
Victory Day: festive events. Victory Day: festive events Schedule of events for May 9 of the year


Over 2 two days, more than 600 festive events took place at 68 city venues, which were held with the support of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow. The leitmotif of the holiday was the traditions of the war years, as well as music, literature and cinema from the times of the Great Patriotic War.

Victory Day united residents and guests of the capital, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 7.4 million people took part in the celebrations. The main events were held on Poklonnaya Gora, Triumphalnaya and Teatralnaya Squares, on the square in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, on the Boulevard Ring (Strastnoy, Gogolevsky, Nikitsky and Chistoprudny boulevards), Patriarch's Ponds and Pushkinskaya Square. In addition, the cultural and entertainment program covered 11 districts of the capital and 21 parks of culture and recreation. In general, the festive events of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow on the streets and in parks were attended by more than 5 million citizens.


The creative content of the festive program was formed by more than 500 artists from cultural institutions in Moscow and other cities.

May 9 celebrations began with the Victory Parade on Red Square. According to the organizers, it has become the largest in the modern history of Russia and the most technically equipped. The parade was attended by representatives of all types and branches of the military - 10 thousand military personnel, about 135 units of military equipment, more than 70 aircraft and helicopters of the Russian Aerospace Forces. The Victory Parade was broadcast live on specially installed LED screens on Poklonnaya Hill, Patriarch's Ponds, Teatralnaya, Triumfalnaya and Pushkinskaya Squares, as well as in almost all districts of Moscow.

“Victory Day is a holiday with tears in our eyes. We honor those who brought the Great Victory to the country at the cost of inhuman efforts, who defended the right of their people to a peaceful life, - said Alexander Kibovsky, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow. - Now 109 thousand veterans of the Great Patriotic War live in the capital, including 14.5 thousand front-line soldiers, 27 Heroes of the Soviet Union and 2 Heroes of Russia, who were awarded these titles for their exploits during the Great Patriotic War. It is very important for us that veterans can take part in the celebration, and we are glad that they are with us. More than 1,000 war veterans visited Poklonnaya Hill alone. Especially for veterans, on May 9, a free taxi service operates here - more than 250 cars, so that the elderly can conveniently return from Victory Park to the places they need in Moscow.”

The citywide festive cultural and entertainment program started at 13:00, it began with the legendary song "Victory Day". Many citizens came to the holiday with musical instruments to support professional musicians. Improvised concerts with dances and songs were held right on the streets. The entire city center has turned into a single festive venue.

At 15:00, as part of the all-Russian action, the procession of the Moscow "Immortal Regiment" began, 600 thousand people marched along Tverskaya Street and near the walls of the Kremlin - both young people and people of the older generation. And so that the participants, following the route, could refresh themselves, the Moscow Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations deployed 10 field kitchens, where they were treated to porridge and tea cooked on charcoal.

At 18:55, Muscovites and guests of the city, together with all of Russia, honored the memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence. Then evening concerts began, and at 22:00 a festive fireworks display of 35 points took place. Including 16 salute sites, two of them are located on Poklonnaya Gora, where the legendary 76-mm divisional guns ZIS-3 of the 1942 model were installed. Also, fireworks and pyrotechnic shows were held in 19 city parks. In 10 minutes, 30 volleys were fired from 72 salute installations and 18 artillery pieces. The sky of the capital was decorated with more than 10 thousand fireworks.

Detailed information about the events dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day was published on the website

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

Solemn events on Poklonnaya Gora began on the evening of May 8 with the horse show "Traditions of Russia", which was presented to the public by a joint team of the Cavalry Honorary Escort of the Presidential Regiment and the Kremlin Riding School. Spectators saw the Cavalry parade in the Victory Park on the Alley of Peace and demonstration performances of horsemen on the Entrance Square. This was followed by a concert in which the Moscow State Academic Dance Theater "Gzhel", the children's studio "Fidgets", the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center under the direction of Lyudmila Ryumina, the group "Metro", "Russian Jam", "O Henry", "Bridge Brothers" Bend" and others.

On the afternoon of May 9, a concert of the Mariinsky Theater Symphony Orchestra under the direction of maestro Valery Gergiev with the participation of pianist Denis Matsuev took place on Poklonnaya Hill. Rachmaninoff's Second Piano Concerto, Dawn on the Moscow River from Mussorgsky's Khovanshchina, Prokofiev's First Symphony and Adagio from Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker were performed from the stage.

In the evening, Avtoradio presented a festive program on Poklonnaya Hill together with the Twice Red Banner Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov. With a large number of spectators, a large festive concert-shooting of the TVC channel took place, in which many famous bands and performers of Russia took part. The culmination of the gala concert was the action "Light of Memory": at 20:55, a 14-meter structure was lit up - a symbol of a memorial fire in honor of all those who fought for the Fatherland. It changed color from blood red to white and gold, reminiscent of eternal sorrow for the dead, as well as joy and pride in the exploits of our ancestors. Simultaneously with the luminous structure, 12,000 interactive bracelets were shining in the hands of the audience, and poems about the war and fragments of front-line letters were heard from the stage.

theatre square

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War from Moscow and other cities of Russia began to gather on Theater Square from the early morning of May 9. Some brought tablets with the names of the regiments in which they served. Elderly people rejoiced at the festive meetings and shared their memories.

After the broadcast of the Victory Parade from Red Square, incendiary performances of propaganda teams began on the stage next to the Bolshoi Theater, and then an interactive dance program with the participation of the audience. Throughout the day, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and other guests of Theater Square were treated to a wide variety of musical groups and performers.

In the evening, the concert “Crystal Stars for the Great Victory!” was held at the Bolshoi Theater with a full house, where, together with the People's Artist of the USSR Iosif Kobzon, participants of the All-Russian festival-competition “Crystal Stars” for gifted children from families of law enforcement officers performed. Veterans enthusiastically greeted Kozbon. Then the show group “VIVA!”, the soloist of the Mirage group Margarita Sukhankina, the singer Maxim Lidov took the stage. The evening ended with a performance of the Moscow Theater "School of the Modern Play" and a film concert.

