
And such plants cause allergies. Allergies to indoor and outdoor flowers Which allergenic flowers should not be planted on the site


How to organize a garden for allergy sufferers is a current and popular topic now, since allergies are a common phenomenon. Let's talk about where danger may lurk in a suburban area for people with allergies. Which plants are dangerous for allergy sufferers, and which ones can be planted? Even allergies, from which many suffer today, cannot interfere with the love of a true gardener for his favorite summer cottage. How to make a garden safe for allergy sufferers? The disease that we talked about above can appear in a person at any age. By doing an allergen test, you will know which plants you should not plant. And yet we must remember: Allergic reactions to pollen are especially common. Scientifically it is called allergic rhinitis. When pollen gets on the hair and skin, as well as when pollen is inhaled, a person feels unwell. Officially, plant allergies first began in France in the 20th century, when the population of one of the southern towns began to suffer from skin dermatitis and swelling. This was associated with the period when ragweed began to bloom. Pollen from cereals and asteraceae is especially dangerous for allergy sufferers. You should stop sowing lawn grasses - almost all of their assortment can cause allergies. Which trees to choose for a garden for an allergy sufferer As for trees, you should not plant varieties that begin to bloom before the leaves bloom. These are poplar, birch, willow, hazel, cherry, apple, cherry, plum, quince and so on.

Pine, fir and larch can also cause allergies. Do not think that coniferous trees do not give a reaction. Recent studies have shown that even a Christmas tree on the eve of the winter holiday can cause a reaction. This means that a garden for an allergy sufferer excludes conifers. The point, most likely, is that settled pollen lies on the surface of the needles for a long time. Garden for Allergy Sufferers - Assortment of Plants Good news for allergy sufferers: there are many varieties of flowers and trees that are absolutely safe for your health. It is advisable to plant hypoallergenic clover in place of the lawn. It is very beautiful and fragrant. You can also plant a green lawn with periwinkle, phlox, tenacious, and so on.

As for shrubs, you can feel safe around growing viburnum, honeysuckle and serviceberry.

Let tulips, bluebells, pansies, snowdrops, peonies, roses and phlox grow in your flowerbed. Safe climbing greens include clematis and honeysuckle.

A garden for an allergy sufferer – where might the danger lie? A special feature of an allergy sufferer’s garden is the need to avoid hedges. Replace it with a trellis with climbing plants; clematis and climbing nasturtium are considered safe. You will also have to give up a decorative pond or reservoir with vegetation. Many aquatic plants secrete substances that cause allergic dermatoses, and a lot of pollen accumulates on the water surface. Replace water features in your landscape with a small fountain.

Lawns and lawn grasses, as we have already said, are also fraught with danger. Lawns need to be mowed, during which dust and pollen settled on the surface rise into the air, and the juices of mown grass are released. Perhaps the solution would be to replace the lawn with a pebble or gravel surface and create a Rock Garden. Another option is to replace lawn grasses with plants that grow in a continuous cover - periwinkle, perennial phlox subulate and others. In the garden for an allergy sufferer, as in any other garden, there is no place for weeds! They are quite aggressive during flowering. Plantain, dandelion, nettle and ragweed are especially insidious. Rid the garden for an allergy sufferer of stumps and rotting trees, and entrust this to healthy household members. Entrust them with working with compost and treating diseased plants, and possibly pruning trees and shrubs. If no one can help with compost, give preference to a bio-container. We hope our recommendations will help you organize your garden for allergy sufferers. Be optimistic, develop good nature, smile more often - this greatly improves your health and improves your immunity. And your vegetable garden will delight you with lush flowering and a rich harvest in spite of the disease!


Previously, almost every house had geranium (pelargonium). Many heart patients like its smell; it is medicine for them. The leaves of the plant contain a lot of essential oil, which has a beneficial effect on the heart and disinfects the air. But it can cause severe allergic reactions. Like the no less famous primrose.

It is not safe to have azaleas and other rhododendrons at home. During flowering, they saturate the air with a strong and very persistent smell. Because of it, the head can ache for a long time, and the skin can be “decorated” with painful rashes.

When the oleander blooms, the room is filled with an incredibly fragrant aroma. This aroma is possessed by substances that the plant releases in huge quantities into the air. Because of them, the heart can beat faster, the head will ache and even suffocate. Relatives of oleander in the Kutrov family are catharanthus and alamanda.

Blooming amaryllis also exude a dizzying aroma: eucharis, crinum. Their essential oils are also powerful allergens.

Although Kirkazon is a medicinal plant, its flowers contain many poisonous alkaloids. Therefore, it is better not to inhale the smell of Kirkazonaceae and not to keep these plants in the apartment.

