
How to give a child a comprehensive development. What does the all-round development of children include? Baby develops playfully


Natalya Belaya (Boyarkina)
Comprehensive development of the child's personality through physical development

Municipal Preschool educational institution MDOU d / s No. 28 p. Chernyshevsk

Topic: comprehensive development of the child's personality through physical development


Belaya N. M

instructor for physical education



Raising a healthy generation with a harmonious development of physical and spiritual qualities is one of the main tasks of modern society.

For more than a year now, at all levels, an opinion has been expressed about the need to intensify physical education of the next generation. In 2005, the Concept of the Federal target program « Development of physical culture and sports in Russian Federation for 2006-2015".

Within the framework of the Program, the priority direction is development children's physical education and sports. Currently, the 2nd stage of the Program implementation is underway. Purpose and task stage: creation of conditions for initiation to regular physical education, as well as the creation of an effective system physical education and development of children.

At no other time in life physical education is not so closely related to general education and education as the first 6 years. During preschool childhood child laying the foundations for health and longevity comprehensive motor fitness and harmonious personality development.

The outstanding V. A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength in knowledge, faith in one's strength.

Preschool childhood - the initial stage of formation personalities, his values, orientation in the surrounding world.

Educators and psychologists (L. S. Vygotsky, A. Vallon, M. M. Koltsova) established a direct relationship between the level of physical activity of children and their vocabulary, speech development, thinking.

Many preschool children have unstable attention, which causes the memory process, the process development of speech breathing. Often there is no correct articulation, voice power, expressiveness, voice rhythm, almost no developed sense of pace of speech.

Numerous studies testify to the primary role of movements in the development of mental functions. child. There is a close relationship between indicators physical and mental qualities in preschoolers (G. A. Kazantseva 1993, V. A. Balandin 2000, N. I. Dvorkina 2002)

Currently, there is an acute problem of understanding the features of mental development of modern children, in particular, their emotional stability, which provides positive results of communication, learning and socialization. An emotionally stable person is productive and successful.

Physical And mental health- the most important prerequisite for the correct formation of character, development initiative, talents and natural abilities. It is especially important to emphasize that physical education is not only development locomotive apparatus and physical qualities, it is also a facilitator development all areas of the brain child. In progress physical education creates a variety of situations, including conflict situations, in which the preschooler's attitudes to society, to people, to himself are revealed and changed. Motor activity against the background of strong emotional arousal teaches to subordinate personal interests of the interests of the team, to control oneself, to show discipline, honesty, courage, determination. There is a relationship between the state of psychomotor development and manifestation of difficulties in emotional, communicative child development. performing their specific functions, physical development is objectively connected with such priority areas as mental, moral, labor and aesthetic education.

In this regard, the purpose of my research was to determine the possibilities physical culture as a means comprehensive development of the personality of a preschool child.

Object of study is an: process physical education

Subject: program sections "Childhood" and arising from them

educational and upbringing tasks

First steps in mathematics

Speech development

Theatrical activities

Ecology- child and the natural world

Socio-emotional development

Hypothesis: Let's pretend that physical education, carries the function comprehensive development of the child's personality.


Conduct an analysis of literary sources on the problem under study (sections of the program "Childhood")

Define Relationship physical education with educational and educational tasks of the Program and the possibility of their solution

To study the existing experience in the implementation of educational - educational goals into the process physical education.


Literature analysis

Experience learning


Diagnostic study



1. Sections of the program "Childhood"

2. Educational tasks of the sections of the Program implemented in the process physical education

3. The role of outdoor games in comprehensive development of the child's personality.




development of recitatives, elements of psycho-gymnastics, breathing exercises, relaxation, facial exercises

sample projects


1. Educational sections of the program "Childhood"

1 First steps in mathematics

2. Speech development

3. Theatrical activities

4. Ecology- child and the natural world

5. Social-emotional development

2. Educational tasks to be solved in the process physical education

First steps in mathematics:

Orientation in space and allocation of spatial relationships;

quantitative and ordinal account and number;

determination of equality and inequality of objects on a specific basis (large-small, long-short, tall-low, thin-thick);

the difference between geometric shapes and their correct name;

building into groups of 2, 3;

reproduction of claps, movements by ear

Speech development:

Tempo Development, rhythm, timbre and intensity of speech;

improved articulation;

prevention various violations of the sound culture of speech;

formation of artistic and speech performing skills;

communication development, monologue and expressive speech.

