
How to increase lactation: massage and proper nutrition for mom. Breast massage: a pleasant procedure for increasing lactation Massage for the appearance of milk

Breast cancer

This is the name of the complex technique of influencing the mammary glands. Classical massage activates blood supply to the skin and tissues, improves blood microcirculation, while lymphatic drainage relieves the mammary glands from toxins and toxins that accelerate the aging of the body.

The latter is contraindicated for lactating women. And it is worth learning about the first type in detail.

When is it advisable to use the procedure?

Breast massage is optional for a nursing mother. Breastfeeding experts recommend using this manipulation in the following situations:

  1. Expressing. To maintain normal lactation levels, breast milk must be expressed. Massage is used to facilitate milk waste. Light touch stimulates the production of oxytocin. It is a hormone that makes milk easier to express.
  2. Strengthening lactation. Massage is used to improve the blood supply to the mammary glands. Breastfeeding experts state that milk is released from the milk ducts more intensively and faster after massage.
  3. Fight against lactostasis. This is called stagnation of milk in the breast. The only and effective means of eliminating it on its own is massage. In this case, the impact should be gentle, light, without pressure. The woman's task in this case is to soften the areas of hardening of the mammary glands before feeding. This contributes to the resorption of stagnation.
  4. Increased tissue tone. With lactation, the shape of the breast changes, it increases. And if it is too intense, then muscle dysfunction is likely, ligaments that are unable to withstand the load. The woman develops ptosis, that is, ptosis of the breast. Massage in this case will help to avoid unpleasant phenomena.

Types of massage during lactation

There are two types of breastfeeding effects on the mammary glands. The first is prophylactic. This technique is called light massage. Breastfeeding experts advise doing it on a regular basis to avoid lactation problems. So, follow these steps:

  1. Place the palms of your hands slightly below the collarbone, in the upper area of ​​the mammary glands.
  2. Perform stroking movements, moving from the base of the gland to the nipples.
  3. Rinse your breasts with warm water and repeat stroking, without the need to press hard on the skin.

Preventive massage should be light, relaxing and pleasant. It is recommended to perform it before feeding the baby, improving the flow of milk.

The therapeutic type of procedure is used for difficulties with breastfeeding. It allows you to facilitate expression and improve blood flow in tissues, accelerate the resorption of lactostasis.

Proceed in this way:

  1. Stroke the breasts with your palms.
  2. Press down on the top of your ribcage under your collarbones. Reduce the pressure as you move down to the nipples.
  3. Move your fingers from the base of the breast to the nipples from different points (from below, from the sides, from the sternum).
  4. Grasp the nipple with your index and thumb. Gently, without pressure, massage it.
  5. Lean forward. Relax completely. Grasp the breasts with your palms and shake. The force of gravity will force the milk down to the nipples.
  6. Direct the shower onto your chest. Make rotating movements along the right and left mammary glands. Blot them at the end with a soft towel.

This massage technique has the property of stimulation, so you need to use it before feeding the crumbs. You can involve your husband in the procedure, and then ask him to massage the neck and collar zone. It tones the body of a nursing mother, relieves anxiety.

Massage therapy should not be done unnecessarily. If there are no problems with lactation, then it is recommended to use only preventive techniques. In any case, you need to pay attention to hygiene. We are talking about washing hands with soap before performing the manipulation, rinsing the mammary glands with warm water. It is not recommended to use detergents more than once a day, because excessive cleanliness inhibits the production of skin lubrication. This makes the skin vulnerable to pathogens. It is prohibited to use alcoholic solutions for cleansing the mammary glands.

In order for the feeding process to bring only joy, to be complete and painless, experts recommend a number of breast massage techniques for breastfeeding.

In what situations is massage needed

Even if lactation goes well, the woman has enough milk, and she does not feel discomfort either before or after feeding, massage will be beneficial for the glands. Although it is not required. Consultants recommend performing massage in such cases:

  • When expressing milk. If the mother is forced to stop latching on the baby (for example, if she drinks drugs that are incompatible with hepatitis B), she expresses milk in order to maintain lactation and prevent stagnation. Massaging will help stimulate the production of oxytocin and enough nutrition for your baby.
  • To enhance lactation. Massage helps to increase blood circulation, activate the glands, therefore, milk production is accelerated.
  • To tone up the tissues. During hepatitis B, the shape of the breast changes in almost all women. To avoid deformation of the ligaments and muscles, tonic techniques are performed.
  • With stagnant milk. With such a problem, it is recommended to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible, gently massaging the seals.