In many houses you can see the beautiful Dieffenbachia. If its juice gets on the skin or mucous membranes, severe irritation can occur, including deep burns. This distinguishes the entire family of araceae, to which arma (alocasia), philodendron, and aglaonema belong.

All euphorbias, including such popular ones as euphorbia, acalypha, and croton, can also cause similar reactions.
And Benjamin's ficus, even if it does not bloom, secretes particles of milky juice through its pores.

By the way, some ficus trees, as well as citrus fruits, are very insidious. Due to direct contact with them, the skin does not become inflamed. However, its sensitivity to light increases, and during even a short stay in the sun you can get a severe burn.

A potential threat also comes from. Severe burns occur when its juice gets on the mucous membranes. In general, it is better to have minimal contact with plants that secrete milky sap. And they need to be installed in remote, hard-to-reach places, especially.

All ferns are powerful allergens because when they reproduce, their spores are scattered far and wide. Once in the respiratory tract, these spores can make breathing difficult and cause severe suffocation.

Kalanchoe, sedum, () are wonderful medicinal plants with healing properties. However, when used externally, they can cause allergic skin reactions, and their juices, taken orally, can cause prolonged swelling of the bronchi.


Many indoor flowers like to be misted, especially if the air in the house is dry. This is useful for both plants and their owners - in humid air it is easier to breathe and pollen spreads less easily.

Allergic reactions occur not to indoor flowers themselves, but to the fungus aspergillus, which is often found in potting soil. You can try growing hydroponically, for example, asparagus, begonia, cacti, cissus, ivy, hibiscus, schefflera or tradescantia.

You can sit at home all summer, but it’s difficult to call it a full life. Especially if your soul longs to go to your favorite dacha, where every bush is planted and grown with your own hands.

Most often, an allergic reaction occurs to plant pollen. Pollen is the sex cells of plants collected in small lumps, necessary for pollination. They are extremely volatile, thanks to air cavities and outgrowths, which allows pollen to be carried by the wind over vast distances.

Pollen is rich in proteins, which makes it so highly allergenic. Fortunately, the structure of each type is unique, so a reaction to all plants at once is extremely rare. There is a way out - to grow a garden for allergy sufferers...

Very dangerous:

The most volatile, and therefore dangerous, pollen is the pollen of evolutionarily advanced representatives of the plant world. These are Asteraceae, Poaceae, Sedges, etc. Of the trees, the most dangerous are those that bloom in early spring, before the leaves bloom. In the temperate zone these are birch, alder, hazel, willow, and poplar.

How to make a garden safe for allergy sufferers? Of course, it is not possible to completely avoid allergens. Even if you turn your plot into a Japanese rock garden, harmful pollen can disturb its peace, because it spreads thousands of meters, and the fence will not become a barrier for it. But it is quite possible to minimize the risk.

The first thing you need to do is recognize the enemy by sight. That is, remember all the plants that cause allergies. This is exactly what you will have to give up in your garden. Fortunately, the diagnosis is made very quickly; all you need to do is visit an allergist.

How to replace plants that cause allergies?

So, if an allergy to grains is detected, a replacement will have to be found for the regular lawn. Even if you do not allow it to bloom, the insidious disease can manifest itself as intolerance to mown grass and hay, since when mowing the lawn, many small particles fly in the air, which can completely replace pollen for an allergy sufferer.

Instead of cereals, you should turn to ground cover plants that are less allergenic.

  • mazus;
  • budra;
  • kotula;
  • creeping speedwell;
  • survivors.

By the way, they can withstand some trampling. A large area can be divided into ground cover shrubs: Dorenbosch snowberry and broom, spread out in sunny areas, horizontal cotoneaster and pachysandra in partial shade.

Greenweed and michenia grow well in the shade and can be used to create green spots. Ordinary bacopa will also work. Allergies to these plants are very rare.

What plants cause allergies?

Molinia, miscanthus, reed grass, fescue and feather grass. As an option, in the garden for allergy sufferers there may be shade-loving garden plants, such as ferns or moss, which do not pose any particular danger.

Hay fever can also be caused by other plants that have volatile pollen. Should be excluded:

  • sunflowers;
  • cosmos;
  • rudbeckia;
  • cattails;
  • sedges;
  • wormwood;
  • spirea;
  • vesicular carps.

But peonies, mock oranges, viburnum, lilacs, chokeberries and barberries are quite harmless, since their pollen is low-volatile.

Things are more complicated if the allergy is psychogenic in nature. In this case, a severe reaction may occur simply to smells.

