
How to prevent wrinkles - effective methods. Seven signs of aging in a woman and the causes of the first wrinkles How wrinkles appear on the face


If wrinkles appear on the face, then old age has come? But no! There may be nothing in common between the first wrinkles and aging of the body. The reflection in the mirror largely depends on what lifestyle a woman leads, where she lives and how she eats. Let's talk about the most common (and often unexpected) causes of wrinkles!

1. Warm rays of the sun

UVA rays, which can reach the deep layers of the skin, and UVB rays, which cause sunburn, can lead to premature aging of the facial skin and, as a result, the appearance of wrinkles. Dermatologist Jerome Potozkin, MD, says that sun exposure reduces the production of collagen and elastin in the body, causing the skin to "wrinkle." To protect it, you need to apply a moisturizer with SPF 30 every day.

The window glass of houses and the windshield of a car do not protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, working in a bright office or going on a trip by car, you should not neglect the use of sunscreen.

2. Living in the city

Women living in urban areas have more wrinkles and age spots on their skin compared to women who have lived in rural areas for 24 years or more, a study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology found. Doctor of Medical Sciences, dermatologist Maral Skelsey explains this by environmental pollution and the difficult ecological situation in the city, which leads to the accumulation of free radicals in the body and, as a result, to a deterioration in the skin condition.

3. Prolonged wakefulness

Scientists have proven that a good night's rest is essential not only for our well-being, but also for weight loss. Another useful action is the prevention of wrinkles. “Lack of sleep changes the pH of the skin, which reduces the ability of cells to retain moisture. To keep your skin smooth and even, make sure you get at least 6-8 hours of sleep per night,” advises dermatologist Maral Skelsey.

While we sleep, the body is recovering. If a woman goes to bed deep after midnight and wakes up very early, the regeneration processes do not take place in full, which is fraught with inflammatory skin diseases and acne.

4. Love for TV shows

Giving up physical activity in favor of watching TV or any other passive pastime may contribute to wrinkles, scientists say. “Exercise stimulates collagen production, which reduces the likelihood of wrinkles,” says Ann Chapas, MD, dermatologist. “In the warm season, exercise more often outside, after applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen to the skin.”

5. Reluctance to part with the phone (tablet)

The habit of constantly looking at the phone, checking mail or messages on social networks is much more harmful than we previously thought. It can cause wrinkles on the skin of the neck and around the chin. “The skin of the neck is very thin and more prone to aging than other parts of the body,” says dermatologist Dandy Engelman. “To minimize the risks associated with the use of gadgets, you need to reduce the time you use them and buy cosmetics with amino acids and peptides, which increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, making it look more toned.”

A new concept has appeared in the beauty industry - “digital aging”. This is the name for the deterioration of the skin due to exposure to blue light from the screens of smartphones, phones, tablets and computers. HEV radiation penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, disrupting the production of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid. While scientists have not come up with effective protection measures, cosmetologists recommend using antioxidant serums and creams.

6. Walks in the fresh air

“If you forget to put on your glasses before going out on a sunny day, it’s no surprise that you have thin lines between the eyebrows in the form of the number “11” and crow’s feet in the eye area, says MD, plastic surgeon Dara Liotta . - The skin around the eyes is 40% thinner than other areas on the face. To protect it, you need to wear oversized sunglasses that block UVA and UVB type rays.

7. Lots of sweets in the diet

A diet high in simple sugars such as flour products, sweet desserts, chocolates and sweets is fraught with glycation. This is an irreversible process that inhibits the skin's ability to self-renew and regenerate due to the destruction of connective tissue. The skin becomes stiff and loses elasticity. The low protein content on the menu also brings her under attack, since protein food is a “building material” for the body. To make your reflection in the mirror last longer, you need to reduce the amount of sweets in your diet and increase your protein intake.

“Try giving up sugar for two weeks! You will be full of energy, you will start the process of weight loss, and your face will noticeably rejuvenate,” recommends Christina Goldenberg, MD, dermatologist.

8. Frequent stress

A busy work schedule and personal experiences on the love front affect not only your mental and emotional well-being, but also affect the way you look. "Stress stimulates the production of the hormone cortisol, which in turn reduces the skin's ability to retain moisture," says dermatologist Maral Skelsey. "Look for ways to help you deal with stress, whether it's walking after dinner, hanging out with friends, or talking to a therapist."

9. Coffeemania

Two cups of coffee a day is exactly how much, according to researchers, a woman can drink if she does not want to see early wrinkles on her face. The fact is that coffee is a diuretic - it dehydrates the body, which is why the skin tends to dryness. In addition, excessive love for coffee increases the concentration of the stress hormone - cortisol, which also accelerates the aging process of the skin.

For every cup of coffee you drink, you should have one glass of clean, cool water. Otherwise, dry skin, and eventually dehydration, cannot be avoided!

10. Diet low in fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits, vegetables and greens are the main sources of vitamins and antioxidants in the diet. External environmental factors and bad habits accelerate the oxidative processes in the body, which causes the skin to age faster. And antioxidants partially neutralize the damage, thereby protecting the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. In order to keep the skin beautiful, you need to eat more often foods with vitamins A, E and C in the composition, as well as those containing antioxidants lycopene, lutein and beta-carotene. These are apples, peaches, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, all kinds of cabbage, eggplant and other products.