Preventive techniques relax muscles and ducts and maintain milk production. They will help maintain the elasticity of the breast after breastfeeding, prevent stretch marks, cracks and mastitis.

For the arrival of milk

After giving birth, you do not need to do a special massage. The chest during this period is very sensitive and vulnerable. It is important to attach the baby to the breast while still in the delivery room, and then apply the newborn to the breast as often as possible. This stimulation will be quite enough for the arrival of milk. In the first days, the baby is well fed up with colostrum, transitional milk will appear on the 3rd-7th day.

Before feeding to enhance lactation

A breast massage for milk will be useful if lactation is not very active, and the milk that is released is not nourishing enough for the baby. This can be judged by weight gain. Additionally, the consultant can recommend vitamins or nutritional adjustments.

Before a breast massage to increase lactation, a little preparation is needed:

  • rinse nipples and breasts, wash your hands with soap without aromatic additives;
  • hands should be warm;
  • lubricate the chest and palms with a small amount of oil, avoiding the nipple and areola;
  • put one hand under the chest, holding the other on top - it will be working;
  • after the massage, rinse the breast with warm water under the shower, moving in a circular motion from the base to the nipples.

The movements that must be performed with the working hand depend on the massage technique. Among the oils, you can choose special massage oils without perfume or vegetable oils: olive, sea buckthorn, jojoba, peach.

It is important that they do not cause individual intolerance and do not get on the nipples and areolas! To check the tolerance, you need to drop a drop of oil on the bend of the elbow and monitor the condition of the skin for several hours.

The most comfortable position for massaging before feeding is sitting or reclining with a pillow or roller under your back.

How to properly massage and knead breasts to improve lactation:

  • starting from the top, pressing the base of the chest with the palm of your hand, move the fingers of the working hand in a circular motion in one place for several seconds;
  • move your fingers to another area of ​​the chest - in a spiral in the direction of the areola;
  • Lightly stroke from the top of the chest to the nipples to stimulate muscle tissue;
  • Gently shake your breasts by leaning forward while holding them - this will cause milk to rush closer to the nipples by gravity;
  • fingering with your fingers, move, tapping, from the periphery to the nipples.

After the procedure, rinse your chest with warm water under a diffused stream in the shower.

With lactostasis

Massage with stagnant milk will help normalize the passage through the milk ducts, stimulate the glands and avoid soft tissue compaction. This is evidenced by symptoms such as pain in the chest and armpits, soreness to touch, and a decrease in milk volume.

The first aid is a child. Applying on demand helps you deal with stagnation. Massage is only an aid.

Breast massage while breastfeeding for the treatment of lactostasis:

  • stroke your breasts from the base to the nipples;
  • stroke the whole palm in a spiral in the same direction, slightly increasing the pressure;
  • massage the nipple, gently twisting;
  • stroking the top of the areola with your palm, increasing the pressure;
  • gently knead the inflamed areas, avoiding sharp pain;
  • pat down again and take a warm shower.

The procedure should not take more than 7-8 minutes. Just before feeding, you can lightly massage the nipple with extremely clean hands. A correctly performed technique eliminates congestion, softens tissues and reduces soreness.

After completing hepatitis B for chest pain

Soreness after the completion of lactation suggests that the mammary glands are inflamed or the hormonal background has not yet recovered - oxytocin continues to flow, stimulating the organ's work. Before practicing self-massage, you need to consult your doctor.

Cysts in the ducts can result from regular fluid stagnation or anatomical features of the glands. Only a mammologist deals with their diagnosis. With cysts, self-massage is prohibited!

If the pain is caused not by cystic formations, but by swelling, the traditional massage technique below is shown.

