
Universal homemade washing gel made from soap, soda and water. How can you make high-quality washing gel with your own hands? Homemade detergent for washing machine


Having repeatedly been convinced that when using many industrial detergents and household cleaning products, various types of allergic reactions often occur (sneezing, scabies, runny nose, rash), many began to make them themselves. Fortunately, there is plenty of information on this topic. Today we will make our own homemade washing gel.

No expensive or scarce “products” are needed for this, since it consists of the simplest and most affordable components. In terms of cost, it is much cheaper than any similar industrial product. And in terms of health safety, it cannot be compared with any of them. You can use homemade gel both during hand washing and when washing in a machine.

Components required to make the gel:

  • 600 ml water;
  • 70 g soda ash;
  • 30 g laundry soap;
  • green tea bag;
  • eucalyptus essential oil – 3 drops.

How to make washing gel

1. An electric stove will be used for cooking. Turn on the stove at full power, pour 500 ml of water into the ladle and place it on a hot heating element.

2. While the water is heating up and boiling, pour 100 ml of boiling water into a bag of green tea and let it brew.

3. Use a grater to turn the soap into small shavings.

4. As soon as the water boils, pour the crushed soap into the ladle and stir thoroughly until it is completely dissolved.

5. Next, pour in the soda ash, mix again, bringing it to a homogeneous state.

6. Remove the foam formed during mixing using a “leaky” spoon - we don’t need it.

7. Remove the ladle from the stove and pour in 50 ml of green tea (the rest can be drunk), stir and leave to cool.

8. When the soap liquid has cooled to room temperature, add essential oil and pour it into a jar in which our homemade washing gel will be stored.

Washing gel (and more)...homemade!

Of course, now the choice of washing powders is simply huge! For every taste and color! But very often, these powders, to put it mildly, do not correspond to what they say about themselves... And they wash poorly, and the scents are not the same, and the stains remain! And the prices….. well, you know!

I have been looking for a long time for at least some kind of recipe for myself, so that I could at least try to make something like this at home. And what luck!
Somewhere on the Internet I saw a homemade washing gel in automatic machines - I really wanted to try for myself what it is and how it works.
I was seduced by the simplicity and cheapness... And, of course, the naturalness... Phosphates contained in washing powders then pollute rivers and lakes. In addition, the powders are not completely washed out of the laundry, which, of course, already poisons us...

So here's the recipe:
soda ash (washing soda) - 40g
Antipyatin soap (any laundry soap) -50g
water - 1 liter.
Grate the soap and dissolve it in a glass of hot water. Boil the remaining water, pour baking soda into it and pour out the water and soap. Mix everything and leave to cool
At first I did everything strictly according to the recipe - the gel turns out thick and is difficult to wash out of the powder compartment in the machine. Besides, our water is soft - maybe this still has an effect.
Therefore, I decided to increase the amount of water by 1.5 times, and put a little more into the machine directly into the drum.
My gel preparation process in the photo: I make a double portion at once
Grate laundry soap - 100 g (2/3 of a bar of soap in 150 g)
We measure out soda ash - 80 g (measured with spoons - 3 tbsp)
Dissolve soap in a liter of hot water. Boil 2 liters of water, pour in baking soda and pour out soapy water. Stir and set to cool. It can't be called a gel yet - it looks like brown water. But as it cools, the gel thickens and acquires a grayish-white color.
This is what cooled gel looks like
And here I mixed the gel.
To make the gel more homogeneous, I beat it with a mixer - now it looks “more appetizing”
With an increase in the amount of water, the gel did not become much thinner - practically no different from the original version. It’s still a bit runny after the mixer, but after standing for a few hours it will become thick, like jam.

I pour the gel into a container and store it in the bathroom. Over time, it separates a little - some water comes out - I just stir it with a spoon.
This gel washes well - I’ve been using it for about three months now and I like it. True, it is better to pre-soak heavily soiled items, or go over the stains with laundry soap by hand, and then wash them in a machine. They say you can add a teaspoon of salt, but I haven’t tried it yet.
There is no smell left on the laundry after it.

