
Information centers on atomic energy. Atomic Energy Information Center Atomic Energy Center


Nuclear Information Centers (ANEC) are multifunctional information and educational platforms that are being created under the auspices of Rosatom State Corporation in the regions where nuclear industry facilities are being built or are already operating. Their task is to educate in the field of nuclear technologies, inform about the activities of nuclear industry enterprises, popularize science and innovation, technical education among schoolchildren, their parents, students and teachers. The activities of the centers also include cooperation with the professional community in the field of popularization of science, holding popular science events in a variety of formats (popular science lectures by leading scientists, master classes of science journalists, championships in intellectual games, classes in technical creativity, experimental laboratories, scientific talk shows, festivals of science, science films, etc.). More than 4,000 thematic projects are implemented annually.

Most of the centers are equipped with a modern video hall that combines panoramic 3D projection, computer graphics and animation, stereo sound, interactive consoles and personal monitors. Due to this, the effect of "immersion" of the viewer into virtual reality is created. In any ICAE you can watch 3D multimedia programs that tell about the nuclear industry, its safety and economic efficiency in comparison with other types of electricity generation in an accessible way. All programs include several quiz blocks, which allows visitors to absorb information in an easy game way. In addition, thematic booklets, educational literature and souvenirs are distributed in the centers.

Today ICAE successfully operates in 17 cities of Russia, as well as in Astana (Kazakhstan), Dhaka (Bangladesh), Mersin (Turkey), Minsk (Belarus) and Hanoi (Vietnam). For example, in Murmansk, the information center operates on the basis of the Lenin nuclear icebreaker. The operator of the network of information centers is ANO "Information Center of the Nuclear Industry" (ICAO).

The status of information centers as iconic venues on the educational map of the country is confirmed by an impressive list of partners, including the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, the Polytechnic Museum, the Copernicus Science Center, Roscosmos, Rosnano, OJSC VimpelCom and others. International awards also testify to the success of the project: in 2010, the project to create a network of information centers for atomic energy received the European Nuclear Society PIME (Public Information Materials Exchange) award as the best communication project in the nuclear industry - PIME Award for Communications Excellence.

All sessions and activities of the centers are free for visitors. Since November 2008, more than 2.7 million people have visited the centers, most of them schoolchildren, students and teachers. A complete list of information centers in Russia and abroad can be viewed

The St. Petersburg Atomic Energy Information Center was opened on the basis of the St. Petersburg State Technological Institute on April 20, 2011. The Center conducts educational activities in the field of nuclear technology, and also promotes the exact and natural sciences.

Visitors to the center can watch interactive multimedia programs on astronomy, the history of St. Petersburg, the development of nuclear energy and radioactive waste management. On the basis of ICAE, seminars and meetings with famous scientists, thematic meetings for teachers, schoolchildren and students are held. Excursions to industry enterprises are organized, lectures and seminars dedicated to important areas of scientific activity are held.

The Atomic Energy Information Center combines the features typical of modern 3D computer games - full interactivity of all participants, real-time modeling of processes.

A modern cinema hall with a panoramic screen, a stereoscopic projection system, stereo sound and various special effects. Personal monitors and interactive consoles help to receive and consolidate information in the form of an exciting game. Interactive games and quizzes - in every program. All this creates an unforgettable feeling of immersion in the exciting world of virtual reality.

The staff of the information center for atomic energy of St. Petersburg was awarded many awards and thanks from the partners of the departments of the administration of the city of St. Petersburg.

Interactive sessions are held at the Information Center at the request of the group or institution. The maximum number of visitors in a group is 36 people. All sessions and activities are free.

Working mode:

  • Monday - Friday from 9:00 to 18:00.

Saturday and Sunday are days off.