
How to dress up a Christmas tree beautifully. Christmas decoration Christmas tree decorations in the form of flowers


Once again, handicraftsmen surprise me: from what people do not make New Year's firs! Some copies are so original that one cannot help but feel respect for the creative author. Many crafts are nice to me, there are some that make me smile, and some are amazing: how could you come up with a picture of a Christmas tree from this? Well, okay, enough prefaces, we still have to watch and watch) For us, the main thing is to look for a suitable idea, at least a little in tune with our tastes, and then, you see, your own imagination will connect, make adjustments) And we will have a completely different craft - the author's ) So, let's see what the people make Christmas trees from?

Let's start with a Christmas tree made of tinsel: the material is inexpensive, the work is simple, it takes little time, and the result is excellent!

To help everyone who wants to make such a Christmas tree - for making.

Christmas decorations

Another simple and affordable way is from Christmas tree decorations, they surely will be found in every home. It will not be difficult to depict the New Year's symbol on the wall (or window, door). You will have to tinker with the volumetric image a little longer.

But the spatial composition looks interesting. And if, instead of threads, you hang the balls on a thin colorless fishing line, the illusion of soaring in the air will be complete.

As a child, we drew Christmas trees in albums, and now we can quite do creative work on the walls of our own house - who will forbid us?

If you decorate a painted spruce tree with real toys or a garland, it turns out very interesting!

Fairy lights

Or you can not draw anything: attach the garland to the wall, giving it the shape of a Christmas tree. A wonderful express option for giving the room a New Year's look.

Don't like the tree on the wall? Then "put" it in the center of the room or in the corner)

By the way, an additional plus - then you don't have to waste time removing toys and cleaning fallen needles)

Perhaps most of the options for homemade trees are made of paper: the material is inexpensive, it's easy to work with it, the result can be very good!

Not only colored paper is used, but also napkins, newspapers, pages from books, cardboard packaging.

You can ignore the drawing of paper at all: a charming Christmas tree can be in pastel shades, and in a bright version, and even monochromatic.

Call for help with any paperwork techniques that are familiar to you: quilling, origami, modular origami, and so on.

And do not try to exactly copy the craft from the photo, let you get your own creation. The main thing is for the process to be joyful and enjoyable.

Christmas trees from books and magazines

Making a desktop Christmas tree from an old magazine (well, what can I do, my reverent attitude towards books does not even allow me to assume that crafts can be made from them), it will take 20-30 minutes, no more. You can accomplish the task even faster by simply stacking the books in a pile, giving it the appropriate shape.

The variant in the middle photo quite accurately copies the shape of the tree, but, in my opinion, is extremely unstable.

I really like the Christmas trees made of buttons - simple, but so cute! Anyone can handle the job, the main thing is the availability of a sufficient number of buttons for the craft. Once I was just about to make a similar Christmas tree, but there were very few suitable buttons in stock. I went to the store, chose the right ones, counted the right amount. Then I came up with the general result - how much it will cost me a set of buttons for the Christmas tree, and changed my mind about making it.

But I think the idea is worthwhile, anyway I will make such a cute Christmas tree someday.

If you like working with beads, ideas for cute miniature Christmas trees will certainly come in handy on the eve of the holiday.

All of them are good, but two beauties left a particularly strong impression (photo on the left). I sincerely admire the author's skill!

A composite hodgepodge of all sorts of trinkets that any woman must have (earrings, hairpins, buckles, brooches, bracelets, beautiful accessories from handbags, and so on). This is where you can find a worthy use of the wealth accumulated over the years!

The Christmas tree from the clock looks symbolic: as if it reminds us of the transience of time, of the uniqueness of each moment. As if he advises not to waste precious minutes on empty grievances and quarrels, but to live them profitably: to enjoy every day, to talk to loved ones about your love, to rush to do good ...

Want a Christmas tree made of ribbons? Easy! All that is required for work is the tape itself, a glue gun, a stand and a base that plays the role of a barrel. First, prepare pieces of tape: for the bottom row - the longest, for the second (bottom) - a little shorter, and so on. Fix the base (wire, kebab skewer) on the stand. Roll up the pieces of tape, apply glue to the edges and attach to the base.

The glue gun can be replaced with simple bobbin threads. Perhaps this will go even faster than with glue: you can attach not one rolled blank to the barrel, but 2-3 at once.

Christmas trees from sesal, jute, tulle

Christmas trees from a grid (sesal, jute) look very impressive. There is no way to buy this material in our village, otherwise I would definitely try to make such a craft.

