
I lost 30 kg in 3 months. Slow weight loss diet. Ways to lose weight without harm to health


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Unhappy with your figure? Do you want to get rid of excess weight? When a person, looking at his image in the mirror, decides to lose weight, then he can only find the most effective and safe way to acquire a slim and beautiful figure. This problem is especially relevant among representatives of the fair half of humanity. How to lose 30 kilograms in 3 months and how can you reset for such a period? Currently, there are a lot of different weight loss products, but not all of them are safe. In order not to risk your own health, instead of the suspicious quality of the pills, you should take care of proper nutrition. And then you can easily lose 30 kilograms in 3 months. In this article we will tell you how to do this!

The process of losing weight cannot be quick and you should not expect the desired results in a few days. After all, you didn’t gain extra pounds in a week? No, they have been accumulating for years. If you really want to get into great shape, then you should expect the minimum weight loss period to be 3 months. This is exactly how long it takes for the body to adjust to a new routine. Otherwise, serious complications and stress for the body may occur.

Is it possible to lose weight in a short time and how?

Wondering how to get your beautiful figure back? Looking for options how to lose 30 kg in 3 months at home without harming your own health? You shouldn’t strive to lose 5 kg in a week. It’s better to set realistic goals for yourself and rejoice at every victory over your weight, no matter how small.

So, your goal is to lose weight. Then forget about fasting and diets. A beautiful body and excellent health can only be ensured by proper nutrition. At the same time, you need to follow a healthy diet not for 3 months, but for your whole life.

To get rid of excess weight with the help, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Remove all harmful foods completely not only from the refrigerator, but also exclude their consumption outside the home. These are primarily mayonnaise, ketchups, carbonated drinks, packaged juices, store-bought preservatives and processed foods, cookies, beer, pasta, white bread, and sugar. Don't worry, you won't go hungry. Instead of these products, you just need to leave only healthy ones;
  • can't find a way how to lose weight by 20 kg in 3 months? Then your daily diet should contain only the “right” foods: greens, cottage cheese, cereals, wholemeal bread, fish, turkey or chicken, low-fat cheeses, kefir, fruits, vegetables, unsweetened natural yogurt and fresh juices;
  • Have you heard about fasting days and their benefits for the body? If, for example, on one day of the week you consume only buckwheat, kefir and apples, then such a menu will allow you to lose some weight by removing excess water from the body and cleansing it;
  • you should drink a lot of water. If you drink 6-8 glasses of still water during the day, then along with a decrease in appetite, this also helps remove toxins from the body and moisturize the skin. Herbal infusions and green tea are also considered beneficial. And drinks such as coffee and black tea do not help you lose weight at all. It is also advisable to consume freshly squeezed juices, but only separately from the main food;
  • looking for an answer to a question how to lose 10 kg in 3 months and not go hungry? It's pretty simple. You just need to correctly plan your daily diet. You should eat at least 5 times a day, and the portions should not be large. It is imperative to have a complete and balanced breakfast with plenty of carbohydrates. But you should choose foods for lunch and dinner that contain proteins. Snacks between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner should consist of one of the following products: fruits, vegetable salad, yogurt, a glass of kefir. You should have dinner no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

Considering that it is quite difficult to fight excess weight, the desired results can be achieved in 3 months only with an integrated and correct approach to your goal, observing generally accepted principles of dietetics.

How to lose 30 kilograms in 3 months at home?

Do you experience complexes due to excess weight, which negatively affects not only your figure, but also your health? Have you already completely changed your diet, but still can’t boast of any results? Try adding physical exercise to your new nutrition system. Start with the simplest exercises every morning, gradually increasing the load. Morning jogging is very useful. If you cannot run for certain reasons, then you should walk more and walk in the fresh air.

If possible, visit a fitness club or gym. The instructor will select for you an individual program that will help you burn excess fat deposits. And if you also go to the pool, you will soon be pleased with the results.

By eating right and being active, you won't have to think... how to lose 30 kg in 3 months at home.

What are the dangers of excess weight and how to get rid of it?

There is an opinion: the first degree of obesity in most others causes a certain envy of a person’s rounded shape and an idea of ​​his well-being, the second degree is accompanied by ironic ridicule, and the third degree is a source of sympathy.

Overweight people are deprived of many joys in life:

  • the field of human activity is faced with a variety of diseases and multiple prohibitions;
  • It is very difficult for overweight people to move, so they have to give up the most ordinary and necessary things. For them, even going to the store causes difficulties, not to mention work and active recreation;
  • a person with excessive obesity becomes a prisoner of his home, since any movement causes him insurmountable difficulties;
  • For many, traveling in public or even in their own transport is impossible due to its large size;
  • and finally, overweight people always attract increased attention to themselves, while experiencing psychological discomfort, which gradually turns into severe depression.

Those wishing to lose 30 kilograms in 3 months are offered a variety of diets, medications and even surgical operations. But these methods provide only temporary results, and to avoid the opposite effect, you should take care of a proper and balanced diet. The main thing to remember is this: you don’t need to strive for instant weight loss, because then the lost kilograms are gained with even greater intensity, and in most cases their number increases significantly.

For many, the incentive to get rid of excessive obesity is some important event: a wedding, anniversary, graduation and others. At the same time, people are looking for different ways . In 3 months You can achieve good results, since this is exactly the period the human body needs to adapt to a new regime.

