
Note to the hostess: how to wash dirty bedding at home. How to soak clothes before washing How to soak clothes


Washing is a process in which every housewife can easily have her own secrets. And although the new generation of washing machines sometimes seems to perform just the same cosmic functions, every second housewife does a lot with her own hands. For example, soaking clothes - sometimes you can’t get away from this action before washing.

Someone uses grandmother's secrets, someone soaks clothes by trial and error. But how to do it right? This process can be described in four simple tips.

Soaking simplifies the washing process. This is an axiom. What is the essence of washing, think about it. You go to your unit, let it be, for example, Samsung washing machine, throw laundry there. Dirt from the laundry should go into the water, partly into the detergent, and this dirty water will go down the drain. But if you soak, a lot of the dirt will go into that first water. And to some extent, clean linen will go to the washing machine, and it will be easier for him to wash further.

There are some important details here:

  • Be sure to sort things, both by color and type of fabric, and by degree of soiling;
  • Do not wash knitwear with wool;
  • Do not wash dyed cotton and linen together with undyed cotton and linen;
  • Do not wash synthetics with natural fabrics.

Sometimes it is worth soaking things even after washing. But more on that later.

Be sure to prepare the soaking solution in advance. You can, of course, “splash” the finished product from the bottle into the water, but this is not entirely correct.

You can simply dissolve detergents in water a little, and throw things into this concentrated mixture. Sometimes they are also soaked in water containing detergents, where the linen will subsequently be washed.

If the solution is warm, then things should be soaked in it for at least three hours. Warm means a solution of 30 degrees.

If the solution is cold, it will take longer to soak.

Separately, it is worth mentioning laundry soap. Yes, progress is progress, and this penny means does not cease to prove its worth. So let's say you've lathered things, hard enough. You can soak them in warm water, where, in addition to the soapy solution from things, there will also be a tablespoon of soda. The time of such soaking is 8-10 hours.

For example, overalls with oil stains. And in general - men's clothes, smeared to some extreme degree, women often have to wash.

Follow these instructions:

  • Dilute 2-3 tablespoons of soda ash or trinitrate in ten liters of water;
  • It is necessary to soak such clothes for at least 12 hours, and better - a day;
  • Soaking temperature - 30-40 degrees;
  • But do not soak woolen things for more than ten minutes, no matter how strong their contamination would be;
  • Soap should never be used to wash items made of lavsan and (or) nitron.

If the contaminants are of a protein nature, for example, berries, sauces, eggs, blood, soaking agents should contain enzymes.

And now about how and why to soak clothes after washing.

For example, you washed, stroked, and the trace from the hot iron so offensively drew on things. Or the situation is simpler - the product simply fell off after washing. What to do? Will have to soak.

The solution for soaking after washing is as follows:

1 tablespoon of turpentine;

3 tablespoons of ammonia;

2 tablespoons of vodka;

10 liters of water.

This is the so-called grandmother's recipe, which rarely fails.

Take these tips for sure:

  • You can soak white products in cold water, you can in warm water, but again - no higher than thirty or forty degrees. When soaking, you can add a little washing powder to the water.
  • And if you're soaking kitchen towels, add salt to the water, just a tiny bit.
  • White things should not be soaked for more than an hour.
  • The best time for soaking is half an hour.
  • After soaking, carefully rub the places on white things again with soap, and only then immerse them in the washing machine.

Well, that's all the tricks. The correct mode of subsequent washing is important: be it a Beko washing machine, be it a more modest technique.

Successful washing with the cleanest result!

Soaking is part of the washing process, which directly affects how clean your laundry will be.

And the secrets of proper soaking will help you cope with even the most complex and large wash.
So what is the right way to soak laundry?

Before soaking things are sorted by type of fabric and degree of soiling. Cotton and linen linen, dyed cotton and linen linen, woven products from chemical fibers, wool and natural silk items, knitted synthetic products are set aside separately.

You can soak clothes in wooden, galvanized and enameled dishes.

. When soaking, the water should completely cover things.. With an insufficient amount of pollution, they accumulate in separate areas of the tissues and are subsequently washed off with great difficulty.

. Items with water-soluble soils (such as dust) before soaking, it is recommended to rinse under running water.

. Washing powder for soaking should be taken half as much, than for washing. The duration of soaking should be at least 2 hours at an initial solution temperature of at least 30°C

If you have to wash coarse items made of cotton and linen fabrics, oily overalls, very dirty linen, then for soaking they take strongly alkaline products, such as Soda Ash, Trisodium Phosphate: 2-3 tbsp. spoons of the drug in 10 liters of water. The duration of soaking such things is from 12 to 24 hours at 30-40 ° C.

