
Miracle salad with smoked chicken. Layered salad with smoked chicken

breast cancer

Miracle salad with smoked chicken


2 smoked chicken legs,
2 eggs,
200 g of carrots in Korean,


Separate the meat from the bones and cut into cubes. Peel the eggs, cut into cubes, salt to taste and season with mayonnaise.
Put carrots, eggs and chicken meat in layers in a salad bowl. Then carefully turn on a plate and remove the salad bowl, Garnish with herbs and serve.

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    How to cook puff salad with smoked chicken - 15 varieties

    This salad of simple ingredients will take its rightful place on your table. A wonderful combination of tastes and ease of preparation - this is what both housewives and guests will appreciate it for.


    • 2 smoked chicken thighs
    • 2-3 medium potatoes
    • 200 gr hard cheese
    • 3 carrots
    • 3 eggs
    • 2 cucumbers
    • onion and dill
    • mayonnaise


    Boil potatoes, carrots and eggs, cool and peel. Finely chop cucumbers and herbs. Remove the skin and bones from the legs, and chop them finely. Grate the potatoes and lay on the bottom of the dish. Lubricate the potatoes with mayonnaise and lay the chicken on top. Without greasing with mayonnaise, lay out cucumbers and carrots, after rubbing them on a grater. Then grease with a layer of mayonnaise and green onions. Grate eggs on top and brush again with mayonnaise. Top with dill and grated cheese. Lettuce is recommended to be removed in the refrigerator to impregnate the layers.

    Cooking tip: If the cheese is not quite firm and sticks to the grater, spray it with cooking non-stick spray. This will make the process much easier.

    Smoked chicken is surprisingly, but very successfully combined with pineapples and lovers of a sweet touch will appreciate this salad. Simple ingredients and a minimum of time costs - just what housewives need on a holiday.


    • 300 gr smoked chicken
    • 1 can of pineapples
    • 1 can of corn
    • 3 cucumbers
    • 1 cup boiled rice
    • 4 boiled eggs
    • 150 gr cheese
    • 1 jar of pitted olives
    • mayonnaise


    Put the finely chopped smoked chicken on a plate with the first layer and grease with mayonnaise. Then add boiled rice and grease again with mayonnaise. The next layer is diced pineapples and cucumbers. Add a layer of mayonnaise and spread the grated cheese on top. Cut the olives into 4 parts and mix with corn, after draining the juice from it. Lubricate again with mayonnaise and add the eggs grated on a fine grater. Enjoy your meal!

    A very interesting and spicy salad, with a pleasant spiciness. You can make Korean-style carrots yourself and adjust the spiciness to your liking or buy ready-made ones - there are a lot of options on our market.


    • 250 gr smoked chicken
    • 200 gr Korean carrots
    • 2 cucumbers
    • 4 boiled eggs
    • 100 gr cheese
    • mayonnaise


    Grate the eggs and cheese, cut the chicken and cucumbers into small cubes. We spread the salad in the dish as follows: eggs, chicken, cucumbers, Korean carrots, cheese. Lubricate each layer, except for the last one, with mayonnaise. If desired, you can decorate the salad with herbs.

    Layered salad with chicken and Beijing cabbage is incredibly nutritious. It will surely please you. If there are many guests planned, increase the number of ingredients by one and a half to two times and you can repeat the layers again. We promise that guests will “swept away” this salad first!


    • 1 smoked chicken breast
    • 1/4 Chinese cabbage
    • 1 can of corn
    • 4 eggs
    • 2 carrots
    • 50 gr walnuts
    • mayonnaise and herbs


    Boil carrots and eggs, peel and three on a coarse grater. Cut the chicken into small strips and put on the bottom of the form. Lubricate with mayonnaise and spread finely chopped Chinese cabbage on top. The smaller you cut it, the more tender the salad will turn out. Put a layer of mayonnaise on top of the cabbage and sprinkle with walnuts. Then comes a layer of carrots, which also needs to be smeared with mayonnaise. Next, lay out the corn, previously thrown into a colander so that all the excess liquid is glassed, again mayonnaise and grated eggs. Let the salad soak for 40 minutes and you can treat guests.

    Cooking tip: this salad will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful, if the egg whites and yolks are grated separately and preferably on a fine grater. Lay out the whites first, and decorate with a crumb of yolk on top.

    Salad with a very rich taste, and amazing to look at. You can attract children to decorate such a salad, they will definitely be interested in such an experience and they will eat the salad with even greater pleasure.


