
How to understand that you started to fall in love. How to understand that you fell in love with a guy for real: the surest signs. Are you ready to change


Sometimes love creeps up unnoticed, how to understand what you love? For this game you need a beautiful girlfriend, and the rest is not important ...

We have all fallen in love and loved at least once. Sometimes love creeps up unnoticed and strikes you like lightning on a cloudless day. How not to miss a beat and feel the outgrowth of sympathy and falling in love with love? How to understand that you fell in love and not miss the moment of love?

This game needs a beautiful box, a beautiful girlfriend, and the rest is not important ... The movie "Fall in love with me if you dare"

1. The object of sympathy is always in sight

Whatever she does and wherever she is, she is always invisibly present nearby. It is her that you notice in the crowd and constantly intersect with her in different places, even if you didn’t agree, you hear about her from friends, and her “online” avatar on social networks makes your heart beat faster. It seems that fate deliberately pushes her against you. It's all for a reason and it's definitely the tricks of a cunning cupid!

2. Her constant lack

You miss her when she's not around. And when you are around, you are already thinking about the next meeting. You forget about friends, acquaintances, study and work. Friends say that you exchanged them for a “woman”, but they don’t condemn, they themselves constantly fall for someone.

You are ready to sacrifice all your free time to spend it with her. It is present in all plans for the weekend and 5 more days a week, and nights too. This is definitely one of the signs that you are in love.

3. Romance and love

Something completely incomprehensible is going on with your music playlist on your phone or computer. Where did love songs come from among metal and rock? And you constantly listen to the songs on her page on the social network to try to understand how she feels.

Music reflects the state of the soul. Yes, and sometimes you yourself throw songs to her, trying to convey something with music, which you are afraid to say and even think about. But what is it, do you really think that it is ...

4. Kitty, you are my drug

It is like an obsession, like an obsession, a thought is a virus. You think about it constantly and even mentally talk about it. She sits in your head naked and wrapped like a gift with a ribbon. He sits there and is silent, occasionally humming a song under his breath. Sleep also does not save, she, like in the series "Santa Barbara", plays the main character there. Yes, this is one of the clear signs of love.

5. She's perfect

The world has not seen such beautiful girls as her, well, except for Marilyn Monroe. But when was it? She is a combination of all the qualities that you like: smart, beautiful, charming, kind, passionate and sexy. Well, how not to love this?

6. You are ready to change

Few things make a person change for the better, and even fewer people because of whom we want to do it. You are not only ready, but also changing for the better. Good changes always lead to love, and big changes lead to great love.

7. Who is there to talk about her?

You are looking for advice on how to win women from friends, on the Internet and in yourself. You are ready to share your feelings about her with your friends, although you share more with yourself. You want to talk about it even with passers-by in order to fill your life with it even more, but for some reason they run away in a panic. Bro, love is getting ready to cover you!

8. You spread your feathers

We can't believe our eyes, mate. Damn, you finally got out shopping to buy yourself some fashion! You began to play sports intensively, finally bringing your body into perfect shape, stopped drinking and drinking carrot juice. This is no accident, your body is preparing for love and reproduction!

9. You want her

You want to hug her, hold her hand, and her lips, telling a funny story, you want to kiss her cheekbones painfully. You write poetry to her and read them on your knees in the stairwell. But mentally you are torn before the desire to bring tenderness and romance, and roughly fuck her right here on the windowsill. The combination of romance and sexual attraction is very similar to love.

10. You make plans together

You thought about children, family and the common cat Murzik. Well, what else is there to say? Maybe this is true love?

If you answered yes to most of the questions, then you're in trouble, mate! Yes, yes, you fell in love, and this is definitely love ...

Falling in love is a pleasant feeling that every person wants to experience. But what can the person whom it overtakes feel? It is about how to understand that you have fallen in love with a girl that I want to talk about now.

About the concept itself

First of all, I want to understand the concepts themselves. What does the word "love" mean? So, do not confuse it with the word "love", because this is far from the same thing. Falling in love is the first feeling that a person has. This is growing into something more sympathy. Further, already with time, falling in love either passes or transforms into love. It is worth saying that a person cannot be in a state of love for a long time. The average time (according to scientists) allotted for this feeling is 9 months.