Theatrical activities:

development creative imagination and fantasy;

imitation, improvisation and expressiveness of movements;

ability to transmit across movement emotional state;

the ability to enter an imaginary situation;

development gestures of facial expressions and pantomime;

education of aesthetic feelings

Ecology- child and the natural world

learning the basics of environmental safety;

names of inhabitants of flora and fauna;

through movement, creating your own image to the depicted character;

development of aesthetic sense.

valeological foundations:development interest in active motor activity;

instilling healthy lifestyle skills; (prevention and elimination of bad habits

increasing the reserve capacity of the body (resistance and hardening).

education in children of the consciousness that a person is a part of nature and society;

habit building personal hygiene;

Socio-emotional development

self-assessment of one's own "I";

moral education qualities: goodwill, mutual understanding, purposefulness, honesty, balance;

education of mutual assistance and the ability to unite;

development communication skills and education of tolerance;

development strong-willed skills and overcoming difficulties

mental and moral education;

labor education: diligent and accurate execution of instructions, careful attitude to objects and equipment, cleaning and arrangement of physical education aids;

From work experience

Childhood is a unique period in a person's life, during which not only health is formed, but all-round development of personality.

I work at the DOE as the head of physical education. Before that, I worked as a teacher for many years and therefore I know well psychophysiological features of a preschool child. In the course of my work, I had to educate myself and re-read a large number of different methods, programs and technologies from which I learned a lot of new and interesting things. Came to the conclusion that physical education should not be limited to muscular activity. I was especially interested "The program of pedagogy-health" edited by V. Kudryavtsev. Indeed, motor activity is a wonderful basis for other types of educational work. And the improvement of old and the creation of new organizational and methodological approaches (traditional and non-traditional) allowed to ensure the improvement of results in upbringing and education.

In the process of researching her pedagogical work, as a physical education instructor, she analyzed all the motor activities of children from a new point of view. I came to the conclusion that with the introduction of new methods and technologies into physical culture and health work with children, it became possible to solve related tasks of an educational and upbringing nature. Such how: first steps in mathematics, speech development, theatrical activity, ecology, valueology, socio-emotional development.

Mathematics and physical culture... It would seem that it is impossible to draw any parallels here, but in reality it is not so at all. Already in the early stages of education child walking traced and the first results. For example, walking under the score of 1.2-3.4. And if you pay deep attention to the software requirements for physical education, then it is possible to trace how mathematical problems are solved in different types of movements.

walking with orientation in a given direction (diagonal, middle of the hall, "snake"

walking with count "10 steps on toes, 8 steps on heels";

walking with a task "depict parts of the day";

walking to the recitatives "one step and two steps, left-right boot";

various rebuilding and building by 3, by 2, "in pairs", in "a circle";

calculations for 1-2;

turns to the right, to the left;

mission jumping across"low bench", across"high" bench;

jumps, bends. turns, exercises for arms and legs according to the named number or the shown figure;

steps and jumps one more or one less

jumps with turns 900-1800

You can give children exercises on knowing the size of objects and comparing specific lengths. across motor analyzer

For example, we invite children to walk along "wide-narrow", "short-length" track. step over across"wide", "narrow" brook. Children analyze where it is more convenient to walk. run through "slow-fast".

Give the task of throwing, catching and throwing balls and various items . Throw farther, higher, or in the indicated direction. Along the way, determine what shape the ball is and its properties.

In the organisation various relay games for a child we propose to determine the number of objects, group them by shape, or compare objects by size. For example, each team member queues you need to jump on your right foot to the hoop, put 5 small cubes and 3 large ones in it, or remove the extra ones from the unfolded geometric shapes. Distribute cards with geometric shapes to children and line up in groups "squares", "triangles", "circles" Whose group is the fastest? I made cards with geometric shapes, the children receive a task depending on the image figures: "square"- walk, "a circle"-jump, "triangle"- squat. We designed the interior of our gym various geometric shapes. Painted the floor and walls with squares, circles, triangles different colors and sizes. Teaching children different types of walking and running, I propose to navigate by geometric figures: "we walk to the square, turn at the triangle". I give assignments for eye development"hit the ball into a circle, square, triangle".