You need to constantly monitor your well-being and weight. It is much easier to lose a couple of extra pounds in a timely manner than to exhaust yourself with starvation and diets for years, and to cure diseases that arise from excessive obesity.

Losing 0.5-1 kilograms of body fat per week is considered safe for health. All other indicators (from 3 kilos) do not indicate that fat is being burned, but that fluid and muscle mass are decreasing. When a diet designed to lose 3-5 kg ​​per week is pumped up, the body looks not only thin, but also flabby. Then, upon returning to a normal diet, the body regains everything consumed plus additional reserve reserves and the result is reduced to zero.

When the question is how to lose 30 kg in 3 months, it is better to do it more slowly, but with lasting results in the fight against obesity. This will allow you to feel normal during the process of losing weight, will not allow you to use up muscle mass along with fat, and will bring your body to a toned state. For relatively quick, safe weight loss, you can stop at 2 kilograms per week and spend a little more than 3 months losing 30 kilos.

How much weight can you lose in 3 months?

The number of kilograms lost in three months depends on which weight loss method you choose. If you adhere to mono-diets, which are based on the consumption of one product, then you can lose several tens of kilograms. However, it is very difficult to maintain such a diet. It not only depletes the body due to the lack of the proper level of BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), but can also lead to a complete breakdown of health.

Restricting food and refusing food after 16, 15, or even 12 hours of the day also leads to the loss of large body weight, but this method is difficult to adhere to for 3 months. For the optimal option, you need to calculate your minimum daily calorie intake and give yourself good physical activity. Then, at an active pace, but without threatening your health, you can lose about 10-15 kg in 3 months.

How to lose weight by 30 kg

There are important factors that will help you lose several tens of kilos in 3 months. Stick to them and your body will return to normal weight without grueling programs:

  • Develop a diet of 1200-2000 calories per day.
  • Eat small, frequent meals.
  • Drink plenty of water and other fluids.
  • Make breakfast light in the form of cottage cheese and one fruit.
  • Make lunch as nutritious as possible (porridge, legumes).
  • Have dinner no later than three hours before bedtime.
  • Increase your physical activity.
  • Give yourself enough time to rest.
  • Consult your doctor about the possible use of dietary supplements.


Only an effective diet will answer the question of how to lose 30 kg. It should not only reduce the amount of high-calorie foods, but also fully nourish the body. Since 30 kilograms is a large number, you will have to stick to the diet for more than one month, so you cannot allow yourself to become exhausted. To achieve this, a healthy diet is based on the consumption of:

  • whole grain porridge;
  • black or bran bread;
  • plenty of low-calorie fruits and vegetables;
  • lean meat cooked in any way except frying with oil;
  • fish, seafood.


Losing 30 kg in three months is a difficult task, so you will have to devote a lot of time to training to reduce weight, but it helps because it improves metabolism. This should be any aerobic exercise, such as running, swimming, dancing, cycling. The initial load should be very small: from 20 minutes per day. Increase it as you get used to it, monitoring your pulse and general condition.

3 month weight loss program

Working on yourself for 3 months will include several points. Desire and good motivation come first. An approximate program for those who are deciding how to lose 30 kg of excess weight looks like this:

  • 1 month. You need to start training 3 times a week. Subtract 250 units from your daily calorie intake. Once a week, have a fasting day with complete fasting.
  • 2 month. Increase the number of workouts to 5 per week, and their duration - 2 times. Once again reduce the number of calories to 1500-2000.
  • 3 month. Start alternating your regular training regimen with interval exercises, doing the latter twice a week. They are the most intense and therefore fat burning. Duration from 1 to 1.5 hours. Go to daily consumption of 1200 kcal.

If you are comfortable with your weight, if you do not experience health problems and fear for your future, you can continue to eat as before. If not, it’s time to decide to switch to a food system that is fundamentally different from the one you had before. You will probably miss your usual diet. But, when you feel sad without your usual sausages and cakes, remember that it was they who brought you to the brink, look at yourself with a picky look and be horrified. Be horrified to understand that there can be no return to the old diet, because this is the path to nowhere. So, if you are ready to make a decision that will radically change your life, I will tell you a secret: how can you

Lose weight without problems.

Main principle: NOT TO STARVE!
Hunger is the first enemy of losing weight.

You, of course, have heard the slogan: if you want to be thin, learn to be hungry. Don't be afraid: this is not for us. This is the slogan of anorexic girls of puberty. We, women of age and body, will not have to go hungry. We don’t need to weigh 45 kg, we don’t strive for that. We have other goals. And health is put at the forefront (we still need to raise children). Therefore, we will lose weight comfortably, without haste, slowly but surely moving towards our goal. Losing weight quickly is harmful. The skin will sag, wrinkles will appear, and internal organs may prolapse, and this is fraught with serious health problems.

Hunger prevents you from losing weight for two reasons. First: uncontrollable developed hunger (after work, for example, if we haven’t eaten all day) can lead to the fact that the appetite becomes uncontrollable, ravenous, and a “glutton” begins (like binge drinking among alcoholics), when we sweep away all the food that is not pinned down , and we can’t calm down. I want more and more.

