
Methodological development of a class hour on spiritual and moral education. Class hour on spiritual and moral education “Good and evil Class hour on the topic of moral education


Form of conduct : Class hour.

Preparatory work: During the technology lesson, children make a craft - a heart, read literary works, and find proverbs about goodness.


    Give an idea of ​​the moral qualities of a person, of kindness.

    Develop adequate evaluative activities aimed at analyzing one’s own behavior and the actions of others.

    To develop in students mutual respect, polite treatment, and the ability to feel and understand themselves and other people.

    Work on developing positive character traits.

    With the help of games, proverbs, and tasks, develop the child’s creative potential. Learn to express your thoughts and work in groups.

Equipment: Presentation, cards for group work, questionnaire tables, hearts.

The class is divided into 6 creative groups of 6 people each.

Progress of the event:

The teacher reads a parable :

A man was walking along the shore and suddenly saw a boy picking up something from the sand and throwing it into the sea. The man came closer and saw that the boy was picking up starfish from the sand. They surrounded him on all sides. It seemed like there were millions of starfish on the sand; the shore was literally strewn with them for many kilometers.

Why are you throwing these starfish into the water? - the man asked, coming closer.

There was a storm and the stars washed ashore. If they stay on the shore until tomorrow morning, when the tide begins to go out, they will die,” the boy answered, without stopping his work.

But that's just stupid! - the man shouted. - Look around! There are millions of starfish here, the shore is simply littered with them. Your attempts will not change anything!

The boy picked up the next starfish, thought for a moment, threw it into the sea and said:

No, my attempts will change a lot... For this star.

Teacher : Can this boy be called a highly moral person?

What is morality?

1 Slide : Subject:“The origins of morality. Let's be kind and humane"

2 Slide : In Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary : Morality is the personality traits that determine human behavior.

Teacher : What qualities of a person do you know?

Student: Kindness, hard work, courage, truthfulness, responsibility, responsiveness, caring, loyalty, friendliness, politeness, gratitude, frugality, selflessness, hospitality, curiosity, wisdom, modesty, compassion, sensitivity, generosity, etc.

Teacher : We have listed some very good personality traits that determine a person's behavior. There are character qualities that are opposite to these qualities. Name which ones?

Student: Anger, laziness, hostility, rudeness, irresponsibility, stupidity, greed, etc.

Teacher : Well done! Listed the good and bad qualities of a person’s character. Think, look at yourself from the outside: what qualities predominate in your character.

Student : I think I have a lot of good qualities.

Teacher : Why do you think so? Give examples.


3 Slide:

Teacher : I wish everyone to have good character qualities, develop these qualities in yourself from an early age, work on yourself, work on yourself, your life depends on it, what it will be: successful or unsuccessful. Tell me what you want to be in life: successful or failure?

Student: Successful, successful, happy.

Teacher : To be happy and successful in life, what should you do?

Student: Develop good character qualities.

Teacher : “It is not possible for an immoral person to accomplish great things.”

Do you want to achieve something in life?

Student: Yes!

Teacher: What should you do from a young age?

Student: Develop good character qualities in yourself.

Teacher: After solving the crossword puzzle, we will read the main personality quality of a moral person.

Group work:

1.Can it be real or imaginary? (friendship)

2. Willingness to help, respond to other people's needs? (responsiveness)

3. Is this feeling necessary for every person? (Love)

4. Between friends there should be mutual…….? (confidence)

5.Clash of opposing interests? (conflict)

6. Kind, responsive attitude towards a person? (heat)

7. Caring attitude towards people? (attention)

Examination:Slides 4 to 18.

Student reads N. Tulupova’s poem “Kindness”

Slide 19.

It is not at all easy to be kind.

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

You just have to, you just have to be kind

And in times of trouble, do not forget each other.

And the earth will spin faster,

If we are kinder to you.

It's not easy to be kind.

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness brings people joy

And in return it does not require a reward.

Kindness does not age over the years,

Kindness will warm you from the cold.

If kindness shines like the sun,

Adults and children rejoice.

Teacher : What kind of person is a kind person?

Student: A kind person is a person who wants others to feel good, to make others happy. He is always ready to selflessly help others, knows how to sympathize and sympathize.

Teacher: A person who does good to others and knows how to empathize with them feels happy.Slide 20.


What's that in your hand?


Why so small?

It's only mine. But how radiant and beautiful...

Yes, amazing!

Would you like a piece?


Give me your palm, I'll share it with you.

Oh, it's so warm!


Thank you very much! You know, I feel much better when happiness is in my hand...

This always happens.

What if I share it with someone?

Then you will have more of yours!


Don't know. Only then will it become even warmer.

Can you burn your hands on it?

Hands burn with pain... Happiness cannot burn...


Teacher: Children stand in a circle. Everyone has a heart, why a heart? Because our kindness comes from our heart. Everyone gives their heart to their teammate with good wishes.Slide 21.

Teacher: Thank you.

Group work: 1) Restore the proverbs, explain one of them, name your proverb about goodness.Slide 22.

    Good deeds...(more valuable than money)

    Changing the world is not so difficult... (start with yourself)

    Good is not dashing - ... (wanders quietly)

    A good deed... (lives for two centuries)

    A kind word is better... (soft pie)

    To a kind person and... (someone else's illness to the heart)

2) Name literary works where the main character shows the best moral qualities.

Teacher: Listen to the story “Shards of Kindness” by an unknown author.

And think about which proverb fits this story.

The family spent their day off on the beach. Children swam in the sea and built sand castles. Suddenly a little old woman appeared in the distance. Her gray hair fluttered in the wind, her clothes were dirty and tattered. She muttered something to herself, picking up some objects from the sand and putting them into her bag. The parents called the children and told them to stay away from the old woman. As she passed by, bending over to pick up something every now and then, she smiled at the family, but no one returned her greeting. Many weeks later they learned that the little old lady had devoted her entire life to picking up shards of glass from the beach that children could use to cut their feet.

Student: Changing the world is not so difficult, start with yourself.

Teacher : How do you feel after reading the story?


Teacher : Why do you think the old lady devoted her whole life to this activity?


Teacher : Do you think if people found out what the old lady really did, what would they do? Have there been times in your life when you initially didn't like a person because he was different from others, and later you learned something good about that person?

Teacher: What would happen to the world if there was no kindness in it?


Teacher: List everyone whose kindness helps you grow.

Student: The kindness of parents, grandparents, educators and teachers, friends, etc.

Teacher : And now I suggest you check yourself: are you a kind person?


You need to put one answer in front of each question: “yes” or “no”.

Questions: Slide 23.

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends or family?

2. A friend shares his problems or troubles with you in a conversation. If a topic is not interesting to you, will you let your interlocutor know this?

3. Your partner plays chess or another game poorly. Will you give in to him so that he does not lose interest in the game?

4. Do you like to say nice things to people to cheer them up?

5. Do you often use evil jokes?

6. Are you characterized by vindictiveness and rancor?

7. Will you continue a conversation with a friend if the topic does not interest you at all?

8. Are you willing to use your abilities to benefit other people?

9. Do you quit the game when it is already obvious that you will lose?

10. If you are confident that you are right, will you listen to the other person’s arguments?

11. Will you do work at the request of your parents if it is not part of your responsibilities (to do something for someone in the household, for example)?

12. Will you imitate someone to amuse your friends?

Let's summarize:


One point for each affirmative answer to questions: 1, 3, 4, 7, 11

And for a negative answer to questions: 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12.

Teacher : And in conclusion, I will read you a parable.

Once, one sage, standing in front of his students, did the following. He took a large glass vessel and filled it to the brim with large stones. Having done this, he asked the disciples if the vessel was full. Everyone confirmed that it was full.

Then the sage took a box of small pebbles, poured it into a vessel and gently shook it several times. The pebbles rolled into the gaps between the large stones and filled them. After this, he again asked the disciples if the vessel was now full. They confirmed again - the fact is complete.

And finally, the sage took a box of sand from the table and poured it into a vessel. Sand, of course, filled the last gaps in the vessel.

“Now,” the sage addressed the students, “I would like you to be able to recognize your life in this vessel!” Large stones represent important things in life: your family, your loved one, your health, your children - those things which, even without everything else, can still fill your life. Small pebbles represent less important things, such as, for example, your work, your apartment, your house or your car. Sand symbolizes the little things in life, the everyday bustle. If If you first fill your vessel with sand, then there will be no room left for larger stones. Also in life: if you spend all your energy on small things, then there will be nothing left for big things. Therefore, pay attention first of all to the important things ", find time for your children and loved ones, take care of your health. You still have enough time for work, for home, for celebrations and everything else. Watch your big stones - only they have a price, everything else is just sand"


Teacher: What did we talk about today?

Student : About morality. About kindness.

Teacher : What have you learned for yourself? Is it worth being kind in life?

