
The procedure for calculating and paying pensions. How is the pension paid in advance or for the past month? What date is the pension payment scheduled?


Old age pension

Any citizen of Russia who has entered old age receives the right to payment of a regular state benefit - an old-age pension.

This payment is calculated taking into account several indicators, the main one being length of service.

There are several types of pensions:

  • old age;
  • on disability;
  • on the loss of a breadwinner.

New formula for calculating pensions and its difference from the old one

To form a decent pension, a citizen must fulfill the following requirements:

  • have official employment confirmed by an employment contract with the employer;
  • the employer must transfer a percentage of the salary to form a pension;
  • have a white salary, since pension contributions are calculated from official income;
  • To obtain work experience for years worked in 2018, you need to officially work for at least 8 years, and by 2024 for at least 15 years.

The main difference between the new system and the old one is the transition from a monetary payment system to accumulative points. All of the above indicators form points that are used in calculating the size. If a citizen has not applied for the funded part of the pension, then more points are awarded; if savings are made, then the number of points is reduced by 6%. The maximum you can get for 2017 is 8.26 points.

Thus, the total amount of the insurance pension is calculated from several indicators using the following formula:

Insurance pension = B*SPB+FV +NC

  • B is the total number of pension points earned during work and depending on the value of the white salary.
  • SPB is the cost of one pension point, it is indexed annually due to inflation; in 2017, 1 point is equal to 78.58 rubles.
  • PV - fixed payments, which are guaranteed by the state regardless of length of service and number of points in 2017 amount to 4805.11 rubles.
  • NC - the accumulative part, is present if the citizen agrees to make deductions. In situations where a citizen does not have enough length of service to receive a long-service pension, he has the right to a lump sum payment from a savings account.

In case of overtime of a pensioner, another formula is applied:

Insurance pension = B*SPB*D +FV+NC

where D are points accumulated during processing.

In addition, a working pensioner does not need to annually submit an application for recalculation of payments, since the system will do this automatically as long as funds are received from the employer into the pension fund.

In situations where old age is less than the subsistence level, where the pensioner lives, he has the right to receive additional social benefits in the amount necessary to achieve the subsistence level.

How is pension calculated for persons born in 1957, 1962-63?

In 2017, women born in 1962 and men born in 1957 will join the ranks of pensioners. Their benefits will be calculated according to the formula adopted in 2015, but for this they must meet key requirements:

  1. Official experience - at least 8 years. Which will increase by a year every year until it reaches 15 years by 2024.
  2. Reaching retirement age for men is 60 years old, for women 55.
  3. The minimum amount of accumulated points is 11.4. By 2025, this figure will increase to 30.

Pension formula

If at least one of the requirements is lacking, the citizen must continue working in order to achieve the required minimum. To receive a social pension, the non-working population must wait another five years after reaching retirement age.

Future, born 1957 and 1962 will receive payments without a funded part; it will be available to persons born since 1967.

To calculate the pension benefit, it is necessary to convert cash transfers from employers made before 2015 into points, and add to them points for the next two years of work. To do this, use the formula:

PO2015 = SWP * 12 * From 2015 * 16%

  • PO2015 - pension contributions for the period up to 2015;
  • SWP - average salary calculated for 2015, which is multiplied by the number of months to determine the average annual income;
  • Since 2015 - work experience until 2015;
  • 16% - the amount of employer contributions to the Pension Fund.

The resulting amount must be converted into points using the formula:

B=(PO2015 /228)/SB2015

  • PO2015 /228 is the definition of the insurance part of the payment, which consists of a pension contribution divided by a specified survival period (228 months - 19 years)
  • SB2015 - the cost of one point in 2015 is 64.1 rubles.

Pension contributions

Anna Ivanovna was born in 1962, raised two children and officially worked for 12 years, of which 10 until 2015. In 2015, the average salary was 12,500, of which 24,000 were contributed to the pension fund.

Let's determine the amount of deductions for 10 years:

12500*12*10*16%=240,000 paid by the employer to the pension fund over the last 10 years. Let's convert this amount into points: (240000/228)/64.1=16.4 points earned by Anna Ivanovna. Since 2015, pensions have been calculated in a point system using the formula:

B=SV /MV *10

  • SV - total amount of insurance premium for the year
  • MV is 16% of the maximum salary that is taxed (in 2015 it was the maximum amount - 733 thousand, in 2016 - 796 thousand, in 2017 - 876)

According to this formula, calculations are made annually until 2017 inclusive:

In 2015, Anna Ivanovna’s salary changed - 12,700 and deductions for the year amounted to 24,384:

24,384 / (733,000 *16%) *10 = 2.07 points

In 2016, wages increased to 13,500 and contributions to the Pension Fund amounted to 25,920:

25,920 / (796,000 *16%) *10 = 2.03 points

In 2017, Anna Ivanovna worked for 8 months. And she received a salary of 13,800 rubles, which is 17,664 rubles in contributions to the Pension Fund:

17,664 / (876,000 *16%) * 10 = 1.26 points

As a result, Anna Ivanovna accumulated 21.76 points for her official work activity, to which points must be added for up to a year and a half of maternity leave. With the first child, 2.7 is accrued for a year and a half, with the second - 5.4.

