
Which hand has wedding rings on? Which finger is a wedding ring put on in Russia? Which hand is a wedding ring put on?


A wedding ring is a symbolic and very valuable decoration for lovers, a confirmation of family status. This accessory has a rich history. Similar jewelry was discovered by archaeologists during excavations in Ancient Egypt.

Interesting! In ancient times, it was believed that it was better to wear a wedding ring on the left hand. They believed that on the finger without a name there was a vessel leading directly to the heart. The Egyptians believed that if you applied an ointment or cream with this finger, it would have healing powers.

Interesting facts from the history of engagement rings

The material from which the rings were made directly depended on social status: noble people preferred jewelry, while the poor made rings from simple iron. References to the fact that the ring actually symbolized marriage date back to the period BC. Among the ancient Hindus, rings served as characteristic signs of castes, and in Ancient Rome there was a custom of exchanging rings. With the help of decoration, the groom demonstrated the seriousness of his intentions and demonstrated his status in society. After marriage, a woman was obliged to wear it - a reminder that she was now the property of her husband.

Important! The Egyptians believed that rings were a symbol of union in life and after death. The hole in the ring symbolizes the gate leading to a new world. This is the hope that feelings can be eternal and indestructible. People were buried with jewelry, and it was believed that removing such a ring from a deceased person was tantamount to a curse.

In Rus' there was no such romantic attitude towards rings. The tradition of wearing rings after marriage appeared only at the end of the 18th century. It was then that the “language of rings” was invented:

  • On the nameless one is a symbol of an unbreakable union.
  • A ring on the little finger confirmed that the person had no intention of getting married.
  • On the index finger - an active search for a spouse.
  • On the middle finger - a frivolous attitude towards marriage.

In Rus', along with the decoration, the bride was given a key, thus the groom recognized her as the mistress of the house. The betrothal ceremony in the Orthodox Church began in 1775. Since then, rings have also been called wedding rings.

Should I wear a ring?

Many people still consider it bad manners not to wear a ring if a person is married. In fact, this is everyone's personal choice. If you have an engagement ring, you can wear both pieces. However, many people prefer to replace the engagement with the wedding.

Divorced people or widowers often continue to wear the accessory, but now on the other hand. You can also wear your wedding ring as an amulet on a chain.

  • Women. It all depends on the religion that the woman professes. Divorced ladies often wear their wedding ring on their left hand or as a pendant on a chain. European ladies love to wear the product on their index finger. By the way, this is exactly how it was accepted in Rus' in ancient times.
  • Men. Most often, men wear a wedding ring on their ring finger, sometimes on the little finger of their right hand. In some countries (for example, Belgium) men wear a ring on either hand - there are no specific standards.
  • Catholics. Historically, the jewelry was worn on the left hand after the wedding. It is believed that she is closer to the heart, therefore marriage will be based on love and fidelity. This tradition is familiar to many countries: France, Spain, Germany, Austria, the USA.
  • Orthodox. It is customary to put the ring on the right hand, since people cross themselves from right to left. In addition, there is a belief that a person’s guardian angel stands behind the right shoulder. Who knows, maybe he will help save the marriage. It is believed that wearing a wedding ring on the left hand promises troubles and troubles; only widowers have the right to do this.
  • Muslims. Most often, Muslims refuse this wedding symbolism. Firstly, it is believed that jewelry destroys the soul, and secondly, according to the Koran, men cannot wear gold - only silver. Therefore, true Muslim believers prefer to simply present jewelry to their wives.

Signs about a wedding ring

  • You should not let someone else try it on or wear it. If fitting cannot be avoided, do not hand it over personally, but place it on a surface.
  • You cannot get married with rings that were inherited from a widow (widower) or a divorced couple - there is a risk of repeating their fate. But family heirlooms inherited from happily married people are not prohibited from being used.
  • After a divorce, it is undesirable to wear a wedding ring, as it accumulates negative energy. If a person remarries or gets married, the ring cannot be reused.
  • If a stranger picks up your ring, hold it under running water - it is believed that water cleanses negative energy.
  • Previously, it was customary to make all wedding rings smooth - it was believed that then the couple’s life would be smooth and happy. However, no one will forbid you to choose a ring with an engraving or stone.
  • The ring should not be worn on gloves.
  • If an unmarried girl touches an engagement ring at a wedding, she will soon become a bride.

The decision is up to you. Powerful symbolism backed by faith works wonders, but it is quite possible to be happily married even without rings!

A wedding ring is an indispensable symbol of love and fidelity between two hearts. Place it on the ring finger of the right or left hand.