The most wonderful remedy! It not only washes, but also cleans: stoves, tiles, doors (if painted with oil paint). I’m absolutely delighted, I found a forum on this topic, where girls tell me that they wash clothes in a machine, wash floors, clean pots and tiles - all with this product!

Washing powders and gels are something without which it is impossible to imagine everyday cleaning or laundry. Many modern products contain surfactants (surfactants) and phosphates (salts and esters of phosphoric acids), which, although they are excellent washing aids, if rinsed poorly, remain in the fabric and often provoke allergic reactions and human skin diseases. The desire to reduce the use of all kinds of chemicals in everyday life forces us to look for alternative products that contain natural ingredients. To minimize the risk and contact with harmful substances, you can make your own washing gel at home.

One of the simplest and most common detergent recipes is laundry soap gel. It is easy to prepare and, with the addition of an essential oil of your choice, can have a unique formula familiar only to you.

It is worth noting some points, knowing which you can decide in favor of making the product at home or, conversely, abandon this process:

  1. The desired effect is achieved if the washing temperature is 40 degrees and above. Not all items can be washed at the specified temperature;
  2. Suitable for cotton linen, bed sheets, towels;
  3. Frequent use of the product will lead to rapid wear of things. This is caused by the use of soda ash; it has pronounced alkaline properties and has a negative effect on the material;
  4. Colored laundry may fade;
  5. Avoid use on silk and wool products;
  6. If you wash by hand, wear rubber gloves, otherwise you will not avoid dry skin.

We have to:

  • a saucepan in which you no longer plan to cook food;
  • regular laundry soap 50 grams;
  • soda ash about 100 grams;
  • water 1 l.;


  • brewing green tea (bagged tea is better) - 50ml (2 bags);
  • essential oil - a couple of drops.

How to make washing gel:

  1. Grind the soap, it is better to use a grater.
  2. Bring the water to a boil.
  3. Place the crushed laundry soap in water, stir until completely dissolved.
  4. Pour in the baking soda and stir until completely dissolved. It is good mixing that will allow you to prepare a quality product. If this is not done, it will leave white marks on the laundry. If foam forms, scoop it up and remove it.
  1. Add tea infusion and stir.
  2. Turn off the heat. As it cools, the gel will thicken.
  3. Add essential oil after the mixture has cooled completely, stir. The oil can be anything, depending on what flavor you prefer.
  4. Pour into a bowl or box. It is better to store the finished product in a warm and dry place.

We can start!

Use laundry soap gel

Homemade washing gel is suitable for both hand washing and machine washing. When using in a washing machine, add gel directly to the drum to avoid residue sticking to the tray. The dosage depends on the degree of contamination of things and the hardness of the water. As a rule, one tablespoon of the product is enough for two kilograms of things. For more severe contamination, you need to add half a spoon or an additional spoon of the product. Over time, you will be able to adjust the gel consumption for each time depending on the volume of laundry and the degree of soiling.

Instead of the usual conditioner, you can use table vinegar. It helps remove soap residue. Moreover, vinegar will make your laundry fresh and soft. Add it, about a quarter cup, during the rinsing stage.

Unconditional advantages

  • DIY washing gel is easy to prepare. You can prepare the product at once, or you can increase the volume by simply doubling the ingredients;
  • has no pungent odor;
  • suitable for people suffering from allergic diseases;
  • low cost of the product;
  • Suitable for washing dishes and floors.

How to make washing gel even more effective

  • Depending on the choice of essential oil, the aroma of the gel can become varied and acquire new properties. For example, by adding tea tree oil, the gel will have antibacterial properties. It is not uncommon to use lavender or eucalyptus oil for aroma. But the absolute favorites are orange and rose oils;
  • Add a few drops of blue to whiten;
  • One teaspoon of salt will help not to lose the color of the linen, just add it to the finished product. Remember to rinse the laundry again to avoid white marks;
  • Adding one teaspoon of citric acid to the gel before washing can make your laundry softer.