But I have everything ahead: local florists carefully wrap even tiny bouquets in huge panels of such nets) Another couple of holidays, and I will have plenty of material for the craft)

Crafts from tulle look airy and weightless.

It also holds its shape well, does not sprinkle on the cuts, in general, working with tulle is easy and pleasant)

I have no idea where you can find threads on spools of wood now? We certainly do not have such on sale! I have a couple of wooden rarities (still from Soviet times), so that the children at least know what a wooden reel is. If you have such a rarity in abundance, it will not be difficult to build a Christmas tree)

I like the downtown option the most, do you?

It seems to me that almost no one throws away wine bottle corks) If you have managed to accumulate a sufficient amount - the Christmas tree options are for you!

Even a small one looks good, and even a big one - and even more so!

An excellent option for New Year's decor, crafts made from natural fibers (threads, twine) look especially stylish: cotton, flax, jute, hemp. The base is made of cardboard (triangle, cone). They generously grease it with PVA glue and wrap it with threads.

The Christmas tree blank is ready! And everyone decorates it to their own taste: beads, cones, flowers, dried fruits - whatever you can find at hand.

Luxurious New Year beauties are made from lace - in my opinion, they don't even need additional decoration.

Variations on a lace theme: with a base of paper and fabric, with fragments cut out of lace.

In the photo there are crafts in pastel colors, but you can make them in any color that will fit into your interior.

Christmas trees made of fabric

Have you saved some pretty scraps of fabric that you can't find a use for? Take a closer look at these pretty Christmas trees - maybe you should make one of them?

The option is even simpler - felt Christmas trees. It is very easy to work with this fabric: it does not slip, the edges do not crumble (do not require additional processing), it holds its shape well.

Buttons, simple embroidery, a few beads - and from a modest craft before our eyes it turns into a stylish one.

In my opinion, these are quite fresh ideas.

I liked the fur craft very much. It's a pity that there is no suitable material, otherwise I would gladly make one.

Christmas trees from separate fragments

There is no limit to the fantasies of the craftswomen) Balls of thin strips of fabric, balls of thread, flowers of ribbons - in skillful hands, everything will fit for making a Christmas tree!

And it can also be made from self-made blanks: bows, snowflakes, pompons, and so on.

Christmas trees made of cones

Even a child can make Christmas trees from cones: paint them green, decorate with beads, put an asterisk on the top of the head, fit a stand. Everything! A wonderful craft from natural material is ready.

Don't like the paint option? Then put them aside: see how charming a Christmas tree made of ordinary cones looks, without any additional decoration. The crafts in the photo on the right seem to be covered with frost: it is easy to depict it using artificial snow (spray). No coveted spray can? It doesn't matter: take PVA glue and a brush, grease each bump and sprinkle it with the material at hand (flour, starch, sugar, salt, soda, grated polystyrene is also possible))) It will turn out just as good!

And if you add a little vanilla to the artificial frost, the Christmas trees will smell of fresh baked goods - a small nuance to create a festive atmosphere.

Nature is an inexhaustible storehouse of ideas and material for creativity! See what can be adjusted for New Year's crafts!

From brushwood, you can make both a small tree and a rather impressive size - in full size.

If the sight of bare branches makes you sad, just decorate them with Christmas decorations.

I liked these vintage plywood trees - they have an inexplicable charm in them. And I would very much like to thank the author of the Christmas tree shelf for the great idea: it is both beautiful and practical, and a festive mood has been created)

And here are the stunningly beautiful Christmas trees made of wood! I would not give up any of them if I could buy. It is not enough to do it with your own hands, there is nothing to try.

The hand of a real master is visible here.

Christmas trees from seafood

If you (like me) like to wander along the seashore in the early morning, collecting shells you like, cut by waves of glass - there is more than enough material for such a craft.

True, I did not come across starfish, but there will be enough shells and glass for a Christmas tree three meters high.

You won't surprise anyone with Christmas trees made of fruits, but nevertheless I included them in the selection, the ideas of execution seemed to me very successful.

For crafts, you can take any fruits, up to dried mushrooms and capsicum, but, as I think, should be mandatory.

Any child's dream)

Maybe we can work as wizards? Children need so little for happiness ... By the way, a Christmas tree can be made not only from sweets.

Christmas trees made from coffee beans

New Year tree ideas for lovers of an exquisite drink. If you want with lace - please, in a stylish snow-white design - no problem!

I guess the dyed grain craft won't be as fragrant as her friends on the left.

