
Ear care according to the lunar calendar. When is it better to pierce ears, what earrings to wear after ear piercing When is it better to pierce a child's ears according to the moon

Pathology of the uterus

It is generally accepted that earrings are beautiful and feminine, so mothers and fathers of girls begin to wonder very early on the question “When to pierce the ears?”. The answer to this question, recommendations regarding the procedure and care after it, you will find below.

Should you pierce your ears?

When a boy is born, the question of earrings and earlobes piercing does not occur to anyone, although today there are quite a few teenagers and adult men who wear earrings or tunnels. Another thing is if you have a girl ...

In some cultures, women are required to wear earrings. In this case, the ears are pierced on the very first day after birth. There are modern maternity hospitals abroad that offer to do this procedure on the first birthdays of the crumbs.

Opponents of the ear piercing procedure for children at an early age indicate the following reasons for refusing to do this:

  • the risk of infection;
  • nickel, which is contained in piercing earrings, can cause allergies;
  • the risk of touching important points on the earlobe, which are responsible for vision, hearing and other important organs;
  • the likelihood of ear injury due to the earring if the child is hooked on it during active play;
  • not everyone agrees that the earrings in the ears of the baby are beautiful;
  • the baby may lose an expensive earring if precious jewelry is worn;
  • the child may swallow the earring if it falls out.

Ear piercing contraindications

  • ear diseases (including chronic);
  • other serious diseases (diabetes mellitus, skin diseases, etc.);
  • illness (wait at least 2 weeks after the final recovery of the baby);
  • poor blood clotting and wound healing;
  • other blood diseases;
  • weakened immunity ();
  • low pain threshold;
  • allergy;
  • feeling unwell;
  • tendency to keloid scars.

At what age should you pierce your ears?

Psychologists recommend piercing ears up to 1-1.5 years. Some call a more specific age - 8-10 months. This is explained by the fact that at this age the child has a higher pain threshold and the pain trauma will be forgotten faster.

Pediatricians do not recommend piercing the ears before reaching the crumbs. three year milestone. This is due to the possible risks of catching an infection. By the age of three, the baby will have more developed immunity and it will be easier to treat her. In addition, it is easier for a child after 3 to explain the procedure and why it is impossible to touch such interesting new earrings in her ears.

At the same time, doctors advise to pierce the ears before the age of 11, because later the likelihood of ugly keloid scars at the site of wound healing is higher. Since this place is quite often in sight, such a cosmetic defect will upset any girl and her parents.

Mothers and grandmothers, for the most part, decide to pierce the ears of the baby when "she herself asks." It can happen in a year, and in three, and in ten. Whether or not to pierce the ears of a daughter at an early age is still at the discretion of the parents.

Answers of moms from the forums

I will pierce my daughter's ears at a conscious age so that she herself can tell what hurts and what is wrong.

Ears need to be pierced for a child when the child consciously knows that if you drag the earring it will hurt or, God forbid, it will be pulled and swallowed. Plus, at the age of 2-3 years, the girl herself will ask you to do this, then it will be possible.

It is necessary to pierce when the girl herself asks. My daughter came up to me at the age of 5 and asked to have her ears pierced. I took her to the salon, I thought she would change her mind. And she sat down to the master and did not even make a sound when they pierced.

I want to advise the girls. By education, I was a paramedic before the decree, first I worked as a cosmetologist in a beauty salon. I pricked the ears of the children. Then I worked in the clinic and left the decree. and taller girls cannot express in words how they screamed. They themselves ask mothers that they want earrings. Here you all talk about conscious age, usually then they are afraid to stab. My aunt, 45 years old, she always dreamed of piercing, but she was afraid. ,2 transferred easily. I read that it is right to prick when the cherry blossoms and did so and healed very quickly

Whether to pierce ears and when is a personal matter for everyone. I am on the side of those who believe that the sooner the better. My daughter's ears were pierced at 8 months, in the spring, so that it would not be hot and heal faster. The cosmetologist was very good, the child did not even feel anything. I just don’t advise wearing hoop earrings, the child often clings to them with his fingers, simple small neat earrings are the best option.

