
Congratulations on the day of the Soviet army. Congratulations on the day of the Soviet army and navy Congratulations on the day of the Soviet army February 23


From childhood, we remember this holiday,
Army of the Soviet glorious day,
All soldiers, warriors, heroes,
We were not too lazy to congratulate.
And today we wish the defenders happiness,
Peace, joy, good luck and kindness,
So that all the bad weather flew by,
To long and beautiful life was.

Congratulations on the day of the Soviet Army from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you good luck in everything,
So that there are no obstacles on the way,
To have good health in addition.
Let life flow like a full river
Fortune always smiles at you
May the sky be peaceful above your head,
Be always kept by fate.

On the day of the Soviet Army, accept congratulations,
Former soldiers of a mighty country,
And let your hair turn gray
You are always on the line.
We wish you good luck, joy, patience,
Good luck and good luck in everything
Let it surprise you every day
Reliable friends are always around.

To the soldiers of the Soviet army - honor and praise,
Feel free to put on your orders,
Although the service was going on in peacetime,
But you deserve all the credit.
Accept congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Live long in happiness, joy,
Be happy in everything, always
Let the bright star light the way.

Warriors of the Soviet army, honor and praise to you,
You have always been at the forefront
The service was carried out in good faith,
You are the main defenders of the country.
God bless you all and success
Less tears in life, and more laughter
Good luck, endurance, patience,
And great mood.

We hasten to congratulate you on the day of the Soviet Army,
We sincerely wish you all the best,
Good health to you, peace and kindness,
So that the sun of good luck always shines on you.
To all the defenders of the country,
We wish your cherished dreams come true
So that happiness does not leave you,
So that reliable friends surround.

For you defenders, all the compliments and flowers,
You celebrate the Day of the Soviet Army,
We wish you success, endurance, patience,
And always in a great mood.
May fate always be kind
Let the cherished dream always come true
Always be confident
May the Lord keep from troubles and evil.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day:

The lieutenant colonel is certainly right in many respects. Almost everything. And yet, we should pay tribute to our fighters who fought terrorists in Chechnya, fighters in Transnistria, and later - with the Georgian aggressor. Then - in the east of Ukraine. And, of course, the brave actions of the RF Armed Forces in Syria. Although the lieutenant colonel did not yet know about the Syrian air battles, as well as about the banderization of Little Russia in 2013.

So let's add to the congratulations of the lieutenant colonel: Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, fellow countrymen!

On February 23 we celebrate the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Created in 1918 by the Soviet government and the Leninist Bolshevik Party, the Armed Forces of the world's first state of workers and peasants were called upon to ensure the peaceful labor of the multinational people of Russia, the Soviet Union in building a socialist society based on public ownership of the means of production without exploitation of man by man, friendship and brotherhood of peoples.

Society, the primary task of which is comprehensive development human personality. The Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet, and then the Soviet Army and Navy coped with their tasks with honor: they defended the gains of the Great October Socialist Revolution in the civil war, expelled interventionists from 14 states from the territory of Russia. Defeated the coalition of fascist states in the Great Patriotic War Soviet people under the leadership of the Communist Party, headed by Generalissimo I.V. Stalin, prevented a thermonuclear war, ensured the peaceful development of mankind after the Second World War.

After the criminal, contrary to the decision of the National Referendum on March 17, 1991, the destruction of the Soviet Union, the enemies of the working people - anti-Soviet and anti-communist betrayed and discarded the covenants, the heroic experience of the creators and defenders of the Soviet socialist Motherland. The planned economy with a developed industry and efficient agriculture in Russia and most of the CIS countries was turned into a colonial raw material market for the robbery and sale of natural resources. From universal military duty they pass to hired military service.

They destroyed the connection of the Armed Forces with the working people, undermined the authority of the profession of defender of the Fatherland, the morale of the military personnel and military partnership. They liquidated the Soviet system of education and military-patriotic education of youth, humiliated veterans. As a result, in the Army and Navy, military equipment and weapons are mainly a legacy of the Soviet era.

The bourgeois government, which has turned the working man into a commodity in the capitalist bazaar, does not enjoy the confidence of the majority of the working people and rests on slander about Soviet civilization, aggressive nationalism and electoral fraud. The children of the working people do not want to defend such power and in droves evade military service. And this is happening at a time when only the remnants of the Soviet nuclear missile shield are holding back NATO countries from the armed seizure of our national wealth. The Fatherland is in danger!

What to do? The choice is ours! Or will we continue to tolerate the bourgeois, feudal rule of the traitors and destroyers of the Soviet Union, who are leading us into the colonial slavery of modern fascists - the NATO countries. Or let us follow the precepts of the generations of creators and defenders of the Soviet Motherland, the victors of fascism: we will throw off the bourgeoisie and their henchmen in the authorities of the former republics of the USSR, we will return power and property to the working people and on this basis we will restore socialism and the Soviet Union of fraternal peoples.

The Soviet military oath obliges us to make this choice, and only on this path will we save the Fatherland, restore peace on earth and ensure a free and happy life for our children and grandchildren.

We heartily congratulate you on the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy - a holiday of bright memory of the military might of our Motherland - the Soviet Union, eternal gratitude to its creators and armed defenders, and angry protest against its destroyers and robbers.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland
All earthly humanity.
Good luck to all fighters:
From men to gentle ladies!

We sincerely congratulate everyone,
We wish you a clear sky
Happiness full hearts
In the "address" - a good word!

