
Safety lesson for children of the second younger group. Directly educational activities for life in the second junior group "adventures of a brownie kuzi" Security terrorist attack 2 junior group abstract


Program tasks: to form in younger preschoolers ideas about the rules of safe behavior in a group, on the street, at home, the skills necessary to maintain a healthy life; nurture a sense of caution and friendship.

Naughty visiting the guys

Material and equipment for conducting a safety lesson: Naughty costume, mailbox, envelope, needle, knife, medicine package, iron, box of matches, multimedia installation, Dangerous Situations presentation, cards with images of toys and tools, ball.

Lesson progress

Educator (V.). Guys, they sent us a parcel and a letter. (Shows.) First, let's read the letter. (Opens the envelope.) “Hello guys! Naughty writes to you. I send you my favorite toys. Play with them. I will come to visit you soon. Your Disobedience." (Opens the package.) Allow me guys, I'll be the first to get the toy out of the package. (He dips his hand into the parcel.) Oh, it seems that I pricked myself with something sharp. Naughty has strange toys. Lay them out on the table carefully and examine them.

Game "Dangerous objects"

AT.(takes out a needle). What is it? (Needle.) What is it for? Can you play with her? Why? (Children's answers.) What is it? (Pulls out a knife.) What is the knife for? Can they play? Why? (Children's answers.) What is it? (Pulls out medicine package.) Is it allowed to play with medicines? Why? Who can give them to children? (Children's answers.) What is it? (Pulls out a box of matches.) May I play with matches? What can happen? Who can use matches? (Children's answers.) What is it? (Pulls out an iron.) Can children turn on the iron? Who uses the iron? (Children's answers.) Guys, what items did Naughty send us? (Dangerous.) Can I play with them? Why? (Children's answers.)

Naughty (adult) enters.

Naughty. Hello, I'm Naughty. Did you like my toys?

Children. Not!

Naughty. Why?

Children. Because they are dangerous.

Naughty. What toys do you play with?

AT. We will show you now.

Physical education minute

We will walk along the path

(Walking in place.)

And we will find toys:

(Walking in place, clapping hands.)

clubfoot bear,

(Imitation of bear movements.)

shaggy dog,

(Imitation of dog movements.)

Bunny jumping,

(Hands - "ears" attach to the head, jumps in place.)

prickly hedgehog,

(Stretch your arms forward, spread your fingers.)

clockwork machine,

(Clench fists, imitate the movement of the steering wheel.)

A mischievous doll.

(Place arms bent at the elbows one on one, imitating Russian dance.)

Let's play with them

(Imitation of lulling a doll.)

And then we'll take them out.

(Hide your hands behind your back.)

Let's stomp our feet,

Let's clap our hands.

(They clap.)

V. Knysh

AT. Naughty, how do you play with your friends?

Naughty. Magic TV will show how much I love to play.

Naughty tells, and on the multimedia screen there is a slide show.

Naughty. I love to play on the stairs, jump up the stairs.

AT. Guys, teach Naughty how to behave on the stairs. What happens if you are not careful? (Children's answers.)

Naughty. So it was, I fell and hurt myself. I also like to play with sand, build houses out of it, sprinkle it!

AT. Tell, children, Naughty, what can happen if you sprinkle sand. (Children's answers.)

Naughty. I also like to play with a cat, tease her, drag her by the tail.

AT. Is it possible to offend an animal? Did you feel sorry for the cat? Teach, children, Disobedience, what can happen if you offend animals. (Children's answers.)

Naughty. I do not offend animals, I love them, and I always stroke my dog, even when she eats.

AT. Guys, is it possible to do this? Why? (Children's answers.)

Naughty. And most of all I like to play with matches. So much fun!

AT. What can happen if you play with matches? (Children's answers.)

Naughty. Think fire! If anything, I'll hide.

AT. Where?

Naughty. Under the bed or in the closet.

AT. Children, is it possible to hide under the bed or in the closet in case of fire? (Children's answers.) You can't hide anywhere! What do we have to do? (Call firefighters at number "101", call for help from adults.)

Naughty. Now I understand. I won't play that dangerous again. Teach me how to play safely.

The yes-no game

Children stand in a circle, the teacher throws the ball, asks a question, the child catches the ball and answers “yes” or “no”.

- Can children take matches in their hands?

- Play with a ball, a pyramid?

— Do the children turn on the iron?