The total score is 29.86.

We calculate the pension amount using the formula and get the amount of monthly payments:


Similar calculations can be made for a man based on his length of service and salary level.

Video about purchasing insurance experience for calculating a pension:

Jan 1, 2018 Help manual

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The funded part of the pension is the money that is made up of transfers from the citizen’s employer, as well as from the profit received from their investment. The funded part is monthly from the moment the citizen retires. The main distinguishing feature of the savings part is the ability to invest funds deposited into a citizen’s personal account in profitable projects.

In addition, this part of pension savings can be at the disposal of any management company chosen by the citizen, while insurance pension contributions are necessarily managed by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or Vneshtorgbank.

The total amount of monthly deductions from the employee’s salary (we are talking about officially employed citizens) is 22%, of which 6% goes, at his request, to form the funded part.

A citizen can refuse such a scheme and direct all 22% of transfers from his salary to an insurance pension.

Now it’s worth figuring out where and how pensioners can receive their funded portion in 2020.

Conditions for payment of the funded part of the pension in 2020

In 2020, citizens who have reached retirement age have the right to receive the funded part of their pension based on the provisions of the Law of November 30, 2011 N 360-FZ Art. No. 2.

This article stipulates that a pensioner has the right to receive:

  • all accumulated funds in full at one time;
  • urgent pension payments every month;
  • funded pension;
  • at a time, all accumulated in the account of the deceased pensioner to the persons who are listed by him in the Will.

Citizens can legally receive pension savings only in the form of a lump sum and only if they are disabled, group 2 or 3.

In the second case, a one-time payment of pension savings is provided in connection with the loss of a breadwinner (Article No. 4 Law of November 30, 2011 N 360-FZ).

The size of the lump sum payment depends on the actual state of the pensioner’s savings available in his personal account on the day from which he is assigned a lump sum payment.

Pensioners who continue to work after retirement age cannot receive a lump sum payment.

What is an urgent pension payment?

A fixed-term pension is paid to a citizen monthly for the period of time for which he was insured, however, this period cannot be less than ten years. Citizens can count on receiving such pension payments after they stop working and retire in old age (if a citizen retired early for any reason, he will also receive this payment).

An urgent pension payment is accrued to those citizens who took part in the state co-financing program, while:

  • additional financial resources could be transferred by them personally;
  • additional funds could come from the organization where the employee worked;
  • additional amounts for co-financing could come from the state;
  • accrued from investment profits;
  • additional funds (or part of them) were received as a result of the transfer of maternity capital to the formation of the funded part, as well as from the profit received from investing these funds in projects that generate additional income.

An employee who has formed the funded part of his pension in the following ways has the opportunity, upon reaching retirement age, or other circumstances under which he retired early, to receive the accumulated pension funds:

  • in the form of an urgent payment, which will be paid to him every calendar month throughout the entire period determined by him personally, the period for payment of this type of pension can be established for at least ten years;
  • or as payments that he will receive until his death.

In the event of the death of a person receiving a fixed-term pension, the heir specified in the will has the right to receive the remainder of the funds accumulated by him.

In the case where the funded part was formed on the basis of the transfer of maternity capital to the mother’s pension account, as well as in the event of her death, the child’s father or her minor children have the right to receive the remaining financial assets (if the child is a full-time student at a university, the deadline for receiving the remaining funded funds is pension is postponed until he reaches the age of 23 years inclusive).

How is the funded pension amount calculated?

The amount of the monthly funded portion paid to citizens is calculated based on the provisions of existing legislation, using the following formula:

amount of monthly payments = Mon / T.

From this formula it becomes clear that the funded pension for citizens of retirement age is obtained from the PN (the accumulated funds in their personal account, actually available on the date from which the funded pension will be paid) divided by T - this is the expected period of payments.

Inclusive of December 31, 2015 T - the expected payment period was 19 years or 228 calendar months.

Calculation example

For example, a citizen of the Russian Federation, Ivan Ivanovich, has 350,000 rubles in his personal account by the date of his actual retirement due to retirement age. The duration of the period for paying him a funded pension, according to the norms and adjustments obtained based on statistical data, in 2019 was determined to be 20 and a half years, which is 246 calendar months.