Teacher: Well done children, that you have understood what character qualities are best for living in this world. I would like to end the class hour with the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky “You must have great strength of spirit in order to “live with your heart”, to wish the best for others. Pay for good with good! Be kind and merciful.Slide 24.

Homework : Remember a person (friend, teacher) whose kind deed was more valuable to you than money, and write him a letter of gratitude.

Performance of the song “On the Road of Goodness”.

Ask life strict

Which way to go,

Where in the white world

Leave in the morning.

Follow the sun

Although this path is unknown,

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Follow the sun

Although this path is unknown,

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Forget your worries

Ups and downs

Don't whine when fate takes over

She doesn't act like a sister.

But if things go wrong with a friend,

Don't rely on a miracle

Hurry to him, always lead

On the way to goodness.

But if things go wrong with a friend,

Don't rely on a miracle

Hurry to him, always lead

On the way to goodness.

Oh, how many different ones there will be

Doubts and temptations

Don't forget that this is life

Not a child's game.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Ask life strict

Which way to go,

Where in the white world

Leave in the morning.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Municipal educational institution

Ivanovo secondary school
393432 Tambov region, Sampursky district, village. Ivanovka, st. Krupskaya.

Class hour

on moral education

for students in grades 7-8

developed by a geography teacher

Municipal educational institution Ivanovo secondary school

Erokhina Galina Vasilievna.

Target: formation of moral concepts of “kindness” and “mercy”.


  • form moral ideals using positive examples;

  • contribute to the formation of the civic position of adolescents in difficult life situations of moral choice;

  • to instill in students such personality qualities as kindness, mercy, love, integrity and respect for others;

  • develop the ability to think and reason.
Form: cool reflection hour.

Participants: students of the class, class teacher.

Preparatory stage:

1. Together with the Russian language teacher, it is proposed to write a mini-essay on the topic of good and evil: “To believe in good, you must start doing it.”

L.N. Tolstoy

  1. Together with the fine arts teacher, it was proposed to draw symbols of good and evil.

  2. Pick up proverbs and sayings about good and evil.

  3. Several people are preparing for a performance (poems, fairy tales, fables on the theme of goodness).

Progress of the class hour.

Teacher's opening remarks:

In life, every person has to encounter good and evil, evaluate the actions and deeds of friends and loved ones, and perform different actions themselves: good or not so good.

What is good? What is evil? Throughout its history, humanity has been trying to answer these eternal questions. Let us also think about this topic together.
The teacher invites the students to continue the phrase: “Kindness is...”, then summarizes the students’ answers.
In S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary we read: “Kindness is responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.” Relationships of trust, justice, mercy, and love are considered good. Goodness is primarily associated with the ability to rejoice and sympathize, sympathize, empathize, respond to the feelings of others and keep your soul open. When we talk about a “kind” person, we mean that he is ready to come to the aid of another, to do this not for profit, not for show, but selflessly, at the behest of his heart. A good deed is something that brings joy to another person.

A student reads a poem by M. Shechter:

There are many evil ones

In any human destiny,

And they will only say a kind word -

And your heart is lighter.

But such a kind word

Not everyone knows how to find

To cope with a friend's sadness,

You can overcome adversity along the way.

There is no kind word more valuable

The cherished word of that

But rarely, my friends, still

We say it out loud.

Guys, many people know proverbs and sayings about good and evil. Let's remember them.

  1. Life is given for good deeds.

  2. A good deed does not drown in water.

  3. A good word heals, but a bad word cripples.

  4. Speak boldly about a good deed.

  5. The evil one does not believe that there are good people.

  6. Do not repay evil for evil.

  7. Learn good things - bad things will not come to mind.

  8. We will stand for good, and we will insist on evil.

  1. An evil person will not live in good times.

  2. Don't look for beauty - look for kindness.

  3. Who loves good deeds, life is sweet to him.

  4. The world is not without good people.

  5. It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.

  6. Do not boast about silver, but rather boast about good things.


We often say to each other: “I wish you all the best,” “I wish you well and happiness” - this is not just an expression of politeness, in these words we express our human essence. Truly good, kind desires live in the soul of someone who knows how to give the strength of his soul to other people. A benevolent person cannot be evil, rude, or cruel. Why doesn't everyone succeed in being kind? After all, even in a family, relationships that are not at all kind and warm can develop. Quite often the media talk about tragedies that happen among loved ones. Child abuse, parental abuse...

Please listen to the Bulgarian fairy tale “Naughty Children”.

Mother came from the well with large buckets on a rocker. She was completely wet and water was dripping from her clothes. Having placed the buckets on the bench, the cold woman approached the hearth, in which a bright fire was burning, and said:

Children, move a little so that I can warm up too. I can barely stand on my feet from fatigue and cold. A terrible rain is pouring down outside. The river is rising and will wash away the bridge again. Move over a little!

Four children sat by the fireplace, warming their bare feet and their reddened hands outstretched. The first son turned around and said:

Mom, I can't give up my seat for you. I have a holey shoe and my feet got wet when I came back from school, I need to warm up.

The second one said:

And my hat has holes. Today in class, when we were throwing hats, mine tore. While I was returning home, I got my hair wet. Touch it if you don't believe it!

“I, mommy, sat down so comfortably next to my brother that I don’t even want to get up,” the girl added lazily. And the fourth, the smallest one, shouted loudly:

Let anyone who walks in the rain freeze like a wet chicken!

The warmed children laughed loudly and cheerfully, and the cold mother sadly shook her head. Without saying a word, she went into the kitchen to knead bread for the children. While she kneaded, her wet shirt stuck to her back and her teeth began to chatter from the cold. Late at night, the mother lit the stove, put the loaves in it, waited until they were baked, put them on a shelf and covered them with her sheepskin coat. Then she lay down under the blanket and blew out the lamp. Her children were sleeping soundly, nestled side by side, and the mother could not sleep a wink because she had a headache and was shaking very much.

In the morning, the children, while washing, poured out all the water. Then they broke off a piece of soft bread, put it in bags and went to school. The youngest son remained with his sick mother.

The day dragged on slowly. The mother was unable to get out of bed. Her lips were chapped from the heat. In the afternoon, three children returned from school and slammed the door.

Oh, mom, you’re still lying there and haven’t cooked anything for us! – the girl reproached her.

After all, I told you that my shoes are getting wet.

“You forgot that my hat is full of holes,” added the second.

How funny you are, mom! – said the girl. “Can I run for water when I have to do homework?”

The mother's eyes filled with tears. The youngest son, seeing that his mother began to cry, grabbed the jug and rushed outside, but tripped on the threshold and the jug broke. All the children gasped, then rummaged through the shelves, cut themselves a slice of bread and quietly slipped out into the street to play. Only the youngest son remained, because he had nothing to wear. He began to draw little people with his finger on the foggy window. The sick mother stood up, looked outside through the open door and said:

I wish I could turn into some kind of bird! I wish I could grow wings! I would fly away from such bad children!

And instantly a miracle happened: the sick woman turned into a cuckoo. The youngest son, seeing that his mother had become a bird and was flapping her wings, ran out into the street wearing only stockings and shouted:

Brothers, sister, come quickly! Our mother has become a bird and wants to fly away from us!

The children began to run, but when they approached the house, their mother was already flying out the open door.

I'm flying away from you, I don't want to live with you! You are bad children.

Mommy,” all four squealed, “come back home, we’ll immediately bring you water.”

It's late, kids. I’m no longer a person - you see, I’m a bird. I can't go back. I will drink water from clear streams and mountain lakes. And she flew over the ground.

The children ran after her, crying. For nine days they ran after the cuckoo through cornfields, ravines and thorny bushes, falling, hoarse from screaming. At night, the cuckoo crowed tiredly on some tree, and the children huddled near its trunk. On the tenth day, the bird flapped its wings over the dense forest and disappeared. The children returned to their home village, but the house seemed completely empty to them, because their mother was not in it. And the cuckoo no longer builds nests and hatches chicks. To this day, she wanders around the world, crows alone and lays eggs in other people's nests.

The teacher invites you to express your opinion about this fairy tale.

Is it even possible to be kind without showing your kindness in your deeds?

Is it possible to force a person to be kind?

Do you agree with the idea that a kind attitude towards people manifests itself already in childhood?

Together they conclude that Kindness lives in the house where love, mutual understanding, gratitude, caring for each other, and peace reign. It is very bad if children are insolent, rude to their parents, and inattentive to them.

The closest and kindest person who has taken care of us since early childhood is our mother. No matter how old we are, we need our mother, her affection, her warmth. There is a proverb: the sun is warm, the mother is good. Mom has the kindest and most sensitive heart, love never fades in it, it will never remain indifferent. But some of us sometimes offend our mothers with our actions and rude words.

