
Dukan diet what is possible. Ducan's diet. Stages, menu. Free online calculator for calculating the Dukan protein diet. Three simple rules will help you stay in shape


You eat as much and whenever you want, but at the same time you lose weight literally before your eyes. This diet is not fantastic. The protein nutrition system, developed by the famous French nutritionist Pierre Dukan, promises goodbye to at least two extra pounds in the first week. And you don’t need to torture yourself for this. And by adhering to the recommended diet, the results can be maintained for life. What kind of Dukan diet menu is offered for every day, and can such weight loss harm your health?

The protein diet of Pierre Dukan is one of the most discussed in the world. Yes, and the doctor himself has a very controversial reputation in the medical community. French nutritionist Pierre Dukan is 75 years old, although he looks much younger than his age and leads an active lifestyle. He is one of the ten most famous specialists on the planet in his field.

He has been offering patients a revolutionary weight loss method for many decades. But the Dukan diet really “went to the masses” only in 2000, after the doctor published a bestseller about the protein method.

The way they call it unpredictable

Many nutritionists criticize the Dukan method and argue that this is perhaps the most harmful way to lose weight for the body. After all, an abundant protein diet can lead to kidney damage. In addition, a person quickly regains the lost kilos, and a hundredfold.

In addition, his colleagues accuse the famous doctor of self-interest. Like, in fact, his entire practice is pure business, not medicine. According to doctors, the Dukan diet can give quick and noticeable results, but the stress on the body and possible consequences are simply unpredictable. Possible risks include physical and mental exhaustion, respiratory and digestive problems.

Popularity of the diet

But the reviews of those who have lost weight about the Dukan diet are of a completely different nature. People who have lost weight using the revolutionary system believe that all negative statements are a manifestation of the usual envy of competitors.

“Dukane” is used today all over the world. According to various estimates, the method has already helped tidy up the weight of five million users on the planet.

Products for the Dukan diet are available in all countries, including at a price. Books with nutritionist recommendations are also widely distributed.

Celebrities have also successfully used the French technique. For example, American actress and singer Jennifer Lopez. Penelope Cruz, a Spanish movie star, also lost weight according to Dukan.

Dr. Pierre Dukan himself says that the goal of his life and work is global: to help humanity solve the problem of obesity, to teach people to eat right. He practiced for four decades. He studied the eating habits of his patients, understood diets, and the characteristics of the body’s reaction to certain foods.

And in the end I found the reason why generally accepted, standard recommendations for losing weight do not work. All of them are based on the need to reduce calorie intake. But, according to Dukan, it is necessary to fight obesity not through the quantity, but through the quality of food. Because the calories that a person receives, for example, from meat, chocolate and cottage cheese, have fundamental differences.

100 products for weight loss

The basis of the Dukan menu: protein foods, to which fats and carbohydrates are gradually added. What can you eat on this diet?

  • Lean meat . Beef, poultry, game, rabbit, and lean pork are good choices.
  • Seafood . You can use virtually any fish: from perch to mackerel. Also eat crab meat, squid, shrimp, mussels, scallops, and cuttlefish.
  • Plant proteins. There are two products in this category: oat bran and tofu bean curd.
  • Low-fat milk. Here the products must have zero fat content. This can be milk, pure yogurt, processed cheese, granular and regular cottage cheese.
  • Chicken eggs . Whites are eaten without restrictions, and yolks - no more than a couple per day.
  • Vegetables . Eat broccoli, eggplant, mushrooms, Brussels sprouts, sprouts, cauliflower, beets, zucchini, onions, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, and pumpkin.

These products can be combined as desired. There is also a special book of recipes authored by the famous nutritionist, which contains 350 cooking options for different stages of the Dukan system. Moreover, the Russian-language edition is adapted to the peculiarities of Slavic cuisine.

In total, a list of 100 (!) foods is offered that can be eaten without taboos. You can diversify your dishes by taking a little olive or sunflower oil, tomato paste and lemon juice. Interestingly, the method allows the use of salt and spices, unsweetened coffee, tea and carbonated drinks.

Rules for protein weight loss

When losing weight according to Dukan, it is important not only to consume only approved foods, but also to adhere to some additional rules. They are an integral part of the method and determine the final result.

  • “No” to fatty and fried foods. It is necessary to exclude any fat and mayonnaise. It is better to cook or bake dishes. You can make food in a slow cooker or on the grill. For salads it is better to use lemon juice.
  • Bran for every day. Pierre Dukan advises eating oat bran daily. They normalize cholesterol and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and saturate well. They are eaten plain or as part of other dishes. For example, bran cakes or pancakes are suitable.
  • Drink more. Anyone losing weight should drink at least two liters of fluid every day.
  • Physical exercise. A prerequisite is a half-hour walk around the city every day. Additional training and exercises are also welcome.
  • Unwanted Products. Even at gentle stages, when the diet allows for a “stomach feast”, it is better to abstain from alcohol, sugar, potatoes, and high-calorie treats like bananas and grapes.

The Dukan Method: four steps to a new figure

So, what is the French diet of Pierre Dukan? This is a way that will help normalize your weight and reconsider your attitude to your diet once and for all.

The system itself is divided into four phases: “Attack”, “Cruise”, “Consolidation” and “Stabilization”. The first two are tough, aimed directly at weight loss.

Two more stages are needed to consolidate the result, help the body painlessly exit the diet, and globally tune in to the rhythm of a healthy diet in the future. Pierre Dukan's method can be described schematically using the following table.