Triumfalnaya Square

On May 8 and 9, Triumfalnaya Square hosted a large two-day musical and poetic marathon "Victory Lighthouses", prepared by Vlad Malenko's "City Theater of Poets". Artists of the State Academic Theater named after Mossovet, the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire performed. Elena Frolova, an artist of the Theater of Music and Poetry under the direction of Elena Kamburova, also took the stage.

At the concert on May 9, literary and musical numbers were presented by soloists of the Moscow Drama Theater. A.S. Pushkin, and the Moscow Children's Variety Theater showed the choreographic number "Cranes". Other groups also performed. The program ended with a military performance based on the works of Konstantin Simonov from the artists of the Moskontsert.

Pushkin Square

On Pushkinskaya Square, even despite the limited entrance, from the morning of May 9, a festive atmosphere reigned. On the open stage near the theater "Russia" a film concert was held in a specially assembled cinema hall for 300 seats, dedicated to famous films about the war. At first, viewers saw the Victory Parades of 1945 and 2016. One of the surprises was that the 1945 Victory Parade was shown in color: the chronicle was originally filmed in black and white, and has recently been colorized by graphic designers to emphasize the grandeur and power of the historical event. Then, masterpieces of cinematography were presented for viewing: “Heavenly slug”, “Only old men go into battle”, “Belorussky railway station”, “Officers” and many others. In honor of the 45th anniversary of the film "Officers" Vasily Lanovoy performed on Pushkin Square.

People of all ages enthusiastically looked at military equipment on Pushkinskaya Square and took pictures against the backdrop of guns that took part in the hostilities. Among the exhibits of the Great Patriotic War were: an anti-aircraft gun, an armored car BA-20, cars "Willis" and "Dodge". Next to the exhibits were animators in military uniforms, with whom you could take a picture for free as a keepsake.

There was also a dance floor for everyone to perform a waltz to military songs performed by an accordion player dressed in the uniform of a Soviet soldier.

Toward evening, the participants honored the memory of those who died in the war with a minute of silence. After it, the atmosphere was discharged by a concert of the children's group of the I. Krutoy Academy. Successfully coincided with Victory Day and the festival "Moscow Spring". Thanks to him, the visitors of the holiday were able to relax and refresh themselves with food sold in decorated tents, and after the rest they could return to the festive events with renewed vigor.

Square in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

For two days, festive concerts were held at the walls of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. On the evening of May 8, talented Russian pop artists presented the public with a bright musical kaleidoscope - from opera compositions to folk songs and pop hits. The concert was accompanied by the "Orchestra of the 21st century" conducted by the People's Artist of Russia Pavel Ovsyannikov. And on May 9, to the great pleasure of the audience, the Quatro vocal group appeared on the stage at the foot of the temple with a unique program “Grandchildren to Veterans”. The singers performed songs of the war and post-war years, they were accompanied by the Central Concert Orchestra of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia under the direction of the Honored Artist of Russia Felix Aranovsky.

Strastnoy boulevard

A special thematic exhibition dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the Victory Day and the year of national cinema in Russia was placed on May 9 on Strastnoy Boulevard. The exhibits revealed the history of such masterpieces of Soviet cinema as "Ivan's Childhood", "The Ballad of a Soldier", "The Fate of a Man", "The Cranes Are Flying". The main asset of the exhibition was the documentary film "The Defeat of the Nazi Troops near Moscow", which won an Oscar in 1943.

As Alexander Kibovsky, the head of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow, told reporters, the Museum of Cinema provided the figurine for the exposition on Strastnoy Boulevard. It was the first Academy Award given to a foreign film, and the first for our country. The uniqueness of the exhibit also lies in the fact that in 1943 the Oscar was made of gypsum with a golden coating to save money.

For two days on Strastnoy Boulevard, Muscovites and guests of the capital got acquainted with exhibitions, enjoyed a film concert and attended creative meetings in the lecture hall with eminent actors, directors of the RSFSR - Sergey Kayumovich Shakurov, Lyudmila Vasilievna Zaitseva and Nikolai Lukyanovich Dupak. The actors spoke about their creative activities, and Nikolai Lukyanovich Dupak, who fought for the Motherland during the war, shared his battle memories. People came to meet the actors with their families. Parents showed their children films about the war, which would become known to them only from school history books. The kids were fascinated looking at the screen and asked adults difficult but necessary questions - about what war is, and what significance the Great Patriotic War has for our Motherland.

Many were struck by the Heroes of Our Cinema exhibition on Strastnoy Boulevard, dedicated to the military exploits of Soviet film actors and film directors, such as Yuri Nikulin, Evgeny Vestnik, Vladimir Basov, Anatoly Papanov, Leonid Gaidai, Vladimir Etush, Pyotr Glebov, Zinovy ​​Gerdt.

Throughout the day on May 9, the correspondents of "Road Radio" recorded on Strastnoy Boulevard and broadcast live congratulations to veterans from everyone, and there were a lot of them.

boulevard ring

Military cinema was widely covered in the festive program on the Boulevard Ring. Several expositions at once opened on the boulevards on May 8, and they will work until June 23. On Gogolevsky Boulevard there is an exhibition of masterpieces of the film studio. Gorky and "Mosfilm" - these are the films "Officers", "Tender Age", "Moscow Speaks", "Deer Hunt", "Night Witches in the Sky". On Chistoprudny Boulevard you can learn about other films of these film studios: "The Ballad of a Soldier", "Ivan's Childhood", "Forty-First", "Liberation", "The Cranes Are Flying". In addition, on Gogolevsky Boulevard, throughout the day, Muscovites and guests of the capital made out a subscription to the newspaper Argumenty i Fakty as a gift to veterans.