Poem by Tatyana Dashkevich “An offensive word.”

An offensive word, an offensive word!
How painfully it can hit!
A poisonous snake is ready to bite,
It stings and your heart becomes dark.
Both the one who offended and the one who is offended,
Both the one who humiliated and the one who was humiliated,
Although the storm of quarrels has passed,
They are silent and do not look each other in the eyes.
Listen to advice, my dear child,
Be kind and polite from the very cradle,
Just try to do good things
And don’t say derogatory words.

Guys, it is difficult for us, living in a family, to imagine the life of children in orphanages, dreaming of a loving and caring mother. It’s good that in our country a lot is being done to ensure that there are no children without parents. Several years ago, programs appeared on television, in newspapers: central, regional and even in our regional newspaper “Trudovaya Slava” there are columns that help children from orphanages and orphanages find a new family. And in our village there were kind people who did not spare affection, warmth, attention and care and became foster parents for orphans. For several years now, the newspaper “Arguments and Facts” has had a “Kind Heart” column, which helps to raise funds – often huge sums – for expensive operations on seriously ill children, to provide financial assistance to the disabled, to those who cannot survive without the kind heart of strangers, but selfless and merciful people.

Sun and wind

The sun and the wind argued about who is stronger.

“I will prove that I am stronger,” exclaimed the wind. - Do you see a man in a raincoat? I bet I can get him to take off his cloak sooner than you can.

The sun set behind the cloud, and the wind began to blow until it turned into a hurricane.

But the stronger the wind blew, the tighter the old man pulled his cloak around him. Finally the wind died down and then stopped completely.

Then the sun peeked out from behind the clouds and smiled good-naturedly at the old man. Soon he began to wipe the sweat from his forehead and took off his cloak. Here the sun told the wind that kindness and friendliness will always overcome rage and coercion.

Aesop was a slave at the court of King Croesus. He composed his immortal fables in the 16th century. BC, and their moral lessons are still valid today.


What can a person turn into who remembers evil, stops doing good to people, and thinks only about himself? It’s hard to call him a human being. A person is a person to do good, because there are many more good people on Earth than evil ones.

At L.N. Tolstoy has a wonderful saying:

“Of all the sciences that a person should know, the main science is how to live, doing as little evil as possible and as much good as possible.”

I think that each of you does more good deeds than bad. Let's listen to some of your compositions.

(Students read excerpts from their essays).

Every good deed of yours is a particle of goodness invested in the vast world of kindness. It makes you feel warmer, brighter and more joyful.

No matter how life flies - Don’t regret your days, Do a good deed

For the sake of people's happiness. To make the heart burn,
Instead of smoldering in the darkness, Do a good deed - This is how we live on earth.

Now let’s listen to “The Tale of Happiness” by I. Tokmakova:

There lived one king in the world,

Rich and powerful.

He was always sad. And sometimes

It was darker than a cloud.

He walked, slept, had dinner,

And he knew no happiness!

But always whine and grieve

The poor guy has had enough.

The king cried out: “You can’t live like this!” -

And he jumped off the throne boldly.

Yes, instantly destroy your lot

Not in royal power?

And so the king got into the carriage -

And he went for happiness.

The king looks out the window,

The carriage rolls briskly.

Wait a minute, who's on the way?

A girl in a tattered dress.

  • Oh my almighty king,

  • Please give me at least a penny.

  • Hey beggar, let me pass

  • Hurry up my carriage.

  • Get off the path immediately

  • After all, I’m going for happiness! -
The king said and drove off.

And the month was freezing in the blue sky...

The carriage rushes at random

God knows in which direction.

Suddenly a soldier stands in the way,

Wounded, ragged.

Oh my king, cried the soldier,

I'm very glad to see you!

I humbly ask: arrange

You are at my service,

I stood up for you,

I really fought like a hero,

I won the battle.

Come on, servant, let me pass

Hurry up my carriage.
Get off the path immediately

After all, I’m going for happiness! -

The king said and drove off,

And the month was freezing in the blue sky...

The carriage rushes at full speed,

The horse gallops as fast as he can.

Suddenly she came out onto the road from the mountains

Stooped old woman.

Forgive me, my dear king,
Lonely old woman.

My house is over there, you see, behind the mountain,

I've gone far in the morning.

I carry firewood from the forest -

Hard work.

I look around, barely alive:

What if someone helps...

Come on, old woman, let me pass

Hurry up my carriage.
Get off the path immediately
After all, I’m going for happiness! -
The king said and drove off,

And the month was freezing in the blue sky...

Summer is over. Heat

Gives way to bad weather.

The king hurries:

It's time to hit the road

A little more - and hurray!

I will find my happiness!

And it would all end in disaster -

There is no doubt about it.

Yes, an old man with a white beard

He stopped the carriage.

Having crossed himself, slowly,

Solemnly and strictly

Said: "Lost soul,

King, fear God!

Are you looking for happiness for yourself?

You are traveling around the world.

But, only loving your neighbor,

You will find this happiness.

Quickly listen to me:

Turn your horse back around

Warm and feed the child,

Hire a soldier as a watchman,

Do it all, but first

You can help the old lady:

You will bring firewood home.

Cut it and lay it down....

Then the full moon came out.

And she illuminated the way.

Not an easy journey, the way back.

The path to happiness is not just anywhere.

The king is still in the palace

Helps all people.

And happiness on his face

It shines like a clear day!

Issues for discussion:
How would you title this story?
Why didn't the king want to help the girl, the soldier and the old woman?
How would you describe the king's behavior at the beginning of the story?
Why do you think the king changed?
Do such changes always happen in life?
Have similar stories happened to you?
Have you ever had to change anything about yourself after someone pointed out a flaw in you?
Let's determine what qualities the king lacked before meeting the elder?
Did the king have a purpose in life before meeting the elder?
Did she change after the meeting?
What does this fairy tale teach us?
Kindness is a person’s desire to give happiness to all people.

Do good! It will bring you happiness.

Based on the qualities that define kindness, a person can be called:
- Virtuous (highly moral);
- Good-natured (kind, gentle in character);
- Benevolent (wishing good for others);
- Good-natured (has a good disposition, good behavior);
- Kind-hearted (has a kind heart, affectionate, sympathetic)
- Conscientious (follows his duties honestly)

I really want these definitions to always suit each of you.

Let tomorrow be like yesterday, whoever does not cool his heart!
Hurry up, start the day with good, and your day will be good.
Let only joy enter the door - open these doors!
And there would be no bitter losses in this world!
Let someone's dreams come true and all misfortunes disappear,
Let there be a lot of kindness, let there be peace and happiness!

You can end the class hour with the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky (better if they are on the screen):

“You need to have great fortitude to “live with your heart” and wish the best for others. The ability to feel, the ability to see kindly the people around us is not only an indicator of ethical culture, but also the result of enormous internal work of the spirit. A truly good person is better today than he was yesterday; good motives bring him happiness. Good, kind desires live in the soul of someone who knows how to give the strength of his soul to other people. Only those who feel that they are better today than they were yesterday are capable of wishing good to others. Good wishes and goodwill are the main antidote to arrogance and selfishness. Peace and tranquility in our soul depends on how we see another person, how we treat him.”

Class hour on spiritual and moral education. good and evil

Form: conversation.

Target: Formation of spiritual and moral values ​​among students;

give concepts of good and evil, the essence of mercy;

motivate for moral self-improvement, teach to perform actions in the name of good.


Expand the concepts: good, evil, mercy.

Introduce works of literature.

To form the spiritual and moral qualities of a person.

To cultivate feelings of camaraderie, compassion, and the desire to do good deeds.

Basic concepts:



Teaching methods:


1.Opening speech by the teacher.

Hello guys! An evil witch snuck into our class and mixed everything up. See if everything is fine. (There is a picture of the sun on the board. The words are written on the rays: hatred, rude, angry, greedy, sad, grief, enmity, deception, cruelty.

Let's fix everything. Choose antonyms for the words, and the sun will start smiling again.

Now try to determine the topic of the class hour. (Children's answers)

The theme of the class hour is “Good and Evil.”

2. Main part

Formulate a definition of concepts "good evil".

Independent work using cards, continue...

"Good is..."
"Kindness is..."
“A kind person is...”

"Evil is..."

"An evil man is..."

An explanatory dictionary reveals the meaning of these words. (The meaning of these words is read out).

Can we say that good and evil are opposite concepts? (children's answers)

Can a person be born evil?

Should we strive for good and avoid evil? Why?

Listen to the parable

Two wolves

Parable of unknown origin

Once upon a time, an old man revealed one vital truth to his grandson:

“There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. The other wolf represents goodness: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty.

The grandson, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a moment, and then asked:

- Which wolf wins in the end?

The old man smiled and answered:

What did the grandfather want to tell his grandson? Can a person always be only kind?