This is the real period during which citizens receive a pension. Starting January 1, 2018, adjustments are made annually.

Suppose that Ivan Ivanovich expressed a desire to receive this payment not from the moment of retirement age, but in a year, thus, the accumulated amount should be divided not into 234 months, but into 222. Thus, if Ivan Ivanovich began to receive the funded part, then its amount was equal to 1,495 rubles, and if he delayed receiving it for 12 months, the monthly payment would be 1,576 rubles.

According to existing legislation, citizens can reduce the period of monthly payment of the funded part only to 60 calendar months. Thus, the number of years during which it will be planned to pay funded pensions to these persons will be 14 and a half years (or 174 calendar months).

The procedure for receiving the funded part of a pension by a pensioner

There are no particular difficulties or any obstacles to paying the funded part of a pension to a citizen. To do this, a person who has reached retirement age can contact the management company that has the corresponding part of the pension funds at its disposal.

A citizen can find out exactly where accumulative pension contributions are at the time of retirement once a year by contacting the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as at the local MFC or using the Internet portal of public services.

If the funds are managed by the State Pension Fund, the citizen must contact the PFRF branch at the place of registration or temporary registration.

Citizens also have the right to submit an application for this type of payment through a person legally representing the interests of the pensioner or by mail. This form of application is provided for people who, due to their health conditions, cannot move independently and visiting public organizations presents a certain difficulty for them.

To apply for a funded pension, you will need the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen retiring;
  • an application filled out according to the existing template;
  • SNILS.

In the event that an old-age insurance pension is issued simultaneously with a funded pension, the following should also be attached:

  1. application for an old-age insurance pension;
  2. work book and certificates confirming the citizen’s work experience.

After receiving the application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the decision on appointment or refusal, on payment of the funded part to the citizen must be made within 10 working days.

This type of pension is paid simultaneously with the insurance one. There is no strict regulation of the time period during which pensioners must apply for the assignment of payments to them by the Law and the state.

Due to the death of a citizen, only his wife or children can inherit the remainder of his funded part; if they are absent, then other relatives (brother, sister, and so on) can become heirs.

Changes in funded pensions in 2020

As the PFRF officially announced, in 2020 the previous procedure for accrual, registration and payment of the funded portion to pensioners was retained.

As is known, in 2015 the procedure for the formation and accumulation of the funded part was frozen. And at the moment the funded pension program is not fully operational.

The main change in 2020 is that working pensioners will have to decide whether to continue working and receive only payment for their labor, or retire and receive pension payments.

Pensions will be calculated based on the points received.

Question answer

Question: I applied to the PFRF for the first time, my name is Sergei Aleksandrovich Lopatin, at the moment I am 46 years old. Of course, we are still quite far from reaching retirement age, but it seems to me that it is worth thinking about retirement now.

I know that to do this I need to accumulate more points. I read that, in addition to the insurance pension, there is also a funded pension; is it possible to increase the size of monthly pension payments with its help?

Answer: Good afternoon, Sergey Alexandrovich. The longer you continue to work, the higher your pension will be.

However, you must understand that we are talking only about those places of work where you work officially and your employer transfers funds to the PFRF budget on a monthly basis. If you are, then the size of your salary cannot in any way affect the number of points you have accumulated, on the basis of which your pension will be calculated.

Regarding the funded pension, you are absolutely correct in pointing out that it is a separate indicator that does not depend on the points system. According to the Law, you can start receiving this part later, postponing the payment period from 1 to 5 years.

This way you can increase your monthly payment amount.

You can learn everything about insurance and funded pensions from the video.

In contact with

Every year, a disabled person undergoes an examination at the ITU, where his group is again confirmed or, on the contrary, removed. Many people do not receive their due pension this month, which results in a misunderstanding of the process and unnecessary claims to the Pension Fund. This happens for several reasons. Already on the day when the ITU examination was completed and a conclusion on assignment of a disability group (pink certificate) was issued, it indicated when the next VTEC must be completed. The same information goes to the pension fund. When the deadline comes to confirm the group, the Pension Fund may suspend the accrual of pensions until documents are received from the ITU. When the documents arrive, they recalculate and the pension continues to be paid. But this month causes inconvenience, since the usual, albeit small, amount disappears. Moreover, this can take several months.

Pension: if it comes on the 9th, is it for the past month or the current one?

And on what day of the month the disabled person underwent a medical examination can play a role and on what dates and in what amount he will receive his benefit. In fact, the money didn’t go anywhere, but the plans were a little upset. How to find out when your pension is due? First of all, in the regional department of the Pension Fund of Russia.