- Do you take your own medicines?

- Play with dolls with a friend?

- Build houses from cubes?

Game "Dangerous-safe"

Pictures of objects are laid out on the table. Girls select those on which safe objects are drawn, and boys - with which they cannot play.

AT. Guys, let's give images of toys to Naughty so that she remembers what to play with. (Give cards to Naughty.)

Naughty. Thank you. From now on, I will only play with safe, kind toys. Goodbye, guys.

The disobedience leaves.

Elmira the Wise

Target: to introduce children to dangerous situations and objects awaiting them at home.

Tasks: learn to choose safe items for games that will help to avoid dangerous situations during the absence of adults; to educate children in caution, the ability to do the right thing in a given life situation.

Lesson progress:

AT: Guys, the weather outside is good, but are you in a good mood? Let's cheer up our guests!

D: Hello guys!

Hello, friends!

We are glad to see you

We are a family!

AT: Guys, our today's meeting will be devoted to home security. All people think that the safest place on earth is our home. But even at home, various dangers may lie in wait for us, but which ones, we will find out today.


AT: I'll tell you a story. He lived in the same family - there was a boy, Kolya. One day, mom and dad went to work, and Kolya was left alone at home. Have you guys ever been home alone? (Listen to the children's answers)

AT: Listen to what happened next. Suddenly the doorbell rang, it was Kolina's friends Petya and Vasya. Kolya ran to the door and opened it. What do you think, did Kolya do the right thing?

D: Not.

AT: So how should it be was to do?

D: children's answers.

AT: That's right guys, you should definitely ask "Who's there?", you need to look at the door lock, you can not say that the parents are not at home.

ball game "Own - someone else's"

AT: Guys, let's play a game "Own - someone else's". I will throw the ball to you and call the words if it is "mine" then you catch the ball, and if I called "foreign" then do not catch the ball necessary: mother, aunt, postman, neighbor, grandfather, grandmother, friend, policeman ...

AT: Well done. Hear the story further. Friends came to visit Kolya, they had fun, watched cartoons, and then decided to play doctors. Vasya and Petya pretended that their stomachs hurt, Kolya took pills from his mother's medicine cabinet and gave them to his friends.

AT: Guys, what do you think Kolya did right?

D: No, children should not touch the pills.

AT: And why?

D: Because medicines for children are not toys, only a doctor or mother can touch them, pills can be poisonous.

AT: Correctly. So, friends decided not to play doctors, but decided to look out the window.

Do you think this is a good idea?

D: No, because you can fall out of the window.

AT: That's right guys this is a bad idea, in no case should you look out the windows, so that trouble does not happen. We listen to the story further, matches caught the eye of friends, Vasya decided to light one and see how it wakes up to burn.

AT: Did Vasya come up with a good idea?

D: No, playing with matches can cause a fire.

AT: Well done boys. But at home there are still a lot of dangerous items that children should not touch. Now we will see if you know what these items are.

A game "Can - Can't"

AT: Guys, I will show you pictures depicting various objects, and looking at them, you will say whether you can play with them or not.

Tablets - you can not, they can be poisoned;

Thermometer - it is impossible, it can break;

Knife - you can’t, they can get hurt;

Hammer - you can’t, they can break something;

Vacuum cleaner - you can’t, it’s an electrical appliance;

Toys - you can, children play with them;

Pencils - you can, they can draw a beautiful drawing;

Matches - you can not, a fire can occur ...

AT: We continue to listen to the story. Friends convinced Vasya not to light matches, they sat down at the table, took albums with pencils and drew many wonderful drawings for mom.

AT: Now you guys know how to behave at home when you are alone. Let's draw a picture for mom as a gift.

Related publications:

Nomination of the competition “We are not afraid of dangers” Compiled by educator: Chagaeva L. A Age of children: 2-3 years Program content: To acquaint.

Educator Panyukova G. G. Theme. "So that there is no trouble." Objectives: 1. Educational task: to identify and consolidate children's knowledge about the fire: causes.

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Dear parents! The world that surrounds a child is complex and full of danger. Our mission is to keep children safe and healthy.

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Ulmeken Kenzhebekova
Summary of the lesson in the second junior group "Safety Lessons"

Abstract of the lesson in the 2nd junior group kindergarten for topic:

« Security Lessons How to instill a sense of self-preservation in a child.