Types and techniques

For self-massage with HV, consultants recommend several techniques, depending on the location of the discomfort or the problem encountered. Using traditional and point techniques, it is important to do the massage correctly, as suggested in the technique. These techniques affect areas of muscle tissue and glands, in contrast to the massage of the nipples, and therefore require accuracy.


Correct execution:

  • Swipe lightly in a circular motion over the surface of each breast;
  • move from the collarbone to the nipple, moving in a spiral;
  • stroke in the same direction, but with straight movements;
  • gently knead the nipple with two fingers;
  • lean forward, stroking the surface of the chest;
  • return to starting position and repeat the first step.

Finally, rinse your chest with warm water and gently dry with a terrycloth towel without pressing. If during the massage you feel acute pain and discomfort, you need to stop the procedure and consult a doctor!

Nipple massage

In the first days of lactation, as well as during hormonal fluctuations, the areoles become coarse, do not soften after feeding. It is difficult for a child to grab a nipple and get milk, which is also bad for stimulating lactation - the less outflow, the more stagnation. This technique relieves swelling and engorgement of the areola, improves milk flow for feeding.

Execution technique:

  • connect the ring, middle and index fingers on both hands;
  • bend them a little and lay them on the chest so that the nipple fits into the formed window;
  • pull the areola up a little and hold for up to 15 seconds;
  • move your hands in a circle around the nipple and pull the areola on each side;
  • do one set for each breast.

As a result, the nipple stretches, and the area around it softens - it is easier for the baby to attach and receive milk.


The point technique is indicated when separate zones of engorgement appear on the chest. Start by stroking from the base to the areola. Then, when the skin warms up, bring your fingers together and press lightly on the seal in a circular motion.

Control your pressure and how you feel. If the process is accompanied by severe pain, shooting, then you should stop the procedure and consult a doctor.

With a warm shower

Warm water, combined with vibrations generated by diffuse jets, can stimulate lactation, reduce swelling and relax muscles. The water should be at a comfortable temperature - you must not overheat the mammary glands!

Adjust the shower so that the jets are with a slight pressure - they should touch your chest, but not painful. Move from the base, from above, to the nipples. In parallel, stroke your chest with your palm after jets in the same direction.

Then direct the water under your chest in a side-to-side boat movement under the areola. Repeat the same movements over the arela. For each breast, massage for 1-2 minutes is enough.

Massage techniques for HB will help a young mother keep her breasts in shape, avoid stagnation, mastitis and swelling. This will make breastfeeding painless. At the end of lactation, there will be fewer stretch marks, as the mammary gland will be enlarged evenly.

When a child appears in the family, the personal affairs of the parents, and especially the mother, recede into the background. All attention and care is now directed to the newborn.

With this set of circumstances, many mothers, especially those who have given birth to their first child, are faced with breastfeeding problems.

This may be a lack of milk or some physiological features of the mammary glands that complicate lactation. Massaging your breasts while breastfeeding can help you avoid many problems.

The need for breast massage

It is not necessary to do breast massage during feeding. But it often happens that you cannot do without it. If you do it correctly and carefully, then it will only bring benefit. Do not give up massage if you need:

The same thing happens when the mother is sick and breastfeeding should be postponed for the time being.

On a note! By lightly stroking the breast, pumping will be easier, this is facilitated by the production of oxytocin.

The massage does not directly affect milk production, but it relaxes the muscles in the breasts, which makes the breastfeeding process easier.

Massage techniques

Before you start massaging your breasts, wash your hands, wipe your breasts. It is better if the soap is for children, without harsh perfumery odors.

Just do not wash your breasts often with it, it can dry out her delicate and thin skin. Enough once a day. Otherwise, wash your breasts with warm water and dry with a soft tissue.

Use natural vegetable oil for massage. Olive is most often used, because it contains a lot of vitamins, but sunflower can also be used.

Important! Apply the oil not to the nipple and the area around it, but to the area above it. Remember to wash off the oil before feeding your baby.

Massage slowly and gently to avoid injury to the chest and ducts, and to avoid causing yourself pain or discomfort.

