
How to deal with a woman's scales. how to deal with a libra man how to deal with a libra guy


Many of us have probably thought that Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac. The ancient Greeks observed in this constellation the claws of Scorpio, which is nearby. But the name of the cluster of stars was given by Roman astronomers.

Modern scholars claim that this name is associated with the day autumn equinox. But due to errors in the chronology, this day moved to another constellation. On the other hand, the constellation Libra is actually a bit like the scales that Virgo holds in her hand. Therefore, this zodiac sign is often depicted as a woman with scales in her hands.

She happens to be goddess of justice and weighs the actions of people on the scales. On some maps of the starry sky, this constellation is depicted without a person.

People born under the sign of Libra are very loyal, fair and friendly. They are perfectionists and like everything to be in its place. Also, many Libra people are artistic and charming, but at times they are modest.

How to get along with a Libra

  1. Don't try to fool these people around your finger. They naturally have a developed intuition and see right through you.
  2. These people are very fond of harmony and dream of achieving it by all means. Be tactful with Libra and treat them with respect.
  3. IN the art of sex Weights have no equal. But in order to win such a person, you need to try very hard.
  4. Libra knows how to listen and help solve other people's problems. But here you need to understand that they listen and perceive information with both mind and heart. Therefore, a conversation with them should be not only logical, but also emotional. Most often they are wonderful interlocutors and can talk on various topics.

Like Libra, Libra has flaws. For example, it is sometimes difficult for them to make a choice, they cannot take criticism calmly. But in general, Libras are wonderful people, and you are very lucky if you have a friend who was born under this sign. These people are excellent comrades who will always help out in trouble.

In life, there are situations when you try to build relationships with a man this way and that, but something doesn’t work out. Horoscopes can come to the rescue in these cases. It is enough to know the character traits of a particular sign in order to find an approach to it. It does not matter what you want to achieve from a man: a romantic relationship or business. Knowing the horoscope will help in any case.

How to communicate with a Libra man?

  1. The Libra man is indecisive. After all, it is not for nothing that they are called Libra: they hesitate for a long time before making a final decision. Therefore, a woman must be patient and persistent, persistently offer her own version of the development of events, gently push the Libra man to the desired outcome.
  2. However, due to his impressionability and suggestibility, the Libra Man may make some decision that you did not count on at all. Therefore, in the process of communicating with him, try to limit the influence of other interested parties on him. And turn his suggestibility to your advantage: give strong arguments to convince him that you are right - and enlist his support!
  3. Libras are emotional. Their inner experiences and thoughts are reflected on the face, in gestures and facial expressions. Therefore, it would be good to read something about non-verbal communication techniques, to study sign language before communicating with such a man. It will be useful for you to understand a man when he does not say what he really thinks. The emotionality of Libra has another side: they need praise and admiration, they are greedy for flattery and sincere compliments. And the Libra man will go to any lengths to earn your approval. Therefore, encourage him to act and communicate what you would really like. Do not be afraid to show emotions yourself, then it will be easier for him to see the situation from your position.
  4. Libra does not accept tension in relationships, insincerity, tension, misunderstanding, lack of harmony. Therefore, a woman needs to try very hard to adapt to him, express benevolence, sometimes, maybe, give up her own principles. Of course, if she really needs a Libra man.
  5. In people, Libra values ​​honesty, loyalty, goodwill, but they care little about the experiences of others. Therefore, do not try to put the burden of your problems on the Libra man, he can give you advice, but he will not emotionally sympathize.
  6. If you have already started a romantic relationship with Libra, then you should know that intimate relationships are very important for them. And if he receives something less in this regard, he will find it on the side. Therefore, Libra men often choose temperamental women as companions, but kind, faithful, understanding and caring, sharing all his concerns and views, providing home comfort and warmth. In turn, life with a Libra man is like a continuous holiday with surprises and gifts.

What can not be done when communicating with a Libra man?

  1. 1. Put pressure on him, force him to make some kind of choice.
  2. 2. Violate his inner peace and balance. If you are going to be present in the life of a Libra man, then come into it gradually, without sudden movements and changes in his usual way of being.
  3. 3. Don't criticize him! If you want to change something, then praise the Libra man for those actions that please you, but do not scold for the opposite.
  4. 4. Do not ask him for deceit and other injustices. They hate it.
  5. 5. Don't try to argue with him. It still won’t succeed, but you will turn a man against yourself.
  6. 6. Do not be jealous of his friends and girlfriends. It is in Libra's blood to be the soul of the company and everyone likes it, to demonstrate to the public your mind, talent and exclusivity, do not deprive a man of such pleasure.
  7. 7. Do not try to be familiar with him, choose a business and diplomatic style of communication.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are reliable, loyal and stable. They are ideal for creating a family, and for a business partnership. Libra men keep secrets well, help in difficult situations.