Primary signs

How to understand that you fell in love with a girl? If so, then the following primary signs will be present:

  1. The desire to see your object of sigh as often and as much as possible. Those. a person will try to meet the girl he likes as often as possible (with or without him).
  2. The guy's thoughts and conversations will revolve around only one person - the girl (this is because at this time the world of a lover revolves around only one person).
  3. Collection of information. It is also one of the signs of love. This means that a person wants to know as much interesting things as possible about a girl in order to be as close to her as possible.

Intangible Aspects

How else to understand that you fell in love with a girl? It is worth saying that from a psychological point of view, certain changes will occur in a person.

  1. Dreaminess. A guy who has fallen in love can often "disappear" in his dreams. And even despite the time and place.
  2. Problems. As a consequence of the first point, a person in love may have certain problems at work or school. After all, the concentration of attention from working moments goes to the object of sighing. Relationships with others may also go wrong, especially relatives and friends, who will demand more time for themselves.
  3. A person becomes softer, more tender not only in relation to the object of sighing, but also to all those around him.
  4. A gleam appears in the eyes of a person. A lover can always be seen in the crowd only by one facial expression - happy.
  5. A feeling of complete happiness. And most importantly, people in love are pleased with everything, even what could previously cause indignation.

The material side of the issue

How to understand that you fell in love with a girl? Just pay attention to your spending. Most often, the more in love people become very generous. And not only to the object of his sigh, but also to everyone around him. They want to give joy, to share it with everyone. Often this desire is expressed in causeless gifts to relatives, relatives, friends.

The main signs of love

If a guy saw a girl and fell in love, you should also trace the presence of the main signs of love. If they are present (not even all, but at least some, the guy can be congratulated):

  1. The past is forgotten. Falling in love erases old feelings and memories. If a guy fell in love, he will no longer need his ex or any other girlfriend.
  2. Future plans. Immediately, a person in love begins to make plans for the future along with the person they like.
  3. All things fade into the background. If you can run away from classes, the guy will not go to school. And so - all hobbies and hobbies are postponed for the time being, there is a desire to devote all free time to either a girl or thoughts about her.
  4. Willingness to sacrifice. A man in love is ready to yield to the object of sighing in everything. Even in things that I would never have agreed to before.
  5. A person in love sees only the positive aspects of the person he is in love with. Negative character traits at this stage cause only tenderness.

In the presence of an object of adoration

The guy fell in love with the girl. "What to do?" - such a question may arise. So, first of all, I want to suggest that a man's behavior may change somewhat when he sees an object of adoration. What can happen?

  1. Shiver. If a guy sees the girl he is in love with, there may be trembling in the body, sweating of the hands.
  2. Shyness. At the sight of an object of adoration, a guy can get lost, shy, look away. Often all thoughts and words fly out of his head, a man may not find what to say. There are times when outright nonsense is spoken. It's not scary, all lovers behave this way. After all, it is not the mind that speaks, but the feelings.
  3. tongue-tied. Often people who are in love simply cannot express themselves normally. They forget the words, go astray.

These are general behavioral indicators of falling in love. But this is not a complete list of them, because each person experiences love individually.


If a guy fell in love with a girl, what to do, how to behave? I must say that you should not delay with your feelings. Our society is still patriarchal, so it is the man who must take the first steps. If there is a certain fear of rejection, you can first “test the waters”. What can be done here:

  1. If there are mutual acquaintances, preferably female representatives, you can ask them about what the girl thinks about the guy.
  2. If there are no mutual acquaintances, you need to try for some time to get into the girl's field of vision as often as possible. Let her get used to seeing a guy not far from her.
  3. Next, you need to get to know each other. You can do this on purpose (just come up and say: "Hi") or inadvertently (ask what time it is, talk in a public place).

What's next

If a guy fell in love with an unfamiliar girl, already after the dating stage, certain conclusions can be drawn about the mood of the lady. However, if she is still cold, you should not give up, you need to move on.

  1. It is necessary to appear as often as possible with a woman in general companies. In a crowd, it is easier to establish inconspicuous and unobtrusive contact.
  2. If possible, after collective meetings you need to stay alone. There can be many reasons: to see a lady home (darkness, danger on the streets, etc.), to take an interesting book from her, to ask about the place where she rested, etc.
  3. It is also good to give a girl small cute presents for no reason. It can be a plucked flower or a small plush toy. It's always nice.
  4. We need to find common ground, i.e. Something that might be of interest to both.

