
Belching during early pregnancy what. Belching of air, sour and rotten eggs during pregnancy in the early and late stages: causes and methods of relief. The course of pregnancy and consequences for the fetus

Pathologies of the uterus

The body of a pregnant woman experiences enormous stress. The baby grows in the mother’s belly, crowding the internal organs and hindering the woman’s movements. At the same time, she constantly wants to eat (especially in the last trimester). All this often leads to regular belching, causing discomfort to the expectant mother.

Belching and its causes in pregnant women in the early and late stages

Belching is the sudden release of gas from the mouth that was previously in the esophagus or stomach. There can be many reasons for its appearance:

  • growth of the uterus, which changes the pressure in the abdominal cavity and the position of the stomach;
  • hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother;
  • inability to digest food completely and stretching of the gastric walls.

Belching is provoked by certain factors:

  • horizontal position of the pregnant woman, sharp turn to the side;
  • non-compliance with the diet of pregnant women: consumption of sweets, flour in large quantities, fatty, spicy, fried, pickled foods;
  • leaning the body forward when putting on shoes.

Belching in pregnant women occurs due to the growth of the uterus, hormonal changes, and indigestion of food.

Due to belching, which can happen spontaneously and in front of everyone, the expectant mother experiences real discomfort. Of course, this unpleasant phenomenon can and should be fought. And it doesn’t matter when the belching appeared: early or late in pregnancy. Most often, it occurs at 20–24 weeks, when the uterus begins to seriously put pressure on the organs and lifts the diaphragm.

If belching occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor.

When during pregnancy, especially in its later stages, I overate sweets, I experienced belching in its most varied manifestations. I soon got used to this phenomenon, especially since during the entire period of bearing the baby it did not happen very often. Rather, these were separate periods, after which I forgot about the unpleasant sensations.

What does a burp “tell”

Belching while carrying a baby is a completely harmless phenomenon, but some of its signs may indicate serious pathologies.

Burping "rotten eggs"

Improper processing of food in the stomach causes rotting of stagnant remains. In this case, the proteins break down slowly - for this reason, a hydrogen sulfide smell appears, which is popularly called the smell of “rotten eggs.” Typically, such belching is typical for the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy. Sometimes it gives way to heartburn, especially if the expectant mother takes the wrong foods:

  • fast foods;
  • fat;
  • roast.

Belching, diarrhea and other unpleasant sensations, indicating a problem with the stomach, in this case bother the expectant mother from several minutes to three hours. In the last trimester of pregnancy, belching of “rotten eggs” is caused by the growing baby squeezing the area of ​​the digestive tract. The same stagnation of food in the stomach occurs. This symptom manifests itself more often when a woman is in a lying position: at this time, the fetus puts especially strong pressure on the stomach.
When a pregnant woman is in a lying position, the fetus puts especially strong pressure on the stomach, which provokes belching of “rotten eggs”

Rotten burping may be associated with the presence of toxicosis or stomach diseases:

  • ulcer;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • improper functioning of the liver and gall bladder.

If, when belching rotten food, a woman is bothered by vomiting or diarrhea, then it is possible that the expectant mother has eaten low-quality food. In this case, do not self-medicate, but call an ambulance, as the problem may affect the baby’s health.

Once I had a burp of “rotten eggs”, which was accompanied by severe vomiting, and after it came diarrhea. This condition lasted 3-4 hours, after which my husband sent me to the hospital, and the doctors declared poisoning. When I was “cleansed” completely, I immediately felt better, and I no longer remembered the belching. Additionally, I was not prescribed any medications: my body sorted itself out. Doctors said that the baby was not in danger.

Belching food

Belching mixed with food in a pregnant woman often occurs due to slower peristalsis, which leads to retention of food in the stomach and esophagus. This problem causes stretching of the esophagus. Most often, unpleasant symptoms remain after pregnancy. Eating small portions and increasing the physical activity of the expectant mother will help get rid of the problem. She needs to take leisurely walks: this will help improve intestinal motility and speed up the release of food from the stomach.
Leisurely walks will help activate intestinal motility and speed up the exit of food from the stomach of the expectant mother

I belched food after I overate sweets while pregnant. At the same time, my stomach hurt terribly, and I was seriously scared. But the condition quickly passed, and the next morning I forgot about the belching, but since then I have not consumed sweets in large quantities.

Belching with bitterness

Bile enters the esophagus and oral cavity, so when belching, the expectant mother feels bitterness, and this happens with sphincter insufficiency: gastroesophageal and duodenogastric reflux. The following diseases provoke bitter belching:

  • chronic gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • JVP (biliary dyskinesia);
  • cholelithiasis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • neoplasms in the digestive tract;
  • helminthic infestation.

Sometimes this condition is accompanied by a sour taste in the mouth and heartburn. However, if such a reaction is an isolated or rare occurrence, then it may not be dangerous: bitter belching also occurs in healthy people when overeating. If this problem has become frequent, and it is accompanied by abdominal pain, then do not delay a visit to a gastroenterologist.

Sour belching

Sour burping is usually associated with the presence of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). This pathology involves relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter and periodic reflux of stomach contents back into the esophagus. Along with sour belching, the expectant mother may experience heartburn. Usually the problem occurs in the second half of pregnancy, and after childbirth it can completely go away. In case of chronic pathology of the digestive tract, sour belching may appear at the beginning of pregnancy. Most often this happens due to the following features:

  • consumption of foods that enhance the production of gastric juice (fresh vegetables and fruits, sour berries, coffee, juices, tea, chocolate);
  • overeating;
  • eating while lying down;
  • low physical activity;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • taking certain medications.

Chronic heartburn is the most common symptom of GERD

With the constant reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus, inflammation develops. Pepsin, hydrochloric acid and other enzymes destroy the mucous membrane of the esophagus, which leads to reflux esophagitis (damage to the lower esophagus due to the entry of food from the stomach into it). Sometimes sour belching is provoked by the reflux of duodenal contents into the esophagus. This problem is associated with improper functioning of the gastric sphincter.

If the expectant mother experiences sour belching, heartburn and GERD, this may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • stomach or duodenal ulcers;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • hiatal hernia.

A visit to a gastroenterologist will help to recognize the disease in a timely manner, who will prescribe an ultrasound, FGDS (gastroscopy) and other types of diagnostics depending on the condition of the expectant mother.
In case of sour belching, it is recommended to contact a gastroenterologist, who will prescribe an ultrasound and other types of diagnostics for the expectant mother.

If there is a chemical taste (notes of acetone) in the expectant mother's burps, this may indicate a drop in blood sugar levels. In women who do not suffer from diabetes, the problem of impaired glucose metabolism and sharp fluctuations in blood sugar may be associated with acute toxicosis and other conditions caused by malnutrition. If the expectant mother does not have toxicosis, then you should definitely tell your gynecologist about belching with the smell of acetone.

Sour belching occurred during my pregnancy along with heartburn. It was very unpleasant, and I still didn’t understand what caused this condition: I didn’t overeat, I moved a lot, but I rested a lot in a lying position. It is possible that this was the reason for this condition. Everything went away quickly, and the next day I did not experience such discomfort.

