
Child allowances for low-income families. At what income is a family considered poor? Garden plot for the poor in a year


Last updated 10/28/2019

The legislation of Russia establishes the norms according to which low-income families are entitled to benefits and additional payments. Families whose income is below the officially established subsistence level receive several types of material support. In each region, the figures will be different, and only those families who have concluded an agreement with the social protection authorities and have proven the status of the poor will be able to receive state assistance.

Which family is considered poor

When specialists determine whether it is possible to assign the status of the poor to a family, not only the income of the spouses and each of its able-bodied members is taken into account. According to the rules, it is necessary to take into account cash benefits, other social benefits, income from property rental or deposit, royalties, and so on.

How to calculate income

For calculations, it is necessary to sum up all family income for the last 3 months, divide the resulting figure by 3, and then divide it again by the number of family members. If the resulting figure is less, then you can count on the status of the poor.

Living wage by regions of Russia in 2019

In 2019, low-income families can be recognized as those that include spouses, their parents and children (both natural and adopted), grandparents, stepsons and stepdaughters, stepfathers and stepmothers, guardians and their wards. First of all, applications from those families that include disabled people and pensioners are considered.

Also, childless families or a parent who is raising a child alone can apply for consideration. But the law clearly states that citizens who live in cohabitation but have not officially registered their marriage, as well as those families that are legally married but live separately, cannot obtain the status of a low-income family.

A low-income family can only be recognized as one that has fallen into such a situation for reasons that do not depend on its members. That is, if able-bodied citizens refuse to work (parasitize), abuse alcohol and / and drugs (this fact must be officially proven), then an application for granting the status will not be considered.

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Benefit for low-income families with many children

To improve the demographic situation in the country, a presidential decree has appointed payments for low-income families with many children for each child, starting with the third. To receive such financial assistance, you must have Russian citizenship (the child and at least one of the parents applying). In general cases, the amount of the benefit is equal to the subsistence level in the region.

At the beginning of 2019, financial payments are provided for 60 regions of the country in which there is still an unfavorable demographic situation (less than 13.3 newborns per 1,000 people).

Each region can introduce additional payments to low-income families with many children for children from 3 years old to their majority. But the payout is much less.

Payments for large low-income families in some regions:

  • B - 4552 rubles for each minor annually;
  • B - 532 rubles for food for each child, 2769.38 rubles for guardians or trustees;
  • B - paid monthly at 436 rubles;
  • B - 555 rubles for each minor;
  • B - up to 1753 rubles per child monthly;
  • B - monthly assistance in the amount of 560 rubles;
  • B - fare in the amount of 545 rubles, meals for students in the amount of 731 rubles.

Additional help for families with many children:

How to apply for an allowance

A family applying for low-income status must contact the social protection authority at the place of residence. Within 10 working days after the submission of all necessary documents, a special commission will consider the application and make a decision.

It is very important to provide truthful information about the total income of family members. Otherwise, the deception will still be revealed, and the state will not provide assistance to the family (no matter how much it needs money).

List of documents for social security authorities:

  • Marriage certificate;
  • an application of the appropriate sample on recognizing the family as poor (the form will be issued directly in social security, you can not download it on the Internet);
  • birth certificate of the child (under 18 years of age);
  • spouses' passports;
  • certificate of income, drawn up in the prescribed form;
  • property certificate;
  • an extract from the house book about all family members living in the same territory;
  • certificates of disability, work books and other documents - upon request;
  • plastic card for transfers or savings book.

Sometimes there are situations when the location of one of the family members cannot be established. In this case, payments from the state can still be issued. To do this, you must first write a statement to the police so that a criminal case is initiated to search for the missing family member.

School allowance

Many regions provide payments to low-income families who send their children to school. Sometimes the allowance is given only for first class fees, in some cases - annually before September 1st. Officially, financial assistance must be spent on the purchase of school and sports uniforms, as well as class supplies. Also, assistance can be provided in the form of compensation, that is, in order to receive benefits, you must provide checks for purchased goods for the student.

This type of assistance for low-income families is regulated at the regional level. At the beginning of 2019, student benefits can be obtained in the following regions (the list is not complete):

  • Voronezh - 2769 rubles, paid every 2 years for the purchase of a school uniform;
  • Bryansk - 1000 rubles by the beginning of the academic year;
  • Nizhny Novgorod - 844 rubles;
  • St. Petersburg - 4058 rubles;
  • Volgograd region - 1107 rubles;
  • Yaroslavl region - 1328 rubles.