But all pensioners know what it’s like to first stand in line with a dispatcher to find out and make an appointment (and an appointment with a specialist may be scheduled for the next week), and then another line with a specialist. There is a simpler service, which, by the way, works well in the Pension Fund - this is a hotline phone number. This does not mean the telephone number of the Russian Pension Fund, but your regional department.

You can easily find out at the branch itself or on the Pension Fund website on the Internet. There, in the common database of all branches, there are all contact numbers that may be needed.

The procedure for calculating and paying pensions


Current legislation does not provide for other cases of payment of pensions in advance.2. The commented article (clause 2) establishes the periods for which an accrued but not received pension can be paid. They differ depending on the reasons for which the pension was not paid on time.


If the pensioner himself did not receive it (regardless of the reasons for which this happened), it can be paid no more than 3 years from the date of application for its receipt. At the same time, pension amounts are also taken into account, the payment of which was suspended on the grounds provided for in Art. 21 of the Law. Unless otherwise stated, pension authorities do not apply this rule to cases where the payment of a pension has been terminated in accordance with Art.

22 of the Law, regardless of the length of the period during which it was not received (Pension. 2002. N 5. S.

Payment of pension

Such knowledge is necessary so that the beneficiary can plan his budget and, if necessary, resolve controversial issues regarding payments. How long does it take to consider an application for the first pension? The deadlines established by law for assigning a pension after filing an application should not exceed 10 days from the date the citizen applies to the regional office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence. The day of application for a pension is the day when the application was accepted and registered by the Pension Fund branch.

The reason for exceeding the 10-day period for consideration of the application may be the submission of an incomplete package of documents, which the pensioner must provide on the day of submission of the application. In this case, the citizen receives a recommendation from the department for assigning cash payments about the need to supplement the existing package of documents with the missing certificate or certificate.

The pension is calculated for the past month or forward

The procedure for payment and delivery of pensions After reaching retirement age and receiving the right to retire, a Citizen can apply for assignment of the pension due to him at the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The establishment of pension payments occurs within 10 days after the right to it arises and the documents are submitted. The pensioner has every right to independently choose the organization that will deliver the pension or choose the method of receiving the pension:

  1. home delivery;
  2. to a bank account or bank card;
  3. independently, at the box office of the selected delivery organization.

Regardless of the pensioner’s choice, the payment schedule through the credit institution and the post office is identical.

Deadlines for accrual and payment of pensions

Establishing the day for crediting pension funds and the schedule for its delivery is not regulated by law, but depends on several factors:

  • total number of active pensioners;
  • administrative-territorial specifics of the region;
  • financing of pension payments and other factors.

If these factors change, this will influence the Pension Fund's decision to change the delivery date, while undertaking an obligation to convey its decision to the pensioner. The date of receipt of the pension is initially set for the pensioner when it is assigned. To clarify the date, you can contact the Pension Fund department at your place of residence, presenting your passport or other identification document.

Pension payment schedule

The fact that you are dependent on a pensioner is also not required. If several family members claim the lost amount of the pension, upon confirmation of the specified family relationships and cohabitation with the deceased, it can be paid to them in equal shares. An application for the lost pension must be made within 6 months from the date of death of the pensioner. If this deadline is missed, payment will not be made. It does not follow from the norm in question that an unpaid pension can be paid only after 6 months. In the event that it is reliably known that, apart from the family members who applied, there are no other people living together with the pensioner and entitled to receive these amounts, these amounts can be paid immediately after applying for them. Rules of paragraph 3 of Art. 23 do not comply with the norms of Part Three of the Civil Code, which regulates issues of inheritance, including pensions.
This may also be a pension for previous months accrued in the current month, for example, due to its appointment from an earlier date or due to the fact that the pensioner did not claim the pension. The indicated amounts are not included in the inheritance and are paid only to those persons who lived together with the pensioner on the day of his death. The legislator requires that these persons have a certain relationship with the deceased, namely, belong to the family members listed in paragraph 2 of Art. 9 of the Law. Based on the logic of the commented norm, one should take into account only belonging to members of the family of the deceased, defined by paragraph.
2 tbsp. 9. If the pensioner lived with his daughter or son, then the accrued pension can be paid regardless of their age, i.e. and when they are over 18 or 23 years of age. Likewise, the unreceived pension can be paid to the surviving spouse of any age, not just pension age.

How is the pension paid month to month or month later?