Belching with a raw "fishy" odor

If you experience “fishy” burps, then know that this smell most likely has nothing to do with the contents of the stomach: it arose as a result of the dilatation of the fallopian tubes. The fact is that all the odors of the genitals reach the abdominal cavity. Therefore, if such a phenomenon occurs, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist who will take tests. To prevent this situation from happening, a pregnant woman must follow the rules of genital hygiene. Often, a fishy smell from the mouth is associated with the onset of an inflammatory process: in this case, the doctor will select suitable medications that are harmless to the child.

In the old days, experienced women said that pregnancy can be checked by placing garlic in a girl’s perineum: if you smell garlic from your mouth in the morning, then after 9 months a baby will be born.

Timely adherence to intimate hygiene will help eliminate belching with a “fishy” smell.

Belching treatment

The doctor will prescribe treatment according to the type of belching, if necessary.

Diet for belching

First of all, the doctor adjusts the diet of the expectant mother. He will recommend eating frequent small meals 5-6 times a day. It is important to exclude from the menu foods that increase fermentation in the stomach:

  • cabbage;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • grape;
  • legumes

Your doctor will advise you to minimize your intake of the following foods:

  • potatoes;
  • of bread;
  • oatmeal.

You should not consume dry food or carbonated drinks. Of course, when carrying a baby, indulging in bad habits is unacceptable: nicotine and alcohol are not only dangerous for the baby, but also provoke problems in the digestive system, causing belching, heartburn and nausea. Half an hour before meals, it is recommended to drink a glass of water in small sips: this will prevent overeating. Chew your food slowly without talking. 2-3 hours before bedtime, eliminate even the most harmless snack. If you really want to eat, pour kefir into a glass and take a sip.
A pregnant woman should not exclude vegetables and fruits from her diet

Do not exclude fruits, vegetables and dairy products from your diet. Vegetables can be consumed boiled, and in the first time after the appearance of belching, avoid eating raw carrots, potatoes, etc.

Drug therapy

If the diet does not help and belching continues, then there is no need to postpone a visit to the gastroenterologist. But even in this case, the use of medications is not always recommended. If necessary, the doctor prescribes medications that are safe for the child. Most often, with regular belching, gastritis is detected in expectant mothers. In this case, the doctor recommends medications that help reduce the acidity of gastric juice and eliminate belching:

  • Maalox;
  • Rennie;
  • Phosphalugel.

Enzymes will help get rid of putrid belching, and sour belching, accompanied by heartburn, can be eliminated using the above medications. If your case is more serious, the doctor will recommend taking medications that help reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach (Omeprazole, etc.).

Photo gallery: drugs to eliminate belching in pregnant women

Maalox will eliminate belching and heartburn during pregnancy Rennie can be taken by pregnant women when belching after doctor's recommendation Phosphalugel will help reduce the acidity of gastric juice and eliminate belching during pregnancy

Folk remedies

Folk remedies will help get rid of belching, but before using them, the expectant mother must make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components.

Effective recipes:

  1. Dry plantain and cardamom will help eliminate the problem. Add one tablespoon of ingredients to boiling water and cook for 5-10 minutes. Cool, strain and take one tablespoon per day before meals.
  2. Fresh cranberries or as a fruit drink will not only relieve stomach problems, but will also enrich the expectant mother’s body with useful microelements. Eat a handful of berries daily, or make a fruit drink as follows: add 3 tablespoons of cranberries, sugar (optional) to a glass, pour boiling water to the brim. Mash the cranberries with a spoon: that’s it, the fruit drink is ready. Drink it once a day.
  3. Tea with the addition of lemon balm and peppermint will improve the condition of rotten burps. The drink will help restore the functioning of the nervous system, relieve stomach cramps, and normalize digestion.
  4. Tea with chamomile will relieve spasms of the esophagus and relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It will have a bactericidal effect, helping to reduce food stagnation and prevent the development of putrefactive processes.

The expectant mother should remember that improper use of herbs can negatively affect the baby's health. Therefore, you need to tell your doctor about your decision to take folk remedies.

Traditionally, doctors associate belching during pregnancy with hormonal changes occurring in a woman’s body. Frequent belching is sometimes indicated even among the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages (along with frequent urination).

Hormones, becoming more active with the onset of pregnancy, affect the tone of the esophagus and sphincters, and can slow down gastric motility. This results in more frequent belchings, which may have a faint putrid odor.

As the fetus grows, the configuration of the internal organs changes. This may be another reason for belching, now annoying a woman in late pregnancy.

If a woman, trying to provide her future baby with a maximum of nutrients, begins to eat foods that are unusual for her, this can also affect digestion and cause belching. Switching to a healthier lifestyle is important, but it needs to be done gradually.

Ideally, it is better to change your eating style at the stage of preparation for pregnancy, and not after its confirmation. Then there will be fewer reasons for unpleasant symptoms.

It happens that belching does not cause discomfort and appears under normal conditions - after eating food or in an uncomfortable position, or the pregnant woman could simply have eaten a heavy meal. Under such circumstances, regurgitation is not pathological.

But if the release of air is accompanied by an unpleasant odor or burning sensation, then these signs may indicate a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Factors that provoke belching are different:

  • During conception, significant changes occur in the release of hormones, when some are in excess, while others are released in deficiency. The hormone progesterone at this stage controls all changes in the functioning of internal organs, and the gastrointestinal tract also undergoes restructuring. At the same time, food digestion becomes slower, which can cause fermentation processes.
  • Progesterone also reduces sphincter tone. This results from the fact that it does not close completely after swallowing food, causing a burning sensation and belching, often causing the contents of the stomach to flow back into the mouth.

Belching is the process of air leaving the stomach cavity through the esophagus. Most often this happens suddenly and involuntarily. Gastroenterologists identify several reasons for belching during pregnancy:

  1. Hormonal changes begin in the early stages. The concentration of progesterone increases. This hormone significantly reduces muscle tone. Because of this, the movement of food is difficult.
  2. Progesterone also affects the digestion process itself. Due to the prolonged presence of food in the stomach, gas formation processes are triggered. This may cause belching.
  3. In the third trimester, the stomach becomes severely deformed. It is compressed by the grown uterus. Belching air during pregnancy in the last weeks is considered normal.
  4. The symptom can be observed when the diet is disrupted. Heartburn and belching occur if a pregnant woman overeats or eats too quickly.
  5. Increased physical activity also causes gas during pregnancy. Exercises, bending, and heavy lifting may cause discomfort. The load should be moderate.
  6. Poor diet is a common cause of burping air. The symptom may appear early, as early as 2, 3 or 4 weeks of pregnancy.

All of these factors are considered physiological. Most often, the symptom bothers a woman in the later stages. At 38 weeks of pregnancy, discomfort reaches its peak. The period from 35 weeks until the very birth is difficult for a woman. However, after this, the belching goes away on its own.

Heaviness in the stomach and belching can be associated with the consumption of products of poor quality.

Mainly, in this way, the human body gives signals that the food contents were not entirely correct.

Consequently, in addition to heaviness and belching, pain in the right side of the abdomen and nausea can be added. Difficulties with the pancreas can manifest themselves in a similar way.

In order to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you should adjust your diet. It is possible that it contains food products that irritate the gastric mucosa and are not fully digested.

This symptomatology can also form during the process of intoxication; this fact should also be taken into account.

When a person eats a spoiled product, the stomach must be rinsed and toxic substances removed from the body.

Heaviness in the stomach and sour belching may indicate the presence of pancreatitis, gastritis or dyspeptic disorder.