Goals lessons:


1. Formation of children's ideas about objects and situations dangerous to life and health of people that they encounter in everyday life.


1. Development of motor and sensory functions.

2. Continue work on the formation of related speech.

3. Develop memory, logical thinking, imagination.


1. Formation of accuracy and independence in the use of various materials and objects;

2. Expansion of self-consciousness about moral standards behavior: kindness, sympathy and friendship.

Materials, equipment:

Badges for all the guys; Look how beautiful it has become!

A toy (donkey);

Tables with subject drawings by the number of children ;

Demonstration pictures with drawings (knife, fork, iron, saw, tap, matches);

Envelope with a letter from Bobrenok;

Candy gift;

Silhouettes of flowers according to the number of pictures.

Lesson progress

caregiver: Hello guys! Let's be friends! Do you agree! I am very glad that I met such good guys! Guys, look who came to us, this is a little donkey. And the donkey is so sad. Let's ask the donkey what happened to him?

I will tell you about my unfortunate happening:

I washed dishes in the kitchen

The water faucet is open...

Distracted me from washing

Unexpected call!

I didn't turn off the water

Forgot about everything

Chatted for an hour about the game, the weather

And more about this and that!

An insistent call on the door

Distracted from the conversation in an instant! -

I flooded the neighbors

How badly I did!

In two. Imagine the day

It's pouring down on me!

Here's my advice guys.:

Close water faucet

Not good to forget!

caregiver: Do you guys always close the taps at home? Why turn off water taps? What can happen if there is water in the apartment?

Children's answers: wet the furniture, flood the apartment, moms and dads will be upset, you need to make repairs, etc.

caregiver: That's right, guys, in order not to flood your apartment and the apartment of your neighbors, you should always close the taps after you wash your hands and remind your mother when you go out for a walk or go to visit. What do you need to tell: Mom, did we turn off the water tap?

caregiver: You know the donkey, but our guys never forget to turn off the taps? Let's show the donkey how we can turn off the faucets.

hand motor skills game: "Turn on the faucet":

1. squeeze one hand into a fist;

2. second put your hand on the cam and simulate the closing of the tap;

3. unclench your fingers;

4. all repeat with other hand.

caregiver: Donkey, what else happened to you?

Donkey: This is not with me, but with my friend Bobrenok. He ended up in the hospital because he cut his paw. Read what he wrote to you in a letter.

caregiver: Children read the letter? Good, listen:

Hello guys, a big and warm hello to everyone!

I'm in the hospital and I want you to tell:

And it's dangerous to touch them!

And knives for kids -

Not a toy, okay?

An awl is a sharp tool

Don't take too

Prick in one moment

Shilo can hurt!

Here's a drink! Oh sharp!

Knitting needles, iron, matches and needles ...

Don't take it off the shelf!

Here's my advice guys.:

With these items...

I do not recommend playing!

caregiver: It's a pity for the beaver, but what happened to him guys, who will tell me?

Children's answers: he cut his paw, he pricked with a needle, etc.

caregiver: Do you guys take these items? That's right, guys can't play with knives, forks, needles, scissors, you can't play with an iron, take matches. You can get hurt.

caregiver: And so that the beaver gets better quickly, let the guys teach the Donkey to do a little exercise, and you remember the donkey and teach the Bobrenk these exercises, and this will help him recover quickly.

Physical culture pause:

In the morning the sun rises higher-higher-higher sipping up

In the evening it will go lower-lower-lower slope down

Tick-tock, tick-tock, the clock goes like this tilts left - right

Well done, kids - bowed down from the heart

And clapped their hands - it will be a good day now! clap their hands

caregiver: And Donkey brought us a game as a gift. Let's play guys!

A game: "What will happen?"

caregiver: Guys, there are cards in front of you. Guys, look at these pictures, the faces of the boy are drawn and girls: a boy with a sad face, and a girl with a joyful one. And also cards with objects, here is a knife, a fork, an iron, a saw, a tap, matches and other items - they can upset us if we are not careful with them. As well as items that can please children - this is toys: balloons, ball, car, flowers. It is necessary to distribute all the pictures among the guys. The boy is distressed because he already knows what objects to handle with care. And the girls put things that make children happy.

Come on guys, I'll help you a little, here's a knife - it can hurt our finger, we'll put it to the boy. Before choosing where to put the picture, think about which of these items can upset and which can please.

Children independently lay out pictures, the teacher provides support and helps to complete the task.

caregiver: Guys, let's give our donkey good advice, but what?