The second reason: if the body begins to starve, then this body of ours (smart system) will definitely turn on the braking system and begin to save resources in order to survive. Metabolism will slow down and weight loss will stop. The result is a vicious circle: we eat practically nothing and do not lose weight. And we need to lose weight at all costs! This means that you need to deceive the body so that it easily parted with what it has, so that it does not save what it has accumulated, but spends, spends, spends. What is needed for this?
To do this you need:

1. Drink a lot of clean water! 2 liters per day. It is important. Never ignore drinking. Exactly water - not tea, not coffee, not juice, not fruit drink - just plain clean water!!! As soon as you start feeding your body clean water, your metabolism will speed up, swelling will go away, in the first days you will run to the toilet and there will be kg less on the scale every day! You MUST start your day with water! You can add lemon juice to it if your stomach allows it. If not, just water. A glass or two. Immediately after waking up. Then all hygiene procedures and only then breakfast. You need to drink slowly, a little at a time. At the same time, follow the principle: after eating, do not drink water for an hour and stop drinking half an hour before the next meal. After a protein meal, do not drink water for 2 hours. It is convenient to eat protein for dinner and not drink water in the evening. Make it a habit to keep a water bottle at your work station and drink a glass of water every break!!!

2. Required breakfast! Breakfast kickstarts your metabolism. This is the most important meal of the day and should not be skipped! For breakfast, it is better to eat slow carbohydrates (cereals, that is, porridge - with water and without sugar, of course). Add also a protein component: 1 egg or 50-100 g of cottage cheese. Tea and coffee without sugar, or with skim milk.

3.Eat in fractions. 3-5 times a day. But just a little bit. You can have 3 main meals and two snacks. (1 apple is already a snack, a glass of kefir is also a snack, everything counts!) Then we will not give hunger a chance to develop.

4. The body must receive everything it needs. Do not under any circumstances deprive him! The body must receive enough protein (meat, cottage cheese daily - otherwise the body will begin to eat the muscles, and the fat will remain), vitamins, nutrients and minerals. That is, nutrition should be balanced. If the body receives a good piece of boiled meat or fish with vegetables for dinner, you will not dream of sausage, because the body’s need for protein will be satisfied.

5. Eliminate “fast carbohydrates”: foods with a high glycemic index that cause sudden spikes in blood sugar (sweets). It is important! If we eat, for example, two sandwiches with sweet tea in the morning, thinking that we “need glucose for the brain to work” - this is a common misconception! So, after such a breakfast, the blood sugar level rises. We go to work, and after a couple of hours the feeling in the pit of our stomach begins, and by 12 o’clock we are unbearably hungry. Why? Because the sugar level, which has increased in the morning, begins to drop sharply and a signal goes to the brain: you need food!!! If you don’t eat sugar for breakfast, but have breakfast with so-called “slow” carbohydrates (porridge), the situation will be completely different! The brain will receive its portion of carbohydrates, but these carbohydrates will be absorbed slowly, gradually throughout the day, without causing sugar spikes and attacks of appetite. Only the porridge should be made with water and without sugar.

6. Limit salt intake. Eliminate all salty foods (herring, smoked meats, marinades) and add minimal salt to your dishes! Ideally, avoid salt altogether! It slows down the process of losing weight, as it retains water that has settled in fat cells, which have already grown to the point of impossibility. So, in order for fat cells to “deflate” faster, we limit salt! Don’t be afraid, it’s not harmful: foods contain enough salt; adding extra salt to food is a habit that’s easy to get rid of. Give it a try. If you can’t bear it, at least limit the salt.

7. Eliminate refined foods and all foods with additives. Forget about all sorts of “Activia” and “Danissimo” with additives - they are full of sugar and taste improvers, flavors and preservatives. We choose products that are as natural as possible in our time. That is, instead of sausage or frankfurter, we will take a piece of meat and cook it, instead of “Danissimo” - a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, dilute it to the consistency we need with low-fat milk or kefir, and add fruits or berries ourselves. Moreover, when choosing a pack of cottage cheese, we pay attention to the fat content and composition. No additives! Nowadays, so-called vegetable fats are often added to cottage cheese. This is terrible evil! Read the ingredients carefully! We only need milk and sourdough in the composition. We buy from trusted manufacturers!
We select products for ourselves from the “YES” column of this table:

Everything made from premium flour (bread, cookies, crackers, pastries, cakes, pasta, noodles)
Animal fats, mayonnaise, butter, sour cream, trans fats, margarine, spread, lard
Any sausage, dumplings, cutlets. sausages, sausages, deli meats, fatty meats, chicken skin, chicken wings, tails, all smoked meats, canned food.
Fast food any
Juices in bags
Sugar, jam, candies, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, milk chocolate, creams, meringues, condensed milk, whipped cream, ice cream, sorbets.
All kinds of cereals in bags with Bystrov and similar additives, white rice, semolina
Fatty dairy products: milk, kefir, fermented baked milk 3.2% and above, cottage cheese above 5%, full-fat cheese.
Bananas, grapes
Soda, kvass, beer, vodka, cognac

Apples, grapefruits – mostly! Any fruits and berries in moderation and in the first half of the day - not at night!
Vegetables: any, including frozen mixtures in bags
Low-fat dairy products: milk 0.5%, kefir 1%, cottage cheese up to 5%, cheese up to 17%.
Olive oil, flaxseed oil
Lean meat (beef, veal), skinless chicken breasts, any fish except smoked, boiled eggs.
Buckwheat, rolled oats, millet, pearl barley, brown rice
Whole grain bread, crispbread - a little bit!
Nuts, a little avocado
Freshly squeezed juice from fruits or vegetables, 1 glass in the morning
Tea, coffee, green tea, herbal teas, dry red wine
Honey, dried fruits, dark chocolate, pureed berries with sugar - a little into cottage cheese or tea (don’t get carried away!)