How to force yourself

If a guy sets a goal for himself: "I want to fall in love with a girl," it will be quite difficult to achieve it. The thing is that falling in love, like love itself, is an action that occurs on a subconscious level, i.e. regardless of the desire of the person. This is a complex of hormones that causes pleasant sensations in the body. You can, of course, inspire yourself with a feeling of love, but these will not be the same sensations that a truly in love person experiences.

The most important

Well, and most importantly, what needs to be done if a guy met a girl and fell in love: you need to tell her about it. And come what may. Rejection is no big deal, it's not the end of the world. By the way, it is better to get rejected earlier than when falling in love begins to grow into one-sided love. If the girl feels the same, great: you can enjoy each other's company without any problems.

If it's not necessary at all

What can you advise a man who says: “I fell in love with a young girl, but I don’t need it at all!”? Dealing with your feelings will be oh so difficult. However, there are several ways to force yourself to forget about the object of sighing:

  1. Work. You need to go headlong into work (study). The guy should not have time to think about something. You need to load yourself, as they say, to the fullest.
  2. Fight fire with fire. If an adult man fell in love with a young girl, he just needs to switch to a lady of his age, court her (even if this does not lead to the development of any events).
  3. Less contacts. To forget a person, you need to stop dating him. The fewer contacts, the better.
  4. New. Well, it’s also good to get carried away with something new. It can be a new hobby that can capture a person no less than falling in love itself.

Do not be afraid of smart women, they become not so smart when they fall in love.

Penelope Cruz

Oh really? Does a girl in love really look like such a fool? And you take a closer look at your girlfriend, who has a new boyfriend: her eyes are shining, her thoughts are somewhere far away, and it seems that she does not hear you at all. Yes, this is love!

How do you know if you're truly in love? In the mirror, it seems, the same reflection, only something has changed in the soul. Some kind of incomprehensible feeling: either joyful, or anxious. And with this "misunderstanding" we will deal.

How to distinguish love from love itself? We will not delve into scientific terms, just imagine figuratively.

Take, for example, our favorite holiday - New Year. How many experiences on the eve of it, how much fantasy:

  • decorating the Christmas tree and the room;
  • choice of recipes for the table;
  • ideas for costumes and outfits;
  • purchasing tickets for events;

Nothing like this has happened yet, but you can’t sleep at night, dreaming, fantasizing, thinking, smiling. Well, and how rehearsals for this holiday - corporate parties, matinees for children. And all this is solemn and exciting.

And here comes the New Year itself with all its pomposity. Everyone is happy, everyone is rejoicing, and no one wants these fun days to pass. All worries are over, but looking back, it's nice to remember how sweet this eve of the holiday was.

So. It is exactly what we experience on the eve of the new year - all this excitement and anxiety - can be compared with falling in love. And already the holiday itself, which you don’t want to let go - with love.

And yet, even if this feeling was born, it still can be safely called love. Like the New Year - it will not go anywhere, you just need to wait a bit and not spoil it in any way.

Is there love at first sight? Yes, of course it happens. But, as a rule, it is deceptive. Seeing a person for the first time, you can fall in love with his beauty, with his shell. But, getting to know this person closer, you can easily be disappointed in him, and even feel disgust for him.

Well, for example: you like sweets and saw a chocolate bar in a bright wrapper in a store. I bought it without even looking at the price, but inside there was a sweet tile, and even of poor quality. Fu, you immediately throw it in the trash. This is how it can turn out with a person with instant love. Neither quality nor price.

But the first symptom of true love is curiosity and an open interest in the person. It may be plain in appearance, but every day you begin to notice how much you have in common:

  • he talks about what you think;
  • you have common hobbies, and understandable humor for both;
  • you feel the intonation of his SMS;
  • you like its smell and laughter;
  • nothing in it infuriates you;
  • you do not notice any negative “fads” in it.

Such love acts like anesthesia: there is still no feeling of irritation and hostility, you see only positive aspects in this person, and do not notice anything bad. From there, and a running brilliant look into nowhere and a stupid expression on his face. That's why you saw the same thing in your girlfriend.