The accrual and payment of pensions, unlike wages, occurs in the same month for which it is accrued. Wages are paid per month worked. This is explained simply. The pension is given so that the pensioner can use it during the month for which he received it, since in fact, he has already earned it. The right to a salary still needs to be confirmed, in other words, to work off what is due. . With the old-age labor pension, everything is simple. On which day the pensioner received the first benefit will be the day of reference. And if this day does not fall on a weekend, then every day of this month, he will receive a pension. The day the disability pension is paid becomes a little unclear for those who received a disability group (especially for those who were not given it for life).
The pension will be accrued for March, but not in full, but for all days from March 15 to March 31. The pensioner should receive the first payment in April. But, if they do not have time to add it to the statement, the payment will be made in May for two months. The terms for assigning an insurance pension are somewhat different for persons who are disabled and have lost their breadwinner. According to Art. 22 clause 5 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation on “Insurance pensions”, for this category of citizens, if the application is submitted on time, a pension is assigned earlier than the date of application to the territorial office. On what date will the pensioner receive money? When applying for a monthly cash benefit, the territorial office of the Pension Fund determines the monthly date of its receipt. The pensioner cannot choose the number at his own discretion. The day for issuing money is not established by law, but depends on the decision of local executive bodies.

How pensions are paid month to month or month later

    The law clearly states that pensions are paid for the current month. In January for January, in February for February and so on. The law does not allow paying for the last month; this can only happen if the pension is delayed.

    Thank you, everything is clear!

  • Good day, Vladimir! Payment of accrued pension amounts is made for the current calendar month. I wish you success! Thank you for your advice!
  • Hello. As a rule, the pension comes in the past month. I wish you happiness, goodness and prosperity, with respect, the team of ORION LLC.
    Thank you, everything is clear now.

Do you have an answer to this question? You can leave it by clicking on the Reply button Similar questions I haven’t received EDV since January; I submitted my application for EDV in September.

The pensioner is obliged to immediately notify the body providing pensions about the occurrence of circumstances entailing a change in the size of the labor pension or termination of its payment. Commentary on Article 231. Payment of a pension is the sending of documents containing information about the amounts of pensions accrued to specific pensioners by the bodies providing pension provision, to the federal postal service organization, credit or other organization, as well as the direct issuance of pensions by these organizations to citizens. The pension is paid on the basis of an order, statement, list or other document, the form of which depends on the organization to which it is sent and on the requirements of automated information processing. Payment of the pension, including its delivery, as required by the Law (clause 1 of Art.

23) must be made for the current month, i.e.

Pension payments are mandatory guaranteed to all citizens with disabilities after reaching retirement age, also in case of disability, loss of the only breadwinner, etc. Since 2013, a pension reform has been carried out, after which the procedure for calculation and payment has been changed. And starting from January 1, two years later, two federal laws “On insurance pensions” and “On funded pensions” were adopted.

After these laws were adopted, the labor pension was transformed into two parts - insurance and funded. These are two different separate types of pensions that are paid independently.

The state pension is paid to people who worked in government agencies, military personnel, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as citizens who suffered from disasters (man-made or radioactive). In addition to them, such a pension is paid to citizens who do not have the ability to work and who do not have any work experience.

Important! All other categories of the population who have work experience receive an insurance pension.

Accordingly, for persons who have the right to receive two types of pensions at once, it is possible to receive one of them to choose from. Not all categories of citizens receive two pensions at once.

Many people are interested in the question of how the pension is paid: month to month or a month later? We will deal with this and other nuances in the article.

When is retirement?

Most citizens whose retirement is just around the corner are looking forward to the opportunity to relax. Once the required age is reached, it is possible to receive payments regardless of whether the work experience is continued or not. You just need to collect all the necessary documents, write a special application and contact the necessary department of the Russian Pension Fund at your place of residence (main registration).

Typically, processing an application for a pension and making the necessary calculations takes up to 10 working days, after which it is already possible to find out the number and date of the corresponding payments.

Please note that the very first pension will be paid next month after all documents have been submitted, of course, taking into account that it will also include part of the funds due from the very moment of filing the application.

The pension can only be received in person, upon presentation of a passport (the procedure for assigning payment and delivery of the pension is specified in the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ (as amended on June 4, 2014, as amended on November 19, 2015) “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" Federation"). To obtain an exception in this manner, it is necessary to issue a power of attorney, notarized, so that a third party receives the pension.

Important! However, this is only possible for those who have proven their inability to receive a pension on their own.

Excerpt from Federal Law dated December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ (as amended on June 4, 2014, as amended on November 19, 2015) “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”

Where can I get my pension?

When you apply for a pension, you need to choose how the well-deserved funds will be distributed. The options may be as follows:

It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that no matter which method of receiving money the pensioner chooses, there are no additional payments or commissions. If you need to change the method of receiving funds, you can contact your pension fund directly and write an application.

Important! The payment will be delivered two months after such application is submitted.

Pensioners who use plastic cards can take advantage of special loyalty programs provided by some banks. In this way, you can accumulate bonuses that are deposited on the account balance (up to five percent per annum). That is, you can not only save money, but also use your pension card as a deposit without opening a deposit.