If you massage while feeding with rough and sharp movements, strong pressure, you can "reward" the breast:

  1. Swelling.
  2. Cracks.
  3. Bruised.
  4. Stretch marks.

This massage will not solve the problem with lactation, but will only worsen it.

After all the manipulations, you can take a warm shower, directing the stream of water first to one breast, then to the other.

Varieties of massage

There are two types of massage during breastfeeding: preventive and therapeutic.

Preventive breastfeeding massage involves gentle stroking of the breast. With its help, you can increase the tone of the tissues and muscles of the breast, as well as avoid problems with lactation.

Therapeutic massage during feeding is used when you need:

  • improve blood flow;
  • improve breast tone;
  • and most importantly, to ease the pumping process and eliminate stagnation.

Preventive massage

So, how to do preventive breast massage while breastfeeding in order to avoid complications during lactation:

  1. Place your palm on your upper chest.
  2. Start stroking your breasts in a circle, gradually moving closer to the nipple.
  3. Wet your breasts in warm water and continue stroking. Water improves blood circulation and increases milk flow.
  4. Watch your feelings and the pressure on your chest. You shouldn't be hurt or unpleasant.

On a note! Perform preventive breast massage before breastfeeding, it stimulates milk flow without leading to stagnation.


If stagnation nevertheless arises, proceeds to a therapeutic massage while feeding:

  • Place your palm under the collarbone and make light circular, spiraling movements downward toward the nipple.
  • Move your palm from the collarbone to the nipple in straight movements, from top to bottom. Try these movements from different angles.
  • Lean forward and stroke your chest. Pay special attention to those areas where seals are felt - stagnation. Massage them for a minute.
  • Rinse your breasts with warm water, or better yet, take a shower. Afterwards, gently pat your breasts with a soft towel in a circular motion.

After the massage, you can express your breasts and then give them to your baby. Then the suction efficiency will be several times higher, and milk stagnation will pass faster.

Therapeutic massage kneads the seals well and increases milk production.

Make sure you don't get hurt. The intensity of the massage should be low, but the duration should be long.

The seals are massaged gently, do not try to break them.

Attention! Use this type of massage only when stagnation has already appeared.

In all other cases, perform preventive massage while feeding.

There is another method of dealing with breast swelling during breastfeeding when the breast is overcrowded so that the baby cannot even grasp the nipple.

In this case, it is clear that he and the areola area are tense, and pumping is very unpleasant and painful. Here's how to mitigate them:

  1. Place on the area around the nipple, the areola, the pads of the fingers of both hands. Leave the nipple itself free.
  2. Press gently on the areola, as if plunging your fingers deep into the chest. The nails should not dig into the skin, only the fingertips are involved.
  3. Apply the pressure for 1-2 minutes, then change the position of the fingers to soften the rest of the areola. Remember not to press on the nipple.
  4. Try to apply your fingers differently: place any two fingers parallel to each other, and press.

If everything is done correctly, the areola softens after these manipulations. The baby will now easily pick up the breast. Or, if it is pumping, it will be painless.

Massage has the best therapeutic or prophylactic effect while feeding the baby. It simultaneously develops the breast well and prevents milk stagnation.

Important! Correct feeding massage does not cause painful sensations.

Spend five minutes on it.

There are also situations when it is necessary to refuse massage:

  • dermatitis of the skin of the breast;
  • acute infectious disease;
  • stressful condition;
  • the presence of cracks in the nipples.

In such cases, massage during feeding will only worsen the situation and provoke an exacerbation.

If there are no problems with feeding, then you can easily do without breast massage.

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Knowing the physiology of lactation and breastfeeding positions is sometimes not enough for successful breastfeeding. On the way, even an experienced nursing mother encounters difficulties: milk stagnation, engorgement of the mammary glands. In most cases, a woman is able to cope with these problems on her own. Breast massage with lactostasis will help eliminate the problem in its initial stage.

This article describes the rules for self-massage of the mammary glands: in which cases it is required, the types of manipulations that contribute to the resorption of stagnant milk ducts.

The purpose of the breast massage is to facilitate the flow of milk from an overcrowded breast. This is achieved through the release of oxytocin and relaxation of the milk ducts.