Christians who have joined themselves in marriage wear a ring on the ring finger of their right hand. Rings are worn on the same hand in countries such as Spain, the countries of the former USSR, India, Austria, Germany and others. According to ancient laws, lovers exchange rings as a sign of fidelity to each other. Where did the tradition of wedding rings come from? Some claim that in Greece, others insist that this story dates back to Ancient Egypt.

Why is a wedding ring worn on the ring finger?

The philosopher Plutarch described why the wedding ring is worn on the fourth finger: “The Greeks wore it on the ring finger, on the left hand, because only from it departs the thin nerve that reaches the heart.” Only at first the wedding rings were woven from reed; later the guy gave his father-in-law and mother-in-law a metal ring, which meant his ability to support his family. By the eighteenth century, not only women, but also men began to wear wedding rings.

Modern wedding rings

In the modern world, the shape of the ring, which has no end or beginning, symbolizes endless love, and the metal (gold) symbolizes purity and purity. But if earlier the ring was simply smooth, now most young people choose designer ones. Today, the concept of “engagement” and the concept of “wedding” rings have become synonymous. The future husband and wife exchange them on their wedding day.

What does a wedding ring mean?

But why did people come up with the idea to cement marriage bonds by putting on a ring? As a “sign” that this man or this woman is “busy”? Maybe you are right. But why do people wear rings at all? The ring is made of metal, and “like gives birth to like,” therefore the marriage should be just as strong.

Which hand is the wedding ring worn on?

Why do Orthodox citizens wear a wedding ring on their right hand? The right side is associated with truthfulness, reliability, honesty and fidelity; it is also important that it is customary for us to cross ourselves with the right hand. A wedding ring on the left hand (in Russia) is worn by those who have buried their spouse, or after the destruction of a marriage and divorce.

Why is the symbol of marriage worn on the ring finger? For example, it is protected by other fingers and therefore does not interfere with work. Or each finger symbolizes relatives: the thumbs are your parents, the index fingers are your brothers and sisters, the middle fingers are you, the ring fingers are your closest person. This means that it should be worn on the ring finger, which symbolizes the other half.

A ring on a finger is almost always a symbol. It will tell a lot about the tastes, wealth and status of its owner.

A special attitude towards the engagement ring.

Let's pay tribute to globalization: modern wedding rings in Russia are no longer the simple gold stripes that were on the fingers of our grandfathers and parents.

Modern symbols of marriage are much more varied, interesting and, so to speak, expressive. Today they are able to tell much more than just the social status of their owner.

Status, traditions and modern fashion in Russia

Let's start with the status. A wedding ring means that in front of you is a married man or a married woman.

And if earlier such a symbol of marriage could only be seen on the ring finger of a person’s right hand, then in recent years they often wear a wedding ring on the same finger of the left hand.

So often that you can’t help but wonder on which hand are wedding rings worn in Russia? We answer. According to Russian tradition, it is still worn on the right hand!

It is often worn on the ring finger of the left hand after a divorce or in the event of widowhood to demonstrate to others one’s social status. Also on the left hand wear a wedding ring Catholics and representatives of some other religions, more on this in our other article.

It should be noted that in recent years, wedding rings are increasingly worn in Russia on the ring finger along with another ring that matches the texture or, conversely, is very contrasting.

This tribute to fashion is not new: wedding rings were worn this way back in medieval Europe, where it was supposed to be the second one on the finger.

How and what to wear

As we said, the design of this timeless symbol of marriage has changed a lot in modern times.

Firstly, recently rings made of white gold or platinum have become popular, which do not look as catchy as the usual ones, but at the same time they are much more expensive.

Secondly, it is even more common couple ring fashion, when the wedding decoration of the bride and groom has the same, unique design, the only difference is in size.

This could be the same diamond cut on the products or the same ornament - the main thing is that the people in the wedding rings can immediately understand that they are husband and wife. There are more and more of these in jewelry stores.

Today, the most popular patterns on Russian wedding rings are ancient Celtic ornaments.

But at the same time smooth traditional rings made of red gold do not lose their relevance; according to statistics, they are still the best sellers in this category of jewelry.
For example, the most popular (despite the huge assortment) are simple, smooth models from the Lucida series.

Their main advantage is affordable price compared to others and traditionality.

However, perhaps the newlyweds who choose them are guided by the traditional belief that with a smooth ring, life will be smooth.

In recent years, in Russia, more and more often, women choose jewelry with an expensive, sometimes quite large stone as an engagement ring.

Vika Di

For a long time young people exchange wedding rings during the wedding ceremony. At a wedding, jewelry is usually placed on a specific hand and finger. It is believed that this helps to show the desire for harmonized relationships and happiness. However, in different countries, wedding rings are worn on different hands and fingers, due to the peculiarities of religious faith.

