
How to make a men's haircut with a clipper at home. How to cut a man's hair himself with a clipper. Getting Started


The stores offer a huge range of hair cutting equipment, which are designed to perform a variety of hairstyles on your own at home. To cut a man's hair with a clipper, you need to follow some rules of quality hairstyle technique.

Haircut with a clipper is the easiest way for home hairdressing

A stylish and new hairstyle allows you to change your look and improve your mood. Using a hair clipper is considered the best and most economical option to create a neat hairstyle for short hair.

Features of doing hair with a hair clipper for beginners

A simple technique for men's haircuts is as follows. All strands are cut with one specific attachment. And the neck and temple areas are processed without additional attachments. In this case, the device turns towards the hair.

The technology for a more complex hairstyle is done as follows:

  • Nozzle No. 1 or No. 2 is installed. The device is held with the blade up. Treatment begins from the neck area, from the hairline. The curls are cut to the back of the head.
  • Then the nozzle is changed to No. 3 or 4 and the curls are cut to the crown. Then the attachments are replaced again and the strands at the temples are cut. Then attachment 4 or 3 is attached again and the strands are cut from the temples to the crown area.

  • The device is pointed towards the crown. You cannot cut along the growth of curls, as this will result in strands of different sizes.
  • In the process, a comb is used and the curls are removed over it.

When cutting with a clipper, you always start at the back of your head. At the end of the procedure, the strands on the temples and neck are trimmed.

Before cutting your hair with a clipper, you need to wet it and comb it thoroughly. The strands are divided into several zones. In this case, partings are made from the depressions on the forehead to the back of the head. This separates the temples and the parietal area.

The following zones are obtained:

  1. parietal;
  2. two in the temporal regions;
  3. three in the occipital areas.

What matters is the quality of the edging on the neck. It can be trapezoidal or rounded.

To do men's haircuts with a machine at home, you do not need the skills of a professional. Doing your own hairstyle will not only save money, but will also allow you to create stylish and neat hairstyles.

A hairstyle diagram helps to do the job correctly. But this takes into account the shape of the head and facial features.

A simple option is considered to be a zero model. This hairstyle is suitable if you have a standard head shape.

Sports type hairstyles: boxing or semi-boxing are longer and more difficult to cut, but they can be done with some skills.

With the help of a special device, such short haircuts as a hedgehog are performed. It has a round shape and is suitable for coarse hair.

A semi-box is performed using a machine. It suits almost all men, except those with too long faces.

In the traditional version, the back of the head is cut with a device with a small nozzle.

Long strands can start closer to the crown or much lower. The hairstyle is done with or without bangs. This option is not suitable for curly hair. You cannot shave your head to zero if the back of your head is uneven.

How to cut a haircut with a transition?

To make a model haircut smooth, you need to make the right transitions. At the same time, the processing process with the device must be accurate and of high quality. The comb must be held in your left hand.

The strands are cut in strips. First, the forehead area is cut, then the back of the head. For the back of the head, a smaller nozzle is used.

The haircut is performed from below, and the device is directed upward. First, the machine is pressed against the surface of the head, and the device is torn away from the crown of the head. This evens out the difference between the strands. Then the temples are cut with the same nozzle.

From the parietal region it is necessary to make a smooth transition. From short strands at the edge. Edging is done at the neck and behind the ears without an attachment. Then the length of the strands throughout the head is checked.

All shortcomings in the haircut are corrected with thinning scissors.

How to cut temples?

An important stage is the edging of the temporal region. The temples can be oblique, rectangular, up to the lobe or middle of the ear.

Laying should begin from the temple areas. In this case, the curl is separated by a diagonal parting. Then the hair is combed over the face and the corner of the temple is trimmed. Then the strands are combed down and the temporal part is edged.

Movements of the device should be light and effortless.

How to cut bangs at home?

Men's clipper haircuts with bangs are complex. For cutting bangs, select the largest attachment. In this case, the bangs are trimmed using a comb, which lifts the strands to the required distance. The cut with the device is made over the comb. It turns out smooth the first time.