The attractive shapes of today's pasta, as well as their variety, have not escaped the attention of lovers of craftsmanship. They quickly found use, including for the manufacture of Christmas trees.

The craft in the photo on the left for some reason reminded of the lost treasures of the Incas)

A lot of time and effort was spent on the construction of bottle Christmas trees.

It's interesting to watch, but for some reason I don't want to repeat)

You know, considering all sorts of ideas, of course, is very interesting, but trying to collect them in one article is unrealistic) Somewhere in the middle of the selection, I realized that it was necessary to somehow group ideas more closely, otherwise the review would drag on indefinitely)

Christmas trees from what you want

I could not think of a more accurate name for this group of crafts) Well, really, how can you combine all this variety under one concept?

A little imagination, a minimum of decor, and the role of a Christmas tree will be successfully performed by glass jars, flower pots and plastic yogurt cups.

If suddenly you have a lot of wooden rulers and brushes, and you have no idea how to attach them to the case - these are great ideas!

And another practical option) The appearance changes depending on the intensity of the decoration. And if you equip the ladders with improvised shelves, they can be placed on them even for a very large family.

And, if absolutely nothing more suitable was at hand, make Christmas trees from what you have a lot)

Well, have you picked up a suitable idea, wanted to repeat something from what you saw? Not? Then we continue)

A separate section is devoted to metal crafts. I didn't think there would be so many ideas!

And, I repeat, I took only a part, trying to cover as many options as possible. The Christmas tree made of mesh touched, and from the barbed wire - inspired sadness and unpleasant associations.

I noted the Christmas tree made of bicycle rims for myself as interesting and uncomplicated in execution, but I looked at the installation of clothes hangers for a long time, but unsuccessfully: I did not manage to understand how this structure was created.

O! Here are interesting crafts - from horseshoes. If (as the old folk tradition says) even one such metal product is capable of giving a person happiness, can you imagine what will happen to the owner of a whole Christmas tree set? Yes, he just has to be completely happy all his life) True, only the horseshoes found have magical properties ... So postpone the raid on the nearest stable) Better look for a place where scattered horses constantly lose their horseshoes, then everything will be according to the rules)

And here are a few more ideas for a New Year's symbol made of metal. How do you like works of art from ordinary saws? I was impressed, and how!

And two more pretty beauties.

A fragile Christmas tree made of light bulbs and a miniature techno tree.

But cozy and practical crafts: after the holiday, pillows can be used for their intended purpose)

Of course, you cannot ignore the New Year's money tree)

And do not say that you have absolutely nowhere to put the Christmas tree, or that you are bored with its familiar look. If desired, everything can be solved!

So our review has come to an end. I hope that at least one of the proposed ideas seemed worth the effort and time to create it.

If you are still prettier than an ordinary live Christmas tree, it is not necessary to put a whole tree: from several branches and floral foam (sponge), you can make a charming mini-spruce. Just do not forget to moisturize the foam, then the branches will retain their freshness for a long time (rich color of needles and aroma).

Or just put a few branches in your favorite vase - it's up to you to decide what and how your Christmas tree will be made of!

Go to the competition page - there are also many interesting Christmas tree crafts (and not only)! Very convenient: if you find your own version - a detailed description of the manufacture is attached)

It's a pity, but surely many of the interesting ideas were not included in my collection for a simple reason - I did not see them. Join, supplement the selection with your ideas in the comments, there is still time before the holiday, let there be as many options for crafts as possible! And one more thing: many are ashamed (judging by myself) to show their own works, considering them too simple (ugly, not worthy of attention, and so on). This is mistake! Do not deprive us of the joy and pleasure of admiring your work. Who knows - maybe it is your idea that needlewomen have been looking for for a long time and unsuccessfully, so help them find it!

The article is posted in sections:,

Every year, taking out a box with New Year's toys, we risk turning our holiday into a déjà vu, repeated from year to year. Look at ten options for decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year to add variety and delight loved ones with an absolutely stunning, originally decorated winter beauty.

1. Christmas tree with stars and angels

7. Abundant children's tree

If you have ever decorated a Christmas tree with your children, you probably noticed that children are very fond of hanging everything that was lying around in a box with Christmas decorations on the tree at once, believing, apparently, that the more, the more pleasure it will give Santa Claus, and the more generous gifts he will put under it.

