
Why did a nail break in a dream? Why do you dream about nails? Appearance of nail plates


A woman’s nails mean protection, feminine dignity and the ability to stand up for oneself. The longer they are, the more pronounced the fighting qualities are, so breaking a nail in a dream always means troubles, losses, or an unsuccessful attempt to defend oneself.

Sometimes a broken nail predicts deception, defeat in the fight for a man’s heart. If you want to understand why he is dreaming, pay attention to the situation in which the nail broke and what happened next. This is how the dream book most often interprets a spoiled manicure.

young girl

If you have grown your nails and painted them for the first time, it means that a period of self-affirmation in your feminine attractiveness is coming in your life. The longer and brighter the nails, the stronger the protection.

The Islamic dream book writes that she will show aggressiveness. Miller interprets strong women's nails as a sign of the ability to stand up for oneself. Many books write that they dream of fighting for women's happiness.

If a girl sees herself with long nails in a dream, it means that she will be able to overcome a difficult situation. The longer they are, the brighter femininity will appear.

If a nail accidentally breaks, then the dream book says that you will run into trouble. Sometimes this dreams of losing virginity, resentment and quarrels.

If the manicure is ruined during a fight with the parents, they will block the manifestation of femininity in the daughter, which will inevitably provoke scandals.

Damaging a nail while cleaning is a sign of trouble. Sometimes a dream predicts unjustified hopes and quarrels.

Breaking a nail in a fight with a friend or sister means her victory for the heart of a guy or man. If you break several of your opponent’s nails, then she will also suffer from your actions.

If a nail breaks due to a lack of calcium in the body, this means that you will not be able to stand up for yourself in a difficult situation. Seeing blood means loss or illness.

If a nail on your right hand is broken, you may lose the support of a loved one. Sometimes a dream indicates that you will not get help with something.

If it breaks on the left hand, then the loss will be insignificant. Seeing how quickly a nail grows is a good sign. This dream predicts changes in your life and a favorable combination of circumstances.

Day or evening

The type of manicure speaks about the protection you use and the event. A classic French coat or varnish in natural tones denotes soft protection and the expression of femininity.

If you have done such a manicure and see that the nail is broken, expect trouble. This dream is seen as a sign of minor sorrows and adversity. If you want to attract the attention of a nice person using tenderness and femininity, the attempt will be unsuccessful.

Nail design in bright colors means audacity, an active manifestation of feminine nature. Sometimes it’s an attempt to win the heart of a married man.

E If a nail breaks off on your little finger, the annoying little thing will ruin your pleasure. When you dreamed that it broke on your middle or index finger, the problems will be significant.

Most likely, your decree will not be followed, and some kind of trouble will happen. If the nail on your ring finger breaks, expect problems in your personal life. You may be denied reciprocity and love.

Pay attention to what kind of manicure was done and why. A working option in calm colors means that events will happen in a familiar environment.

A broken nail on any hand indicates that the trouble will be unexpected, but not tragic. You will be denied a position, a job, things will not turn out the way you want. Sometimes a damaged nail on the index finger means that your whim or order will not be carried out.

A manicure for a date indicates the methods you use to achieve love. A delicate, lace nail means intrigue, manifestations of sympathy, subtlety of feelings. But if the nails break off, expect trouble.

The modern dream book indicates that this dream predicts deception and disappointment in a man. He is unlikely to be able to understand the subtle nature of the dreamer and will behave rudely.

If you used a bright, flashy manicure for a date, this means that you will be active in love.

If a nail breaks off on the thumb, the dream book warns that the dreamer may encounter an unpleasant type. The date will be ruined.

Wedding manicure indicates high aspirations and goals. If your extended nail breaks off during the celebration or an acrylic flower falls off, beware of an annoying surprise.

The dream book prophesies that during the celebration something unpleasant will happen that will ruin not only the festive mood, but also your future life.

If there is blood, the loss will be painful. Breaking nails on several fingers at once is a sign of trouble. There will be as many of them as you break off your nails.

If the manicure was saved and no one noticed anything, this is a favorable sign. The dream book promises that the dreamer will get out of a sticky situation.

If a toenail breaks off, this is a lucky sign. The dream means that you will soon get rid of what is stopping you from walking.

If the pedicure has gone bad on your left foot, you won’t be able to complete something. On the right - expect interference and obstacles in productive activities or on the road.

Further actions

Seeing a new one grow in place of a broken nail is a favorable sign. Expect a change that will completely change your life, although losses are possible.

