
Do-it-yourself men's leather suspenders. The question is to make suspenders for trousers with your own hands a master class. Necessary materials and tools


Self-made braces for trousers can cost no less than factory ones, but they will certainly be exclusive.

What do you need to make braces for trousers?

For the manufacture of suspenders, you will need a special elastic band. It comes in different widths, so when buying, it is important to take into account the compliance of this parameter with the set of things with which this accessory is supposed to be used. Children's suspenders require a narrower elastic band than that used in products for adults.

You will need to buy special accessories: fastenings for trousers in the amount of 4 pieces and a part that will connect both lines of braces on the back. In addition, you will need threads of a color that would be in harmony with the selected elastic band. If an accessory or a child, it can be decorated with rhinestones, chains, rivets and other decorative items.

How to make braces for trousers?

There are two ways to determine the required length for suspenders. If possible, take a centimeter tape and measure the person for whom the product is intended, from the side of the back from the waist line, moving to the right side, over the shoulder to the waist line, moving to the left side. That is, the way the suspenders will be worn. Then they cut off a piece of elastic of the length that was obtained as a result of taking measurements, and trying it on, pull it so that it is comfortable for a person to move.

The second method is used when it is not possible to obtain the desired indicators by measuring with a centimeter tape. In this case, you can use some thing that will give an idea of ​​​​the distance from the waist to the shoulders of the person for whom the suspenders are sewn. Having found the desired length, 7.5 cm are subtracted from it and two pieces of gum are cut off.

The next step is to attach the metal fasteners for the trousers. To do this, one by one, each of them is put on an elastic band, its end is wrapped by 1.5-2 cm and stitched. The result should be two parts of the same length, each of which is equipped with two fasteners.
Further, the suspenders are laid obliquely in relation to each other so that the place of their intersection is located in the middle of the back.

The location of the elastic bands must be fixed with a few stitches. Then the suspenders are stitched on sewing machine where they intersect to form a rhombus. The thread with which the suspenders were fastened is removed and the fitting is made. finished product. If there is a desire, it is decorated with various decorative elements.

Men's, women's, children's suspenders are one of the favorite trends in the modern fashion industry. Suspenders are now available in various models. different forms, colors and sizes and are a unisex accessory. According to one of the many versions of the origin of suspenders, it is believed that the first to wear them were the poor French, who were unable to buy a belt for trousers. Then, in the distant times of the revolution, they made suspenders with their own hands for themselves and their children. In Europe, at the royal courts, the entire female half of humanity actively used suspenders, using them to hold stockings. Women and girls and now do not lose sight of this attractive element of sight. Many ladies complement formal trousers with playful suspenders and look stunning at the same time!

Required materials and tools:

  • elastic band 2-3 cm wide (about 3 meters long);
  • metal clips;
  • sewing machine;
  • threads.

Elastic band for suspenders

Unfold the elastic band and take the necessary measurements. In order to make the correct measurements, cut off two pieces of elastic band of approximate sizes. Fasten both ends of the elastic band to the front of the pants of the person for whom the suspenders are intended. Pull the elastic a little and, making a cross on the back, fasten both ends of the elastic to the belt line. In the place where the two elastic bands intersect each other, fasten a few sewing pins. Don't pull the band too tight for the person to move comfortably. Cut off excess elastic, leaving 2-3 cm at the ends for loops.

Gum mount

Wrap each end of the elastic 2-3 cm and sew so that a loop is formed. Insert the clips into the loops. Make sure that front part pin is not on the side of the purl stitch.

Completing the Suspenders

In the place where your pins were fixed, carefully sew one elastic band to the other, you should get such a rhombus, as in the picture. Try on suspenders by attaching all four clips to your trousers. Ready!


If you want to make braces for a child, you can buy any elastic bright color and also use colored clip-on clips. Using imagination, you can make suspenders for your baby with your own hands, spending a minimum of time and money. Since our children grow quickly, for this version of the braces, adjustment will be required, the details of which should be installed in advance on each piece of elastic. Adjusting parts can be bought at any sewing store, as well as clamps most different colors and configurations. Good luck to you!

We will need - a piece of saddle leather with a length of at least 95 cm, a width of at least 8 cm, 6 holnitens, a metal ring with a diameter of 3 cm, 3 carabiners by 3 cm (width), 2 or 4 belt screws, wax for finishing, clerical knife, ruler, awl.

If you have a hole punch or press - great, if not - add pliers to this list.

We will make unisex suspenders - both in style and in size. The given measurements are suitable for height 1.55-1.90.

Let's start with the 3 main details of the suspenders - 3 strips of leather, which must be carefully measured and cut

The width of these bands should be 2.5-2.7 mm and not more, as they simply will not enter the ring.

We will cut with a clerical knife and only in one breath with a firm hand, before that making sure that the blade is on stationery knife worth new. All this will give an even and smooth cut.