11. Bad habits

The habit of constantly squinting, drinking drinks through a straw and smoking cigarettes are common causes of wrinkles around the eyes and around the mouth. “Active muscle contraction causes skin cells to shrink, causing skin elasticity to decrease and deeper wrinkles to form over time,” explains dermatologist Christina Goldenberg. In addition, the nicotine in cigarettes constricts the blood vessels, which reduces the supply of vital nutrients to skin cells. “This undermines the health of the skin and makes it more prone to wrinkles,” says dermatologist Maral Skelsey.

Foreign researchers have shown that wrinkles in the corners of the mouth and above the upper lip in women who smoke appear 10-15 years earlier than in those who do not smoke. The concentration of vitamin C in the body - a powerful antioxidant that prolongs the youthfulness of the skin - in women who smoke is 60% lower than in non-smokers.

Expert comment

Do not think that wrinkles appear solely due to aging. Unfortunately, their appearance is influenced by several factors - excessive mimic activity, constant grimacing, decreased skin elasticity due to improper or improper care, love of sunbathing.

Therefore, the fight against wrinkles must begin with their prevention - high-quality cosmetic care (this includes regular skin cleansing, peeling, massages), as well as the daily use of creams with SPF protection. It is necessary to protect the skin from exposure to sunlight all year round: both in winter and in summer. The difference lies in the choice of protection level: in winter, 10 units are enough, in summer - up to 30, on vacation - 50. Do not forget that there should be constant control over facial expressions: if you constantly squint in the sun, wear sunglasses.

Pay attention to your lifestyle: bad habits (for example, smoking), lack of regimen, poor sleep, improper nutrition, as a rule, do not affect the appearance in the best way, contributing to a decrease in skin turgor.

Of course, some preventive measures, when you already have wrinkles, will not be enough. The approach to them must be comprehensive. It is better to start with cosmetic procedures that will improve the condition of your skin in general. Here methods such as fractional laser resurfacing work perfectly, which will rejuvenate and smooth the skin, and RF-lifting course - it will promote the production of collagen and elastin.

However, injections remain the most effective way to get rid of deep wrinkles in the nose or forehead area. For mature skin, injections of preparations containing botulinum toxin (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport) are suitable. Botulinum toxin blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to temporary paralysis of the muscles responsible for facial expressions. Therefore, no matter how hard you try to frown your eyebrows, you are unlikely to succeed. Botox injections last for six months. In order to completely get rid of wrinkles and the habit of frowning the forehead, the procedure must be repeated several times.

Unfortunately, wrinkles do not only appear on the forehead. But the approach to them in other areas of the face should be fundamentally different. For example, nasolabial folds do not appear due to the bad habit of frowning, nor do they occur due to excessive tanning. Nasolabial folds are the result of gravitational ptosis (descent of soft tissues due to age-related changes). Therefore, here it is necessary not to get rid of wrinkles, but to replenish volumes and, accordingly, smooth wrinkles with the help of fillers based on hyaluronic acid. This method allows not only to make wrinkles invisible, but also to give the skin a healthy, well-groomed appearance due to the action of hyaluronic acid, the task of which is moisturizing, increasing skin turgor, and stimulating the production of its own collagen and elastin. Hyaluronic acid injections give an obvious lifting effect almost immediately.

Young healthy skin is elastic, smooth, tightly stretched. With age, it turns yellow, becomes dry, rough, loses its elasticity, wrinkles, furrows and folds appear on it.

The formation of wrinkles occurs gradually. First, wrinkles appear on the forehead, then in the direction from the nose to the chin, at the outer corners of the eyes, and finally on the neck, bridge of the nose, chin and upper lip. Wrinkles can be observed in people of all ages, even in young people.

Causes of wrinkles

Mimic wrinkles. Wrinkles cause various facial habits: wrinkling of the forehead, squinting of the eyes (usually in the sun); the manner of laughing also contributes to the formation of wrinkles; in some individuals, laughter causes a sharp contraction of all facial muscles.

Premature appearance of wrinkles is also observed with the wrong position of the head during sleep. Many sleep with pillows high under their heads; the head at the same time leans on the chest, and wrinkles form on the neck and chin.

Wrinkles can also appear with an intensive decrease in body weight. The stretched skin cannot quickly shrink, it sags, becomes covered with wrinkles.

Past illnesses. Infectious, chronic diseases, disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems, female, gastrointestinal diseases weaken the body's resistance, reduce skin elasticity, and it begins to wrinkle.

Natural factors for the appearance of wrinkles. A significant role in the development of wrinkles in young people is played by various external influences: prolonged exposure to the sun and wind, temperature fluctuations in the air, its excessive dryness and humidity; prolonged stay in stuffy, smoky rooms (passive smoking).

Abuse of decorative cosmetics. Many girls with good skin abuse frequent washing and especially powdering their faces. And frequent use of powder dries out the skin and creates conditions for the formation of wrinkles.

Age factor in the appearance of wrinkles. Already in the 3rd decade of life, wrinkles are the result of the onset of age-related fading of the skin. Between the ages of 30 and 40, the number of wrinkles increases significantly and reaches a maximum by the age of 55-60. The skin of the elderly loses its density and elasticity; due to thinning of the subcutaneous adipose tissue, degeneration and death of elastic fibers, it stretches and falls; at the same time, the zygomatic bones protrude sharply, the nasolabial folds are clearly identified, the volume of the chin, neck, and occiput increases.

How to prevent wrinkles

In order to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, you need to combine a set of exercises for facial muscles with skin care procedures:

Getting rid of bad facial habits. With the appearance of a double chin, thin loose skin and wrinkles on the neck, it is recommended to get rid of the bad habit of pressing the chin to the chest. It is much more useful, and even more beautiful, to keep the head slightly raised. During sleep, the face should rest freely on the pillow, in no case should one burrow into it. Of great importance is the condition of the teeth and timely prosthetics. The absence of teeth not only leads to abnormal digestion, but also inevitably changes the shape of the face: the cheeks sink, deep folds and furrows form.