We will have to exclude fragrant varieties of mock oranges, lilacs and peonies.

Fortunately, the variety of varieties allows you to do this without compromising the appearance of the garden for an allergy sufferer. Sometimes the reaction is caused by the smells of rowan, hawthorn and white acacia.

There are plants whose flowering period is extremely short. Pear and apple trees produce quite a lot of pollen, but bloom very quickly. These plants that cause allergies during flowering are not so dangerous. It is not at all necessary to be at the dacha during this period.

Allergy from wild rosemary:

Some plants have poisonous pollen that can cause dizziness and headaches even in a healthy person. Suffice it to recall the marsh rosemary, familiar firsthand to forest lovers. Rhododendrons and all heathers can be dangerous. The stems and leaves of these plants are covered with hairs and scales, which also cause problems.

If a person has a food allergy to raspberries and strawberries, there is no place for all rosaceae in the garden.

Often common tulips, hyacinths and daffodils are plants that cause allergies. When working with their tubers and bulbs, a skin rash may appear. The same reaction is possible to the leaves of primrose obconica.

An occupational disease among landscapers is an allergy to pine needle injections, which manifests itself in the form of urticaria. This reaction of the body develops gradually, with frequent contact with conifers. This is especially true for thorny species: spruce and juniper.

Fewer problems are caused by firs, thujas, cypresses, and microbiota - plants with soft needles. Rarely, allergy to coniferous pollen occurs.

Non-allergenic varieties

The assortment of plants for a non-allergenic flower garden can be composed of:

  • gentians,
  • bells,
  • valerian,
  • podophyllum,
  • mountain weeds, poppies,
  • heuchera,
  • forget-me-nots,
  • badanov,
  • periwinkles,
  • jeffersonium.

Now you know which plants cause allergies and understand what a garden should look like for an allergy sufferer. There should be a lot of water here, creating additional humidity and preventing the volatility of pollen. These are all kinds of ponds, fountains and streams.

Aquatic plants, as a rule, do not cause allergies and feel great in such a garden. The site should not have large open spaces for wind to disperse. It is better if the garden is shady and cozy, with green curtains and solid fences. The central element can be a rockery.

The modern world is so heavily equipped with fashionable technologies, huge buildings and industrial factories that there is almost no place left for the common man to relax in nature, in comfort, in the fresh air. Therefore, people are looking for a solution in indoor flowers.

Is there an allergy to indoor plants?

To create the illusion of a connection with nature, in big cities people grow indoor plants at home. They not only decorate the house, but also purify the air that its owners breathe.

Although, it must be emphasized that some of them are house plants that cause allergies in the human body. Despite the fact that not all people may experience an allergic reaction, this is most likely the personal predisposition of the human body to a particular flower. There is a certain exact list of indoor flowers that cause allergies.

Like any living beings, plants grow, breathe, releasing various useful and harmful substances that they need to continue their life.
The main cause of allergies to house flowers is the flowers that spread in the air during their flowering.

Indoor fern

Lovers of a green home also need to know that a very important factor in not developing an allergic reaction to plants should be proper care of them: if you do not collect the dust that has settled on them from flowers in time, they turn into simple household “dust collectors.” This function is extremely undesirable, since it will harm not only the life of the plant itself, but will also cause severe allergies in those present.

Plant researchers say that even the leaves and trunk of plants can cause. Various fertilizers for indoor flowers, which have recently become very fashionable, have also become powerful. It must be emphasized that indoor plants can cause an allergic reaction even by their presence in the house.

Everyday home life differs little from day to day. But sometimes changes still occur in personal behavior and the state of one’s health. The most common health problems that arise through the home are plants. How can you determine that you are allergic to indoor flowers?

Green plants in your home can cause you some discomfort: dry, irritating, frequent nasal discharge for no apparent reason, your skin begins to itch, and your eyes become watery. What is the reason for this unexplained condition? It is, of course, your pets that are causing all this! Very often, people simply try not to notice such manifestations, either due to carelessness or unwillingness to get rid of them.

In spite of everything, every person must understand the seriousness of his decision not to pay attention to such ailments. Cases of advanced allergies from indoor flowers, which develop into other pathologies of the human body, have become frequent. Among them, the most common ones need to be emphasized:

  • respiratory allergies.

Frequent sneezing

Let's take a closer look at the types of the latest pathological manifestation of an allergic disease. In nature, there are three types of respiratory allergies, which are characterized by lesions in different parts of the respiratory tract.
The first type of this disease is allergic rhinosinusitis, which, in turn, is divided into three more subtypes:

  1. (hay fever);
  2. (provoked forms of allergic reaction), can occur through the plants themselves, or through the dust they collect, or through the pollen they produce;
  3. infectious-allergic, which is a mixed form of the first and second types of rhinosinusitis.