On Nikitsky Boulevard, the audience is hosted by a photo exhibition based on feature films shot in wartime: "Native Fields", "Two Soldiers", "Front", "Rainbow", "Once upon a time there was a girl". Exhibition visitors noted that they learned something new about the history of the creation of these paintings, got acquainted with little-known films, saw rare photographs from film sets.

A photo exhibition devoted to the history of the orders of the Great Patriotic War, which were awarded to veterans - from the Order of Labor Glory to the Order of Lenin, attracted great attention of those walking on Nikitsky Boulevard. An equally informative exhibition is also open on Stary Arbat, it is called "Marshals of Victory" - about those who have been awarded the honorary personal military title of Marshal of the Soviet Union.

As part of the musical program on Chistoprudny Boulevard, artists from the Moscow State Sovremennik Theater and the Figaro Theater Group performed, they presented the literary and musical composition "From the Heroes of Bygone Times". On Gogolevsky Boulevard, a performance by the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop Theater and a literary and musical performance based on the works of front-line writers and poets "Roads of Victory" took place. On Nikitsky Boulevard, artists of the Moscow Luny Theater took the stage with the literary and musical composition Songs of the War.

The unusual art project "Front Life of Heroes" was organized on May 9 on Chistoprudny Boulevard. Visitors could watch a real improvised acting performance in three different pavilions dedicated to the military theme - “Hospital”, “Young Soldier Course”, “Before the Battle”, “Photo Studio”, “Dance Floor of the 40s”, “Station, Meeting of Heroes” .

Muscovites and residents of the capital could escape from complete immersion in the atmosphere of the war at a concert venue near the monument to Alexander Griboyedov. There, the actors of the Moscow Historical and Ethnographic Theater presented their performances, playing the musical program “Oh, roads!”. The children of the artists of the Children's Musical Theater of the Young Actor also showed their talents. Wartime songs were performed by Liza Andreeva, Katya Bogdanova, Ernest Boreko, Veronika Dvoretskaya, Pyotr Ivanochkin, Polina Kareva, Sasha Novikov, Yegor Fedorov.

Opposite the Chistye Prudy metro station, a stage was also organized. During the whole day, the artists of the Moscow State Sovremennik Theater Sergey Girin and Dmitry Smolev performed songs of the war years.

Walking along the boulevards at about 10 am, one could see planes flying from the parade of military equipment. With their exhausts, they decorated the sky in the color of the Russian flag.

Patriarch's Ponds

From early morning until late at night, people crowded at the interactive exhibition "Museum of the History of the Victory" - they examined weapons and equipment of the war years. A lot of positive feedback was caused by the concert “To the Glory of the Great Victory!”, which took place on May 9 at the Patriarch's Ponds. The program included the most famous songs of the war years, and the host of the concert, theater and film actor Artur Martirosov, revealed to the audience curious facts about the appearance of these musical works. Honored Artists of Russia Valery Semin, Olesya Evstigneeva and Alex Novikov, singers and composers Evgeny Gor, Dmitry Shved, virtuoso balalaika player Dmitry Kalinin, female vocal duo Manzherok, trio Relikt, vocal group Kalina Folk performed at the Victory Song Marathon and other famous performers. The concert was completed by the Russian singer and composer Pyotr Nalich, who performed the songs of the legendary Leonid Utyosov.

Moscow parks and districts of the capital

More than 200 festive events took place in honor of Victory Day in Moscow parks: concerts, workshops for children and adults, dance programs, free screening of films about the war. Venues for meetings of veterans were opened in the Park. Gorky, "Museon", in Sokolniki, the Garden. Bauman, Tagansky, Izmailovsky, Vorontsovsky, Perovsky, Lianozovsky parks, Kuzminki, parks "Fili", "Northern Tushino", "Gardeners", "Lilac Garden". The largest exhibition of military equipment of 21 units was located in the Park. Gorky. Field kitchens worked in many parks.

The large-scale musical and theatrical program "Front Brigades" covered 11 districts of the capital, each of them was equipped with festive venues where music concerts were held. Theater groups performed in the districts of the capital, such as the Moscow Theater "On Basmannaya", the drama theater "Modern", the Moscow Theater of Illusion, the "Center of Glory Polunin", the Moscow "Center for Drama and Directing", "Vedogon-Theater", the Moscow Theater Center " Cherry Orchard" and others. In total, over 300 artists took part in cultural and entertainment programs in the districts of Moscow.

On May 9, 2019, citywide, district and district celebrations dedicated to the 74th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War will be held in Moscow.

The parade on Red Square, the Immortal Regiment procession, thematic programs on Poklonnaya Gora, on pedestrian zones, boulevards, parks of culture and recreation, and the culmination of the holiday - a grand fireworks display - will become the central events.

How Moscow will be decorated for Victory Day 201 9

Moscow will be decorated with 2,500 decorative designs with flags and more than a thousand holiday posters and digital billboards with images dedicated to May 9, military chronicles and portraits of WWII heroes.

A large video greeting card with an area of ​​350 square meters will be shown on the facade of the Ostankino Tower.

Parade on Red Square

May 9, 2019 at 10-00 in honor of the 74th anniversary of the Victory, the Parade will be held. Soldiers and officers of the Russian army will march solemnly along the paving stones, military equipment will pass, airplanes and helicopters will fly over the city.

Immortal Regiment

On May 9, 2019, a march of memory will be held - the Immortal Regiment folk procession, in which relatives of war heroes will take part with their photographs.

Gathering of participants, formation of the column of the "Immortal Regiment" - at 14-00. The procession will start at 15:00.

The columns will go from metro station Dynamo along Leningradsky Prospekt, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street, Tverskaya Street, Manezhnaya Square to Red Square.