The use of compresses (poultices). To prepare them, fold a small towel or napkin into a strip (20-25 cm), dip it in hot water, wring it out and put it on your face. The middle of the compress covers the chin from below, and the ends are applied to the cheeks, forehead and nose (only the mouth and nostrils are free). The poultice should be kept on the face for 2-3 minutes, then removed and wiped or poured over the face with cold water.

Application of rubdown. Wipe the face with a cold saline solution (1/2 teaspoon of salt per 1 glass of water). For very dry skin, instead of salt, use a solution of tannin (1/2 teaspoon of tannin per 1 glass of water).

The use of ointments against the appearance of wrinkles. Before going to bed, it is useful to lubricate the face with a cream or ointment. Ordinary table salt is added to the ointment - 1/2 tsp. finely crushed salt rubbed with 1 jar of cream. Such a cream is applied to the face, especially to wrinkles, and it is driven in with the ends of the fingers for 2-3 minutes. In the morning, it is advisable to rinse your face with cool water, lubricate it with cream and powder. You should not go out without smearing your face with cream.

Protection from direct sunlight. People with emerging wrinkles should avoid direct sunlight; air baths are preferable. Before sunbathing, be sure to lubricate your face with cream.

Self-massage against wrinkles. When wrinkles appear, lightly tap the skin of the face with your fingertips daily for 5 minutes. This improves blood circulation in the skin and strengthens it.

Applying masks. They prevent the formation of wrinkles and have an exceptionally beneficial effect on the skin.

  • Protein-lemon. Beat the egg white into foam, add the juice from 1/2 lemon and salt on the tip of a knife to it; stir the whole mixture well.
  • Yolk-oily. Mix egg yolk with 1/2 tsp. camphor or castor oil.
  • Egg and oatmeal. Add 1 tsp to beaten egg white or yolk. honey and 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal.
  • Yolk-honey. Grind the egg yolk with 1/2 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. glycerin.
  • Yeast. Dilute 20-25 g of yeast with milk or vegetable oil until sour cream is thick.
  • Yeast sour. Dilute 25 g of yeast with water to the density of sour cream and let stand until fermentation.

These masks can be alternated with masks recommended for sagging skin. Before applying the mask, the face must be washed or wiped. The duration of the use of masks is 15-20 minutes. All masks, except yeast, can be left overnight. Masks containing oils are removed with a damp swab, the rest are washed off with water.

Healthy lifestyle. Proper facial skin care and prevention is not enough to successfully eliminate wrinkles. Care must be taken to improve the general state of health; establish a restorative regime, follow a certain diet, engage in physical education and gymnastics of the whole body and face.

A healthy lifestyle, proper skin care, control of facial expressions and a good mood will help delay the appearance of wrinkles. Seasoned, balanced, benevolent people keep smooth skin longer than bilious, always dissatisfied people.

So that one day you don’t have to actively fight age-related changes, buy all kinds of creams and serums, lay out a tidy sum for the services of a cosmetologist or go under the knife of a plastic surgeon, take care of the prevention of aging. Having learned what wrinkles appear from, you can eliminate harmful factors from your life and make your life easier in the future. In the publication, we will talk about the reasons for the formation of wrinkles, find out what habits should be abandoned, how to adjust the diet, what skin care should be at different age stages.

What causes wrinkles

Susan Obagi, professor of dermatology at the University of Pittsburgh, explains. According to her, normally the skin is characterized by the smoothness of the epidermis, which retains fluid in the deep layers and protects them from the effects of the external environment. The color of the covers initially differs in evenness, pigment spots do not form on it. The skin also lacks collagen and elastin to keep it toned. The researchers admit that when viewed under a microscope, they do not find signs that indicate that a wrinkle will soon appear on the face. What causes change?

According to doctors, some of the factors are due to aging caused by the internal state of the body. The process is natural and occurs regardless of external factors. After 20 years, the production of collagen in the body decreases: every year it becomes 1% less. The skin becomes thinner, which is complemented by the following changes:

  • the intensity of the sebaceous glands decreases;
  • decreased production of elastin;
  • there is a deficiency of glycosaminoglycans (substances responsible for hydration).

A combination of factors will answer why wrinkles appear, but this type of aging causes only part of the changes. The rest, more pronounced, make themselves felt as a result of other influences that you can prevent.

Aging caused by external factors is more detrimental to beauty: for example, it includes the effects of smoking or the habit of sunbathing without UV protection. As a result, a layer of dead cells collects on the integument, and the production of elastin and collagen drops sharply. This causes a number of consequences:

  • the formation of deep wrinkles;
  • the appearance of age spots;
  • dry skin.

Although it will not be possible to fight natural aging, changes caused by poor lifestyle or bad habits can be prevented. But the approach must be comprehensive, so study the nuances.

Prevent different types of wrinkles

The factors that make your skin look smooth vary depending on the type of wrinkles you are concerned about. The resulting folds are classified according to the following type:

With age, not only folds form on the face, because the so-called gravitational changes make themselves felt. Since the skin loses its tone, it begins to sag, which is fraught with drooping of the corners of the eyes, the appearance of nasolabial folds, and deformation of the face oval. If you do not pay attention to these manifestations, it will not be possible to eliminate them without surgical intervention.