Reviews about the use of the gel can be found in a variety of ways. Someone immediately follows all the recommendations, the required proportions and receives a tool to help with household chores. Some housewives lose sight of the sequence of cooking steps, and the home remedy does not cope with dirty stains. Conduct an experiment and make your own washing gel. It will take some time, but the question of its effectiveness and the decision whether or not to use a homemade detergent will be closed once and for all.

To wash clothes, you don't have to use expensive powders. All synthetic washing mixtures contain surfactants, which not only have high cleaning properties, but also have a detrimental effect on human health. It is possible to produce a gel-like composition for washing from familiar, and most importantly, environmentally friendly ingredients. The method of preparing a gel from laundry soap and soda ash is quite simple, suitable for washing absolutely all types of fabrics, and can remove even the most stubborn stains, including mold. An automatic washing machine, as well as other mechanical devices, are suitable for using this gel.

At home, you can make your own cleaning products that are as effective as industrial ones, but much cheaper

The product will be an excellent solution for those housewives who prefer to refrain from using harmful substances in everyday life. This gel can be used to wash children's clothes, including those for newborns.

How does this gel work?

Very often, housewives rub the stained areas with laundry soap to remove old stains. Only after this, wash the product in regular powder. These actions are due to the high effectiveness of such alkaline soap in combating various stains. The natural soap composition penetrates deep between the fabric fibers and removes stubborn stains.

Every housewife knows about the properties of soda ash. This sodium compound is found in any detergent and cleaning product.

In addition, soda ash softens water, which allows soap substances to act more actively.

Both substances perform well, and when combined, the effect improves several times. Soda ash enhances the effect of the soap mass several times, without causing additional harm to the skin of the hands.

How to prepare gel for household needs

There are several ways to prepare detergent from soda ash and laundry soap:

  • For preparation you will need: 50 g of soap, 50 g of sodium carbonate powder, 1 liter of water. In a suitable container, you need to boil water, add laundry soap, which must first be grated. Do not remove the container from the heat. The solution must be gradually stirred until the soap shavings are completely dissolved. Afterwards, add soda powder and stir. Sodium bicarbonate will make the solution gel-like and flowable. The mixture must be stirred until the soda is completely dissolved, otherwise traces of undissolved flakes of the alkaline compound may remain on the fabric. If, after preparing the detergent composition, there are still undissolved particles in it, it can be strained (wipe) through a sieve. This will ensure uniformity of the mass. To wash 3 kg of laundry you will need 120-200 ml of the prepared mass, depending on the degree of contamination.

Laundry soap gel can be used not only for washing. You can use it to wash dishes, floors, refrigerators, windowsills and window frames, and much more.
  • This method is different from the previous one. To prepare you will need 1.5 liters of water, 100 g of soap shavings, 50 g of Antipyatin soap, 80 g of sodium carbonate powder. There is no need to boil the solution; all ingredients are added to boiling water. The mixture must be stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained, which does not immediately thicken. The solution will take on a gel-like form after cooling. Then beat the resulting mass with a mixer, then add 500 ml of water and strain. For one wash you need to use up to 200 ml of product, the amount of laundry up to 5 kg. If necessary, you can pre-soak the fabric in hot or cold water.
  • You can prepare a concentrated paste. It must be cooked over low heat, stirring constantly. For preparation you will need: water 200 ml, soda powder 50 g, household items. soap 72% 50 g. After hardening, the mass will be quite thick, it is perfect for removing difficult stains. It is necessary to use it before washing things, rubbing problem areas.

