
How to tie a regular tie. How to Tie a Tie: Instructions for Tying Classic Knots (9 Types). Simple knot options


The ability to tie a tie is like knowing Mandarin - there is no urgent need for this, but demonstrating this skill always turns out to be impressive. Helping your dad or husband get ready for a meeting, or helping your brother get ready for a friend's wedding - you never know when sleight of hand and how to tie a tie might come in handy. Even if your male environment does not favor the classic style, the ability to tie a tie can be useful to you - the knots on fashionable thin scarves come specifically from men's fashion. ELLE has prepared a variety of patterns on how to tie a tie.

Quarter knot

The most popular and easiest way to tie a tie is a four or quarter tie. In some families, the skills of how to tie this knot are passed down from generation to generation, from father to son. With all the advantages of the ease of this technique, there is one small disadvantage - you definitely won’t be able to stand out from the crowd with such a knot. But in this case, you can always choose a tie with an interesting texture, pattern or color combination.

Windsor knot

This method and type of knot is named after the Duke of Windsor, who apparently preferred it to all others. In addition to the fact that it is ideal for special occasions, this knot is also the most comfortable - it does not tighten the collar of the shirt, allowing it to be easily loosened and removed without untying. The main thing you need to know about this method is that the tie for it must be 4 centimeters longer than the standard one, so that it can go down almost to the belt.

Half Windsor knot

Why do you need a Windsor knot when there is a half-Windsor knot? - British gentlemen often joke. The whole point is that the half-Windsor is not only simpler than its “big brother”, it also looks much more elegant - mainly due to the fact that it is asymmetrical and less voluminous. However, this knot is still formal, suitable for most types of collars and shirts and can be used on all types of ties.

Victorian knot

This knot is often called a "four" knot with an extra turn - simply because the end of the tie is wrapped around the knot four times and then tucked inside. The result is an asymmetrical and wide knot, but still simple enough to be used in everyday life - ideal for office suits and shirts.

Knot "Oriental"

This knot is tied in just three steps, so it is considered one of the simplest. But here lies the main problem of this method - since the knot is not very tight, ties made of thin materials simply will not hold their shape and will hang on the collar. So for such a knot you need to specially select a tie made of dense material, for example, wool. Another catch is that this tie is easy to take off, but it comes out just as easily. Therefore, it is better not to forget about it and correct it during the day. Oriental is completely unsuitable for special occasions, but it will look harmonious in the office.

Diagonal knot

If you have already learned how to tie all the previous knots, you can safely move on to the diagonal one - this will require all the skill and sleight of hand. This knot consists of two layers, it is asymmetrical and, unlike many others, it cannot be easily removed - it must be untied. But a diagonal knot looks impressive and elegant - especially if you choose a deep-colored tie made of light fabric.

Kelvin knot

This knot bears the name of the inventor of the temperature school, mathematician and physicist Lord Calvin - and all because the scientist developed the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure of atoms from knots. Lord Calvin has nothing to do with the technique of the knot itself, although tying such a knot is not much easier than understanding his theories. Due to its oblong shape, this knot will look great on thin cotton or wool ties, but it is better to wear it not to the office, but to special events.

Knot "Baltus"

One of the widest knots, the Balthus knot was invented by the Swiss artist Balthasar Klossowski in the 1930s. The artist wore it in an eccentric way, leaving the wide end short and the narrow end long. It is not recommended to repeat this today, and it is better to tie such a knot on light silk ties. This method is ideal for short men - it hides the length of ties and evens out the proportions of the suit.

Cavendish knot

This knot is an interlacing of two quarter notes - it sounds difficult, but in practice it is quite easy to handle. It does not look solemn and is perfect for office everyday life - and it will be immediately noticeable that some effort was put into the image. It is better to tie such a knot on ties made of lightweight materials and combine them with a wide-spaced collar.

Onassis knot

It was invented, as you might guess from the name, by Aristotle Onassis, a Greek businessman and the second husband of Jackie Kennedy. He modified the classic quarter tie by loosely wrapping the wide end of the tie rather than securing it. This knot looks very eccentric and suits men with the style of someone like Liberace. But at the same time it fits perfectly into women's fashion. Ties for such a knot should be chosen bright and with interesting prints, but made of light fabrics.

Prince Albert Knot

One of the most beautiful knots, the Prince Albert knot resembles the bud of an unopened flower. It is not easy to create, but it is worth all the effort - the main thing is to form the final knot using the back loop. Since this knot requires a little more length than usual, it is suitable for short men.

Pratt knot

The most popular knot in America, it appears on almost all ties of local businessmen and politicians. It is unpretentious and is tied quite simply, the only thing you need to take into account is that it is tied with the seam facing out, and at the end the collar of the shirt hides this seam.

Nikki knot

Pratt's younger brother, the Nikki knot, by its origin, has nothing to do with America or Nicholas II (as you know, the Russian emperor was sometimes affectionately called “Cousin Nikki”). This knot was invented by the owner of a Milanese tie factory, Ernesto Kurami - he specially made it so that the tie would not fray and could last for a long time. For such a knot, it is better to use textured ties - a shape reminiscent of a pyramid will emphasize the beautiful texture of the fabric.