Table - Dukan Method: duration of phases, permitted products and expected weight loss

PhaseDurationProductsDaily amount of oat branWeight loss
"Attack"Up to seven daysProtein-containing products in any variations and quantitiesOne and a half tablespoonsFrom one and a half to four kilograms
"Cruise"For every kilogram lost during the “Attack” you need seven days of “Cruise”Protein-containing foods and vegetables in any variations and quantities. However, protein and protein-vegetable days must be alternatedTwo tablespoonsOne kilogram per week
"Pinning"For every kilogram lost during the “Attack” and “Cruise”, ten days of “Consolidation” are needed.Protein-containing foods and vegetables in any variations and quantities. Plus fruits, bread, cheese, starchy foods are addedTwo and a half tablespoons
"Stabilization"All lifeProper nutrition and protein fasting Thursdays are recommendedThree tablespoonsThe achieved result is recorded

“Attacking” unnecessary weight

“Attack” is the most “reactive” phase. You can only eat protein. It gives the body the strength to preserve bone and muscle tissue and forces it to draw energy by dissolving accumulated fats. This explains the rapid loss of kilos. What might your diet look like on the days of “onslaught”?

Table - Option for the weekly menu of the Dukan diet for “Attack”

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerSnackDinnerSnack
Monday- Omelette with
- coffee
- Chicken broth with meat;
- bran cake;
- tea
- Cottage cheese;
- tea
- Chicken cutlets;
- cheese;
- tea
- Kefir
Tuesday- Oat bran porridge with milk;
- coffee
- Fish broth with fillet;
- tea
- Kefir;
- tea
- Salmon fillets;
- tea
- Chicken breast;
- tea
Wednesday- Syrniki;
- coffee
- Baked fish;
- tea
- Yogurt;
- tea
- Mimosa salad without mayonnaise with yogurt;
- boiled shrimp;
- tea
- Cottage cheese
Thursday- Bran cake;
- lightly salted salmon;
- coffee
- Chicken breast;
- tea
- Cottage cheese;
- tea
- Omelet with cheese and chicken.
- tea
- Kefir
Friday- Boiled eggs;
- coffee
- Baked fish;
- tea
- Bran pie with lemon;
- tea
- Cheese casserole;
- tea
- Yogurt
Saturday- Omelet roll with liver pate;
- coffee
- Curd pancakes;
- tea
- Fish cutlets;
- tea
- Salad with chicken and gherkins;
- tea
- Kefir
Sunday- Boiled meat;
- bran cake;
- coffee
- Soup with meatballs on kefir;
- tea
- Chicken zrazy;
- tea
- Turkey roll with egg;
- tea
- Baked squid;
- tea

The “attack” lasts from two to seven days. It all depends on the weight that bothers you. On average, Pierre Dukan promises, it takes a week to lose up to four kilos. According to reviews from those losing weight, during this phase, weakness and malaise may be felt, and a smell and specific taste may appear in the mouth. It is better to plan the “Attack” during a vacation or a “lull” at work.

“Cruise”: how long do we “sail” and how much do we lose?

This is the second phase of the Dukan method. It is also called “Alternation”, since vegetables are now added to protein dishes. The principle is as follows: a day of exclusively meat, fish and dairy, and then a day when vegetables appear. And so - in order. What does your diet look like?

Table - Option for the weekly Dukan diet menu for “Alternation”

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerSnackDinnerSnack
Monday- Omelette;
- coffee
- Baked fish with vegetables;
- tea
- Cottage cheese;
- tea
- Broth with vegetables;
- Grilled chicken breast;
- tomatoes;
- tea
- Kefir
Tuesday- Bran cake;
- boiled egg;
- coffee
- Boiled beef;
- tea
- Yogurt;
- tea
- Baked fish;
- tea
- Cottage cheese
Wednesday- Syrniki;
- coffee
- Seafood soup with vegetables.
- bran cake;
- tea
- Vegetable casserole;
- tea
- Baked chicken legs with vegetables;
- tea
- Cottage cheese
Thursday- Boiled meat;
- bran cake;
- coffee
- Soup with meatballs;
- baked squid;
- tea
- Chicken zrazy;
- tea
- Beef roll with egg;
- tea
- Yogurt
Friday- Boiled eggs;
- Pancakes made from bran flour;
- coffee
- Boiled fish;
- tomatoes;
- tea
- Raw carrots;
- tea
- Vegetable soup;
- bacon;
- cottage cheese;
- tea
- Kefir
Saturday- Bran porridge;
- coffee
- Fish cutlets;
- tea
- Cottage cheese;
- tea
- Baked seafood;
- tea
- Yogurt
Sunday- Omelette with liver pate;
- coffee
- Baked fish with vegetables;
- tea
- Yogurt;
- tea
- Tofu cheese;
- vegetable salad;
- chicken broth with herbs;
- tea
- Kefir

In this phase, weight loss continues, but not as intensely. It takes about one kilo in a week. How long does the “Cruise” last? For every kilogram lost earlier, there should be seven days of “Alternation”. That is, having lost four kilos in the “Attack”, we are going on a “Cruise” for 28 days.

"Pinning" in two parts

This is the most psychologically difficult stage. You have already lost weight, but your body is trying to make up for the losses. Now it is important to return to a varied but moderate diet. New products are gradually appearing in Consolidation. The main thing is to understand how long the stage will last. For every kilo you lose, you need ten restorative days. If you get minus eight kilos, you will need another 80 days. They need to be divided into two parts. It will be 40 days.

Part one: new things in the diet and a “feast for the belly”

Now you will eat according to the principle of protein and vegetable days of the “Cruise”. Eat milk, fish and meat with vegetables to your heart's content. But there are some pleasant innovations on the menu.

  • Floury. About two pieces of whole grain or bran loaf per day.
  • Apples-raspberries. Or any other low-calorie fruits and berries, but no more than one serving per day.
  • Cheese snack. Up to 40 g of hard cheese with a small percentage of fat.
  • Porridge pasta. Once a week, cook your choice of a serving of pasta, rice or legumes.
  • "Feast for the Belly". Now you can allow yourself a “regular” meal once a week. This means that it is acceptable to eat any dish you choose.

Part two: even more freedom

In the second half of the “Consolidation” phase, you will have even more freedom, but you need to use it wisely, otherwise the lost kilos will come back at lightning speed. What changes in the diet?