If, after the nail broke off, you cut off all the others, in reality you will stop trying to achieve your goal. The dream book predicts that you will give up your intentions to do something.

If you dreamed that your nails began to break and crumble, the dreamer will lose protection. Such dreams occur before illnesses, troubles, failures in business and love.

Destruction depends on the purpose for which you did the manicure. If it was related to work, troubles with the boss and an important person are possible.

Broken nails before a date or wedding mean the collapse of family life, the beginning of major adversity and loss. But if new ones grow in their place, this is a favorable sign, signifying the next stage in the dreamer’s life.

To build up a broken nail is an attempt to correct the situation. If you stick on false nails, it means you are trying to hide your failure and disguise your defeat.

Broken nails seen in a dream are generally a bad sign, foreshadowing the emergence of life difficulties and problems in the social sphere. Such dreams have only a negative meaning, the direction of which depends on the details of what is seen. If you dream of a broken nail, in real life a person needs to reconsider his own view of others and himself, as well as change his life principles so that emerging failures cannot globally ruin the future.

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      What does Miller's dream book promise?

      Miller's dream book examines the meaning of such a dream depending on the finger that has lost the nail plate:

      • if the nail on the little finger of the right hand is broken, the dreamer will face financial difficulties;
      • if on the ring finger - a quarrel with family and friends;
      • on the average - a long, difficult road filled with obstacles;
      • on the index finger - problems in your personal life;
      • on the big one - difficulties with doing business.
      • Broken nails on the left hand have a completely different symbolism:

        • a damaged nail plate on the little finger promises the appearance of unexpected guests;
        • on the nameless one - good news;
        • if the nail breaks on the middle finger, the dreamer will have to take a noble risk;
        • on the index - the dreamer’s social position in society will be strengthened, relatives, friends and colleagues will respect his opinion;
        • a broken nail on the thumb foreshadows an unexpected pleasant meeting.

        Thus, according to Miller’s dream book, a broken nail on the left hand promises positive life changes, and unfavorable ones on the right.

        Appearance of nail plates

        When looking for an interpretation of a dream, you first need to pay attention to the appearance of the marigolds:

    1. 1. A dream in which dirty nails break foreshadows the imminent spread of gossip about the dreamer.
    2. 2. If a person has any health problems, such a dream may indicate the development of a dangerous disease.
    3. 3. Nail plates breaking in a dream can be a symbol of public humiliation, which will negatively affect the dreamer’s self-esteem and his position in society.
    4. 4. Dirty, broken nails foreshadow an offer to participate in a dubious deal, which the dreamer must refuse, otherwise his reputation may be undermined.
    5. 5. If glossy shiny nails break in a dream, in reality the dreamer faces difficulties in achieving his professional goals. The problems that arise will allow you to find hidden potential and have a positive impact on a person’s personal development.

    In order to obtain a reliable interpretation of sleep, you need to pay attention to the health of the marigolds.

    Brittle marigolds

    Peeling nails may portend problems in professional activities, changes in the dreamer's social status. Peeling, breaking nails indicate that the problem that has arisen cannot be solved by any means. The dreamer's empty idea will not bring the expected results.

    Fragments or cuttings of nail plates that are scattered on the floor foreshadow the disclosure of someone else's personal secret, which will have to be kept secret.

    Sometimes a very fragile nail that crumbles from any touch may indicate that a person is experiencing calcium deficiency in the body. The dreamer needs to pay special attention to his health and solve the problem of vitamin deficiency.

    Nail length

    Another important feature that affects the meaning of the dream is the length of the breaking marigolds:

    1. 1. A broken long nail promises a break in long-term friendly relations. This problem can only be avoided if you show restraint and do not inflame the brewing conflict.
    2. 2. When in a dream the nail plate breaks so that blood flows at the site of damage, one of the family members will become seriously ill.
    3. 3. Broken unnaturally long nails promise the appearance of a huge number of problems in the dreamer’s life path. You can achieve your goal only through hard work.
    4. 4. If the damage to the nail forms sharp angles and causes pain to the dreamer, in reality a serious conflict is brewing. A break in the relationship can only be avoided if you refrain from making offensive statements towards your household members.
    5. 5. Broken short nail plates symbolize the dreamer’s unjustified hopes. Dreams and desires will not come true in the near future.

    Nail plates can also be damaged by tactile contact. Scratching someone and breaking a long fingernail in a dream means disappointment caused by other people’s statements.