When is the best time of year to pierce your baby's ears?

There is a belief that the ears should be pierced during the flowering period of the apple tree, that is, in May. Say, it was then that everything would quickly overgrow and there would be no problems with suppuration. Such a belief among the people appeared for a reason. It is late spring and early autumn that doctors recommend for piercing ear lobes. This is due to the absence of strong summer heat and dust, as well as the need to wear warm turtleneck sweaters and hats in cold winters.

Cosmetologist Irina Sysueva: when to pierce children's ears

Piercing options

There are two main ways to pierce the earlobes - a needle and a special gun.

The process of piercing the ears with a needle is quite lengthy and more painful (you must first make a puncture, and then thread an earring or thread) than in the case of a special gun. On the other hand, after piercing with a needle, permanent gold or silver earrings can be inserted immediately. For little girls, this option is still not recommended.

Ear piercing with a gun is now a virtually painless procedure. Therefore, now mothers can safely bring even the smallest children to the salon.

Ears are pierced with a special sterile gun. They are disposable and reusable. A puncture with a disposable gun costs a little more, but you will be sure that your baby will not get an infection. The gun is loaded with an earring made of medical hypoallergenic steel, which can later be worn as a piece of jewelry. The puncture procedure takes a fraction of seconds. The gun, like a stapler, fixes the carnation on the ear with one click.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Where to pierce

It is necessary to do this, of course, with specialists, since there are many points on the earlobe responsible for the activity of the internal organs of a person.

Now, in almost every beauty salon, you can quickly safely and almost painlessly pierce the earlobes of a child of any age. This procedure is quite affordable. The selected earrings are immediately put on - studs, or earrings with a bow (everything is sterile, stored in special containers).

You can also contact specialized piercing salons (since ear piercing and earlobe piercing are identical concepts), where qualified craftsmen will perform the procedure using disposable needles.

The choice should fall on a proven salon or medical center, where this procedure will be carried out by professionals - cosmetologists who know where to make the right and beautiful puncture, how to do it quickly and without pain.

Be sure to ask if the master has a medical education. Cosmetologists without an appropriate "crust" are not allowed to pierce their ears.

And in no case do not allow punctures to be made by those who do not do this professionally, but “experimented” only on themselves and their friends!

If you decide to pierce the ears of a child at the age of 8-9 months, then be sure to explain where and why you are going. Do not scare the baby, try to hold this event in a relaxed atmosphere of the game. Let me choose earrings, touch the gun, meet a beautician or a doctor who will pierce. If it was not possible to reach an understanding with the child and the situation is unnerving for the baby, then postpone the procedure for several days, months or even years.

The procedure for piercing the ears with a gun is very simple and the same for any age:

  1. Disinfect equipment and earlobes.
  2. Select and insert the earrings into the pistol.
  3. Punctures are made in the center of the earlobe. It is very important to make a puncture in the center - any deviation threatens to hit the area of ​​​​important points associated with speech, hearing, vision, teeth.

However, the most important thing in ear piercing begins immediately after the piercing is done - this is care during healing.

How and what time to pierce the ears of a girl with a PISTOL

Caring for pierced ears

Even though you get your little one's ears pierced at the best cosmetic clinic, wound healing may not be as fast as you might think. It depends on many factors - on the child's immunity, on some inflammatory processes in the body, and also on the care of pierced ears. The healing process usually takes 1 to 3 months.

  1. Explain to the child that it is undesirable to touch the earrings during this period. Especially with dirty hands.
  2. During the entire healing time, it is undesirable to change stud earrings for other earrings.
  3. During the entire period of healing of punctures, the child's hair should be removed in a ponytail or braided. Otherwise, they can cling to the earrings, which will cause discomfort.
  4. At least 2 times a day, it is necessary to wipe the puncture sites with antiseptics: hydrogen peroxide, alcohol solution or other antiseptic agent on the advice of a doctor. 4-5 days after piercing, during the treatment procedure, scroll the earrings so that the product gets inside the puncture.
  5. After the procedure, it is not recommended to wet the lobes for 3-5 days.