  • More starchy foods. Now cook pasta, rice or beans a couple of times a week.
  • Two "feasts for the belly". Treat yourself to something like dessert or pizza twice a week. But you can’t relax like that twice in a row.

All “Consolidation” requires weekly protein breaks. It is recommended to do this on Thursdays. On this day, you again give up vegetables and all other foods except protein. One such fasting day allows you to get rid of approximately 900 extra grams per week, which will correct your weight if you gain it on other days.

"Stabilization": once and for all

At this stage, you can return to your normal life, but the author of the diet recommends making certain changes to it. To avoid gaining weight again, always follow the rules of a healthy diet and three simple recommendations.

  1. Bran. Eat three tablespoons of oat bran every day.
  2. Walks. Skip the elevator and walk.
  3. "Protein Thursday". Every week, arrange a protein “unload” for the body.

This diet is not recommended to be repeated. Here it is important to immediately decide how much you want to lose and plan the duration of the stages. You can calculate how much weight you need to lose using a special online service on the official Dukan Diet website.

Given the specifics of this method, it is better to consult a doctor before starting a diet. Elementary - with a therapist who will prescribe general tests and draw conclusions about the state of your health.

And remember that Pierre Dukan's diet for weight loss has categorical contraindications. These include: pregnancy and lactation, hypertension, kidney disease, cholecystitis, gastrointestinal ulcers, cholelithiasis, diabetes, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases. Also, the method is not suitable for children and adolescents.

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There are many different nutritional systems that promote weight loss. In 2000, the French doctor Dukan published his book, in which he described in detail his weight loss program. The diet consists of several stages. For convenience, it is recommended to print out the Dukan diet with a menu for each day in a table and start losing weight.

The essence of the nutritional system developed by the French doctor is to consume mainly protein foods. The diet includes a wide variety of meat and fish dishes, cheeses, fermented milk drinks, cereals, root vegetables, and tree fruits.

The basis of the diet – almost complete exclusion of fatty foods, maximum replacement of carbohydrates with proteins.

Basic Rules

The Dukan system has a number of rules.

To quickly get rid of extra pounds, it is important to strictly follow them:

  1. No need to starve. Eating restrictions are the cause of breakdowns.
  2. During the diet, exclude (it is better to remove them from the refrigerator and cabinets) prohibited foods.
  3. Bran is one of the main components of the diet. The product is included in all stages of the diet. Its use helps eliminate toxins and improve the functioning of the digestive system.
  4. Physical exercise, morning exercises, walking for 20 minutes will help you quickly lose those hated pounds and keep your body in good shape.

The list of permitted products is quite extensive and varied. It is important to consider not only the product, but also the method of preparing dishes from it.

Recommended Products Cooking method
Lean white and red meat, preferably chicken, veal, rabbit Stewing, boiling, baking without any oil
Egg white Boil eggs or make an omelet
Fish, seafood, canned food, natural or in tomato sauce Steamed, stewed
Milk (fat content up to 1.5%), curdled milk, yoghurts (without fillers), fermented baked milk, cottage cheese Liquid fermented milk products in pure form or with cereals
Green vegetables, melons, root vegetables Raw, steamed
Fruits of trees, bushes Fresh, in compotes, baked
Buckwheat, white rice Porridge on water without salt
Whole grain bread with bran Fresh
Mushrooms: dried chanterelles Soup ingredient

Such a large selection allows you to prepare a variety of dishes every day.

Prohibited Products

The power system provides general restrictions and specific restrictions for each phase.

The following are prohibited at all stages:

  • alcohol;
  • chips, fast food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • pasta;
  • (lamb, pork ham);
  • fried, smoked food.

Prohibited products depending on the stage of the nutrition system:

  • "Attack": goose, duck meat, canned fish in oil, green onions.
  • "Cruise": potatoes, legumes, corn, cereals, avocados, mushrooms.
  • "Consolidation": grapes, cherries, peaches, cherries, apricots, bananas, dried fruits.
  • "Stabilization": foods high in lactose, red fish.

At the last stage, you are allowed to eat glucomannan noodles - shirataki.

Dukan diet: menu for every day, food table

A sample menu for the week is given below:

Days Breakfast Snack Dinner Dinner
I Bran, eggs, cottage cheese Kefir or fermented baked milk Vegetable soup Boiled meat
II Egg white omelette, oat bran, herbal or green tea 2 cheesecakes, chicory Steamed veal cutlets, raw vegetables Baked vegetables with fish, green tea
III Cottage cheese (fat content no more than 0.9%), sugar-free yogurt 2 green apples Vegetarian borscht, boiled veal, bran bread 3 boiled eggs, bran salad, herbal tea
IV Boiled chicken, bran Fruit, bran Turkey soup, whole grain bread Fish, vegetable salad
V Bran, cheese, compote Cottage cheese with fruit Chicken cutlets (steamed), root vegetable salad Seafood cocktail
VI Omelet, apple, bran Cheese, bran Boiled potatoes with turkey Baked beef, vegetables
VII Cheesecakes, fruit, coffee Cheese, fruit dessert Solyanka with meat, veal cutlets, bread Baked salmon, vegetables

Minor changes may be made based on taste.

Stage 1 – “Attack”: hitting the excess weight

"Attack" – the first phase of the Dukan method. The stage is difficult, its goal is to lose weight at an accelerated pace. The duration of the period depends on the desired result; on average, 2-6 kilograms are lost within 3-7 days, but no more than ten.

"Attack" – the first phase, the further process depends on it. It is at this stage that most of the weight is lost. The diet includes meat, poultry, egg whites, and low-fat dairy products. It is recommended to drink 2 liters of liquid per day, including tea, compote, chicory. Be sure to eat bran for breakfast.

Stage 2 – “Cruise” / “Alternation”: “sailing” to the result

The essence of the stage – alternating protein days with protein-carbohydrate days. The author of the system recommends the “every other day” mode, but other options are acceptable, suitable for a specific person and his characteristics of his body (2/2, 3/3).