To relieve tension and fatigue in children, I apply various types of exercises with the reproduction of claps, movements by ear. For example, I suggest playing "raindrops"- children clap their hands in accordance with text:

“It started to rain and one drop fell -1 cotton

2 drops fell - 2 claps

3 drops fell - 3 claps

and so on until 5 or 10 drops, then the countdown

“The rain ends - 5 drops fell - 5 claps

4 drops fell - 4 claps, etc.

Exercises for fine motor skills of hands contain mathematical check:

(children fold their palms, beat off the claps with their fingers, pressing the lower parts of the palm tightly against each other friend: 1,2,3,4 who lives in our apartment? 1,2,3,4,5 I can count everyone - fingers press and clap their hands "dad, mom, brother"… etc.)

When organizing outdoor games, we choose a leader in various counting rhymes, which contain a mathematical score. (one two Three.)

This approach to the organization of motor activity allows children to better understand mathematical concepts and to some extent solve problems associated with the assimilation of the set program tasks for mathematics: quantitative and ordinal counting, reverse counting, names of geometric shapes, orientation in space, etc.

The relationship between general and speech motility has been studied and confirmed by the studies of many leading scientists, such as I.P. Pavlov, A.A. Leontiev, A.R. Luria. The higher the activity child, all the better his speech develops. Accurate, dynamic performance of exercises for the legs, arms, torso, head prepares and improves the movements of the articular organs (lips, tongue, lower jaw, which are leading in the formation of the correct sound pronunciation. On the one hand, motor activity helps to intensify develop the child's speech On the other hand, the formation of movements occurs with the participation of speech.

There were difficulties in walking with a cross step, I suggested that the children take these steps for amusement "The fox walked through the forest"… the result was obvious, I was able to form a movement with the participation of speech.

She drew attention to the fact that the less motor experience of children, the less their vocabulary. I came to such conclusions when I began to use in my practice "recitatives". And a special object of study was development children's speech at the moment of physical activity. Recitatives in combination with movements allow you to activate the speech activity of children. Developing relationship speech activity with movements. In children, the transition to active speech occurs faster, speech itself improves. As a result of accompanying movements with verses verbal development in children, arbitrary and involuntary memory. Walking to chants and recitatives develops the pace, rhythm, timbre and intensity of the voice child.

Across mobile games with text support develops monologue speech , artistic and speech performing skills. In children with speech defects, articulation improves, and the prevention of violations of the sound culture of speech is underway. An excellent tool for development creative speech activity are Russian folk games, because almost all of them contain literature.

Such a positive dynamics determines the expediency of using "recitatives", various outdoor games with words, texts, in the motor activity of children.

IN various types of exercises and actions with objects develops fine motor skills hands. general developmental exercises with handkerchiefs, cubes, flags, balls, rings and balls strengthen the hand child and develop motor skills. A variety of colors of flags, balls, aids form children's perception colors. The color palette of the painted walls, the floor of the gym is pleasing to the eye child and helps to distinguish shades of color.

The most important feature of the creativity of a preschooler is the saturation with bright, positive emotions, due to which it has great attractive power and leads to development new motives of activity that form the eurytic personality» ( Development creativity of preschoolers. M. ed. knowledge, 2007).

Theatrical activity in the preschool educational institution is a huge potential of energy and emotional reserve for the activities of children. In physical culture and health-improving work with children, new non-traditional forms and methods of organizing physical education classes - thematic, plot, game. As a result of this innovation, a unique opportunity to solve problems and theatrical activities. With an introduction to the practice of their work various trainings, relaxation exercises, psycho-gymnastics, came to the conclusion that such non-traditional forms involuntarily contributed to the creation "small theater of physical education". Children love to do "imitative" movements on cards that depict animals or objects.

For example, I distribute cards to each to kid, he does not show a friend. Then I ask for each child's turn depict in motion what is drawn on his card, everyone must guess and name what it is or who it is.

In this way, develops creative imagination and fantasy child.

Holding entertainment, leisure and recreational holidays, with the participation of fairy-tale characters, make it possible to reveal artistic abilities in children. Children participating, during entertainment become real little actors and actresses.