If you notice yellow discharge from the puncture site (pus), then you need to additionally treat with a solution of manganese. If the pus does not go away in 2-3 days or the suppuration is quite serious, then you need to see a doctor. Ears are a very important organ, so pus in the earlobe after piercing should not be taken lightly!

In the first 5 days after piercing, do not wash your child's hair and avoid the pool or natural water. Contact with water and detergents must be seriously limited, so it is advisable to wash your baby's hair before the procedure.

The duration of the healing process depends on many factors - ranging from the immunity of the child to the level of his activity.

The main thing is to follow the rules of personal hygiene, be careful and treat the earlobes every day until they are completely healed.

A few tips on how to choose the right earrings for your child:

  • When choosing earrings, preference should be given to gold or silver models. Products made from these materials practically do not cause allergic reactions;
  • Earrings should not be heavy, have sharp corners, large stones;
  • Models with an English lock are preferable, which is quite reliable - the child will not lose the decoration and will not be able to unfasten it on his own.

Subscriber Question: Is it possible to pierce the ears of a child at 6 months? The doctor - pediatrician Smirnova Lyubov Alexandrovna answers:

Tanya gets her ears pierced

The moon has a greater influence on women, young children and the elderly. And if you decide to pierce your baby's ears, then you should choose the right time according to the lunar calendar to reduce pain to a minimum. The best time is when the moon is in its 3rd or 4th phase. If you want your ears to heal quickly, then you should go to the master when the moon is in the sign of Libra. It is worth refusing to manipulate when it was shining in Aries. If we talk about facial piercings, then there are no favorable days. Below we will tell you which day is better to make a puncture.

When to pierce the ears of a minor

The most successful lunar days for piercing the kidneys in children are the following days:

  • 1-5. You can make punctures for children of different ages.
  • 6. Favorable time, but only children who are already 7 years old are allowed to perform the manipulation.
  • 7-8, 10-14, 18-22, 24-28. You can perform punctures for children and adults. This is a good day for a piercing.

If you do not know what time of the year is best to pierce your ears, then you need to do this during the flowering period of apple trees. This time falls in late spring or early autumn.

The most successful days in October 2018 for piercing can be called the numbers:

  • 2.10;
  • 9.10.2018;
  • October 15-16. Today you can pierce the ears of girls.

If we talk about the lunar day, then the most successful are:

  • 10-14. It is allowed to perform punctures in any part of the body. You can get pierced at different ages, it will have a good effect on healing.
  • 16-17. It is allowed to make punctures only in parts of the body that are above the waist. However, on the 17th day, the navel is allowed to be pierced.
  • 18-22. It is allowed to pierce all parts of the body. But you should choose only safe piercing materials to avoid an allergic reaction. The safest are jewelry made of gold, medical steel and platinum.
  • 24-28. You can pierce all parts of the body and use jewelry from the material you like. For piercing ears and other parts of the body for the first time, it is better to use the materials described above.

Astrologers distinguish days in each month when surgical procedures, including ear piercing, are prohibited. These are satanic lunar days:

  • 9. Don't get pierced if you don't want complications and unpleasant consequences.
  • 15. A ban is imposed on manipulations that are carried out with a needle and a scalpel.
  • 23. To avoid trouble, it is necessary to abandon the piercing.
  • 29. Before you start a puncture, you need to decide whether you really want this. You need to imagine the earring and think again.

The beauty calendar for October 2018 will tell you when to pierce a child's ears without complications. It is necessary to decide in advance on the date of the trip to the master in order to prepare the child.

Exchange and energy processes are connected with a point in the center of the lobe. Earrings made of various minerals with their metal conductors can powerfully influence the whole organism through their radiations, color and form.