    Artificial nail plates

    In a dream, you can observe damage to not only natural, but also artificial nails. A broken false nail is a bad sign that promises the victory of envious people over the dreamer. Such an incident will have a negative impact on a person’s normal life and will make him very worried.

Broken nails in reality are the real fear of every girl, but even in a dream it sometimes leads to horror. So, you dreamed that you broke a nail. What does this mean?

Meaning of sleep

Each dream book explains differently why you dream of broken nails. However, they all agree on one thing: at least difficulties await you on the path of life, some failures in business or in interactions with people around you.

In order to get a specific answer, you need to pay attention to details.

  • If you dreamed that your manicure was generally in order, but only one broken nail was upsetting, be prepared for the fact that a seemingly minor quarrel with a loved one could turn into serious consequences.
  • Also, a broken nail can symbolize a relationship that has already outlived its usefulness. Moreover, these are not necessarily personal romantic feelings; it may well be that fate is telling you: it’s time to end a business partnership that only brings you losses.
  • If in a dream it was not your natural nail that broke, but only your extended or false nail, this means that your envious people have one or another advantage, and you are advised to be more careful, since even a slight delay or mistake can ruin your plans.
  • If your nails are not only broken, but also covered in dirt, be wary: perhaps fate is warning you about a disease that has just begun to develop.
  • Broke a very long nail? Perhaps a long-term friendship is crumbling. However, don't worry, it can still be stopped. Just keep your emotions under control and everything will return to normal.
  • If your nail is broken not on your hand, but on your toe, this means that the path you have chosen, unfortunately, is unlikely to lead to your intended goal. Try changing your route so as not to waste your time and energy.
  • If there are no chips on the nail plates, but there are visible cracks, be prepared for hard work or a trip that will be very tiring and debilitating.
  • Do you feel severe discomfort because your nail has broken off too much? A family conflict is looming. Carefully analyze everything you are going to say, and only then will you be able to avoid a quarrel.
  • Fingers bleeding from chips portend a serious illness of one of the relatives or close people.
  • If your nails are deliberately broken off in a dream, then expect a lot of minor troubles and nasty things from those you trusted.

The meaning of sleep according to different dream books

  • Miller's Dream Book. This dream book does not promise anything good, only failures in business and the lack of the desired result. For example, if you are now involved in some business in which you invest a lot of effort and time, then be prepared for the fact that the reward for everything you have done will not be large at all.
  • Family dream book. The vision foreshadows quarrels and conflicts with relatives. If your nails are also dirty, it means that someone is trying to denigrate you. And, unfortunately, he will succeed, which will lead to serious problems with your significant other.
  • Dream Interpretation of Medea. Does your extended or false nail break? It’s a shame, but don’t worry, because in this way fate is hinting to you that it’s time to get rid of everything unnecessary. And this applies not only to some things, but also to people who do not bring anything good into your life.
  • Universal dream book. If you had long nails in the dream before they broke, then serious trials await you in the future, and if they are short, then, alas, get ready for disappointment, because no matter how hard you try, your efforts will not be appreciated.
  • Freud's Dream Book. If your nails are broken, but you are not trying to do anything about it, then you are advised to be more careful in choosing contraception, because your current method is not effective.

If you see how you carefully cut off your broken nails, then rest assured: you are approaching the issue of intimate relationships responsibly.

Both in a dream and in real life, nails can say a lot about their owner, his financial situation, social status, love successes, tastes, aspirations and character. Such a dream often conceals a huge number of hidden interpretations that can prompt the dreamer or dreamer to make the right choice, set him on the right path and help him pay attention in time to those aspects of his life that most need careful control.

In order to correctly interpret a dream in which fingernails appear, it is necessary to understand exactly what they look like, how the dreamer or dreamer feels about it, and what she does to somehow change or improve their aesthetic properties.

A very favorable omen is long, healthy and beautiful fingernails in a dream.

  • The most common interpretation of healthy and beautiful fingernails in a dream is the inner confidence of the dreamer or woman, his or her strength of character.

He or she takes his or her beliefs seriously and gives no reason to doubt that they are true to their ideals. A happy future awaits such an assertive person. The so-called “punchy” character will help him or her achieve what he or she wants. However, it is very important not to fall into pride and not cross the border of what is permitted. Too high self-esteem can cause the development of quarrels and conflicts.