3 parts are ready. For the invulnerability of the skin, as well as for a chic shade, wax the details - cover them with a finish in the form of a mixture beeswax and linseed oil (I have this nice yellow brick).

A clearly visible line of wax application - it is necessary to shade over the entire strip. You can use special devices, you can use a flannel cloth, but a woolen sock is no worse.

The color has changed, a chic shine has appeared. In the same way, it is necessary to process the edges, if they turned out to be quite fleecy, you can first walk through them with an ordinary nail file. Then, winding all three strips, also apply wax on them, and then sand them, in a circular motion using force.

Now the fun begins! We connect the parts with a ring. You can't do without fitting and marking. After laying the strip behind the ring, stretch the free end about 1.8 cm and mark where it ends on the main strip - with an awl, noticeable only to you.

Now do the following for each strip.

1. Step back from the edge 1 cm, and on the sides - 0.5 cm each.

2. There will be 2 such marks - from two edges - for 2 holnitens.

3. With an awl, push through 2 layers of leather at once - the hole should be through for perfect symmetry. Holnitens will be inserted here further.

If you have a hole punch, we make through holes for holnitens, if not, I suggest using a large awl, and then expanding the resulting holes with an improvised tool (ripper, nail, and so on).

I will say right away - I didn’t have a hole punch right away, I used many tools, there will be no problems :)

Now we insert holnitens into these holes - 2 for each part.

Friends! I got punches and a press even later than a hole puncher. And during this time I learned that it is better to install holnitens with pliers than with a hammer :) So if you have pliers, feel free to move on to action.

By the way, if you feel that holnitens are not your option, you can simply hand-stitch with waxed thread. Also very stylish!

Now let's move on to a strip with an initial length of 44 cm - on it below, a carbine is also attached to holnitens.

The mechanism is the same - we try on an overlap of 1.8 cm, mark future holes with an allowance of 1 cm from the edge and 0.5 cm on the sides, make through holes and install holnitens. And again I want to note - you can replace the holnitens with a seam with a large waxed thread.

The strip passing through the back is ready. Now we can make a fitting - fasten the carabiner to the belt loop of your jeans and you can already imagine what your masterpiece will look like :)

Now the front straps - you need to make holes for the subsequent fastening of the holster screws and fixing the carabiners. I do them at a distance of 2.5 cm from each other. Before marking, and even more so - punching, it is necessary to check that the total length of the front stripes is absolutely the same, that is, right = left. If there is a difference - correct, cut off the excess.

You can mark with special tools, but a ruler and an awl are no worse :) For unisex, I make 14 holes. If you are the owner of a height of 1.85 - try on yourself, you will not need the first 10 holes. If you are Thumbelina, then you - on the contrary - do not need about 20 cm in length - you can simply cut off the length after trying on and do not make extra holes.

Hole making is the same.

On this one could go to the final, but I really like to “stripe” the skin lightly with wax. It turns out stylish. To do this, wrap a solid object in the same woolen sock - a nail file, a brush, and so on. And with this shank, walk with the application of force along all the strips slightly obliquely. A darker pattern will appear on the skin. But this is so, for gourmets :)

And now - the final! We put on a carabiner and, in accordance with your parameters, fix it with a screwdriver and belt screws. You can also use 1 belt screw on each side, but 2 - it seems to look cooler :)

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Over the course of several centuries, suspenders periodically come into fashion, then go out of it. Supporting the waistband of the trousers, they take on the function of the belt and do not allow the trousers to fall off. This article will show you how to do criss-cross back braces as well as D-ring braces. Even if they go out of fashion again, they can always be worn under a suit. The process of working on such an easy sewing project will be a pleasure for you.


Part 1

Preparing the straps

    Prepare the necessary materials. Buy about 1.8-3.6m thick 25mm wide elastic band for suspenders (the specific length depends on your height and weight), two buckles and four special clips. All this you can find in the fabric store. You will also need scissors, tailor's pins, a centimeter tape, a sewing machine, or a regular needle and thread.

    Cut the elastic into two equal parts. The two lengths of elastic for suspenders should be slightly longer than the required final size, as the length of the straps will be adjusted by the buckles.

    • To prevent the elastic from being too short, measure yourself first. Grab the end of the measuring tape and place it at the front of your waist.
    • Ask someone to throw the measuring tape over your shoulder and also attach it to your waist, but already on your back.
    • Add 15-30 cm to the received measure to make the suspenders adjustable. You will need two pieces of elastic of exactly this length.
  1. Attach both pieces of elastic with one of the ends to the waistband of the trousers in front. Hold the ends of the elastic bands at waist level (where they will later be fastened).

    Throw both elastic bands over your shoulders. Have someone help you put the elastic bands over your shoulders.

    Cross the elastic at the back. Ask an assistant to attach the pieces of elastic bands to the waistband of the trousers at the back. In this case, the straps on the back should go towards each other in order to cross each other. The resulting cross will be located in the lumbar region.