When applied correctly, the procedure helps to achieve the following effects:

  • improve milk flow;
  • "Break" stagnation with lactostasis;
  • move milk closer to the nipple and areola;
  • cope with engorgement in the early days of milk arrival;
  • facilitate pumping;
  • keep the shape of the breast.

Massage rules

In order for the procedure to have a maximum positive effect and a minimum of negative consequences, it is important to remember some of the rules of massage during lactation.

With lactostasis, in addition to breast massage, it makes sense to take care of the normalization of the microflora of the mammary glands to maintain healthy breastfeeding. Lactanza is the first probiotic for the breast. Lactobacillus Lc40, which is part of it, is safe for mother and child. Lactanza regulates the number of pathogens in the gland and reduces pain and inflammation. Due to the normalization of the microbial composition of milk in a baby, the risk of intestinal infections and tummy problems is reduced. The remedy is recommended to be taken at the first symptoms of lactostasis.

  1. The time for the breast massage is about 5 minutes. The procedure should be performed before feeding or expressing.
  2. During the manipulations, the woman does not experience pain or discomfort. The pain stops the production of oxytocin and the outflow of milk becomes difficult.
  3. It is impossible to break stagnation by force with lactostasis and engorgement. This can lead to mastitis.
  4. Lymphatic drainage massage is prohibited for HV. This procedure enhances the release of toxins that enter the mother's lymphatic system and then through the blood to the baby.
  5. If you have inflammation, acne or pimples in the décolleté, massage should not be done. Stimulating blood circulation can cause bacteria to enter the bloodstream.
  6. Breast massage is prohibited for mastitis.
  7. If milk stagnation is not eliminated by massage for 2-3 days, and the mother has a high body temperature, then you should consult a doctor. Lactostasis can develop into mastitis.

Experts do not recommend trusting breastfeeding massage to anyone. Only the woman herself during the procedure controls the force of pressing and kneading. It is difficult for another person, even if he is a professional, to feel it.

The structure of the mammary gland. Effect of oxytocin on milk outflow.


The massage is performed in a relaxed state. Sit back in a comfortable chair or shower. Keep your hands warm. You can use cosmetic oil to glide your hands over your skin. Grape seed oil or almond oil will do. When doing this, be careful not to get oil on the areola and nipple area.

The breast massage can be started when the body and mind are relaxed. Then the milk will come out of the breast softly and easily. You can ask your husband to massage your neck and shoulders. This relaxes and releases the clamps. A warm shower before the procedure relaxes well.

Breast massage technique for lactostasis and engorgement

In the case of lactostasis or breast engorgement in the first days after childbirth, the milk ducts spasm, milk cannot leave the breast. Formed stagnation of milk in the alveoli, milk plug. Light massaging movements, like normal touching, stimulate the release of oxytocin into the blood. Under the influence of this hormone, the muscle fibers surrounding the alveoli relax, the ducts dilate and the milk moves to the nipple.

The technique of breast massage for lactostasis includes several types of manipulations:

  1. Stroking
    Place the palm of your right hand with a boat under the collarbone. The palm of the left hand is under the chest. With your right hand, stroke downward, and with your left hand up. Move your palms in a circle and thus stroke the entire mammary gland.
  2. Spiral movements
    Fold your index, middle, and ring fingers together. Rub the breast in a spiral direction from the periphery to the nipple. From the collarbone, armpit, chest we move to the nipple. Thus, we work out each milky duct.
  3. Finger tapping
    Flipping with your fingers, quickly walk over the entire surface of the breast in the direction from the periphery to the nipple.
  4. Shaking
    Lean forward and shake your chest in a free, relaxed rhythm. The milk will rush downward under the force of gravity.
  5. Massage the stagnant area with gentle circular motions. At the same time, carefully control the strength of your movements. You shouldn't be in pain or uncomfortable.
  6. After the massage, apply the baby to your breast or pump milk until you feel comfortable. Cold can be applied to the place of stagnation for 10 minutes.

Massage for lactostasis.