For soaking you can use washing powders and pastes with biological additives (enzymes) to help remove protein contaminants. Soak linen in such products should be at a water temperature not higher than 35-40 ° C, and wash - up to 60 ° C, because at a higher temperature the enzymes die.

.Soak whites and coloreds separately so that it is not in progress.

.In warm water (40°C) laundry should be soaked for 3 hours, in cool - a little longer. Things that require boiling should be soaked for at least 12 hours. Products made of colored fabrics should be kept in water for about 1 hour.

. white linen, which withstands boiling well, is soaked in cold or warm (but not hot) water for a relatively long time, for example, overnight.

. When soaking white laundry in water, it is good add turpentine, three tablespoons per bucket of water. This simple product helps to whiten clothes and makes washing easier.

. Laundry that was starched in the last wash recommended to soak in warm water. In it, the starch will dissolve faster and more completely, and the laundry will not turn yellow.

. colored linen it is better to soak only for 2-3 hours and only in cold water. Colored items Should be soaked (and washed) in as much water as possible so that they are not pressed against each other. Items that may shed should not be soaked and washed separately.

To determine if a thing is shedding, take a piece of matter from which it is sewn, soak it in warm soapy water, wrap it in a white rag and squeeze it out. If there are no traces left on the rag, then the material does not shed.
Colored products with a fragile color and combined do not need to be soaked at all.

. Things from colored fabrics of various colors it is not recommended to soak in the same water.

. Fine cotton products should be soaked separately from the rest. The temperature of the water for soaking must not exceed 40°C. Otherwise, contaminations, especially of protein origin (cream, eggs, blood), are coagulated. These stains are very difficult to remove.

. Wool and colored knitwear It is recommended to soak only in cool water without the addition of detergents.

. Products from wool and natural silk a, as well as from dyed fabrics can not be soaked for a long time.

To linen well wet, when soaking, it should not be stacked tightly. It is recommended to stir the linen from time to time, you can wrinkle or rub it.

If linens are very dirty, then the soaking water is changed several times. If you need to wash very washed cotton linen, soak it for a day in a solution containing 2-3 tablespoons of detergent for washing cotton fabrics and the same amount of turpentine per 10 liters of water. There is another way: you can soak things in a warm (30-40 ° C) solution of vinegar (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

. Excessively long (more than a day) soaking is not only inappropriate, but also harmful, as the linen sours, acquires a bad smell, which is difficult to remove even with subsequent washing and thorough rinsing.

Soaking is necessary for things contaminated with protein and starchy substances- blood, pus, milk, eggs, etc.

. For heavily soiled laundry do two soaks: the first (for 2-4 hours) is done in plain water, softened with a small amount of soda. For the second soak, you can use detergents or prepare a soap-soda solution: for 1 kilogram of laundry, take 10 liters of water, 5-8 grams of soda and 3-5 grams of 40% soap. First, soda is dissolved in a small amount of hot water and poured into a soaking container, and after 15-20 minutes, a separately prepared soap solution is added to the water, then the linen, well wrung out after the first soaking, is placed. Instead of soda, you can use trisodium phosphate, washing powder or ammonia.

Soak things sometimes and after washing, for example, to remove traces from a hot iron on white, linen and cotton fabrics, or when an item has fallen off during washing. In the latter case, it is necessary to soak it in a solution containing 3 tablespoons of ammonia, 1 tablespoon of turpentine and 2 tablespoons of vodka per 10 liters of water.

Some interesting tips:

Cold laundry. Scrap 400 g of soap with a knife, pour it into 30 liters of boiling water, add 2 tablespoons of turpentine and 2 tablespoons of ammonia, beat the foam, lower the laundry, close and leave for 10 hours, then rinse thoroughly. This method is suitable only for linen and you can resort to it occasionally.

Washing clothes without hand washing. This is one of the least labor intensive ways. Linen is soaked in water with the addition of soda (2 tablespoons of soda for 1 bucket of water), having previously washed sleeves, collars and other most contaminated places.
After 5-6 hours, the linen is squeezed out and laid out in a tank, into which the following composition is previously poured: 1 bucket of water - 100 g of soap, 30 g of soda, 50-75 g of turpentine. In this solution, the linen is boiled for 1-1.5 hours, and then rinsed first in warm and then in cold water.