At this time, a “little karateka” lives inside you. God forbid someone says bad things about this person, then they will immediately get it from a turn in the eye. Only later, when you have to fully know your lover, can you agree with your opponent. Until then, don't touch!

This is the stage when your thoughts are completely occupied with this person. Moreover, subconsciously you begin to do those things that you used to put off “for later”:

    You carefully monitor your appearance. You have a constant fear - what if we meet by chance, and I look like a witch?

    You start to lose weight. And not because I immediately rushed to the gym, but because of the excitement and anxiety, you completely lose your appetite.

    You discover new talents in yourself. You want to sing in the shower and write poetry. And you do it really great - because from the bottom of your heart.

Surprisingly, when the object of your desire appears, all talents and eloquence disappear somewhere. You turn pale, then blush, stutter and talk nonsense. It's a shame - but this is such a stage of love, there's nothing to be done. You just need to reap the next stage in the development of love and events.

But do you still understand this person yourself? What does he think about those women who surround him? And what can happen if he suddenly shows interest in you? You will find the answers to these questions in the article.

It is at this stage that you will be able to understand whether you love a person or not. If you managed to charm this guy, and you started having a love-carrot or something like that, then of course fleeting meetings, romantic dates, correspondence-chimes and so on will begin.

    You will become more self-confident, but your heart will still stop at his appearance, look and sound of voice.

    You will try to show your erudition in order to amaze him even more by flashing your mind. But sometimes it is better to listen and be silent.

    Next to him you will feel a strong sexual arousal. Even if he just touches your hand.

    You won't break down if he asks you out on the next date. Well, if only for decency. Just try not to jump for joy in front of him.

Yes, baby, it's already love "Happy New Year" to you. And not just love, but real, all-consuming love. The main thing is not to frighten her away if you are not sure if this man himself loves you. Any claims, whims and insults can be regarded as an attack on his freedom, and the relationship will end.

Falling in love is good! “What nonsense? - you think, - How can love be beneficial to health? On the contrary, the nerves are exhausted. And don't tell me! At this time, there is a continuous game of hormones inside you, and they have a very beneficial effect on your body.

Here look:

    Serotonin is the hormone of pleasure and good mood. But it's a very tricky hormone. With an excellent alignment of relations, he works at full capacity. But if something goes wrong, its production goes down, and therefore depression appears.

    Dopamine - enhances concentration and purposefulness. Here, with an abundance of this hormone, some women “twig like tanks” in order to achieve love from the desired man. But with a decline in this hormone, it’s not so desirable to go to the goal.

    Adrenaline is a well-known stress hormone. But it does not depress the body, but rather inspires it. That is why the heart stops so much during dates and you want to “turn mountains” for the sake of your love. “The blood in the veins boils” - they say it for a reason: it is adrenaline that has such a beneficial effect on blood circulation.

    Endorphins - These hormones are responsible for satisfaction and calmness. They will start to “work” only when you are in bed with your loved one for the first time, and you have sexual contact. This is the “flying high” from endorphins.

    Oxytocin and vasopressin - and this is love itself. That is, the hormones of tenderness and affection. True, when they appear, the previous hormones of love slowly go out. But they are no longer needed - the goal has been achieved, the stress has passed, the feelings have grown stronger.

So if you feel love for a person, then know that your body will be able to cope with any depression and failure! Fall in love with health and do not deviate from the goal!

Sympathy between a guy and a girl is an amazing feeling that develops gradually for some, while for others, on the contrary, it covers like a wave of the sea. It is extremely important to recognize a simple passion and deep sympathy that can develop into love in the future and become the basis for creating a family. For cases when a woman or a girl herself is unable to navigate what she feels, the test “Am I in love with him?”, The results of which will show the truth, has been created. You can start answering questions right now to get to know yourself better!

Why take the "Did I really fall in love with him" test?

The representatives of the weaker sex are creatures for the most part incredibly impressionable and prone to wishful thinking, so it can be difficult for them to sort out their own feelings. Passing the test "Did I fall in love with a guy?" will become your lifesaver, will allow you to get an objective assessment of the situation and then decide whether it is worth taking the relationship to a new level, and if so, how to do it.