Therefore, you should not delay visiting a specialist. By identifying the causes in time and eliminating the problem, you can improve the functioning of the body and eliminate the heaviness inside the stomach.

The main reason is the stressful state of the expectant mother, which directly affects the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also necessary to take into account hormonal changes and physiological changes in the body. In the presence of toxicosis, a woman consumes little food, which leads to a lack of vitamins and minerals.

This condition can cause exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers.

Heartburn is a gastroenterological symptom that appears mainly after eating. Most often, heartburn is a temporary functional digestive disorder, but sometimes it can be a sign of acute or chronic disease of the digestive organs. Heartburn often bothers pregnant women, especially in the second and third trimesters.

There are several reasons that explain belching during pregnancy within the physiological norm. As the uterus grows and enlarges, mechanical compression of the gastrointestinal tract occurs.

As a result of the displacement of the stomach, excess air accumulates in its cavity, which is expelled out through the esophagus, and then into the oral cavity through belching. When a certain amount of gastric juice enters the lower sector of the esophagus, the belching takes on a sour taste.

If a woman who is pregnant has an upset stomach, then this condition can be provoked by:

  • incorrectly composed diet;
  • eating fatty, fried or smoked foods;
  • overeating, etc.

During pregnancy, women experience major changes throughout their bodies. Against this background, their stomach does not work fully and therefore the acidity and intensity of the production of its juice begins to change. As a result, changes will also affect the production of enzymes that take an active part in the digestive processes.

Women in this position usually experience the following “side” effects:

  • constant urge to vomit;
  • bloating;
  • constant nausea, etc.

Against the background of natural changes in the body, toxicosis develops, the intensity of which depends on a number of accompanying factors. At the same time, many pregnant women begin to complain of the appearance of pain, constant discomfort and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Women describe their feelings as follows:

  • they begin to seem to be bursting from the inside;
  • a gag reflex appears;
  • it becomes difficult to breathe;
  • there is a strong heaviness in the abdominal area, as if there is a stone there, etc.

The appearance of discomfort in the later stages

Heaviness in the stomach can be a concomitant symptom of toxicosis and will accompany a woman in all trimesters of pregnancy. This condition may also indicate the presence of gestosis, which expectant mothers encounter in the third trimester. This is due to the fact that during this period pregnant women begin to actively produce a special hormone that is responsible for the development of the fetus.

Against this background, characteristic symptoms may appear:

  • nausea (appears due to the fact that acid is actively produced in the stomach);
  • vomit;
  • discomfort;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach area.

In the later stages, a pregnant woman may encounter new problems that can be considered as provoking factors for the appearance of heaviness in the stomach. In this case, we are talking about an increase in pressure (intra-abdominal), which is directly related to the growth of the fetus and uterus.

In women during advanced pregnancy, the stomach is constantly in a compressed state, and therefore it reacts to such discomfort:

  • severe heartburn;
  • severe pain syndrome;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • gag reflex.

Discomfort due to eating problems

Every expectant mother should closely monitor her health, since the life of her baby directly depends on it. In case of any deviations from the norm or the appearance of unusual symptoms, they should contact a medical institution for consultation.

You should not try to eliminate such discomfort as a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen on your own, since incorrectly selected methods can lead to irreparable consequences.

In many cases, women, especially those faced with such a pathological condition as toxicosis, dramatically change their usual diet. Some of them even stop eating normally, because they believe that it is food that provokes nausea, vomiting, and heaviness in the stomach.

They should understand that with food the body receives all the important microelements and vitamins that are simply necessary for its full functioning, especially in such a difficult period.

  • 1The essence of the problem
  • 2 Nutritional causes of the phenomenon
  • 3Non-food causes of dyspepsia
  • 4 Pathogenic factors
  • 5Treatment of the anomaly

1The essence of the problem

What is heaviness in the stomach? At its core, it is a feeling of fullness and pressure inside the abdomen, in the epigastric region under the ribs, as well as a feeling of early satiety when eating. This phenomenon is considered one of the signs of dyspepsia - a disturbance in the normal functioning of the stomach in terms of digestion.

Typically, heaviness in the stomach after eating is a dyskinetic variant of dyspepsia associated with motor, absorption and evacuation dysfunction.

Etiology of the disease

In the early stages of pregnancy, many women are concerned about the question of what belching is and what to do to get rid of it. During pregnancy, a woman's hormonal levels change, which primarily affects the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, belching is normal. Clinicians have determined what reasons may provoke an undesirable manifestation:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • enlargement of the uterus, which begins to put pressure on the peritoneum;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • poor digestion of food in the stomach.

Also, belching during pregnancy is caused by the above-mentioned reasons, which can manifest themselves under the influence of such factors - non-compliance with the diet, frequent horizontal position or resting on one side, tilting the body forward.

These circumstances cause the expectant mother serious discomfort and worsen the condition. It becomes unpleasant not only the phenomenon itself, but also the time of its manifestation, since belching can also appear in public when it is impossible to contain it.

If a woman belches up to 10 times a day, then this is not a symptom of a pathological process. The reason for this manifestation may be the following actions:

  • food on the go;
  • quick snacks;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • reaction of the nervous system.

Constantly painful belching can signal the conception of a child. During pregnancy in the early stages, a woman is also worried about an unpleasant phenomenon.

Each woman has an individual body, and the reaction to the same irritants or products may be different. However, the phenomenon of belching is diagnosed in expectant mothers quite often.

It occurs at all stages of pregnancy, but is especially common in the early stages. Doctors definitely say that the unpleasant manifestation appears due to eating the wrong food, which irritates the mucous membrane.

Types of belching

Women usually treat a typical odorless burp, not accompanied by pain, calmly. But if the escaping air has a pungent odor or carries some of the food with it, this causes anxiety for the expectant mother, especially since women are especially suspicious during pregnancy.

When is burping harmless, and when is there really cause for concern?

Burping "rotten eggs"

A putrefactive process in the stomach can give such an unpleasant odor to belching. The cause of food stagnation can be not only the influence of pregnancy hormones, but also dysbiosis or constipation, which often torments pregnant women. Therefore, belching with a putrid odor should be alarming. By eliminating the cause, you will get rid of the “rotten egg” smell in your mouth and esophagus and restore fresh breath.

Belching food

During pregnancy, a woman may experience different types of belching:

  • loud;
  • quiet;
  • bitter;
  • sour;
  • rotten;
  • empty;
  • with food particles;
  • tasteless.

Diseases that cause belching

Despite the harmlessness of the symptom, you need to consult a gastroenterologist. Belching can be a sign of dangerous pathologies. But you shouldn’t give yourself a terrible diagnosis. The doctor will tell you what features you need to pay attention to.

Sour belching may indicate a change in the composition of gastric juice. This happens with gastritis. The disease often worsens in pregnant women. The condition is provoked by the activity of Helicobacter pylori. The microbe is activated when immunity is reduced. Pregnancy affects the body's ability to withstand negative factors.

Belching in early pregnancy can be caused by reflux syndrome. This condition occurs due to inflammation of the esophageal mucosa. Reflux can be dangerous as the size of the ulcerations constantly increases. The disease must be treated.

The child has a strong burp

Severe belching in infants occurs due to imperfections in the gastrointestinal tract. Swallowing air during feeding is a physiological mechanism. After each feeding, stand the baby upright and stroke him on the back until he burps with a characteristic sound.