Well, if the child likes it so much, why not help him make the tree the way he sees it? But instead of dressing the tree in all the Christmas tree decorations that you have accumulated over the years, limit yourself to large figures and toys in the form of all kinds of gnomes in red caps and frock coats, snowmen, decorations in the form of gift boxes, gingerbread, large bright candies, and, of course, balls and ribbons to match all this New Year's fraternity.

It's easy to get lost in the modern variety of Christmas tree decorations. Below are the most interesting options for how to decorate a Christmas tree, as well as recommendations for using decorations in 2017. Read on to find out how to decorate your Christmas tree the right way this year!

Traditional and original decorations

  1. Garland - decorative chain made from interconnected objects. This year, the ideal solution would be to decorate the Christmas tree with an electric garland. It will add bright holiday lights and New Year's mood. Garlands hung in a spiral look best in the photo. It is also very beautiful to decorate windows, houses outside (roof, doorway, windows, bushes and trees) and mirrors. Hanging a festive garland is much safer than installing candles, but no one forbids you to do this. The only thing is, do not forget to install them correctly. The ideal option in 2017 would be to pack them in glass lanterns with a monkey sticker. Later, it is easy to remake such lanterns for an animal of another year with your own hands. It is enough to erase the old sticker from the glass, which is easily done with a blade, and stick on a new one - with the symbol of the next year.
  2. Christmas glass balls preferably 1 or 2 colors. If you have many colorful balls, then you can decorate them in one color with your own hands. To do this, you can use paints, paper (colored, white, newspaper, book), fabric, beads, beads and threads. For the balls, you can even knit or sew interesting costumes or just beautifully glue lace to them!
  3. Do snowflakes on a Christmas tree, you can use a wire painted with white paint or with strung beads, made of paper or thread. If you know how to crochet, then it will not be difficult to sew a snowflake or a cover outfit for a New Year's ball!
  4. Hand-made balls you can also crochet. There are many schemes, but you can easily come up with yourself. Another option for balls is to make them from rings. plastic bottles... The main thing is to decorate beautifully and brightly!
  5. If you are addicted carving then do a couple of dozen toys made of wood for a year will not be a problem for you. Even 3-5 wooden toys will add charm and identity to your tree. Make sure to color them to add brightness and draw attention to them!
  6. They look original on a festive spruce golden gears watches, computer boards with bows and many other things that in everyday life we ​​call trash. It will be especially chic to use your basic work tools to decorate a Christmas tree at a corporate event.
  7. Whether or not to use classic bright in decorating a festive tree rain- it's at your discretion, but every year its relevance is less and less. Perhaps, if you have one, then it is worth hanging, but if not, do not buy. A couple of more years and it will completely lose its relevance. You can hang rain on a Christmas tree in three ways: vertically, horizontally (in floors) and in a spiral. Try each of the options to find out which one you like the most! Advice ! We recommend using the rain to decorate various items at home, not the Christmas tree.
  8. Unlike the rain holiday ribbons become more and more popular every year. It is they who are at the height of fashion as a decoration for the New Year tree. Today, a very large number of ribbons are on sale: from thin to very wide. One wide ribbon 5 meters long is enough for an entire spruce with a height of up to two meters. Advice! To decorate the Christmas tree with thin ribbons, use a maximum of 2 colors. The ribbons to match the colors of the balls will look very nice and sophisticated if you used 2 colors. If the balls are of the same color, then it is better to take the ribbons of any two other colors. How to decorate a Christmas tree with a ribbon? The best choice is a spiral. More options: lower several thin ribbons vertically or place medium-width ribbons horizontally, on the branches.
  9. A fashionable trend for decorating a festive spruce - beads... You can make them yourself or buy them. They look very sophisticated. If you decide to do it yourself, then use silk thread or thicker bead thread. To reduce the need for beads, use glue to fix them or put small beads of the same color between them.
  10. In the year of the monkey, there must be some kind of zest associated with this animal. Most monkeys prefer greens and fruits, which means that it is worth hanging various delicacies of plant origin on the tree (bananas, grapes, tangerines, nuts). Thus, you will add nice tasty gifts for your children. The second option is to put the fruit under the spruce. Third, hang some monkey images. These can be toys made by industrial production or made by hand. It will even be enough to just stick a few images on the already hung balls to flatter yourself to the main symbol of the next year!
  11. Quickly stitch a toyit is possible from new motley, multi-colored socks. So you can easily make a snowman or any animal, including a monkey.
  12. Bright toys for the Christmas tree made of unnecessary materials? Easy! Make penguins from burnt out lamps or plastic bottles! They can decorate a Christmas tree or any other corner of the apartment.
  13. Original delicious decorations easy to bake or DIY. You can decorate tangerines or oranges. Cinnamon is most often used for this, but we propose to make another trick: decorate the tangerines for Christmas balls! Of course, they will be quite heavy and only wide parts of the branches can withstand them, that is, hang them correctly closer to the trunk of the tree. But on the other hand, you don't need to spend a lot on such original balls, and at the end of the holidays you will be happy to eat them!

