
Who is an alpha male? Psychology for men. Alpha male in a pickup truck Alpha male pheromones


It was used only by biologists who studied the behavior and nature of animals. But in the 21st century it has acquired a completely different color - and this is how men are called. Who is he, this mysterious man - Alpha male? Should a woman fight for his attention in order to create a couple with him? And should a man strive to be an Alpha male?

Who is the real Alpha male and where to look for him? Read this article to the end - it answers this question.

Alpha male and first right to bite

In nature, among animals, especially among those that live in groups or packs, the Alpha male always stands out. What is this individual? This is the dominant male who has the right to impregnate all the females in the group or pack. Even if there are other males in the group, they do not have the right to mate, and very often on pain of death. Moreover, the Alpha male eats the prey first and very often no one else can start eating before he himself is satisfied. He gets the best piece, the best place to sleep, and so on. But at the same time, the life of an Alpha male, no matter who he is, a bird, a wolf or some small rodent, is full of adversity. He spends almost all his time not on having fun with females, but on fights with those who claim to take his place, the place of the Alpha male. Moreover, if another pack comes to claim territory or food, then the Alpha male does not hide behind the backs of his comrades - on the contrary, he is the first to take the blow. His body is always covered with scars and, I think, there is no need to say that Alpha males rarely live to old age. Particular attention should be paid to the relationship of the Alpha male with females - he often does not give preference to younger or more beautiful ones, on the contrary, he impregnates absolutely everyone, indiscriminately.

Alpha male and opinion about him

Now let's figure out who the Alpha male is in people's minds. This image is associated with a confident young man, strong in bed - he is literally a sexual giant, and in general in life - a businessman, a rich man, capable of making money. He knows how to deal with women and with big money. Oddly enough, but the personal attitude towards a person - “Alpha male” – fluctuates greatly among both women and men. There are women who consider such guys to be eligible bachelors and focus only on them when choosing a potential life partner. Others consider them Gigalos, Casanovas, walking around and not appreciating women at all. Still others are simply braggarts who really are nothing of themselves and only imagine themselves to be sex giants, Alpha males.

Once we conducted sales training for our managers. Although I’m not a manager, I also popped in to listen to the beginning. They said that the coach was a very successful young man who fascinates with his oratory skills. And indeed a man who knew his worth entered the hall. He walked with a royal tread, and it seemed that his chest was literally strewn with orders. Having sat down at the table, he began the story by saying that every man should satisfy a woman (both sexually and in terms of her hobbies, buy her jewelry and pamper her with gifts). Therefore, he concluded that a good sales manager is a good man, an Alpha male! He told the story beautifully, but he just didn’t pay attention to the fact that all the listeners in the hall were girls! And they all burst out laughing at the phrase “Alpha male.” After the training in the smoking room, everyone still laughed for a long time at this same Alpha male - after all, among girls and women such a name is not considered positive, moreover, it is rather a negative characteristic - a ladies' man, a narcissist and nothing more!

Men also have ambivalence about the term Alpha male. On the one hand, almost every man wants to be in charge and strong, on the other hand, some spend their entire lives in quiet envy of those who are. And there are those who try with all their might to be like them, take pick-up artist courses, but they fail and are left with only a heavy aftertaste in their souls. And there are those who proudly call themselves Alpha males, but in fact they are not at all. It seems to them that all women are throwing themselves at them for their sex appeal and luck in life.

But the problem is that, like among animals, among people the Alpha male is appointed by nature itself.

Alpha male in human society: who is he?

A person, at the level of ordinary life, is not very different from an animal. Of course, we have more intelligence and we understand much more, but in terms of relationships between people, of the same sex or different, we are also subject to the laws of nature.

And in human society there are also people who are born with the properties of an Alpha male. They are naturally stronger, but they have more responsibilities, greater responsibility, which is difficult for others to bear. Not everyone can be a king, and not everyone needs it. Because the main thing is not the name, but the essence of a person, his properties and the disclosure of his personal potential.