In babies after one year, the reasons for this can be different - from adenoiditis to various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Often the cause is nervous system disorders. Excitable children are more likely to burp and suffer from digestive diseases.

With chronic tonsillitis, chronic runny nose, tonsils, the functioning of the respiratory system is disrupted, which also leads to frequent belching. A common cause of belching in children is excessive salivation. It can appear due to diseases of the teeth, ENT organs or digestive tract.

Belching during pregnancy

To get rid of belching, you first need to find the cause of this phenomenon, and then choose the right therapy.

It is important not to forget that to prevent constipation, a sufficient amount of fiber in food is recommended; protein-rich legumes are also useful. But all these products contribute to gas formation and can cause belching. What should I do?

  • Give preference to vegetables rather than fruits - sugar additionally stimulates fermentation processes in the stomach.
  • Observe which of the foods in these groups cause belching more often, and which you can eat without problems. Individual characteristics are of great importance.
  • Cook legumes properly by soaking them for several hours before cooking and discarding the soaking water. It is also recommended to drain the water after the first boil. This both reduces the risk of gas and burping, and speeds up the cooking of legumes.

Drug therapy

Taking medications depends on the type of belching, the presence of odor, concomitant gastrointestinal diseases or endocrinological pathologies. Only a specialized doctor can prescribe medications, choosing those allowed during pregnancy!

Enzymes will help fight putrefactive belching. And sour belching, accompanied by heartburn, can be prevented by taking antacid medications (Almagel, Maalox, etc.). In more complex cases, medications that limit the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach (such as Omeprazole, etc.) will be needed.

How to get rid of belching using folk remedies?

Traditional medicine suggests fighting belching by taking medicinal herbs.

The first signs of pregnancy may occur differently for each woman. For some, belching appears immediately after conception and continues until childbirth. It happens that belching is the first and only factor that indicates the birth of a new life, while other pregnant women may be bothered by burning and vomiting.

Pregnancy changes a woman's life. Nature doesn’t just take 9 months to carry a baby.

She did this so that the expectant mother would understand that her life had changed and nothing would be the same as before. Enormous physiological changes await a pregnant woman.

She has a great mission ahead of her: to bear, give birth to and raise a new person. There is no greater happiness in the world than the birth of a baby.

And physiological problems are all little things that you shouldn’t even pay attention to.

Belching in early pregnancy

Hormonal changes, a growing uterus, mood swings, chest pain - all this is just the beginning. By the end of pregnancy, heartburn, swelling, belching, back pain, abdominal pain, and so on will appear. But you can endure all this for the sake of meeting your baby.

Belching in the early stages of pregnancy will go away if you adjust your diet. The expectant mother should think about what she eats, because it determines how her baby will develop.

Belching bothers many pregnant women. This phenomenon occurs due to gases that accumulate in the stomach. Sometimes heartburn is associated with belching. They can cause a lot of trouble for the expectant mother.

Causes of belching during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman is sure that the feeling of heaviness in the stomach is not a symptom of any developing pathology, then she can try to eliminate this problem on her own.

She needs to do the following:

  • If such discomfort appears immediately after eating food, then you need to reconsider your diet. First of all, you should pay attention to the size of the portions, since if it is too large, then the expectant mother may constantly overeat and for this reason she has a heaviness in her stomach. It is also necessary to evaluate the menu, since it may well contain harmful foods that provoke the active production of acid, which can cause severe discomfort and a feeling of heaviness.
  • It is strictly forbidden to go hungry. If the cause of discomfort is overeating, then the expectant mother should only reduce the portion size.
  • The diet of pregnant women should not contain harmful and “aggressive” foods. They are recommended to eat soft and pureed food, which will be quickly and easily processed and absorbed.
  • Immediately after waking up, you need to start your stomach. To do this, just drink a glass of warm water or eat a small cracker.
  • If the measures taken do not bring the expected relief, expectant mothers should contact their gynecologists for examination and prescriptions.

Pregnancy is a time when a woman tries to protect herself from any possible diseases. But not everything is under control. Cholecystitis during pregnancy is a fairly common disease. Its treatment should, first of all, be safe for the fetus. This article will discuss the main reasons for the development of cholecystitis in pregnant women, methods of its diagnosis and principles of treatment.

The main causes of inflammation of the gallbladder during pregnancy

Pregnancy is considered one of the provoking factors of exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, or the appearance of its primary form.

There are a number of reasons that may contribute to its occurrence:

  • A history of chronic cholecystitis. This disease is characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. Cholecystitis during pregnancy worsens in more than 50% of cases, if before its onset there were already episodes of this disease.
  • Compression of the gallbladder by the fundus of the uterus. As a rule, in the third trimester of bearing a baby, the uterus rises high and puts pressure on the internal organs. During this period, calculous cholecystitis very often develops, as bile stagnates in the bladder, which contributes to the formation of stones in it.
  • Diabetes. This disease very often appears during pregnancy. At the same time, the metabolism of all substances in the body, including bile pigments, is disrupted, which can lead to the development of chronic cholecystitis.
  • Severe nutritional disorders in a pregnant woman. Typically, chronic and calculous cholecystitis is provoked by large amounts of fatty foods.

Characteristics of the clinical picture of inflammation of the gallbladder during pregnancy

The clinical picture of chronic and calculous cholecystitis during pregnancy is practically no different from the classic one. The disease usually develops in the third trimester. Symptoms appear suddenly and unexpectedly.

Name of symptoms Characteristics of symptoms
Pain syndrome Pain is the main symptom of gallbladder inflammation. It appears in the right hypochondrium. It can be constant and aching, or it can be paroxysmal and acute.
Heaviness in the right hypochondrium Heaviness in the right hypochondrium very often accompanies pain.
Intoxication syndrome It is possible that the general body temperature may rise to subfebrile levels. A woman may also experience general weakness and lethargy, and lack of appetite.
Dyspepsia Dyspepsia in chronic and calculous cholecystitis during pregnancy is manifested by the following symptoms:
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • belching with a bitter taste;
  • increased flatulence.
Acholia kala Typically, stool discoloration is observed with calculous inflammation of the gallbladder, in which the free flow of bile is impaired. In this case, the feces become almost colorless.
Jaundice If the outflow of bile is impaired, yellowing of the sclera, mucous membranes and skin may occur.

Methods for diagnosing the disease

To make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment, you must first conduct laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

Diagnosis of gallbladder inflammation includes:

  1. General blood test with a detailed leukocyte formula. An inflammatory process will be indicated by a shift of leukocytes to the left, a large number of neutrophils and a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR.
  2. Biochemical blood test for the following indicators:
    • bilirubin;
    • transaminases;
    • amylase;
    • prothrombin index;
    • C-reactive protein.
  3. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs. If the gallbladder is inflamed, on an ultrasound the diagnostician will see thickening of its walls and an increase in the size of the bladder. Also, on ultrasound you can see stones, if the patient has them at all.

These research methods are safe for a pregnant woman. At the same time, they provide the doctor with a sufficient amount of information and help make the correct diagnosis.

Basic principles of treatment of cholecystitis during pregnancy

Treatment for pregnant women is selected with the participation of an obstetrician-gynecologist. The prescribed treatment must be both highly effective and absolutely safe for the fetus.