    By adding a small wish under the decor layer, you can surprise your guests by inviting them to choose a Christmas ball from the Christmas tree as a gift. The second simple option for delicious do-it-yourself Christmas tree decorations is Christmas gingerbread in the form of a snowman, tree, squirrel, monkey or gingerbread man. There are tons of recipes for baking them: almond, honey, mint and many others. Choose according to your taste!

  14. You can quickly and easily decorate the Christmas tree with sweets using sweets and chocolate figurines. Place them correctly: lower so that kids can reach them easily. After all, these jewelry are intended for them first of all! It's okay if these decorations are quickly eaten: you can always adjust the amount of sweets by stopping hanging candies at the bottom.
  15. Lots of quick and tasty decorations can be made with nuts. It is enough to take walnuts, peanuts, or beans and paint them from a can of paint, and then attach a thread. Such decorations will make a wonderful garland or beads. The staining operation is quick, but it must be done carefully! Decorations made from dry pasta painted with paint will also look original! Advice! To prevent your furniture and other things from being damaged during painting from a spray can, put a thick layer of paper or film.

Useful Tips

The Christmas tree is one of the main symbols of the New Year.

We buy a Christmas tree to bring home or to the office and dress up. In addition, many shops exhibit decorated new year Christmas trees in their windows to attract buyers.

Most decorate the Christmas tree randomly, but there are many original ideas for decorating it.

Here are some interesting and original options for decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year:

Christmas tree decoration

Bright red Christmas tree made of fabric and red balls.

Above and below the tree is decorated with white, and in the middle with a strap. Who does she look like?

A beautiful and easy way to decorate a Christmas tree using clay ornaments.

You can buy them or make them yourself. A sand bucket or tree stand is hidden in the basket.

Decorating the Christmas tree with flowers

Christmas tree decorated with flowers

You can buy fake flowers or a garland of flowers, or you can make multiple flowers out of colored paper.

Check out our articles to learn about different ways to create paper flowers:

* Paper flowers

* 10 most beautiful DIY paper flowers

* How to make corrugated flowers

* Quilling paper flowers

* How to make origami paper flowers

Christmas tree decoration: photo

Christmas treedecorated withvstylerainbows

Red and white tree

Christmas tree decorated in white and turquoise shades

Christmas tree decoration

Christmas tree decorated with handmade red and white paper toys

Beautiful christmas tree

Christmas tree in soft blue

Christmas tree covered with artificial snow

Christmas tree decoration

Christmas tree in gold

Purple idyll

White Christmas tree decorated with blue and silver toys

Christmas tree decoration for the New Year

We decorate the tree with different ribbons, adding some balls

Christmas tree decorated with sweets and gingerbread

Mini Christmas tree in pink

Idea for a festive Christmas tree decoration

We decorate the Christmas tree only with paper snowflakes and a garland

Christmas tree in purple and silver

Beautiful tree: photo

A few balls and a couple of wide ribbons that wrap around it

Christmas tree decoration for the New Year

How to make a snowman out of a Christmas tree

To youwill need:

Bucket (preferably a small plastic, black)

Black spray paint (optional)

Hot glue or super glue

Scissors, knife, pliers


1. Making a hat.

Cut a circle out of the cardboard. You can paint it black (optional).

Glue the circle to the bucket.

2. The snowman's arms are made from ordinary branches.

3. The eyes and smile are made of buttons. They are glued with hot glue.

4. The nose can be made from orange paper, cardboard or felt. It is also glued with hot glue.

5. White ribbons play the role of balls of snow, and red - a scarf.

6. You can put any shoes below.

Here's another similar snowman:

Christmas tree decorated with handmade toys

There is a paper crown, paper icicles and even a garland of colored paper.

To make an icicle, you need a square piece of colored paper. Then follow the instructions in the pictures:

You can use glitter paper, brown paper, glossy paper, or crepe paper to make various decorations.

DIY Christmas tree decorations

Making a round decoration:

* Cut a rectangle out of paper and fold it like an accordion.

* Spread out the accordion and glue its ends. It will turn out to be a circle.

