us make difficult decisions when shaping our style. It is necessary to carry out a lot of procedures in order for the hair to look well-groomed and beautiful. Today, complex coloring is considered the most fashionable. We tend to bright solutions, perhaps it's time for a radical change.

Favorite coloring colors are pink blond, gray, blue, red and chocolate, black. Many stylists recommend choosing natural colors - light brown, brown, black. Light colors can be additionally coated with silver. It doesn’t matter whether you decide to just paint over your gray hair or make a super hairstyle, according to the Lunar horoscope for June, the whole week will be favorable for coloring: Leo (9.10), Virgo (11.12), Libra (13.14.15). Also favorable days at the beginning and end of the month of Taurus (2,3,30,31).

New in hair health

Hair keratization is a new procedure for deep hair healing. A special composition is applied to the hair and penetrates deep into the structure of the hair, protecting it from the effects of negative factors. Hair radiates with health, shine, easy to comb. But the most naughty hair becomes straight and smooth. Efficiency is observed within 3-6 months.

Fashionable curls this season will change somewhat. Tousled curls and lush waves will be a real hit. You can get them even with simple curlers, although not for long. You can get curls for 3-6 months using chemicals. More than 20 types of various perms are known to modern hairdressing, the most sparing is the “silk wave” with silk proteins, then comes the “Japanese” perm with lipid-protein complexes, and finally, bio-perm.

The ideal time to visit the hairdressers in June 2016 will be the days when the moon is in Virgo, (11.12). For thick hair, you can add Leo (9.10), Capricorn (21.22), for thin hair - Aries (1.27,28.29), Taurus (2.3,30.31).

Tip: How to care for permed hair in the heat?

The rules are simple and clear - it is better to choose hair care products (shampoo, varnish, mousse or foam) labeled "Sun", containing UF filters, as well as:

Trim the ends more often to keep your hair from splitting;

Use restorative and moisturizing products;

Use light means, "smoke";

Do not blow dry your hair;

Use thermal water.

Today, human life is subject to speed, and sometimes there is no time for long styling. Haircuts that do not require a long time for maintenance are on the agenda - A clear shape is kept after a simple hair wash and blow-dry. As a result, there is no need to use permanent curlers and go to the salon for a curling - a few simple movements,

plus a good mousse and varnish - and you are irresistible. It is enough to go to the hairdresser under the signs of Leo (9.10), Virgo (11.12), Aries (, Capricorn (21.22), Sagittarius (18.19.20), and you will become spend no more than 15 minutes on your hair before going out. See for yourself!

In addition to good lunar days, there are times when it is better not to take any action. In June, these are the full moon and new moon: June 19 and 5, as well as the days when the Moon is out of course: June 12, 26. In addition, it is better not to visit the hairdresser under the sign of Pisces (25.26) - hair can become thin and brittle.

Tip: How to replace shampoo?

Many shampoos are high in sodium lauryl sulfate, which is harmful to hair. Washing off the fatty cover from the head, it causes dryness and brittle hair. Natural Shampoo Options:

Tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Apply to hair in small portions, rub gently into hair and rinse. You can also use vinegar.

For normal hair, it is good to use egg yolk diluted with water,

For oily hair, mustard powder is used, diluted in water.

Dry hair can be washed with a slurry of rye bread, egg yolk and boiling water - leave the slurry of bread for at least a day, then add the yolk.

When to cut your hair in June 2016?

When to cut hair according to the lunar haircut calendar for June 2016
The lunar calendar has long been used to determine the days on which it is preferable to cut, curl or dye hair. Naturally, the health of the hair depends on proper nutrition and care.

The use of vitamins for hair growth, strengthening masks and special care products cannot be replaced by hair cutting. But guided by the lunar haircut calendar for June 2016, you will be able to increase the effect of proper hair care and will be able to enhance the positive results of hair care procedures.

Haircut lunar calendar for June 2016 and the influence of the moon phase on a haircut
The phases of the moon in June 2016 affect primarily hair growth. A haircut on a certain lunar day can speed up hair growth or slow it down. On some days you need to refrain from going to the hairdresser, in order to preserve the health of the hair: it is possible to increase the tendency to hair loss or, for example, dandruff. This affects not only hair cutting, but also other procedures: hair coloring, perm, etc.

If you are addicted to changing your hairstyles quite often, then it is obviously very important for you that in June 2016 your hair grows quickly. In this case, for cutting hair, it is better to stop the choice on the date when the waxing Moon is located in the first or second quarter.