Every person can do good deeds. But at the same time, he can do bad things. I think each of you could have done both good and bad things. How did that make you feel? Can a person do bad things and be happy? We feel proud for some of our actions, and shame for others.

Please listen to the parable song about good and evil. Try to understand and feel the events described.

What does this story teach? What made the sick man at the door do such an act?

What do you think happened next?

Situations. Try to determine what is good and what is evil.

1. A puppy was running in the yard. It was immediately obvious that he had no owner. Vitya brought the puppy home.

2.Mom asked her daughter to clean the room. After numerous reminders, my mother tidied up the room herself.

3.Vera was walking down the street. Suddenly she saw a wallet. The girl picked it up. There was a small amount of money and some receipts. The wallet was very beautiful. She took it for herself.

4.3 children climbed into the farmer's garden to pick apples.

5. The teacher asked the student to decorate the classroom corner. The student promised, but did not complete the task.

6. The student did not complete his homework and, so as not to scold him, said that he forgot his notebook at home.

7. There were many beautiful flowers growing in the flowerbed. The young man picked a bouquet for the girl.

8.Nina is getting ready for school. Mom asks the girl to dress warmly. It's frosty outside.

Nina resists.

9. In the store, the teenagers asked an adult to buy cigarettes.

10. The guys in the yard offered their friend a drink.

11. A citizen, passing by, stroked a kitten sitting alone and moved on.

12. A group of guys gathers at the entrance every evening. They talk loudly, listen to music, and gnaw seeds.

13. A classmate helped a friend on a test and told everyone about his help.

Tell me, is it necessary to talk about your good deeds? Boast?

Good has been fighting evil for a long time and most often wins, since good is stronger than evil. Guys, where does good always triumph over evil? Of course, in fairy tales.

A tale of good and evil. Ju Julia

Once upon a time there lived Good and Evil. They lived as neighbors, on the same street, and even their houses stood next to each other. Good created: it grew beautiful gardens of human souls, it sowed good, eternal things.

Evil destroyed what Good created, leaving behind a scorched, devastated land and empty dead souls.

What is this? - Good lamented, - You build and build, create and create, but Evil will come and destroy everything!

But Good could not do anything, could not help either itself or people.

And Evil also showed all sorts of attention to Good. It happened that he would meet him on the street and pat him on the shoulder: How are you, they say, Good?

Or, it happened, Evil would come to the house of Good and ask to be let in. Dobro asks through the closed door: Why?

And Evil sings sweetly:

Oh, Darling, let me in, I’m cold, I’m sick. Help me, support me.

And take the Good and let the Evil into your house. He treats him to tea and cake, it’s still a pity. The guest will eat, warm up, and, leaving, take a bite - and take a bite from the hospitable hostess. Yes, and he will go to himself without thanking him for the warmth. And the hostess is bleeding, crying from pain and injustice, but she can’t do anything - after all, she let her into the house.

One day Evil again came to the house of Good. And he knocks on the door.

What do you want? - asked Good.

Let me in, Darling, I really want to have a heart-to-heart talk.

“No, Evil, your visits cost me too much,” Good answered and did not open the door.

Evil got angry, spun and spun in one place, releasing its most terrible weapon - the Monster that Destroys and Incinerates Everything Around. And Evil unleashed this Monster on the house of Good. And he swooped in and destroyed the house to the ground, and shredded the Good itself and tore it into small pieces.

And the earth became scorched all around, and there was not a flower, not a bug, or anything living on it. And it seemed that Life on Earth had ended.

Suddenly, in the place where the house of Good stood, a small blade of grass began to break through the ashes. And Good was reborn, and realized that it was impossible to live like this anymore, that it was impossible to let Evil into your world.

And Good built a new beautiful house, and revived gardens on earth and in the hearts of people.

But Evil did not have to wait long. It came again and sang sweetly:

Darling, how glad I am that you are alive and well. Let me in, let's chat, drink some tea.

But Good closed all the windows and doors, and did not even answer Evil.

Evil got angry again, spun and spun, but this time he could not release his Monster, instead he rose in a whirlwind of ash and disappeared into the air.

Now we will correctly connect the beginning and ending of proverbs.

(On the desk):

Hello... (good answer).

About a good deed... (speak boldly).

Life is given for... (good deeds).

Learn good things... (bad things will not come to mind).

Without good deeds... (no good name).

It is bad for him... (who does no good to anyone).

Good deeds... (beautify a person).

By the path of evil... (they do not reach good)

You will spend an hour in goodness... (you will forget all the grief).

He who lives in goodness... (he walks in silver).

The dashing is remembered, but the good... (the century will not be forgotten).

To offend the poor... (not to wish well for oneself).

3. Summary

If you are ready to change, then you can do it now and become kinder. To do this, it is enough to stop harming someone, being angry with someone, being offended or afraid. To do this, it is enough to realize this and you can change. Our conscience, the incorruptible judge who is inside us, who feels what is really good and what is bad, can help us. And if conscience objects to some action, then we must refuse it, no matter what benefits it promises.

On this good note we end our class hour. What impressions do you have after today’s conversation? What did you like? What upset you? Has anything changed in you after today's class?


Bozhovich L.I., Konnikova T.E. Moral formation of a schoolchild’s personality in a team. - M., 1987
Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language.

Lossky N.O. Conditions of absolute goodness: Fundamentals of ethics; The character of the Russian people. - M., 1991
Makarenko A.S. Will, courage, determination. - M., 1987
Rozhkov M.I., Bayborodova L.V. Organization of the educational process at school. - M., 2001
Sukhomlinsky V.A. Selected pedagogical works. - M., 1980
School philosophical dictionary / T.V. Gorbunova, N.S. Gordienko, V.A. Karpunin and others M.

Classroom topics on moral education

5-8 grade

  • Golden Rule of Morality

  • Good, evil, sin, law

  • Should I forgive my enemy?

  • The Ten Commandments are the basis of human morality

  • External and internal culture

  • What is intelligence

  • The meaning of life in Russian classical literature.
9-11 grade

  • The concept of the meaning of life in the religions of the world

  • Methods of self-education and self-education

  • Moral qualities that determine a person’s attitude towards other people

  • How to become happy (discussion about the criteria of happiness)

  • There is no bond holier than comradeship (workshop Developing a “code of comradeship”)

  • End justifies the means? (problem of moral choice)

  • How to learn to hear and listen to another person? (workshop)
Conversations about the fundamentals of Orthodoxy

5-9 grade Conversations about the basics of Orthodoxy and morality during class hours

Purpose of education: Formation of ideas about the foundations of Orthodoxy. Formation of attitudes towards life as a service (to God, a noble goal, neighbor)


  • The biblical account of the creation of the world.

  • What is the Old Testament?

  • Why can't we see God?

  • mother of God

  • Who was Jesus Christ?

  • Life of Jesus Christ

  • Teachings of Jesus Christ

  • Is there life after death?

  • Science and Faith

  • What does it mean to pray to God?

  • What is the Church

  • Founding of the Church

  • Orthodox churches

  • Orthodox icons

  • About clergy

  • What does it mean to be a member of the Church?

  • Repentance
Topics of library lessons (within class hours). Conducted by employees of the school library, the 1 May Library, named after M. Gorky, and class teachers.

Purpose of library lessons : Introducing students to the spiritual and moral experience of our people through a book.

Lesson topics:

  • Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky

  • Where there is faith, there is strength (according to the book “The Lives of St. Demetrius of Prilutsk, Vologda Wonderworker”)

  • Hope that does not die (based on the book “The Life of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Myra of Lycia”)

  • Humility is the basis of all virtues (according to the book “The Life of St. Ignatius Brianchanikov”)

  • Holy love (based on the book “The Life of St. Ignatius Brianchanikov”)

  • A good deed will have a good end (“The Life of St. Theropont and Martinin of Belozersk Wonderworkers”)

  • Having received the good, remember, and having done, forget (according to the book “The Life of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra of Lycia”)

  • Repentance and forgiveness (based on the book “The Lives of St. Kirill Belozersky, Vologda Wonderworker”)

  • A city does not stand without a holiday (according to the book “The Lives of Procopius the Wonderworker of Ustyug”)

  • Mister Veliky Novgorod (based on the epic “Sadko” retold by A.N. Nechaev)

  • In the village (based on a fragment from G. Troepolsky’s story “White Bim - Black Ear”)

  • Each time has its own food (based on the book by I. Shmelev “The Summer of the Lord”)

  • Saints Cyril and Methodius - educators of the Slavs

  • Sarov Wonderworker (Seraphim of Sarov)

  • Life and hagiography of Sergius of Radonezh

“Education on holiday traditions”

Traditional school holidays:

  • Day of Knowledge,

  • Teacher's Day,

  • New Year's performance

  • February 23

  • March 8,

  • Victory Day,

  • Last call,

  • Prom,

2015-2016 academic year

"Schoolyard Festival"


Rep. ZDVR, counselor, parent committee, self-government bodies

"New Year's surprise" -

mini-performance for each class

Every year before the New Year

Rep. ZDVR, counselor, parent committee, self-government bodies

“Farewell to the Russian winter” or “How they looked for Maslenitsa”


KTD Primary School

Rep. class manager, counselor



Rep. ZDVR, counselor, parent committee, self-government bodies

"Day of Slavic Literature and Culture"


Rep. ZDVR, counselor, parent committee, self-government bodies


Annually, June

Rep. ZDVR, counselor, camp director

Planning work in the direction

"Education on the traditions of the business"

The process of spiritual and moral education cannot take place exclusively in school and be limited to its walls. It is implemented in an open social and educational space, which involves the active inclusion of students (including children with special educational needs and children at social risk) in solving social and cultural problems

Traditions of the business - participation in promotions
Promotion schedule





Not a day without a school uniform


ZDVR, counselor, self-government bodies


Decade tolerance



Homemaker mothers



Blank book






Son. Father. Fatherland



Believe. Live. Create



There are no other people's children



No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten


To involve students in solving social problems, a “Center for Social Activity” is being created.