The virtual test is designed for girls with any type of character, so there is no doubt about the veracity of the results. In addition, before testing, you do not need to register or pay money, so you should take it at least out of curiosity. Of particular interest will be the test "Am I in love with him?" for teenagers for whom such sensations are unknown, and I really want to know if their love story really began.

How to understand that you are in love if the feeling of love crept imperceptibly. Love can strike like lightning on a cloudless day. At least once in a lifetime, everyone tends to fall in love. What is love? Many have tried to answer this question, but so far to no avail. It is difficult to describe this state, but you can understand it and feel the arrival of this sublime feeling. Love always arises suddenly and can disappear just as unexpectedly. The determining criterion for falling in love is often the similarity in partners. Often, a girl’s chosen one becomes a person of equal level, education, certain character traits, and social status. When a potential candidate for love appears in mind, the brain automatically evaluates it according to the above parameters.

What is love? How to understand that you are in love? Outwardly, falling in love is similar to a nervous breakdown. The constant sounds of a received message, doorbells or phone trills make you tremble in the hope that this loved one just wants to know or is worried about how things are going. The reason for falling in love is biochemical processes, which are almost useless to resist. A person in love produces the hormone dopamine and therefore there is a constant surge of energy, strength and inspiration appear.

You can understand that you have fallen in love by the emerging feeling of anxiety, since adrenaline is produced in the body. Trembling in the knees and increased heart rate at the sight of a loved one are explained by the production of this hormone. Lovers become more contact, talkative and smiling. When you are truly in love, the desires and interests of your loved one are more important than your own.

How to understand that a girl has fallen in love

With bated breath, every girl is waiting for the appearance of this feeling. She reads about it in books, listens to love songs and dreams when love will come to her. Love overtakes everyone in different ways: someone at first sight, someone gradually. Often, the beginning of love comes imperceptibly: a girl meets the gaze of a young man once, twice, a third, and inside her from such views it becomes warm and exciting. The young lady begins to think about him - at first periodically, and then more and more often. Sometimes the image of a loved one does not go out of my head for days on end. Everything that was valuable before now seems dull, uninteresting and insignificant.

How do I know if I'm in love? You can understand that a young lady has fallen in love by the fact that she is now interested in everything related to the object of love: with whom she is friends, where she lives and studies, what interests him. And most importantly, does he have a girlfriend? The girl begins to pester her friends with questions about him. At the same time, the young lady becomes extremely picky about her appearance: she sits for hours in front of the mirror, carefully selects her wardrobe, monitors her makeup and hair. Under the influence of loving thoughts, the girl becomes kinder and better to others, because she wants the chosen one to love her not only for her appearance, but also for other qualities: kindness and responsiveness. It becomes easy for a young lady to do what previously required strong-willed efforts: to maintain a strict diet or get up at five in the morning for a run.

To understand that a girl has fallen in love, the following signs will help. The main and main sign of falling in love with girls is a rapid heartbeat. The palms sweat, and goosebumps run through the body. At the sight of the object of love, young ladies experience trembling in the limbs, they can be thrown both into heat and into cold. All feelings are aggravated, appetite disappears, so you can understand that a girl has fallen in love by losing weight and categorically refusing to eat. Lovers have a strange clouding of reason and a feeling of flight. You can also note the complete lack of concentration. A girl in love wants to dance, sing, create something unusual all the time, express herself in creativity.

A sign indicating that the girl has fallen in love is the appearance of insomnia, which does not affect the decrease in performance, since it does not cause a feeling of fatigue.

How do you know if you're truly in love? If a girl begins to realize that with the advent of a guy, the world has ceased to exist for her, she loses her head and becomes overly intrusive, then this is a real feeling.

How to understand that a guy has fallen in love

Often, light flirting can be mistaken for a guy's love. It has been proven that the occurrence of falling in love is influenced by various chemical processes occurring in the brain. Falling in love is explained by the work of nerve endings and cells. The human brain produces chemicals - amphetamines, which affect the nervous system and have a stimulating effect on various life processes. Therefore, at the sight of his beloved girl, the guy has a blush on his cheeks, he begins to worry.

You can understand that a guy has fallen in love by the following signs. A young man feels bad without a girl when she is not around. And when next to him, the guy is already thinking about the next date. A man in love forgets about acquaintances, friends, work and study.