Holiday program

In all districts of the city on May 9, 2019, festive events will take place - performances of brass bands, pop concerts with the participation of stars, photo exhibitions dedicated to Victory Day, film screenings and other events.

Unified schedule for celebrating Victory Day in Moscow:

  • 10-00 - broadcast of the Victory Parade
  • 13-00 - citywide start of festive events
  • 18-55 - minute of silence
  • 19-00 - the beginning of the evening concerts
  • 22-00 - fireworks

Special festive programs and concerts have been prepared for Muscovites and guests of the city on Theater Square, on Poklonnaya Gora, on Triumfalnaya Square, near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, on Pushkinskaya Square, on the square in front of the main entrance of VDNKh.

Concert on the square in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

The symphony orchestra, the performance of opera soloists and participants of the festival of patriotic songs and other artists can be heard at the HKS.


  • 10:00–11:00 - parade on Red Square on the big screen
  • 11:00–11:20 - 1945 Victory parade on the big screen
  • 11:20–12:40 - movie concert on the big screen
  • 12:40–13:00 - 1945 Victory Parade on the big screen
  • 13:00–14:00 - Russian Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and soloists of the Novaya Opera Theater
  • 15:00–17:00 - participants of the festival of patriotic song "Crystal Star"
  • 17:00–18:55 - gala concert
  • 18:55 - minute of silence
  • 19:00–22:00 - festive concert with the participation of the Quatro group, the symphony orchestra of the RF Ministry of Defense and the choir of the Sretensky Monastery

Free military museums

Its collection contains more than 300 thousand exhibits: front-line letters, equipment and small arms from the Second World War.

The Poklonka cinema at the museum will host free screenings of military films, and visitors will also be able to watch theatrical performances and concerts with songs of the war years.

The Museum of Zelenograd, the Museum and Memorial Complex "History of the T-34 Tank", the State Exhibition Hall of the History of the War in Afghanistan, the Panorama Museum "Battle of Borodino", the Moscow State Exhibition Hall "New Manezh" (exhibition "1942. At the Headquarters Victory").

Gorky Park and Muzeon

On May 9, a brass band will play at the site at the Main entrance to Gorky Park, and cadet orchestras will play at the Museum.

  • from 10:00 a.m. - an exhibition of wartime equipment, master classes in aircraft modeling and a shooting gallery on Pushkinskaya Embankment
  • from 15:00 to 18:00 - Victory Ball on the central alley of Gorky Park and at the Pioneer cinema - dancing to the music of the war years
  • at 15:30 - the Moscow Fanfare brass band on the central square in the Muzeon
  • at 16:00 - the concert "Victory - one for all!" at the Museum. with the participation of Vasily Lanovoy, Irina Miroshnichenko, Larisa Golubkina and others. Also on stage are Petr Nalich, the vocal ensemble "Tenors of the 21st Century" and the children's musical theater "Domisolka"
  • at 17:30 - a concert of the combined orchestra of the cadet corps on the stage of the Muzeon from the side of the embankment
  • 18:55 - minute of silence
  • at 21:00 in the summer cinema "Muzeon" they will show "Ivan's Childhood" by Andrei Tarkovsky, and in "Pioneer" - "The Tale of a Real Man" by Alexander Stolper.
  • When it gets dark - showing the light show "Remember!" on the facade of the arch of the main entrance to Gorky Park and the inclusion on the central square of the Victory Tunnel 189 meters long, decorated with 340 thousand lamps on 1888 garlands.
  • 22:00 — festive fireworks on Pushkinskaya embankment

Programs in the parks

In 30 parks of Moscow, songs of the war years will be played all day long, you will be able to listen to performances of brass bands, take part in master classes, quadrille and waltz lessons, try dishes from field kitchens, look at photographs at street photo exhibitions and movies in summer cinemas .

Evening concerts begin at 7:00 pm.

Where can you celebrate Victory Day:

  • Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora — 10:00–22:00
  • Gorky Park — 10:00–22:00
  • Muzeon — 13:00–22:00
  • Zaryadye Park — 13:00–18:00
  • Hermitage Garden — 12:30-22:00
  • Bauman Garden — 13:00–22:00
  • PKiO Sokolniki — 13:00–22:00
  • Tagansky PKiO — 13:00–22:00
  • Krasnaya Presnya Park — 13:00–22:00
  • Krasnogvardeyskiye Prudy Park — 13:00–22:00
  • Perovsky Park — 12:00–22:30
  • Fili Park — 13:00–22:00
  • Northern Tushino Park — 13:00–22:00
  • Levoberezhye recreation area — 13:00–16:00
  • PKiO Kuzminki — 13:00–22:00
  • Khodynskoye Pole park — 13:00–22:00
  • Terletskaya oak forest – 12:00–16:00
  • Vorontsovsky Park — 13:00–22:00
  • Izmailovsky PKiO — 10:00–22:00
  • Lilac garden — 13:00–22:00
  • Babushkinsky — 13:00–22:00
  • Lianozovsky — 11:00–22:00
  • Goncharovsky — 13:00–22:00
  • Angarskiye Prudy park — 13:00–22:00
  • Mitino Landscape Park — 13:00–22:00
  • square along Olonetsky proezd — 13:00–22:00
  • Park of the 50th Anniversary of October — 13:00–22:00
  • park near the ponds "Rainbow" - 12:00-18:00
  • Sadovniki Park — 13:00–22:00
  • Moscow estate of Father Frost — 12:00–18:00

Light shows and broadcasts

As a reminder of the defense of Moscow and air defense units, anti-aircraft searchlights will be installed in iconic places in the capital. With the onset of darkness, many buildings will turn on architectural and artistic lighting. From 21-00 on the facade of the Central Theater of the Russian Army, on the pedestal of the sculpture "Worker and Collective Farm Girl" at VDNKh and on the arch of the main entrance of Gorky Park, festive concerts will be broadcast using video mapping technology. At 10:10 p.m., a light show will begin on the facade of the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill. The show will run until midnight.