The stage is long, from two to six months, so you should be patient. A delicacy made from non-protein components is allowed once a week or ten days: fruit and chocolate smoothie, marmalade, yeast baked goods (without melange).

Stage 3 – “Consolidation” / “Consolidation”: we approve the result

In this phase, weight loss – not the main thing, it is important to consolidate what has been achieved. Weight loss during this period averages 400 g per week. The duration of the stage is calculated individually depending on the amount of weight lost: 1 kg equals 10 days. If, for example, during the previous 2 stages you managed to lose 5 kilos, then the duration of the consolidation phase is 50 days.

Stage 4 – “Stabilization”: saving the accumulated experience

Final phase – gradual return to the “pre-diet” menu. The author of the weight correction method advises sticking to this stage for as long as possible. The diet provided for during this period allows you to remain slim, healthy and energetic. The lost kilograms do not come back.

Rules of "Stabilization":

  1. Including carbohydrates and fats in the menu.
  2. Once a week, return to the attack (any food, the main thing is protein).
  3. Bran is an essential nutritional element. They are eaten with water or kefir.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids, at least 1.5 liters per day.
  5. Weak but regular physical activity.

It is allowed to have “feasts”, but immediately afterwards they return to protein foods for the day.

Recipes for the Dukan Diet

The basis of the diet menu is dishes made from ingredients containing protein of animal and plant origin. Any cooking method except frying. Oil, salt and sugar in very limited quantities are completely excluded.

Liquid food with meat is consumed at lunch. It is recommended to eat soup no more than twice a week.

Required Products:

  • chicken (white meat) – 100 g;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • water – 1 l;
  • apple or wine vinegar – 1 tsp;
  • greens - to taste;
  • salt – limited.


  1. The meat is filled with water and cooked for 40 minutes.
  2. Take it out with a slotted spoon, chop it up and put it back into the broth.
  3. Add salt and vinegar and stir until a funnel forms.
  4. Break the eggs and slowly pour them into the funnel.
  5. Leave to cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  6. Use a slotted spoon to remove the coagulated protein and chicken pieces and place them on a plate.
  7. Add chopped herbs and broth.

The salad is hearty and has a unique taste. If prepared correctly, the dish will go on your favorites list.


  • chicken stomachs – 200-300 g;
  • medium-sized radish - 1 pc.;
  • onion, preferably green – 1 pc. or a bunch;
  • apple cider vinegar – 1 tsp;
  • salt, sugar - limited.


  1. Chicken stomachs are washed well and boiled for 1.5 hours.
  2. Finely chop the onion and prepared offal.
  3. The radish is grated.
  4. The ingredients are mixed with vinegar, salt, sugar.

The dish is eaten at lunch.

Simple recipe, cooking time – 15-20 minutes. Perfect for breakfast or snack.

Ingredients (quantity for 4 servings):

  • cottage cheese (low-fat) – 360 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp. l;
  • soy isolate or vegetable protein – 10 g;
  • sugar, vanilla - to taste.


  1. Add isolate (protein) to the cottage cheese and mix.
  2. Add starch, egg, vanilla, sugar one by one and mix.
  3. Cheese pancakes are fried in corn or olive oil.
  4. The formed balls are placed on a heated frying pan. Fry covered for 5 minutes on both sides.
  5. On holidays, cheesecakes are eaten with honey and jam.

The dish is nutritious and tasty, and everyone in the household will like it.

Required Products:

  • mackerel, canned in its own juice – 1 can;
  • large chicken eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • onion (feather) – 1 bunch;
  • – 5 tbsp. l.


  1. Boil the eggs for 10 minutes.
  2. All ingredients are finely chopped.
  3. Place a layer of fish on a dish and brush with a spoonful of mayonnaise.
  4. Sprinkle onions on top and add more sauce. The last layer is eggs with the remaining mayonnaise.
  5. Parsley leaves are added as decoration.

According to reviews of those losing weight on the Dukan diet, this dish is one of the most delicious.


  • cottage cheese – 2 tbsp. l;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • bran – 2 tbsp. l;
  • parsley - a bunch.


  1. Beat the whites separated from the yolk into a foam, add bran, and leave for a few minutes (10-15).
  2. The yolks are added to the protein mass and mixed.
  3. Place the mixture in a frying pan, fry on both sides, and place on a plate.
  4. Cottage cheese is mixed with chopped parsley, spread on the fried mass and wrapped in a roll.

Baking is prepared in the oven or in a multicooker on the appropriate program.


  • bran ground into flour - 4 tbsp. l;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • water – 50 g;
  • cottage cheese (fat content less than 0.9%) – 300 g;
  • baking powder – 1 g.


  1. Beat the egg whites, add bran flour and baking powder and mix.
  2. Place in the oven or slow cooker for 10 minutes at 170°.
  3. Prepare a mixture of cottage cheese, yolks and water.
  4. The cake is filled with curd mixture and placed in the oven for 5 minutes.

Add mushroom filling if desired. To prepare it, frozen champignons are stewed with sour cream, and cheese is added at the end.

How to get out of a diet correctly?

The system consists of phases, the last one being a gradual return to the usual diet. The essence of the diet is “leaning in” for protein, reducing carbohydrates. At the stabilization stage, 10 g of substances of the carbonyl and hydroxyl groups should be introduced into the diet.

Contraindications and harms of diet

After the publication of the diet, a wave of criticism hit her. There are a lot of articles on the Internet that describe the harm to health when using the Dukan weight loss method.

A lack of carbohydrates and fats can result in the following:

  • metabolic acidosis;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • nervous breakdown;
  • neurodegenerative disorders.

Insufficient fiber in the diet leads to intestinal dysfunction.

Considering possible side effects, the nutritional system is contraindicated for people with the following pathologies:

  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diabetes;
  • gestation period, lactation;
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction.

The attitude towards the Dukan weight loss method is ambiguous. If all the rules are followed, it gives good results.