Cape knot

A very rare and beautiful knot that will immediately make you stand out from the crowd of “men in black” at any event. Due to the complex shape of the knot itself, it will look beautiful on ties with unobtrusive prints of deep colors. But under no circumstances should you do it on striped ties - this will create an insane visual effect that will give the tie owner’s interlocutors a headache.

Cross knot

Initially, this knot really resembled a cross, which is why it got its name. It can also be found under the name "Christensen" after the Swedish tie manufacturer Amanda Christensen. This knot looks most beautiful and elegant on thin ties and is suitable for thin men; on large ones it will look ridiculously small.

Eldridge knot

This knot challenges the standard knots of the business world - it is complex, braid-like and yet quite formal. For such a knot, you need to choose a tie that is not too short and not colorful, and combine it with the same neutral color scheme of the suit. This method of tying a tie is very new, so you can’t see it very often – which, of course, is a plus for anyone who wants to make an impression.

St. Andrew's Knot

A reason for pride - the author of this knot was a woman, artist Lisa Van Wijk. It comes from the Prince Albert knot, but is even wider and more elongated. It's better to tie it on light-colored ties - dark fabrics simply won't show all the hard work you've done. At the same time, stripes and ornaments on such a knot, on the contrary, work very well.

Let's learn how to tie a tie correctly together right now - the instructions in the pictures will help. There are many ways to tie a tie from fabrics of different stiffnesses, with different shapes of the ends. Many people prefer to ask on the Internet: “how to tie a tie, step by step, photo, simple method,” and having found it, they quickly put it into practice. Let's look at several ways!

And also keep in mind the golden rule: large knots love collars with widely spaced corners. If you are planning a complex knot, let the tie fabric be soft; it can be easily molded. Now let's learn different methods and techniques. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Not decisive:

  • textile,
  • length,
  • the shape of a shirt collar (the main thing is that the edges do not overlap the tie knot - large corners will not work).

Therefore, in fact, this option is called “free”. He really is the most unpretentious.

How to tie a children's tie with an elastic band - steps

  • Starting position: the tie is placed loosely around the neck, at ease - ready to go.
  • Please note: the wide end is on the left, and this is a prerequisite.
  • Cross the two ends together for further actions.
  • Make sure that of the two ends it is the narrow one that takes the place under the wide one, and the wide one - on the right.
  • At this moment it needs to be given a left direction and pulled from the bottom side.
  • You see, a loop has formed: this is where you need to place the wide end - so that it points upward.
  • Let's drag it through.
  • And here’s the result: we’re delaying it.

Try to select close-fitting collars and thin materials (fabrics). If everything is done correctly, the knot will be strict, although at the same time quite elegant. Guideline: at the end of all actions, the wide end of the tie should be located close to the trouser belt buckle. The entire sequence of how to tie a tie of this type is extremely clear, and you will soon see this. The main thing is to follow the step-by-step manipulations.

Simple steps on how to tie a tie with small knot tips

  • Starting position: the tie around the neck lies loosely, the usual start of action.
  • Observe the position of the wide end of the tie to the lower left (this is fundamentally important).
  • We combine it with the narrow end according to the “crosswise” principle, do not rush, move on to the next points.
  • Orient the wide end of the tie to the right.
  • And let it go lower, where at this moment carefully drag it over the narrow one with the direction to the left.
  • At this point, rotate it up and to the left.
  • Now - from the bottom up, and only through the loop.
  • Let's tighten up what we got. Perfect result!

Objectively speaking, these days this is the most widespread, popular model of tie knots. They are appropriate both daily and for celebrations. They look great with English-type collars (the corners are very wide in different directions). Let the following instructions help you on how to tie a tie of this type - it is accessible and understandable. You will definitely get everything right, regardless of the width of the product. Just change the relative position of both ends. This way you can change the density of the knot made and its size.

Steps on how to tie a Windsor tie correctly

  • Starting position: The tie is placed around your neck, lying loose and relaxed.
  • “Criss-cross” - combine both ends.
  • The narrow one is definitely at the bottom.
  • Now all attention is on the wide end - the main work will now begin with it.
  • It’s important not to make a mistake here: we drag it from below, insert it into the loop, and then pull it to the left (see first figure, point 2, point 3).
  • Next action: stretch it from top to bottom, but in reverse - with a slant to the right.
  • We insert the wide end into the loop hole (try to do everything as shown in the first picture - step 6), pass it through the knot.
  • The last movement is a gentle tightening.
  • And now your knot is ready.

How to tie a tie correctly step by step, the easiest way - “half-Windsor”

If you want to be able to deftly, quickly and correctly tie a tie, the instructions will help you take error-free steps. The result should be a symmetrical, compact triangular knot - its volume is smaller than that of the Windsor system. The tie can be of any width, it doesn’t matter.

How to tie a tie correctly step by step, the easiest way - you ask, and we will answer - we give preference to fabrics: medium-heavy, from the silk series. Open collars are best, but any kind will do. At first, learn how to make an even knot in front of the mirror several times to quickly learn how to achieve symmetry. Watch how to tie a tie on video without fuss and haste, learn.