Already at birth, a man by nature receives a certain set of innate qualities, each of which is important and very necessary, both for himself and for the woman who suits him. Every man is important and every man is needed - and he will get the woman he desires only if he is in his rightful place, and not in pursuit of a title that does not belong to him.

Today we can say with confidence that the term “Alpha male” for human society is a relative concept. Regarding whom? Regarding the woman who is paired with him. How much he can give her through his realization in society, in society. By chasing someone else's, nominal, role of Alpha male, you are unlikely to get joy in life - on the contrary, there will only be disappointment and devastation. So why strive for something that will bring neither happiness nor joy? It is much better to reveal your potential, your desires.

Man is an animal. No, this is in no way an insult - just a statement of fact. We are a highly developed biological species, and even though our needs are not always dictated by instincts, the notorious “desire” is precisely the process that is observed in primates. Of course, having a couple of yachts, country houses and an impressive fortune will overshadow your natural qualities, but we have collected for you 7 non-obvious signs of attractiveness that can compete with wealth. You can find love without them, but it’s easier to do it with them.

1. Scars and cicatrices

Mom didn't lie to you: scars really make a man look good. According to a survey by the American Institute of Sociology, the vast majority of respondents from two photographs chose the one where the men had scars on their faces and bodies. And most of them expressed the assumption of violent causes of injuries.

2. Smile

And no, not at 32 (sorry, Michael!). Smooth and healthy teeth, of course, are a signal for a woman about good genes a couple of centimeters away, but ScienceDaily published slightly different data: women are more attracted to a modest smile, an expression of shame or hidden superiority on the face. Rejoice, bad guys!

3. Musical instruments

If it’s not news to you that women love rockers, then here are some facts: of the three types of men - with a backpack, with empty hands and with a guitar - 35% of women preferred a musician. 15% would go on a date with a guy without accessories, while a sensible young man with his bags and bag attracted only 9%.

4. Thrift

1000 and one rose will break the heart of the inaccessible Bombita, but a reasonable girl will twist her finger at her temple. Of course, no one talks about potatoes worth this amount, but the ability to spend a budget rationally is a huge plus in the eyes of the fair sex. An economical and prudent man creates the impression of a reserved person who knows how to control himself, as befits a leader and alpha.

5. Thick eyebrows and strong chin

Being a hot person will make you successful with women, even if your face is a copy of Edward Norton. But the women surveyed stubbornly disagree with this: they identified thick eyebrows and a square, masculine chin as typical signs of masculinity. It is he who is a huge road sign for a highly concentrated storage of testosterone. By the way, if in the photograph you do not pose for documents, but put your head, say, on a chair, then your chin will visually increase, and, as a result, women will like you more. Lifehack from BroDude especially for you. By the way, when choosing, women also look at facial hair: thick stubble is a priority, but a beard is already repulsive.

6. Furry tenants

A girl will always be infuriated when a young man is ruled by someone other than her: his best friend, his mother, his cat. But you just have to look into the green eyes with vertical pupils and hear the cherished “mrrr”, and your pet will have a second person. And jokes aside, a man’s pet is a signal that he will be able to take care not only of himself, but also of his offspring in the future. This is valued and noticed, and at least a bad person won’t get a cat or dog.

7. Sense of humor

It depends on your luck: you either have it or sit on a stake (sorry). Good humor is a sign of an intelligent and educated person, an erudite and pleasant conversationalist. This fact was confirmed by scientists: of the two men in the bar, the vast majority of the “test subjects” left their phone number to the man who started the conversation with a joke. But you shouldn’t start getting acquainted with Jimmy Carr’s material: it’s not always safe.

Don’t forget that all these signs evoke empathy exclusively on an animal level and do not guarantee you love until the grave, but they will significantly increase your chances of one-time sex. Just remember that on the other end of the bed there will be the same person who wants guarantees of a good time, and asshole behavior can take away these guarantees.

According to the theory of David L. Fur, all representatives of the stronger sex will be differentiated into 3 main groups: -, beta and gamma. Classification is carried out in accordance with the characteristic psychological traits of individuals.