Understand the most simple rules clipper haircuts and go

Using a clipper you can cut a short haircut or create a complex hairstyle.

Not all men like to visit beauty salons. But this does not mean that you don’t need to take care of your appearance. Some procedures can be successfully performed at home. For example, you can entrust your household to cut your hair. To do this, they should familiarize themselves with the basics of technology, which are quite accessible even to a person far from hairdressing.

Haircut rules at home

Grooming men at home does not require extreme skill. Before you start, make sure everything is prepared necessary tools. You will need a clipper, high-quality scissors, several combs with different teeth, a shoulder cape, clips and a spray bottle.

A home-grown hairdresser must follow a few simple rules:

  • The haircut is carried out from the back of the head, gradually moving from bottom to top and from left to right.
  • Do not brush overly wide strands.
  • After finishing the work on the back of the head, carefully draw out the lower contour.
  • Move to the temples, moving towards the crown.
  • Do not rush to cut your bangs too much, otherwise you will not be able to comb them.
  • Before finishing the haircut, go over the entire head again.
  • Shave your neck if necessary.

Choosing a hairstyle at home

Men's haircut one of the main indicators of the image, so you need to choose it very carefully, taking into account several criteria:

  • Face shape. Facial features are very important. It can be oval, round, square or triangular. Oval and triangular shapes allow creativity and without restrictions, creating deliberate dishevelment (boxing, mohawk, asymmetrical options). A square face requires a haircut that can soften rough features and visually lengthen the face (hedgehog, classic hairstyles of the 50s). A chubby man needs to have his hair cut to create the illusion of a thin face (British, Canadian, Quiff).
  • Hair structure. An equally important factor is the texture of your hair. The same haircut falls differently on different types hair. The presence or absence of curls can also play a role.
  • Hairstyle complexity. A man who doesn’t like to waste time is unlikely to be satisfied with an elaborate haircut that requires an hour of styling. It's worth thinking about this when considering your options.

How to cut hair with scissors at home

Before you start, read the basic rules for cutting hair at home.

  1. Wet your hair with a spray bottle.
  2. Divide the strands into the temporal, occipital and parietal zones.
  3. Since the haircut should begin from the back of the head, secure the remaining hair with clips.
  4. Separate a strand (about 1 cm) and comb it.
  5. Pinch the curl with your middle and index fingers.
  6. Trim it about a centimeter above your fingers.
  7. Take the next strand (don't let go of the cut one) and comb them together.
  8. Make a cut along the first line.
  9. Secure the treated hair with a clip, leaving a thin strand to control the desired length.
  10. Carefully process the contours using edging or shading.

The most popular are round, oval and trapezoidal edgings. When choosing bangs, rely on your taste: it can be oblique, straight or asymmetrical. Shading is also done with a comb and scissors: cut off the hairs that protrude on top of the comb when running through the hair. Repeat the process in reverse.

How to cut your hair with a clipper

You can create many men's hairstyles at home using a hair clipper. The process will not cause any difficulties for anyone, since the device is very easy to use. You can easily control the length of your hair by simply changing the attachments.

For beginners, it is better to have short haircuts, which will reduce the likelihood of mistakes.

Not every man has the time or desire to visit a hairdresser. The solution to this problem is simple: ask household members to do the haircut themselves. But in order for a family member to fulfill the request, he needs to know the rules for cutting men's haircuts with a machine.

What tools will you need?

The main tool for cutting is a clipper. But you still need to have the following devices on hand:

The speed and quality of the haircut will depend on the correctly selected clipper. They should be described in more detail.

To create men's haircuts at home, you can purchase an average-priced amateur machine. In the store you need to pay attention to several nuances:

After choosing the appropriate tools, you can begin the preparatory work.