Project "Center for Social Activity"

The “Center for Social Activity” project is aimed at raising the spiritual and moral level of school students and their parents and at improving relations in the community of the region. The project promotes the development of tolerance, mercy, social activity, fosters a willingness to serve one’s neighbor and the Fatherland, and to improve the world and oneself in it.

Objective of the project : The creation of a center for social activity as one of the first steps in the implementation of the educational program of the educational institution “The Road of Good”, in the formation of an open, integrated social and educational space focused on traditional cultural values.

Project objectives:

  • Organization of meaningful leisure time for children and their parents with the active participation of children with disabilities, students in home-based and individual education and at social risk.

  • Creating an experience of co-creation in which spiritual, moral, aesthetic, and social values ​​are experienced.

  • Education in the spirit of Christian love, mercy and readiness to serve others through the organization of various socio-cultural practices.

  • Encouraging parents to actively participate in school life

  • Qualitative development of child-parent relationships, mastery by parents of techniques for correcting relationships with children.

  • Development of cooperation with the III Deanery of the Nizhny Novgorod Diocese.
"Social Activity Center" includes:

  • Family Club "Rodnik"

  • Multi-age children's association

  • Photo workshop "Image"

  • Theater "Inspiration"
Socio-cultural practices carried out by children, parents and teachers in these associations are specific deeds and specific actions that exercise students in moral behavior, contribute to their spiritual development, and, having a wide resonance in the school community and the surrounding society, influence the creation of positive public opinion about the school as a kind and wise school, which strives to fulfill the main mission of education, teaches to be a person, a Russian, to carefully preserve and creatively multiply the heritage of ancestors, to consciously accept one’s life, destiny, and the Fatherland as the highest gift.

The successful activities of these associations will contribute to the formation of an open, integrated social and educational space focused on Orthodox values. The main principles in the work of the Center will be spirituality, morality, and patriotism. To more successfully achieve the goals of the project, close cooperation is expected with the Russian Orthodox Church and the public organization of disabled people “Invatur”.

Family club "Rodnik".

The creation of the Family Club was dictated by pedagogical expediency. Analyzing the educational work at school over the past period, we come to the conclusion that the main problems are outdated forms of work with parents and the lack of active communication. The “We Are Together” program provides for non-traditional active forms of work with parents, the introduction into the practice of educational work “Education based on sociocultural experience” (program by Kamkin A.V.)

The family club is one of these active forms of interaction with parents. Planned events in the family club will be carried out using ancient technologies and sociocultural tools.

The family club will unite representatives of grades 1-11. The club's program includes such forms as Orthodox lectures, games, trainings, master classes, creative workshops, pilgrimage trips, and charity events. It is expected that each such meeting will be cordial and end with tea.

The topics of such meetings: the basics of Orthodoxy and family ethics, problems of spiritual and moral education and inclusive education. Parents and children at such meetings are not only passive spectators. The use of active forms (resource circle, work in pairs and groups, workshops on value orientations with their sincerity and enormous creative potential) will make these meetings truly cordial and, undoubtedly, useful for all its participants. Classes are conducted by experienced and competent specialists in their field, not only teachers, parents, but also specialists from the public organization “Invatur” and representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church.

There are many parents who are ready to actively participate in family evenings. The value of the club is that its activities are not limited to communication within a narrow circle of friends. Class representatives talk about the work of the club at parent meetings, and speak to the parents of their class with conversations about spiritual and moral education.

The club's parents will become an initiative creative group supporting innovative changes in the school. The activities of the family club will be a positive example of interaction between family and school and, we hope, will become attractive to parents. We associate the activities of the club with the dissemination of the ideas of historical studies, the formation of a positive public opinion about the introduction of an optional course “Origins” in all grades of the school and the development of an inclusive educational space.

Socio-cultural practice “Photo workshop”

Photography is an interesting social and cultural practice, which, given a certain material and technical base, can become not a one-time event, but a permanent favorite activity for many boys and girls. It is planned to hold workshops lasting 4-5 days on socially significant topics:

  • “Youth and old age - contact” (for the Day of the Elderly)

  • "Christmas Fantasies"

  • "Nizhny Novgorod region - Land of Seraphim of Sarov"

  • “We remember the whole Fatherland”
Photo workshop work:

Day 1 - classes on a socially significant topic of the project (conversations, workshops on value orientations, viewing and discussion of the film).

Day 2 – teaching children the wisdom of photography.

Days 3 and 4 - the guys take photographs on the topic of the project.

Day 5 - printing photographs and setting up a photo exhibition.

Each photo workshop involves 10-15 people. It is planned to involve children from social risk groups, disabled children, and children studying individually in the photo workshop. In addition to multi-day educational photo workshops, photography events are planned:

  • “Russia is famous for its teachers”

  • "School everyday life"

  • "Easter Chime"

  • "Children of war"

  • "A small matter, but with great love"
We are confident that the social and cultural practice “Photo Workshop” will be loved by children and will become for them a real lesson in truth and beauty.

In the process of working in the workshop and during events, children learn tolerant relationships, social activity, and respect for the national cultural heritage.

Multi-age children's association.

A multi-age public association occupies its own specific niche in the educational space of an educational institution and has well-established partnerships with both external and internal society. The interaction of a public association of different ages with the school administration is based on an agreement, which stipulates the powers of each party. Being in the educational space within the walls of the school, the mixed-age association interacts with all students, the teaching staff and the parent community through the following forms of work:

Joint meetings with the student council to plan and analyze current activities

Preparation and implementation of joint social projects, actions and events,

Joint friendly sports meetings and competitions, conducting sociological surveys, round tables to discuss the problems of life of the school community.

It is the work of the school children's organization, which involves informal communication between teachers and students, as well as the creation of a situation of success, that makes it possible to notice the merits of each child, his exclusivity, and provide the opportunity to realize his best qualities, talents and inclinations. And let’s not forget that (as the American psychologist W. Glasser writes) “... a person will never succeed in life in the broad sense of the word if one day he does not know success in something important to him... If a child manages to succeed in school, he has every chance of success in life.”

Theater "Inspiration".

The Inspiration Theater has existed at the school for 5 years. The theater's productions have a spiritual and moral orientation. The play “I am a Man” (based on Maeterlinck’s play “The Blue Bird”), “In the Beginning Was the Word”, “I Hurry Again to Pushkin”, “The Dream Before Christmas” make you think about the most important thing in life: about God, about goodness and evil, about the meaning of life, about happiness. The exclusivity of this creative association is that it is a theater of one class. Children grow up, and their performances become more and more serious, after which the audience leaves with enlightened faces and completely different eyes.

It is planned that the theater's productions will be available to a larger number of spectators. Charity concerts and performances will become a social and cultural practice for theater children, thanks to which they acquire new useful deeds and participation in true Christian service.

The result of successful implementation of the project will be:

  • Stable and active center of social activity

  • All associations that are part of the center are a positive example for the school community and the society of the region, an example of social activity, willingness to serve one’s neighbor and the Fatherland, and a creative approach to business.

  • Positive changes in the moral character of students (tolerance, mercy, respect for the traditions and spiritual origins of their people)

  • Reducing the level of delinquency among school students.

  • Significant increase in the number of students taking the Origins course

  • Developing an inclusive culture.

  • The activities of parents in the center will contribute to increasing the influence of the family in the implementation of the educational program “The Road of Good”

  • The successful development of the project will contribute to the formation of an open, integrated social and educational space focused on Orthodox values.