What are the best earrings to wear after ear piercing?
Everyone knows that after piercing it is desirable to wear earrings made of precious metals. And yet - or? If you do not have serious health problems, then the selection criteria are the usual: the lunar cycle and personal taste. If there are problems, then we advise you to consider the following.

It would be ideal to have 29-30 sets of jewelry, in particular, earrings - for each lunar day of the month. In ancient times, this was a common thing not only for women - people knew that earrings made of a certain metal and stone create a healing and psychological effect.

Earrings made of gold with transparent stones, earrings made of silver with jasper, etc. are worn for pain that occurs at rest due to inflammation and decreases with movement, resulting from overwork, with night pain, due to injuries that occur in the organ during the day under load (lifting weights, etc.).

For men wearing an earring, the indications for treatment and exposure to minerals are the same as for women, but they should remember: their ear is right. To harmonize with your partner, a specialist will help you choose a specific mineral, taking into account your character and the characteristics of your beloved.

In general, the asymmetry in wearing earrings is not only a whim of fashionistas, but also a very effective method of enhancing the impact of minerals.

If something bothers you, order the jeweler one earring with a healing stone for the side opposite to the one that is sick, and for the sick side - a small earring on a metal screw in which the stone of the main earring is set.

For example, if there are disorders in the liver, one earring with or on the left side and a small copper ball in the ear on the right side are recommended. The healing effect is enhanced by the presence of a ring in the kit, sometimes a buckle on the belt. For example, for the prevention of kidney disease, we recommend a set: earrings and a ring with.

Friday is the day of Venus, responsible for the condition of the kidneys. But in case of their illness, we recommend wearing the kit daily until the condition improves. Legends and myths of antiquity, endowing the beautiful creations of nature - minerals - with magical properties, have been confirmed in scientific research. "Superstitions" associated with stones have become the principle of individual selection of jewelry for a wide variety of diseases.

One of the most frequently pierced parts of the body is the ears. Not only adults, but also children wear earrings on the lobes. Some mothers do piercings to girls at the age of one, someone decides to have the procedure only by the age of 3, and some postpone the piercing of the ears of the child until he goes to school. Of course, this procedure is among the painful ones, but in order to minimize the healing process, it is necessary to choose the right day according to the lunar calendar to perform the manipulation.

On which moon should you pierce the ears of a child

Many women, when piercing the ears of a child, are very worried that the baby will be hurt. If an adult can be patient, then things are more complicated with a child. It has been repeatedly proven that the moon has a greater influence on the child and the elderly organism. It is best to perform this manipulation of the code, it is in the sign of Libra, the procedure is not performed when the sun is in Aries. Below we list the best days on which you can minimize pain.

  • 1-5 days. It is allowed to pierce the lobe, make tunnels, bridges, but it is better to refrain from piercing the curl of the auricle.
  • Day 6 Today, earlobe piercing is only allowed for children over 7 years old.
  • 7-8, 10-14, 16-22, 24-28 days. You can pierce not only the ears, but also other parts of the body.

If you do not know what time of the year is best to pierce the ears of a child, you should consult a doctor. Although astrologers consider this a flowering period, when healing is faster. But if you want to pierce your ears in the fall, you should not worry about enough numbers in the first autumn month to perform this manipulation. It is better to pierce the child's ears according to the position of the moon, so as not to provoke bleeding and suppuration.

The most favorable days for ear piercing in September are two dates: 5 and 11, the process itself will go well, and the lobes will heal quickly. Also, they include 28.09., When it is allowed to introduce any experiments with their appearance.

The most inappropriate days for piercing in September 2018 can be called the following numbers: 9 and 10. On these days it is generally not recommended to visit a beauty salon, as well as on the growing moon. It is worth refraining from any punctures on the body when the moon is in such signs:

  • Virgo;
  • Fish;
  • Twins;
  • Sagittarius.