How to tie a tie using the half-windows method

  • Starting position: neck, as usual, loosely tied with a tie.
  • We cross its ends with each other.
  • We place the narrow one under the wide one at the bottom (be sure to follow this condition).
  • After which we drag it (the narrow end) tightly from below and direct it to the left.
  • Raise it up.
  • We let it into the formed loop.
  • But that's not all - then we draw it over the narrow end to the left.
  • After which - to the right side from the bottom side.
  • We complete the procedure by pulling it through the loop from the inside to the outside, tightening it smoothly (moderate force).
  • Surely you did it beautifully and evenly.

How to tie a tie step by step photo “double knot”

At the end of all the steps, you should have a compact knot in a men's tie - modern, comfortable, attractive. This design goes perfectly with long collars. Do you want to know in detail how to tie a tie according to such a current pattern? It is recommended to take into account: the length of the tie should be medium, the fabric should be soft.

How to tie a tie step by step

  • Starting position: tie around the neck.
  • Make sure that the wide end is strictly to the left and always lower.
  • We combine the two ends in a cross pattern.
  • However, this time it is wide at the top, on the right.
  • We drag it under the narrow end. In this case, the direction is to the left.
  • Then to the right, but from above.
  • And again - to the left, this time from the bottom side.
  • At this stage, we pass the wide end into the loop from the inside. Direction - follow from bottom to top.
  • We pull it into the “ear”.
  • Carefully straighten the fabric wherever necessary to ensure an even appearance.
  • We tighten it - the goal is achieved.

Tie a tie step by step, photo, original “cross knot”

In this case, we are dealing with an elongated design - it is also called a “square” or “Italian” knot. It was originally conceived for men's ties with the same width at both ends (hence the name). Try to choose a tie that is not wide. By the way, high shirt collars are best. To figure out how to tie the tie in the photo, just carefully follow the step-by-step recommendations.


  • Initially, we place the tie on the neck - casually.
  • Mandatory: narrow end to the right, wide end to the left.
  • At the same time, let the narrow end be placed higher than the narrow end.
  • Now we cross both ends mutually.
  • An important point: place the wide one on the right, and on top.
  • This is what we need to stretch to the left - this should be done under the narrow end.
  • We direct from bottom to top through the left lobe of the nodal loop.
  • We stretch it over the narrow end: to the right, then to the left. All this happens under the noose.
  • Then pull the wide end in the middle of the loop through the “eye”.
  • Carefully straighten the fabric in all places so that there are no distortions anywhere.
  • We tighten it. There you have it, your knot is ready!

"Victorian Knot"

This option for tying a tie can be considered simple; it is very similar to the first option described above, but it looks richer and is suitable for ties made of thin materials. And you can wear it with office suits or shirts.

In some countries it is also called “four with an extra turn.”

  1. The first stage is the distribution of the length of the tie; in this version, the narrow side should be slightly shorter than the wide one. The wide end of the tie is draped over the narrow one.
  2. Next, the wide end should turn around the narrow end four times.
  3. Next, the wide side of the tie, which was making turns, is pushed into the resulting space between the collar.
  4. Next, the wide side is pulled out and laid on the narrow side.
  5. The knot is smoothed out well with your hands and pulled into the middle of the collar.

"Knot Oriental"

The Oriental knot can be considered one of the easiest to tie; this method takes only 4 steps. But it hides some pitfalls. For example, wearing it to events will be very inconvenient and impractical, since the knot is very weak and will need to be adjusted and tightened periodically. The knot option is suitable only for ties that are made of dense material, for example, wool, then the knot will hold tight and look decent.

  1. The very first difference when tying an Oriental knot is that the tie is draped around the neck with the wrong side.
  2. Next, the wide part of the tie from the bottom is thrown over the bottom and makes a girth of the narrow side.
  3. The wide part is pulled out through the resulting space in the middle of the collar.
  4. Carefully straighten the knot with your hands and tighten it.

"Balthus Knot"

This step-by-step option for tying a tie is classified as complex. It first became known about it in the 30s, from an artist from Switzerland whose name was Balthasar Klossowski. How to tie this type of knot on a tie will be described below with step-by-step instructions and photos. But there are some recommendations. In order for the knot to be neat, it is better to take a tie made of light and thin silk.

  1. The tie is put on the wrong side around the neck, and the narrow side is thrown over the wide one.
  2. Next, the wide end whips upward onto the narrow part.
  3. Next, the wide end is threaded into the neck ring and pulled out to the left.
  4. Then the same thing is done as in point 3, but with the other side.
  5. The wide part of the tie is threaded into the neck ring, as if sealing the two knots made. It should be extended to the left.
  6. Turn the wide end around the narrow end and thread it through the neck ring from behind.
  7. Next, insert the wide end into the formed girth from above and pull it out.
  8. It’s good to straighten out the knots and pull the tie towards your neck.

A beautifully tied tie will complete an elegant man's look.

"American Knot"

This simple method of tying a tie was first reported in the late 90s. But exactly who the author belongs to is still not known. In Europe, this version of the unit is called “Pratt”, and in the USA “Shelby”. This knot is only suitable for short ties with padding.