Social assistance to low-income families with children

Families that have confirmed their low income are entitled not only to monthly financial assistance, but also to a number of other social benefits. For example, for parents of children under the age of 3, there is an opportunity to receive free medicines for the child. To do this, you need a doctor's prescription, and the list of medicines is approved by the state. Members of low-income families can receive legal advice free of charge, both orally and in writing.

Social assistance is also designed to help solve housing issues - preferential mortgages, government assistance and guarantees when buying real estate. Low-income families have the right to register in a special queue to get an apartment. Those families who pay more than 22% of their total income can receive a subsidy for utility bills. All payments to low-income families are exempt from tax deductions.

Low-income families are families that live on the joint income they receive, which does not exceed the subsistence level and is entitled to receive benefits and benefits from the state.

To do this, they need to obtain the appropriate status by contacting the social security authority and conclude an agreement with it.

Depending on the amount of family income, its composition and a number of other factors, the state body will determine the amount of assistance that will be provided to a particular family.

We will talk further about what benefits are due to low-income families in Moscow 2016.

What benefits are provided to low-income families in 2016 in Moscow

Benefits for low-income families are manifested in the form of special conditions for receiving certain services. Thus, they are granted tax incentives, thanks to which the benefits received from the state are not taxed.

Particularly important are the benefits provided to children from low-income families. So, subject to a number of conditions, they can enter universities and secondary educational institutions without passing competitions, and from 2016 they can go to preschool institutions (kindergartens) without waiting in line.

Also from this year, school canteens should feed these children for free twice a day. They are issued sports and school uniforms. Children under 6 from low-income families can receive the necessary medicines free of charge.

Also, once a year, a child and one accompanying parent (guardian) can travel to another country for treatment or rehabilitation with a 50% discount on travel.

Parents also have the right to preferential working conditions, a reduction in the retirement age and other benefits. Low-income families in Moscow 2016 can apply for a mortgage on special terms.

Also, for low-income families, there is a procedure for calculating subsidies, which minimizes their expenses not only for utility bills, but also for housing rent (if the family lives in a rented apartment).

What benefits are due to low-income families in 2016 in Moscow

In addition to benefits, low-income families have the right to receive monthly cash payments from the state - benefits, the amount of which is calculated separately for each family and depends primarily on its composition and income.

So, if the family income does not exceed half of the established subsistence minimum, once a year it will be paid 1,500 rubles, and each of its members will receive 150 rubles a month. The allowance for the maintenance of minor children is 450 rubles per month.

Under certain conditions, such payments may be extended until they reach the age of 23. Separately, the amounts of benefits for families in difficult financial situations, as well as families in which there are pensioners and disabled people, are considered.

Thus, the legally provided benefits for low-income families in Moscow 2016 are discussed above. In order to start receiving them as quickly as possible, it is very important to correctly draw up an appropriate application to the social security authority and collect a package of documents for it.

To do this, it is advisable to seek advice from a lawyer specializing in this matter.

It will also help calculate the total household income required to qualify for benefits and allowances, as well as explain what rights and benefits a particular low-income family has, based on its composition, income and other factors.

Low-income citizens are citizens who have been recognized as such by local governments. When making such a decision and assigning the status, the income of each family member must be taken into account. The status of "low-income citizens" implies their right to take advantage of the benefits and allowances that the state provides them.

Table of contents:

Who is eligible for indigent status?

When determining the status of a low-income family, not only the income of each family member is taken into account, although this is the most important moment for making a decision. The commission must make sure that the members of the family applying for the status of the poor live together and run a joint household.

In 2019, low-income families can be considered those that consist of spouses, their parents and children (relatives and / or adopted), grandparents, grandchildren and stepsons (stepdaughters), stepfathers and / or stepmothers, trustees (guardians) and their wards . First of all, the status of a low-income family is granted to those applicants who have disabled people and pensioners in their family.

Both childless families and a parent raising a child alone can apply for the status under consideration. But the law clearly states that couples living in a civil marriage (there is no official registration of marriage in the registry office) and those who are legally married but live in different territories cannot be recognized as low-income families.