The world of ecology is also in some form a field of activity physical culture. To maintain interest in physical activity, I made a selection of poems and quatrains for general developmental exercises, the introductory part of the lesson and gymnastics. Children enjoy moving while reading poems with a plot. Across the poetic form in combination with movements, children replenish knowledge about different types of inhabitants of the animal and plant world, create their own images for the characters. Across elements of psycho-gymnastics exercises, in children, develop aesthetic the senses: "sun-bell", "we are warm, gentle rays", « beautiful flowers» . Relaxation under an audio recording - the murmur of a stream, the voices of birds, the sound of sea waves, evokes an emotional response in the hearts of children. Relaxation elements intensify activity nervous system, regulate mood and the degree of mental arousal, allow you to weaken the mental and muscle tension caused by stress.

The problem of preserving and strengthening human health is becoming more and more acute, requiring serious pedagogical reflection and solution. Due to this physical education through instilling the foundations of valeological culture is relevant already in preschool age.

Valeology is the science of how to live today in order to have a chance to see tomorrow. Valeological education should be deeply national, that is, based on the cultural experience of the people, their traditions, customs, rituals and forms of social practice.

Growing diseases "civilization" urgently requires the formation in children, starting from preschool age, of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. Before us are tasks: to teach children to love themselves and others, their body, their body, to form ideas about the structure of their body, to form an attitude towards their own health as a whole. Need to be taught child from early childhood, be smart about your health, respect physical culture, harden your body, eat rationally. The implementation of a set of these measures ensures optimal physical development and good health of children.

Working in this direction, I try to instill in children an interest in active motor activity, I instill skills for healthy lifestyle life, which contributes to the formation of valeological foundations in children, the reserve capabilities of the body increase, resistance to diseases, hardening develops. In class, while doing physical exercises, children receive elementary ideas about the structure of their own body, functions and purposes internal organs and body systems. Across a system of special exercises and games, children get acquainted with the signs of health (correct posture, gait, learn to protect themselves from germs, avoid dangerous places and, if necessary, provide yourself and others with elementary assistance.

Formation personalities preschooler in progress physical culture, another task that is solved in the process of physical activity. the main objective personal development - the realization by the child of his"I", as well as experiences as an individual - can be successfully solved in the process of performing exercise.

“Movement, even the simplest, gives to kid the food of a child's imagination, develops creativity, which is the highest component in the structure personalities, is one of the most meaningful forms of mental activity child, which scientists consider as a universal ability that ensures the successful implementation of a variety of different types activities.

Being engaged in self-education and studying the materials of the training course by V. G. Alyamovskaya, « Modern approaches to the improvement of children in preschool educational institutions ", I was interested in a lecture with the topic “ psychophysical and socio-psychological factors of health”. I agree with the statement that "health is not a sign of spirituality", in other words, one can physically strong person, but at the same time mentally defective " (V. G. Alyamovskaya). And in my practical work I try to create conditions that provide both mental and children's physical health.

I set the process of teaching children in such a way as to arouse interest and emotional response. I pay a special role to gaming motor tasks, outdoor games, entertainment, which are always interesting to children, because they have a large emotional charge. To a large extent, this is facilitated by exciting motor activity associated with a clear focus on the result (dramatization games, sports and outdoor games, sports exercises, relay race games). And if my pupils ask: what game will we play”, there is no doubt- will answer: "Nikanorihu" or "Boyars". After all, it is these games that evoke positive emotions. Folklore is an emotionally figurative means of influencing children. The joy of movement is combined with the spiritual enrichment of children, forming a stable attitude towards culture in them. home country creating an emotionally positive basis for development patriotic feelings.

Physical education lays the foundations for labor education child. Children help me prepare equipment for classes - they arrange benches, lay out manuals and attributes. FROM younger age I teach children to take care of the inventory and at the end of the lesson, be sure to clean their workplace.

When performing such tasks, children develop positive habits: diligence, diligence, accuracy.