    • 200 gr smoked chicken
    • 300 gr champignons
    • 3 boiled eggs
    • 2 boiled carrots
    • 4 pickled cucumbers
    • 1 bell pepper
    • mayonnaise


    Cut the chicken breast into small cubes and lay out the first layer. Lubricate with mayonnaise. cut off 5-6 thin layers from carrots for decoration, grate the rest, put on top of the chicken and coat with mayonnaise. The next layer is finely chopped bell pepper. Next, we need to prepare the mushrooms. If you are using fresh, fry them ahead of time. vegetable oil, if pickled - then just cut it into small pieces. We spread the champignons and grease this layer with mayonnaise. Cucumbers cut into small cubes, put on mushrooms and also grease with mayonnaise. The last layer is grated eggs. The shape of the salad can be either round or square. We decorate the salad in the form of a bow - we use carrots and bell peppers for this. All! You can surprise your guests with a beautiful and tasty dish!

    Salad with a spicy garlic flavor. We do not use mayonnaise and too “heavy” ingredients in it, so it can be eaten without a twinge of conscience even for those who watch their figure.


    • 200 g smoked chicken breast
    • 200 gr hard cheese
    • 4 eggs
    • 2 cucumbers
    • 2-3 garlic cloves
    • 400 g sour cream 20% fat
    • salt, black pepper


    Cut chicken breast into cubes. Boil eggs and grate on a fine grater, also three cheese on a grater. Cucumbers cut into cubes. We pass the garlic through a garlic press or grind it in a blender and mix with sour cream. Since the salad will turn over, we lay out the layers on the contrary. In principle, this is optional - you can start from the last layer and lay out the salad in reverse order. We cover a deep plate with cling film and lay out the grated cheese. Put half of the grated eggs on top of it, grease with garlic and sour cream sauce. Then comes a layer of cucumbers - use half and dressing again. The next layer is chicken, we also use half of what we have and grease with sauce. Then we repeat the layers - eggs, cucumbers and chicken. We coat each layer with sour cream with garlic, a little salt and pepper. The salad should be allowed to stand in the refrigerator for at least an hour so that it is well soaked. Before serving, turn over on a flat dish and decorate with herbs.

    Very unusual salad with a beautiful presentation. It reveals a whole bunch of flavors. It combines the incongruous and turns out to be incredibly interesting in taste. If you don't know how to surprise your guests, prepare this salad and we promise you that no one will remain indifferent.


    • 500 gr smoked ham
    • 150 gr hard cheese
    • 4 eggs
    • 300 gr grapes
    • 2 tbsp almonds
    • mayonnaise
    • parsley


    Remove the skin and bones from the chicken thigh and cut into cubes. We spread half in a salad bowl and make a mesh of mayonnaise. Put boiled and grated eggs on top, also half and again pour mayonnaise. Grate the almonds on a fine grater and spread evenly over the layer. Put a layer of grated cheese on top, leave half and pour over with mayonnaise again. Next, repeat the layers and grease each with mayonnaise. Decorate the salad with halves of grapes, first remove the seeds from it and parsley.

    The sour-sweet note of prunes perfectly complements the chicken meat in this salad. The addition of walnuts makes the salad very satisfying and nutritious. Interesting design will be a great option for a festive table.


    • 350 gr smoked chicken
    • 250 gr prunes
    • 100 gr walnuts
    • 4 boiled eggs
    • 2 medium fresh cucumbers
    • 250 gr mayonnaise


    We separate the meat from the bones and cut into cubes, put it on the bottom of the plate and grease with mayonnaise. Finely chop the pre-washed and soaked prunes and lay out the next layer. Chop the nuts, you can leave a couple for decoration and sprinkle them with prunes. Peel and grate the eggs and arrange on top of the nuts. Now you can grease with a layer of mayonnaise - it can be made thicker. Spread finely chopped cucumbers on top and pour with mayonnaise. We decorate the salad, let it soak and serve it to the table!

    The classic combination of chicken and mushrooms is to the taste of many. Therefore, we could not help but add this easy-to-prepare, but very tasty salad to our collection.


    • 500 gr smoked chicken
    • 2 fresh cucumbers
    • 200 gr marinated champignons
    • 6 eggs
    • 5-6 tablespoons of mayonnaise
    • a little green dill
    • salt and pepper to taste


    First of all, cut the chicken into small cubes and put it in a detachable form on a plate. Boil the eggs, grate 5 pieces, leave one for decoration. Mix the grated eggs with 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise. We divide the mass into three parts and put one of them on the meat. Cucumbers are cut lengthwise into 4 parts and cut into thin slices and put in a mold, salt on top and sprinkle with finely chopped dill. Spread the second part of the egg-mayonnaise mixture on top. Next, lay out a layer of chopped champignons. Next, lay out the remaining mixture of eggs and mayonnaise and grease with another 1-2 tablespoons of mayonnaise on top. We put it in the refrigerator to soak. Before serving, decorate with cucumbers, herbs and egg quarters.

    A delicious salad with an original serving will be an excellent decoration for the festive table. There are a lot of variations of the salad, it can be prepared from different products, but we have chosen a proven recipe that everyone will like.