8. There are products - so-called lifesavers for losing weight. They are useful, you get full of them, they have a beneficial effect on metabolism. We shouldn't forget about them. They should form the basis of nutrition. This
Kefir 1%
Cottage cheese
Green apples
Leafy vegetables, greens
Cinnamon, ginger (grate with lemon and honey into tea)
Green tea
Chicken breasts, fish
Olive oil
You can pamper yourself, your beloved, with coffee with a piece of cheese, a slice of dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa), a handful of nuts, and dried fruits.
If there is alcohol, then dry red wine.

9.How to cook?
We don't fry anything. You can boil, stew, bake, cook in a double boiler. Pour out the broths! If we like soups, we cook them in water. Porridge is also on the water. Season the salad with lemon juice and olive oil (1 tablespoon per day). You can season it with unsweetened natural yoghurt (Activia, Biomax) - it tastes like sour cream, and the fat content is much less.

I’ll tell you about buckwheat separately. It needs to be prepared like this:
In the evening, pour a glass of good clean buckwheat (Mistral is best) into a saucepan with two glasses of boiling water, cover with a lid, and leave overnight. In the morning it will absorb all the water - it will turn out to be porridge. All that remains is to warm it up. This buckwheat is very good to eat for breakfast. It is super healthy, cleanses the body, promotes weight loss. You need to eat it without salt, without sugar, washing it down with kefir. You can have it with cottage cheese - very tasty!

Prepare stewed vegetables as a side dish for meat:
In a saucepan with a thick bottom, chop the cabbage, bell pepper, grate the carrots, chop the champignons, add a spoonful of olive oil. Simmer over low heat until done. Eat as a side dish with meat. Alternatively, you can cut the chicken breasts right there and simmer them together.

9. What to eat with what and what to eat when?
In the morning - slow carbohydrates - porridge with water (steamed buckwheat - ideal)
In the evening - protein
Eat meat only with vegetables!!! If you want potatoes so much that you dream about them at night, eat potatoes with vegetables, but without meat and without butter. No more than once a week!

Sample menu for the day:

Immediately after waking up - a glass of water with lemon juice.
Breakfast (MANDATORY!!! Breakfast speeds up metabolism!!!): Heat five tablespoons of buckwheat steamed in the evening in the microwave. There is a snack with cottage cheese “Tasty Day” - 100 gram glass. Drink a glass of 1% kefir. Then natural coffee with skim milk. After such a breakfast, you won’t remember about food for a very long time.
Water, water, water!!!
During the day, apples, kefir or cottage cheese. Do not eat in the canteen!
Water, water, water!!!
Dinner (4 hours before bedtime): a protein dish (boiled skinless chicken breast) with your choice of raw or stewed vegetables. You can prepare frozen mixtures as a side dish. The portion should be large in order to fill you up properly.
At 9 o'clock - a glass of kefir.

10. How to resist temptations? How to feed your family and go shopping?
Start cooking only after you have eaten. When you fill your stomach with a boiled chicken breast and a bowl of vegetable salad, you will calmly fry chops without choking on your saliva. Verified. Likewise, you shouldn’t go to the store hungry. Temptations and smells will definitely work the way the store owners need it: they need us to be tempted, buy all sorts of harmful things and get drunk. And under no circumstances can we do this! That's why we try not to go to the store on an empty stomach. If you are used to going to the store after work, then half an hour before leaving work, eat 100 grams of 5% cottage cheese. It is fatty, quickly digested and will give you the opportunity to calmly live until dinner.

What will we get?
Don't worry: there will be no fainting, dizziness, or weakness. After all, we are not starving, we are not depriving the body of anything. On the contrary, we give him all the best that can be found in our time. He will be happy and will easily part with the extra pounds. It can only be difficult for the first three days, while addiction, restructuring and release of toxins take place. I always have a headache on the second day. We must endure these three days. You can take a pill for your headache. If you want to give up on everything and eat the old way, imagine that they gave you a backpack and put 30 (50) kg of bricks in it. You carry this “backpack” with you every day, you sleep with it, climb stairs, spend your life carrying it, no one forces you, but you drag and drag this weight. They tell you that you can throw it off, that it will be easier without it, but you persistently put your burden on your shoulders again and again... Then it will become easier. Swelling will go away, blood pressure will normalize, your gait will become lighter, your back and joints will stop hurting, and it will become easier to walk up the stairs.

In the first month of eating this way, I easily lost 7.5 kg. Then I started losing 2-3 kg per month until I got rid of 33 extra kilos. From size 56 I switched to size 46. Changing your wardrobe is, of course, a blow to the budget, but I haven’t regretted it for a second!

For those who haven't seen it yet, the photo is here.

Of course, you can lose 30 kg. The main thing is to approach this matter consciously. To quickly lose weight, you will need to remove excess fluid from the body and reduce muscle mass. Fat deposits will go away much later. It should also be taken into account that rapid weight loss harms health, reduces immunity, and causes depression and nervous breakdowns. Therefore, if you see somewhere an enthusiastic story “How I lost 30 kg in 2 weeks,” do not rush to repeat what the author did. It may be dangerous.