In order not to flood the apartment:

1 tip: always turn off the water taps;

Not to go to the hospital:

2 advice: Do not play with sharp and dangerous objects.

caregiver: Guys, our Donkey wants to say goodbye to you, because he needs to visit his friend Bobrenok.

Donkey: Guys, so that you do not be sad and do not worry about me and my friend, I brought you a gift.

caregiver: What do you guys need to say to Donkey? Thank you Donkey from the guys, say hello to Bobrenok. Goodbye Donkey!

caregiver: The donkey is gone, and we guys, let's remember the objects that can give us pain and sadness. Look and name what can upset us?

Children's answers: knife, scissors, iron, fork, matches, saw, needles, if we forget to turn off the tap.

caregiver: Guys, you name these objects, and I will cover them with beautiful flowers and all objects that can upset us will turn into objects that we need to learn how to use correctly and they will only bring us joy! I will teach you how to use them, and they will benefit us! Look how beautiful it has become!

caregiver: Guys, our lesson ends, and what did you like, remember?

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

Hello guys!

Big and warm greetings to all!

I'm in the hospital and I want you to tell:

That forks and scissors are so sharp

And it's dangerous to touch them!

And knives for kids -

Not a toy, okay?

An awl is a sharp tool

Don't take too

Prick in one moment

Shilo can hurt!

Here's a drink! Oh sharp!

Knitting needles, iron, matches and needles ...

Don't take it off the shelf!

Here's my advice guys.:

With these items...

I do not recommend playing!

Sincerely, Your friend Bobrenok

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Izhmorsky kindergarten №2


Compiled by: Surnina T.V.

Educator of the 1st qualification category MKDOI Izhmorsky kindergarten No. 2.

P.g.t. Izhmorsky 2018

Agreed: Approved:

Senior educator Head of MKDOU

MKDOU Izhmorsky d / s No. 2 Izhmorsky d / s No. 2

Poltoratskaya L.P._______ Cheren Y.V._________


Organized educational activities in the 2nd junior group

TOPIC: "Safety rules at home and on the street".

Target: Help children remember objects and situations that are dangerous to life and health. Remember the rules of conduct on the road. Independently draw a conclusion about the consequences of careless behavior and handling of dangerous objects.



    To acquaint children with objects and situations dangerous to the life and health of people they meet in life.

    Fix the rules of safe behavior at home and on the road.


    Stimulate curiosity.

    To promote the development of all components of oral speech.

    Develop memory, logical thinking, imagination, the ability to draw conclusions.


    To cultivate accuracy and independence in the use of various materials and objects.

    Cultivate a cautious and prudent attitude to potentially dangerous situations.

    To educate the need for daily compliance with safety rules, the ability to sympathize and help.

Types of children's activities: game, communicative, cognitive-research, motor.

Preliminary work:

Conversation “Dangerous objects in everyday life”, solving riddles about dangerous objects, viewing the presentation “Dangerous objects in the house”, conducting a didactic game “One, two, three, what can be dangerous - name it”

Independent activity: examining and coloring illustrations and pictures on the topic "Dangerous non-dangerous".

Hardware and equipment : pictures with the image "Dangerous not dangerous", landscape sheets, pencils.

Lesson progress:

1. Introductory part.


Hello guys! Let's get a look. Who came to visit us today. Let's say hello and smile. Let's create a good mood.

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And smile at each other

I'll look at your faces

Who can I befriend here?

Tell me what is your name? (Anya, Maxim, Sonya).

2. The main part.

Today we will talk about the rules of behavior at home and on the road.

Educator: today we have an unusual lesson with you, we will talk about what to be afraid of when you are left alone at home and try to come up with and remember the rules that will helpus to save ourselves from misfortune (children sit down).

Educator: Children, if you are left alone at home and hear someone knocking on the door? What do we do? Can you open the door if you are alone at home? (children answer) Why can't you? What can happen? (answers - children's stories)

Educator: 1 rule: Never open the door to strangers! Only adults can do this, and then only after they ask: “Who is there”?

Educator: Rule 2: How should we behave on the road? How should we cross the road? (children's answers)

Now let's play a little!

A d / game "Dangerous is not dangerous" is being held.

Children take cards with the image of the rules of behavior on the road, green is the correct answer, and red is not the correct answer.