Why are wedding rings worn on the ring finger of the right hand?

The first to wear a wedding ring in this way were the inhabitants of Ancient Rome. They were sure: in the ring finger there is a vein that connects heart and finger. Vienna was named after love. If a person put jewelry on this finger, one could immediately understand: he was busy and married. It is for this reason that the wedding ring should be on the ring finger.

Wedding ring

There is another legend that allows us to better understand the existing tradition. In this case, the legend arose thanks to the ancient Hellenes. They noted that the ring is worn on the ring finger to confirm the busyness of a person’s heart and tie it all together. If a person decorated the index finger, he was in an active search, the little finger - unpreparedness for a marital relationship.

The ancient Hellenes also believed: the presence of a ring on the middle finger confirms amazing victories on the love front.

The Christians acted wisely, because they tied the legal wearing of the ring to the ring finger of the left hand and church ritual. Since the 9th century, symbolic religious engraving of inscriptions on jewelry was allowed, but this tradition was observed only by Catholics.

It is believed that with the choice of hands everything is much simpler. The ancient Romans believed: right hand will be happier than the left one. For this reason, the wedding ring is placed on the right hand. This tradition is followed by residents of most countries of the world, including Russia, Poland, Norway, Denmark, Spain, and Portugal. Now it becomes clear on which hand wedding rings are worn in Russia and why the corresponding tradition arose.

Photo of a wedding ring on the finger of a Russian woman

Who wears wedding rings on their left hand?

The tradition of wearing a ring on left hand originated relatively recently, at the beginning of the 18th century. It is believed that women recognized the authority of their spouses, who did not receive special decorations in the past. This opinion was due to the fact that the left hand is non-dominant. For this reason, wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand means recognizing the authority of the spouse. This practice is common in English-speaking and Muslim countries, as well as in Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, the Czech Republic, and Romania.

Muslims in the 21st century wear wedding rings only on the left hand. There is a large number in the world Catholics and Muslims, which is important to remember. Many Europeans belong to the Catholic and Muslim religions. It is not surprising that in Turkey they also put a ring on the ring finger of the left hand.

In Russia, divorced women and men, widows and widowers wear wedding rings on their left hands

By this they show memory and respect for their departed or deceased spouse. People around them often understand such actions, but psychologists have a negative attitude towards such an act, since the decoration reminds a person of the past stage of life and interferes with the search for new happiness. It is advisable to discard the ring, although the memories will remain. Without an accessory, your chances of finding personal happiness will increase.

Wedding ring on a man

Married men and women wear a wedding ring only on ring finger left hand.

Is it possible for an unmarried girl to wear a ring on the ring finger of her right hand?

Girls often choose jewelry and are interested in symbolism. Sometimes the question arises whether it is right for a girl to wear a wedding ring or whether it is advisable to refuse such an act. In most cases, it is inappropriate to decorate a finger taking into account existing traditions, because such an act reduces chances of dating with potential chosen ones.

Palmists and astrologers note: each finger has a special symbolism

Each finger of the hand is under the protection of one planet or another, and therefore affects the character and habits of people. Jewelry is often worn on a specific finger and is activate the desired area, but jewelry should be simple in design and different from engagement jewelry.

Wedding ring

Many peoples believe in I will accept: a free girl should not put a ring on her ring finger, as this will lead to failure in personal relationships and celibacy. In fact, there is some truth in this, because dating will happen less often due to the fact that the other person will think about the lack of opportunities for developing the relationship.

On the other hand, the ring finger is under the beneficial influence of the Sun

Wearing a ring on this finger can promote personal self-expression, finding a partner, and gaining fame and fortune. It is believed that in order to get married, you need to wear a ring on your ring finger, but it is advisable to choose gold jewelry. It is not advisable to choose silver jewelry, as it has an energetically calming effect and makes it difficult to find a soul mate.

Hidden Jewelry cannot be given for fitting. If a girl chooses a ring that should attract her chosen one, it is forbidden to give the jewelry to other people to try on.

Wedding rings for lovers

Also, a married woman should wear a wedding ring and not give it to others. Otherwise, your personal life will be wide open, so your chances of personal happiness will decrease.

The meaning of a wedding ring on different fingers

Wedding rings are allowed to be worn on different fingers, despite existing traditions.


Symbolizes willpower, reflects the inner essence of a person. If you plan to wear a ring on your thumb, you need to be especially careful and attentive, as serious changes will occur in the near future. Decoration will also contribute to the development of will and determination. Thumb rings are often surprising, although the phenomenon remains common throughout the world. In medieval Europe, rings were often placed on the thumb and spouses could wear symbolic jewelry on different fingers to attract the necessary energy.