"IMPORTANT! During breast massage with lactostasis and engorgement, it is not the intensity of kneading movements that is important, but the duration of exposure. "

Areola softening technique

In the first days of the arrival of milk, the breast tissue swells, especially the areola - the areola. It is difficult for a baby to grasp the nipple and suck milk effectively. To help an inexperienced toddler cope with breastfeeding, HB counselors suggest using a areola softening technique.

The procedure is performed in this way:

  1. Connect your index, middle, and ring fingers on both hands.
  2. Bend your middle fingers a little.
  3. Place folded fingers on your chest, so that the nipple looks out through the resulting window.
  4. Pull the halo up and hold it in that position for 10 seconds.
  5. Move your arms in this position across your chest and work the areola from all sides.
  6. Take multiple sets. Enough for 1 minute for each breast.

Areola softening technique by Jean Cotterman.

During the stretching of the areola, the tissue edema shifts to the base of the breast and the areola area softens, the nipple is stretched. It is easier for the child to kiss the breast.

Knowing the techniques of breast massage for lactostasis, a nursing mother can cope with the problems of engorgement and milk stagnation without assistance. In addition, this kind of stimulation of the milk ducts helps to establish lactation.

Breast massage during feeding is the technique that is sometimes indispensable during the period of breastfeeding. This is an effective prevention of milk stagnation, lactostasis, inflammation and changes in the shape of the breast, as well as stimulation of lactation.

Massaging the breast while nursing the baby makes it easier for fluid to move through the ducts. Sometimes a woman experiences discomfort when lactation is too intense or, conversely, not enough milk is produced. In this case, the child becomes nervous and hurts the mother.

This is an optional procedure, however, this technique is intended to help the young mother with the breastfeeding process. You should know some of the nuances that will allow you to perform massage correctly and get excellent results. You just need to use this method regularly.

Benefits of breast massage

Why is it necessary to massage the mammary glands during breastfeeding?

  • Strengthening blood circulation... The kneading process of the breasts ensures normal circulation of blood and lymph, stimulating lactation.
  • Muscle relaxation... This technique allows you to strengthen the muscles during breastfeeding, avoid stretch marks and damage to the skin.
  • Stimulation of lactation... Regular massage helps to normalize lactation. Milk flows without stagnation. This is a good way to prevent inflammation.
  • Prevention of complications... The technique of movements makes it possible to detect seals indicating milk stagnation, to strain the breasts in time and prevent inflammation.

Massage of the mammary glands during lactation is a good prevention of one of the most serious problems arising from milk stagnation - lactostasis.

The onset of lactostasis

Essentially, this problem is a milk plug formed in the duct.


There are a number of reasons that affect the lactation process:

  • Overwork. Feeding and caring for a baby takes all the time and energy of a young mother. Against the background of fatigue, various ailments may occur. Any malfunction in the body can lead to stagnation of milk in the ducts.
  • Cold . During the lactation period, the breast must be protected. Since the temperature of the mammary glands is elevated while the baby is feeding, it is recommended to avoid hypothermia. Any cold can lead to inflammation of the milk ducts.
  • Infection. Lactostasis sometimes occurs as a complication of a viral disease.
  • Violation of the rules of feeding... Sometimes the baby does not cover the entire nipple, and the milk duct begins to clog because milk is not drawn out of the breast as intensively as possible.


  • chest pain when feeding and touching;
  • seals;
  • redness;
  • temperature increase.

Breast massage technique

Breastfeeding massage is a simple and effective way to keep your breasts healthy. This is a set of special exercises that allow you to provide muscle tone, start blood circulation and normalize lactation, which is necessary for a nursing mother.