    • 1 smoked leg
    • 300 gr fresh mushrooms
    • 1 small onion
    • 4 eggs
    • 150 gr cheese
    • 1 large tomato
    • mayonnaise


    Finely chop the mushrooms and onions and fry, boil the eggs, leave the protein of one egg for decoration. Put the chicken in the first layer, then the mushrooms, grated eggs and cheese. Let's try to lay out a slide. Each layer must be greased with mayonnaise. Place diced tomatoes on top. With the help of protein grated on a fine grater, lay out the “fluff” - a frill and a bubo. Delicious and beautiful salad is ready!

    Incredibly beautiful salad, with a very original taste. We advise you to cook it on the festive table and please your guests with a bright colorful view and amazing taste!


    • 400 gr smoked chicken breast
    • 4 kiwis
    • 4 chicken eggs
    • 1 carrot
    • 1 apple
    • mayonnaise
    • lemon juice


    We put a glass on a wide plate, around it we will form our salad. Cut the chicken into cubes and place on a plate. Then evenly distribute the kiwi, diced and grease with mayonnaise. Then lay out a layer of boiled carrots, grated, coat with mayonnaise. The next layer is laid out grated egg whites and also grease with mayonnaise. Peel the apple, cut into cubes and put on the proteins, grease with mayonnaise. Sprinkle crumbs from the yolks on top. We take out the glass and decorate the salad with kiwi slices.

    Very easy to prepare but insanely delicious salad is suitable for every day, and for celebratory event. Ingredients listed are for 2 servings, so increase proportionately depending on the number of guests.


    • 1 smoked chicken thigh.
    • 50 gr cheese
    • 1 large tomato
    • 2-3 garlic cloves
    • 3 tbsp mayonnaise
    • some crackers
    • salt and pepper


    We separate the meat from the bones, cut into cubes and spread as the first layer of our salad. Coat the chicken with mayonnaise. Three cheese on a fine grater and spread on top. Spread with mayonnaise again. Then cut the tomatoes into cubes, crush the garlic and mix with the tomatoes. Salt, pepper, mix and spread this mass on cheese. We make a mesh of mayonnaise and lay out crackers.

    Cooking Tip: This layered salad can be served in bowls. To do this, divide all the ingredients by the number of guests and put them separately in each bowl.

    Everyone knows the salad in a new variation. We replace champignons with mushrooms and get a new interesting taste and a wonderful decoration on the table.


    • 300 g smoked chicken breast
    • 200 gr pickled mushrooms
    • 3 medium boiled potatoes
    • 2 boiled eggs
    • mayonnaise
    • greenery for decoration


    Cut the potatoes into small cubes or three on a grater, put on a plate and grease with mayonnaise. Next, lay a layer of smoked chicken, cut into cubes and also coat with it. We rub the eggs on a grater and lay out the next layer, we also coat them. Cut greens and sprinkle on top. Put mushrooms in the center and serve to the table. If you want the salad to be taller, duplicate the layers 2 or 3 times. Enjoy your meal!

    This is a very bright beautiful salad familiar for a long time, but still takes pride of place on holiday table. The perfect combination of flavors never gets boring, and beautiful decoration pleasing to the eye.


    • 1 smoked chicken thigh
    • 2 medium potatoes
    • 1 beetroot
    • 100 gr cheese
    • 150 gr mayonnaise
    • 1 pomegranate


    Boil potatoes and beets, cool and peel. We take a large flat dish and put the glass in the middle. Three potatoes on a grater and spread around the glass, coat with mayonnaise. Cut the chicken and put it on top of the potatoes, spread with mayonnaise. The next is grated cheese, smeared with mayonnaise, then beets, grated. Coat with mayonnaise. Decorate with pomegranate seeds over the entire surface of the salad and take out the glass.

    Cooking Tip: To easily peel a pomegranate, take a colander and place it in a pot of water. Cut off the top of the pomegranate and make longitudinal cuts. then dip the pomegranate into a colander of water and begin to separate the seeds from the skin. This method will allow the grains to fall to the bottom and the light peel will float to the surface. Carefully fish it out and remove the colander from the water.

    This salad is very bright and it is better to serve it in transparent portioned salad bowls or in wide glasses so as not to hide all its brightness and beauty. The indicated amount of ingredients is enough for about 6 servings.


    • 2 smoked legs or breasts
    • 5 boiled eggs
    • 3 large tomatoes

    Smoked chicken salad recipes will allow you to prepare an original culinary masterpiece that you want to enjoy from a standard set of products. The dietary quality and taste of chicken make it possible to use it for preparing main dishes for a festive feast or dinner with the family. The smoky flavor adds savory notes to appetizers, accentuates tender poultry and highlights other ingredients. The smell instantly causes a brutal appetite.

    The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

    Chicken meat goes well with boiled and fresh vegetables: potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, Beijing cabbage, canned corn and peas. Boiled eggs, hard cheese, champignons, Korean carrots, olives are added to salads. Try experimenting with flavor combinations and adding dried fruits, fresh fruits, spices and fragrant spices to traditional ingredients. You can not do without greens - add it in chopped form or decorate the dish with sprigs.