Note:only a family that has fallen into a distress due to circumstances beyond its control can be recognized as poor. That is, those who are parasitic, abuse alcohol and / or drugs (these facts must be officially confirmed), the status in question will not be assigned.

Types of assistance to low-income families in 2019

Assistance from the state for low-income families is not only cash payments, but also the issuance of food, subsidies for utility bills, and more.

Help for parents with the status of "low-income family"

It is worth paying attention to the fact that mandatory payments to parents from low-income families, as well as benefits for children, are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. But the specific amounts for each item must be found out in each specific region - the numbers will vary.

Help for parents and children from low-income families:

  1. If a pregnant woman from a family with the status in question is registered with the antenatal clinic for up to 12 weeks, then she is entitled to a lump sum payment of 581 rubles (in Moscow this figure will be higher).
  2. The maternity allowance for unemployed women from a low-income family will be 534 rubles per month. But it is only due if the pregnant woman was fired for the following reasons:
  • the firm that employed a woman providing lawyer and notary services was closed;
  • a company that requires a license to operate has ceased to operate;
  • the enterprise was officially liquidated;
  • the organization / firm / enterprise where the woman worked was officially declared bankrupt;
  • IP, issued by an individual, was closed.
  1. When a child is born, a mother from a poor family receives a one-time allowance - it is credited to the woman's account. The amount of such a payment is variable - in Moscow, for example, this is an amount of 15,500 rubles.
  2. If a pregnant woman is the wife of a serviceman, then in the third trimester of pregnancy she is entitled to a lump sum payment of 24,500 rubles.
  3. If parents from a low-income family are raising foster children (guardianship has been arranged), then they are entitled to a monthly payment of 15,500 rubles per child every month (the so-called “parent’s salary”).

In 2019, amendments were made to the laws on the payment of cash assistance to low-income families with children. Now families with the status in question are entitled to the following monthly assistance:

  1. Child under one and a half years old. One of the parents is paid monthly 40% of the average earnings. Such a payment cannot be less than 2,908 rubles for the first child and 5,817 rubles for the second and each subsequent child.
  2. Child under 3 years old. The amount of the monthly payment was set for a child under 3 years old, who was born in the family as the third in a row (and each subsequent one). In 2019, it is 9,396 rubles.
  3. A child under 5 years old from a military family. We are not talking about the family of a conscript - only children from the family of a contract serviceman fall under this type of allowance. The amount of the monthly allowance is 10,500 rubles.
  4. On the loss of a breadwinner for a military family. It amounts to 2,117 rubles and is paid monthly.
  5. Benefit for a poor family. We are talking about a specific amount, but it is determined only by the regional authorities and in many regions it simply does not exist.

New benefits for low-income families in 2019

First of all, innovations affect the educational sphere. For example, a child from a poor family can enroll in a higher education institution if:

  • his age is under 20;
  • successfully passed the final exams at school (USE) and earned the minimum passing score when passing the entrance exams to the selected university;
  • the parent of the child has the status of a disabled person of the 1st group, and the child himself is the sole breadwinner of the family.

In addition, children from low-income families are required to be sent to preschool institutions without queues, and until the age of 6, the state fully provides the baby with the necessary medicines.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if a child from a poor family is studying at school, then he is entitled to:

  • two meals a day free of charge;
  • receive school and sports uniforms for personal use;
  • use of a concessionary ticket with a 50% discount;
  • free visits to exhibitions and museums of various kinds no more than once a month;
  • a visit to a sanatorium-dispensary on a free basis (if the child is registered with a medical institution for any illness, then such a visit should be provided at least once a year).

Subsidies and benefits for low-income families in 2019

Firstly, they can register an individual entrepreneur, and this process for the category of citizens in question will be absolutely free (low-income families are exempted from any payments specifically when registering an individual entrepreneur).

Secondly, families with the status in question are entitled to receive preferential mortgage. The law also provides for the right of low-income families to obtain social rent for an apartment / private house and / or summer cottage.

Thirdly, workers from a family with the status in question can count on various benefits from the employer - for example, they may have a shorter working day or they may be given additional leave.

In addition, low-income families in 2019, as before, can use the right to issue subsidies to pay utility bills- such benefits are provided only for a period of up to 6 months.