Handwash. During the hand washing process, no changes occur. Thin items are washed by hand, without the use of a washboard or brush. Thicker, more durable and heavily soiled items can be washed with a brush.

Cotton lace, tulle, lace fabrics before washing, they are soaked for an hour and a half in cold salted water and only after that they are washed in warm water, adding some kind of powder with chemical bleach. They cannot be rubbed and twisted, but can only be squeezed very easily. Then the lace is rinsed in plenty of warm water and lightly starched.

Men's shirts made of pure cotton or cotton blended with synthetic fibers soak beforehand. But things made of silk and woolen fabrics cannot be soaked.

Pillowcases and duvet covers before soaking, you need to turn it inside out to clean the corners from fluff and dust.

New dressing gowns and printed calico dresses will shed less if soaked in cold salted water before washing.

Whitesocks, knee socks they are easier to wash if they are pre-soaked for 1-2 hours in water, to which 1-2 tablespoons of boric acid are added.

To easier to washnasal handkerchiefs Soak them in cold salted water for 2 hours beforehand.

According to,,

Sasha, the eldest son of our editor, recently began to live alone. And he still has questions about how to properly wash things. Especially for him, we prepared this article about soaking things and tried to describe this process in detail and step by step.

Why do you need to soak clothes

Soaking improves washing efficiency. A significant part of the stains dissolves under the action of the active components of the product used and water.

The dirt remains in the soap solution, and the laundry gets into the machine much cleaner. The washing result is improved several times.

Lightly soiled clothes do not need to be soaked, the machine will cope with such a problem in one short cycle.

Stubborn stains after washing are usually not completely removed, things have to be sent back to the drum. Soaking helps to avoid wasting time. After it, everything is usually washed off the first time.

Step-by-step instruction

You will need a large basin or tank. The container must be large enough so that the laundry does not lie tightly in it. Otherwise, there will be no effect.

Things are sorted by colors, types of fabric, degree of soiling. The basin is filled with water at a temperature of 40 degrees, to which a suitable agent is added. Use two times less powder or gel than for the main cycle.

Thoroughly stir the soap composition so that no flakes, solid particles of soap or powder remain. The sorted things are immersed in the resulting solution.

If we are talking about delicate fabrics, then it is better to leave the temperature as written on the label and do not exceed it.

Keep linen in soapy water for no more than 30 minutes. If the water is very dirty, it is replaced with clean water and continued for another 0.5 hour. This method of soaking is much more effective than one procedure lasting 1 hour. Within 60 minutes, the dirt molecules first dissolve in water, and then evenly penetrate back into the fibers of the fabric. The thing turns gray and it will be difficult to remove it.

Thin, delicate, synthetic materials are soaked for 15-20 minutes. This is enough to remove contaminants. If there are stains on things, they are pre-washed with a suitable stain remover.

After soaking, the laundry is wrung out and sent to the drum of the washing machine.

We select a remedy

The use of products containing enzymes improves the soaking effect. These substances enhance the splitting of dirt molecules and pushing them out of the fabric fibers. Help with stain removal and improvised means.


Acetylsalicylic acid will protect white clothes from yellowness and gray tint that appears after frequent washing. In the basin where the laundry will be soaked, add 4-5 crushed tablets of acetylsalicylic acid.

Apply the method for white things. T-shirts, terry towels and bed linen are soaked once a month for 20 minutes to preserve color.


Soaking laundry with salt is a versatile way to remove dirt from fabrics. Works well on thin synthetic materials. Veil, tulle and organza must be soaked in saline before washing. With the help of salt, dirt is removed and the fabric is protected from the appearance of stubborn stains.

2 tablespoons of salt are dissolved in 5 liters of warm water and placed in linen for 15 minutes. Next, the fabric is rinsed and sent to the wash.


Helps to remove yellowness and disinfects things. It is used for natural light fabrics. May leave white streaks on black and colored materials.

6 liters of water and 0.5 cups of soda are mixed in a basin. Thoroughly stir the composition so that the powder is completely dissolved. Immerse the laundry in the basin and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then they are washed in the usual way.


It is used to remove difficult stains from fruit and wine, prevents washing out of dyes. Things soaked in vinegar solution will retain their bright color even after many washes. Used for natural fabrics.

For 10 liters of water, add 1 cup of 9% vinegar and soak the clothes for 20 minutes. This procedure well removes yellow stains from sweat and deodorant.