Most guys have the following general characteristics. The guy is ready to sacrifice all his free time, just to spend it with his beloved. The girl is mentally present in all plans for the weekend, as well as during the week. Musical preferences also change - love songs appear in favorite compositions. The songs on the beloved’s page on the social network, which the guy listens to, trying to understand what the girl feels and what state of mind she has now, do not go unnoticed. Often a young man throws off songs to a girl, trying to say about love through music, which he does not dare to say at a meeting.

You can understand that a guy has fallen in love with an obsession with being together and constant thoughts about a girl. The guy mentally talks to the girl, she seems to “sit” in his head. Sleep also does not save, the girl often dreams. The young lady seems ideal, beautiful, smart, charming, kind, passionate and seductive. How can you not fall in love with this? The guy begins to notice that he is changing for the better. He seeks advice from friends or on the Internet on how to win women over. He begins to play sports intensively, brings his body into perfect shape, buys himself fashionable things. The young man wants to hug the girl, hold her hand, kiss her lips. The romanticism of the young man is gently combined with the attraction of intimate desire. The guy begins to build joint plans for the future.

Hello! Need advice...
Recently, new guys were accepted at the modeling agency. One guy moved in with us. It seems that this type did not attract me. But I don’t know… I can’t look into his eyes, inadvertently after 3-5 seconds I start looking for another point. My eyes are running… When he doesn't look at me, I catch myself sticking. (although not for long) A couple of classes ago I noticed that he was also looking at me. When I feel his eyes on me, I look back. And I really want to look at him, but not in the eyes, and the smile climbs so.
Often there is a desire to hurt him, hug, talk. But he is constantly surrounded by his best friend, and besides, he is very closed. And I'm also afraid.
When he is not around, he appears in the head, as if it were necessary. But I don’t have energy and joy ... On the contrary, I feel sad ... In my soul, be it a concrete stone. I didn't even want to decorate the tree. Which is pretty weird. In a dream, I dreamed that the two of us were walking in the park at night. We are illuminated by lanterns and we just go. One night I didn't sleep at all. I want to tell someone, but I can't. We didn't really talk to him. But I really, really want to. I want to know everything that is on his mind.
Help with something...
How to overcome shyness and speak? Are you in love or is it something else?

At first I thought he was my twin brother. I'm 12 and I don't really understand all this. But I realized about 15 minutes ago that I fell in love. I constantly had dreams about me and him doing a DNA test, and then we are twins, then not. But this last dream nearly killed me. I do not want to talk about it now, but I understand that this is already too much. This is my friend's fault. She has not yet fallen in love and does not know what it is and constantly said that I just have a rich imagination. Yes it is, but I don't understand why I thought this guy was my twin brother. It doesn't even make sense! But still, I realized that I fell in love!

I think I've fallen in love. Dreams about him dream about how we meet. When we went to the theater with the class, he took his brother with him. But the most beautiful thing is that he did not offend him, but, on the contrary, cared. His brother is so cute, he is 6 years old. It touched me so much. I looked at his brother, then at him, and he looked at me and smiled at me. God, his smile is beautiful. I want to look at him always. And the eyes are so deep and kind, ready to fall into them and fail. He pisses me off, he acts weird with me. He is either very cute, or very aggressive, or generally nervous. Does he have PMS? In general, I don't know. I think I'm in love, but I'm not sure exactly. Besides, I don't know if he loves me. It's just that we have a girl who seems to love 3 boys at once, and this boy, who I kind of like, is also on this list. On Insta, in the first story, she writes: “What a cutie he is *heart *” In the next: “Pusyapusyapusya *heart *” (this boy that I like) And then in general: “He is cute, give me his pictures, he is beautiful, ahhh * heart * "And all these are different boys! Although, I think that she loves the latter, so everyone says. But then he seems to be in love with a girl from the 7th grade (we are in the 6th). Although she seems to love something else in general, and everyone writes that they have love, and then they say, like, nooo, she has another. Rumors can not be trusted, I know, but still. I can't help but feel some jealousy. I want him to be with me, and when the girls guess on the cards for the betrothed, I always really want him to fall out. ahh this is so hard, help :c

  • Looks like you and I are the same age. I'm just a year older. Lessons started even 2 months ago but I managed to do so much! I saw in a dream how my beloved guy whom I loved before proposes to me! Then I fall in love with a guy and for some reason it seems to me that I have a twin brother! I understand you!!!