Victory Day is a special date for each of us. Every year the horrors of war are pushed further and further away, and the heroes and eyewitnesses of those events are becoming less and less. May 9 remains the most significant and large-scale holiday, founded to commemorate the heroic deeds of our ancestors.

In 2016, Victory Day will be celebrated on a grand scale. A parade will be held in Moscow, in which mechanized and foot columns, and aviation will take part. In addition to this key event, the city will host various competitions, fairs, exhibitions, festive concerts and theatrical performances. The celebration of Victory Day will traditionally end with large-scale fireworks, which can be viewed at 16 venues.

The main attribute of the celebration of Victory Day is the St. George ribbon, so until May 9, an all-Russian patriotic action is taking place, within which everyone can receive a ribbon. They will be distributed in crowded places. You can get a symbol of gratitude for the feat of our grandfathers and grandmothers near the metro stations of the capital and other points of issue.

In addition to the main events dedicated to Victory Day, there will also be a procession of the Immortal Regiment, in which residents of many Russian cities will take part. During the procession, relatives of the war veterans will walk through the streets of the city. Anyone can join the memory route. The Immortal Regiment campaign is an opportunity to pay tribute to the heroes of the war. Gathering of participants of the action will begin on Pushkinskaya Square.

We have collected for you the most significant and interesting events dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The program of events dedicated to the Victory Day on May 9, 2016 in Moscow


event title


10:00 Military Victory Parade on Red Square with the participation of aviation Red Square

State Kremlin Palace

10:00-11:00 Live broadcast of the Victory Parade on Red Square Poklonnaya Gora

Tverskaya Square

Pushkin Square

Tverskaya street

Patriarch's Ponds

11:00-20:00 Festive program in Izmailovsky Park "Guys of our yard" Izmailovsky park
11:00-20:00 Music of Our Victory Festival. Gorky Park
13:00 Unified musical start of festive events. Collective performance of the song "Victory Day". Concert venues in Moscow
13:00-22:00 Big gala concert dedicated to the 71st anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War Poklonnaya Gora

Victory Park

Babushkinsky park

Fili Park

Kuzminki Park

Tverskaya Square

Sokolniki Park

13:30 Gathering of participants of the action "Immortal Regiment" Pushkin Square
15:00 Civil-patriotic action "Immortal Regiment". Tverskaya Square
17:00 "Traditions of Russia" - demonstration equestrian performances will be held on Poklonnaya Hill. Poklonnaya Gora

Victory Park

18:00 Traditional Victory Ball Gorky Park
18:55-19:01 Minute of Silence Russia Moscow
22:00 Fireworks Fireworks Launch Sites

On this day, we, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of front-line soldiers, try to smile - to them and to each other. We are honoring the few heroes who have remained with us, most of whom have celebrated their 90th birthday, but they will certainly try to come to the traditional meeting of veterans at the Bolshoi Theater.

Today we publish an overview of the main sites and information about the change in traffic during the holidays.

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

May 6, 16.00-18.00. The participants of the meeting of the international social and patriotic project "The Star of Our Great Victory" will deploy a copy of the largest Victory Banner measuring 200 square meters.

May 7, 15.00-18.00. Action "Draw a grandfather." The capital's artists, students of art schools and universities will recreate the lost images of the Great Patriotic War veterans so that their families can proudly carry portraits of their relatives in the Immortal Regiment on May 9 .

May 8, 10.00-16.30. Alley of Defenders of Moscow. Sports holiday with family starts. Courts for streetball, table tennis, darts, checkers and chess will be open.

At the intersection of the Alley of Soldiers and the Alley of War and Labor Veterans, the Musical Quarter festival will be held. There will be performances by creative teams of the Russian Armed Forces, cadet corps, art schools, clubs of historical reconstruction.

12.00. At the Eternal Flame, the finish of the relay race for wheelchair users "Relay Race of Generations" will take place. Its participants will hand over to the veterans a torch lit from the Eternal Flame in the Alexander Garden.

17.00. The defile of the Kremlin Riding School begins at the entrance square of the park, and a festive concert takes place on the main stage.

May 9. At 10.00 - the beginning of the live broadcast of the Victory Parade on large television screens. At the end - a concert of the Mariinsky Theater Symphony Orchestra conducted by Valery Gergiev.

At the intersection of the Alley of Soldiers and the Alley of War and Labor Veterans, the Musical Quarter festival will continue its work. A large festive concert of popular performers will take place on the main stage in front of the Victory Monument.

In the evening, the action "Light of Memory" will take place for the first time. A 10-meter structure in the form of a torch flower will be lit at the entrance square of the park. Blazing from the inside, the design will change color from red to white and gold.

22.00. Artillery salvo from 18 ZIS-3 guns on the hill and fireworks.

Hermitage Garden

May 9, 13.00-22.00. The Hermitage will traditionally become the venue for the Victory Ball. The atmosphere of the post-war years will be recreated in the garden. Artists will create an art object "Cranes" based on the film "The Cranes Are Flying".

The guests of the festival are waiting for the performances of the brass band of the Moscow garrison, the orchestra under the direction of Alexei Strenadko and the male chamber choir under the direction of Valery Rybin. Visitors will be able to listen to their favorite songs of the Soviet era and enjoy the theatrical sketch "Children of Our Yard": it will tell about the dreams and feelings of young front-line soldiers in the post-war years.

An exhibition of vintage cars will be held on the main alley of the garden. The field kitchen area is being stylized as an army halt: guests will listen to their favorite songs accompanied by a camp button accordion and eat army porridge. Children can learn how to make postcards and paper doves. All older visitors will be invited to take part in a chess battle.

In the evening, the square in front of the historical stage will turn into a 1940s dance floor. Professionals will help Muscovites master wartime dances.