Start of pension payments

In order to begin receiving pension benefits, you must either reach the appropriate age, or have a certain length of service, disability, or a confirmed loss of the sole breadwinner in the family. As soon as a fact has occurred confirming this right, you can approach the Pension Fund at any time convenient for you, which cannot be limited by any time limits.

The pension begins to be paid after it is assigned.

Important! In paragraph 5 of Article 22 of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” you can find a list of cases when an insurance pension is assigned even earlier than the day the pensioner applied for it.

Payments are handled by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the territorial office where the pensioner lives, where the necessary package of documents is submitted.

There are also several other different methods for submitting such an application:

  • via Russian Post;
  • through an electronic document;
  • through MFC services.

In these cases, the date of application is considered to be the date indicated on the postmark, the date of sending the application via the Internet (including when using the public services website) or the day the documents were received by MFC employees.

Important! For military personnel and pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, pension accruals are made not by the Pension Fund, but by the department where they served.

There are also categories of citizens to whom pension payments are assigned early (before the corresponding retirement age has arrived). These are citizens who have accumulated a certain required length of service in certain jobs, and a certain list of citizens who have the right to early receipt of a pension (you should refer to Articles 30 and 32 of the law of December 28, 2013, number 400-FZ). In order for the pension to be paid on an early basis, several certain conditions will need to be met:

  1. Required age.
  2. Experience in certain types of work, social factors that are associated with the upbringing and birth of children, visual disabilities, military injuries and work in the Far North are also included.
  3. You must have a certain amount of insurance experience.

Rules for setting the payment schedule and the amount of funds transferred

There are no legislative documents that could regulate and determine the day of the upcoming payment; this does not depend either on the desire of the citizen himself or on the time of filing the application. This date is calculated and determined by local executive bodies. The following factors are taken into account:

  • the total number of pension recipients for the reporting period;
  • specifics of regional payments;
  • deadlines for implementing subsidies from the federal budget to the local one.

Important! It is imperative to take into account that when moving to another region, the pension will be accrued in accordance with the schedule at the resident’s new place.

There is an order of the Ministry of Labor (number 885 dated November 17, 2014), which states that payments of any social benefits are determined according to a specific schedule, according to which the billing period begins on the 3rd day of each month. But depending on the characteristics of the region, the further time for assigning the pension benefit is already determined.

It is extremely important to remember that if the payment date falls on a weekend or holiday, the payment is postponed to an earlier time, which, however, should not exceed three days from the due date.

How does the pension payment process work?

The payments themselves are directly handled by the body that accepted the application of the pensioner who applied for the assignment of pension payments. Insurance pensions are paid by the Pension Fund branch.

The pension is paid monthly in the manner chosen by the pensioner independently. If you do not receive a pension for six months or longer, payment is suspended, and its renewal is possible only after writing the appropriate application.

There is a list of persons who have specific subtleties in receiving a pension:

Which authorities handle payments?

When submitting an application, each pensioner has the right to choose a method convenient for him to deliver funds; this happens in his territorial branch of the Pension Fund. Accordingly, any organization delivering funds interacts with the Pension Fund on the basis of officially concluded agreements.

It is possible to deliver pension savings using banks, postal organizations or specialized institutions authorized to carry out such actions. It is very important that the pensioner does not pay any commission or interest for the delivery and receipt of the pension.

If a credit institution (bank) is selected, it is possible to receive money on a plastic bank card. In this case, the amount received is considered to be the amount that was transferred by the bank to the pensioner’s personal account.

Important! When a postal structure is chosen as the receiving authority, the pension is delivered either to your home, or there is the possibility of receiving it yourself at the post office at your place of residence.

All other organizations that have the right and opportunity to deliver pensions are in the local territorial body of the Pension Fund. In them, funds can be delivered to your home or paid through your own cash registers.

If desired, a pensioner can independently change the method of pension delivery; then he needs to submit an application to change the organization to the required territorial body of the Pension Fund.

What is the schedule for delivering pensions?

In order to provide better service to citizens, authorized persons draw up a special schedule for the delivery of pension funds.

For each branch of the Russian Post, a certain pension delivery period is established, according to which each individual pensioner is given a date for receiving his funds.

If the payment day falls on a holiday or weekend, then the money is paid in the current month, in advance, but not earlier than three days before the corresponding payment date.

Important! Also, a pensioner can receive a pension at a later time, but it does not go beyond the delivery schedule of the post office.

To receive money through a bank, the payment procedure will be the same.

So, pensions in the Russian Federation are always paid for the current month. This always happens. If you were informed that your pension will now be paid differently and/or it was not delivered, you have probably encountered scammers. They must be reported to law enforcement agencies.