* The circle can be decorated with a different color of paper tape. You need to cut a rectangle out of colored paper a little longer and narrower than the first.

* Also make an accordion, straighten, try on to the main circle, trim if necessary, glue the ends and glue to the main circle.

* In the center, you can glue a rhinestone, button, ball or other decoration that suits the size.

DIY Christmas decorations

Someone is limited in the design to only a few compositions, someone hangs a wreath of fir branches, someone simply decorates the window with snowflakes, and someone adheres to the good old tradition of installing a Christmas tree. We have selected for you interesting and creative ideas for decorating and decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year 2019, as well as tips to help you choose the right decorative elements in connection with the symbol of the year.

A bit of history

For many centuries, the spruce has been the main symbol of the New Year and Christmas. But have you ever wondered why it is the Christmas tree that is decorated for the New Year? Everyone knows this tradition since childhood, but why it so happened that few people know this.

An old legend tells that on the day of the birth of the baby Jesus, all the plants of the earth came to worship him and brought their gifts. The spruce came last and for a long time did not dare to approach the baby, fearing to prick him. She had nothing to give as a gift except sticky tar and tough bumps. Then the trees and plants shared their gifts with the timid spruce, and it shone with bright balls, rang the bells and went up to Jesus. The baby smiled, and the star of Bethlehem shone over the top of the spruce. That is why, according to this legend, it is the Christmas tree that is decorated for the New Year.

As for historical facts, the first mention of the Christmas tree is found in Germany. It is from here that the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year with colored ribbons, toys and sweets spread throughout Europe.

In Russia, the celebrations were introduced by Peter I in 1700. The emperor ordered to start the year on January 1, walk all night, congratulate each other, launch fireworks or burn fires and, of course, decorate a coniferous tree. And this tradition still lives on in every family.

In addition to history, many are interested in when to decorate a Christmas tree at home. Usually, decorating the festive tree begins in the 20th of December... It is not recommended to arrange earlier, so that the tree does not lose its beauty.

Someone prefers to decorate the Christmas tree as early as possible in order to fully enjoy its beauty. And someone likes to arrange in the last days of December, just before the holiday. In any case, you yourself must decide on what date you need to do this.

Features of decorating a Christmas tree for the 2019 Yellow Earth Pigand

The coming year will be under the symbol Yellow Earth Pig, therefore, the actual color is yellow and all its derivatives (orange, terracotta, sand, brown, red).

The main material will be wood. So the trend for the design and decoration of the 2019 New Year tree is emerging: yellow or gold balls, crafts made of wood and other natural materials, gold ribbons, bows, beads.

Let's take a look at the options for decorating a Christmas tree in 2019.

Wood ornaments

You can make toys and wood crafts with your own hands using blanks, or you can buy ready-made products. In any case, they will all look harmonious on the Christmas tree!

Photos of examples of decorating Christmas trees:

From natural materials

To decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year in an interesting way, you can create entertaining Christmas tree accessories from natural materials with your own hands: cones, acorns, chestnuts, twigs, twigs, wooden clothespins and toothpicks... Even from ordinary corks and twigs, anyone is quite capable of creating creative toys.

Yellow Pig Toys

The main symbol must be present in the design. Christmas decoration on the tree in the form of the main symbol can sew from felt, from the remnants of different fabrics. But a yellow pig can be cut out of thick cardboard and painted with paints, tied... Try asking your child to draw an animal and, based on the sketch, sew or knit a festive symbol.

Photo of the 2019 New Year tree decorations in the form of a Pig:

Video: DIY Christmas decoration of felt on a Christmas tree in the form of a pig.

Basic styles in which to decorate

There are several common and current styles of decorating the New Year tree. Therefore, you can dress up a festive tree without being tied to a specific symbol of the year, but by choosing one of the well-known styles and adhering to the characteristics of this direction.

There are the following styles of Christmas tree decoration:

  1. Classical.
  2. Modern.
  3. Vintage.
  4. Minimalism.

How to decorate the 2019 New Year tree in each of these design directions will be discussed in more detail below.

Classic style

The classic (traditional) style, despite a certain pomp, allows you to arrange the tree in a rather restrained way. Commonly used balls the same size and shade (gold, silver), bows to match the balls, cardboard figures, glass bells.

However, do not overload the Christmas tree with an abundance of colors and decor. In addition, to decorate a coniferous beauty in a classic way, you can use beads.

The classic style does not lose its relevance for many decades! And for the New Year 2019, you can beautifully and stylishly decorate the Christmas tree in a traditional way.