When the moon is without a course, it is also not recommended to use needles in order to prevent complications and blood poisoning. On Satin lunar days, you should also refrain from piercing the ears of adults and children. These are 9, 15, 23 and 29 days. It is equally important to go to a professional who works so much with sterile instruments. With the help of our calendar, you can find out the best days for ear piercing and whether it is possible to perform this procedure on different dates.

The question of when to pierce a girl's ears, how to do it, whether it is necessary at all, arises for all parents of little princesses. Our article can influence the decision to get a piercing too early, tell you about the ways to carry out an unpleasant procedure, and give recommendations on how to care for the wound.

Pros and cons

Public opinion about early piercing is divided. Proponents of piercing a child under the age of 3 put forward their arguments:

  • Lack of fear and bad memories in the future. According to psychologists, the painful process will not upset the baby so much at the age of 7-10 months or even a year old. The baby is quickly distracted and forgets about the offense. And three-year-old girls can get psychological trauma, stress, phobias.
  • The originality of the appearance of a tiny princess. The earlobe, decorated with gold and silver earrings, almost from birth, causes great delight among parents and strangers on the street.
  • At an early age, the wound will heal faster.

Pediatricians and more cautious parents have their own reasons for postponing baby's ear piercing until the age of 3 or later:

  • A traumatic procedure will cause pain to the baby.
  • The cartilage in the ear is still developing, and you can accidentally damage it at the time of the procedure.
  • Low immunity of the baby.
  • Restlessness, inexperience of the child. The baby may twitch its ears, becoming interested in an unusual object. If you manage to break or unfasten the earring, then it will definitely taste.
  • Danger to the life and health of the crumbs. There are important nerve endings in the earlobe. Their accidental damage can harm the development of the child, provoke pathologies of the central nervous system.
  • Allergenicity of the material for jewelry. Earrings may contain nickel, which causes allergies. The ear may turn red immediately after putting it on in the cabin, it will hurt.

When is the best time

The choice of the optimal age for piercing depends on the state of health, the nature of the girl and the opinion of the parents on this matter. The best period of life, from the point of view of doctors, is considered age 5 - 8 years.

Dr. Komarovsky, a popular pediatrician and author of well-known TV programs about raising children, believes that piercing the ears of children under one year of age is an act of terrorism and extremism. In his opinion, it is better to wait until the baby grows up, the girl is 5-10 years old, and maybe more.

However, puberty (11-14 years) is also not the best period for piercing. Wounds heal longer, the body needs strength for hormonal changes. It is advisable to have time to complete the plan before this time. But the final decision, of course, is made by the parents.

It is important to consider the time of year. Winter is the period of hats, scarves, collars. Pierced ears can be injured when dressing, catch a cold. In summer, the risk of mechanical damage to the ureters is minimal, but it is dusty and windy outside, and there is a possibility of infection of the wound.

For these reasons, spring and autumn are the optimal period for piercing. In May, September, you don’t need to wear hats, there is no heat, no dust.

Some parents choose the time for piercing according to signs and the lunar calendar. Suitable for earlobe 1 - 5th day of the new lunar month.


  • dermatitis (eczema, diathesis, rashes and other skin diseases);
  • allergies, especially of unknown etiology, to metals;
  • blood pathologies (special attention should be paid to blood clotting, if it is bad, refuse the procedure);
  • visual impairment, hearing impairment;
  • otitis media, strabismus, temporary inflammatory processes of the mucosa.
  • chronic diseases of internal organs (asthma, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus and others);
  • HIV infection;
  • heart defects;
  • mental illness, epilepsy;
  • keloid scars;
  • teething period;
  • low immunity;
  • general malaise (snot, lethargy).

In some conditions, parents need to choose a different time for piercing, for example, to cure SARS, wait until the tooth erupts.

But other pathologies are a lifelong contraindication - these are blood diseases, diabetes, nervous excitability, immunodeficiencies and nickel allergy.

Where to do the procedure

There are several options: a beauty salon, a medical center, on your own at home. Consider the positive and negative sides of each of them in comparison.