Hydrogen peroxide

Removes protein impurities. It removes traces of blood, sweat and urine. The stain is moistened with peroxide, left until it stops foaming and rinsed.

When bleaching, add 1 tablespoon of the product to 6 liters of water. Soaking time - 30 minutes. Peroxide is not used on colored and black fabrics. It leaves light spots on the paint.


An indispensable tool for washing kitchen towels. Suitable for both white and colored linen. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of dry product in 5 liters of water and soak towels for 30 minutes. The dirty water is drained and the laundry is moved into a new solution. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times.

Potassium permanganate

It is used to restore the snow-white color, is an optical brightener. Several crystals are thoroughly mixed in water. The solution should turn out to be a pale pink color. The linen is soaked in the composition for 15 minutes, then squeezed out and sent to the washing machine.

blue vitriol

Mold and fungus remover. The drug is toxic, can provoke poisoning, so gloves must be used when working with it.

One tablespoon of the powder is dissolved in 10 liters of warm water and soaked in linen for 10 minutes. Things are thoroughly rinsed 3-4 times and sent to the washing machine.


It is mixed with glycerin in equal proportions to remove old stains. The resulting composition is applied to the contamination. After 15 minutes, the thing treated with ammonia is soaked in a warm soapy solution.

Vegetable oil

Used to remove multiple stains of unknown origin. To do this, in 5 liters of water dissolve 0.5 cups of washing powder, 1 tbsp. l. bleach and 3 tbsp. l. refined oil.

The resulting composition is thoroughly stirred, the linen is immersed in it and brought to a boil and wait 15 minutes, then the fire is turned off and left to cool completely. After rinsing and sending to the machine. Can only be used for cotton and linen.

Household chemicals

Vanish is used to soak colored things. Approximately 30 g of powder is dissolved in 10 liters of warm water and clothes are left for 1 hour. Next wash and rinse. The stain remover delicately removes dirt of various origins without damaging the fibers of the fabric.

For Sasha, the article appeared just in time. His jeans and bedding definitely needed to be soaked with some kind of extra before washing. And in the following articles in this series, you will learn how to wash clothes in the machine and by hand, what to do with different types of fabrics, and other useful tips.

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Nowadays, it has become the norm to have a washing machine in the apartment. Firstly, it is convenient, and secondly, it is practical. But in the process of washing, young housewives sometimes ask themselves: how did our parents achieve the snow-white effect? After all, they did not have all these funds that are available now. They didn't even have washing machines. How then did they keep things white? Let's talk about the methods of our mothers and grandmothers. Moreover, all new methods are forgotten old ones.

Washing dirty linen

Each housewife uses her own methods when washing bed linen. Before embarking on this event, it is necessary to prepare the linen itself: turn everything out, clean the corners from threads and dust. The hole in the duvet cover is recommended to be temporarily sewn up. The manual or automatic washing method must be selected based on the color, quality of the fabric and the degree of soiling.

The machine can be used to wash bed linen from any fabric. The main thing is to correctly set the mode and temperature of the water:

  • for cotton, a temperature of 60 degrees is suitable;
  • if it is satin or linen, then it is necessary to set 40 degrees;
  • silk and satin must be washed in the hand wash mode, at which the temperature is only 30 degrees.

If the laundry is not yet sufficiently soiled, then washing can be started immediately. If everything is sadder, then you need to soak it first and add a little powder. The soaking process should last about three hours.

Washing bed linen by hand

This way is much more difficult. The first step is soaking. The duration of the procedure is about an hour. Laundry must be completely immersed in water. Then it is twisted out, and the water changes to hot with the addition of a powder or gel. We wait another half an hour until the powder dissolves and you can start washing.

Pillowcases require the most attention. After all, it is this component of bed linen that gets dirty more than others. Once everything is wiped, you can start rinsing. This is the hardest part of hand washing. The water must be replaced with cold water. Rinse first in a bowl, and then under running water. And finally - wring out the laundry.

The easiest way is to purchase a special bleach. Chlorine can be used as its base. There are also oxygen and optical whitening agents.

If it is optical, then you will definitely get the desired result. Only this option is suitable for clean linen. This type of bleach will not cope with dirt and stains.

But chlorine has a disinfecting effect and perfectly copes with the task. But, at the same time, it spoils the fabric. And it is not recommended to use it in the washing machine.

Oxygen bleaching agents are distinguished by their delicacy. They are suitable for any fabric.