During this allergic reaction, sneezing attacks, liquid discharge from the nose are also observed on the skin, in the nose, and swelling of the nasal mucosa, eyelids, and eyes is possible. As for the general picture of a person’s condition, under the influence of an allergen from indoor plants, he will feel a headache, malaise throughout the body, a desire to sleep, low-grade fever and great irritability. It must be emphasized that it is this stage of allergy to indoor plants that precedes the onset of bronchial asthma.

The second type of respiratory allergosis is allergic laryngitis, which develops rapidly at night and is characterized by difficulty breathing, severe cough, restlessness and cyanosis of the lips and nose.

The third type of respiratory reactions that are provoked by house flowers that cause allergies is allergic tracheobronchitis. It can be identified by attacks of a dry cough at night, which torments a person for a long time.

So how can you protect yourself from harmful roommates? How to choose the right plants that will not turn your life into a constant struggle with allergies, but will please the eye and purify the air in the house?

Flora researchers proposed a list they compiled of those plants that have a direct negative effect on the human body.

List of indoor flowers that cause allergies:

In the photo: Popular indoor flowers that cause allergies.

  • Geranium, or pelargonium from the Geraniaceae family, contains in its leaves an essential oil, which can have different effects on the human immune system, including causing allergies.
  • Spores of the fern class, scattered throughout the room, are also potential allergens.
  • The stems and leaves of azalea, hydrangea, poinsettia and oleander, dieffenbrachia, cyclamen, and acalypha, catharthus and alamanda, crinum and eucharis turned out to be extremely toxic.

Undoubtedly, the photos of indoor plants that cause allergies are so beautiful that it is very difficult to decide not to purchase them. But, health or beauty is your choice, in which you need to take into account all their pros and cons, so as not to be hostage to home flowers!

It caused a heated discussion on social networks, so I decided to develop the topic in a slightly different direction and write about the most dangerous plants for allergy sufferers, as well as those plants that people with allergies can safely plant near their home.

Does pollen cause an allergic reaction in you? Don't worry. With smart choices, you can curb pollen in your yard and enjoy gardening despite your allergies!

There are many flowers, shrubs, trees and grasses that produce little or no pollen. And some types of green spaces produce pollen only from certain individuals - males. That is, if you have allergies, you just need to make sure that the tree you plan to plant is a female.

Our list will help you find out which garden plants and flowers should be avoided by allergy sufferers, as they can trigger allergies. But more importantly, this list will help you find plants and flowers that you can safely plant in your yard without fear of allergies.

The worst plants for allergy sufferers.

This is a list of plants that are dangerous for people with allergies.

These plants produce a lot of pollen and cause seasonal allergies.


Amaranth, daisies, chrysanthemums, daisies, goldenrod, regular sunflowers.


Cypress, jasmine, juniper, wisteria.


All individuals of the following trees are dangerous for allergy sufferers:

  • alder,
  • birch,
  • hickory,
  • olive,
  • pecan,
  • pine,
  • sycamore,
  • Walnut.

Only the male trees on the following list are dangerous for those who suffer from seasonal pollen allergies.

  • ash,
  • aspen,
  • ash maple,
  • cedar,
  • poplar,
  • red maple,
  • silver maple,
  • mulberry,
  • palm,


Fescue, Johnson's grass, perennial rye, distichlis spica, fragrant spikelet, thin bentgrass.


Cocklebur, ragweed, Russian thistle, wormwood.

Safe plants for allergy sufferers.

This is a list of plants that produce low amounts of pollen, and therefore allergens. So you can enjoy gardening and watch them grow and bloom.


Begonia, cactus, chenille, clematis, columbine, crocus, narcissus, geranium, hosta, impatience, iris, lily, pansy, periwinkle, petunia, phlox, roses, salvia, snapdragon, tulip, verbena, zinnia.

It is worth mentioning separately that there are some types of sunflowers that are not dangerous for allergy sufferers, due to the fact that their pollen is too heavy to spread through the air. Don't smell them - and everything will be fine!


Azalea, boxwood (with frequent pruning), hibiscus, hydrangea, viburnum.


  • Apple tree,
  • cherry,
  • dogwood,
  • pear,
  • plum.

Well, don’t forget about the females of the following trees:

  • ash,
  • aspen,
  • ash maple,
  • cedar,
  • poplar,
  • red maple,
  • silver maple,
  • mulberry,
  • palm,

Now you know everything about safe and dangerous plants for allergy sufferers.