  1. The tie, as in the previous version, is put on under the collar with the wrong side up and the narrow end is thrown over the wide one and it should look to the right.
  2. Next, the wide end is threaded into the neck loop from top to bottom.
  3. A knot should form and should be tightened slightly.
  4. Pull the wide end in front of the knot to the right.
  5. And the last step is to thread the wide end into the neck loop from bottom to top and then into the resulting loop from top to bottom. Next, tighten the knot to the neck.

In order to choose the right tie for your shirt and suit, under no circumstances try it on yourself and do not evaluate the result in the mirror. Reviewing options should be done from the outside. To do this, place the shirt on a surface or hang it on a hanger and attach the tie to it, then the man will be able to correctly evaluate the combination of colors.

Designers advise a man to have a white shirt in his wardrobe; it’s like a little black dress for a woman, it’s universal. And it’s not difficult to choose a tie for a white shirt; you can take the first one that comes to hand.

To select colors and patterns for a shirt, you need to focus on only two basic rules:

  • combine patterned fabric with plain fabric;
  • fabric with a large pattern, combine with a small pattern.

If a man loves clothes with geometric shapes in the design, for example, stripes or checks, then only one main rule works here: they can be combined with each other only if they are of different widths. Well, you shouldn’t overdo it, any drawing, patterns, stripes and checks should be in a maximum of two things from the finished image. But there are always exceptions to the rules, so you can try to combine things that seem incompatible at first glance.

1. Simple knot or node " Four-in-Hand" ("Fore-in-hand")
Suitable for those who are just learning to tie a tie.

2. Universal knot or node " Half Windsor" ("half Windsor")
The most versatile and popular.
Suitable for silk ties of traditional width, wide thick ties and narrow ties that are becoming fashionable.

3. Elegant Knot (Double) or node " Windsor" ("Windsor")
Tie the same as the “universal” one, adding one more turn from the right corner of the collar.
By using ties of different widths or changing the position of the narrow and wide ends of the tie, you can achieve the required size of the knot.

4. Cross knot or node " Christensen"("Christensen")
ideal for high, 4-4.5 cm, shirt collars.
It is especially good for “puffy” cashmere or wool ties from winter collections.

We call it differently - square, double, Italian. Its western name is Christensen. It took a long time for people in Russia to get used to this simple knot. Now the Christensen knot is more relevant than ever, because it is ideal for fashionable high (4-4.5 cm) shirt collars.
This knot is especially good for “puffy” cashmere or wool ties from winter collections. It starts as a Half Windsor and ends with a double wrap at the front.

A few illustrations describing how to tie a tie may be more clear here.

5. Pratt knot
The easiest way for a narrow buttoned shirt collar.
1. The wide end of the tie lies under the narrow one.
2. Bring the wide end up towards the neck of the knot.
3. Lower and bring out from the other side behind the knot.
4. Pull the wide end of the tie with the right side to the right.
6. Pass down through face knot and tighten.

6. Quarter knot
Quite an easy long and straight knot for standard collars. Invented in England at the end of the 19th century.
1. The wide end of the tie lies under the narrow one, and the narrow one is noticeably shorter.
2. We pass wide under narrow to the right.
3. Then we lead the wide end of the tie with the front side to the left.
4. We pass it between the shirt collar and the tie and pull it up.
5. Holding the knot, pass the wide end through the face knot.
6. Tighten the knot, smoothly moving it up to the collar while simultaneously pulling down the narrow end of the tie.

7. Windsor knot(cm. Elegant knot)
Windsor - a more voluminous and wider triangular tight knot for wide diverging collars. It is quite difficult to do, and even more difficult to remember the sequence of actions. The invention of this knot is attributed to the Duke of Windsor, who abdicated the English throne to marry an American divorcee.
2. Pass the wide end between the collar and tie, then lower.
3. Pass the wide end under the tie to the left.
4. Pass the wide end between the shirt collar and tie again.
5. Pull the wide end of the tie right side out from left to right.
6. Pass the wide end under the knot.
8. Using both hands, pull the knot up to the collar.

8. Half-windsor knot(cm. Universal knot)
A simplified version of the Windsor, medium (in width) symmetrical triangular knot for standard collars. Looks good and does not require as much time and skill as Windsor.

1. The large end of the tie lies above the narrow end, while the narrow end is noticeably shorter.
2. Pass the wide end of the tie under the narrow end.
3. Bring the wide end up and slide it between your collar and tie.
4. Pull the wide end of the tie down.
5. Pull the wide end of the tie right side out
6. Pass the wide end under the knot.
7. Pull through the front knot and down.
8. Using both hands, pull the knot up to the collar.

Another illustrated version of how to tie a tie.

9. Good to know

Firstly, a plain one, the color that most suits all your suits. Keep in mind that a red tie is not only beautifully refreshing, but is also considered a sign of success and power. A solid color tie can highlight a good color match between your suit and shirt. The only danger of a plain tie is boredom. So don't get carried away with it.

Secondly, you can’t do without a tie with a repeating pattern. You can give preference to him, even when going to important negotiations. Of course, if the main component of the pattern is not a teddy bear or a naked beauty.