You need to get rid of excess weight little by little. It is permissible to lose no more than three kilograms per week. From this follows the conclusion that without harm to the body on diets you can lose 30 kg in 3 months. In addition to diet and other food restrictions like “don’t eat after six,” physical activity should become a firm part of the life of everyone losing weight. It will speed up your metabolism, tighten your skin and improve your well-being.

How to lose 30 kg in a month and is it realistic? Let's say right away - yes, it is possible. But in order to lose such impressive excess weight, you need to properly speed up your metabolism. Stimulated metabolism gives the body the opportunity to process everything absorbed with the greatest benefit for it. You can speed up metabolic processes:

  • fasting and avoiding carbohydrate foods;
  • increasing physical activity;
  • taking water and thermal procedures (in particular, visiting a bathhouse or sauna);
  • fractional meals.

Unloading + sport

The methods listed should give the body a real shake-up and force the digestive system to function in an enhanced mode. A particularly important point is physical activity. Losing 30 kilograms in 30 days without exercise is almost impossible.

A fasting day dedicated to protein foods will help move stalled weight downwards. If you deprive the body of its usual nutrition and subject it to short-term stress, it will burn a lot of fat.

But such unloading is allowed to be done no more than 2-3 times a month. A longer diet will inevitably lead to poisoning - during the breakdown of proteins, a large amount of toxins is formed.


Here is a detailed diet menu with which you can lose 30 kg in just a month. Let us immediately note that it is strictly forbidden to rearrange rations, replace some products and dishes with others, and also adjust their quantities. We need to start on Sunday.

1st Having breakfast A serving of low-fat cottage cheese (100 g) and a cup of unsweetened green tea.
Let's have lunch Boiled beef (preferably veal) liver (100 g), a couple of boiled eggs, hard cheese (100 g), one tomato and a cup of unsweetened tea.
Let's have dinner Boiled fish (200 g), hard cheese (100 g), fresh vegetables (200 g) and green beans (100 g).
2nd Having breakfast Boiled lean meat (100 g), stewed vegetables (100 g) and a cup of unsweetened green tea.
Let's have lunch Boiled beef (100 g), a couple of boiled eggs and a cup of unsweetened tea.
Let's have dinner A portion of low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), boiled fish (200 g) and a glass of milk.
3rd Having breakfast Boiled turkey fillet (200 g), one tomato and a cup of unsweetened green tea.
Let's have lunch One boiled egg, vegetable salad, not seasoned with any oil (200 g) and a cup of unsweetened tea.
Let's have dinner Boiled or stewed lean meat (200 g), stewed vegetables (100 g) and a glass of apple juice.
4th Having breakfast Boiled ham (200 g), fresh or stewed cabbage (100 g) and a cup of unsweetened tea.
Let's have lunch A couple of boiled eggs, a vegetable salad without any oil (200 g), and a cup of unsweetened tea.
Let's have dinner Boiled chicken fillet (100 g), carrot salad (100 g) and any nuts (50 g).
5th Having breakfast Low-fat yogurt (100-150 g), boiled lean meat (200 g), vegetables (100 g) and a glass of still mineral water.
Let's have lunch Boiled fish (200 g), hard cheese (100 g) and a cup of unsweetened tea.
Let's have dinner Vegetables (unlimited quantity).
6th Having breakfast A couple of boiled eggs, boiled beef or chicken liver (100 g), boiled liver (chicken or beef) and a cup of unsweetened green tea.
Let's have lunch Boiled fish (100 g), hard cheese (100 g) and vegetable salad, not seasoned with any oil (100 g).
Let's have dinner Several fruits.
7th Having breakfast Boiled meat (200 g), boiled or stewed vegetables (100 g) and a cup of unsweetened tea.
Let's have lunch Fruits (unlimited quantity).
Let's have dinner Boiled chicken fillet (100 g), boiled or stewed vegetables (100 g).

To get the desired effect, you need to do a set of simple exercises every day aimed at working the abdominal and thigh muscles. Otherwise, after you get rid of those extra pounds, your skin will sag.

In 2-3 months

To lose 30 kg in 2 months or 90 days, you need to completely change your diet. In addition, you will need to go to the gym at least twice a week. Regular workouts are necessary to burn enough calories and create a clear figure.

The power system is extremely simple. You just need to adhere to the following rules every day:

Obviously, a diet designed for two or three months is a very gentle system for reducing body weight. If you strictly adhere to all its rules and do not forget about physical activity, you can return the desired slimness to your body.

In 6 months

If we are losing weight at home, then we can do it at any pace convenient for you. Quick ways to lose weight are described above. And now we’ll tell you about the safest nutrition system for health, which will allow you to get rid of the hated 30 kilograms in 6 months.

When creating a menu for this diet, you must take into account several important rules:

With this diet, you can not only lose 30 kg in six months, but also finally switch to proper healthy eating. By sticking to it in the future, you will be able to prevent the development of obesity.

One man's story

Most often, people with significant excess weight cover up their own laziness with the mythical “wide bones,” bad genes and an eternal lack of time. But all of the above did not become an obstacle for Nellie, who did the seemingly incredible.