In order for washing to give the maximum result, the following must be considered:

  • If you plan to wash cotton that has already been washed, you will need a solution of 5 tbsp. spoons of powder and the same amount of turpentine. All this is based on 10 liters of water. Linen should be left in this solution for a day;
  • White socks or stockings should be soaked in water with ammonia for one hour;
  • Collars and cuffs are most often affected by dirt. Such spots are removed in water, the temperature of which is about 90 degrees. Also don't forget about detergent plus some hydrogen peroxide;
  • If your handkerchief is very dirty, then you will need a salt solution for soaking. Add 2 teaspoons of the substance to 3 liters of warm water and soak the handkerchiefs there for 30-40 minutes;
  • A fresh ink stain is removed with milk.

How to wash very dirty laundry

Modern methods are not always effective. Then people's advice can come to the rescue:

  1. Boiling. Cotton and linen can be washed at high temperatures. So boiling for these tissues is not terrible. Moreover, this method is a great alternative to aggressive bleach. Plus, if after washing the laundry remained damp for a long time, then boiling will save it from the aroma of dampness. This method will also help you bleach the fabric. For boiling you will need:
  • galvanized or enameled container. Do not use iron or copper vessels, as hot water can cause oxidation;
  • put a white cloth or towel on the bottom of the container;
  • add detergent;
  • put the bed in a container, add cold water and one tablespoon of ammonia;
  • put the container on fire. Boiling should take about an hour.
  1. White. Whiteness contains chlorine. Because of this, it is recommended to use whiteness exclusively for hand washing;
  2. Baking soda. This is a safe bleaching option. It will allow you to wash heavily soiled bed linen, and will not cause any harm to the fabric. Add 3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water and boil the bed as usual;
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. First, the bed will need to be washed in a washing machine, and then soaked in a solution of 10 liters of water, 40 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 20 ml of ammonia.

Now you know how to wash heavily soiled linens.

Soaking is a process that plays almost the main role in the washing process. If you do everything right, then any complex and large wash will be on your shoulder:

  • It is necessary to soak in a smaller amount of powder than is used for washing;
  • If you need to wash very heavily soiled linen, then strongly alkaline products are used as a soaking agent;
  • Whites and coloreds should be soaked separately;
  • If the laundry is very dirty, then the soaking water will have to be changed several times;
  • Soaking laundry for longer than a day is not only pointless, but also harmful - it will turn sour, it will emit an unpleasant odor;
  • Very dirty things should be soaked several times. For the first time, use plain water, with the addition of soda. But for the second time they are already resorting to the help of detergents.

Soaking is part of the washing process, which directly affects how clean your laundry will be. And the secrets of proper soaking will help you cope with even the most complex and large wash.

So what is the right way to soak laundry?

Before soaking things are sorted by type of fabric and degree of soiling. Cotton and linen linen, dyed cotton and linen linen, woven products from chemical fibers, wool and natural silk items, knitted synthetic products are set aside separately.

You can soak clothes in wooden, galvanized and enameled dishes.

. When soaking, the water should completely cover things.. With an insufficient amount of pollution, they accumulate in separate areas of the tissues and are subsequently washed off with great difficulty.

Items with water soluble soiling (e.g. dust) before soaking, it is recommended to rinse under running water.

. Washing powder for soaking should be taken half as much, than for washing. The duration of soaking should be at least 2 hours at a solution temperature of at least 30 ° C

If you have to wash coarse items made of cotton and linen fabrics, oily overalls, very dirty linen, then for soaking they take strongly alkaline products, such as Soda Ash, Trisodium Phosphate: 2-3 tbsp. spoons of the drug in 10 liters of water. The duration of soaking such things is from 12 to 24 hours at 30-40 ° C.

For soaking you can use washing powders and pastes with biological additives (enzymes) to help remove protein contaminants. Soak linen in such products should be at a water temperature not higher than 35-40 ° C, and wash - up to 60 ° C, because at a higher temperature the enzymes die.

.Soak whites and coloreds separately.

.In warm water (40°C) laundry should be soaked for 3 hours, in cool - a little longer. Things that require boiling should be soaked for at least 12 hours. Products made of colored fabrics should be kept in water for about 1 hour.

. white linen, which withstands boiling well, is soaked in cold or warm (but not hot) water for a relatively long time, for example, overnight.

. When soaking white laundry in water, it is good add turpentine, three tablespoons per bucket of water. This simple product helps to whiten clothes and makes washing easier.

. Laundry that was starched in the last wash recommended to soak in warm water. In it, the starch will dissolve faster and more completely, and the laundry will not turn yellow.