Many times I have observed how children try to overcome certain difficulties associated with the performance of motor tasks and exercises for long and reusable and monotonous repetition. For example, exercises with objects that require efforts:

Do 8-9 squats, turns, tilts ( “we do inclinations, but we don’t bend our knees”), etc. The assimilation of new material also requires child of certain physical and mental effort. Especially when doing exercises for the flexibility of the joints. The child evaluates"I" on the direct efforts that he made to achieve the goal. In connection with the development of self-esteem develops such personal qualities like self-respect, pride.

Physical education has great potential in the aesthetic education of a preschooler - it forms the beauty of a person's physique and movement.

Classes physical exercises create favorable conditions for aesthetic education. In the process of training, a beautiful posture is formed, harmonious body shape development, an understanding of the simplicity and grace of movements is brought up.

children. An art and sports club was created at the preschool educational institution "Herringbone". The focus of which is aesthetic development in cooperation with physical education.




The process of comprehensive development of the child's personality

includes a whole system of education and training. Children amaze us with the originality of behavior, interests, abilities and inclinations. No children are exactly the same, even twins are different from each other. How to approach children to know them? How to direct our pedagogical efforts to achieve the best results? How to find the keys to unraveling the behavior and actions of the child? How to find the necessary means of pedagogical influence in this particular case?

After all, every child is a special world and only those who can share his sorrows and anxieties, his joys and successes together with the baby can know it.

In working with children, the educator should always strive to become better, more perfect, not to descend to the child, but to rise to his level of understanding. And therefore, the personality-oriented approach is one of the most important principles of modern pedagogy, it requires great patience from each teacher, the ability to understand the complex manifestations of the child's character.

Carrying out a personality-oriented approach to children, the educator must remember that his task is not only to develop the positive qualities that the child has, but also to form a comprehensively developed person, while observing the unity of the requirements for him, both educators and parents, because many issues of upbringing cannot be resolved without communication with the family.

Very important condition the effectiveness of the personality-oriented approach is based on the positive in the character of the child, one or another of his individual characteristics, this is the state of health, features of higher nervous activity and conditions environment.

In his pedagogical activity, carrying out

A person-centered approach follows the following rules that I propose:

1. Taking a new child into the group in the first place, I ask the parents about the state of health and physical development of the child.

2. I am interested in the conditions of raising a child in a family and communication skills.

3. I reveal the creative and mental abilities of each child.

4. I study the relationship of children to labor activity and in the game.

After all, the duty of each teacher is: constant monitoring of each child, analysis of his achievements and problems, taking into account the preferences and inclinations of the child's personal choice, using testing and diagnostic methods.

We all know well that the environment is one of the main

means of developing the personality of the child, therefore, in each age group zones are created for different types of children's activity: motor, play, visual, constructive, theatrical, etc., as well as conditions for frontal subgroup and individual classes. Classes occupy a certain part of the time in the daily routine, but their educational and developmental value is very high.

In the process of classes, children develop: perception, voluntary attention, memory, imagination, will, organization, perseverance, diligence, a sense of collectivism are brought up.

Some children easily learn all the rules, they do not have to make comments, they even restrain those who violate the requirements and discipline, most often they are easily excitable children, their temperament, high mobility of nervous processes and insufficient development of inhibitory reaction affect. Such children cannot concentrate for a long time, spin around, distract other children or follow something extraneous, some children sit still and do not break the rules, but they are passive and do not participate in classes.

An individual approach in the classroom contributes to the disclosure of the child's individuality, which finds its expression in the character, thought processes: memorization,

Attention, manifestation of initiative, creativity, in the fact that when mastering new material, everyone discovers different interests and uses their knowledge in different ways.

As soon as learning begins to be based on an individual approach, silent, shy, withdrawn, indecisive children reveal qualities that were not noticed in them before. An individual approach to children who think slowly is very important. Such children are obedient, good-natured, they slowly learn topics, but firmly retain everything in their memory. In an individual approach to slow children, patience should be observed, do not rush to answer, do not interrupt, build confidence and encourage their answers.

During classes, you should use game techniques that contribute to the development of activity, voluntary attention, overcoming indecisiveness in timid, little active children.

In practice, we are faced with the fact that we try to ask only developed children, capable, active, in order to get good answers, but we just need to move away from this stereotype, using a personality-oriented approach.

approach, thus activating all children. From my own experience I know

that very active children are self-confident, they can answer without listening to the question of the teacher.