What additional factors to consider

A prerequisite for preventing early aging remains care behind covers. The daily course does not have to be difficult: just cleansing, moisturizing and applying a nourishing cream. Add exfoliation, doing it 1-2 times a week, depending on the type of skin. By choosing products from the anti-age line, you will improve your appearance.

plays a role and genetics: Looking at your parents will give you an idea of ​​how you will look at their age. Don't be discouraged if your mother or father seems older than they are: it will give you extra motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle, take care of yourself and eat right.

Also make adjustments for skin type, which determines the types of wrinkles that will bother you. If you complain about the excessive activity of the glands, then wrinkles around the eyes and mouth will appear later than those of the same age: sebum will become a natural moisturizer. And the owners of sensitive or dry integument will notice the traces left by time earlier. You will need to pay attention to hydration, use special creams and carry a spray bottle to irrigate your face throughout the day. It is enough to take action, and the appearance will not cause any complaints.

Although some factors cannot be excluded, it is in your power to use everything that nature has awarded you. Even the influence of unfortunate heredity can be reduced by properly approaching the process.

What habits to give up

Have the years brought not only wisdom, but also wrinkles? It will not be possible to completely resist time, but it is in your power to reduce the mesh around the eyes or in the mouth area. To tackle the challenge of prevention, rethink your habits:

  1. Give up constant chewing gum, because in the process you curl your lips. Dr. Joel Schlessinger, a dermatologist, claims that as a result, the corners of the mouth droop, wrinkles come from them, and the oval of the face worsens.
  2. If you sleep on your stomach, then press your face against the pillow. Research by Janet Graff, who works at the Sinai Medical Center, has shown that people resting in this position have more wrinkles than those who dream while lying on their backs.
  3. Smokers may not be aware that nicotine constricts blood vessels, impairing oxygen access to the skin. This is detrimental to collagen and elastin, and the habit of dragging on a cigarette deepens the wrinkles around the mouth. always leads to rapid aging of the skin.
  4. Age-related changes may appear due to the abuse of sweets. New York-based dermatologist Makren Alexiadis-Armenakas points out that excess sugar triggers glycation, a chemical reaction that releases new collagen-destroying molecules into the bloodstream.
  5. According to Ron Rohrich, professor of plastic surgery, neglecting sun protection remains the main enemy of beauty. To keep your skin smooth, use a sunscreen with SPF every day. Even if you decide to take a quick drive to the store, the damage to your skin will be done. Convince yourself of the veracity of the statements by watching acquaintances who drive a car: on the left side of the face, the changes are more pronounced.
  6. Why do wrinkles appear on the neck? According to Joel Schlessinger, the reason lies in the habit of constantly using a smartphone or tablet. After all, people who spend hours looking at their screens tilt their heads at an unusual angle. You will notice pain in the eyes and pain in the neck immediately, and the rest of the consequences will appear over time. Use a gadget stand to avoid wrinkling.

Habits that seem harmless will harm beauty, so reconsider your lifestyle.

You can learn more about the habits that are harmful to the skin of the face that cause wrinkles in the following video:

Skin care mistakes that make you age

Analyzing the causes of wrinkles on the face, you do not even suspect that mistakes in skin care and makeup application also cause them. Take care of yourself: are you one of the women who slightly pull their eyelids to draw an arrow? A hard pencil will cause tiny capillaries to break and form wrinkles. To avoid this phenomenon, dermatologist Julia Tzu from New York recommends using liquid eyeliner.

Remove makeup should also be careful: do not rub your eyes to get rid of the remnants of mascara. Doctors notice that many people strive for excessive cleanliness, wanting their skin to creak after hygiene procedures. But to achieve the goal, you will have to use an aggressive soap that deprives the covers of the necessary fats. To prevent wrinkles from becoming more noticeable, limit yourself to using a soft facial cleanser - later you will rejoice at the decision you made.

When care is harmful: the opinion of dermatologists

Mistakes are possible in the process of applying cosmetics:

Dermatologists have issued a statement: to prevent the formation of "crow's feet", have an annual examination with an optometrist. When your eyesight drops, you squint, and the formation of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes cannot be avoided.

Diet: food is the enemy of youth

Don't want to get wrinkles? Pay attention to your daily diet. Patricia Farris, MD, dermatologist and author of The Sugar Detox, says eating the wrong diet is just as bad for your skin as smoking. After all, it causes inflammation on the skin, which is fraught with a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin! To preserve youth, exclude the following products from the menu:

  1. Rice cakes that have been touted by supermodels are good for the figure, but bad for the skin. They contain simple carbohydrates, and the body, when processed, converts substances into glucose. It has a detrimental effect on collagen protein, so you can forget about the freshness of the face.
  2. Cereals and ready-made breakfasts, positioned by manufacturers as healthy, are generously supplied with sugar. So, you can’t do without an increase in glucose! By refusing such a treat, you will give yourself youth.
  3. Chips, like carbohydrates, cause inflammation, which leads to oxidative stress, a process that damages cells. Research published in 2014 by The Journal of Drugs in Dermatology also showed that eating fast food is a cause of acne in adults.
  4. Do not miss the chance to enjoy a smoothie in a glamorous cafe? But what you don't know is that this treat contains a lot of sugar. Store-bought yoghurts and juices, where sweeteners are generously used, also belong to dangerous foods. Statistics published in the United States showed that lovers of such delicacies are at risk of increasing the amount of sugar consumed up to 22 tsp. a day without even knowing it.
  5. Margarine contains trans fats that prevent the body from absorbing moisture. The work, published in the American College of Nutrition, proved that people who use this product often look older than their peers.

If you want to get smooth skin, approach the task in a complex way. By eliminating harmful foods from the menu, you will slow down aging.