The index finger is a symbol of power and leadership ambitions. Decoration activates the corresponding energy. Kings could develop leadership qualities by placing a ring on a specific hand. Nowadays, only a few people do this, but sometimes people can see a symbolic decoration on their index finger.

Middle finger

The middle finger reflects a person's personality. The decoration placed in the center of the hand is a symbol of a balanced life and attracts the energy of harmony. Russians often wear it on the middle finger of their left hand, because they are Orthodox and honor religious canons. A wedding ring on the middle finger of the right hand means that the person has become divorced or widowed, and may also belong to the Muslim or Catholic religion.

Ring finger

The ring finger has a direct connection with the heart, which is why jewelry is most often worn on it. It is believed that this promotes positive energy in marital relationships, strengthens joint affection, helps to get closer and gives optimism. Silver jewelry is a good option, as it has the right energy. Rings are also often made of gold. To decorate jewelry, it is advisable to choose precious stones such as moonstone, jade, turquoise or amethyst.

Little finger

Pinky rings are often worn. It is believed that in this case a person wants to report something, to give a signal to the outside world. The fact is that little finger with an engagement ring is sure to attract the most attention, and it is not associated with religious or cultural traditions. The reason for wearing a wedding ring on the little finger may be the desire to strengthen a marriage through business or joint creative activity, or to show public attention to personal relationships. It is advisable to choose jewelry with moonstone, amber or citrine.

You can also find out additional facts from the video: why wedding rings are worn on the ring finger:

Married women and married men wear wedding bands not only in accordance with traditions and beliefs, but also as a sign of respect and closeness to each other.

31 August 2018, 19:41

Wedding ring– a bright symbol that unites fidelity, love and family values. It is an integral attribute of marriage almost all over the world.

However, in different countries they treat it differently, creating their own tradition.

In Russia, it is considered bad manners not to wear a wedding ring if you have an official other half.


Russian married women choose elegant gold or graceful silver rings, usually without decoration or with engraving. They are selected strictly according to the size of the ring finger of the right hand - it is on this finger that this jewelry is usually worn.


Russian married men prefer massive gold rings, which differ from women's rings in their rougher lines, lack of decor and large sizes. It is customary to wear them, like women, on the right hand and on the ring finger.

Engagement ring

The tradition of giving an engagement ring has existed in Russia since ancient times. Initially, it was worn together with a wedding ring on one finger, but today Russian girls wear it a little differently. Some people take it off after the wedding, replacing it with a wedding one, and some wear it on the index or middle finger next to the wedding finger, on the right hand.

Divorced women

Russian women try not to show their wedding ring after a divorce, so they don’t wear it. Those who decide to keep a memory on their finger put it on the finger of their left hand “without a name.”

Divorced men

Divorced men in Russia love to brag about the fact that they have had serious relationships in their lives, so they often continue to wear wedding paraphernalia. But always on the left hand and on the “no name” finger.

Widow women

Russian widows prefer not to take off their “engagement rings” as a sign of love and fidelity to their deceased husband. Basically, they continue to wear jewelry on the third finger of their left hand.

Men are widowers

Russian widower men take off their wedding bands after the death of their wife, but protect her ring. It is usually worn on a long string around the neck, like an amulet, closer to the heart.

In Belarus the same as in Russia

On the right hand - on the ring finger.

In Europe

European traditions are not far removed from Russian ones, so they have obvious similarities. But a lot depends on a particular country.


Women from Europe put a wedding ring on the “no name” finger of their right hand. But French, Italian and German women wear it on their left hand as a sign of closeness to the heart.


All European men wear wedding paraphernalia. Most are on the right hand, and the Germans, Italians and French, like their ladies, are on the ring finger of the left hand.

Engagement ring

In Europe, quite often the engagement ring is worn on one finger along with the wedding ring. For this, they even buy a special set, where the rings are created in one unique style and complement each other.

Divorced women

As a sign of divorce, European girls change the jewelry to the ring finger of the opposite hand.

Divorced men

Divorced men in Europe try not to wear a wedding ring. However, no special criteria apply to wearing wedding jewelry after a divorce and remains a purely personal decision.

Widow women

Having lost their spouse, European women change the sign of marriage and fidelity to the other hand and ring finger, as in case of divorce.

Men are widowers

European widowers continue to wear the ring on the hand they deem appropriate. The main thing is that it is on the third finger from the thumb, thereby showing your devotion and undying love for your wife.

In America (USA)

In America, there are slightly different traditions of marriage and ring wearing.