18.00. A moment of silence.

22.00. Firework.

Gorky Park and Muzeon

12.00-15.00. A musical concert organized by the fund of war veterans "Rokada".

12.00-16.00. On the wooden terrace of the Krymskaya embankment, the KinoZvuk symphony orchestra will perform with compositions from films of the war years.

12.00-18.00. In creative workshops, children will learn how to create paper flowers.

13.00-15.00. The summer cinema "Pioneer" will host dance master classes "Soviet Retro".

13.00-15.00. Guitarist, singer and composer Philippe Dares will take to the main stage of Muzeon. To the accompaniment of accordion, manush guitar, double bass and drums, he will perform famous songs by French chansonniers Charles Aznavour, Yves Montand, Edith Piaf and Jacques Brel.

14.00-18.00. Open microphone.

16.30-17.00, 18.30-19.00, 21.30-22.00. Unexpected War Stories. The actors of the Sketches in Space Theater will tell the personal stories of Claudia Shulzhenko, Leonid Utyosov and Arkady Raikin.

18.00. A moment of silence.

21.00. Screening of the film "Once upon a time there was a girl."

22.00. Fireworks on the Crimean embankment.

Sokolniki Park"

On May 9 at 11.30 veterans of three divisions and a tank army formed in the park will march in a solemn march from the main entrance. Along the main alley there will be a museum of military equipment and vintage cars. A brass band will perform on the Rotunda stage, and an exhibition of front-line drawings by artist Valentin Bozhko will open on Fontannaya Square.

During the day, films about the war will be shown on Fontannaya Square: “Comrade General” and “The Cranes Are Flying”. Various creative groups and ensembles will also perform here.

20.15. The Lyudmila Zykina State Academic Russian Folk Ensemble and the Bravo group will take the stage.

21.00. In the summer cinema "Pioneer" an open screening of the film "Military Field Romance" will begin.

22.00. Fireworks.

Bauman Garden

13.00-22.00. Marching Band Festival. It will be held in Moscow for the fourth time and will be dedicated to the new generation of wind players. Not only well-known and beloved Moscow brass bands (Bubamara Brass Band, BrassOK, ½ Orchestra, Mosbras, Mishanyan's orchestra) will gather at one venue, but also recently formed bands. Students of Moscow art schools will open their own "children's" stage and will solo with adult musicians on the main stage.

Guests will hear a genre mix from club house on the trumpet to avant-garde jazz on the sousaphone, attend jam sessions for children and adults, and see noisy parades with marching bands. At the master classes, you can try to play brass instruments - trombone, trumpet and recorder.

The highlight of the project will be a retro site where everyone can feel at home. Soulful tea drinking, memories and dancing to the music of the Valeriy Bukreev Jazz Band will help you return to the past.

Izmailovsky park

On May 9, open lessons will be held on the dance floor, where visitors will be taught to dance the waltz, polka, krakowiak, as well as quadrille to war and post-war songs.

14.00-17.00. An aircraft modeling laboratory will operate on the central square: experts will talk about the design of aircraft and types of air combat, help create their own model and launch it into the air. In parallel, in the creative workshop, everyone will make greeting cards for veterans. Master class hosts will show you how to apply popular quilling, scrapbooking and embossing techniques.

17.00. The performances will begin. Veterans will be seated in the most convenient places, and honored guests of the holiday will watch the concert from the front rows at the tables with refreshments. The program will be opened by the Crazy Little Song cover band, and the Brass'Ok orchestra will continue. At 5:45 pm, the Intertalant band will take the stage, at 6:30 pm — the State Concert and Theater Chapel of Moscow named after Vadim Sudakov, at 7:15 pm — the Cardio Beat group.

A symbolic people's action "For a peaceful sky" will take place in the park. Veterans will be given carnations, and all guests will be given white balloons, which they will then simultaneously release into the sky.

22.00. Firework.

Other parks

On May 9, Victory Day will be celebrated in 21 Moscow parks. Guests will enjoy performances by military and brass bands, exhibitions, songs from past years, waltz and quadrille lessons. Festive programs will begin at 13.00. Fireworks will be launched into the sky at 22.00 in 20 parks.

Thus, singer Pyotr Nalich will give a concert in Tagansky Park, and the Small Symphony Orchestra will play melodies of the war and post-war years. On the holiday, an action will be held here: a dove of peace will be laid out of white balls on the football field and released into the sky.

In the park "Krasnaya Presnya" guests will be greeted by the brass band "Modern" with compositions of the 1940s. Poems and texts of letters from the front performed by actors will be heard from the stage. Children and their parents will be able to decorate the flower beds with paper flowers - professionals will teach them how to make origami. The concert program includes the Underwood group.

A military band, soloists of the Voice.Children show and the Forbidden Drummers group will be responsible for the musical program of Perovsky Park. Guests will be able to participate in the creation of the Wall of Peace art object from paper doves. There will be waltz and quadrille lessons.

Kuzminki will host a costume ball, a concert of a brass band and the Partizan FM group.

In the Sadovniki Park, artists from the Bolshoi Opera Company will perform songs of the war years in a modern version, and the Broadway vocal group will perform an a cappella program.

The headliner in Lianozovsky Park will be Nike Borzov. There will also be an exhibition of weapons of the Soviet infantry.

Dance lessons from the 1940s will be organized in Goncharovsky Park, and cover bands will perform.

Songs from the times of the Great Patriotic War will be played in the Fili and 50th Anniversary of October parks, military bands will perform in the 850th Anniversary of Moscow park, and the Black Cats band with a military-patriotic program will perform in Vorontsovsky Park. Opera soloists of the Bolshoi Theater will sing in Severny Tushin. Songs from films about the war will be played in Babushkinsky Park. Waltz, foxtrot and quadrille lessons will be held in the Lilac Garden.