Sign of pregnancy - burping

Belching in expectant mothers can signal pathological changes in the body, including hormonal imbalance. The cause of this symptom may be gastrointestinal diseases.

Belching air may indicate the onset of serious problems with the digestive tract in a woman:

  • belching rotten eggs during pregnancy indicates stagnation of food in the stomach. The phenomenon also occurs quite often with pancreatitis and gallbladder pathologies. This occurs due to an insufficient amount of enzymes that would help break down food and digest it. In this regard, the contents rot in the stomach and hydrogen sulfide is released, leading to rotten belching;
  • sour belching also manifests itself in gastrointestinal pathologies. A woman may have inflammation of the duodenum, stomach or ulcer;
  • a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, belching, nausea and pain under the right rib indicate pathology of the liver and gall bladder. These symptoms appear if a woman is diagnosed with poor bile production, stagnation or impaired outflow.

Belching air during pregnancy is considered less dangerous. Most often it occurs if a woman talks while eating or eats while walking.

The principle of appearance is as follows - food enters the stomach with a large amount of air, the food is chewed little and swallowed in large pieces. In this case, air lumps form in the stomach, which appear over time and cause discomfort to the expectant mother.


Belching without a foul aroma, taste or discomfort is often associated with dietary patterns and is considered normal.

But when it is associated with heaviness in the stomach, this may indicate a variety of pathological processes inside the human body.

Belching during pregnancy, heartburn, nausea, heaviness in the stomach accompany every woman expecting a child. In order to cope with these unpleasant symptoms, there are a number of tips for changing eating habits and rationalizing the composition of food. However, in some cases it is not possible to relieve symptoms.

In order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you can use medications that have a positive effect on the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, relax smooth muscles, and improve the absorption of foods.

Among the available drugs prescribed to patients, it is worth noting Gastal, Omez, Motonium, De-nol and Motilak. The use of these medications will greatly simplify the life of the expectant mother and help her cope with digestive tract dysfunction.

An inflammatory disease of the gastric mucosa, gastritis, is manifested by severe symptoms of pain and disruption of the functioning of almost all organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Pathology appears against the background of poor nutrition, fasting, addiction to spicy foods, and alcohol abuse.

Inflammation can also be provoked by a strong stress factor, a psychotraumatic situation (stressful gastritis), then pain and other manifestations are psychosomatic. In addition to pain, gastritis causes long-term symptoms, a person feels unwell, insomnia, loss of appetite, and apathy appear.

Above we have listed the reasons that explain physiologically caused belching. However, in some cases, frequent belching can become a symptom of gastrointestinal pathologies.

Constant belching during pregnancy indicates a violation of the composition of gastric secretions. The symptom develops against the background of gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori. During gestation, due to a natural decrease in immunity, the bacterium becomes especially active and provokes an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The taste of rotten eggs in the mouth after burping is also a warning sign. It may indicate the processes of rotting, fermentation of food residues in the stomach. The reason for prolonged retention of food in the stomach cavity can be:

  • pathologies of the structure and functioning of the digestive organs;
  • intestinal obstruction.


This disease is diagnosed by fibrogastroscopy, when a thin tube with a microscope at the end is inserted through the mouth. This type of research is not dangerous and is informative. It happens that an advanced disease leads to complications, such as gastric and duodenal ulcers, gasrtitis, GERD and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

When heaviness and belching of air do not go away within several days and are not associated with an eating disorder, you should visit a specialist.

When suspicions are not confirmed, he refers the patient to a gastroenterologist, who carries out a thorough and comprehensive diagnosis.

Fibrogastroscopy is considered the most effective way to examine stomach diseases. The procedure is painless and makes it possible to detect various diseases of the stomach and duodenum.

During an internal examination, it is possible to identify gastritis, peptic ulcers, polyps and malignant neoplasms.

If necessary, the specialist prescribes additional diagnostics and tests, based on the results of which treatment is determined.

Basically, a complete blood count, abdominal ultrasound and a blood test for Helicobacter pylori are required.

Based on these tests and diagnostics, it is possible to establish the root cause of painful symptoms, which will make it possible to make the treatment more effective.

To determine the cause of the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the patient’s complaints, as well as examinations in laboratories and using instrumental examination methods.

Laboratory tests consist of a biochemical blood test and a general blood test.

Determine whether there are changes in the functioning of the liver, the presence of an inflammatory process in the functioning of internal organs. Additionally, it is necessary to do esophagostroduodenoscopy and ultrasound of internal organs.


Prescribed depending on the symptoms and well-being of pregnant women. Most often they try to fight the disease with the help of nutritional correction. To do this, they develop a diet that excludes harmful foods, a daily routine, and you can add therapeutic exercises here. It is recommended to include infusions and decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, St. John's wort, and lemon balm in the diet.

If such measures do not bring results, drug treatment is necessary. Mostly during pregnancy, antacid drugs are prescribed, such as Almagel, Rennie, calcium and magnesium preparations.

During pregnancy, the stomach becomes very compressed. After eating there is heaviness. A woman may burp a large amount of air. Traditional medicine recipes come to the rescue.

Belching with air and heaviness in the stomach is not a disease, but only symptoms.

Before starting treatment, the causes should be identified. The use of medications that reduce the acidity of gastric juice helps eliminate heaviness and improve digestive processes, as well as eliminate symptoms.

The emphasis must be placed on the disease itself, which provoked the formation of unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, treatment is based on eliminating the main ailment.

In addition, you need to follow nutritional rules that promote proper processing of food. These regulations include:

  • Belching is a sudden release of air from the gastrointestinal tract. To eliminate this phenomenon, you need to eat properly. This should be done slowly, measuredly and without talking.
  • Fractional meals. Large portions of food can make you feel heavy. They cannot be instantly digested. Therefore, fermentation occurs, as a result of which excessive formation of gases is observed.
  • Following a diet that excludes products that remain in the stomach for a long time.
  • Exclusion of fatty, sweet, spicy, smoked and fried foods.
  • Separate meals. If severe belching is present, it is recommended to consume food products of different densities separately. During this time, it is forbidden to drink food or drink any drinks after the meal.
  • Avoiding smoking, which irritates the gastric mucosa and is also a provoking factor for swallowing air with tobacco smoke.
  • Limit or completely eliminate dairy products, onions, garlic, and highly carbonated water.
  • Avoiding desserts. For example, there is a significant amount of gases inside a milkshake, bird's milk or whipped cream. In addition, these desserts can provoke a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach.
  • Avoid unnecessary physical activity for 2 hours after a meal. This can provoke increased motility of the digestive organs, therefore increasing the risk of belching.
  • After eating, it is forbidden to take a horizontal position. In order to eliminate the phenomenon of belching and a feeling of heaviness, it will be useful to take a walk in the fresh air.

The disease can be eliminated only if the causes of the pathology are identified.

The formation of gases occurs due to the intake of different foods, which contain many products that irritate the gastric mucosa.

To prevent belching during pregnancy from bothering a woman, you can use simple tips that will reduce the phenomenon:

  • eat in small portions;
  • there should be at least 4 meals per day;
  • chew all foods thoroughly;
  • do not eat while lying down;
  • do not consume irritating foods;
  • do not wear tight clothes;
  • avoid uncomfortable positions.