Passivity in the classroom can be explained by a variety of reasons: physical weakness, shyness associated with speech deficiencies. If a child is overprotected at home, he does not need to think for himself, to make decisions. Such children have developed imitation, there is no initiative, it is often useful to ask passive children in the classroom. At the same time, the educator should make them think about their answer, teach them to think, turn to personal experience. But there are children who do not answer even when the teacher asks them, they are silent, they are not decisive. A constant benevolent attitude on the part of the educator and peers, encouragement for small success, encouragement - this should be the teacher's approach to children in the classroom and outside the classroom.

If a child has reduced hearing or vision, then he must be placed closer so that he can see and hear well. These kids need to be kept under control.

Very mobile children, fidgets require constant attention. All children need a differentiated approach during classes, games, and work activities.

Watching the children, it is not difficult to notice that many children willingly take up the matter, know how to work quickly and accurately, show independence and bring the work they have started to the end, while others do everything reluctantly. Knowing and taking into account the individual characteristics of the children of the whole group makes it possible to organize teamwork, to form certain groups for which you can connect guys with different individual manifestations, which is very important for their positive influence on each other.

Children love to do team work, they all work with pleasure, communicate, help each other. All children need an individual approach, labor education. Here, an individual approach includes a clear goal setting, organization and summing up what has been done, and a public assessment of the work.

The activity of the child in the mini-center takes place in the play activity, where all-round mental life of the child is manifested and formed. Observations show that all children have different attitudes towards games, especially collective ones, many children agree to play a role, but they cannot organize the game on their own, they lack creative initiative. The teacher should use all means to involve children in active creative gaming activity. It is necessary to use games with an interesting theme, they attract timid and indecisive children, and initiative children find opportunities for communication in them.

Only by studying the child, understanding why he does it this way, and not otherwise, you can find a way to influence him. But the experience of a teacher, the theory of pedagogy cannot provide ready-made recipes for all occasions.

K.D.Ushinsky said this very well

“We don’t tell educators, do it one way or another,

but we say to them: study the laws of those mental phenomena,

which you want to manage, and act according to

these laws and the circumstances in which you

want to apply them.


1. Magazine " preschool education».

2.A.P. Shelestova, I.P. Shuvalov "Development of the child's personality"

All-round development of the child is an integral part family life. Every parent wants their child to be the smartest, happiest and most successful. Many are immersed in the learning process almost from the cradle, filling up the still fragile baby with new knowledge. Is it correct? We can say this: uncontrolled and unsystematic (and sometimes forced) learning will not bring any benefit, and sometimes it can push the child away from new knowledge. The development process must be approached creatively.

What is the comprehensive development of the child

The key to success in such a difficult task as the development of a baby lies in the support of mom and dad, the joy of new discoveries and the realization of their childhood opportunities. These are the three basic postulates from which any family should build. No goal, expressed in the formulations of the model "to raise a genius" or "my child is better than yours," will not make either the parents or the child happy.

So, it is worth understanding that classes for children must necessarily affect five areas of human nature:

  • Physical development: in healthy body- a healthy mind. This truth is simple and clear to everyone. There is no question of any development if the child is sick. Only in good condition and good mood the child is ready for new discoveries. Should be raised motor activity from diapers. First, this is a small set of exercises, then frequent walks and sports (by age). Sport helps not only to strengthen muscles, but also to educate character: to make a person more resilient, more persistent, focused on results, more courageous. Such qualities will undoubtedly be useful to the baby in the future.
  • Intelligence. This is the cornerstone for most parents (which is a mistake). It is impossible to put all parental dreams into the head of a little man. It should be understood that a child is an individual with his own desires and priorities. The task of mom and dad is to offer as much as possible (drawing, languages, music, logic, chess, experiments, books, etc.), and the choice is already up to the child. That is, you should not force the baby to learn English just because the neighbor on the site gave her son to the courses. The most important thing in this process is to listen to what the baby is capable of.
  • Social sphere. This includes communication skills in a team, understanding others, conflict resolution, finding common language. This is very important for absolutely any child, since in the future he will have to have a lot of contact with the outside world. In this regard, the task of parents is not to fence off their child from everything and everything, but to teach how to behave in a given situation.
  • Emotions. Yes, this sphere of a person also needs to be developed and trained. The child is simply obliged to learn to control his emotions and identify others in order to somehow correct his behavior. Empathy, sympathy, support - all this must be taught by parents, because it is they who set the atmosphere of communication in the family.
  • Spiritual realm. If in simple words, then the principle of "good-bad". That is, the baby must understand the generally accepted moral norms: helping others, respect for others and nature, caring for animals, etc. It should be remembered that the child does not know all this. He is a white paper. And what will be written on it already depends only on the behavior of the elders, mom and dad.