Educator: Thanks guys for the help! What good fellows you are. Now we know exactly what you can play with and what you can’t, where you can play ball. And where it is impossible.

Physical education:

Children are driving a car, (walking in pairs, holding on to the shoulders of the person in front)

Look at the road

Left the guard is standing (torso turns left and right)

The traffic light on the right is on.

Educator: I have pictures, let's deal with them. You tell me what can and cannot be done.

Rule one: Do not touch and plug electrical appliances into the socket, do not turn on the gas stove.

Rule two: "You can't take medicine and taste it."

Rule three: « You can't play in the bathroom and leave the faucet open."

Let's play a game: "Yes or no."

Listen carefully. When I tell you: "Children can ...", you should think and answer: if you can and are allowed to do it yourself in the absence of your parents, say "yes" along with clapping your hands. If you are not allowed to do this in the absence of your parents, answer “no” and stomp your feet.

Educator: Children can...

    play with matches and a lighter;


    turn on and off the washing machine;

    Play with dolls;

    turn on the stove;

    put food in the microwave to heat up;

    turn on the electric kettle;

    looking at pictures in books

    use a knife

    to watch cartoons;

    drag the TV plugged into the outlet by the cord;

    turn on and use the iron;

    turn on the hair dryer and dry your hair;

    put foreign objects into the socket;

    open different cans, jars, packages;

    collect puzzles, build a house out of cubes.

Teacher: Well done guys! And now let's remember the rules of behavior on the road! What is the most important sign you know? (traffic lights). Is it possible to play ball on the roadway? (children's answers). How should I cross the road? (children's answers).

Final part: Guys, let's draw a traffic light and color it.

Exhibition of children's works.


141865 Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district, r. P. Nekrasovsky, st. Mayakovsky, building 3 A

forward planning

on the basics of life safety

in the younger group

Prepared Art. educator

Ivanova I.V.

the date of the

Topic of the lesson

Lesson objectives

Event mark


1st week.

"Dangerous situations: contact with strangers on the street."

Consider and discuss with children the dangerous situations of possible contact with strangers on the street; teach your child how to behave in such situations.

1. "A stranger rings the doorbell" (1, 113).

2. Reading fairy tales: “The wolf and the seven kids”, “Zhikharka”, “Golden Scallop Cockerel”.

3. Reading the poem "Resourceful Dima" by E. Tambovtsev-Shirokov (1, 121).

4. Story-roll. game "If there is no one nearby ..." (1, 121).

Lifestyle lesson

preliminary work


2nd week.

"Don't pick unfamiliar mushrooms."

To give the concept that it is impossible to collect unfamiliar mushrooms - they can be dangerous to humans.

1. "Do not pick unfamiliar mushrooms" (2, 112).

2. Conversations about mushrooms, viewing the poster "Mushrooms", dummies of mushrooms.

3. Set-Print game "Full basket".

Lifestyle lesson

preliminary work


3rd week.

Examination of the illustration by Yu. Vasnetsov "Cat's House".

To teach children to carefully consider the illustration, noticing the main thing and details in it; develop perception and memory, speech; develop a desire to help those in need.

1. Consider. illustrations by Yu. Vasnetsov "Cat's House" (2, 162).

2. Reading the work of S. Marshak "Cat's House".

3. Guessing riddles.

4. Viewing the m / f "Cat's House".

Lifestyle lesson




4th week.

"Traveling down the street".

Supplement ideas about the street with new information (different houses - for housing, shops, school, etc.), cars move along the carriageway of the street, traffic can be one-way and two-way and is separated by a line.

1. "Journey down the street" (2, 54).

2. View pictures of the street.

3. Viewing the m / f "The street is full of surprises."

4. "Roller skating, cycling."

Lifestyle lesson

Free activity


1st week.

"Be careful!"

Continue to teach how to behave at home when suddenly you are left alone, to form the idea that you can’t open doors to anyone else.

1. "When mom is not at home" (dramatization) (3, 143).

Lifestyle lesson

2nd week.

"Caution, poisonous!"

To teach children to be attentive to plants in nature, to understand that among them there may be poisonous; learn to be careful, develop curiosity.

1. Theater "Caution, poisonous!" (2, 110).

2. Nast. game "Each fungus in its box".

3. Reading the fairy tale by V. Dahl "The war of mushrooms with berries" (2, 121).

free activity

3rd week.

"These are not toys, they are dangerous."