  • Some psychologists interpret healthy and strong nails in a dream as a sign of attractiveness and charm. The dreamer or dreamer attracts the attention of the opposite sex and skillfully manages it.
  • Long and beautiful nails can be a harbinger of financial growth. The dreamer or dreamer will be promoted or receive a bonus. It is possible that his or her name will be included in the will of a wealthy distant relative.
  • Unnaturally long nails can be a harbinger of negative events. Such a dream most often warns of disappointed hopes and bitter disappointment.
  • Strong nails that can scratch or pierce something without breaking mean good health for the dreamer and the people close to him or her.

Negative interpretations of sleep

In turn, broken or cut nails are most often interpreted in the opposite way and portend negative consequences.

  • Short nails in a dream, especially if the dreamer feels dissatisfied and wants to grow them, speaks of major losses. The dreamer or dreamer is faced with difficult unforeseen life circumstances that can shake his or her usual life and disrupt mental balance.
  • Short nails that make the dreamer sad or dissatisfied indicate that he or she is trying to look more attractive. It is possible that his or her crush is cold and indifferent, which leads to much torment and introspection.

In order to correctly interpret what a broken nail means in a dream, it is important to remember what exactly caused the “breakage”. It is from this person or from this area of ​​your life that you should expect some unexpected trouble.

Dirty nails in a dream can say a lot about the reputation of the dreamer. So, if he or she does not react in any way to an unassuming appearance, in real life those around him have a very real reason to spread rumors and gossip. It is possible that the dreamer or dreamer leads a very dubious lifestyle, participates in not entirely legal and morally honest scams and suffers from addictions. If, on the contrary, the dreamer makes every effort in a dream to bring his nails into an aesthetically attractive appearance, in reality the rumors will turn out to be false and will soon be promptly refuted by facts.

Actions of the dreamer or dreamer in a dream

The actions of the dreamer or dreamer in a dream are often decisive.

  • Cutting nails in a dream is a harbinger of a large amount of work, for which the dreamer or woman will not receive a decent payment. Nevertheless, such troubles may well bring moral satisfaction and a sense of self-confidence.
  • Cutting your fingernails in a dream is not a very favorable omen in cases where the dreamer or dreamer experiences negative emotions in a dream. In such situations, the dream is a harbinger of many minor conflicts or troubles.
  • Painting your fingernails in a dream is a harbinger of the opportunity to soon achieve authority among colleagues and friends.
  • Well-groomed, beautifully painted nails portend material benefits. The dreamer or female dreamer will experience financial growth.

Fingernails in a dream, painted in a bright, shiny color, are a harbinger of a quick reconciliation with loved ones. The heart of the dreamer or dreamer, agitated by an unforeseen quarrel, will find peace and tranquility.

  • If someone else paints the dreamer’s or woman’s fingernails, soon a caring person will appear in his or her life, ready to protect him or her and provide all possible assistance. If the color of the varnish is to the liking of the dreamer, the patron will be not only proactive, but also attentive.

Erasing nail polish is a dream that can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, such a dream foreshadows the abandonment of previous beliefs, ideas and goals in favor of new, fresh thoughts. On the other hand, a dream can also serve as a harbinger of a meeting with an unworthy person. The dreamer or dreamer should behave as carefully as possible and take care of his reputation, untarnished by dirty gossip, rumors and slander.

We do not always turn to dream books, and not after every dream - some dreams are bright, stunning and memorable, but others are simpler, showing and revealing everyday things or even seeming insignificant.

But sometimes in a dream nothing seemingly significant happens, and no individual bright symbols appear - but the dreamer sees himself, or remembers certain parts of his body. For example, your own nails - and this, believe me, is also a sign, and an important one.

Nails are not just a part of the body, they are a rather mystical organ associated with space and subtle energies. Everyone has heard that nails can reflect a person’s overall health, and even the fate of their owner depends on how and at what times to care for them.

So, if you see your own (or someone else’s) nails in your dreams, take this vision seriously and find out why you dream about nails - suddenly something large-scale and important awaits you. Variants of “nail” dreams can be as follows:

  • You see someone's beautiful manicure in a dream.
  • Ungroomed, broken, unsightly nail plates.
  • Dirty nails in a dream.
  • Very long nails on someone’s hands in a dream.
  • Shiny claws covered with glossy varnish.
  • We noticed someone's cut nails.
  • They had a beautiful, well-groomed manicure on their hands.
  • I had a chance to cut them on myself.
  • They wore unusually long, predatory claws on their hands.
  • Short cut nails on your hands.
  • You gnawed on them in your dreams.
  • They tidied it up, did a manicure, and filed it.
  • They carefully cleaned the nail plates on their fingers.
  • They were painted with varnish.
  • You grabbed something (or someone) with your nails.
  • They broke their nails in a dream.