One of the most effective and popular weight loss methods in the world is the Dukan diet. The menu for each day in the table is described in this article for all four phases. This method quickly shows excellent results. The diet also has a second name - the French diet and is suitable for beginners. The creator of this weight loss diet is Dr. Pierre Ducane, a renowned French nutritionist who has dedicated his life to the study of eating habits and healthy weight loss and has more than 30 years of experience in this field.

In order to develop a diet menu that will lead to significant results, goals, stages, foods, and the like must be clearly defined. This diet plan encourages you to eat as much as you want, and whenever you want. You like it, don't you? The Dukan diet is high in protein and low in calories.

This principle of the diet is based on the fact that carbohydrates, having reached an increase in blood sugar levels, begin to drop sharply, which is why we feel hunger, cravings, and then, as a rule, we pull to chew the first thing that comes to hand, usually candy or snacks . In contrast to this, proteins reduce appetite and force the body to use its fat reserves for energy, which leads to weight loss.

Four stages of the Dukan diet.

A short-term protein-rich diet removes excess water from the tissues, and, at the same time, does not damage the muscles and elasticity of the skin. Weight loss is inevitable and fast. Therefore, by consuming dishes in the menu every day with a high protein content at the first stage, we arrive at simpler stages. In addition to proteins, vegetables are added in unlimited quantities. May start eating salad or soup, meat or fish with a side dish of delicious vegetables.

Once you reach your target weight - or whatever is recommended for you - the diet enters a consolidation phase, introducing fruits, bread, cheese, and foods full of starches such as pasta. The Dukan diet even includes a holiday menu once a week with alcohol, butter, bread, chocolate... whatever. Doctors strongly recommend these diet holidays for mental stability. At this stage, kilograms are not lost, but also not added.
Next on the diet, your daily menu moves into the next phase of the plan, which will lead you to a healthy and normal routine, but with one exception - one day on protein only without fruits and vegetables or other foods. Pierre Dukan recommends Thursday every week for the rest of your life - and it is very important for weight loss. » One day of protein will allow you to lose approximately 600-900 grams per week, which will correct your weight if you gain it on other days“, says Dr. Dukan.

Dukan's first phase is Attack. A weekly menu made from pure protein.

It all starts with the simplest phase. When we say "simple" we are referring to foods that you can eat. Anyone losing weight on the Dukan diet must strictly eat only “allowed foods” every day of the week, because there are no exceptions. This stage is very important because for beginners in the diet, the weight loss cycle lasts from 3 to 10 days. You can’t go any longer, and the exact period of the Attack phase depends on how many kilograms you want to lose:

During the first stage of the attack 11 categories of food products and supplements can be used in the daily diet menu. You can eat them whenever you want and as much as you want, without any restrictions, and you can also connect them together. These include:

  1. Meat with a little fat; veal, beef, horse meat, grilled or baked without fat.
  2. All types of poultry; chicken, turkey, except geese and ducks, but without skin.
  3. All types of fish; blue and white, fresh, frozen and canned, but without oil (preferably prepared without added fat, baked with lemon and herbs, steamed or baked with foil.
  4. All types of seafood; crabs, shrimp, lobsters, mussels, oysters.
  5. By-products; veal, beef and poultry, kidneys and liver, and only the tip of the tongue of beef and veal.
  6. Lean ham and turkey or chicken breast.
  7. Low-fat dairy products
  8. Eggs (boiled, omelets, fried without oil). It is recommended to consume three or four egg yolks per week, and egg whites ad libitum
  9. Plant proteins (coming from soy and wheat).
  10. Oat bran crispbread or one and a half tablespoons of oat bran in milk or yogurt.
  11. A liter or half a liter of water per day, in the spring you can use slightly carbonated water.

Additionally, as Dukan says, the menu for the week may include tea, coffee, vinegar, herbs, lemon, pickles, mustard and salt in measured quantities. It is advisable to walk at least 20 minutes a day.

During this phase of the diet, you may experience dry mouth and bad breath. This can be avoided by drinking plenty of water, at least two liters per day. You can drink tea and coffee, but without added sugar or perhaps with a small amount of artificial sweetener.

As an example, we have compiled menu table for each day of the Attack phase of the Dukan diet. Keep in mind, this is not mandatory. We have compiled a weekly menu as the most common. You do it for yourself, depending on the tasks at hand. You can change the number of meals, prepare dishes according to your preferences, and also rearrange them at your discretion.

Day Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1st coffee; scrambled eggs with meat Ukha, bran bread cottage cheese casserole baked meat, tea
2nd bran pancake with cottage cheese, tea soup with meat and boiled eggs yogurt fish stew
3rd omelette, lightly salted salmon, coffee chicken cutlets, yogurt cottage cheese, kefir baked fish
4th bran bread with melted cheese, tea soup cottage cheese casserole, yogurt baked meat, kefir
5th boiled eggs, yogurt fish cutlets, kefir cottage cheese, milk turkey fillet with melted cheese, tea
6th omelette, coffee meatball soup kefir with bran seafood, tea
7th cottage cheese casserole, tea fish soup with bran bread cheesecakes, yogurt cutlets, kefir

The second phase is Cruise. We add vegetables to the menu for every day

At the second stage of the diet, there are only protein foods in the menu or proteins with vegetables. INstill does not use any fat for cooking, foods you eat raw, cooked or steamed (it is always advisable to process food as little as possible, as it contains more vitamins and other nutrients). From vegetables you have a really wide range of options, n Just make sure to avoid starchy vegetables such as beans, lentils, potatoes and corn.These two sub-phases can be combined as you wish. For example, you can eat only proteins for three days, and proteins with vegetables for three days. However, it is better to alternate sub-phases.

  • Eligible Products: tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, spinach, asparagus, leeks, beans, cabbage, champignons, celery, dill, all types of lettuce, chard, chicory, eggplant, zucchini, peppers, carrots, beets, mushrooms.
  • Prohibited Products include: potatoes, rice, corn, peas, chickpeas, beans, lentils, beans, avocados.