2.3.2. The direction of work “intellectual and creative development” is implemented through the “Illumination” program.

Modern education is focused on personal development. Society needs a graduate who thinks independently, who can see and creatively solve emerging problems. This task is of particular relevance in the dynamically developing information space. However, students are not always able to navigate the huge flow of new information, extract the necessary facts and data, and use them productively in their work.

A way out of this problematic situation can be the organization of the educational process based on the research activities of schoolchildren. Educational and research activity is understood as a form of organization of educational work that is associated with students solving a creative, research problem with a previously unknown result (in various fields of science, technology, art) and presupposing the presence of the main stages characteristic of scientific research: statement of the problem , familiarization with the literature on this issue, mastery of research methods, collection of one’s own material, its analysis, generalization, conclusions. It is the research approach to teaching that makes children participants in the creative process, and not passive consumers of ready-made information. Moreover, the modern education system focuses teachers not on transferring knowledge in a ready-made form, but on organizing training for the student’s independent activity and bringing it to the level of research work that goes beyond the curriculum. Research activities make it possible to equip a child with the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to master the rapidly growing flow of information, navigate it and systematize the material.

Target programs for the intellectual and creative development of students - creating conditions for the development of intellectual and creative abilities of students through the organization of research activities of students and teachers.

To achieve the goal it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

Conduct diagnostics of students’ intellectual and creative abilities, identifying children prone to research activities;

Organize educational games, competitions, clubs, electives and elective courses at school;

– familiarize teachers and students with ongoing competitions at different levels and the requirements for writing research papers;

– encourage schoolchildren to participate in school, district, city, regional, and all-Russian research conferences;

Create research and creative laboratories at the educational institution that will serve as an example of child-adult communities. Mobile temporary creative and research groups will be created in the laboratories to prepare for and participate in competitions;

Student work system

When organizing work with students, we proceed from the fact that schoolchildren should have the opportunity not only to gain certain knowledge in a particular subject, but also to express themselves and try in various types of activities. Work on the formation of intellectual skills should be carried out mainly in the classroom. This is also facilitated by modern interactive technologies, such as project and modular teaching methods, as well as information technologies, which are widely introduced into school practice. Research learning is often understood narrowly: as writing a scientific paper. At the same time, the use of this method in the classroom allows you to develop critical and creative thinking, and develop skills in working with scientific and popular science literature.

Extracurricular activities include intellectual games, competitions, educational institutions, Olympiads, and the activities of creative communities for children and adults. In October, school Olympiads in various subjects are held for students in grades 5-11, and regional Olympiads are held in November - December. As part of the activities of the school scientific society, school NOUs are organized in sections, systematic presentations by students with the results of their research work to colleagues, teachers and parents.

We have compiled a cyclogram of the teacher’s activities in guiding students’ research work:

September – compiling a list of sample research topics; identification of students inclined to scientific activity, initial consultation on the selection of literature, work plan;

October – discussion of the results, clarification of the formulation of topics, determination of goals and objectives, putting forward a hypothesis;

November-December – consulting on the analysis of collected materials, data processing;

January – consulting on writing and designing work;

February - preparation of an oral defense of the work.

Involvement of students in research activities begins, as a rule, in high school, at the same time, psychological studies show that early inclusion in the creative process has a positive effect not only on the formation of intellectual and creative abilities, but also develops the positive qualities of a child’s personality. In this regard, work on preparing for research activities must begin in primary school.

Management of the program for the development of intellectual and creative activity

The most important condition for the effective organization of student research activities is the competent management of this process. Distribution of functional responsibilities for the implementation of the program of intellectual and creative development of students:

Deputy Director for Educational Work:

1) carries out general management of research activities at the school;

2) organizes work planning;

3) develops the regulatory framework for the implementation of the program: provisions, recommendations, requirements;

4) conducts methodological work with teachers on the problem of using research, design and other developmental teaching technologies;

5) coordinates the activities of administrative and teaching staff for the implementation of this program;

6) advises supervisors of student research projects;

7) assesses the current state of research activities at the school, analyzes and adjusts the progress of the program.

Head of student research work:

1) compiles an approximate list of research topics;

2) assists students in choosing topics for research;

3) together with the student, draws up a working research program;

4) provides ongoing management, provides methodological and organizational assistance in conducting the research;

5) provides assistance to students in preparing for presentations at conferences at various levels.


1) conducts diagnostics aimed at identifying gifted children and children prone to research work;

2) organizes correctional and developmental classes with students to develop memory, attention, logical thinking, creative and non-standard thinking, stimulates the development of students’ research qualities;

3) conducts educational work with teachers who help students engage in research work, and with parents whose children are engaged in research work.

Organizing teacher:

1) organizes an intellectual marathon, educational games and competitions;

2) provides assistance in holding public events of the ShNO.






Diagnosis of gifted children

during a year



Conducting production meetings based on the results of diagnosing capable students

during the year

Deputy for Internal Affairs, psychologist


Organization of patronage between capable students and subject teachers within the framework of creative communities for children and adults

during the year

Deputy for Internal Affairs


Expanding the network of elective courses, taking into account the abilities and needs of students.




Organization and holding of school Olympiads.

October November


Participation in the municipal stage of the Olympiads.


Deputy for Internal Affairs


Organization of the work of subject clubs and a system of additional education for the development of children’s creative abilities




Purchase of literature and computer programs for organizing work with gifted children.

during a year



Encourage schoolchildren to participate in various municipal, regional and all-Russian competitions and conferences

during a year

ZDVR, subject teachers


Creating conditions for specialized study of individual subjects




Involving students in creative and research laboratories

during a year

Deputy for Educational Internal Affairs, Subject Teachers


Generalization of the experience of teachers working with gifted children


Heads of the Ministry of Defense


Dissemination of experience in working with gifted children


Deputy for Internal Affairs

Expected results:

It is expected that as a result of the implementation of the program, the student will have the following personality qualities:

1) be able to independently acquire new knowledge and effectively apply it in practice;

2) think critically and creatively, find rational ways to overcome difficulties, generate new ideas;

3) work competently with information: be able to collect the necessary facts, analyze them, put forward hypotheses for solving problems, make the necessary generalizations, establish patterns, formulate reasoned conclusions, find solutions;

4) be sociable and contactable in various social groups;

2.3.3. The direction of work “for a healthy lifestyle” is implemented through the “School of Health” program.

“To make a child smart and reasonable,

make him strong and healthy,” said J.-J. Rousseau. The concept of “health” is not only the absence of diseases and physical defects, but also a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being of a person. Therefore, the health of a student is one of the criteria for the quality of modern education.

The reasons for the deterioration of children's health are:

  • curriculum overload;

  • deterioration of the environmental situation;

  • insufficient or unbalanced nutrition;

  • stressful effects;

  • spread of bad habits.
The purpose of this program is to search for optimal means of preserving and strengthening the health of school students, creating the most favorable conditions for developing in schoolchildren an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle as one of the main ways to achieve success.

Based on the specific situation at school and in accordance with the stated goal, the following can be determined: tasks of the teaching staff:

1. To develop a system for identifying the level of health of school students and purposefully tracking it throughout the entire period of study.

2. Create conditions to ensure the health of students, their full physical development and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

3. Organize a system of preventive work to prevent child injuries on the roads and prevent an increase in the incidence of illness among schoolchildren.

4. Provide schoolchildren with meals during their stay at school in accordance with modern medical and hygienic requirements.

5. Prepare the teaching staff for the introduction of health-saving educational technologies into the work of the school.

Main directions of the Program

Program directions


1. Organization of a health-saving educational process

  • updating and replenishing the school’s regulatory framework;

  • ensuring compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards when organizing the educational process, labor protection and safety standards;

  • normalizing the teaching load, creating comfortable conditions in the classroom, identifying difficulties, analyzing them and finding ways to overcome them;

  • organization of a rational nutrition system for students;

  • ensuring an optimal mode of physical activity for students;

2. Instructional and methodological work with students, their parents and teachers

  • studying work experience in the use of health-saving technologies;

  • organization of parental education;

  • conducting training on safety precautions, labor protection, fire safety.

3. Educational work

  • use of health-saving technologies in lessons and extracurricular activities;

  • development of thematic classes about healthy lifestyle;

  • organization of work of sports sections;

4. Creating a healthy educational space

  • implementation of comprehensive psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children's development to determine the causes of problems in learning, communication, and behavior;

  • diagnostics of the psychological climate in the classroom;

  • providing individual pedagogical, psychological and social assistance to “at-risk” children and their parents;

  • social patronage for disadvantaged families;

  • organizing and conducting activities to prevent smoking, alcoholism, and drug addiction.

5. Health and preventive work

  • holding health days, sports events;

  • preventive measures during the holidays;

  • development of projects that promote the need to take care of one’s health.