A striped tie speaks of serious intentions. A tie with a diagonal stripe in traditional color combinations will suit you only if you wear it under a plain suit and a shirt without a pattern.

A polka dot tie is even more versatile the smaller the diameter of the polka dots decorating it. Polka dots, which are more reminiscent of a dot, are quite suitable for formal events. Of course, the larger the peas, the more expressive the tie, but the greater the danger of looking somewhat clown-like.

A club tie will tell the whole world about your passions, in other words, about your hobby. Tiny guys waving golf clubs or tennis rackets, small yachts rushing through the waves, or airplanes cutting through the clouds will certainly be able to win over people with equally worthy hobbies.

Don't forget also that a bright tie is an advantage of youth. An elderly man can afford such decoration in the summer with a light suit somewhere at a fashionable resort.

You need a bow tie if you have a tuxedo in your wardrobe. In the classic version, the butterfly is black, but if you are confident in yourself, there is no limit to the variety of colors and patterns on it.

And finally, the most important thing. Every man's wardrobe must have a tie that most clearly reflects the individuality of its owner. This piece of fabric around the neck will truthfully tell everyone around: “This is who I really am.”

10. How to choose a tie

The tie occupies a special place in men's clothing. It is worn by government officials and businessmen, bankers and diplomats. The absence of a tie emphasizes a free style of life and behavior.

In general, men's formal wear doesn't leave much room for self-expression.

The tie occupies a special place in men's clothing. It is worn by government officials and businessmen, bankers and diplomats. Recently, more and more women are borrowing it from men in creating their own clothing style. The absence of a tie emphasizes the free style of life and behavior characteristic of artists, writers, and actors - although on special occasions they also resort to a kind of ties - neckerchiefs. A bow tie is an indispensable attribute of clothing for musicians and people of some other professions.

Finally, by inviting guests “without ties”, you emphasize the informal nature of the meeting, conducive to the direct exchange of opinions characteristic of friends.

In general, men's formal wear doesn't leave much room for self-expression. A tie is one of the few details of a man's wardrobe that allows a man to emphasize his mood, attract attention or express special feelings. A tie can tell others that its owner is at the top of his career, or that he belongs to a narrow circle of graduates of a prestigious university. A poorly chosen or carelessly tied tie clearly demonstrates the poor taste of its owner.

11. History of the tie

Ties of the modern form have existed for a little over a hundred years, but their predecessors and undoubted “relatives” - neckerchiefs - have been widespread for many centuries. Images of neckerchiefs were found in China - they date back to 260-209 BC. e., the ancient Romans also wore neckerchiefs. Louis XIV even had a special supplier of scarves.

It is believed that the modern tie appeared in England around 1860, when stand-up collars went out of fashion and shirts with a turn-down collar appeared. Since then, the fashion for ties has constantly changed, their length and width, material and style of knot have changed, but the principle of a tie has remained unchanged.

12. How to choose a tie

When choosing a tie, the main attention should be paid to its quality. Handmade silk ties are highly prized. In most situations, you should avoid ties that are too bright with flashy designs, pictures, or coats of arms or symbols that are unfamiliar to you (they can make you feel uncomfortable). Ties in the “American” style - with diagonal blue and red stripes - have become very popular recently.

In formal wear, the rule almost everywhere is a dark-colored tie combined with a light-colored shirt. A black tie with a white shirt is required when expressing grief and condolences.

In most cases, the length of a standard tie is tied so that it slightly overlaps the trouser belt buckle.

With a tie, you can wear a special clip or pin-clip that secures the ends of the tie and prevents them from coming loose.

To be on top means not to allow negligence in details. A tie is one of those accessories that harmoniously completes a carefully created look. Knowing how to tie a tie correctly is important for anyone who strives for a perfect appearance. Understanding the principle of tying a tie in several ways will allow you to experiment with the details. There are more than a hundred options for tying a tie and each of them is worthy of attention. Let's look at the basic schemes.

Small knot - how to tie it correctly?

To tie a tie with a small knot, it is better to use models made of heavy fabrics, such as silk.

The tying algorithm is simple:

  1. The wide end of the tie is turned with the seam facing outward, and the ends are intertwined so that the narrow end is on top.
  2. Pass the wide part of the tie over the narrow one.
  3. The wide end is placed over the knot and passed through the resulting loop between the tie and collar.
  4. The wide part is brought forward.
  5. The same part is passed under the top layer, pulled out and tightened.

Windsor Knot - in the Duke's steps

This knot was named after the Duke of Windsor. Among all the knots, it was this one that could most often be seen on the Duke’s collar, which is understandable - the knot looks elegant and solemn, and does not cause any discomfort even when worn for a long time. To tie a tie using this method, choose elongated models (4 cm longer than standard options).

The tying instructions step by step are as follows:

  1. The tie is placed around the neck with the wrong side inward so that the wide end is on the right and the narrow end on the left. The latter is pulled to the level of the solar plexus, then they work only with the wide part.
  2. The wide end is placed on top of the narrow one, thus forming a cross.
  3. Pull the wide end to the neck and pull it through the resulting collar.
  4. Wrap the collar of the tie and pull it to the left.
  5. Place under the narrow end to the right.
  6. The wide part is again pulled up to the neck and threaded this time over the collar of the tie.
  7. The wide part is pulled to the right.
  8. Form a “full face” of the tie by moving the wide part to the left in a horizontal position.
  9. The wide end is pulled towards the neck and threaded under the collar of the tie.
  10. Pass through the loop from the front side.
  11. Pull the wide part down, tightening.