Attention: changing the operating mode of the metro

May 7 from 7.00 until the end of the dress rehearsal of the military parade and May 9 from 7.00 until the end of the military parade on the Red Square of the station "Revolution Square", "Okhotny Ryad", "Teatralnaya", "Alexandrovsky Garden", "Borovitskaya" and "Library im. Lenin" will work only for the entrance and transfer of passengers.

On May 7 and 9, the exit of passengers from the stations Pushkinskaya, Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya, Mayakovskaya, Lubyanka (towards Nikolskaya Street), Kitay-Gorod (from the transitions towards Ilyinka Street, Kitaygorodskoye passage and Varvarka Street) during the construction of columns of military equipment and its passage along Tverskaya Street.

On May 9, from 12.00 until the end of the festive events, entrance to the Park Pobedy, Kutuzovskaya, Kyiv stations of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya, Koltsevaya and Filevskaya lines, and Belorusskaya of the Zamoskvoretskaya and Koltsevaya lines will be limited.

On May 9, after the end of the fireworks and festivities, the entrance of passengers to the stations "Revolution Square", "Okhotny Ryad", "Alexander Garden", "Arbatskaya" of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line, "Borovitskaya", "Lubyanka", "Kuznetsky Most" will be limited , Kitai-Gorod, Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya, Tverskaya, Park Kultury of the Koltsevaya and Sokolnicheskaya lines, Oktyabrskaya of the Koltsevaya and Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya lines, Vorobyovy Gory, Universitet, Sportivnaya .

Street closures in the coming days

In connection with the preparation (May 7) and the holding of the military parade (May 9), from 5.00 until the end of the event, the traffic organization scheme on the streets of Moscow is changing.

Will be blocked: Nizhniye Mnevniki street from Krylatskaya street to Narodnogo Opolcheniya street; People's Militia Street from Nizhniye Mnevniki Street to Mnevniki Street; Mnevniki street from Narodnogo Opolcheniya street to Zvenigorod highway; Zvenigorod highway; Krasnaya Presnya street; Barrikadnaya street; Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya street; Bolshaya Sadovaya Street; Triumfalnaya Square; Tverskaya street; Red Square; Kremlin embankment; Borovitskaya area; Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge; Bolotnaya street; Bolotnaya area; Big Stone Bridge; Mokhovaya street from Borovitskaya to Vozdvizhenka street; Vozdvizhenka street; Novy Arbat street from Vozdvizhenka street to Novinsky Boulevard; Novinsky Boulevard from Novy Arbat Street to Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Street.

Heroes die not when death comes, but when they are forgotten. Every year the Great Patriotic War goes further and further into the past. There are fewer participants in those events. It is all the more valuable that for millions of our compatriots, Victory Day remains a real national holiday. It is a symbol of respect and gratitude of descendants to their great-grandfathers, the spiritual unity of a multinational country. We will tell you about the events for May 9, 2017 in Moscow.

In honor of the 72nd anniversary of the surrender of Germany, about 2000 interactive platforms and interesting programs were organized for guests and residents of the capital. Public events - rallies, parades, festivities, concerts, honoring veterans, laying flowers at the monuments to the fallen - are the main events of this day.

Parade at the Kremlin walls

The most significant event of the holiday, according to tradition, will begin at 15:00 on Red Square. Unlike last year's completely grandiose anniversary parade, this one will be a little more modest, but no less impressive. On May 9, 2017, 11,000 military personnel, about 100 pieces of equipment and 71 aircraft will take part in the march along Red Square.

For the first time, viewers will see cutting-edge:

  • self-propelled gun mounts "Coalition-SV";
  • missile systems (RK) "Ball" and "Bastion";
  • new modifications of Typhoon vehicles with increased protection.

On the paving stones will also pass:

  • missile systems "Yars";
  • self-propelled howitzers "Msta-S";
  • anti-aircraft complexes "Buk-M2" and "Pantsir-S1";
  • tanks "Armata" and T-90A;
  • anti-aircraft installations S-400;
  • armored personnel carriers "Kurganets-25" and BTR-82A;
  • infantry armored vehicles "Boomerang".

In the sky will circle:

  • heavy transport aircraft AN-124-100, "Ruslan",
  • strategic bombers Tu-22M3, Tu-160,
  • MiG-31 interceptors,
  • su-34 fighters,
  • helicopters Mi-28, Ka-52, Mi-26.

Aerobatic teams will show their skills.

Legendary war workers - the SU-100 self-propelled gun and the T-34 tank - will again take their place in the ranks. WWII units will march across Red Square: Cossacks, pilots, infantry and sailors. Accurately recreated costumes and historical weapons will set the true spirit of Victory throughout the event.

March of memory "Immortal Regiment"

On May 9, Muscovites and caring guests of the city are invited to take part in the Immortal Regiment procession.

  • The action starts from the metro station "Dynamo" in Moscow at 15:00 and will continue at the walls of the Kremlin.
  • The purpose of the event is to unite everyone who cherishes the memory of their grandfathers who won the Victory.
  • In all metropolitan centers for the provision of public services, anyone who wants to join the movement can print a picture of a front-line soldier for free.
  • “In 2017, the Immortal Regiment will go from the Dynamo metro station to Red Square. The procession will start at 15:00. We expect from 700 thousand to 1 million participants. If more Muscovites come than last year, the action will be extended by 1-1.5 hours,” N. Zemtsov (co-chairman of the Immortal Regiment patriotic public movement) is quoted in the message.
  • Also, marchers will be able to get free water along the entire route of the march, but the field kitchen will not work. This year, the organizers intend to improve the musical accompaniment. Military music will play along the way, and screens will be placed for the participants to broadcast the Victory Parade.


On May 9, 2017, at exactly 22:00, the sky of Moscow will light up with many lights. Victory will be saluted with the help of new installations equipped with a computer launch system to obtain a three-dimensional light panorama.

In 10 minutes, 30 artillery shots and 10 thousand volleys will be fired from special installations on the KamAZ platform. An additional interactive effect will create a spotlight.