How to prevent age-related changes: basic care in 30 years

If you have led a healthy lifestyle and used sunscreen, then outwardly you are indistinguishable from a 20-year-old. But age can manifest itself in the coming years, because cell turnover slows down. For this reason, regular exfoliation will become a sine qua non, as Sinai-based dermatologist Ellen Marmur warns. Also use the following procedures:

Follow these rules so that time does not leave marks on your face for longer: in combination with a healthy lifestyle, you will ensure yourself a blooming appearance.

How to give skin care after 40 years

By the age of 40, the condition of the integument is often determined by the complexion, since in dark-skinned women, wrinkles in the corners of the eyes appear later. But even the lucky ones will have to take care of basic care:

Consider these features, and the formation of wrinkles can be slowed down.


Do not hope to find a magic tool that can turn back the years: you will be able to prolong youth with the help of systematic care, proper nutrition and getting rid of bad habits. Be patient, because you will notice an improvement in a few months.

With age, human skin loses its amazing properties and becomes pale, dry with signs of wrinkles and folds. The first wrinkles appear in the forehead, then in the area of ​​the nose and chin.

In the future, they can be seen near the eyes, on the neck and upper lip. Sometimes, unpleasant wrinkles are found even in the younger generation.

Causes of wrinkles

Such a defect can appear not only with age, but also for various other reasons. So, facial habits, laughter contribute to the formation of wrinkles.

At an early age, they can arise from the habit of sleeping on high pillows, which is why furrows are deposited in the neck and chin area. Deep folds also appear from sudden weight loss.

The body loses its mass and the skin is unable to contract quickly.

Many diseases contribute to a decrease in the body's resistance, as a result of which the elasticity of the skin decreases and wrinkles appear on it. The cause of the defect in young people is most often a natural influence. This may be exposure to ultraviolet rays, a sharp change in air temperature, as well as the influence of passive smoking.

Young girls may develop wrinkles as a result of the abuse of cosmetics. Frequent washing and the use of cosmetics dry the skin, which creates certain conditions for the development of wrinkles on the skin. After 30 years, there are age-related causes for the appearance of wrinkles.

Starting from this period, the number of folds and grooves begins to grow, and reaches a maximum by the age of 60. At this age, the subcutaneous tissue becomes thin, so the skin loses firmness and elasticity. As a result, it stretches and sags. The cause of the appearance of wrinkles on the face can be some diseases.

Sometimes, the doctor, by these signs, suspects which organ the patient is:

  • Around the eyes are "funny" wrinkles. This suggests that the body has weak connective tissue, hearing problems, or the development of hemorrhoids.
  • Under the eyes, semicircular folds indicate diseases of the urinary system and heart.
  • Cruciform wrinkles on the bridge of the nose can determine severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In this case, special attention should be paid to the spine.
  • Grooves on the cheeks will tell you about a malfunction in the liver.
  • Characteristic wrinkles in the forehead are formed when a person is often suffering and is in a long depression.
  • If you notice lines running from your nose to your lips, you need to see a cardiologist.
  • A neck affected by small grooves may indicate a sick stomach. Often such a defect can be seen in a person who does not perceive humor.
  • Fine wrinkles in the mouth area suggest problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

How skin aging and wrinkles occur

The aging of the skin is divided into 4 stages, which have their own characteristic features. No one can say exactly when the first stage of youth fading begins. Each person is different, and this phenomenon can occur as a result of various factors. If a person does not take care of his skin, smokes and drinks alcohol, then the first symptoms of aging can appear as early as 18 years. Wrinkles can appear at an early age if a person is genetically disposed to this, as well as with malnutrition and poor health.

Then, the person looks tired by the evening, and small wrinkles are visible on the face. Early wrinkles appear on the forehead if the girl often wrinkles her forehead. In the second stage, grooves appear around the eyes and in the nasolabial part. Their rapid growth depends on how excitable a person is.

At this point, it is necessary to carefully monitor the face, since in the future it will be difficult to cope with skin aging. The third stage of wilting is not difficult to determine. At this moment, the shape of the face changes, the second chin is noticeable, the skin on the cheeks sagged. Also, dark spots, puffiness appear in the eye area, eyelids droop.

Here, age-related aging of the skin is clearly manifested. Today, however, modern cosmetics are quite capable of restoring skin elasticity and removing wrinkles. At stage 4, in old age, especially pronounced signs of aging appear. The main features at this stage are clearly formed furrows on the face, dry skin, dark spots, cheeks sinking. Due to its physiology, this problem is almost impossible to overcome. However, using good cosmetics, you can still refresh the skin, as well as improve its condition.

Wrinkles on the face depending on skin type

The older a person becomes, the more active changes occur in his subcutaneous fat layer. As a result, the skin ages and wrinkles form on it.

Wrinkles on the face are especially pronounced. The main reason for this process is a violation of blood circulation, as well as a malnutrition of the skin, which performs many necessary functions.

Skin structure

This human organ occupies a large area.

Her duty is to protect the body from the effects of the external environment and various infections. By some changes in the skin, one can often judge a person's health. How is the skin structured?

It has three layers:

  • Epidermis. It, in turn, consists of five cell layers. One of them is the outer layer (horny), the dead cells of which gradually fall off, and the skin is renewed. The main task of the epidermis is to monitor the normal moisture content of the skin, as well as protect it from harmful factors.
  • Dermis. In other words, it's skin. Depending on its condition, the skin will look young and beautiful. The composition of the dermis includes substances such as elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid, which are formed from special cells. The more of them, the more elastic the skin becomes. The dermis contains nerve endings, blood vessels, and sebaceous glands. The better their condition, the slower will be the development of wrinkles and folds on the skin.
  • Subcutaneous fat. It consists of connective tissue and fat. This layer can be individual for each person, as it has its own completeness. The subcutaneous fat layer also has a large number of nerve endings and blood vessels.