Benefits of homemade soda composition

There are many benefits of using this soap composition:

  • This product is highly effective in combating various contaminants, including coffee, blood, juices and mold.
  • Suitable for all types of fabric, regardless of color and structure.
  • Can be used both for hand washing and in automatic washing machines.
  • Suitable for washing children's clothes from the first days of a child's life.
  • Does not cause allergic reactions on the skin after hand washing, at the moment of contact with washed laundry.
  • There are no deodorizing substances in the composition, the smell is not very pronounced and corresponds to the constituent components. The laundry does not have any foreign odors after drying.
  • The product rinses out perfectly and does not require additional treatments.
  • The gel makes laundry soft and fresh.
  • The product is completely natural, as it is made from ingredients of natural origin.

When using such a gel in washing machines, it not only washes things well, but also helps dissolve the accumulated scale on the laundry.

A gel-like product made from soda ash and laundry soap is universal. It can be used not only for washing, but also as a cleaning and detergent, which is widely used in everyday life.

How to make washing gel with your own hands?

An excellent detergent is washing gel, cooked at home. Liquid washing gel is prepared very simply - from ordinary soap, water, borax and soda. In terms of cleaning properties, the product can compete with the most expensive washing powder, but unlike industrial powder, homemade laundry detergent is not a dangerous toxic chemical and is cheaper.
If you like to wash with powder, then we recommend preparing

DIY washing gel - recipe

  • Water - 18 cups

  • Grated soap (you can use either store-bought soap or collected soap) - 1 cup

  • Borax 1 cup

  • Washing or baking soda 1 cup

We will also need:

A container for making soap, a pan for a bath, a spoon, a closed storage container, it is most convenient to use plastic bottles.

Description of the components of the washing gel

Borax- sodium salt of boric acid, a natural mineral, is added to give the washing gel whitening properties, can be bought in the online store.

Washing soda- soda ash (sodium carbonate) Na2CO3, you can buy it in hardware stores (if you're lucky) or on the Internet. It is significantly “stronger” than regular baking soda. But if you don’t have washing soda, you can take baking soda, increasing its amount by 3-5 times, but the effect will still be a little weaker. Washing soda also performs an important function in washing gel - it dissolves fats and turns them into water-soluble substances, softens water, eliminates odors, and bleaches.

Method for preparing washing gel

1. Boil 2 cups of water, then add grated soap (preferably on a fine grater, it will melt faster) and stir the mixture in a bathhouse or low heat until completely dissolved and transformed into a homogeneous mass.

2. Add borax, soda and stir until dissolved.

3. Pour in the remaining liquid (you can use the recipe for 16 cups or your preference to the desired consistency) and cover with a lid.

4. Leave to cure for 24 hours before use. The consistency will be quite thick.

5. Pour the washing gel into bottles or leave in a container with a lid. Before washing, it is better to mix the soap in a container or shake the bottle; use a quarter cup for washing.

You can add 5-7 drops of essential oil after cooling the laundry soap and you will get a pleasant aroma that will remain on your clothes.

The second recipe for DIY washing gel
  • water 1 liter,

  • soap shavings 50 grams,

  • soda ash 45 grams,

  • essential oil optional.

Method for preparing washing gel according to recipe No. 2

1. Pour soap shavings into boiling water, dissolve and stir thoroughly

2. Add soda, mix thoroughly again until completely dissolved (if it is poorly dissolved, white stripes may appear on colored or dark underwear).

3. After adding soda, the liquid will begin to gel and become pearlescent.

4. When washing gel Once it cools down, you can add essential oil. For a whitening effect, add a few drops of blue ink to your laundry gel; they will optically enhance the whiteness.

5. Pour the gel into a bottle or canister.

How to use washing gel

For washing, pour 1/4 cup of gel for moderately soiled laundry and half a cup for very dirty laundry; you can pour it directly into the washing machine.

This gel washes no worse than Ariel and other powders, the laundry is soft after washing even without using conditioner. The only drawback is that it does not contain optical brighteners, as in powders, so white laundry will not look crystal white.

For particularly delicate items, add vinegar to the rinsing compartment or hydrogen peroxide for white items. This is an excellent gel for washing children's clothes, for allergy sufferers, and there is nothing to say about saving.