Main differences between alpha males

From the first minutes of meeting an alpha male, there is no doubt that the person belongs to the leading group. In his presence, the other men look depressed and clearly do not want to enter into conflict in order to regain lost ground.

The alpha male does not try to gain power over the crowd by resorting to force and cunning. Even with insufficiently developed intellectual abilities, the power of natural charm is so high that it does not allow one to doubt his authority.

An alpha male never questions his own statements and does not allow anyone to criticize him. His confidence in his own merits knows no bounds. However, this quality fuels the behavior of the women around him.

One gets the impression that if you beckon with your finger, the respectable lady will raise her hands up, surrendering to the mercy of the winner. Adoration is quite capable of resulting in a kind of persecution. As a rule, the alpha male is constantly accompanied by beauties who are unable to overcome the sexuality of a real macho.

The sexuality of the alpha male comes through clearly and sometimes interferes with career development. A man has no time to think about global problems, since about 90% of his thoughts and time are occupied by the problem of sexual satisfaction. Exceptions to this rule are extremely rare.

The Beta Male Difference

A beta male is capable of turning a woman's head and winning her heart, but only in the absence of a real leader. Possessing excellent qualities and being a person of good-looking appearance, a man involuntarily gets lost when a representative of the alpha clan appears. Beta lacks natural charm, self-confidence, that sexuality that makes women forget about the rules of decent behavior.

The beta male himself perfectly understands and accepts these circumstances. He is patient and waits until, after enjoying the next toy, the alpha becomes interested in a new object. It is then that the beta will show its wonderful qualities, offering a shoulder to cry on, becoming a friend, lover, husband.

By the way, unlike males, betas often achieve a good social position, since they have enough time to develop a career. Representatives of the beta and gamma groups should not be confused.

A beta male is a self-sufficient person, accustomed to relying on his own strength in everything except sexual attraction. Gamma is not capable of self-realization and is often a burden for his family. Therefore, representatives of the gamma type often become gigolos.

Kozhnik aims for the royal throne, tries to lure the skin-visual women of the urethral with gifts, copy his habits and way of life. Hence the erroneous idea that if a leather worker trains a little, he can take the place of a leader, become an “alpha male”...

Under the term Alpha male in modern society, it most often means a person who is confident in himself and realizes his leadership qualities. He achieves success, strives for power and has many one-day sexual partners. A kind of male. Alpha is the first letter of the Latin alphabet; an alpha male is, by definition, the most desirable sexual partner for women, because a woman evaluates not only the physical qualities of the father of her future children, but also his social status.

Who is an alpha guy? Alpha males are successful businessmen, managers, top managers surrounded by subordinates. Dressed in luxury clothes and wearing expensive watches, owners of luxury cars, villas and so on... When you mention the alpha male, images from films and advertisements immediately come to mind, the center of which is a luxurious life and beautiful young women - in a word, the American -Hollywood clichés, widely replicated around the world. On the Internet you can find a large number of articles and tips on how to become an alpha male.

Consider the scientific definition of an alpha male. Wikipedia relates the designation “alpha male” to biology, or more precisely, to the biological hierarchy of dominance in a pack of primates. Dominance is understood as the alpha individual’s preferential access to resources, its high status compared to other members of the pack who are submissive to the dominant individual. Alpha is a leader. It is the submissiveness of the pack that allows the dominant individual to gain access to resources without the use of aggression.

In ethology, in order of dominance in a flock, individuals are usually designated by letters of the Greek alphabet, from alpha to omega. The letter “alpha” denotes the individual occupying a dominant position. Alpha male, alpha male - who is it? He serves as the leader and protector of the pack. He is also the most attractive to females in mating, often being the father of most of the children. In ethology, it is unknown how alpha males take their leading position, how they become leaders and where they come from. There is an assumption that such males occupy a leading position due to their aggressiveness, strength or some other innate qualities. Who are alpha males and is it possible to become an alpha male? Let’s look at it systematically.

A systematic view of the phenomenon of “alpha males”

Proofreader: Zifa Akhatova

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»