Main activities for the implementation of the School of Health program




I. Regulatory support


Issuing orders:

On labor protection and compliance with safety regulations;

About the organization of meals for students;

On individual education of children at home;

About planning Health Day;

On the prevention of childhood injuries;

About the school's operating hours during school hours and during the holidays;

On the prevention of influenza and ARVI;

On the results of monitoring the correct lighting, temperature conditions, and sanitary conditions;

Conducting training on compliance with safety regulations;

During a year

Head teacher


Analysis of students' health status. Preparation of analytical and statistical reports on the health status of students at school


Doctor, nurse.


Diet approval


Head teacher

II. Ensuring compliance with legislation on the protection of schoolchildren's health


Compliance with SanPiN standards in the process of organizing the UVP:

The ratio of the dosage of written homework and written class work;

Compliance with SanPiN standards when drawing up a school schedule;

Monitoring the teaching load during the organization of the educational process.


School administration


Adjustment of curricula and programs

During a year

School administration


Compliance with the requirements of the State Sanitary Service and the State Fire Supervision Service to improve the sanitary, hygienic and fire safety conditions of the educational institution.


School administration

III. Development and implementation of a health improvement system for students at school


Drawing up sociological maps by class, compiling lists:

Students at risk;

Problem families;

Large families;

Low-income families;

Incomplete families;

Children with diseases.


Social teacher, class teachers


Maintaining proper sanitary and hygienic conditions in the school.


Deputy Director for ACh


Organization of school duty


Deputy Director for VR


Creation of individual educational plans for students with disabilities who are educated at home

During a year

Deputy Director for HR


Medical examination of school students

During a year

Doctor, med. sister


Recording student attendance at school

During a year

Deputy Director for Educational Resource Management, social teacher, class teachers


Assessing the health status of children, identifying children with long-term and frequent illnesses who are registered at the dispensary

During a year

Doctor, med. sister


Dividing children into groups based on medical records and doctor’s consultations


Doctor, med. sister


Compliance with air and light conditions at school


Deputy Director for ACh


Ensuring the readiness of school premises and heating systems for operation in winter

By the beginning of winter

Deputy Director for ACh


Enforcement of fire safety rules at school


Deputy Director for ACh


Organization of classroom renovation

July August

Deputy Director for ACh, heads of offices


Organization of health-improving routine moments in the organization of classes in the first half of the day (physical education, exercises)


Subject teachers


Organization of a system of accessible, varied and high-quality school meals for children


School administration


Organization of drinking regime for students


School administration


Introduction of additional vacation days for 1st grade students


School administration


Carrying out dynamic breaks in 1st grades


1st grade teachers, physical education teachers


Design of health certificates in classroom magazines


Honey. sister


Regular fire drills

According to a separate plan

Director, Chief of Staff of Civil Defense


Checking the state of labor protection at school and safety documentation in classrooms

According to a separate plan

School administration, trade union committee


Ensuring safety requirements during school repairs, student work practice, and school camps

During the summer

Deputy Director for ACh, Camp Head


Development of an action plan for occupational health and safety at school


School administration, trade union committee


Organization of recreation and health improvement for children in the summer


Deputy Director for VR


Ensuring labor safety requirements during state (final) certification in grades 9 and 11

May June

Deputy Director for HR

IV. Training and retraining of teaching and administrative personnel on health issues


Study, generalization and implementation of the experience of educational institutions of the region, Russia in implementing a health-saving approach during the educational process

According to a separate plan

School administration


Organization of pedagogical councils, scientific and practical conferences, seminars on the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of students

According to a separate plan

School administration


Participation in city, regional scientific and practical conferences, seminars on the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of students.

During a year

School administration

V. Activities of the teaching staff aimed at improving the educational process


Implementation of activities for the continuity of primary and secondary schools; primary and secondary schools


School administration


Organization of physical education classes for children with disabilities in health groups


School administration


The use of health-saving technologies in the educational process


School administration

VI. Organization of educational, physical culture and health-improving work


Monitoring students' daily routine compliance


Class teachers


Organization of work of sports sections


Deputy Director for VR


Organization of school competitions aimed at combating bad habits of children and youth, preventing drug addiction and alcoholism

During a year

Deputy Director for VR


Organization of work to promote a healthy lifestyle among students (lectures, conversations, evenings) with the involvement of medical workers

According to a separate plan

Deputy Director for VR, class teachers


Providing social support to children and adolescents who find themselves in difficult life situations


Class teachers, social teacher


Landscaping of classrooms and school grounds

May - September

Deputy Director for AChR, Biology Teacher


Carrying out a month to clean up the school grounds

According to a separate plan

Deputy Directors for HR, AHR


Holding Health Days

According to plan

Deputy Director for VR, physical education teacher


Organizing sports competitions and marathons

According to plan

Physical education teachers


Participation in city and regional sports competitions


Physical education teachers


Holding a sports festival “Come on, guys!”


Physical education teachers


Holding a sports festival “Come on, girls!”


Physical education teachers


Carrying out sports events along the lines of “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family!”

According to plan

Physical education teachers


Conducting “Fun Starts” using parallels

According to plan

Physical education teachers


Ensuring timely implementation of preventive vaccinations for students

On schedule

Doctor, med. sister


Celebration of Children's Day


Deputy Director for VR

VII. Social and psychological support of the educational process


Diagnosis of adaptation to school for 1st grade students

According to plan



Diagnosis of adaptation to secondary school for 5th grade students

According to plan



Assessment of the psychological climate of the school

According to plan



Prevention of school and social maladjustment in children at risk


School administration


Organization of consultations for students and their parents

During a year



Development of recommendations for teachers on issues of pedagogical communication

During a year



Psychological assistance to parents in the form of lectures, conferences, individual counseling on the following topics:

- “Age-related psychology of the child”;

- “Basic criteria for the neuropsychological development of a child”;

- “Features of education of various categories of schoolchildren”

During a year



Organization of the work of the Parents Club

During a year

Deputy Director for VR


Methodological recommendations for working with “at-risk” students


Psychologist, social educator

VIII. Prevention of student diseases


Examination and observation by a pediatrician and medical specialists

According to plan

Doctor, med. sister


Compliance with ventilation regime




Compliance with diet


School administration, class teachers


Instilling basic hygiene skills in children


Class teachers


Lighting control


Deputy Director for ACh, class teachers


Monitoring students’ posture during lessons

Every day, every lesson



Vaccination against influenza for children and school employees

On schedule

Doctor, med. sister


Conducting physical education classes outdoors

1st, 4th quarter

Physical education teachers


Compliance with all SanPiN standards. Seating children at desks according to doctor's recommendations

At the beginning of the school year, during the school year

Class teachers


Compliance with the rules and regulations for working with a computer


Computer science teachers

IX. Strengthening the material and technical base in order to create conditions for preserving the health of students


Purchase of sports equipment and inventory


Head teacher


Equipment for a sports ground in the school yard



School classroom equipment


School Director, Deputy Director for ACh


Equipment for a psychological relief room


School Director, Deputy Director for ACh


Providing educational and methodological literature


Director, head of the library


Purchase of technical training aids


Director, Deputy Director for ACh

X. Relationship with parents, the public, external relations of the school

within the framework of the Program implementation


Involving parents in joint activities to spend holidays, traditional school holidays and events aimed at improving the health of schoolchildren


Class teachers


Establishing connections and cooperation with public and other interested organizations


School administration


Parents' club meeting

Within a year as planned

Deputy Director for VR, social teacher, psychologist


Conducting consultations for parents on the problem of preserving children's health


Treatment and preventive measures

Introduction of new technologies

Wellness activities

Fostering a healthy lifestyle culture

physical Culture and sport

Educational work
work -> Basic professional educational program
work -> Research practice The development of research practice within the educational space is determined by a complex of factors

Methodological development of class hour

on spiritual and moral education.

Teacher of Russian language and literature

highest qualification category

MBOU secondary school No. 17

Guseva L.S.

Class: 6

Form of conduct: Class hour.

Preparatory work: During the technology lesson, children make a craft - a heart, read literary works, and find proverbs about goodness.


    Give an idea of ​​the moral qualities of a person, of kindness.

    Develop adequate evaluative activities aimed at analyzing one’s own behavior and the actions of others.

    To develop in students mutual respect, polite treatment, and the ability to feel and understand themselves and other people.

    Work on developing positive character traits.

    With the help of games, proverbs, and tasks, develop the child’s creative potential. Learn to express your thoughts and work in groups.

Equipment: Presentation, cards for group work, questionnaire tables, hearts.

The class is divided into 6 creative groups of 6 people each .

Progress of the event:

The teacher reads a parable:

A man was walking along the shore and suddenly saw a boy picking up something from the sand and throwing it into the sea. The man came closer and saw that the boy was picking up starfish from the sand. They surrounded him on all sides. It seemed like there were millions of starfish on the sand; the shore was literally strewn with them for many kilometers.