Libra strives for balance, but often proves to be quite contradictory. A man born under this sign does not like quarrels, but loves to argue, longs for stability and at the same time constantly changes something, has a developed intellect, while maintaining childish naivety. Are you in love with a Libra? Congratulations - you definitely won’t be bored, because this sign is full of contradictions and absolutely unpredictable. The question is how to behave with a Libra man in order to find happiness.

How to behave with a Libra man?

If you decide to conquer a man born under the sign of Libra, get ready to stand out from the crowd of numerous fans. And these gentlemen have a lot of admirers - after all, they are so charming, charismatic and skillfully flirt. Did he pay attention to you? This is good, but it is still too early to rest on the laurels of glory - you have yet to conquer, conquer and fall in love with a recalcitrant, full of contradictions man.

To do this:

  • Under any circumstances, remain caring, gentle, sweet - someone who, and Libra does not like bitches. So either be affectionate, feminine, tolerant of his shortcomings, or go in search of another man - one who will be attracted to your cool temper.

  • Do not forget to show a sincere interest in the life and problems of a partner, help in finding solutions - Libra, like no one else, appreciates a partner friend who will be first a friend for them, and then a lover. Although no - both are equally important to them.

  • Take the initiative - not only in sex, but also in life. Come up with interesting plans for the day off, invite him after work to the theater or cinema, to a concert.
  • Maintain the hunter instinct in a man. The taken fortress is not interesting, does not intrigue and does not attract - therefore, be a Libra woman, but do not show it to them. Let them think that the main battle for your heart is yet to come!

Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac, and therefore special. The planet Venus patronizes them, which knows beauty and love. This means that the Libra girl is naturally beautiful and attaches great importance to love. It is an incredible combination of femininity, charm and attractiveness. Already at school, many guys look after her, because it is impossible not to notice such a slender, seductive and slightly eccentric girl.

The Libra girl easily makes men dizzy. She knows how to please and never lacks attention from the opposite sex. However, she chooses her life partner for a long time and carefully, since it is very difficult for her, like all representatives of the Libra sign, to make a decision. Initiative and self-confidence are not her forte. She will weigh and check everything a hundred times before falling in love with a guy who has been courting her for a long time.

To please a Libra girl, you need to look better than those guys who are also partial to her. Watch your appearance and control your behavior. Libra will never be interested in a man with dirty shoes, unkempt appearance and bad manners. A handsome, slender and intelligent man is the ideal of a Libra girl. Pay special attention to your clothes, figure and behavior so that after talking with her you will remain in her memory for a long time.

The Libra girl will fall in love only with the guy who managed to prove himself a leader in her eyes. She will not disregard a young man who studies well or works. To convince her that you can become a strong shoulder for her, show her your mind and strength. For example, help her with her studies, participate in olympiads and sports competitions. In addition, Libra attaches great importance to the opinions of others. Therefore, take care to win the sympathy of people from her social circle.

Libras are distinguished by an inquisitive mind, but at school they are far from excellent students. They also rarely manage to climb a high career step at work, but in family life they prove to be a good housewife and a wise wife. A Libra woman in love is mysterious and unpredictable. She is often offended and jealous for no reason. This is due to the fact that she cannot trust a man until he proves to her that he is able to make her happy and protect her from all life's adversities.

The first date with a Libra girl is the most crucial time. On this day, you must appear perfect in everything. To do this, let her know that you are capable of original and exquisite courtship. Do not forget to buy her a bouquet of beautiful flowers and an original gift. Be polite and witty, compliment her more often. The more affectionate words and praise addressed to her, the more chances you have to please her. The Libra girl doubts all the time that she is beautiful and attractive. Therefore, praise and compliments are of great importance for her in order to find harmony in her soul and calm down.

During a date, do not forget to watch your speech, vulgar expressions and inappropriate jokes in the presence of a Libra girl are unacceptable. She is an aesthete, which means that she will not tolerate rudeness in words and actions. To interest her, have conversations with her about cinema and art. Invite her to go to the theater, exhibitions and museums together. She likes it when a guy takes the initiative in everything, for example, invites her on hikes and travels.

The Libra girl will feel comfortable only when everything is in balance. The balance should be at work and in leisure, in mind and feelings, modesty and depravity, in negative and positive emotions. She can argue and defend her position, but she does it delicately and unobtrusively. Communication with her is a pleasure. She never interrupts the interlocutor, listens to him with a sweet charming smile, that you yourself will want to agree with her in everything.

You should not rush things after the first meeting with a Libra girl. Give her time to think and weigh everything. If you have shown yourself to be a cheerful and attentive guy with whom you can talk heart to heart and who can become her friend, then you have great chances of becoming her lover. Hasty attempts to kiss her or drag her into bed will lead to the fact that after the first date the relationship between you will end.

If Libra falls in love, then other guys no longer exist for her. They are infinitely loyal to those they love. However, in order to live in harmony, they need a constant sense of stability and security. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to experience betrayal and separation, but they never become depressed. Libra tries to maintain balance in any situation, even when they feel very bad because of the deceit and betrayal of their loved ones.