This phase lasts until your desired weight is reached (usually 5 -7 days). To encourage digestion, beginners can eat 2 tablespoons of bran per day. Also consolidate the results of the Dukan diet exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Below is a table of the daily menu for the entire week of the Cruise phase as one of the options. You can change everything as you like.

Day Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1st scrambled eggs with bran bread, coffee vegetable soup with meat cottage cheese casserole, tea baked meat, salad
2nd cottage cheese, kefir ear sandwiches with lightly salted salmon, coffee meatloaf, yogurt
3rd cottage cheese with yogurt solyanka bran pancake with kefir chicken cutlets, salad
4th omelet with ham, coffee meatball and bran soup syrniki baked fish, kefir
5th boiled eggs, coffee turkey cutlets, salad kefir with bran fish with vegetables baked with melted cheese
6th cottage cheese casserole, tea fish soup with bran bread seafood, coffee baked meat
7th omelette, yogurt fish balls, salad cheesecakes, tea vegetable stew with chicken

Phase 3 - Consolidation. We don't let the kilos come back

The Consolidation phase of the Dukan Diet is designed to maintaining your desired weight after losing weight. This phase develops a menu in which carbohydrates are added to the diet: durum wheat pasta, whole grain bread, starchy vegetables and hard cheeses. You eat everything as in the previous step, and the following is added:

At this stage, the Dukan diet menu will lift the mood of gourmets! Now you can eat two meals a week in full accordance with your wishes. For example, you can eat chocolate, cakes, alcohol, whatever you want. This stage does not have an exact duration and differs from person to person. Durationdepends on how much kilogram you lose - for each kilogram lost, 10 days of consolidation are needed. This stage is not intended for weight loss, but you don't need to (if you follow the diet plan). The table shows an approximate menu with one day on proteins alone. You don’t need to do this every day, but only once, preferably on Thursday (as Pierre Dukan advises for beginners).

Day Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1st cottage cheese casserole, tea fish soup with oat bran and whole grain bread fruits baked meat with vegetables and potatoes
2nd cheesecakes, coffee solyanka with bran bread salad chicken meatballs, salad
3rd cottage cheese casserole with berries, tea ear fruits baked meat, kefir
4th menu for any day from Attack
5th scrambled eggs, coffee veal meatballs, salad berries vegetable stew, baked fish
6th scrambled eggs with bran bread solyanka, cottage cheese fruits baked meat, rice, salad
7th boiled eggs, coffee turkey cutlets, salad fruits fish with vegetables, red wine

The fourth phase is Stabilization.

This stage will last a lifetime because you must maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout your life and monitor your newfound slimness. You can eat pies and everything that every person wants, but you also According to the rules of the diet, you must include in your menu one day a week only protein foods. As recommended by Dr. Pierre Dukan, this day can be Thursday, but it can be another one of your choice (just don't skip it).

The Dukan diet has remained one of the most popular in the world for many years. Over the course of several years, hundreds of thousands of people who want to lose weight have already tried this diet and were satisfied with the results obtained.

Quick navigation through the article:

The diet consists of four phases: “Attack”, “Alternation” or “Cruise”, “Consolidation” and “Stabilization”. The duration of the diet depends on how many kilograms you want to lose. Phase "Stabilization" lasts as long as possible and becomes a way of life for someone losing weight. Thanks to the phases "Consolidation" and "Stabilization" the weight will remain at the level you need, and you will not gain back the lost kilograms. Read below for the rules to follow throughout the diet.

4 phases of Dr. Dukan's diet


Phase 1 of the Dukan diet "Attack". Table

“Attack” - the first phase of the famous Dukan diet which continues from 3 to 10 days, depending on the weight you want to lose. We will tell you which products you can and cannot eat during the “Attack” phase.

Below is table, which allows you to calculate the weight of the person losing weight and the number of days needed to complete this phase. Based on the table, you can see that the more weight you need to lose during the diet, the more days this phase will last.

Weight you need to lose Attack Duration
5 kg 2 days
10 kg 3 days
15 kg 4 days
20 kg 5 days
25 kg 7 days
30 kg 7 days
40 kg 9 days
50 kg 10 days

During the "Attack" you can quickly see good results, which will be an incentive for further weight loss. On average, those who lose weight lose weight per week about 4 kg (from 2kg to 6 kg). Add to your daily diet 1.5 spoons of oat bran.

What can you eat during the "Attack":

  • Poultry meat without fat and skin (chicken, turkey, quail);
  • Lean veal, rabbit;
  • Lean ham;
  • Chicken by-products (liver, kidneys);
  • Veal and beef tongue (front part);
  • Fish and seafood (shrimp, mussels, squid);
  • Cancers;
  • Chicken eggs (no more than 2 yolks per day, unlimited egg whites);
  • Crab sticks (no more than 8 pieces per day);
  • Low-fat dairy products (milk, kefir, granular and liquid cottage cheese, soy cheese “Tofu”).

Eat low-fat dairy products

Sample Dukan diet menu during the “Attack” phase for every day and recipes with photos you will find at this link. And at this link you will find recipes for simple desserts for “Attack”.


Phase 2 of the Dukan Diet “Alternation” or “Cruise”

This phase continues until the weight begins to suit you, which means it can last for quite a long time. The amount of oat bran increases to 2 tablespoons per day. During this period, protein days begin to alternate protein-vegetable. That is Day 1 of the diet is purely protein, the second day is protein-vegetable.. This helps make the diet more varied, as well as supply the body with useful minerals and substances from vegetables. Scheme of protein and protein-vegetable days may be different. It could be scheme 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, but it is worth noting that scheme 1/1- the most gentle. see the link.

The following vegetables are prohibited:

  • Corn;
  • Potato;
  • Peas;
  • Regular beans;
  • Beans, lentils;
  • Olives/olives.

You can eat the rest of the vegetables no limits.

During this phase you should also not eat:

  • avocado;
  • pasta;
  • cereals

For this phase, look here.