Why are you throwing these starfish into the water? - the man asked, coming closer.

There was a storm and the stars washed ashore. If they stay on the shore until tomorrow morning, when the tide begins to go out, they will die,” the boy answered, without stopping his work.

But that's just stupid! - the man shouted. - Look around! There are millions of starfish here, the shore is simply littered with them. Your attempts will not change anything!

The boy picked up the next starfish, thought for a moment, threw it into the sea and said:

No, my attempts will change a lot... For this star.

Teacher: Can this boy be called a highly moral person?

What is morality?

1 Slide: Subject: “The origins of morality. Let's be kind and humane"

2 Slide:In Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary: Morality is the personality traits that determine human behavior.

Teacher: What qualities of a person do you know?

Student: Kindness, hard work, courage, truthfulness, responsibility, responsiveness, caring, loyalty, friendliness, politeness, gratitude, frugality, selflessness, hospitality, curiosity, wisdom, modesty, compassion, sensitivity, generosity, etc.

Teacher: We have listed some very good personality traits that determine a person's behavior. There are character qualities that are opposite to these qualities. Name which ones?

Student: Anger, laziness, hostility, rudeness, irresponsibility, stupidity, greed, etc.

Teacher: Well done! Listed the good and bad qualities of a person’s character. Think, look at yourself from the outside: what qualities predominate in your character.

Student: I think I have a lot of good qualities.

Teacher: Why do you think so? Give examples.


3 Slide:

Teacher: I wish everyone to have good character qualities, develop these qualities in yourself from an early age, work on yourself, work on yourself, your life depends on it, what it will be: successful or unsuccessful. Tell me what you want to be in life: successful or failure?

Student: Successful, successful, happy.

Teacher: To be happy and successful in life, what should you do?

Student: Develop good character qualities.

Teacher: “It is not possible for an immoral person to accomplish great things.”

Do you want to achieve something in life?

Student: Yes!

Teacher: What should you do from a young age?

Student: Develop good character qualities in yourself.

Teacher: After solving the crossword puzzle, we will read the main personality quality of a moral person.

Group work:

1.Can it be real or imaginary? (friendship)

2. Willingness to help, respond to other people's needs? (responsiveness)

3. Is this feeling necessary for every person? (Love)

4. Between friends there should be mutual…….? (confidence)

5.Clash of opposing interests? (conflict)

6. Kind, responsive attitude towards a person? (heat)

7. Caring attitude towards people? (attention)

Examination: Slides 4 to 18.

Student reads N. Tulupova’s poem “Kindness”

Slide 19.

It is not at all easy to be kind.

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

You just have to, you just have to be kind

And in times of trouble, do not forget each other.

And the earth will spin faster,

If we are kinder to you.

It's not easy to be kind.

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness brings people joy

And in return it does not require a reward.

Kindness does not age over the years,

Kindness will warm you from the cold.

If kindness shines like the sun,

Adults and children rejoice.

Teacher: What kind of person is a kind person?

Student: A kind person is a person who wants others to feel good, to make others happy. He is always ready to selflessly help others, knows how to sympathize and sympathize.

Teacher: A person who does good to others and knows how to empathize with them feels happy. Slide 20.


What's that in your hand?


Why so small?

It's only mine. But how radiant and beautiful...

Yes, amazing!

Would you like a piece?


Give me your palm, I'll share it with you.

Oh, it's so warm!


Thank you very much! You know, I feel much better when happiness is in my hand...

This always happens.

What if I share it with someone?

Then you will have more of yours!

Don't know. Only then will it become even warmer.

Can you burn your hands on it?

Hands burn with pain... Happiness cannot burn...

Teacher: Children stand in a circle. Everyone has a heart, why a heart? Because our kindness comes from our heart. Everyone gives their heart to their teammate with good wishes. Slide 21.

Teacher: Thank you.

Group work: 1) Restore the proverbs, explain one of them, name your proverb about goodness. Slide 22.

    Good deeds...(more valuable than money)

    Changing the world is not so difficult... (start with yourself)

    Good is not dashing - ... (wanders quietly)

    A good deed... (lives for two centuries)

    A kind word is better... (soft pie)

    To a kind person and... (someone else's illness to the heart)

2) Name literary works where the main character shows the best moral qualities.

Teacher: Listen to the story “Shards of Kindness” by an unknown author.

And think about which proverb fits this story.

The family spent their day off on the beach. Children swam in the sea and built sand castles. Suddenly a little old woman appeared in the distance. Her gray hair fluttered in the wind, her clothes were dirty and tattered. She muttered something to herself, picking up some objects from the sand and putting them into her bag. The parents called the children and told them to stay away from the old woman. As she passed by, bending over to pick up something every now and then, she smiled at the family, but no one returned her greeting. Many weeks later they learned that the little old lady had devoted her entire life to picking up shards of glass from the beach that children could use to cut their feet.

Student: Changing the world is not so difficult, start with yourself.

Teacher: How do you feel after reading the story?


Teacher: Why do you think the old lady devoted her whole life to this activity?


Teacher: Do you think if people found out what the old lady really did, what would they do? Have there been times in your life when you initially didn't like a person because he was different from others, and later you learned something good about that person?

Teacher: What would happen to the world if there was no kindness in it?


Teacher: List everyone whose kindness helps you grow.

Student: The kindness of parents, grandparents, educators and teachers, friends, etc.

Teacher: And now I suggest you check yourself: are you a kind person?

You need to put one answer in front of each question: “yes” or “no”.

Questions:Slide 23.

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends or family?

2. A friend shares his problems or troubles with you in a conversation. If a topic is not interesting to you, will you let your interlocutor know this?

3. Your partner plays chess or another game poorly. Will you give in to him so that he does not lose interest in the game?

4. Do you like to say nice things to people to cheer them up?

5. Do you often use evil jokes?

6. Are you characterized by vindictiveness and rancor?

7. Will you continue a conversation with a friend if the topic does not interest you at all?

8. Are you willing to use your abilities to benefit other people?

9. Do you quit the game when it is already obvious that you will lose?

10. If you are confident that you are right, will you listen to the other person’s arguments?

11. Will you do work at the request of your parents if it is not part of your responsibilities (to do something for someone in the household, for example)?

12. Will you imitate someone to amuse your friends?

Let's summarize:


One point for each affirmative answer to questions: 1, 3, 4, 7, 11

And for a negative answer to questions: 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12.

Teacher: And in conclusion, I will read you a parable.

Once, one sage, standing in front of his students, did the following. He took a large glass vessel and filled it to the brim with large stones. Having done this, he asked the disciples if the vessel was full. Everyone confirmed that it was full.

Then the sage took a box of small pebbles, poured it into a vessel and gently shook it several times. The pebbles rolled into the gaps between the large stones and filled them. After this, he again asked the disciples if the vessel was now full. They confirmed again - the fact is complete.

And finally, the sage took a box of sand from the table and poured it into a vessel. Sand, of course, filled the last gaps in the vessel.

“Now,” the sage addressed the students, “I would like you to be able to recognize your life in this vessel!” Large stones represent important things in life: your family, your loved one, your health, your children - those things which, even without everything else, can still fill your life. Small pebbles represent less important things, such as, for example, your work, your apartment, your house or your car. Sand symbolizes the little things in life, the everyday bustle. If If you first fill your vessel with sand, then there will be no room left for larger stones. Also in life: if you spend all your energy on small things, then there will be nothing left for big things. Therefore, pay attention first of all to the important things ", find time for your children and loved ones, take care of your health. You still have enough time for work, for home, for celebrations and everything else. Watch your big stones - only they have a price, everything else is just sand"


Teacher: What did we talk about today?

Student: About morality. About kindness.

Teacher: What have you learned for yourself? Is it worth being kind in life?

Teacher: Well done children, that you have understood what character qualities are best for living in this world. I would like to end the class hour with the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky “You must have great strength of spirit in order to “live with your heart”, to wish the best for others. Pay for good with good! Be kind and merciful. Slide 24.

Homework: Remember a person (friend, teacher) whose kind deed was more valuable to you than money, and write him a letter of gratitude.

Performance of the song “On the Road of Goodness”.

Ask life strict

Which way to go,

Where in the white world

Leave in the morning.

Follow the sun

Although this path is unknown,

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Follow the sun

Although this path is unknown,

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Forget your worries

Ups and downs

Don't whine when fate takes over

She doesn't act like a sister.

But if things go wrong with a friend,

Don't rely on a miracle

Hurry to him, always lead

On the way to goodness.

But if things go wrong with a friend,

Don't rely on a miracle

Hurry to him, always lead

On the way to goodness.

Oh, how many different ones there will be

Doubts and temptations

Don't forget that this is life

Not a child's game.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Ask life strict

Which way to go,

Where in the white world

Leave in the morning.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go