To consolidate knowledge about the basic requirements of fire safety, to form discipline, a sense of responsibility for one's actions.

1. “These are not toys, they are dangerous” (2, 167).

2. D / and "Tell me a word" (2, 166).

3. Outdoor game "Fire" (2, 160).

Lifestyle lesson

free activity

4th week.

"Visiting Aibolit".

Consolidation of children's knowledge about the concept of "health", clarify the rules for maintaining health, form an interest in their own body, well-being, mood associated with the state of health.

1. "Choose right" (self-care items).

2. Collective application "Autumn Harvest" (creation of an album).

3. D / and "Food products that help strengthen the body."

Work on the project "Healthy lifestyle"

free activity

5th week.

"Traveling down the street: rules for pedestrians".

Continue to acquaint children with some rules for the movement of pedestrians along the street, with the concepts of "pedestrian", "ground (overground, underground) crossing."

1. "Rules for pedestrians" (2, 56).

2. "Pedestrian crosses the street" (3, 28).

3. Nast.-pitch game "Young Pedestrian".

Lifestyle lesson

free activity


1st week.

"Don't open the door for strangers."

Continue to acquaint children with the rules of personal safety, to form a sense of self-preservation.

1. Conversation "Do not open the door to strangers" (2, 165).

Lifestyle lesson

2nd week.

"Contact with Animals".

Explain to children that contacts with animals can sometimes be dangerous, tell and reinforce the rules of behavior with pets and homeless animals.

1. Game - conversation "Contacts with animals."

Lifestyle lesson


3rd week.

"What is the danger of a fire?"

Continue to acquaint children with such a phenomenon as a fire; build confidence in your actions; enrich the children's vocabulary with new concepts and words.

1. Reading the poem by S. Marshak "The Story of an Unknown Hero" (2, 161).

2. "Do not look out the open window" (2, 164).

Lifestyle lesson

Complex control in free activity

4th week.

"Traffic Light Watch"

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the operation of a traffic light, its signals, to consolidate knowledge of the rules for crossing the street.

1. "Observation of traffic lights" (2, 58).

2. Games "Horses", "Stop", "Traffic Light".

3. D / and "Who is faster" (2, 61).

Lifestyle lesson

free activity


1st week. Ice Safety Rules.

To teach children about the rules of behavior on the ice.

1. "Safety rules on ice" (2, 115).

2. Conversation "What is a snowstorm" (2,116)

Lifestyle lesson

On a walk

2nd week.

"Electrical Appliances".

To acquaint children with electrical appliances, their purpose and rules of use.

1. "Rules for handling electrical appliances" (4, 58).

2. D / and "Electrical appliances" (2, 169).

OBZh lesson.

free activity

3rd week.

"Watch out for the flu!"

Learn to take care of your health, acquaint children with the characteristic signs of the disease and prevention.

1. "Beware of the flu!" (2, 223).

Lifestyle lesson

4th week .

"In urban transport".

To acquaint children with the rules of ethical behavior in urban transport.

1. "In public transport" (2, 64).

free activity


1st week.

"Watch out for the frost."

Teach children to follow safety rules in the cold.

1. "Beware of frost" (2, 128).

Before walking conversations

2nd week.

"Professions of firefighters"

To acquaint children with the profession of a fireman, with the qualities of his character (courage, courage, dexterity, kindness), to cultivate respect for the people of this profession.

1. "The profession of a fireman" (2, 188).

Lifestyle lesson

3rd week.

"Sport is health".

To develop interest in various sports, the desire to engage in physical education.

1. "Sports" (associations).

1. Board game.

4th week.

"Road signs".

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the purpose of road signs, the ability to use them in the game for their intended purpose, to develop memory, ingenuity.

1. "Find the same sign" (2, 65).

2. Desktop printing road signs game.

Lifestyle lesson

free activity

5th week.

"Problem Situations"

Learn to behave correctly in problem situations, be friendly to peers.

1. "Careful I bite and fight."

Individual work


1st week.

"Natural Phenomena".

To form elementary ideas about ice, to cultivate the ability to behave in ice.

1. "What is a snowstorm?" (2, 116).

2. "Avoid slippery places" (2, 146).

free activity

Lifestyle lesson

2nd week.

"Dangerous Items at Home".

To give children an idea about life-threatening and health objects that they encounter in everyday life, about their need for a person, about the rules for using them.