May peace always reign
There will be peace overhead
And if the enemy visits us -
The DEFENDER will protect us!

Happy Defender's Day
Decoration of our country!
We sincerely wish you the best,
Uncles, brothers, fathers and sons!

May your path be light and bright
May luck follow you!
Enjoy every moment
Enjoy life every hour!

You are our support and strength.
The world without you is empty and dark.
Happiness to you, our defenders:
And a tanker, and a sapper, and a sailor!

red calendar day
Defender's Day today.
We congratulate you:
Be strong and noble.

To be with you like behind a wall
Not afraid of storms and thunderstorms,
So that with a confident hand,
Repel all threats.

Defenders of the Fatherland,
Fatherland sons,
Happy Holidays to you dear
I want to congratulate.

I wish you success
In any field
under your protection
We live on Earth.

You are my hero, you are my man
And on a special day of February
There is a definite reason
Congratulate you on the holiday.

With such a defender is not scary
Fate blow or whim.
Always be strong and brave -
That is your life motto!

Congratulations on February 23
We hurry all men!
All smiles today are not in vain for you,
There are 100 reasons for this!

You give care and warmth.
You are courage, reliability and success!
It's easy for us to be with you!
The path in life will be joy, happiness, laughter!

For guys like you
There are no barriers:
Any enemy always trembles
Your envious sharp look!

Motherland sleeps peacefully
Nothing threatens her.
If there are such guys
The enemy will always be repulsed.

All the defenders of the country,
We congratulate you today.
You are so brave and strong
And we wish to remain so.

Protect those who are dear
All loved ones and relatives.
And don't leave your friends
In any situation.

Always be brave
And any height will submit to you.
We sincerely wish you love and kindness,
We are very proud of you!

For men, today is a holiday,
Twenty third of February,
Your life is varied
You are at the helm.

May there be so much money in life
To be able to swim in them
Every man is very valuable,
May you have many holidays.

You are our main defender!
The best on earth:
Don't cheat, don't betray
And more fun with you!

I wish this day
Always be the way you are;
Be cheerful, and - believe me -
It's good where you are!

The lieutenant colonel is certainly right in many respects. Almost everything. And yet, we should pay tribute to our fighters who fought against terrorists in Chechnya, fighters in Transnistria, and later - with the Georgian aggressor. Then - in the east of Ukraine. And, of course, the brave actions of the RF Armed Forces in Syria. Although the lieutenant colonel did not yet know about the Syrian air battles, as well as about the banderization of Little Russia in 2013.

So let's add to the congratulations of the lieutenant colonel: Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, fellow countrymen!

On February 23 we celebrate the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Created in 1918 by the Soviet government and the Leninist Bolshevik Party, the Armed Forces of the world's first state of workers and peasants were called upon to ensure the peaceful labor of the multinational people of Russia, the Soviet Union in building a socialist society based on public ownership of the means of production without exploitation of man by man, friendship and brotherhood of peoples.

A society whose primary task is the all-round development of the human personality. The Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet, and then the Soviet Army and Navy coped with their tasks with honor: they defended the gains of the Great October Socialist Revolution in the civil war, expelled interventionists from 14 states from the territory of Russia. They defeated the coalition of fascist states in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people under the leadership of the Communist Party, headed by Generalissimo I.V. Stalin, prevented a thermonuclear war, ensured the peaceful development of mankind after the Second World War.

After the criminal, contrary to the decision of the National Referendum on March 17, 1991, the destruction of the Soviet Union, the enemies of the working people - anti-Soviet and anti-communist betrayed and discarded the covenants, the heroic experience of the creators and defenders of the Soviet socialist Motherland. The planned economy with a developed industry and efficient agriculture in Russia and most of the CIS countries was turned into a colonial raw material market for the robbery and sale of natural resources. From universal military duty they pass to hired military service.

They destroyed the connection of the Armed Forces with the working people, undermined the authority of the profession of defender of the Fatherland, the morale of the military personnel and military partnership. They liquidated the Soviet system of education and military-patriotic education of youth, humiliated veterans. As a result, in the Army and Navy, military equipment and weapons are mainly a legacy of the Soviet era.

The bourgeois government, which has turned the working man into a commodity in the capitalist bazaar, does not enjoy the confidence of the majority of the working people and rests on slander about Soviet civilization, aggressive nationalism and electoral fraud. The children of the working people do not want to defend such power and in droves evade military service. And this is happening at a time when only the remnants of the Soviet nuclear missile shield are holding back NATO countries from the armed seizure of our national wealth. The Fatherland is in danger!

What to do? The choice is ours! Or will we continue to tolerate the bourgeois, feudal rule of the traitors and destroyers of the Soviet Union, who are leading us into the colonial slavery of modern fascists - the NATO countries. Or let us follow the precepts of the generations of creators and defenders of the Soviet Motherland, the victors of fascism: we will throw off the bourgeoisie and their henchmen in the authorities of the former republics of the USSR, we will return power and property to the working people and on this basis we will restore socialism and the Soviet Union of fraternal peoples.

The Soviet military oath obliges us to make this choice, and only on this path will we save the Fatherland, restore peace on earth and ensure a free and happy life for our children and grandchildren.

We heartily congratulate you on the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy - a holiday of bright memory of the military might of our Motherland - the Soviet Union, eternal gratitude to its creators and armed defenders, and angry protest against its destroyers and robbers.