The timing of the start of classes with a child is very abstract, because, as already mentioned, each baby is individual. And it should be borne in mind that even without any pressure and influence from outside, the development of the child goes on its own. Agree that in the first year of life this tiny creature learns to hear, speak, look, crawl, walk, and then run. The task of parents is to promote this natural process and not interfere.

enough in infancy good songs, funny poems and a sea of ​​​​smiles from loved ones. The most important assistant to mom and dad at this stage is intuition, not modern techniques, which are yet to be explored.

As you grow older, you should simply offer one or another type of activity. And see if the baby is interested. As for books, they must be in the house: colorful and varied. It is desirable that the child sees the elders with a book in their hand. This will instill in him a love of literature in the future.

Baby develops playfully

If you ask what children love the most, then their answer will be obvious: “Play!”. This must be used. Boring lectures on books and a bunch of tables with letters will not interest any child, especially if he has a problem with concentration.

Absolutely any training can be turned into a game. For help, you can use the Internet, which is a storehouse useful information for parents (master classes, photo reports, free materials, etc.).

The development of a child in the form of a game has many advantages, but there are several main ones:

  • Improving the ability to perceive the information presented;
  • Involvement of elders in the family (mothers, fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, older sisters and brothers);
  • Imagination development;
  • Interaction with the outside world.

That is, in other words, the game allows you not to set strict limits and conditions, which clearly contributes to the development of all five areas mentioned above.

The book, written by a very charming and well-known actress Goldie Hawn, has sold millions of copies around the world. Few people know that this talented woman has been dealing with the education of preschoolers and activities for children at a professional level for the second decade.

This book is helpful for parents. She will teach you to look with completely different eyes at your child, unique in all respects, and not to expect something supernatural from him. Don't expect a book to make child development easy. No, there is a slightly different approach. The child must learn to enjoy every second of his life without regard to others.

The main postulates proposed by Goldie Hawn are as follows:

  • Smile more often. The bigger, the better. The child must be allowed to be a child. After all, a harsh life awaits him in the future. And very soon, already at school. Dance together, make funny skits, don't be afraid to make mistakes and laugh at your mistakes. Such an easy attitude towards them will help him later not to dwell on failures, but to outgrow them.
  • Minutes of rest. Calm parents - calm children. You should never communicate with a child in a depressed mood. He feels it, and then models similar behavior.
  • Don't rush. No need to rush the baby, quickly teach everything that seems necessary for adults. Sometimes you need to give children the opportunity to watch the worm on the street for half an hour or collect stones. Classes for children are not always the usual for us adults to sit at a desk.

What parent does not want to give a comprehensive development to the child. You should not rush when the baby reaches 5 years of age, give it to all possible circles and activities. Giving the baby a comprehensive development should start from infancy.

Comprehensive child development

All-round development of the child

The comprehensive development of the child should begin to engage in 2-3 years of age. This is the most optimal age when the baby can perform simple tasks assigned to him. But before you start classes with him, you just need to learn how to sit at your table. To do this, just every day invite the baby to sit and, for example, draw or pat. Let five minutes, but the baby will know that there is a certain amount of time that he spends at his table, playing. Then the period of time gradually increases and is brought to the necessary to complete the task to the end. Thus, you do not have to teach and explain for a long time to a three-year-old fidget why you need to sit at the table and study.

So, what does the integrated development of the child include?