Doctors also say that the best way to treat belching is to prevent it. In this regard, they recommend chewing cloves after eating. Also from traditional medicine, doctors allow the use of chamomile, mint, raspberries and blackberries. Teas from these plants and berries have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and improve the functioning of all departments. You can also make teas from ginger.

Before each meal, you need to drink one glass of warm water with a few drops of mint essence. To improve digestion and eliminate belching, the expectant mother can start each meal with light soup or broth in small portions. A liquid dish helps improve the production of hydrochloric acid and reduces the formation of gases.

  • lemon balm;
  • heather;
  • calamus root powder.

However, before using traditional medicine, pregnant women should consult a doctor, otherwise there may be complications.

If in a woman’s body belching occurs very often and does not go away for a long time, then this signals the beginning of a pathological process. In this case, the expectant mother should consult a doctor.

For severe vomiting due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, drugs containing metoclopramide are usually prescribed, as well as enzymes and a special diet for the patient, aimed at reducing the concentration of acid in the stomach. If the cause of this condition is poisoning, it is necessary to take enterosorbents and drink large quantities of water.

In cases where the pathology cannot be cured using drug therapy, surgical intervention is necessary, for example, in case of appendicitis or gastric ulcer.

If the causes of discomfort lie in third-party diseases, then first of all, therapy should act on the root cause, for example, in case of disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the main effect should be on the blood vessels or heart, in case of problems with the thyroid gland, hormonal therapy should be prescribed, and so on. .

If during diagnosis it is determined that belching is a symptom of a serious disease, special therapy is prescribed, usually in a hospital setting.

In other cases, it is advisable to reduce the risk of belching by adjusting the diet. Products that enhance fermentation processes in the stomach are almost completely excluded from the daily menu:

  • fresh baked goods;
  • some sour fruits;
  • White cabbage;
  • sugar;
  • sausages and more.

As for the frequency of meals, it is optimal to eat in small portions, up to five times a day. It is important to remember that food should be chewed thoroughly, as large pieces take longer to digest. To avoid overeating, it is useful to drink a glass of clean water 30-60 minutes before your main meal.

What medications can I take?

If a woman is bothered by constant bitter belching, it is better to consult a doctor. He will explain what provokes the unpleasant symptom. In some cases, drug therapy is required. So, gastritis requires treatment. Help is needed if a pregnant woman feels unwell or feels sick.

A gastroenterologist will tell you how to get rid of belching with the help of medications. Treatment is carried out with safe drugs that do not affect the fetus. For gastritis, the doctor will prescribe a remedy that will help reduce discomfort. The following are considered effective and careful:

  • Gastal;
  • Rennie;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Almagel;
  • Maalox.

The products have not only an antacid, but also a protective effect. They reduce acidity and coat the mucous membranes. Painful manifestations disappear.

Some women consider hiccups a dangerous symptom. This is wrong. This phenomenon is usually observed when breathing is impaired. “What should I do if I hiccup?” - a common question among pregnant women. In this case, you can drink 1 or 2 glasses of dill seed decoction. It's better to do this in small sips.

Every pregnant woman should be extremely careful even with the most harmless medications. She must understand that the components present in many drugs can cause irreparable harm to the fetus developing in the womb. They are only allowed to take medications if they have been prescribed by their doctor.

The specialist can make the following appointments:

  • Festal;
  • Panzinorm;
  • Gastrofarm;
  • Gaviscon;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Eubicor;
  • vitamin-mineral complex, etc.

Medications to relieve severe symptoms

It is possible to use any folk remedies for heaviness in the stomach and severe belching of air only after consulting with a specialist and making an accurate diagnosis.

The choice of folk therapy depends on the cause of the formation of unpleasant symptoms.

  • When belching with air and heaviness in the stomach appear due to high acidity and chronic gastritis, drinking tea made from mint, lemon balm and blackberry will be effective.
  • Rowan fruits effectively help during gastritis and duodenal ulcers.
  • Flaxseeds and linden flowers make it possible to eliminate belching caused by damage to the gastric walls.
  • Cranberry juice is effective in the presence of unpleasant symptoms caused by reduced stomach acidity.
  • To improve the functioning of the digestive system, it is recommended to drink potato juice.

Belching and heaviness in the stomach after a meal are not considered a disease. This symptomatology indicates the presence of dangerous problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, if unfavorable symptoms appear, you should contact a specialist.

First aid

If you suffer from regular or constant stomach pain, this may indicate the presence of an acute or chronic disease. You should not self-medicate.

The course of therapy must be prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis, determination of the type of disease and passing all relevant tests. To relieve pain, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by a gastroenterologist can be used.

These include Almagel, which perfectly eliminates the excessive production of hydrochloric acid, which prevents the occurrence of erosion and ulcers. The drug should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

Mezim helps well as an enzymatic remedy for belching. It speeds up the process of digesting food and eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Take 1-2 tablets after meals. Before meals, you can take Omez, which reduces acid synthesis. Omez is prescribed for gastritis and peptic ulcers.

The following antispasmodics are available without a prescription to help eliminate unpleasant symptoms:

  • Magnesium hydroxide;
  • No-Shpa;
  • Festal;
  • Rennie;
  • Phosphalugel.

During pregnancy, the use of Atoxil and Maalox is indicated. To relieve pain and discomfort, you can drink a glass of kefir, then lie down in bed. If symptoms do not subside, it is necessary to reconsider your diet. Special dietary therapy may be required. It is advisable to include natural products, low-fat soups, steamed vegetables, and cereals in the diet.

To prevent belching and pain, you can follow the useful recommendations of specialists. It is necessary to eat slowly, chewing each piece of food thoroughly, and do not swallow air.

Forget about chewing gum, reduce the amount of carbonated and alcoholic drinks you consume. Eat less black bread, legumes, and cabbage, as they provoke fermentation and cause increased gas formation.


Preventive measures include the recommendations of the treating doctor, adherence to a therapeutic diet, and giving up bad habits. Follow your daily routine, try to be in the fresh air more often, do breathing exercises and engage in physical therapy. Clothes should be loose-fitting, lightweight, and not restrict movement.

During pregnancy, it is important for a woman not to harm herself and her baby, so doctors advise following simple measures to prevent the symptom:

  • proper nutrition;
  • do not irritate the stomach with spicy, fried or salty foods;
  • give up soda;
  • eat more fruits and vegetables.

A woman also needs to watch how and where she eats. Uncomfortable positions can also cause a smelly symptom. There is no need to lie down immediately after eating; it is better to take a short walk in the fresh air.

  • While eating, you should not talk or rush, you need to chew your food thoroughly;
  • After eating, you should not engage in vigorous physical activity;
  • If some foods are the main reason why heartburn, flatulence and heaviness appear after eating, then you should give them up. This is especially true for soda and beer;
  • You should not overeat, as in this case the unpleasant symptoms after eating will only intensify;
  • Do not drink too strong and hot tea and coffee;
  • It is better to remove fatty or too spicy foods from the diet, they can cause heartburn and heaviness;
  • Under no circumstances should you consume products that have expired; this can cause not only heartburn and nausea, but also severe poisoning.
  • If a person has followed these simple rules before, but experiences pain, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms for no apparent reason, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

    Only careful attention to your own health will help you get rid of discomfort in the stomach, which in no case should be ignored. Such a serious disease as stomach cancer in the first stages is practically asymptomatic and painless, so it is very difficult to notice it without regular examinations.