Hello, a very difficult situation, I can’t cope on my own ... I met a guy for a month, everything was fine, very good, but I suddenly wanted to leave, we broke up .. And now, after a month again, it seems I understand that I want to be with him again .. I I don’t know how to tell him about it again, I’m afraid, as he told me, he loves me and will wait, but I somehow feel uneasy that we can part again. I still don't know if I like him..

Hello. I'm asking for advice!!! I can't handle myself! What should I do? How to behave? Dating a young man for a month. A couple of days ago I realized that most likely fell in love. Only the place of euphoria is frequent sadness and apathy. This is when I'm alone. Constant feeling of boredom. Not what you don't want to do. Lost appetite, terrible sleep. Sometimes I fall asleep either in the morning or just do it the next evening. Thoughts are full of them. Sister and girlfriend all ears buzzed about him. Whenever possible, insert his name into speech. But when he is near or even see him just on the camera, that's it. The idiot's smile is guaranteed to the last, so bursting that my cheeks hurt, and I don't always notice it right away. His touch just breaks. I constantly want to touch him, stroke him, kiss him. I can hardly restrain myself when he just walks past in the apartment when he wants to help with something or do something. When we part, I feel terribly sad. Although the door had just closed behind him. I'm afraid that was the last time I saw him. I always do not see and I write first, sometimes of course he is ahead of me. I have already been married to a young man for five years. There are even children. Like an adult, but sometimes I behave like a teenager. He was also married. There is also a child. It is clear that no one wants to rush the event. Let everything take its course. I just don't know if he needs me or not. He always behaves differently, sometimes he kisses and says affectionate words, sometimes he can be rude, as if I exist today, tomorrow I don’t, and it’s parallel to him. I endure everything. I can't even be offended for more than five minutes. I try to please everyone. She hinted to him many times, and directly spoke, both about her feelings and about everything. He just grins and gets off topic. I even sent it once. So he pretended that nothing had happened. I started calling more often. Yesterday I could not stand it, the beginning is filled with tears, and such as if someone had died. And all this with him! He tried for a long time to calm me down and, apparently, unable to bear the sight of my swollen, red, and not happy face, he went home. And without saying whether he has something for me or not. The only thing that gave hope is an unexpected arrival at three in the morning intoxicated. Moreover, for two hours he sat at the entrance, as he immediately could not get through without getting through to me. I slept soundly, tired after a couple of hours of tear therapy. This really surprised me. And again, he didn't say anything. I just left for dinner the next day. And he seems to have something. And he doesn't seem to care at all. Please help me understand what is this? Do I have a chance for reciprocity or not?

Hello, please help .. All of the above signs are there. I like him. Very much, I don’t mind meeting and I know that he likes me (confessed to each other), he does not hide plans for the future, but I’m scared .. Suddenly I will hurt him, or some harm .. Or maybe it’s just sympathy ( although we crossed eyes with him, well, so many times), but I'm afraid to jinx it .. I'm really afraid .. I'm a little superstitious, and I'm scared .. I would like (no, I want) raging with him, but I'm scared ..

P.S. I am 14 years old and he is my classmate, I feel comfortable next to him, and I noticed him since the seventh grade, I came to their school to perform, and I got a little lost, he helped me and from that moment I really liked him, I wanted to meet again. And so, I ended up in the school where I performed and, as it turned out, he helped me then, and he is my classmate. He sunk right into my soul. I'm afraid of losing him.. I'm really afraid.. Help me.. I'm scared..

  • Hello Anastasia. Don't be afraid of anything. Enjoy the relationships that arise between you (make friends, have fun). Fears fetter a person and do not allow to be happy "here and now."
    “He does not hide plans for the future, but I'm scared .. What if I hurt him, or some kind of harm ..” - Considering that relationships are not static, but very dynamic, live in the present moment, you don’t need to think about the future.