If, on the contrary, you prefer to rarely visit the hairdresser's salon, choose an auspicious day when the moon is in its waning phase. A haircut on the waning moon will strengthen your hair roots and prevent them from falling out, but they will grow back quite slowly. On the new moon, you need to give up cutting your hair, because these days a haircut shortens a person's life.


Helpful Hints

Want to head to the hairdresser for a new haircut, a new hair color, or a new treatment? Then you can not do without the lunar calendar, which will tell you the correct time.

If you want to grow long hair, then you should cut ends or do hair during the waxing moon. This month the moon will rise from 5 to 19 June 2016. Also during this period, you can dye your hair.

In the days of the waning moon ( from 1 to 4 and from 20 to 30 June 2016) it is better not to dye your hair, not to do lamination, highlighting, etc. This time is for those who want keep your hair in shape as long as possible.

If you need any complicated hair treatment then avoid dangerous days of the month: 3, 4, 10-12, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25 June 2016. Most lucky days for different hair manipulations: 2, 8, 9, 13-15, 29, 30 June 2016.

First half of the month planet of beauty Venus will move on the sign of Gemini. During this period, light, youthful haircuts will turn out well, which will help you “throw off” a few years. June 17, 2016 Venus will move into Cancer sign. This is not the time for experimentation. By the way, with this position of Venus, it’s good to make family trips to the hairdresser.

At the end of the article you will find with enumerationbasic procedures and casesthat are related to hair, and the most successful days for themin June 2016.

Other useful articles heading Lunar calendar for June 2016:

Favorable haircut days according to the lunar calendar


JUNE 1, Wednesday. 26th lunar day.ARIES

Moon off course from 18:42

+ This day is not the best for a haircut, but you can choose it if at another, more successful time, you will not be able to visit the hairdresser. Today it is good to make various hair masks, especially cleansing and giving hair shine. It is also good to make salt scalp scrub. Be careful when using hot styling tools.

+ Nice day for cutting and styling, however, at this time it is best to get a haircut for those who want to keep their hair in shape longer and do not grow long hair, as this is the time of the waning moon. Also today we do not recommend dyeing your hair, the paint will quickly wash off.

+ Cleansing hair masks will come in handy. If you live in a gassed city and can't use soft water to wash your hair, your hair needs a cleansing that regular shampoos can't. It's good to make masks based on oils, clay and salt. Ordinary sea salt will perfectly cleanse the scalp of the dead layer of cells, and will also improve blood circulation. Today it is better to abandon any complex procedures, hair coloring. Be careful with hot styling tools. Difficult procedures are best postponed due to the unfavorable position of the moon.

- bad day: It's better not to do hair at all today. It is especially bad to do complex procedures, such as perms, hair restoration.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring


June 5, Sunday. 30th lunar day from 5:38,1st lunar day from 6:01 . TWINS

NEW MOON at 6:01

Planning day. Today also especially do not give stress to the hair. Look at the lunar calendar and plan things for the next month. On this day, it is also good to dream, look for new images for yourself, and also go shopping. If you wish, you can go for light youth haircuts.

Haircut according to the lunar calendar

Moon off course from 16:52

Today you can cut and color your hair, especially in more dark colors. Use masks to strengthen and stimulate hair growth. Still a good day to fight dandruff. When styling your hair, try not to use hot appliances: you can easily damage your hair.

Today, haircuts are not prohibited, but a haircut will not affect the condition of the hair in any way. Today it's better to give up complex manipulations with hair: perms, dyeing with chemical dyes, etc.

Good to try different new funds for styling and hair care. Haircuts are allowed, but this is not the best day for them. It is good to make masks to give hair shine and to strengthen the bulbs. Weak and damaged hair can be treated.

Haircut lunar calendar 2016

FULL MOON at 14:03

Moon without a course from 14:04 to 14:55

An unfavorable day for complex manipulations, haircuts and coloring. Better today at all put off going to the hairdresser.


Not a bad day for a haircut, especially if you wish keep hair longer unchanged. Hair will grow back slowly, but will grow strong, fall out and split less. It is good to make masks for cleansing hair and scalp.