Causes of obesity

Just 4 years ago, her weight was 82 kilograms with a short height of 158 centimeters. What did you have to do to bring yourself to this state? As it turned out, Nellie was simply eating away at her problems and dissatisfaction with her own life all these years. She was brought to her senses by a sharp jump in blood sugar and the doctor’s disappointing diagnosis of prediabetes. The endocrinologist warned that if she did not stop gaining excess weight and began to lose weight, she was guaranteed to get diabetes and could very well die. The doctor's words acted on her as a powerful impetus to action.

Nellie shares that a radical change in her entire lifestyle was very difficult for her. During the first month of nutritional adjustment, she experienced constant weakness, headaches and depression. The only thing that kept her from breaking down was the fear of getting seriously ill.. After a while, it was as if an internal switch had turned on within her. She began to notice clear positive dynamics: her sleep improved, it became much easier for her to get out of bed in the morning, and she had a lot of energy. Now Nellie gets up at 4-5 in the morning. At the same time, she feels great, remains cheerful all day, and in the evenings she easily plunges into the arms of Morpheus.

Now her weight is only 51-52 kilograms. And she plans to maintain her slimmed-down figure for years to come.

How did she do it

First of all, Nellie completely removed sugar, fruit, white refined flour, rice, potatoes and alcohol from her diet. She began to walk a lot, strictly controlled the size of each portion, ate only by the hour and did not even allow the thought of snacking. On the day she could eat a couple of eggs, a little cheese, no more than 3 tablespoons of oatmeal or buckwheat and very few beans (lentils, beans).

Her daily diet consisted almost entirely of vegetables and a small amount of meat or fish. She ate unsweetened yoghurts and limited the amount of milk. Additionally, she didn’t add salt to anything, but she could sometimes afford a slice of smoked fish or a couple of olives.

As for physical activity, Nellie emphasized that she completely ignored sports, fitness and other training. Moreover, she has no intention of doing this in the future. The fact is that she prefers team games (for example, handball, volleyball and the like). However, her busy schedule does not allow her to play with more or less regularity. She is simply not interested in doing anything else. Therefore, minus 30 kg is the result of changes solely in the nutrition system.

1 month ago

Why is it important to give up soda? How to love breakfast and why is it necessary? Editor-in-Chief of BeautyHack Karina Andreeva (@kandreevaa) shares her personal experience of losing 30 kg and tells what rules help her maintain weight after 8 years.

Karina Andreeva Editor-in-Chief of BeautyHack

A little background. I grew up as a rather thin, puny child, I was incredibly restless, I moved a lot and ate little. All this lasted up to ten years, but when the hormonal levels began to change, the situation changed dramatically. The genes took their toll (on my mother’s side I have a predisposition to being overweight). At the age of 14, I didn’t notice how I began to weigh 85 kg. It didn’t look too disfigured - everything went into the chest, butt and the biggest problem - into the legs. Of course, I didn’t look my age - at 14 I was given all 25, and once at the checkout in a store they even asked: “Are your breasts like this after giving birth?” This was probably the last straw, but I was able to change the situation later. I still blame poor nutrition for a lot of it.

Me before losing weight (14 years old)

Despite the fact that at home I always had home-made, tasty and healthy food (my mother is an excellent cook), I preferred fast food, buns bought in the canteen, chocolates (I could go to school, eat an Alpen Gold bar, and on the way back buy repeat the same one). At the same time, my mother, due to her gentle nature, never forbade me anything. Yes, she could scold me for not eating home-cooked food, but at the same time, sweets were not hidden in our house, and the fast food I brought home was not taken away at the entrance. Chocolate, hamburgers, cookies, French fries, generously washed down with soda - is it necessary to talk about the “benefits” of such a diet?

Yes, there are people on the planet who eat this way all their lives and do not gain weight, and I have met such people personally, but still more often I hear from them, if not about problems with excess weight, then about problems with the skin or stomach. Proper nutrition is something that you come to sooner or later. Through trial, error, diets, detoxes - but you still come. No other way. That's what happened to me.

One March evening I was returning home - I was sitting with friends at McDonald's. I remember entering the room and my stomach twisted - it was incredibly painful and unpleasant. In the end, it turned out to be intestinal flu (there was an epidemic at that time, and I, apparently, caught it with a weakened stomach). But this also has its “advantages”: for the first time in a week I was able to lose 5 kg and not gain it back. After an illness, the doctor prescribed me a diet in order to restore my stomach. Of course, this made me very happy and inspired. True, I planned to stick with the diet “for show” for about a week, and then return to my favorite unhealthy foods. But I got involved. The diet didn’t turn out to be too strict - it was more about the basics of proper nutrition, which I didn’t even know about. After all, according to many, going on a diet means starting to eat tasteless, bland and monotonous. But this is far from the case, and I have personally seen it from my own experience. Below I tell you what rules helped me lose 30 kg in six months and completely change the principles of nutrition.

Me after losing weight (16 years old)

1) I gave up soda

This is perhaps the only thing I “give up” with once and for all, without long goodbyes and regrets. Cold water with lemon turned out to be much tastier and quenched my thirst the best. Yes, I loved Coca-Cola, lemonades, Sprite and other “chemicals,” but for some reason it was the easiest thing to exclude from my diet. A week later, having mixed up glasses with water and Sprite, I felt how sickly sweet this drink was and how much sugar was actually added to it. By the way, I never fell in love with carbonated mineral water.

2) I trained myself to start the day with a glass of water with lemon.