    It is important to remember that even such a trifle as belching and nausea can indicate serious illnesses.

    Belching during pregnancy is a normal variant that occurs in every woman from time to time during pregnancy. It manifests itself individually at different periods of gestation, with or without odor, in connection with food intake or independently of it.

    Causes of belching in pregnant women

    1. Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy is manifested by an increase in the release of progesterone, which, in turn, slows down digestion and provokes gas formation.
    2. Another indirect effect of unstable hormonal levels, especially in the early stages, is a decrease in muscle tone, as well as the tone of the gastrointestinal valves. Due to incomplete closure of the valve that closes the esophageal opening, a certain amount of air enters the stomach, which is then released by belching.
    3. Fluctuations in hormones cause temporary dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the functioning of the digestive organs.
    4. Belching in the last third of pregnancy is felt by women much more strongly, and its cases are repeated more and more often. This is due to the fact that in pregnant women, the growing uterus systematically puts pressure on the digestive organs, while the stomach repeatedly changes its location due to the active movements of the baby. Excessive formation of gases in the stomach constantly increases, so belching occurs more often.
    5. If a woman is used to talking while eating.
    6. When chewing food quickly, if a pregnant woman eats hastily.
    7. Anatomically incorrect structure of the esophagus, spinal curvature and other abnormalities.
    8. Incorrect posture when lying, sitting, or turning to the other side provokes gas release.
    9. Sorbitol, which is part of most confectionery products in which it is used as a sweetener, affects the release of gases in the stomach. Sweets cause not only belching, but also other unpleasant symptoms - heartburn, bloating and flatulence.
    10. Belching is caused by drinking drinks with gas and foods that increase gas formation (grapes, legumes, bananas), eating sour, pickled, spicy or fatty foods.
    11. Eating starchy foods and oatmeal also contributes to belching.

    Types of belching

    • Belching air - most often occurs as a result of talking while eating, eating large pieces of food, or insufficient chewing. After such a meal, most often it is the air that has entered the gastric tract that comes out, and hiccups may occur.
    • Belching “rotten eggs” indicates a violation in the woman’s diet. Belching with an unpleasant odor is mainly influenced by overeating and toxicosis, so in addition to belching, pregnant women also begin to worry about nausea. To clarify the diagnosis, you need to undergo examination by a gastroenterologist, since belching with an unpleasant musty odor may also indicate the presence of inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the intestines, stomach and duodenum, as well as liver disorders. To prevent belching with an unpleasant odor from appearing, you need to follow the following rules: do not overeat, get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger, eat at regular intervals, do not eat before bed, drink the required amount of water, limit the consumption of sweets and protein foods. To prevent belching, you can drink tea with lemon balm leaves.
    • Belching with heartburn - most pregnant women experience in the later stages of pregnancy, from approximately the twentieth to the thirtieth week. The reasons for such belching are the reflux of acidic gastric contents into the esophagus and irritation of the mucous membrane with hydrochloric acid. The intake of acidic contents is associated with relaxation of the sphincter ring of the esophagus and the formation of a lumen between it and the stomach. To eliminate belching with heartburn, a diet will help the expectant mother. It is advisable to avoid fresh bread, boiled and fried eggs, strong broths, pickles, smoked foods, marinades, sparkling water and coffee. To more accurately determine the foods that provoke sour belching with heartburn, a pregnant woman needs to monitor her condition and pay attention to what exactly caused heartburn. The menu of a woman expecting a child should include more fermented milk products and cereals. During the day you can snack on almonds or walnuts.
    • Frequent, strong belching during pregnancy occurs in most expectant mothers. It occurs due to pressure on the stomach. Belching is difficult to prevent because it is impossible to regulate fetal pressure. Mom is only recommended to follow a diet, follow the correct sleep and rest schedule. After the baby is born, the signs of belching disappear.

    Medications to relieve severe symptoms

    Belching during pregnancy, heartburn, nausea, heaviness in the stomach accompany every woman expecting a child. In order to cope with these unpleasant symptoms, there are a number of tips for changing eating habits and rationalizing the composition of food. However, in some cases it is not possible to relieve symptoms.

    In order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you can use medications that have a positive effect on the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, relax smooth muscles, and improve the absorption of foods. Among the available drugs prescribed to patients, it is worth noting Gastal, Omez, Motonium, De-nol and Motilak. The use of these medications will greatly simplify the life of the expectant mother and help her cope with digestive tract dysfunction.

    Belching during pregnancy is a common phenomenon that most expectant mothers experience. In some cases, it may be a normal reaction of the body to certain foods or other factors. But constant belching can also be a sign of serious pathologies. It is important for every woman to know when to worry and when to simply adjust her diet.

    As a normal phenomenon

    The period of bearing a child is accompanied by a number of changes that occur in a woman’s body. The appearance of the fetus, its growth and development necessarily affects the functioning of the digestive system. Belching during pregnancy is not the only unpleasant symptom of changes in the gastrointestinal tract. And also many expectant mothers experience heartburn and increased gas production.

    The most common reason why a woman burps during pregnancy is overeating. This reaction of the body is a sign of a full stomach due to uncontrolled appetite.

    Belching in pregnant women can also occur for the following reasons:

    • Hormonal changes in the first trimester. The female body is reconstructed to a new state, the level of progesterone increases. The amount of this hormone directly affects the digestive tract, namely the tone of its muscles. The process of digesting food slows down, it stays in the stomach longer, which leads to the release of gases through the esophagus. This is especially obvious in the first weeks of gestation.
    • Deformation of the stomach in late stages. At the beginning of pregnancy, the uterus increases slightly, the remaining internal organs practically do not change in size. But as the uterus grows, it puts more and more pressure on the stomach, which is especially obvious by the 38th week.

    Due to changes in taste preferences, dietary disturbances, belching during pregnancy can occur for the same reasons as in any person:

    • conversations over food;
    • swallowing large pieces without chewing, haste;
    • consumption of carbonated drinks, sweets;
    • sour foods, especially berries and fruits;
    • eating large amounts of starch-containing foods.

    In the above cases, belching of air is always observed, if it is too frequent, is not associated with food intake and/or has an unpleasant bitter or rotten taste - this is a sign of disease.

    As a sign of disease

    Sometimes behind ordinary belching lie serious diseases of the digestive system. Before pregnancy, a woman may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but she does not pay attention to them. Then, against the background of conception, hormonal and other changes in the body, these problems can remind themselves with renewed vigor.

    There is reason to be wary if belching:

    • occurs too often, not after eating, there are no visible causes;
    • accompanied by the smell of rotten eggs or other unpleasant sensations;
    • the appearance of other symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.

    When contacting a doctor, it is important to describe what taste the belching has, this will serve as a basis for suspecting certain gastrointestinal diseases.

    It is difficult to recognize these phenomena as a symptom of gastrointestinal diseases, since nausea, vomiting, and other signs also appear with toxicosis. Therefore, experts advise that if belching occurs frequently over a long period of time, consult your doctor.

    How to deal with belching

    Can a pregnant woman get rid of belching? It all depends on the reasons that provoke this phenomenon. If, after consulting a doctor, serious diseases of the digestive system are discovered, therapy is prescribed. It must be urgent so that the health of the unborn baby does not suffer.