  • Piercing at home. bad option for piercing the ears of newborns and babies up to 3 years. The probability of infection, errors in choosing a place for the hole is very high. In addition, making a hole with a needle is quite painful. You will be responsible for the quality, take care of the wound yourself.
  • Beauty salon, barbershop. Trust only verified centers industry. Often this service is offered as an additional one, without having work experience. This option is more suitable for adults, rather than infants or preschool crumbs.

If you still decide to go to the nearest hairdresser to the familiar child "Aunt Masha", then be sure to follow the disinfection of the gun, it will not be superfluous ask for a license for such activities.

The advantages of choosing a beauty salon include service cost, it will be lower than in the medical center, but, according to doctors and experienced parents, it is more dangerous for the health of the baby.

  • Medical clinic. Reliable, secure option. The advantages of a medical institution include the possibility of consulting with a specialist.

Make an appointment with your doctor before your piercing procedure. You can be seen by a surgeon, pediatrician, reflexologist. They will definitely show photos, videos about the shortcomings of piercing at an early age, explain how to care for the wound after the procedure, and help in case of complications, suppuration of the ear.

The hole will be pierced by a qualified specialist who is responsible for the safety of the crumbs, the quality of the procedure.

The better to pierce

Ear piercing for children is done in several ways: medical needle, gun, system 75. All of them are practically painless and safe. The choice may be based on cost and parental preferences. Below is a comparative description of all methods of piercing.

Method, type of instrumentPeculiaritiesprosMinuses
Classic method Medical pistol for reusable use.The device looks like a pistol, it also works.
Before starting the procedure, it must be disinfected. The puncture site is marked with a marker, and a stud earring is loaded into the device. It is she who acts as a needle. The procedure takes a few seconds, the pain passes quickly.
Painless, speed of execution. The use of medical carnations guarantees the absence of allergic reactions in the child.
The piercing and screwing of the earring into the lobe occurs simultaneously.
The need to sterilize the device. In case of poor-quality disinfection, there is a risk of infection.
The noise from a gun shot can frighten a girl. In some cases, it is difficult to persuade a child to make a puncture on the second lobe.
medical needle manual method. A catheter needle is used. Our grandmothers used this method to pierce their ears.The needle is selected individually according to the size of the hole for earrings, earlobe of the child.
In the puncture field, not medical studs are put on, but real earrings that the baby likes.
Low cost of the procedure.
The needle causes panic in the child on a subconscious level. The procedure lasts at least 3 - 5 minutes.
Soreness. There is a risk of infection, inflammation of the wound.
System 75 A reusable gun with disposable cartridges is used. The earring is inside, the needle pierces the ear, the stud fastens automatically.Sterility. The puncture is done quickly, painlessly, quietly. Earrings are absolutely hypoallergenic. Titanium, medical steel, bioflex do not cause a negative reaction of the body.Limited choice of temporary earrings, the need to replace them after wound healing.
The cost of the procedure.

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How is the process

Before being sent to a medical center, a piercing salon, a baby needs to understand and know the intricacies of the process of ear piercing. This is necessary to monitor the correctness of the specialist’s manipulations, control the safety of the child, reduce the risk of infection, and get rid of fear. The puncture takes place in several stages:

  1. Visual inspection. The specialist identifies the presence of contraindications. Ears, skin, eyes, head of the child must be clean, without scratches, wounds, suppuration.
  2. Tool processing. A very important stage, it must be controlled in order to avoid complications with the ears, a hole in the earlobe later.
  3. Puncture with a gun, needle. It is done quickly, in the presence of adults. Earrings are inserted automatically or manually.
  4. Checking the quality of the procedure. Pay attention to whether the punctures are symmetrical, whether the lock is fastened tightly. They can also make a hole unevenly in specialized centers, it all depends on the experience of the master.
  5. wound care consultation. Parents are often given a booklet with useful tips and instructions. Be sure to take the phone of the master for consultations in unforeseen circumstances.