Skin types

Experts believe that early wrinkles on the face do not appear in every person.

It all depends on the type of skin (there are 4 types):

  • Normal facial skin. She always looks good. Practically does not react to various negative influences of the environment. Therefore, this type of skin is the least prone to creating wrinkles.
  • Dry skin. As a rule, such skin is delicate, and pores are almost not visible on it. It is this type of skin that is most prone to the formation of early wrinkles. It is possible to stop this process with proper facial care.
  • Oily skin. In this type, pores are clearly distinguished on the face, and the skin is shiny. Such skin is prone to the development of acne and purulent pimples. The advantage of oily skin is that it is not so sensitive to various harmful factors. Therefore, it is not prone to the formation of early wrinkles.
  • Combination skin. Caring for such skin is especially difficult. It can be oily on the forehead, chin, nose, and on other areas of the face, the skin may be of a different type. In this case, the selection of special cosmetics is necessary.

How wrinkles form

There are many reasons for the formation of wrinkles. They can appear with age, as well as as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle or illness. When dead cells accumulate in the upper layer of the epidermis, the skin becomes rough and rough. As a result, a failure occurs in metabolic processes. If you do not take action, then grooves will appear on the face.

The sebaceous and sweat glands located in the skin can also malfunction. In this case, it becomes dehydrated and becomes dry. When the process of fibroblast renewal slows down, the connective tissue that makes up the skin loses its original structure. Then the skin becomes less elastic and folds immediately appear on it.

Wrinkles look different:

  • Superficial wrinkles mainly appear as a result of processes occurring in the epidermis. Such folds are more often found on dry skin or due to the action of facial expressions.
  • Deep furrows are the result of changes occurring in the dermis and subcutaneous fat. The reason is that the skin becomes less elastic. As a rule, such wrinkles on the face appear with age.

Also, there are so-called dynamic and static folds. The first can be seen only during the action of the muscles. And the latter appear even in a calm state.

How to get rid of wrinkles and hide them with makeup

The appearance of the first wrinkles upsets all women without exception. The skin of the face is constantly affected by harmful environmental factors, it is necessary to try to protect the skin, nourish it. If you do it right, constantly take care of your face, you can keep your skin young for a long time, provide it with a healthy look.

You need to take care of the skin of the face in several stages:

Every woman should know how to get rid of wrinkles and prevent their appearance. To do this, you must always cleanse the skin of the face, no matter oily or dry skin. Make-up should be washed off the face immediately after coming home, you can not leave it on overnight. It is better to wash off cosmetics with the help of special means. After that, it is recommended to apply a gel, mousse with a moisturizing effect on the face. In no case should you wash your face with soap, it dries the skin very much.

You need to apply a gel or cream by lightly massaging the delicate skin, you can not rub the products sharply, stretch the skin. After that, wash your face with warm water, wipe it with a towel, and at the moment of wiping the skin of the face, the towel should, as it were, lightly touch the skin, get it wet. If you have oily skin, it is recommended to apply scrubs to your face no more than twice a week. Thus, you can dry the pores well, cleanse them of the sebaceous glands.

Modern cosmetics after the first application can remove the shine from the face, make the skin healthy, velvety. You need to tone the skin after each wash, preferably in the morning. Tonic helps to remove the remnants of cleansing cosmetics well, removes fine wrinkles, smoothes the skin. If you use the tonic daily, you can easily get rid of acne, inflammation on the skin. Tonic should be selected according to your skin type.

The skin of the face is protected by applying a cream. Before going outside, use such cosmetics, it will well protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, close the pores from dust. It is also recommended to nourish the skin with creams, which include various nutritional components that help restore the skin, replenish the missing nutrients. It is good to apply various masks on the skin, with a tightening, moisturizing effect.

Anti-aging complex

Unfortunately, after the age of 25, facial skin gradually begins to age, wrinkles and dryness appear. Many women, wanting to always remain beautiful, begin to use an anti-aging complex. What does it mean?

Cosmetics are divided into skin care by age, namely 25+, 35+, 45+, 55. The older the woman, the more nutrients cosmetics contain. You do not need to buy a cream for women at the age of 50 if you are not yet forty. Hyaluronic acid, collagen should replenish the skin gradually.

After 25 years, the first mimic wrinkles appear on the face of women, the skin gradually becomes less elastic, dry, and loses elasticity. It is necessary to use serums, cosmetics based on nourishing oils. After 35 years, the body does not produce enough hormones that contribute to the production of collagen, elastane, hyaluronic acid. Due to the good production of collagen, the female face takes shape, clear boundaries.

At this age, it is necessary to purchase cosmetics containing a sufficient amount of herbs, berries, fruit extracts. Well proven grape, blueberry extract. It is recommended to make masks with algae, with white wine. After 45 years, the skin is almost completely depleted, dry, sagging.

At this age, you need to use cosmetics that protect the skin well from UV radiation, contain many nutrients, elastane, hyaluronic acid, and d-panthenol. Cosmetologists recommend applying moisturizing masks more often, since it will not be possible to completely get rid of wrinkles, it is necessary to moisturize and tighten it.

How to hide wrinkles with makeup

The amount of wrinkles on your face will depend on how competently you apply cosmetics. Makeup artists advise using a water-based face corrector. It is applied to the area of ​​deep wrinkles, as well as in the folds between the lip and nose.