When starting a haircut, you should remember that the quality of the hairstyle largely depends on the preparation. Before cutting, be sure to wash your hair and dry your hair so that it remains moist. If you ignore this step, sebum will get on the blades, which will lead to their rapid dulling. The curls are dried so that the machine does not slide over them and does not catch the skin. This leads to severe irritation or deep scratches.

How to get a clipper haircut

A common question is how to cut men's hairstyles if you have no previous experience. It is advisable to start with simple tasks. Half-boxing or boxing are ideal men's haircuts for beginners. This way you can gain valuable experience and understand the principles of creating men's hairstyles.

When starting to work with curls, it is important to remember that the temples and the back of the head must be cut shorter, and the hair on the top should be left longer. To create a similar effect, use nozzles different lengths. It is with these tools that the necessary “pattern” is created on the head.

Haste in the learning process is the worst helper. It is necessary to make movements slowly to achieve proper quality. If a man long curls, you need to cut it first with scissors. If you start working right away with a machine, you can ruin your hairstyle even at the starting stage.

Step by step haircut

First you need to comb your hair well. After this, take a strand and pull it perpendicular to the head. The hair is held with the middle and index fingers of the left hand if the person is right-handed. This way you can observe the length and cut off the necessary parts.

After the excess length is removed, you can take the machine. Experienced hairdressers advise cutting hair exclusively against its growth. This way the teeth will lift the curls to the required length for the convenience of the master.

It is advisable to start cutting from the back of the head, installing a nozzle, for example, “one”. In traditional men's hairstyles the hair on the back of the head remains short. You need to move upward in small steps, removing the lower level. “One” can be used before edging begins.

There are several types of edging that are chosen depending on the shape of the skull.

Before starting work, you need to ask the man which form he likes best. After that, you can create it with a machine. It is important to remember that the movements must be made smoothly, since the transition with the machine from a short zone to a longer one (top of the head) should not be abrupt.

We cut the top

When starting to cut the hair on the top of the head, you can set the clipper to a “C” or even a “F4” to make a smooth transition. The choice is made depending on the length of hair that the man asked to leave.

We shape the temples and neck

How to trim your temples

When moving to the temple area, you need to be careful. The zones are located particularly close to the face, and therefore defects will immediately be evident to others. If you don’t have a lot of haircutting experience, then you need to remove your hair millimeter by millimeter. It is better to spend more time at work than to instantly ruin the entire previously prepared hairstyle with a careless movement.

The temples can be made straight or oblique (at the discretion of the person cutting the hair). In most cases, the first option is used, since the second is already outdated. If a man has a beard, then you should not make the boundaries between it and his temples too obvious. A smooth transition will look harmonious.

The next step is to define the hairline on the neck. If the border is extremely low, then it is necessary to remove excess hair from the neck. But there is one caveat: only an adult man is allowed to cut his neck. If you remove curls for a teenager, you can provoke the growth of coarse hair in this area, which is undesirable.

How to cut a haircut with a transition

It is important to know how to create a smooth transition in a men's haircut, since many men's hairstyles have it.

To do this you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Place a 9 mm nozzle on the machine and process the back of the head. First we move to the temples, and then to the crown. In one movement you will need to cover a large area.
  2. On the crown area it is advisable to use an 11 or 12 mm nozzle. It is forbidden to press the machine tightly against your head.
  3. It is necessary to decorate the edging with small nozzles.

By following the instructions, you can understand how to make a transition in men's haircuts.

How to cut bangs correctly

When cutting a haircut with bangs, you need to take into account some nuances. Some men prefer a half-box haircut, where the bangs remain. It is strictly forbidden to use a hair trimmer. Therefore, you need to use scissors to lift the curls and even out the length.

It is not advisable to leave bangs if your hair is curly. If a curly-haired guy wants to wear short hairstyle, then it’s better to do it without bangs, otherwise it will look ugly or cause giggles.

Haircut options

There are several options for men's haircuts at home, which are done with a machine. Each of them has its own characteristics that you need to know about before starting work.


The most basic men's haircut is universal. It can be done without changing attachments, and it is ideal for training, since it can be handled by a person who has never worked with a machine before.