The resulting knot is aligned.

How to tie a Victorian knot

It is not difficult to learn how to tie a Victorian knot for anyone who has already mastered tying a “four”. The difference between this weave is the extra twist. It is created using the end of a tie, which is wrapped around the knot four times and additionally tucked.

A knot made according to this scheme looks neat and harmonious, despite the clearly visible asymmetry. The knot is perfect for a casual office look.

Ordinary “four”: which is correct?

The easiest way to tie a tie is to use the instructions for the “four”. This type of knot first became popular in the mid-19th century in England. But it was not the dandies who practiced the use of knots, but the drivers driving four horses, rightly believing that this was the only way the tie would not interfere in the wind.

A weave is formed on the narrow part of the tie from heavy fabric. The knot fits almost all types of images and is appropriate in any situation. It is tied according to the following pattern:

  • Put the tie on so that the wide part is significantly longer than the narrow part (at least 30 cm).
  • The ends are intertwined.
  • The wide part is brought behind the narrow one.
  • Pass the wide end in front of the narrow one.
  • The wide part is pulled into the loop between the tie and the collar from bottom to top.
  • Fixing the front part with a finger, preventing tightening, the wide end is inserted into the loop through the top.

At the final stage, check how even the ends are, adjust and, if necessary, redo the knot.

“Oriental” - what it is and how to make it

To tie an Oriental tie correctly, you just need to go through three steps. And in order for the knot to hold, it is advisable to use dense fabrics. On a thin canvas, it will not be possible to maintain the desired shape.

Weaving works best on so-called “winter” ties, for example, made of wool. Throughout the day, the tie must be constantly adjusted, otherwise it will simply come undone. On holidays and special occasions, it is better not to tie a tie this way. It looks more elegant when paired with a casual office suit.

What is a diagonal knot

To tie a diagonal knot correctly, you need to have some experience in creating at least the simplest weaves. Formed from two layers, it will require some skill and manual dexterity. The advantage of the unit is reliability.

During the day it does not come undone, despite some asymmetry. In addition, the spectacular appearance of an unusual knot, more suitable for light and light fabrics, can be considered a bonus.

What you need to know about Calvin weaving

The knot was named after the mathematician and physicist Calvin, the author of the theory about the structure of atoms from knots. The physicist himself has nothing to do with the development of the tie. You don't need to be a great mathematician to quickly tie a knot. It is simply tied in several stages. The final weave has an oblong shape and looks especially impressive on wool and cotton fabrics.

It is better to wear Calvin knots not every day to the office, but to special events.

"Balthus" and "Cavendish" - formation features

To beautifully tie a Balthus knot, it is better to use light silk fabrics. The author of the weaving was an artist from Switzerland - Balthasar Klossowski. They first began to tie a knot in the 30s. The author himself wore it with pleasure in a somewhat unusual interpretation, swapping the ends.

Today, this option of tying is not relevant, although you can experiment from time to time, but rather for a man of average or short stature to create harmony.

Visually, the Cavendish knot is nothing more than an interlacing of two quarter knots. They tie it both on holidays and on weekdays. Just like “Balthus”, the weave looks better and holds up on light fabrics.

"Onassis" - the nuances of creation

Analyzing different types of tie knots, it is worth noting “Onansis”, authored by Greek-born entrepreneur Jackie Kennedy. It was he who came up with the idea to change the traditional version of the “quarter” by adding a new detail - a wide free end without fastening.

The knot is eccentric, suitable for brave and temperamental men, and can also be used in women's fashion. Looks especially impressive on bright, light fabrics with prints.

"Prince Albert" and "Pratt" - the principle of creation

Connoisseurs of beautiful and elegant weaving will like the option of creating a knot called “Prince Albert”. Simple step-by-step instructions will allow you to tie an unusual, beautiful knot that resembles an unopened bud. To form a weave, you will need a tie that is longer than the classic models. A tie with such a knot is most suitable for short men.

Pratt weaving is popular in the USA. It can be seen there on almost all public figures, office workers, and bankers. The knot is easy to tie, durable and comfortable. An important nuance is the seams facing out, disguised at the end behind the collar of the shirt.

"Trinity" - subtleties of tying

One of the most unusual relatively new nodes is Trinity. Every year it is gaining momentum, enjoying popularity among men and women of all ages. The special feature of the weaving is its asymmetrical shape. Anyone who masters the classic way of tying it will be able to complement the image with a stylish detail, attracting the attention of others.

"Christensen" - cross or square knot

The traditional Christensen knot is called a cross or square knot. It is ideal to combine it with shirt models that have a high collar. Weaving looks equally elegant and noble on a thin and wide tie. A prerequisite is dense fabrics in the base, for example, cashmere, wool and others.