Many such visions are completely ordinary, and some are unusual and can even frighten the dreamer. But this is not the time to be afraid; first of all, find out the interpreter’s answer – why do you dream of nails, then you will draw a conclusion and apply the advice and knowledge received to your waking life.

See someone's

It happens that you saw not your own hands and fingers, but someone else’s nails. What they were like, what emotions they evoked in you in the dream - this will serve as the key to solving the dream. So remember the details!

1. As the dream book says, the nails on someone else’s hands are beautiful, moderately long, covered with stylish varnish or a natural shade, well-groomed and clean – a wonderful sign. It promises you happiness and excellent health, joy every day and good luck in current affairs.

2. Ungroomed, broken nails, neglected manicure are a symbol of future difficulties in business. Don't worry - let this be an incentive to activate your reserves, look for non-standard solutions to problems, and work!

3. If you see dirty nails on someone’s hands, take care of your own honor and dignity, and think more often about your reputation. This is the advice the interpreter gives!

4. Someone's long nails seen from the outside are a wonderful symbol of wealth, unexpected and well-deserved. You have to change your lifestyle, because its level will become of a completely different quality!

5. Glossy, shiny nails, covered with bright and beautiful varnish, portend you unexpected news, surprise and a lot of emotions.

6. If you dream about suddenly finding someone's cut or broken nails lying on the floor or anywhere else, this is an interesting sign. You have to find out something by accident (or intentionally), find out someone’s secrets, something very personal and hidden.

Whatever you learn, it is very important that you behave honorably and do not spread other people's secrets, regardless of how you feel about that person.

On your own hands

It’s another matter if you dream about your own manicure, or the lack thereof. There are frightening dreams where you dream that you have real claws, long, scary, unkempt... Or everything is simple and ordinary: you have to cut them, paint them, clean them.

All dreams are equally important, whether they contained ordinary actions, or something out of the ordinary and shocking. You had to cut your nails, or dig your claws into someone - this is equally significant, and only a dream book will tell you the answer to what awaits you in reality.

1. In your dreams, having very beautiful, well-groomed, moderately long nails on your own hands is a symbol of wealth, high honor, a wonderful and enviable position in society. All these benefits will certainly await you in reality.

2. Cutting your nails in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality you have to get rid of old, outdated unnecessary trash. These are not only material things, although those too.

But these are also unnecessary thoughts, unnecessary memories or regrets about the past, interfering feelings - guilt, revenge or anger. It's not easy - cutting your nails is a serious sign, and you should seriously consider what you should get rid of without regret.

3. If you dream that you simply have unusually long nails, this is a hint. You obviously show cruelty and excessive firmness in your everyday life. You should be not only softer and more attentive to the feelings of others, but also fairer.

4. Having neat, short-cut nail plates on your hands is a symbol of complete peace. Calmness, the absence of any conflicts and struggles, both in your everyday life and in your heart. The only caveat is that you are probably too soft and are not ready to fight if suddenly necessary.

5. Biting your nails in a dream is a symbol of an imminent gift. He is waiting for you and will make you very happy!

6. Getting your manicure in order is a good, bright sign. It means that you have to engage in noble, kind work that will bring you joy, satisfaction, and benefit other people. Don’t give up on this task, take it on boldly!

7. Cleaning your nails and removing dirt from under them is a direct symbol of neatness and pedantry in business. This is good, but are you too hard on yourself and scrupulous? A little creativity won't hurt the way you approach things.

8. If you dream that you are clinging to something with your nails, this foretells you fame and recognition, deserved by your assertiveness and reluctance to give up what you started.

9. Painting your nails in your dreams is a pleasant sign; it promises you the courtship of a pleasant and well-mannered admirer. He will admire you and shower you with beautiful courtship.

10. Breaking your nails in a dream and seeing them broken is a warning that you yourself are not choosing the easiest path, the road of difficulties and trials. And there are other paths nearby - see them!

Just nails, but so many unique meanings - so different, so important! Find yours, think about it and make the right decision - and then in reality everything will be great for you!
Author: Vasilina Serova