The element of the Libra sign is air, so the Libra man has a desire for lightness and beauty. To win him, you yourself will have to become laid-back, bright in appearance, conducive to communication and maintain this style of behavior throughout your life together.

What does a Libra man not like?

The Libra man is repulsed by excessive emotionality. He does not accept scandals, quarrels, disputes and tries to avoid them. Therefore, it is impossible to get anything from him by rudely sorting out the relationship - the guy will simply "dissolve into thin air" and you will never see him again. Therefore, never demand explanations from him about: where he was for two whole days, with whom he just talked on the phone, who is this "cute" - the blonde, whom he smiled at the whole banquet. He needs to feel free, do not shackle him with obligations and do not put pressure on him to make responsible decisions.

But not only straightforward encroachments on his freedom can repel him. Still, Libras do not like vulgarly dressed girls and too assertive, quickly and unceremoniously seeking to capture their personal space, immediately ready for intimacy, imposing their sexuality.

He will also be repulsed by a girl who has “too much”: she constantly, incessantly speaks, is hyperactive, strives to make decisions for him and for herself, imposes her lifestyle, plans and aspirations, in a word - “climbs”.

What to do to please a Libra Man?

To please a Libra man, you need:

  • Look elegant. Avoid flashy, outrageous and revealing outfits. Dress in a classic style, complete the look with fashionable accessories. Remember that every piece of jewelry or accessory (purse, clutch, umbrella...) should complement the look and harmonize with the dress/suit.
  • In makeup and hair, quality and sophistication are important. Shadows, lipstick, should suit you, blush - to emphasize the dignity of the face, tone - to hide flaws. But everything should be in moderation, do not overdo it so that the Libra man does not decide that you have no taste.
  • Pay attention to yourself. Libra loves companies, a team, but just being near them at a party or event is not enough, you need to be noticed. To do this, you can dance incendiary, make witty jokes so that everyone present laughs at your jokes, prepare and hold fun contests or show an interesting presentation - all depending on the situation. It is not necessary to work as a toastmaster to attract a Libra man, but at least 5-10 minutes the attention of the company should be focused on you. Note, 5 minutes that you have to shine! Then it will be easier to strike up communication and friendship with the scales, and the guy will consider that he met an interesting and unusual girl.
  • Attend events and exhibitions. During the period of conquering the Libra guy, visit art exhibitions, master classes, museums, theaters or opera together with him. This sign tends to be beautiful, harmonious and graceful. The guy will be pleasantly surprised to know that you understand art, are interested in it and are a connoisseur of the talent of some recognized painters. You can also visit concerts of local musicians, a national holiday.
  • Give him exquisite gifts. It doesn't have to be an expensive designer item. The main thing is impeccable taste and refinement. You can present him with an antique flask, a book of aphorisms in an elegant binding. Moreover, for a small gift a weighty reason is not needed. Give just like that, having come to a meeting. He will be pleased to know that you remember him and know how to be original.
  • Don't be jealous of other girls. Yes, it will be hard to do. After all, the Libra man loves to make new acquaintances and subjugate a couple of dozen fans to his charm. Unfortunately, he reluctantly breaks off the previous relationship, even if he is firmly convinced that no continuation in the form of a wedding will definitely follow: the reason for this is the fear of scales of violent clarification of relations and scandals, and he also does not want to hurt someone. Therefore, this guy can have several unfinished sluggish novels at the same time and drag on for several years.
  • Refrain from violent manifestation of your feelings. If you directly tell him something like “I can’t live without you”, it will push him away, because the thought of love and affection “to the grave” instantly binds him with obligations and frightens him with fatality. This man may well live with his beloved all his life, but he must feel that life with his beloved is not a passion that sweeps away everything in its path, but a union of people looking in the same direction. This is not to say that Libra is not capable of passionate love. He is capable, but he also wants to always have the opportunity to talk, spend time with interesting people and do what he wants and sees fit.

Talk to him. It is important to listen carefully, keep up the conversation and give him the opportunity to speak out. Libra loves to chat at ease, he can tell you different stories or give advice - listen patiently and do not interrupt, give him the opportunity to freely pour out his thoughts.

When to Take the Lead

The Libra man strives for perfection. Love is no exception, but here this desire serves him a disservice. In an effort to carefully consider and weigh everything, and more than once, the Libra guy can evade making the most important decision in life for months and even years. There is a situation when a girl lives with this guy for a long time, all friends and acquaintances already know them as an excellent couple, parents support the union and approve of the choice, but he still cannot decide to go to the registry office.

This is the only case when the girl herself must seize the initiative and bring the conquest to its logical conclusion. Otherwise, a man will miss his love, losing it behind endless “weighings” and “measurements”.

Gently, in a romantic setting, without losing lightness in your voice and thoughts, propose to him yourself. He himself approached this denouement of the novel, he simply did not dare to take the last step, therefore, most likely, he will agree, not considering it as pressure, and you will live happily.