In order for this procedure to be beneficial to the nursing mother, all the movements performed during the massage to improve lactation must be done correctly. Otherwise, improper technique can even harm the nursing mother. In order to prevent this from happening, observe the following recommendations to properly knead the mammary glands:

  1. Circular strokes direct the milk flow into the ducts and keep the breast from congestion. The touch should be light, without effort and pressure.
  2. To stimulate lactation, knead the breasts with your fingertips. If small seals are found, gently, in a circular motion, you need to massage the stagnation for 20 seconds.
  3. Breast massage to increase lactation can be done while you are showering. A jet of warm water is a natural stimulator of the milk flow. Having directed the water to the clavicle, rotate down to the nipple. This can be done three times with each mammary gland.
  4. Place your palms on the breasts so that the nipples are in the center. Press on the mammary glands 9-10 times.
  5. Draw palms up from the nipples themselves - in a straight line to the shoulders, to the armpits 2-3 times.
  6. Place your chest in your palm and create vibration - shake gently for a minute. Make 3-4 approaches with each mammary gland.
  7. Bend your elbows and fold your palms in front of your chest so that your fingertips point up. Squeeze your palms, while straining your chest muscles, hold for 10 seconds, and then release. Repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times.
  8. To spread your arms to the sides and gradually raise them, making crossing movements in front of the chest - "scissors" exercise. On a count of 10, straight arms are crossed overhead.
  9. One hand is placed under the chest, the other on top of it. Gently make circular movements in a clockwise direction.
  10. The massage can be finished by lightly stroking the breasts.

Means - helpers

  • Castor oil... This product is very effective in performing massage movements. It helps relieve inflammation and improve blood circulation.
  • Aevit - oil with vitamins A and E. Vitaminization of the skin with HS is necessary. When using oil with vitamins, nutrition, softening and restoration of damaged areas of the breast is carried out.
  • Olive oil is one of the most suitable for breast massage during lactation.

Conditions for the correct massage

  • Hygiene should not be forgotten. The massage is performed on clean skin, freed from excess milk. Rinse the breast with warm water and pat dry with a soft towel.
  • The time required for the technique to be effective is 15 minutes.
  • You can not pull the skin, all movements should be light, not traumatic.
  • During the feeding period, you should not wear tight tight underwear - it will only exacerbate the problems and complicate lactation.
  • Warmth is essential for a nursing mother. The chest should be warm, colds and hypothermia can provoke complications.
  • If massage oil is used during the technique, be sure to rinse it off before feeding.

Massage to increase lactation

It is recommended to massage the gland using olive or castor oil. Lightly rub your breasts in a circular motion just before breastfeeding in order to massage stagnant areas and prepare for feeding your baby.

If lactation is weak, after feeding, you can rinse the breast with warm water and massage gently, not allowing milk to stagnate. It is easy to see that the outflow of milk has increased. By the next feeding, the mammary gland will swell and become heavier. For a nursing mother, this development is favorable, since in the process of sucking milk, the baby will complete what you have achieved with the help of massage.

Breast massage for lactation is the most effective method, which, moreover, helps to prevent external damage and stretch marks.


This is also a kind of massage. With lactostasis, it is necessary to massage the breast 2-3 times a day during the daytime feeding of the child. Between feedings, if stagnation does occur, you can express milk in small portions. For feeding, the mammary glands are prepared just before the very beginning. The nipples are rinsed with warm water. Light stroking allows the milk ducts to work harder.

Young mothers are often interested in the question of how to properly and effectively massage the breast while feeding. This technique is not difficult to learn. You just need to follow the recommendations of specialists and massage the mammary glands regularly. Expressing on time allows the milk ducts to work without interruption.

How to do massage: video

Contraindications to breast massage

  • Diseases of the skin. If a nursing mother has dermatitis, this technique is not recommended. Massaging the breasts can stimulate the development of the disease.
  • Colds and infections. The technique increases blood circulation, so you should not resort to it if you feel unwell, because pathogens can be transmitted with mother's milk to a newborn.
  • Overwork and stress. No body manipulation is desirable if the nursing mother is under stress. The breastfeeding period is the close bond between the mother and the baby. The state and mood of the closest person is transmitted to the baby. Before kneading the mammary glands, you need to achieve inner peace and take time to rest.
  • Internal inflammation and chronic diseases of any organs. The massaging specialist is able to activate the inflammatory process. Therefore, for any kind of exacerbation, you do not need to resort to massage. The massage therapist must be warned about inflammatory processes in the body.

This method is very effective but should not be overused. The technique of massage movements can be beneficial, but if the rules are violated, it can also harm a nursing mother. It is recommended to get medical advice and make sure that the restoration of the mammary glands is performed correctly.