"St. Andrew" - a knot in honor of the Apostle

The knot received its name in honor of the Apostle Andrew crucified on the cross. The cross was given to have an oblique shape, hence the unusual criss-cross shape of the weave. You can wear such tie knots both to the office and to festive events. Their versatility is their main feature and advantage.

Tie a knot on woolen fabrics with a plain surface. Only in such cases does it look noble and elegant, it holds up without requiring intervention every day.

An unusual option - the New Classic knot

A fashionable and stylish knot called New Classic. Analyzing the methods of tying a tie, this particular one can be noted as the most suitable for models made of medium-heavy fabrics and the same average length. Forming a node without at least minimal experience will not be easy. Therefore, you can count on results only after several training ties. The knot is in particular demand among Italian dandies.

The diagram will answer the question of how to tie a tie with a step-by-step description of the actions:

  1. Lay out the ends of the tie crosswise so that the wide one is above the narrow one, offset to the left.
  2. The wide part is lifted up so that the seam remains invisible.
  3. Thread through the loop from top to bottom.
  4. Next, step by step in the pictures you can see how stretching to the left occurs before the formed angle.
  5. They pull it into the loop again, but this time it’s the other way around - from bottom to top.
  6. Tighten the knot.

A correctly tied tie will be placed strictly in the center, looking neat and harmonious.

How to tie an American knot

An interesting pattern for tying a tie called “American”. They start by laying out the ends crosswise in such a way that the narrow one is slightly to the right and above the wide one.

The next stage is to pull the wide end into the neck loop downwards and tighten the formed knot (slightly). Next, the wide end is passed in front of the knot to the right, pulled up into the neck loop and down into the newly formed loop. The finished knot is tightened.

The principle of forming a bow tie - features

The video instructions below will simplify the process of tying a bow tie. They first began tying it back in 1700, but it continues to be in demand to this day, and all because, despite all the elegance and solemnity, tying it is not at all difficult.

The peak of popularity of the black “butterfly” came in 1886, when a tuxedo appeared as a replacement for a tailcoat, in combination with which an exclusively white bowtie was worn.

Subsequently, the site underwent many more changes, but is still relevant and in demand. To tie a bow tie correctly, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the video in Russian, which clearly shows each of the stages in close-up. The step-by-step instructions look like this:

  1. A plain or printed tie, but always a thin one, is worn around the neck so that the left side is at least 4 cm longer than the right side.
  2. The ends are intertwined again so that the elongated part is on top.
  3. The long end is inserted into the loop between the tie and collar.
  4. Carefully form the top layer of the butterfly by folding the short part across the ends of the collar.
  5. Fixing the top layer with a finger, lower the long part on top.
  6. Hold the fabric again, this time securing the bottom.
  7. The long end is thrown over the top over the bow layer.
  8. The formed loop is passed into the knot behind the top layer of the butterfly.

At the finishing stage, holding the bow by both ends, pull it in two directions, thus aligning and tightening the knot.

Free Style Knot - a luxurious new product for connoisseurs of light classics

Even in the photo you can see how fresh and original the Free Style knot looks. The weaving combines elements of the simplest ordinary knot and the “Winsor” knot. It looks especially elegant on silk models, provided that the creation algorithm is followed.

Tie a knot according to the following pattern:

  • The ends are laid out in a cross, so that the wide one is above the narrow one, offset to the left.
  • Wrap the wide part behind the narrow one and pull it to the right.
  • Pull it down into the neck loop.
  • They pass in front of the formed corner to the right.
  • They pull it up into the neck loop, and down into the formed one.

At the final stage, the knot is tightened and the correctness of its location is checked.

In conclusion, a little about the rules of wearing a tie in principle. It is considered correct that the tie reaches the belt buckle. It is strictly forbidden to tuck the ends of a tie into your trousers. The width of the tie should correspond to the lapels of the jacket, not wider and not narrower. It is not recommended to combine a tie with an unbuttoned shirt. Do not overload your tie with additional accessories. You can only use one of them, for example, a pin.

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The ability to tie a tie can be useful to every modern man. You shouldn’t wait for the moment when your best friend invites you to a wedding as an honorary witness, or you are awarded a medal for the best employee, which the mayor of your city will personally present. Master a couple of simple knots, and at any moment you will be ready to appear in the image of a true gentleman - in a suit and tie. We will tell you how to tie a tie correctly.

How to tie a tie

We do not recommend torturing a cat or looking for other improvised devices to practice the skill, since it is better to tie a tie directly on the collar of a shirt. So stand in front of the mirror, look at our step-by-step instructions and find an option that suits your taste. We've rounded up the best ways to tie a tie, from the easiest to the hardest to replicate.

A classic preferred by most men. This is one of the most convenient and stylish-looking knots, which is recommended for knitting on thin single-layer ties.

Note: the knot owes its name to Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor. The King of Great Britain tied thick silk scarves with a simple quadruple knot, which made it voluminous and was perceived by those around him as innovative.

This step-by-step diagram will help you tie a Windsor, if not on the first, but certainly on the third try:

  1. place the tie on your neck, cross its parts so that the narrow end is under the wide one;
  2. place the wide part of the ribbon under the narrow one, and then into the loop under the neck of the shirt, so that you get a turn on one side of the knot;
  3. now place the wide part of the ribbon under the knot and again throw it into the loop on the neck so that on the other side of the knot you get the same exact turn;
  4. stretch the wide part in front of the knot, bring it up into the loop on your neck;
  5. Now pull the ribbon through the knot and pull it down.