How is a disability pension paid?

It is worth understanding what is the procedure for receiving a pension for those who have a certain disability group: many are not given it for life, and an annual examination takes place, where the group is confirmed or removed.

Many complaints arise due to the fact that many may not receive due payments during this month of confirmation for the following reasons.

As soon as the ITU carries out the examination and the pensioner comes out with a conclusion about his disability group in hand, there you can find the date of the next commission - the same information is duplicated in the Pension Fund. Accordingly, as soon as the next group confirmation deadline approaches, the fund may temporarily suspend accruals until the next confirmation documents are received.

As soon as such a document is received, the funds are recalculated, and the pension is paid in exactly the same way as before. Unfortunately, this procedure can be inconvenient, especially in cases where the examination takes more months than stated (for example, if the date falls on the New Year holidays). In this case, you can consider a specific example.

The disabled person underwent re-examination on January 21, respectively, for this month he was left without pension accruals, but did not worry, since he was aware that he would receive his funds simultaneously with the February payments. However, in February, March and subsequent months the pension arrived without corresponding accruals.

But in fact, the pension was not lost: in March he received his usual March pension, say, on the 12th-13th, but he also receives the February pension for March, but after the 14th. Such overlaps happen for prosaic reasons.

At the time of extension of the disability group in the Pension Fund, actions are carried out in three stages:

  • pension is suspended;
  • then it is resumed again;
  • and finally extended.

Important! In this case, the exact date of the month when the medical examination was completed may play a role. examination. The money remained with the pensioner, but the plans could suffer from such actions.

Receiving a pension by another person by proxy

Many different methods for delivering pension funds make it possible to choose the most appropriate method of receiving funds. However, there are situations when circumstances do not allow a pensioner to receive his money on his own. Then it is possible to issue a power of attorney to another person who will be authorized to receive the pension.

Such a power of attorney can be issued by a notary for money or certified free of charge. The pensioner himself applies for the issuance of this power of attorney.

It is also possible to have the document certified free of charge by the organization where the pensioner works, undergoes training or is undergoing treatment.

Important! In the case where the term is not indicated on the power of attorney, it is assumed that it was issued for a year; accordingly, the authorized person can receive pension funds for a year.

If the period is specified for more than a year, then the funds are paid throughout the entire specified period, but annually confirmation of the fact of registration at the place of receipt from the pensioner will be required.

What to do if your place of residence has changed?

When changing the place of residence, the payment of pension funds is carried out at the new place where the pensioner lives. It is necessary to send a notice to the territorial office of the Pension Fund.

Accordingly, a request for a pension payment file will be required in connection with moving to a new place of residence - this document contains all the information that will be needed for the pensioner and Pension Fund employees at the new place of residence (for example, this may be relevant if recalculation will be required).

An example is the following situation:

A pensioner leaves the city of Saratov for Moscow for permanent residence. Previously, pension funds were transferred to a bank card, which was opened at the Sberbank branch at the place of previous residence in Saratov.

To receive a pension, you must contact the Pension Fund branch at your new place of residence (in Moscow) and notify them of your move. Employees of the Pension Fund in Moscow will send a special request within one working day after the application, from which they will receive a payment (pension) file no later than three working days. The pensioner must present a passport with a mark of registration at the new place of residence.

After the pension payment case is received, within two days an order is issued to register the pensioner, and the pension payment is extended.

Accordingly, the pensioner also has the right to change the method of delivery of the pension by submitting a special written notification to the territorial body of the Pension Fund in Moscow.

Important! If a pensioner moves for permanent residence to another country, a different procedure is used.

Receiving pension savings after the death of a pensioner

In order to receive payment of the uncollected pension amount after the death of a pensioner, you must contact the pension fund body where the payment was made. The amount that should have been paid in the current month, as well as funds not received due to death in that month, are paid. They are transferred to trusted persons (namely close relatives, the list of which is in the relevant legislative acts - Article 26, Part 3.4, No. 400-FZ) who lived together with the citizen on the day of his death.

In the case when several relatives apply for this unpaid part of the pension at once, the specified amount is divided equally between them.

In order to receive a deceased person's pension, you must provide the following documents:

  • death certificate;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • documents that can confirm family relationships;
  • the applicant's civil passport.

Important! It is possible to apply for the unreceived part of the pension only within six months from the date of death of the pensioner, otherwise the amount received becomes an inheritance and is inherited on a general basis.


Pension provision is carried out by special territorial bodies of the Pension Fund at the place of residence. The pension is paid and established at the request of the citizen, therefore, if the corresponding right arises, the citizen must submit an application to the required territorial body of the Pension Fund and there determine the method of delivery of the pension that is suitable for him. The pension is paid month to month.