How to get the status of a low-income family

To use the benefits for a family with the status in question and receive all the due payments within the law, you will need to work hard. And first of all, you need to collect a package of documents:

  • an application for a request to assign the status of a low-income family;
  • passports of all adult family members;
  • birth certificates of all minor children (natural and adopted / under guardianship);
  • Marriage certificate;
  • income statement for each family member;
  • a certificate of family composition - you can take it either at the passport office at the place of registration / residence, or make an extract from the house book if you live in a private house;
  • work books for each family member (if any);
  • certificates from the employment center for each adult family member (if they are registered with this institution as unemployed);
  • savings book or plastic bank card.

Note:all able-bodied members of a family applying for low-income status must either work or be registered with the employment center - the only exception is women who are on parental leave. If the location of any of the family members is unknown, then documents for obtaining the status of a low-income family will be accepted only if a search case has already been initiated.

According to the current legislation, those who receive income less than the subsistence minimum are recognized as poor. Many are in a hurry to quickly obtain the status of a low-income family, which gives access to a variety of benefits.

Let us consider in detail what benefits poor families enjoy in 2019-2020.

Who is entitled to benefits and subsidies for a low-income family

To obtain the social status of the poor, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The amount of income received is small, for independent reasons.
  2. All households live together at the same address and run a common household.

If the amount of income received is small due to the fact that one of the spouses is not employed, there is no cohabitation, and someone leads an asocial lifestyle, then the recognition of the family as a poor one will not take place, since it will not be possible to collect the required documentation package.

Each region sets its own subsistence minimum, which is adjusted annually. In the event that the income is below the subsistence level, benefits will be assigned on a declarative basis.

Basic conditions for granting benefits

To qualify for benefits, you must find out:

  1. The total number of residents registered in this housing area. Everyone's income must be taken into account. Only spouses and their blood relatives are taken into account.
  2. Sources of income for calculating total income for the year.
  3. What is the average monthly income in total and divided by each. The average value for the last 3 months is taken.
The total income includes: salaries, social benefits, pensions, scholarships, awards, rent payments, etc.

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Additional Benefit Terms

Social benefits for low-income families are provided if any additional conditions are met:

  1. There are minor children. If the children are already students, then the benefits will be extended until the age of 23.
  2. Under guardianship there are children under 3 years old.
  3. Someone from the household is a disabled person with limited mobility and / or work, or old people over 65 years old.
  4. Number of children - 3 or more.
  5. Grandchildren live without parents with grandparents.
  6. Single mothers or single fathers.

In order to be legally eligible for social assistance, low-income families must obtain low-income status. The application is submitted to the social support authority (social security), where, subject to all conditions, an agreement will be concluded for the provision of financial support from the state. This document can then be handled everywhere and presented as proof of social status.

The social status of the poor is assigned for 1 year, and then it must be confirmed again.

Types of state social assistance

What benefits are provided to low-income families in a particular region, you can find out in the social security.

Assistance is provided not only at the local level, but also at the federal level in the following forms:

  • Allowances and compensations for minors and students;
  • Supplement to pensions for those pensioners whose income is below the regional subsistence level;
  • Assistance in kind: food, gas or solid fuel, clothing, medicines, etc.;
  • Tax incentives: provided in the form of various deductions;
  • Benefits on rent for the poor: if the cost of paying for housing and communal services exceeds the established norm (usually 20% of total earnings), some of the costs are returned;
  • Preferential employment;
  • Reducing the age of registration of a labor pension;
  • Provision of garden and other land plots;
  • Assistance in obtaining a social mortgage.
It is best to clarify what benefits are due to low-income families with the social security authorities in advance, since each of them will require its own package of documents.

Social support for children in low-income families

Parents in social security often ask the question: “If the cost of living is less, what benefits are due to children”?

Indeed, minors are entitled to receive the following social assistance to low-income families at the federal level:

  1. Breakfast at the school at the municipal expense and a discount on meals.
  2. Reimbursement for the purchase of sports and school uniforms in the form of a payment before September 1.
  3. Free travel in all types of municipal transport up to 7 years, in suburban railway transport during the years of study at the full-time department.
  4. Benefits for purchasing products and/or providing free products.
  5. Dairy kitchen for babies under 3 years on the basis of municipal clinics.
  6. Admission without competition to a university for an applicant (under 20 years old) who has successfully passed the Unified State Examination, and whose parent is a disabled person of group I.