American women wear a wedding symbol on their left hand, on the same finger as Russian women. Their priority is large rings with large and expensive diamonds.


American men prefer large-scale gold rings and wear them on the ring finger of their left hand.

Engagement ring

In the United States, an important tradition is to give your loved one an expensive, luxurious finger jewelry for engagement, which she wears until the wedding. Then it is changed to an engagement ring and kept as a relic, passed on to new generations.

Divorced women

When divorcing, American women remove their wedding ring or wear it on the ring finger of their right hand.

Divorced men

Divorced Americans prefer to go without a ring at all, but some still put it on the finger next to the little finger of their right hand as a sign of failed marital happiness.


In the USA, if a wife loses her husband, she puts a wedding attribute on the finger of her right hand, while simultaneously putting her husband’s ring on it.


Widowers in the United States either wear their loved one's ring on a string around their neck, or keep both pieces of jewelry at home. Some leave their jewelry on the right ring finger.

Jews in Israel

Jews consider marriage sacred, so they highly respect the traditions associated with it.


Jewish women wear a wedding ring on the finger of their right hand, but not on the standard finger, but on the index or middle finger. They love classic jewelry made of elegant gold or sterling silver.


Israeli men also wear a symbol of fidelity and love on the middle or index finger of their right hand. Preference is given to simple gold models.

Engagement ring

The engagement ring is simple and small in size. However, Jews almost always give their beloved a ring with precious stones. It necessarily becomes a family heirloom and is passed on to a new generation.

Divorced women

Even after a divorce, Israeli girls continue to wear the ring, sometimes not only on the same finger of the left limb, but leaving the jewelry on the right.

Divorced men

Divorced Jews do not remove the symbol of fidelity and love, but transfer it to any of the fingers of the left hand.

Widow women

Widow women in Israel, in addition to their ring, also wear their husband’s ring on their right hand. Since it can be large, it is often worn on the thumb.

Men are widowers

Israeli widowers put this jewelry on the little finger of their right hand so that it is next to their ring, which is not taken off even after the death of the spouse.

In Turkey

In Turkey, family traditions and marriage are treated strictly and with respect.


Turkish women are required to wear an inconspicuous gold or silver wedding ring on the ring or sometimes middle finger on their left hand.


Turkish men rarely wear this wedding symbol, and if they do wear it, it is on the middle or ring finger exclusively of the left hand.

Engagement Rings

Turks love to give their lovers luxurious and expensive engagement rings, which brides wear until the wedding, and then exchange for a wedding ring and keep as a sign of respect and true love for their husband.

Widow women

Having been widowed, girls from Turkey still wear a wedding ring, this time on their right hand.

Men are widowers

Turkish widowers who wear this jewelry usually take it off and keep it together with their wife's ring in the same box at home, which symbolizes fidelity and eternal love, even in heaven.

In Asian countries

Asia differs from the rest of the world, especially in its marriage traditions.


In some areas of Asia, girls are married off at a very young age - at 11-14 years old. They are required to wear a wedding ring, but where exactly is up to them. Many Asian women wear it on any toe of their right foot. Preference is given to sophisticated, delicate products with small precious stones.


Asians also wear wedding bands, although they are not required by ethics. They prefer to do this on any finger of the right or left hand. The choice falls on massive gold models.

In African countries

Africa has completely different laws and traditions, which may seem very strange to the rest of the world.


African women do not wear one wedding ring as a sign of love and fidelity to their husband. They usually wear wedding bracelets in quantities ranging from 10 to 100 pieces. It can also be a ring piercing, which is done on any part of the body, but especially on the face.


African men wear special wedding bracelets made by their beloved. In some areas they do facial piercings which signify that the man's heart is officially taken.

Australia and Oceania have their own attributes of marriage.


Women wear rings or necklaces, symbolizing a strong marriage.


Men also wear wedding necklaces or rings, which they wear wherever they see fit.

Middle Eastern countries

In the countries of the Middle East, rings do not have such a serious influence as among the Slavs.


Women wear wedding attributes on the left, on the ring or index finger. Usually these are modest jewelry made from traditional precious metals - gold or silver.


Middle Eastern men are not supposed to wear gold jewelry, especially engagement rings.

On which finger do people usually wear their wedding ring?

The most common is the ring finger, since the ancient Egyptians, who laid the foundation for the tradition of wearing wedding rings, believed that it was from this finger that a thin nerve departed, ending its path at the very heart.

Subsequently, residents of the countries themselves began to choose the finger suitable for ringing. Today, in different countries of the world, newlyweds are free to decide for themselves whether and where exactly to wear the attributes of their eternal love.

Have you ever had a dream about a gold ring? —