This habit has been with me for more than eight years. Every morning after waking up, I go to the kitchen and drink a large glass of water into which I squeeze lemon juice. It helps you wake up better than coffee and kickstarts your body! By the way, I tried to drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day.

Me after losing weight (17 years old)

3) I started eating breakfast right

Firstly, I will say that the very action of “having breakfast” is already correct. Do not skip this meal and make it as satisfying as possible - these simple but important rules become the key to successful weight loss. I fell in love with porridge - I cooked it with 1.5% milk. I didn’t limit the serving size - a large plate left me full until lunch without any desire to “grab pieces” and make unhealthy snacks.

4) I started eating on a “schedule”

Each person should have an approximate diet, and people with low blood pressure need to eat every two hours to avoid dizziness. I remember when I was at school. My breakfast was at 7:30-8 in the morning before school, at 10 I had a snack with an apple, at 12 with natural yogurt or 100 g of cottage cheese (I could add a spoonful of honey), and at 2-3 in the afternoon I already had lunch - I could eat cream -champignon soup and a second course - chicken fillet/turkey/steamed fish and a side dish of buckwheat/rice + a small portion of vegetables (any except potatoes). Soup was always optional - I didn’t eat it every day. This was followed by a snack at 5-6 pm - a portion of fruit (apple + orange cut into small pieces) and 100 g of cottage cheese. For dinner I could eat either a piece of steamed fish (depending on what was for lunch) or an omelette (I made it with two eggs in 1 teaspoon of olive oil) with light cheese. To one of the meals, if I felt hungry, I could add 2-3 Fin Crisp/Dr.Korner bread with low-fat curd cheese. I also gradually gave up bread, although after 8 years I returned it to my diet - I choose yeast-free whole grain bread.

Me after losing weight (18 years old)

5) I stopped practicing “hunger days” and learned to enjoy my small victories

Let me make a reservation right away - the diet above is described very approximately. But I never went hungry - this was the most important rule. From March to September I lost 30 kg. The main amount of kg was lost in the summer. A month before I got the stomach flu, my mother and I returned from Italy. During the trip, they bought me a lot of things for the summer and autumn, and with what pleasure I went to have them altered in the atelier - by August, many of them were too big. When I came to school, those who had not seen me all summer constantly asked: “Do you even eat?” I eat it, and it’s very healthy and healthy!

6) I started moving more and fell in love with running.

In general, all nutritionists advocate that proper weight loss is sports + proper nutrition.

Not everyone has the desire, strength and opportunity to spend several hours in the gym every day, and sports should be fun. Believe me, if you start jogging, hating it with all your heart, you shouldn’t expect much progress - at some point you will get bored, you will first give up sports, then proper nutrition. You need to find your favorite type of activity.

In my case, the love for running exists - for me it really is the best cardio. At the same time, I can’t stand group training - be it Pilates, cycling or other fashionable trends. Last summer's discovery - Hiitbox (you can read why I loved it). But at the age of 14, when I started losing weight, I didn’t think about the gym. The easiest thing was to start running in the morning. I live next to Serebryany Bor, so from then to this day, 3-4 times a week my day begins there. I practice interval running of 4-5 km for forty minutes. You combine business with pleasure: play sports and breathe the fresh air of the forest. I train my abs every morning at home myself using video tutorials on YouTube. Link you can find one of the simplest and most effective - just 8 minutes a day, which is easy to do in the morning.

Me after losing weight (20 years)

7) I stopped eating a big dinner right before bed

One of my articles is about how and why I stopped eating three hours before bed. It can be read, but, in general, everything is very simple. Having a high-protein dinner three hours before bedtime not only gives you the opportunity to lose weight, but also gives your body the opportunity to get enough sleep and rest. After all, when you go to bed with a full stomach, it continues to work and digest food. Moreover, skipping a large dinner right before bed will make you hungry, and you will want to have a delicious breakfast in the morning. I talked about why breakfast is important in point three.

8) I reduced my intake of sweets

The key word is reduced. She didn’t refuse abruptly. At first it was hard to say “no” to your favorite chocolate. But I could afford it in the morning - only not a 100 g bar, but at first 50. Later - 25 g. One morning I woke up and realized that I was not craving “sweets” at all: I had lost the habit. Probably the best substitute for me was sweet fruits (strawberries, bananas, cherries). However, you shouldn’t overdo it with them either - moderation is important in everything. I don't eat more than three or four fruits a day.


Have I managed to maintain my weight? It was successful, but it was not easy. I never crossed the 85 kg mark, but out of the 30 I lost four years later, I gained back about 15 when I first started working and came to Condé Nast. I was 18 years old then. This does not mean that I violated the above rules: I could not, because they have become a way of life. But new elements appeared in it, which provoked weight gain. One of them is stress.

No, this doesn’t mean that I started eating everything out of nerves. The only point is that even proper and healthy food, eaten in a state of time pressure, can quite easily be deposited on the sides. Especially when you eat in a hurry, you don’t chew your food, but think about how much you need to do before the deadline.