Phase 3 of the Dukan Diet "Consolidation"

During the previous two stages you have reached your desired weight. Now begins the longest stage of the diet - "Pinning". On For every kilogram lost there are 10 days of “Consolidation”. For example, if you lost 15 kg during the first two stages, then the “Consolidation” phase will last 150 days. At this stage you need eat 2.5 tablespoons of oat bran per day. One day a week must stay clean protein. During this phase, the menu expands to include many products.

At this stage you are allowed to eat:

  • Pork and bacon;
  • Lamb;
  • Whole grain bread (100 g per day);
  • One fruit per day (apple, orange, grapefruit, apricot, peach, plum, slice of watermelon or melon, small bowl of berries). Bananas, grapes, cherries, and figs are still excluded from the menu;
  • 40 g of hard cheese with a fat content not exceeding 40%;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

During the "Consolidation" stage, you can eat some types of fruits

The main difference between the previous stages is the introduction of two unusual meals. You will be able to afford starchy foods, and also arrange "belly festival". However, these meals should be administered according to special rules. First, calculate the total number of days in this period. For example, in the first two stages you lost 8 kilograms, then “Consolidation” phase will take you 80 days. Divide the number of days of the phase in half.

1 During first forty days you can afford once a week one serving of starchy foods And 1 time per week arrange for yourself "belly festival", which many call a “feast”. Feast - one meal, during which you can afford any food from the common table. You can treat yourself to ice cream or desserts, pastries or sweets. However, the amount eaten should not exceed the usual serving sizes.

In the first half of the “Consolidation” phase, organize a “Belly Feast” for yourself once a week.

2 During second phase period(second forty days) you can arrange 2 “belly feasts” per week and eat 2 servings of starchy foods. However, these dishes should be small. Do not repeat these meals in a row.

  • Potatoes (mashed or baked potatoes);
  • Buckwheat;
  • Pasta;
  • Beans, peas, beans and other types of legumes;
  • Lentils.

At this stage, you can allow yourself a few slices of whole grain bread a day.

Do not season these dishes with butter. Cook instead dressing from stewed vegetables: tomatoes and onions.


4th phase of the Dukan diet "Stabilization"

At this stage of the diet, you gradually return to your normal lifestyle. However, do not immediately jump on all those foods that you denied yourself during the diet, since the likelihood of excess weight returning is quite high.

  1. Try to introduce new products gradually and little by little. Moderation in food, which has become your wonderful habit while dieting, will help you stay slim for many years.
  2. Keep eating oat bran 3 tablespoons per day. They should become your constant companion throughout your life.
  3. One day a week still remains protein. This phase can continue throughout your life. During this period, you will no longer lose excess weight, but with the right approach, you will not gain it either.
  4. Carry on drink enough water per day and exercise.

During the Dukan diet, you must adhere to several rules.

1 You will need to eat some oat bran every day. You can add them to food, e.g. to low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt or soup. You can read more about what oat bran is. With each phase, the amount of bran in the diet increases. During the first phase their number is 1.5 tablespoons, and by the fourth phase you will have to eat 3 tablespoons of bran per day.

2 Drink enough fluids. Drink about 2 liters of water a day; instead of water, you can drink weak tea or coffee without sugar, or water with lemon juice. During the diet, you need to drink a lot of fluid, otherwise kidney problems may begin.

3 Do it every day light sports exercises or morning exercises. If you have no time for sports at all, take walks for at least half an hour every day. You can walk home from work or get off the transport a few stops earlier. If you live in a multi-story building, try to gradually refuse the elevator

  • Tea and coffee without sugar;
  • Skim milk powder and cocoa;
  • Low-fat bouillon cubes;
  • Lemon;
  • Parsley;
  • Vanilla, cinnamon, cumin, etc.
  • Choose products from lowest content of carbohydrates and fats. These rules must be strictly followed throughout the diet.

    Ducan's diet. Stages and phases. Description:

    Ducan's diet
    Type of diet - low carbohydrate

    Weight loss - 3-5 kg ​​per week

    Duration - several months /can become your nutrition system for life/

    After the publication of the book “The Dukan Diet” by French nutritionist Pierre Dukan, many people around the world began to successfully use the principles of the Dukan diet for weight loss.

    Externally, this diet is very similar to other well-known low-carbohydrate diets - the Kremlin diet, the diet of American astronauts, the Atkins diet, etc. But there are some differences in the Dukan approach to weight loss.

    According to this famous nutritionist, every person from birth has a strictly defined number of fat cells - adipocytes. The more of them, the more likely it is to develop obesity. In addition, with increased nutrition, these fat cells can divide in two, thereby allowing for the accumulation of even larger fat reserves. When using diets, only the amount of fat decreases, but the number of cells remains unchanged. This is why it is so difficult to maintain the desired weight after various diets.

    The Dukan power system consists of several phases.

    "ATTACK" phase

    In the first phase, you need to attack your fat cells, turn on the process of breaking down adipose tissue

    This phase is called “ATTACK” and its duration directly depends on both your initial weight and the weight you would like to have. The “ATTACK” phase lasts from 3 to 7 days, maximum 10. At this stage, on average, 2 to 6 kg are consumed.

    If excess weight is less than 10 kg, the duration of the phase is 3 days;

    From 10 to 20 kg 3 - 5 days

    From 20 to 30 kg 5 - 7 days

    From 30 kg or more - 5 -10 days

    In the “Attack” phase, only proteins are allowed: meat, fish, eggs and low-fat dairy products. This phase can last for you one day, or maybe ten. During this phase, you may suffer from dry mouth and bad breath. All this only confirms the fact that the process has begun and everything is going fine. At this stage, it is very important to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. You can eat any amount of food at any time, the main thing is to adhere to the following rules:

    1. Eliminate boiled beef and veal, rabbit, pork and lamb, goose and duck from the diet. Meat can even be eaten fried, but oil and sauce should not be used when frying.

    2. Chicken and turkey are allowed (the skin must be removed from them before eating), lean ham, beef liver or chicken liver, any fish - boiled, grilled or steamed, as well as any seafood.