Advice: do not tighten the knot too much and try to make it perfectly even. The tie should not resemble a tight noose around the neck; it should be tied slightly carelessly.


Another popular and fairly simple way to tie a tie is the Pratt knot. If you follow the simple instructions exactly, you will get a knot that will not come undone. So if your work dress code forces you to wear a tie 5 days a week, be sure to master this method so that you don't have to tie it from scratch every morning.

Interesting fact: Americans call this method Shelby, and Europeans call it Pratt, and all because the scheme for how to tie this knot almost simultaneously came to mind to John Shelby from America and Jersey Pratt from England.

The instructions will tell you how to reproduce the Pratt knot. Repeat step by step:

  • place the tie around the collar so that the front side is facing the shirt;
  • cross the free ends of the ribbon, the part with the smaller width should be on top of the wider end;
  • pull the lower end into the loop under the collar of the shirt, and then transfer it to the opposite side of the knot;
  • now pass the wide end into the loop under the collar so that it ends up above the knot;
  • All that remains is to pass it through the knot and pull it down.

All this is illustrated in the photo diagram below. This simple way to tie a tie is perfect for thin skinny ties, popularly called “herrings”.

Another knot that works great for thin and narrow skinny ties is the Prince Albert knot. It is important that the length of the accessory is sufficient to make several turns of one of the ends of the tie around the future knot.

Please note that a correctly tied Prince Albert knot looks asymmetrical, if not slightly skewed. If the accessory has stripes, they will only enhance this effect. This method will not appeal to perfectionist men who love strict lines and correct shapes. If, on the contrary, you want to make your look less formal, you will like this simple option.

Note: Prince Albert looks beautiful on colorful plain ties. But printed fabrics, on the contrary, can disrupt the “pattern” of the knot and simplify its appearance.

A step-by-step diagram and photo will help you quickly master this method:

  • place the accessory under the shirt collar;
  • on the right there should be a narrow end, on the left - the one that is wider (provided that you tie it around your neck);
  • place the wide end over the narrow one, then pass it under it;
  • make another full turn over the knot, and then another (as a result, the knot will be formed from 3 layers of fabric);
  • All that remains is to bring the “working” edge of the accessory into the loop under the neck and pass it into the resulting knot, and finally straighten the folds in the fabric.

Tip: If you don't need to adhere, the tie knot can be slightly loose and placed 1-2 centimeters below the collar of the shirt.

Let's complicate the task a little! If you have a herring tie in your wardrobe, you can tie it diagonally:

  • place the wide part above the narrow one;
  • the wide end will be the “working” end, wrap it under the narrow part of the accessory once, and then repeat this step to make a second turn;
  • then pass the end of the tie into the loop under the neck and bring it out to the side;
  • All that remains is to thread the “working” end of the accessory into the lower loop of the knot and pull it down.

A beautiful diagonal knot will be best “read” on plain ties of soothing colors.

Tip: tying a herring tie this way is recommended for men of average or thin build. Large, stocky representatives of the stronger sex are better off choosing wide accessories made of dense fabrics and more complex patterns that create some volume.

Those who are not looking for easy ways through life, and even more so when it comes to tying a tie, should master this pattern. Eldridge even in the photo looks difficult, and, having a detailed step-by-step guide, only a few manage to tie it correctly the first time. The scheme was invented just 10 years ago by Jeffrey Eldridge. To make it easier to understand the intricate intricacies, we recommend tying the Eldridge on a thin tie without a lining.

The picture shows in detail how to tie a tie with an Eldridge knot. Please note that the “working” part in this case is the part of the accessory with a smaller width. Therefore, the first step when tying a knot is to determine its location:

  • place the accessory around your neck;
  • lower the wide part of the tie so that its end is at the level of the belt buckle on your trousers;
  • Now cross the ends of the tie together - this is where the knot will be.

If you don't succeed on the first try, don't rush to grab your bow tie or elastic tie in despair. The video below will tell you exactly where you wrapped the tape the wrong way.

And finally, one of the most unusual-looking ways to tie a tie is the Onassis knot. It is named after its inventor, who, by the way, is one of the richest people in the world, Aristotle Socrates Onassis. If all of the above schemes were suitable for both “herrings” and moderately wide accessories, then Onassis was picky about the width of the tape. For the result to look truly impressive, and most importantly – neatly, one end of the accessory must be at least 2 times wider than the other. The optimal width is 8-9 centimeters.

The photo below and our tips will help you tie Onassis:

  • cross the ends of the ribbon so that the wide part is on top;
  • then we wrap it around the narrow end twice and put it under the loop going around the neck;
  • we thread the “working” end of the accessory into the knot from top to bottom;
  • then we throw it again through the loop under the collar and carefully straighten it out.

That is, in essence, you first need to tie a simple knot, and then close it with a wide ribbon.

In the video below you can see 2 simple knots, the ability to tie which can be called a “minimum program” for every modern man.

How to tie a tie: step-by-step video