Another element is inactivity. Even if I ran in the morning, I spent the rest of the day in the office (and there I often stayed until 12 and until one in the morning). Office work drags on, and you don’t notice how you gain weight. The third and final element is that I didn’t get enough sleep. And all nutritionists will confirm that the key to successful weight loss, and especially maintaining weight after losing weight, is healthy sleep. Two years later, I returned to my previous regime and found “my weight” - and it’s not 55 kg, but 60-63. BeautyHack appeared in my life, my workday became standardized, stress became dosed, but most importantly, from my own experience I developed not only rules that help you lose weight, but also rules that will maintain your weight after losing weight. And below in the photo is me today, at 22 years old, not exhausted by diets and now knowing exactly how to properly maintain health and weight.

1) I stopped eating during work

Even if I eat in the office and don’t go out for lunch, I always push the computer away and eat mindfully. This is very important - not to thoughtlessly “throw” fuel into the body, but to realize that you have eaten, you are full, and now you can return to editing and writing texts. Otherwise I will get hungry again, and it will happen very soon. It is also important to chew food thoroughly so that the brain has time to receive a signal that it is full.

2) I try to diversify my diet

You can't sit on oatmeal for breakfast for long. During the week I eat different porridges for breakfast - oatmeal, buckwheat, and millet. I alternate with omelette and cottage cheese. As a snack, I can eat a couple of cheesecakes or a casserole - there are very tasty and healthy options in the Garden City store. Since I mostly have lunch out of the house, I try to go to different restaurants or order food for the office in different places. When I have time, I cook at home and take it with me. The most important thing is not to eat the same thing all week. Don’t torture yourself with chicken breast and buckwheat 7 days a week. You should not have the feeling that you are eating the same food, that it is boring, that this routine is boring, otherwise you risk breaking down.

3) I learned to listen to myself (and my stomach! :))

No “I don’t drink coffee”, no “I eat pasta” and “my maximum is 1200 calories per day”. If the desire arises, I will eat two portions of rolls for dinner - you need to pamper yourself. But then in the evening I will walk a little more than usual or go for an evening jog. By the way, as soon as I lifted the restrictions, the desire to eat “more than normal” disappeared.

4) I started walking more

I never gain weight when traveling, and 99% of the time I return home thinner. The answer to the question is that I walk a lot. It would seem that the time zone changes, partly the diet, but if I move a lot (on average 20-25 km per day), I still start to lose weight. At the same time, I usually eat more than usual. In Moscow, I also made it a rule to walk at least 14-15 km per day (including running) (this is carefully monitored by the “Health” program on the iPhone).

It's an office day? Great, that means I have a walking walk of 2-3 metro stations waiting for me in the evening. Meeting at the center in 40 minutes and have some free time? I’ll say “no” to taxis and the metro (I’ll wait longer and go down to the subway) - I’d rather walk.

5) I feel less stressed

We all know firsthand what a “deadline” is, and there’s no escaping it. Our world has been “digital” for several years now, and it dictates a fast pace of life.

When you cannot change the situation, you need to change your attitude towards it. Yes, I still always try to get everything done, but if suddenly something doesn’t go according to plan, I solve problems as they arise, rather than getting nervous and panicking before something happens.

Your emotional state largely affects your appearance, in particular your weight.

6) I found the right motivation

The mistake of many who go on a diet is the wrong motivation. You are losing weight for yourself. Dot. Not in order to save a “failing” relationship, not in order to fit into that same dress, and not in order to look better at the prom than your friend. And first of all, you should like the reflection in the mirror.

Me after losing weight (22 years old)

7) I found “my” weight and learned to accept it

Let's talk about the psychological side of the issue. Fortunately, my struggle with excess weight did not end in anorexia, as often happens. But I admit honestly - there were makings for it. At the age of 14, after I lost 30 kg, I became obsessed with nutrition and began counting calories even in apples, tomatoes and cucumbers. I was very afraid of gaining weight. A fear of food appeared. At some point, “minus 30 kg” turned into “minus 36”, I began to weigh 49 kg, and with the new weight came the absence of menstruation for a year and a half.

I was not taken to psychologists. These were daily conversations with a worried mother, my very thin, painful face, and then the personal realization that it was impossible to live like this all my life. I drove myself into a framework that made me not the happiest person.

I remember how I came to the gynecologist, and she asked me: “Do you want to become a mother someday?” Of course I said yes. Without any psychological pressure, she explained to me the dangers of a long absence of menstruation, what “individual weight” is and why it really is different for everyone. After a couple of months, the fear of food disappeared, I carefully approached my 55 kg and returned to regular menstruation. Unfortunately or fortunately, healthy functioning of my body is only possible when my weight is above 55 kg.

As I wrote above, later I still faced the problem of gaining weight, and then lost weight again. Yes, I no longer weigh 49 kg and 55 kg, but I am much more comfortable at both 60 and 63. I no longer panic at the sight of “+1-3” kg, because I know how to correct it if this happens necessity; and the haggard face, exhausted by diets, disappeared. With the new figure I came to, I finally came to the realization of what “individual weight” is. It is not measured in Charlize Theron's beautiful long legs and Bella Hadid's perfect abs - yes, I will always need them for inspiration. It's great when you have something to strive for. I always keep motivational photos of stars with beautiful figures in my head when I go to workout. There is no limit to perfection, and even from girls with a very beautiful, toned figure, I often hear that they want to “lose just a little weight.”

The important thing is that I finally realized.

The main thing is to be healthy, eat right, get enough sleep, exercise regularly (but without fanaticism!), love your job, spend time with loved ones, travel and just be happy: then the reflection in the mirror will not depend on the number on the scale.

Text: Karina Andreeva