    3 You can eat up to two eggs a day. If you have high cholesterol, eat no more than 3-4 yolks per week. Protein - unlimited.

    4 Low-fat dairy products are allowed: natural yoghurts, as well as yoghurts flavored with coconut, vanilla or lemon. The number of fruit yoghurts should be limited to two per day.

    5 Sugar is prohibited, salt can be consumed in small quantities.

    6 When cooking, you can use a sugar substitute, vinegar, spices, seasonings, garlic, onions, gherkins, lemon juice, mustard. You can also use chewing gum (only without sugar).

    In addition, during this period you need to eat one and a half tablespoons of oat bran per day. Oatmeal will generally accompany you throughout the diet and will become one of the main components of the diet after its completion. And this is not surprising: oat bran is rich in sugar and protein, and it also absorbs water in the intestines, increasing in size and giving us a feeling of fullness. Bran also improves heart function and relieves constipation (which can bother you in the early stages of the diet).

    Second phase – “CRUISE”

    The length of this phase is also strictly individual and can be from one to several months until you reach the desired weight.

    The phase consists of alternating two diets: protein days with days when you include an unlimited amount of vegetables in your diet, complementing meat, fish, poultry and low-fat dairy products.
    The following vegetables can be introduced into the diet at this phase: raw, boiled or baked in foil artichoke, asparagus, eggplant, broccoli, any other cabbage, celery, chicory, zucchini, cucumbers, beans, leeks, onions, mushrooms, peppers, pumpkin , radish, sorrel, soybeans, spinach, tomatoes and turnips. If you want to achieve rapid weight loss, it is better to eat only when you feel hungry. All vegetables containing a lot of starch - potatoes, rice, grains, peas, beans, lentils and avocado - are prohibited during the “cruise” stage. The rules for the second phase are as follows.

    1 You alternate one to five days on pure protein (as in the “Attack” phase) with one to five days when vegetables are added to protein foods:

    If you want to lose less than 10 kg, it is recommended to alternate 1 PP / 1 PL (1 day of pure proteins, then 1 day of proteins + vegetables), but 3/3 or 5/5 is also possible

    If you want to lose 10 to 20 kg, a 5/5 rotation is recommended

    If you want to lose 20 to 30 kg, we recommend alternating: 5/5

    2 Consumption of oat bran is increased to two spoons per day.

    3 The duration of your daily walk increases to 30 minutes.

    4 You continue to drink at least one and a half liters of water a day.

    The alternation scheme can be changed at any time
    In this phase the following are allowed:
    -1 teaspoon low-fat cocoa
    -1 tablespoon starch
    -2 tablespoons soy cream
    -1 teaspoon cream 3-4%
    -2-3 drops of oil in a frying pan
    -30 grams of cheese less than 6% in dry weight (we don’t have that in kosher)
    -3 tablespoons white or red wine
    -1 tablespoon Heinz ketchup
    ONLY TWO ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS PER DAY are selected from this list.

    Can be used for cooking, baking or eating:
    Agar-agar, gelatin
    Marak of low fat
    Light drinks only 1 kcal glass and no more
    Sugar substitutes
    All spices
    Adjika, hot pepper
    Milk powder, milk (semi-skimmed and skimmed)
    Natural canned fish
    Soy sauce
    Surimi (fake crab sticks, no more than 8 per day!)

    Example of a daily diet “Proteins + vegetables”:
    Breakfast: coffee or tea, two small low-fat yoghurts or 225 g low-fat cottage cheese, a piece of lean turkey, chicken or lean ham, or one boiled egg.
    Second breakfast: one small low-fat yogurt or 115 g low-fat cottage cheese.
    Lunch: stewed mushrooms (without oil), tuna, tea or coffee with low-fat cream.
    Afternoon snack: oat pancake with a piece of lean ham, chicken or salmon.
    Dinner: zucchini soup, beef shish kebab, “Floating Island” dessert made from egg whites.

    The third phase of "CONFIRMATION"

    At this stage, it is necessary to consolidate the achieved result by returning to normal nutrition.
    The main task of this phase of the diet is to prevent the return of lost kilograms.

    The duration of phase 3 depends on how many kilograms you have lost. For every kilogram lost - 10 days.
    During this 3rd phase you can eat the following foods:
    - stage 1 products
    - stage 2 vegetables
    - 1 serving of fruit per day, except bananas, cherries, grapes
    - 2 slices of bread per day
    - 40 g mature cheese
    * 2 servings of starches per week (eg: potatoes, pasta, rice, corn, beans, peas)

    And besides:
    per week you can afford 2 meals, which Dukan calls a feast, a festive dinner (we are talking about ONE meal, and not about the whole day! During this meal you can allow yourself everything you want! It is very important not to have feasts two days in a row)))
    But be sure to: 1 time a week (preferably on Thursday) PURE PROTEIN DAY

    Fourth phase of "STABILIZATION"

    The goal of this stage is to stabilize the weight.

    During this stage, you eat normally, but follow 2 principles:

    1 day a week should be a pure protein day;

    3 tbsp. l oat bran per day;

    The duration of this stage is not limited, but it is advisable to follow the recommendations of Pierre Dukan throughout your life.

    Pros of the Dukan Diet
    - the diet is not dangerous, since it is based on natural products. A diet allows you to get rid of excess weight even in cases where this is not the first diet and the body has already developed a stable reaction to various experiments.
    - the first kilograms disappear quickly, which promotes motivation.
    - not a very aggressive diet, suitable even for gourmets who love to cook and eat delicious food.
    - no restrictions on the amount of food and time of consumption
    - the diet is simple, you can follow it everywhere: at home, at work, in a cafe.
    - the body produces ketone bodies, they suppress appetite, but can cause fatigue in the first few days
    - deficiency of microelements and vitamins. It is recommended to take a vitamin complex
    - fat deficiency. It is recommended to add a little vegetable fat.
    - the diet can quickly get boring for those who don’t like to cook.