Hello. Through her stupidity, she managed to fall in love with a guy from the tenth grade. It's brand new, just arrived a couple of months ago.
At first my friend liked him, I discussed him so much for the company.
And somehow, I don't know what happened to me. At that moment he went into the gym, and my friend and I went out. It turns out that they collided in the aisle. And this boy looked at me. It's kind of like our first eye contact.
And that's it, I was overwhelmed. I myself noticed my strange change of mood. When I came home, I wanted to run, jump, dance, and it was so good.
And looking forward to our next meeting.
After we had many intersections of glances, that they cannot be counted. But there were also those who are directly remembered almost for the rest of my life, probably.
Somehow my friend and I were on duty in the dressing room, chatting, sitting on the phone.
And then he comes in to hang up his jacket, I think that my reaction is understandable. I flooded looking at his back, the back of his head, and so on. And THEN he turns and meets my gaze. I did not look away, but continued to look, but only now directly into the eyes. We had quite a lot of eye contact compared to the rest.
When he came out, I almost fainted, and it was such a pleasant feeling. Like a butterfly in the stomach.
I don't know anything about this boy. Somehow managed to find out the name, but he does not know about it. I know that he still has no friends, although he came four months ago
And all this time we play peepers with him. Well, more precisely, I play, and he is probably already afraid of me, and probably remembered me as "inadequate fool who is watching me"
Constantly, as soon as it passes, I shudder, my stomach tickles, and when it disappears from view, a smile appears on my face. I don't like expressing emotions in any way, but the smile never leaves my face. This is weird.
I didn't even talk to him, I didn't communicate at all.
Help me understand “Am I really in love or is it just a momentary infatuation?”
“Did he notice me after all this? Views in the sense "
"How can I talk to him?"

Hello! I managed to fall in love with a guy from the 9th grade (herself from the 8th), although I didn’t even talk. I don't even know his name for sure! Today I decided to try to draw his attention to myself with the help of eye contact (she herself is slim, with appearance, everything seems to be in order), but I started to shiver and shake violently. Most of all, my knees and voice were shaking and I couldn’t control it at all, 10 minutes of break and 25 lessons all this went on. Is this really normal? I am afraid that even if he speaks to me, I will faint from excitement, or I will begin to speak incoherently and in a very trembling voice. True, he never looked at me, except for a second, because. I hid my eyes from fear. I don’t know what to do, I crossed my eyes 3 times in half a year and that’s all. I can’t force myself to study, my brains don’t remember information in class, and at home the desire to lie down and think about it overpowers the need to prepare for children.
PS: I don't know any of his hobbies, there are no audio recordings, photos or anything like that on the VK page. I would be glad for any advice!

I think I'm in love with my friend. All of the above things match. I started playing sports. I'm wildly jealous of him. I recently heard that a girl fell for him and wants to meet him. This infuriated me. I'm terribly jealous. I can't figure out if he loves me. We have been friends with him for 3 years. He had a girlfriend, but they broke up. For a very long time he loved me, and I perceived him as a friend. But then we did not talk for about 3 months. During this time, he was dating his ex. But then on the 19th he had a birthday and I congratulated him at 00:00. He responded almost immediately and sent many hearts. I literally cried with happiness. He said that he broke up with the girl and that she was not very good. Now we correspond well, he sends me hearts. I made it clear to him that I was jealous and asked if it annoyed him. H replied: Nope, on the contrary, it's nice.
But when we chat, he suddenly goes offline during the conversation and it feels like he is sending hearts to everyone. I'm worried what to do? We study in the same group and often made eye contact. I know that he doesn't care about me, I don't show anyone that I like him either. But at the sight of him and his name, everything starts to tremble in me, it spins in my head. I can't look directly at him, and when we meet eyes, it seems that he looks at me differently. I think I made it all up in my head because I like it. I want to get rid of this. And now he has gone abroad and I have not seen him for a very long time and I want to see him. But I can’t accept it in myself and all this infuriates me ((I didn’t meet anyone at the age of 21 and didn’t experience such feelings. What should I do? I want to get rid of (((I study with him at school and every time I see it hurts me because I love him very much, and he is dating another girl, although he knows that I love him, we even met a little, but it seems to me that he still likes me.

  • Hello Diana. It is necessary to analyze why you broke up and why he began dating a new girl, knowing that you have feelings for him.
    Something prompted him to leave. So that you understand this for yourself, since it will not get worse, you can ask him directly and not worry about him so much. Be mentally prepared for the answer, it may not please you. But then you can eventually switch your attention to other members of the stronger sex.