1. "Household appliances" (2, 183).

2. "Dangerous items at home."

Lifestyle lesson

3rd week.

"Our Friends and Enemies"

Expand and consolidate children's knowledge of electrical appliances. Show the relationship between violations of certain rules and the occurrence of danger.

1. S.Ya. Marshak

"Cat house"

Lifestyle lesson

4th week.

"Comparative observation of the bus, trolleybus".

To give an idea about the features of the movement of a trolleybus and a bus (a trolleybus moves with the help of electricity, the bus is filled with gasoline).

1. "Comparative observation of the bus, trolley bus" (2, 61).

Walking conversation


1st week.

"Careful, icicles!"

Teach children to be attentive, not to walk under roofs and awnings at this time of the year.

1. "What are icicles and why are they dangerous."

Walking conversation

2nd week.

"Fire is dangerous."

To acquaint children with the basic rules for fire safety, with the primary actions in the event of a fire; learn how to properly report a fire by phone.

1. “Every citizen knows this number - 01” (3, 60).

Lifestyle lesson

3rd week.

"Vitamins strengthen the body."

To acquaint with the concept of "vitamins", to consolidate knowledge about the need for vitamins in the human body, about useful products that contain vitamins, to educate children in the culture of nutrition.

1. "Vitamins strengthen the body" (2, 225).

2. "Vitamins in human life" (3, 92).

Lifestyle lesson

free activity

4th week.

"What is an intersection?"

Examining illustrations depicting a busy intersection, encourage children to carefully listen to a short story, teach them to ask questions about what they read.

1. "Crossroads" (2, 75).

2. Consideration of illustrations.


free activity


1st week. "The dog is biting."

Teach children how to properly handle animals. Give information about the aggressiveness of some animals and precautions.

1. Game - conversation "A dog can bite."

2. Consideration of the folding folder "Rules for the treatment of wild and domestic animals."



2nd week.

"Don't yawn, follow the rules."

To acquaint children with the basic rules of fire safety, explain the harm that playing with fire brings.

1. "Basic fire safety rules" (3, 66).

Lifestyle lesson

3rd week.

"What can be said about the owner of this book, a toy?".

To form in children the idea of ​​the need to be careful when working with books, playing with toys

1. "What can you say about the owner of this book, a toy?" (4, 160).

free activity

Individual work

4th week.

"How to protect the health of the child."

Provide basic information about medicines that they are taken only in the presence of an adult, you cannot take medicines on your own, form an idea about the main value of life - health ..

1. "How to protect the health of the child" (3, 116).


5th week.

"Types of transport".

To consolidate knowledge about modes of transport.

1. D / and "Cut pictures" (2, 63).

free activity


1st week.

“What will you do when you are left at home alone, without your parents, and the doorbell rings?”

To warn children against contact with strangers, to promote the development of caution, prudence in dealing with strangers.

1. "You are alone at home" (2, 190).


2nd week.

"Dangers of Nature in the Summer".

To teach children the rules of behavior on hot summer days, with the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm, when meeting various insects, to recall the rules of behavior on the water.

1. "Why is the sun dangerous?" (2, 117).

2. "Beware of the storm!" (2, 132).

3. "Beware of insects!" (2, 147).

3. "Behavior on the water" (2, 116).


Lifestyle lesson

free activity

3rd week.

"Children's Pranks with Fire and Their Consequences".

Review fire safety rules.

1. "Children's pranks with fire and their consequences" (3, 68).

free activity

4th week.

6. "On road safety."

To form ideas about road safety rules, to deepen knowledge about the rules of the road.

1. "On road safety" (3, 128).

Conversation on the street


1. Formation of a culture of safe behavior in children aged 3-7 years: "The ABC of safety", class notes, games / ed. N. V. Kolomeets. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

2. Fundamentals of life safety of preschool children. Work planning. Conversations. Games - St. Petersburg: LLC "PUBLISHING" CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2010.

3. Fundamentals of safe behavior of preschoolers: classes, planning, recommendations / ed. O. V. Chermashentseva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.

4. Ivanova A. I. Natural-scientific observations and experiments in kindergarten. Man. - M.: TC Sphere, 2008.

5. Poddubnaya L. B. OBZH. Middle group. Entertaining materials /Comp. L. B. Poddubnaya - Volgograd: IDT "Coripheus", 2008.

6. Avdeeva N. N. et al. Safety through the eyes of children