Education benefits

Along with the rest, applicants from low-income families can participate in competitive competitions on a common basis.

Support for a low-income family when submitting documents to the selection committee at the university is provided to the applicant subject to the following conditions:

  • the applicant has only one parent - a disabled person of group I or II;
  • when passing the exams, the minimum allowable number of points was scored, which is automatically recognized as a successful pass;
  • the age of the applicant is not more than 20 years.

During the entire time of study at the full-time department of this university, a student receives a state scholarship.

In each specific situation, it is determined individually what low-income families are entitled to. For example, when the income in terms of each household is equal to no more than ½ of the subsistence minimum in a given region, then the state will charge 150 rubles. for every household.

Additional regional benefits for children

Social programs for low-income families in each subject can be significantly expanded or supplemented. The amount of additional payments is proportional to what amounts are included in the local budget to provide support to low-income segments of the population.

So, if the family is poor, what additional benefits can it receive for children:

  1. One-time assistance to pregnant women registered before the 12th week of pregnancy.
  2. Maternity payments to unemployed mothers fired due to: bankruptcy or liquidation of a company, closure of an individual entrepreneur, termination of activities due to an overdue license.
  3. Lump sum immediately after childbirth.
  4. Pregnant wives of military personnel in the third trimester are paid 24.5 thousand rubles.
  5. The parent providing custody of a minor is paid 15.5 thousand rubles.
  6. Benefit after childbirth up to 1.5 years in the amount of 40% of the mother's earnings before the decree.
  7. Monthly allowance for students.
  8. 50% discount on the purchase of a travel ticket for a student.
  9. Once a month, free admission for children to a museum or exhibition.
  10. Patients once a year are provided with a free ticket to a sanatorium-dispensary.
Papers for registration of a particular benefit are submitted once a year, or once every 6 months.

Social support measures and benefits for low-income families in 2019-2020

Benefits for low-income families are provided as follows:

  • Tax: you can not pay taxes on the amounts received as preferential subsidies, pensions, etc.;
  • The right to receive housing under a social lease agreement from the housing stock of the local municipality in the order of priority, or when registering as those in need of improved housing conditions, you can apply for a social mortgage;
  • Housing: benefits for utilities for the poor for tenants of municipal housing and owners of privatized housing (local adjustment factors apply and apply);
  • Material aid:
  1. Monthly - for minors, full-time students, in an incomplete family - in 2 times the amount, mothers on maternity leave are paid up to 2 years of the baby.
  2. Emergency - a one-time payment in case of a serious illness or death of a family member.
  • Extraordinary enrollment in preschool educational institutions with a decrease in the monthly payment by 20% for the 1st child, by 50% - for the 2nd, by 70% - for the 3rd and all subsequent ones;
  • Legal - free legal advice, assistance in protecting interests in court.

Innovations for low-income families

In 2013, an additional allowance was introduced in the Russian Federation, which was paid after the birth of the 3rd and subsequent babies. The mother receives this allowance for 3 years after childbirth. The basis for the social program for low-income families was Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 606 of 05/07/2012 "On measures to implement the demographic policy of the Russian Federation".

Benefits for low-income families were expanded in 2018 through an allowance for the 3rd child, which is paid from the regional budget. The beneficiaries of the allowance were the parents of children born after 01/01/2013 in those areas where the total birth rate was registered less than the national average.

In 2017, there were 50 of these regions. The amount of state subsidies is equal to the regional subsistence minimum. In each region, it is approved quarterly (from 6 to 15 thousand rubles).

The payment of this benefit to low-income families with many children is carried out together with the rest.

Additional benefits for low-income families for children:

  1. 1,500 rubles will be transferred annually as financial assistance.
  2. If there are children under 18 years old, then 450 rubles are charged monthly for their food.

Usually these payments are made before the age of 18, but since there is a student, the benefits for low-income families are extended for another 5 years.

In 2018, so-called “social nannies” appeared in some regions for preschool children from low-income families. In the future, it is planned to create a federal program to establish the social function of a “state” nanny for disabled children and preschoolers from financially disadvantaged families. The service should be free.

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Benefits for low-income families

March 4, 2017, 12:12 Oct 16, 2019 01:08