Men's universal clipper haircut at home - step-by-step instructions:

  1. First, you need to discuss with the man the length of hair he wants to keep. After this, you need to select a suitable nozzle.
  2. It is advisable to start cutting the hair from the back of the head, pointing the clipper against hair growth.
  3. In the same way, proceed to shortening the curls on the parietal part.

Boxing and semi-boxing

These short haircuts are preferred by most men as they are popular and quite versatile. And the popularity is not surprising, since hairstyles emphasize a person’s masculinity and character.

At the same time, only men who have correct form skulls This is the only way to highlight the advantages. This men's clipper haircut is also popular because the thickness and structure of the hair does not matter. It can be done for absolutely any person.

To create a boxing hairstyle, you need to have the following tools on hand:

  • machine;
  • comb;
  • razor;
  • scissors.

How to cut a man's hair with a clipper:

  1. Using scissors, draw a line between short and long strands. If the back of the head is embossed, then the border must be made immediately below it.
  2. Strands that grow below the long hair line should be removed with a hair clipper.
  3. The back of the head and temples should be cut short.
  4. Then you can move on to the parietal part. You need to cut your hair in individual strands, holding them between two fingers.
  5. When the curls are cut, you need to profile them with special scissors or a razor. Particular attention should be paid to the area around the face.
  6. If there are any stray hairs left on your head, you can cut them off with scissors.

If a man wants to keep his bangs, he needs to keep them short. It should reach only to the middle of the forehead, but not lower.

How to cut a boxer's haircut

Half-box style haircut instructions:

At the end of the operation, you can thin out with a razor or scissors.


Some men prefer their hair to stick out on their head. This is called a "hedgehog".
You can use this hairstyle if your hair is thick or coarse. Experts note that short haircut similar to boxing, but in this case there is no clear boundary between short and long strands. The transition is smooth and almost unnoticeable.

How to make a men's haircut according to the rules:

  1. In the crown part, the hair is removed with scissors, holding it with two fingers. The length should be approximately 4 cm.
  2. After this, you need to place wax or gel on the curls and lay them with a candle.
  3. Direct the bangs towards the crown with a comb.
  4. Treat the back of the head and temples with a machine, making an imperceptible transition from short to long strands. It should turn out fuzzy.
  5. Hair on the neck can be removed or kept to a minimum.

Below zero

A “zero” or bald hairstyle is suitable for those men who have a powerfully developed chin and want to emphasize this. The haircut is also preferred by guys who are starting to show bald patches.

Do-it-yourself men's haircut - step-by-step instructions:

  1. First you need to cut it with scissors long hair that the machine cannot remove.
  2. Next, begin processing the temporo-occipital zone, moving towards three lines: up, down, sideways.
  3. If necessary, take a razor and remove any hair remaining on your head.

What to do after a haircut

After cutting your hair, you need to put it in order - this is the final stage. It is necessary to shake off your head and rinse your hair without detergents.

Working with a machine is more difficult and you will have to spend more time. After the haircut, you will have to complete several more steps:

  1. Remove the attachments in use and wash them under the tap to remove hair from the surface.
  2. Wipe the blade with a hard brush.
  3. Treat cutting parts with special oil.
  4. Place the machine in a box to prevent dust from getting on it.

At the end of any haircut, the clipper should be treated with oil, which is sold in hair care stores. The kit immediately includes a suitable sample, but it can also be found separately. You can use combinations: Dewal or Moser. But there are also other samples that the store will tell you.

These are the basic tips that will help a beginner figure out how to cut a man’s haircut at home. Using the recommendations, you can short time learn to create men's hairstyles, thanks to a special tool.

Does a man need a model haircut? Many men are willing to pay hairdressers for their wives, but they themselves are content with a home haircut with a machine. This option undoubtedly saves time and money; we have compiled for you a selection of several video clipper haircutting lessons that are suitable for both beginners and professional hairdressers.