Modern means something modern, catchy, memorable, extraordinary. If you want to decorate the Christmas tree in an interesting and unusual way for the New Year, then you should choose Art Nouveau.

Take at least the familiar glass balls that can hang next to decorative elements in steampunk style, bright candies and garlands of an unusual shape... It could be New Year's tree, sustained in one color, for example, all decorated in red or yellow. And you can make an impromptu a tree made from pillows, computer disks, books, branches, sticks.

Photos of Christmas trees made and decorated in Art Nouveau style:


Vintage is characterized by the use of elements that have taken place in past eras. And then you choose which era you would like to display. In any case, to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year, outline muted pastel shades, wooden figures, aged glass balls, old postcards, garlands with large balls.

Advice! For a vintage look, take out your oldest toys. Use heavy duty tape or a paper clip to secure them to the branches.


Spruce in the style of minimalism always looks fresh and does not go out of fashion. A minimum of balls, a minimum of tones and tinsel are used... Sometimes only one garland so as not to drown out the charm of green branches with other accessories.

For minimalism, often taken Christmas tree toys... White or silver look especially noble:

If you want to stylishly decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019, then you should opt for minimalism! Minimalism will look amazing in any room. You just need to harmoniously select and hang the decoration items.

The combination of colors on the New Year tree in 2019

On the advice of experienced designers, when dressing up a Christmas tree, you must adhere to the correct color compositions. Considering color of the coming 2019, that is yellow and its shades, as well as gold... But if we take global fashion trends as a basis, then in trend Violet.

Either way, when choosing colors, see if they blend well together. And also consider a few simple tips:

  • Red, green, mustard, orange, white go well with yellow.
  • Use a technique such as gradation. So, the top can begin with white balls, which will gradually turn into purple, and those - into dark purple.
  • If you have an artificial white Christmas tree, then it is recommended to decorate it with gold and orange balls for the New Year. Just what you need for 2019!

  • Consider the overall scale of the room. If the room is too bright, then it is not forbidden to use more muted tones, and if the room is pale, then decorate the tree with bright balls.
  • Burgundy balls and ribbons look good against the background of dark wood furniture.

  • The rain and beads should overlap in color with the balls. For example, if the balls are gold, then it is better to hang the beads and rain a shade darker or lighter.
  • Sometimes a monochromatic garland looks much more luxurious than one with bright multi-colored lights.

How to decorate a Christmas tree: options and ideas

Ways to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year can be very diverse. Christmas tree glass balls, rain and an electric garland are considered traditional decorations.... And these accessories still hold the lead, but, in addition, there are many other interesting ones:

  • garlands of cones;
  • felt toys;
  • postcards;
  • wreaths;
  • candy;
  • wood crafts;
  • bells;
  • bows;
  • tapes;
  • tree beads.

You can use one of the listed options to decorate the Christmas tree, or combine several. It all depends on your tastes and preferences!

Important! It is advisable not to combine all types of decoration at once - it will look overloaded. For example, Christmas tree balls look good with satin ribbons and bows, wooden toys can be combined with a garland made from natural materials, and antique glass beads can be combined with Christmas tree beads.

The photo below is a great example of how you can beautifully decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year (a combination of white and red no frills):

Get creative with your tree. For example, a Christmas tree can be completely decorated with sweets or fruits, fortune cookies, greeting cards, surprise balls.

Be sure to place the Yellow figure somewhere in a prominent place.Pigs... A soft animal can be planted under a tree instead of the traditional Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. You can dress up with crafts made from salt dough.

Interesting decor ideas

If we take a standard classic live or artificial Christmas tree, then there are a lot of options for decorating for the New Year. In particular, a very creative way is to dress her up with everything that is in the house and can fall under the concept of a “Christmas tree accessory”.

These are knitted mittens, snowflakes, postcards, hair accessories, artificial flowers, dried rose petals, burlap.

You can become a Christmas tree decorations yourself by making them yourself!

Walk around the house, peek into cabinets and drawers, sort out your accessories. Now they need to be sorted by tone or size, and then proceed with the design.

Below you can study the photos of the original design. Maybe they can help you decide how you want to decorate your New Year tree for 2019:

Traditional Santa claus can be original and sparkle with new colors if you choose products of non-standard shapes and designs.

Openwork and smart snowmen will do their job too!

An artificial and live Christmas tree for the New Year is not a sin to decorate with an ordinary one burlap or decorative mesh, which is sold in specialty stores in rolls.