  • "In a healthy body healthy mind". Do not forget about the physical development of the child. From a young age, teach the tomboy to do exercises. Try to provide active walks: cycling, running bike, rollerblading and just playing football with dad, or tag with peers. The better developed the child is physically, the stronger his health. And do not forget about a rational and balanced diet, which excludes all tasty "harmful things" like lollipops, chips, fast food;
  • It is necessary to take care of the intellectual development of the child. This includes expanding the child's vocabulary by reading fairy tales, poems, listening to audio fairy tales. This will develop not only vocabulary, but also hearing, attentiveness and memory. All complex developmental activities for children should be only in the form of a game and not intrusive. Duration no more than 10 minutes. Further, the baby simply will not be able to concentrate his attention on the things that you explain to him. And most importantly, do not force the child to study. He is also human and this moment may not be in the mood for exercise;
Try to offer your baby to wash clothes with you, wash the floors or dishes, sweep the floor. These seemingly simple tasks for us will cause the brain to work actively in the child. At the time of completing these tasks with you, the fidget will develop logical thinking, fine motor skills.
  • Teach your child to communicate with children. Help find a way out of this situation, for example, when sharing toys, things on the site. But don't influence the course of the situation too much. Be an outside observer, ready to help your baby when circumstances require it. Analyze and discuss situations while reading books. Model this or that behavior of your character in the game, and be sure to tell your child how to deal with it. After all, what you beat will help your child find a way out of many situations in the future.

With a comprehensive education of the child, it is important not to forget about the emotional, spiritual and moral development of the child.

What is the mother's role in child development? How tightly should she deal with the child? How necessary and important is this? Does a child need some skills at an early preschool age, is it important for him as a person? We can coach a child on some kind of knowledge, teach him to read, count, draw, give geographical knowledge very early - all this can be developed, but does this really mean the development of a child as a harmonious personality?

When we are engaged in such methods, then in this case we develop in the first place the intellect. It turns out that we are trying to equate a smart child with happy child. We believe that if our child is smart, then he can become happy and successful. Unfortunately, this is absolutely not the case, because life is multifaceted. Intelligence is not a guarantee of happiness, and not even a guarantee of success.

Intelligence. Higher education. Red diploma
A century ago and even 50 years ago, when our mothers grew up and were raised by our grandmothers, they invested in their children the concept that the main thing is higher education. You need to study well at school, then go to college and graduate, preferably with a gold medal and a red diploma. Having received such a tool as a higher education, a profession, you will always be provided for, you will be able to find your place in life, a good job, then you will have prosperity, recognition and everything in your life will be fine.

Let's look at what surrounds us today. Progress has reached a high level of development, we have computers, robots and robotics are being introduced into technological processes. Many professions are depreciating. For example, in the past, a lot depended on an engineer or designer, he made some complex calculations. Now it all fades into the background, because computers can do its work.

Today, creativity, creativity, the ability to quickly analyze large amounts of information and come up with some original approaches to using this information are more valued. Computers have not yet been able to teach creativity, so in this area they cannot replace a person. Therefore, it is here that a person is more likely to be successful in the creative process, in self-realization, to prove himself as a professional.

Social connections. Sociability
Social connections are also important for self-realization. Therefore, it is necessary to teach the child to establish contacts with other people, to teach him to communicate, to develop sociability and creativity, not so much to accumulate knowledge as to be able to apply it.

Of course, at the same time, it is important to remain a decent person, observe universal human norms, be honest, sympathetic, kind, appreciate beauty, order, moderation, and respect elders. When a child is smart, but at the same time, for example, does not respect his parents and other people, he loses a lot as a person. It will be difficult for him to find his own way in life, to find himself not only in self-realization, but also to create a family, to realize himself as a parent.

A holistic view of parenting
Therefore, it is important, when developing a child, to approach this process holistically, i.e. to develop different sides of his personality, without focusing on any one, whether it be intellectual development, only creativity or social skills. Our role as a mother is, first of all, to help:
- to teach the child to understand what he himself wants in life, so that he can choose his own path, and not live the path that his parents offer him;
— to see this path and develop skills in it that will help you achieve your goals;
- to reveal creativity in him, to teach him to be purposeful, to establish contacts with other people.

Supervision, help and support
How can a mother do all this? There seems to be so many things, there is a feeling of great responsibility. In fact, the child will do a lot on his own. He should not interfere, but simply be there at the moment when he asks for help to prompt and help. It is enough for him to just slightly open the veil and show different sides of this world, and then he will choose his own direction, and you will need to support him in his endeavors, not kill his interest, help develop skills.