It is possible to receive a pension personally or by proxy.

In order to receive pension benefits when changing your place of residence, you need to contact the Pension Fund at your new place of residence.

Video - How to receive the pension savings of a deceased relative

Today, Sberbank remains the credit institution through which most Russians receive their pensions. Now the majority of transactions are carried out through electronic systems, and pensioners withdraw the money they are entitled to from their cards. However, for obvious reasons, many of them are not “advanced” Internet users and cannot regularly monitor the status of their account. It is easier for them to come to the bank on the appointed day, already knowing that the money was transferred from the pension fund. This is why many older citizens have a question: when does the pension arrive on the Sberbank card?

Principles on the basis of which the date for crediting money to a Sberbank card is selected

Determining the specific date of appearance of credited funds in the pensioner’s account and, accordingly, on his card does not depend on Sberbank. The credit institution acts only as an intermediary between the Russian Pension Fund and its clients. Typically, the bank processes pension accruals quite quickly, and after the transfer they appear on the cards of Russians within one or two days. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing some principles that allow you to at least approximately calculate the date of receipt of the long-awaited money.

  1. According to the prevailing rules in our country, pensioners receive their money every month on the same day.
  2. However, sometimes, due to technical necessity, the date of transfer of the pension to the Sberbank card is shifted, but no more than by two or three days.
  3. Generally in most regions money is paid before the 15th of each month, that is, on this day they already appear on customer cards.
  4. Typically, the payment day is assigned to a person individually, based on the date he received the first amount.
  5. In other regions, money arrives in current accounts before the 20th or 21st. These dates are the maximum permissible periods for pension payments according to Russian laws.

Thus, there is no universal answer to the question of what date a pension is transferred to a Sberbank card. However, some regional branches of the Pension Fund of Russia, understanding the needs of older people, calculate quarterly accrual schedules and display this information on their official website. For example, this information is provided by the Petrozavodsk branch of the fund.

However, most departments of the organization do not inform clients about payment days, which can vary within 2-3 days.

Deadlines for calculating disability benefits

This category of citizens entitled to monthly payments receive money according to a slightly different scheme, so the timing of transferring pensions to a Sberbank card depends on a number of nuances. This applies to a greater extent to persons with disabilities, who must annually confirm their disability. People with lifelong disabilities receive financial assistance like ordinary pensioners - according to the same rules and within the same time frame. The calculation of money for the category of residents who confirm their disability occurs according to the following rules:

  • disabled people also receive their pension every month on the same day;
  • Every year, the date for crediting the amount to the client’s current bank account from the Pension Fund, and, consequently, for its transfer to the disabled person’s card, is set depending on the timing of the procedure for confirming your status A;
  • also at the beginning of the next year of payment of their deadlines may vary depending on the time of the formal procedure on the exchange of documents between the medical commission and the Pension Fund.

Typically, after confirmation of his disability, a person is notified of a date for payments. After this, a schedule for transferring the pension to the Sberbank card will be determined, and payments will occur on the same date. However, of course, various glitches and other problems may occur, due to which the dates will shift within 1-3 days.

Cases in which the due amount does not arrive on the bank card

Calculation of benefits is not a completely automatic process, therefore, during banking transactions, various errors and errors sometimes occur. It is this factor that is the main reason why the pension was not transferred to the Sberbank card. If we consider the problem in more detail, an unpleasant situation may arise as a result of the following errors:

  • incorrect preparation of a payment order by Pension Fund employees, due to which the transaction is interrupted by the bank and the money is returned to the sender;
  • uncoordinated actions of institutions when sending bank details of pensioners to the fund;
  • mistakes made when drawing up an application for a card and personal account.

What should pensioners do if such problems arise and there is no amount in their bank account?

  1. First of all you should contact any Sberbank branch and request a printout of transactions from them what happened to the account.
  2. If the document confirms that for one reason or another the pension was not credited to the client, it is necessary take your bank details again and contact the Pension Fund of Russia.
  3. All data must be verified in the Pension Fund: do they have an application for payment of a pension to a bank card account, are the details at the disposal of the fund’s employees correct.
  4. If all information is correct, you should find out whether the money was transferred by the fund itself.
  5. In cases where the transfers took place, but the money never arrived on the card, the Pension Fund must submit a request to Sberbank about the location of the funds.

If this problem arises, there is no need to worry, because, in the end, the lost funds will still be found and will be transferred to the pensioner. In order for the error to be corrected as soon as possible, it is necessary to contact the relevant structures without postponing this issue, because the more time passes from the date of the transfer, the more difficult it will be for the employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and Sberbank to understand the reasons for what happened and return the pensioner’s pension.