On the lower eyelid it is necessary to apply a light pencil or shadow. Thus, wrinkles around the eyes become almost invisible.

The foundation should be of a light texture, if you apply a dense base, it will fall into wrinkles, highlight the folds. It is recommended to lighten the skin under the eyes with a tonal foundation of a light shade.

water for wrinkles

Sufficient fluid intake helps the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen. It should be remembered that coffee, alcoholic beverages, tea are not absorbed by the skin, they are quickly excreted in the urine, purified water should be drunk.

Water reduces the aging process of the body, it delivers nutrients and oxygen to the blood. It is important to drink purified water, as ordinary tap water contains a large amount of heavy metals, lead, and arsenic.

How to remove wrinkles with anti-aging massage and masks

Since it will not work to remove wrinkles the first time, facial massage is done twice a week. It is necessary to start with kneading movements, gradually increasing the intensity.

By doing a facial massage every day, you can:

  • improve blood circulation, as a result, the skin becomes healthy in appearance;
  • relax the muscles, which means preventing the appearance of premature wrinkles;
  • make the skin more elastic, toned, even out the contour of the face, cheeks, cheekbones;
  • deliver more oxygen to the skin cells, after which the puffiness on the face will disappear;
  • prevent the stressful condition of the skin, after which acne, blackheads will not appear.

Facial massage is contraindicated:

  • when a person has diabetes;
  • women after 40 years, when the skin is stretched, extra movements will only stretch it more;
  • with allergies or when the skin is very dry;
  • abrasions, moles, microcracks are visible on the skin;
  • there is acne, pimples, inflammation.

Massage should be carried out on healthy skin, without the listed symptoms.

How to do it right

With your fingertips, lightly pressing you need to knead the muscular area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face. The delicate, thin skin around the eyes should be avoided. For a deeper action, press the palm of the hand on the dense part. Stroking on the face from the contour of the face to the nose is necessary. As a result, blood flow increases, the skin relaxes. The tapping method involves light tapping on the skin on the cheeks, on the forehead, near the nose.

Japanese rejuvenating facial massage Zogan (Asahi)

Before starting the massage, the face is thoroughly cleansed, a scrub is applied with a light effect. After that, the face is smeared with cream or oil so as not to injure the skin.

The skin of the face is warmed up, it is slightly rubbed with hands, with simple movements without effort.

Movements on the face should be strictly in one direction, with each exercise. In the forehead area, only three fingers should be involved, index, ring, and middle.

Cheeks should be massaged with your thumbs, while all movements should be light, gradually pressing on the skin.

In the lymph zone, movements are made very weak. Massage is done with an even posture, preferably in a sitting position. In time, the massage does not exceed 6 minutes. It is recommended to have a session daily.

Rejuvenating gymnastics for the face and eyes

Exercises help to remove wrinkles, improve facial tone, enhance collagen production:

  • We express surprise while mentally repeating the letter O-O. The bottom of the jaw, the lower lip is strongly pulled down, the nasolabial muscles are stretched.
  • We tightly squeeze our eyes with our eyebrows, while the upper jaw rises. Repeat the movement 40 times.
  • Eyes need to be turned left and right at least 40 times, after which also up and down.
  • We measure four points with our eyes on the dial - this is, move our eyes clockwise, stopping at each of the numbers for 1 second.

What do salons offer?

Modern beauty salons have a fairly large arsenal in the fight against wrinkles. Among the more popular procedures for women who are interested in how to remove wrinkles is plasmolifting, the introduction of hyaluronic acid. In complex therapy, cosmetologists suggest applying masks and creams to the skin of the face.

Special gymnastics for the face is not as in demand as cosmetics, but some salons still use this method in the fight against wrinkles. Women want to get a quick result, hide wrinkles as soon as possible, restore youthfulness and attractive appearance to the skin.

Wrinkles on the face are the first sign of skin aging. They appear as small folds (grooves) in the skin that tend to deepen.

Wrinkles most often form where there are voids in the dermis. These voids are formed due to a decrease in the amount of water and collagen fibers in the skin. Wrinkles always indicate thinning of tissues and weakening of skin tone. The main reasons for this are ultraviolet radiation and the physiological process of aging.

There are several types of aging of the face and neck:

  • "tired face"- Decreased elasticity of skin cells
  • « wrinkled face"- characterizes the early stage of skin aging (up to 30 years)
  • "deformed face"- the presence of a double chin, a fat fold on the neck and (or) excess skin in the lower eyelids (sagging cheeks,)
  • "combined"- the natural aging process of the skin
  • "muscular"- aging of the skin, in which the facial muscles become visible (typical for the Mongoloid type of face)

Causes of wrinkles

The premature appearance of wrinkles on the face, as a rule, is justified by the genetic predisposition of cells that cause a violation of the functionality of the endocrine glands.

Causes of wrinkles on the face:

  • Sudden change in weight (weight loss or overweight)
  • Overwork, lack of sleep, missing teeth
  • Improper application or removal of makeup
  • The use of low-quality facial cosmetics containing whitening and exfoliating components
  • Weakened facial muscles

Over the years, facial skin loses some of its fatty lubrication, becomes . Drinking too little water can cause dehydration and rapid aging. Improper or inadequate nutrition leads to the fact that fat in the skin cells is distributed unevenly.

The human body ages unevenly. Thus, the processes of skin aging can outpace senile changes in internal organs and vice versa. The appearance of wrinkles is affected by the state of all systems, especially nervous, endocrine, digestive.