    If belching is normal and is associated with hormonal changes in the body, it will occur from time to time. Still, the expectant mother can do everything in her power to prevent this.

    • eat often, but little by little;
    • limit the consumption of foods that cause increased gas formation (cabbage, legumes);
    • do not overuse citrus and sour berries;
    • add foods with alkaline properties (dairy products, boiled eggs) to your diet daily;
    • eat slowly, do not be distracted by conversations;
    • Do not wear clothes that are too tight to the body, especially the stomach and chest.

    Folk recipes

    Some decide to use traditional methods that help get rid of belching. They can be used only after making sure that there are no contraindications, if the body reacts to them normally. If the chosen recipe is not suitable, seems tasteless, causes nausea, worsens the condition, it should be abandoned immediately.

    It is advisable to eat fruits not raw, but baked.

    The following folk recipes are popular:

    • Goat milk. Take half a glass warm after each meal. However, the product often causes allergies, so it is important to be careful.
    • Honey, pine nuts and lemon. Take 100 g of pine nuts (can be replaced with walnuts), one small lemon, grind in a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Add a tablespoon of honey, mix, take 1 tbsp. l. before eating. The product is also not suitable for everyone; the lemon included in the composition can cause the opposite effect.
    • Centaury. Take 1 tbsp. l. chopped dried herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew, strain. We drink 1 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day before each meal.

    Thus, burping in an expectant mother is not just normal, but almost inevitable, because it occurs as a result of hormonal and other changes in the body. However, sometimes it can be a sign of gastrointestinal diseases; if in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor. Following nutritional recommendations, adjusting the diet will help get rid of belching; some, in addition, decide to use folk remedies.

    The digestive system of a pregnant woman is especially sensitive. The body reacts to changes. The growing uterus puts pressure on all internal organs. Many women are bothered by belching during pregnancy and mild nausea. The phenomenon may be pathological. But often this is a normal phenomenon that ceases to bother you after childbirth.

    It is important to pay attention to the frequency of belching during pregnancy. It is best to consult a gastroenterologist. The doctor will explain what causes belching during pregnancy. He will tell you what measures can be taken to alleviate the condition.


    Belching is the process of air leaving the stomach cavity through the esophagus. Most often this happens suddenly and involuntarily. Gastroenterologists identify several reasons for belching during pregnancy:

    1. Hormonal changes begin in the early stages. The concentration of progesterone increases. This hormone significantly reduces muscle tone. Because of this, the movement of food is difficult.
    2. Progesterone also affects the digestion process itself. Due to the prolonged presence of food in the stomach, gas formation processes are triggered. This may cause belching.
    3. In the third trimester, the stomach becomes severely deformed. It is compressed by the grown uterus. Belching air during pregnancy in the last weeks is considered normal.
    4. The symptom can be observed when the diet is disrupted. Heartburn and belching occur if a pregnant woman overeats or eats too quickly.
    5. Increased physical activity also causes gas during pregnancy. Exercises, bending, and heavy lifting may cause discomfort. The load should be moderate.
    6. Poor diet is a common cause of burping air. The symptom may appear early, as early as 2, 3 or 4 weeks of pregnancy.

    All of these factors are considered physiological. Most often, the symptom bothers a woman in the later stages. At 38 weeks of pregnancy, discomfort reaches its peak. The period from 35 weeks until the very birth is difficult for a woman. However, after this, the belching goes away on its own.

    Diseases that cause belching

    Despite the harmlessness of the symptom, you need to consult a gastroenterologist. Belching can be a sign of dangerous pathologies. But you shouldn’t give yourself a terrible diagnosis. The doctor will tell you what features you need to pay attention to.

    Sour belching may indicate a change in the composition of gastric juice. This happens with gastritis. The disease often worsens in pregnant women. The condition is provoked by the activity of Helicobacter pylori. The microbe is activated when immunity is reduced. Pregnancy affects the body's ability to withstand negative factors.

    Belching in early pregnancy can be caused by reflux syndrome. This condition occurs due to inflammation of the esophageal mucosa. Reflux can be dangerous as the size of the ulcerations constantly increases. The disease must be treated.

    Your doctor will tell you what to do if belching occurs regularly. You need to pay attention to the taste of the air coming out of the stomach. Belching rotten eggs during pregnancy is an alarming sign. This may indicate that food has been sitting in the stomach for too long. Abnormalities in the structure of the gastrointestinal tract or intestinal obstruction are possible.

    Diet correction

    Belching that occurs in pregnant women does not always require treatment. Most often, simply reconsidering your diet is enough. Correcting your diet will help eliminate the unpleasant symptom. A special diet is necessary from the first week of pregnancy. This will avoid toxicosis. In the early stages, a gag reflex often occurs.

    Correcting the menu will help eliminate belching. Foods that stimulate fermentation processes are removed from the diet. Due to this, less gas is formed in the stomach. Your doctor will recommend that you avoid foods such as:

    Gradually the symptom will cease to bother you. The bitter or rancid taste in the mouth disappears. The digestion process is normalized.

    Not only food can provoke an involuntary release of air. A common cause of this phenomenon is the consumption of carbonated drinks. It is better to avoid such liquids during pregnancy.

    Eating 1 or 2 times a day is unacceptable. A pregnant woman needs a complete and varied diet. The ideal option is fractional meals in small portions.

    The menu must include fermented milk products and vegetable fiber. This promotes normal digestion. You can drink 1 glass of kefir before bed. You need to eat 2 different fruits to provide your body with vitamins. Apples, pears, bananas are healthy.

    Help with medicines

    If a woman is bothered by constant bitter belching, it is better to consult a doctor. He will explain what provokes the unpleasant symptom. In some cases, drug therapy is required. So, gastritis requires treatment. Help is needed if a pregnant woman feels unwell or feels sick.

    A gastroenterologist will tell you how to get rid of belching with the help of medications. Treatment is carried out with safe drugs that do not affect the fetus. For gastritis, the doctor will prescribe a remedy that will help reduce discomfort. The following are considered effective and careful:

    • Rennie;
    • Phosphalugel;
    • Almagel;
    • Maalox.

    The products have not only an antacid, but also a protective effect. They reduce acidity and coat the mucous membranes. Painful manifestations disappear.

    Some women consider hiccups a dangerous symptom. This is wrong. This phenomenon is usually observed when breathing is impaired. “What should I do if I hiccup?” - a common question among pregnant women. In this case, you can drink 1 or 2 glasses of dill seed decoction. It's better to do this in small sips.

    Traditional treatment

    During pregnancy, the stomach becomes very compressed. After eating there is heaviness. A woman may burp a large amount of air. Traditional medicine recipes come to the rescue.

    • If belching occurs during pregnancy, it is recommended to use a herbal decoction. Its main components will be cardamom and plantain. Drink the product daily before meals, 1 or 2 tablespoons are considered the norm.
    • Ginger is the second most popular ingredient in alternative medicine recipes. You can consume a small amount of crushed root.
    • Cranberry is a healthy berry for a pregnant woman. It not only saturates with vitamins, but also helps get rid of the signs of gastritis. Cranberries are useful when eaten fresh. You can mix berries with honey and aloe juice; 1 or 2 tablespoons of the product will quickly relieve problems.

    Belching causes discomfort to a pregnant woman. A symptom can be either an aesthetic problem or a manifestation of a disease. It is important to make a timely diagnosis and determine treatment tactics.