Moon off course from 11:57

Haircuts are allowed, but it’s better not to dye your hair today: the paint will quickly wash off and lose color saturation. This day should be chosen for a haircut by those who prefer strict classics and have a permanent proven master. Can be deleted unwanted hair from the armpit area both at home and in salons.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and coloring

This day is suitable for experiments with hair: new trendy haircuts will work especially well. However, remember that hair after a haircut made on this day will grow back rather slowly. Those who do not like experiments should not take risks today.

Moon off course from 18:48

Bad day for haircuts and styling with hot appliances. You can do styling with curlers and various non-hot methods. You can use quickly washable paints and tint balms.

Despite the favorable aspect between Moon and Venus, today it is better not to visit the hairdresser. It is good to remove unwanted hair, especially from the arms, bikini area, armpits, face. If possible, do not do hair at all today.

It is highly undesirable to have a haircut: the days of Pisces are one of the most bad for haircuts. In addition, now is the time of the waning moon, so after cutting the hair will grow back very slowly, will be weak and brittle, there is a high risk of dandruff.

Haircut days according to the lunar calendar

June 27, Monday, 22nd lunar day. FISH,ARIES from 10:09

Moon off course until 10:08

The fourth phase of the moon from 21:20

An unfavorable day for working with hair, it is better to skip it.

June 28, Tuesday, 23rd lunar day.ARIES

Today you can only get a haircut in last resort and if you don't grow your hair long. Give a good effect scalp scrubs and various cleansing hair masks. Be careful with hot appliances: it is easy to dry your hair. Coloring your hair is not recommended. You can cut bangs.

Long ago, our ancestors noticed that the moon directly affects the condition of the hair, their health and growth. To choose a good day for a haircut, use the lunar calendar.

June 1st: On the first day of summer, the Moon will be in the sign of Aries. Its influence is not favorable for cutting, as the hair can begin to split and fall out. If you already suffer from a similar problem, then you can make an anti-hair loss mask at home.

June 2 and 3: a good choice for a visit to the hairdresser: the position of the Moon in the constellation Taurus will help improve the structure of the hair. Just keep in mind that according to the observations of astrologers, hair grows a little slower in the waning phase.

June 4 and 5: the Gemini constellation usually does not spoil or improve the structure of the hair, but often makes them naughty. The new moon on June 5 is a very unfavorable day for a haircut, you should refuse to visit a beauty salon.

June 6 and 7: do not cut your hair these days: the Moon will move into the constellation of Cancer, which will make the hair very naughty and difficult to style.

June 8,9 and 10: The Leo constellation is one of the most favorable for haircuts. Hair will become thicker and more beautiful, any procedures with them will have a positive effect. The only thing worth giving up is the perm.

June 11 and 12: The moon will move into the constellation Virgo. The influence of this Sign is quite beneficial for hair growth and all kinds of actions with them, including haircuts. On this day, after visiting the salon, intuition may sharpen.

June 13, 14 and 15: under the influence of the constellation Libra, hair after a haircut grows quickly enough, but can become somewhat naughty. It is better to refuse cardinal changes in hair color and their length. A haircut is such a delicate matter that it is important not only to choose the right day for her, but also to choose a haircut according to the horoscope, so that she makes you happy.

June 16 and 17: very ambiguous days for cutting hair. You can achieve a positive result if you have thin and weak hair: in the days of the power of Scorpio, they will become tougher and stronger. The rest of the hair structure may deteriorate.

June 18, 19 and 20: When cutting hair these days when the Moon is in Sagittarius, you run the risk of making your hair naughty. Coloring will also not work in the best way: the color will quickly fade.

June 21 and 22: these days are very favorable for a haircut: the hair will become healthier, stop splitting and become thick. The influence of Capricorn reduces hair loss and has a positive effect on coloring.

June 23 and 24: if you want to experiment with color, the Moon in Aquarius will help you to get the most out of coloring in non-standard colors and asymmetrical haircuts. Don't put off visiting the salon.

June 25 and 26: The moon will move into the constellation Pisces. Engage in firming procedures, especially those related to the scalp. Shaving these days is contraindicated.

June 27,28 and 29: it is advisable to postpone the haircut so as not to damage the hair. The constellation Aries has a positive effect on painting and head massage.

30 June: do not delay visiting the salon: the Moon, being in Taurus, will contribute not only to a successful result after the hairdresser's work, but also to strengthening the hair structure.

Girls and women today are increasingly striving to grow as long hair as possible. Folk recipes can help with this. Be beautiful and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.05.2016 06:15

Hairdressers and stylists are able to create a beautiful image with a haircut. To ensure that every trip...