    • After this visual check, remove the elastic bands from the shoulders and proceed to the process of installing the buckles and clips.
  2. Wrap the end of the elastic around the center bar of the buckle and sew. Fold the protruding end of the elastic back over the center bar of the buckle, and then sew it up in that position.

    Put the first clip on the same strap. Insert the free end of the webbing into the loop of the braces clip, and then fold it up to the main length of the elastic. Please note that the clip itself should stick out on the opposite side of the elastic than the one on which you bent and hemmed the first end with the buckle.

    Pass the free end of the strap through the buckle. Take the free end of the elastic band and thread it through the buckle. First swipe it from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom and pull it out.

    • This will give you an adjustable front end of the strap.
  3. Attach the second clip to the free end of the strap. Insert the still free end of the elastic into the hole in the second clip and tuck it in. Note that the clip should be located on the front side of the strap of the braces, and the elastic band should be on the wrong side.

    Secure the end of the elastic with a pin. Take a tailor's pin and stab the hem of the elastic band with it. The pin will hold the elastic in place while you sew it up.

    Sew the tucked end of the elastic. Take advantage sewing machine or a regular needle and thread to sew the second end of the strap. Be sure to back-tack at the very beginning and at the end of the stitching, as it is your stitches that will hold the clip on the strap.

    Repeat the procedure with the second strap. Repeat the same procedure with the remaining strap, buckle and clips. Now you have two ready-made suspender straps.

Part 3

Tailoring of the cross of suspenders

    Attach the rear strap clips to the waistband of your pants. Wear well-fitting trousers. Fasten the back clips of both straps to the waistband of your trousers.

    Cross the straps. Throw the straps over your shoulders, crossing them on your back.

    Attach the front clips of the suspenders to your trousers. Pull the free ends of the straps hanging from the shoulders to the belt. Fasten the front clips of the braces on the trousers at the front.

    Pin off the straps on the back at the crossing point. Have an assistant pin the straps of the braces crossed at the back with a pin. The pin will fix the location of the cross, which must be stitched.

    Sew the cross of the suspenders. First unfasten all the clips and remove the suspenders. Use a sewing machine or a simple needle and thread to sew a chain of stitches in the shape of a diamond at the crossing point of the straps, which will fix the cross. Each side of this diamond will contain approximately five stitches.

Part 4

Making suspenders using the D-ring

    Gather the required materials. For suspenders that meet at the back on a D-ring or even a regular ring, you will need the following: 1.8-3.6 m thick elastic for 25 mm wide suspenders (it all depends on your height and weight), one D-ring or a round ring, three special clips, a needle, thread and scissors. Almost everything you need can be purchased in the sewing accessories department of the fabric store. If the fabric store does not have D-shaped or ordinary rings You can find them at the hardware store.


Men's, women's, children's suspenders are one of the favorite trends in the modern fashion industry. Now suspenders are presented in various models of different shapes, colors and sizes and are a unisex accessory. According to one of the many versions of the origin of suspenders, it is believed that the first to wear them were the poor French, who were unable to buy a belt for trousers. Then, in the distant times of the revolution, they made suspenders with their own hands for themselves and their children. In Europe, at the royal courts, the entire female half of humanity actively used suspenders, using them to hold stockings. Women and girls and now do not lose sight of this attractive element of sight. Many ladies complement formal trousers with playful suspenders and look stunning at the same time!

Required materials and tools:

  • elastic band 2-3 cm wide (about 3 meters long);
  • metal clips;
  • sewing machine;
  • threads.

Step 1 01

Elastic band for suspenders

Unfold the elastic band and take the necessary measurements. In order to make the correct measurements, cut off two pieces of elastic band of approximate sizes. Fasten both ends of the elastic band to the front of the pants of the person for whom the suspenders are intended. Pull the elastic a little and, making a cross on the back, fasten both ends of the elastic to the belt line. In the place where the two elastic bands intersect each other, fasten a few sewing pins. Don't pull the band too tight for the person to move comfortably. Cut off excess elastic, leaving 2-3 cm at the ends for loops.

Step 2 02

Gum mount

Wrap each end of the elastic 2-3 cm and sew so that a loop is formed. Insert the clips into the loops. Make sure that the front of the clip is not on the side of the purl stitch.

Step 3 03

Completing the Suspenders

In the place where your pins were fixed, carefully sew one elastic band to the other, you should get such a rhombus, as in the picture. Try on suspenders by attaching all four clips to your trousers. Ready!

Step 4 04


If you want to make braces for a child, you can buy an elastic band of any bright color, as well as use colored clip-on clips. Using imagination, you can make suspenders for your baby with your own hands, spending a minimum of time and money. Since our children grow quickly, for this version of the braces, adjustment will be required, the details of which should be installed in advance on each piece of elastic. Adjusting parts can be bought at any sewing store, as well as clips in a variety of colors and configurations. Good luck to you!