Will also look good wooden products, crafts made of cardboard and twine

A Christmas tree decorated with bows... You can use bows of any size and color. Translucent bows will look stylish (as in the photo below).


The spruce will turn out to be original and very elegant if you dress it up with crafts using the quilling technique (the technique is also called paper rolling). Just a few workouts and you can create Christmas decorations on the Christmas tree using paper, glue, pens and your own imagination.

The undoubted advantage of such Christmas tree decorations is the fact that you can do them yourself!

Photos of crafts using the quilling technique:

Video: how to make paper Christmas tree decorations using the quilling technique.


They are associated with warmth, spring and summer. It would seem that they do not fit in with the winter holidays at all. But it was not there! New Year tree decorated with flowers- a truly original and beautiful solution. For decoration, you can either buy flowers or make them yourself.

As for the last hand-made production, it is recommended to make artificial flowers for the New Year's tree decoration from a variety of materials: paper, fabric (for example, organza, linen), corrugation, satin ribbons.

Video: how to make paper flowers.

Christmas tree without a tree

But if you want something truly original, then initially you need to be original. Do-it-yourself Christmas tree will help to decorate the room quite vividly for the New Year. It could be a construction of books, pillows, plastic bottles, clothing, disposable tableware and other items... We offer you to enjoy the creativity that someone has already created and to be inspired for an exclusive version.

There are no limits to fantasy, even the most ordinary pillows have the opportunity to become a real solemn decoration of the house.

Video: do-it-yourself Christmas tree for New Year's decoration (in the style of kanzashi, made of thread, corrugated).

The procedure for decorating a Christmas tree

Although we decorate a tree on holidays almost from childhood, it is not always clear how to properly decorate a New Year tree in stages. However, there are several unspoken rules that will help you decorate a tree beautifully and make it the most attractive object in the whole house.

Here are the rules and procedures for decorating a Christmas tree:

  • To harmoniously decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year, you need choose the right places for her O. Don't put a fluffy beauty in a small room, and a too small Christmas tree in a large room.
  • Strengthen it securely... If there are small children and mischievous animals in the house, then it is better not to use glass products.
  • Choose a beautiful garland with faceted bulbs, beautiful lampshade.
  • The garland is hung at the very beginning, in front of all the toys, then she will not obscure them, but, on the contrary, beautifully shade.
  • Use multiple garlands... For example, one can wrap the trunk itself, and the other - the branches of a tree.
  • Decorate the tree with the included garland... In this case, it will be better to see where which light will lie, and what it will highlight.

  • For big ate choose large balls, small ones on it will look ridiculous.
  • Large parts are hung first, evenly distributing around the entire perimeter (it is advisable to decorate the bottom of the tree with large elements). Then smaller toys filling the empty space and preparing the tree for the New Year.

  • Desirable do not place identical toys next to each other unless it is conceived by the concept.
  • The final stage will be tinsel, beads, rain, sparkles.
  • There are several methods of decoration with balls: vertical, horizontal, chaotic.
  • You can put boxes underneath, edged with paper to match the entire decor.

By the way! Serpentine or even ordinary confetti would be appropriate.

Video: how to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year (+ decorating a white Christmas tree).

Street tree decoration

It's great if you have a Christmas tree growing on the street (at least in the courtyard of a private house or in the country). In this case, you can decorate the yard and turn it into a real fairy tale.

When choosing a Christmas decoration for a street tree, you need to focus on two things:

  1. Safety... This mainly concerns the use of a garland. Only use appliances that are designed for outdoor use. Also, do not leave the device switched on unattended.
  2. Sustainability... Try to fasten the "outfit" as tightly as possible so that during snow, rain and wind they could not fall or damage your tree.

Christmas decorations for a street tree can be purchased or made by hand. In general, all of the above recommendations and tips apply to the street beauty. The only thing - crafts made of fabric, paper are not suitable(there is a risk that they will deteriorate due to precipitation, wind).

Advice! You cannot cope with such a difficult task alone (especially if the tree is rather big). So, invite guests, relatives, kids to decorate and create a beautiful and original composition for the New Year together.

In many families, decorating the Christmas tree is a whole tradition, a ritual, a notification that the holiday holidays will begin soon, that the New Year 2019 will be soon celebrated. This is especially pleasing to the kids who like to help decorate the green beauty, hang balls on her, pull sweets. It's fun and brings the family together. I hope the tips and tricks will help you decorate your Christmas tree in a fun and beautiful way!

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