The emotional state of a person is also important. Optimism and good mood have a positive effect on the blood circulation of cells, negative emotions cause vasospasm, worsen the condition of the skin.

Timing of wrinkles

Age-related changes in the skin on the face lead to a weakening of muscle tissue. The first on the face can also appear in the period from 10 to 20 years. They occur more often in people with an overly mobile face.

The habit of frowning eyebrows, wrinkling the nose leads to the fact that small vertical or horizontal wrinkles appear on the forehead, cheeks or bridge of the nose. The wrinkles on the forehead become visible first. AT 15-20 years, small wrinkles in the form of crow's feet appear at the outer corners of the eyes, that extend to the temporal regions.

IMPORTANT: There are several ways to deal with deep forehead wrinkles. For example, before watching TV, reading or cleaning, place a strip of thin paper soaked in nourishing cream in the middle of your forehead. Secure it with a bandage, after smoothing out the wrinkles on the forehead. At first, it is enough to use such a bandage for 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the interval.

Closer to 30 years old longitudinal wrinkles in the area of ​​the upper eyelids become noticeable. They are most noticeable in those who are used to squinting their eyes, or in nearsighted people who do not wear glasses.

At 25-30 years old, wrinkles form in the area "dimples" on the cheeks. At the age of 35-40 these wrinkles deepen and become longer. This leads to their connection under the chin. After 30 years become more noticeable and nasolabial wrinkles, as well as the folds of "sorrow". Deepening the folds of grief can be avoided if, if possible, the jaws are unclenched.
Closer to 40 years becomes wrinkled skin around the mouth and at the base of the nose. During this period, wrinkles appear on the neck. Their appearance is most often caused by incorrect position of the head during sleep or reading books in bed. Wanting to hide wrinkles on the neck, some wear scarves, scarves, clothes with high collars. This restricts the blood circulation of cells, makes it difficult for them to feed and leads to premature aging of the skin.

In order to slow down the appearance of wrinkles on the neck, it is recommended to cleanse the skin in this area daily and rub it with a terry towel. Do gymnastics and neck massage more often.

Prevention of wrinkles on the face and neck

Wrinkle prevention should start at age 30 years or at the first signs of skin aging.

Preventive measures against facial wrinkles include:

  • Watch facial expressions. Try to make as few faces as possible
  • With increased sebum secretion daily wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in salt water(1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water). Periodically apply nourishing and moisturizing masks on your face - this will keep your skin in good shape
  • Outdoors, some people automatically squint their eyes against the wind or the sun. This leads to the formation of unnecessary wrinkles. To wean yourself from this habit, carry a mirror with you and periodically check yourself
  • 2-4 times a day in front of a mirror, perform muscle relaxation exercises. This exercise helps to control facial expressions.

The result after exercise is noticeable after 2-3 weeks. During this period, you can not only get rid of addiction, but also reduce the size of folds (wrinkles).
There are several ways to deal with. For example, before watching TV, reading or cleaning, place a strip of thin paper soaked in nourishing cream in the middle of your forehead. Secure it with a bandage, after smoothing out the wrinkles on the forehead. At first, it is enough to use such a bandage for 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the interval.

IMPORTANT: Over the years, facial skin loses some of its fatty lubrication and becomes dry. Drinking too little water can cause dehydration and rapid aging. Improper or inadequate nutrition leads to the fact that fat in the skin cells is distributed unevenly.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure twice a day until you have the feeling that the wrinkles on the forehead have disappeared. Women over 35 after a paper bandage are recommended to use on the forehead - this will speed up the result. Prevention of wrinkles with a paraffin dressing should be repeated 1-2 times a year, with deep folds - up to 3 times.

Wrinkles are a sign of osteoporosis (scientists' research)

Scientists from Yale University in the USA found that deep wrinkles on the surface of a woman's face can indicate not only the achievement of old age, but also bone fragility.

The appearance of wrinkles that become deeper every year is in itself one of the unpleasant phenomena in the life of every mature person. In addition, according to American scientists, wrinkled skin in mature women can be a symptom of osteoporosis.

This age-related feature can significantly increase the risk of various bone injuries, including bone fractures, which are difficult to treat. US researchers believe that the strength of human bones is correlated with the depth of wrinkles on the face.

Scientists conducted a study involving 114 women aged 50 who have recently gone through menopause. During the study, women who underwent injections and other skin correction products were excluded from it; for the remaining subjects, scientists developed a system for assessing the depth of wrinkles on an 11-point scale. The study took into account wrinkles on the face and neck. Among other things, scientists studied the bone density of the study participants using x-rays.

It was found that the owners of the deepest wrinkles have very fragile bones. This is not just due to the increase in wrinkles over the years, because in older people the bones are most vulnerable, and the study involved women of about the same age. This allows us to exclude the influence of the age factor in this matter.

The study allows medical specialists to correctly assess the degree of bone fragility in patients without using rather expensive tests for this purpose.

The Best Ways to Fight Wrinkles (Internet Reviews)

Women on Internet forums have a lot of effective advice on how to deal with wrinkles on the face and neck. Wrinkles on the neck generally appear quite often, and experienced women say that this is due to insufficient neck care. It must also be lubricated with creams and massaged, like a face. Helps later in life lifting and biorestructuring. To strengthen the neck is useful to do exercises and body wraps with olive oil.

In general, women note that it is very important for the skin hydration, even at a young age - it helps prevent wrinkles and get rid of them faster. So almost everyone recommends moisturizing creams. It is better to choose creams by age - forum users note that this is how they help the best. Also, women are advised to sunbathe less with age.

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