Today, the appearance and condition of hair is one of the important components of the image of not only women, but also men. It is not enough to have neatly trimmed and clean hair. The hairstyle should match your face, suit, image. Today in character business man Every detail is important, be it the right tie, watch and... the right hairstyle.

Experienced specialists will help you choose a haircut that will highlight the winning features of your appearance and help you create the desired image. By the way, one of the indicators of a professional haircut is its sustainability: the hair will look great without hours of daily styling. Update your haircut every 1-1.5 months, keep your hair clean, and it will always look great.

A good men's haircut with a clipper is not only part of the image, but also a means of correcting external data. If you have a heavy chin, low forehead, large ears, large nose, all this can be visually corrected with the help of a hairstyle. If you have weak and thin hair, a haircut will again help. And if you pay attention to other hairdressing services that will be offered to you in our salon, if you wish, you can radically transform your appearance in accordance with your wishes and modern beauty standards.

Video tutorials for men's haircuts.

1. Video master class on men's haircuts.

2. Video lesson on men's haircuts with clippers

3. Youth men's haircut with clipper video

4. Short men's haircut video.

5. Men's half-box haircut video. The video was created specifically for beginner hairdressers abroad and translated into Russian.

How to cut hair with a machine?

Hair has always been considered a special adornment for men and women. But everyone knows: it is not enough to have by nature beautiful hair, you also need to cut them periodically. How to properly cut hair with a clipper?

Of course, today haircuts created using a hair clipper are popular, but not everyone knows how to do it. It is more difficult to cut hair with scissors, but there are now a huge number of hair clippers, and they are inexpensive. In addition, the ability to cut hair with a machine will also help in Everyday life: It will be possible to cut the hair of a beloved man and a capricious child. In fact, it is very simple to curb this “electric beast” and from our article you will learn how to cut hair with a clipper.

Features of a haircut with a clipper

In order to know how to cut hair with a machine, you first need to understand how it is designed and how it works. A hair clipper consists of two rows of teeth: the bottom row consists of fixed teeth, the top row of movable teeth, with more of the former than the latter. Hair cutting is achieved by sliding the top row over the bottom, that is, the teeth of the machine work on the principle of scissors.

Remember the following points:

  • Only dry hair is cut with a clipper. If you cut wet hair, you will ruin the entire haircut and greatly dull the blades;
  • if the hair has grown very long, then before cutting, trim the ends of the hair a little with scissors;
  • The machine cuts hair only when it encounters hair resistance. This is the principle of operation of a hair clipper. If you move the machine in the direction of hair growth, the hair will bend towards the head and will not end up in the teeth of the machine;
  • When the clipper reaches the top of the head while cutting hair, it is undesirable to suddenly remove the clipper because it can damage the hair. It is necessary to slowly separate it from the head.

Machine haircut technique

So, how to cut hair with a hair clipper? Let's say you found someone who trusted you with his head, combed his hair, and plugged in the machine. For the first time, it is better to cut your hair using just one attachment to get used to the operation of the machine.

Take the typewriter in your right hand - it should be on top thumb, and let the remaining fingers clasp the machine from below.

  1. Put the nozzle of the required length on the clipper and start cutting from the lower occipital area. Insert the clipper into your hair at the roots and move it from bottom to top. Periodically shake hair off the machine to prevent it from clogging. In this way, go through the entire occipital area.
  2. Next, cut the frontal-parietal region (from the back of the head to the forehead) and temples. Do not leave any missing hairs sticking out, and if you see them, run the machine over that area again.
  3. Near the top of the ear, hair grows differently, so the movement of the teeth of the clipper needs to be changed to direct them against the hair growth. A skilled hairdresser bends the ear with his left hand, bending the left ear with his thumb and the right with his little finger.
  4. Now you need to do the edging - to give the haircut a finished look. Change the nozzle on the machine to the smallest one and gently smooth out the uneven transition from hair to body. Try not to let your hand shake, otherwise you might ruin everything. If you try hard, the haircut will come out neat and even.