. colored linen it is better to soak only for 2-3 hours and only in cold water. Colored items Should be soaked (and washed) in as much water as possible so that they are not pressed against each other. Items that may shed should not be soaked and washed separately.

To determine if a thing is shedding, take a piece of matter from which it is sewn, soak it in warm soapy water, wrap it in a white rag and squeeze it out. If there are no traces left on the rag, then the material does not shed.
Colored products with a fragile color and combined do not need to be soaked at all.

. Things from colored fabrics of various colors it is not recommended to soak in the same water.

. Fine cotton products should be soaked separately from the rest. The temperature of the water for soaking must not exceed 40°C. Otherwise, contaminations, especially of protein origin (cream, eggs, blood), are coagulated. These stains are very difficult to remove.

. Wool and colored knitwear It is recommended to soak only in cool water without the addition of detergents.

. Products from wool and natural silk a, as well as from dyed fabrics can not be soaked for a long time.

To linen well wet, when soaking, it should not be stacked tightly. It is recommended to stir the linen from time to time, you can wrinkle or rub it.

If linens are very dirty, then the soaking water is changed several times. If you need to wash very washed cotton linen, soak it for a day in a solution containing 2-3 tablespoons of detergent for washing cotton fabrics and the same amount of turpentine per 10 liters of water. There is another way: you can soak things in a warm (30-40 ° C) solution of vinegar (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

. Excessively long (more than a day) soaking is not only inappropriate, but also harmful, as the linen sours, acquires a bad smell, which is difficult to remove even with subsequent washing and thorough rinsing.

Soaking is necessary for things contaminated with protein and starchy substances- blood, pus, milk, eggs, etc.

. For heavily soiled laundry do two soaks: the first (for 2-4 hours) is done in plain water, softened with a small amount of soda. For the second soak, you can use detergents or prepare a soap-soda solution: for 1 kilogram of laundry, take 10 liters of water, 5-8 grams of soda and 3-5 grams of 40% soap. First, soda is dissolved in a small amount of hot water and poured into a soaking container, and after 15-20 minutes, a separately prepared soap solution is added to the water, then the linen, well wrung out after the first soaking, is placed. Instead of soda, you can use trisodium phosphate, washing powder or ammonia.

Soak things sometimes and after washing, for example, to remove traces from a hot iron on white, linen and cotton fabrics, or when an item has fallen off during washing. In the latter case, it is necessary to soak it in a solution containing 3 tablespoons of ammonia, 1 tablespoon of turpentine and 2 tablespoons of vodka per 10 liters of water.

Some interesting tips:

Cold laundry. Scrap 400 g of soap with a knife, pour it into 30 liters of boiling water, add 2 tablespoons of turpentine and 2 tablespoons of ammonia, beat the foam, lower the laundry, close and leave for 10 hours, then rinse thoroughly. This method is suitable only for linen and you can resort to it occasionally.

Washing clothes without hand washing. This is one of the least labor intensive ways. Linen is soaked in water with the addition of soda (2 tablespoons of soda for 1 bucket of water), having previously washed sleeves, collars and other most contaminated places.
After 5-6 hours, the linen is squeezed out and laid out in a tank, into which the following composition is previously poured: 1 bucket of water - 100 g of soap, 30 g of soda, 50-75 g of turpentine. In this solution, the linen is boiled for 1-1.5 hours, and then rinsed first in warm and then in cold water.

Handwash. During the hand washing process, no changes occur. Thin items are washed by hand, without the use of a washboard or brush. Thicker, more durable and heavily soiled items can be washed with a brush.

Cotton lace, tulle, lace fabrics before washing, they are soaked for an hour and a half in cold salted water and only after that they are washed in warm water, adding some kind of powder with chemical bleach. They cannot be rubbed and twisted, but can only be squeezed very easily. Then the lace is rinsed in plenty of warm water and lightly starched.

Men's shirts made of pure cotton or cotton blended with synthetic fibers soak beforehand. But things made of silk and woolen fabrics cannot be soaked.

Pillowcases and duvet covers before soaking, you need to turn it inside out to clean the corners from fluff and dust.

New dressing gowns and printed calico dresses will shed less if soaked in cold salted water before washing.

Whitesocks, knee socks they are easier to wash if they are pre-soaked for 1-2 hours in water, to which 1-2 tablespoons of boric acid are added.

To easier to washnasal handkerchiefs Soak them in cold salted water for 2 hours beforehand.

According to,,