It is best to enjoy the colorful volleys on Poklonnaya Hill - the main fireworks platform of the capital, the observation deck of the Sparrow Hills and VDNKh.

“A brass band is playing in the city garden…”

Field kitchens, concerts, theatrical performances, military bands and songs of those years on May 9 - in all parks of Moscow. Each district of the capital offers its own special events dedicated to the Victory Day.

On Poklonnaya Hill

Equestrian performance "Traditions of Russia"

The event starts at 17:00. The wonders of dressage will be demonstrated by the Guard of Honor Company, the Presidential Regiment, riding schools from Moscow and other cities. The Presidential Orchestra will show its skills.

Virtuoso Concert

On May 9, 2017, the unsurpassed symphony orchestra of the Mariinsky Theater will play on the stage of the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora. The musicians, led by conductor Valery Gergiev, prepared a unique program especially for the holiday.

"Light of Memory"

On May 9, activists will hand out 30,000 luminous bracelets on Poklonnaya Hill. In the evening before the fireworks, their radiance will merge with a ten-meter symbol of memory - a composition of flowers and eternal flame.

Walking in the parks of the capital


The amazing vocal data of the soloists of the television show “Voice. Children” and the performance of the group “Forbidden Drummers” can be heard in Perovsky Park. The highlight of the holiday will be the “Peace Wall” created by the guests from hundreds of paper doves. The solemnity of the event will be given by the parade of cadets.

Them. Bauman

On May 9, you will be able to attend the show of walking bands in the Bauman Garden. The festival in Moscow is being held for the fourth time. In 2017, the most unusual brass bands take part in it: Mosbras, Bubamara Brass Band, ½ Orchestra, Mishanyan Orchestra and others.

You will be surprised, but it turns out that in this form you can perform not only marches and jazz compositions. In the arsenal of walking orchestras - club house, mixes from works of various genres, performed in an unusual manner on the trumpet or sousaphone.

Do you want to participate? Create a costume for yourself in a cardboard atelier, learn the basics of playing the trumpet or trombone at master classes - and go!


The youngest participants of the holiday, together with their parents, can create costumes and decorations for the children's Victory Parade and personally take part in it. The march will take place on May 9 at 14:30 in the Tagansky park.

Snow-white balloons, laid out in the form of a dove of peace, will soar into the sky at 15:00. You can learn how to dance a square dance, a waltz to the fashionable hits of the 1930s and 1940s at a special master class.

In the evening, at 18:00, the event will continue with the performance of the Eurovision participant - Peter Nalich.

Small sites

You can learn the basics of foxtrot, waltz and square dance on Victory Day in the Lilac Garden, Goncharovsky Park.

The musical platform of the "Northern Tushino" offers a diverse program - from the performances of the soloists of the Bolshoi Theater Opera and to the show prepared by the radio "Dacha".

Kuzminki Park

To the live music of a brass band and the unusual rhythms of the Partizan FM group, on May 9, 2017, a costumed quest “Military Intelligence. Southeast" in the park "Kuzminki".

The territory will be conditionally divided into units and, starting from the checkpoint, all participants will master the course of a novice soldier, providing medical care to the wounded and injured. At a halt, you can taste the cooking of the field kitchen and play games.

The aviation battalion will have models of military equipment. Fashion of the 40s will be presented in a special fashion show, and retro cars can be seen up close. The combat unit will be attended by Moscow artists with a sponsored concert, and laureates of the Spring of 1945 competition will perform on stage. In the evening, hundreds of balloons with wishes and dreams will fly into the sky.


Take the opportunity to experience history in the full sense of the word. An exhibition of military equipment and retro cars of the 1940s will be held in Sokolniki Park in the center of Moscow to the accompaniment of military bands.

The most beloved films about difficult years and remarkable people of the era and rich porridge cooked in a real field kitchen will create the right mood. The performance of the Bravo group will provide a pleasant spiritual atmosphere of the post-war years.

On May 9, retro cars and military equipment can also be viewed on Pushkinskaya Embankment, in the Hermitage Garden.

Events worth visiting

  • On Strastnoy Boulevard, as part of the Cinema Pavilion event, everything will be dedicated to the cinema of the war era, creative meetings with famous directors, actors and other filmmakers will be held.
  • For boys and their dads! In the cultural center "Meridian", located on the street. Profsoyuznaya, d. 61, an annual exhibition of bench models of military equipment. There is everything: planes, armored personnel carriers, tanks, ships, helicopters. And also dioramas of famous battles, fighting robots from the world of fantasy, collectible historical miniatures and warriors of all eras: from Egyptian warriors to Saxon knights and special forces soldiers.
  • An unusual event will take place in the Fashion Village on the square near the Central Department Store on May 9: you can plunge into the atmosphere of the 40s and watch fashion shows in the spirit of those years.
  • On the veranda of the theater "School of the modern play" at 15:00, the program "And I will call my friends ...", dedicated to the works of Bulat Okudzhava, will begin. You are expected at the address: Sredny Tishinsky lane, 5/7, building 1. The format of the event is open. Theater actors, songwriters and poets will perform. The main theme will be poems and melodies about the war.
  • On Victory Day on Stary Arbat there will be a photo exhibition of culinary masterpieces of the 40s and 50s and master classes on their preparation as part of the event.
  • May 9, 2017 you can visit the Spring Flower Festival in Moscow, held in the "Aptekarsky garden" (botanical garden) on Prospekt Mira, 26, building 1. Amazing tulips, hyacinths, outlandish sakura, magnolias and almond trees. Many rare and exotic plants bloom in the Botanical Garden during this period.
  • On May 9, 2017, the International Billiards Tournament for the Moscow Mayor's Cup will begin at the Olimpiysky sports complex. The event is open to players of all levels.


An unusual extreme event for the Victory Day was prepared by Russian athletes.