How to handle ears

Observing the elementary rules of hygiene of the wound in the lobe, mothers will be able to save their daughters from suppuration, complications after piercing. Ear care instructions are as follows:

  • Don't shoot and do not change the earrings worn in the salon 2 - 3 months, thereby not injuring the wound.
  • Treat the lobe, earring with antiseptics three times daily. Use chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide. It is not recommended to smear with alcohol, streptocide. If the earlobe abscesses, quickly begin to treat it with Vishnevsky's ointment and other means.
  • When processing, scroll the carnation along the axis. Make movements with the bow so that dirt does not stagnate inside the wound. Be sure to pull the entire surface of the earring out and wipe it. Wash your hands thoroughly before doing this.
  • Do not remove the dried crust from the wound. She will fall off on her own.
  • Gather your baby's hair in a ponytail higher, so as not to bring the infection into the ears.
  • Use Medical Glue to speed up wound healing.
  • Avoid swimming in open water, dirt, soap, cosmetics on the earring and earlobe.
  • For 1 - 2 weeks after the procedure limit your child's physical activity. Sweating can negatively affect tissue regeneration. If dirt or dust gets in, the ear can become inflamed.

What to do if the ear begins to fester

An unpleasant consequence of the piercing is the suppuration of the wound in the baby's ear. Poorly processed piercing devices, improper care after the procedure, and replacement of earrings can provoke an inflammatory process, infection. A scar may remain on the ear, the girl will no longer be able to wear earrings.

To eliminate suppuration, exclude other complications, treatment should be started immediately:

  1. Contact a doctor. Especially with prolonged suppuration, detection of redness in the neck, seals in the lobe, in the future it may turn black due to tissue death.
  2. Self-anoint the wound with medicines. Use " Miramistin"for spraying the wound 2-3 times a day," Solcoseryl», « Levomekol”, Lubricate the inflamed areas with synthomycin ointment. Festering can be washed with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Urgently go to the surgeon if the ear turned black, it began to swell, the child had a fever. The doctor will administer anesthesia and examine the baby. You may need surgery to eliminate the focus of inflammation, cleaning the wound from pus.
  4. Do not ignore folk remedies. Grandma's advice helps to treat inflammation without medication:
  • aloe juice draws out pus, heals a wound, relieves pain;

Cut the leaf of the plant in half, attach to the ear, replace with a new one after two hours. Use the recipe for several days in a row.

  • baths with sea salt disinfect the wound.

Self-piercing of the ears of children at home often leads to complications. It is absolutely impossible to do this.!

Inflammatory processes on the lobe, inside the auricle lead to serious consequences. These are paralysis of the facial nerves, keloids, tissue ruptures, hearing and vision disabilities. How many troubles await in this case and how many complications you will encounter is unknown.

Make the right choice by trusting your child to professionals. In this way, you will protect your little princess from complications, and she will be happy with her earrings in her little ears.

Which earrings to choose

When choosing the first jewelry for a baby, you need to pay attention to the following parameters of earrings:

  • Type of metal. During piercing, girls wear special temporary earrings made of titanium, medical steel or modern bioflex. They do not cause allergies, contribute to the rapid healing of the wound. Buy gold and silver earrings later, 1-2 months after the piercing. Precious metals oxidize, may contain nickel, which is unsafe for an open wound in the ear and the health of the child as a whole.
  • Product weight. It is important for a baby, a one-year-old baby, not to feel the heaviness of the jewelry. Almost weightless models are the best.
  • The form. A triangle, a circle, a heart - any option will be optimal if the child's earring does not interfere, it fits neatly on the lobe. The main thing is that they are not huge, do not interfere with dressing.
  • Sharp edges. Traumatic, protruding edges are strictly prohibited.
  • Pebbles. Small gems, crystals, diamonds are welcome. What is important is the strength, reliability of their fixation, and not the high cost.
  • Lock. For kids, carnations with a reliable closing mechanism, an English lock are suitable. They are difficult to unfasten on their own, lose.

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