
How to kiss passionately without a tongue? Advice to young people. How to quickly learn to kiss a guy and not embarrass yourself the first time? How to kiss a girl without a tongue


There are many ways to kiss passionately without a tongue. Think of the most famous kiss scenes in movies - two characters don't slobber each other. The kiss looks passionate and sensual, but the actors don't use language. You and I are not movie stars, but it is this detail that we can duplicate.


Kiss your partner on the lips

    Do not hurry. No rush! Most kissing is about simply enjoying being touched by your partner. No need at this moment to think that everything is about to come to an end. In fact, it will be much healthier and more romantic if you take the time to get to know each other better, without trying to kiss as quickly as possible. Try it.

    Move back a little while kissing. This is a great way to kiss romantically. In the process of kissing, try to move back a little and watch the reaction of your partner. If he reaches for you, you can continue kissing, perhaps even slightly attracted to him. This maneuver works best when there is little space left between the lips. This is the romantic moment - your lips are slightly parted, and your bodies are very close.

    Try gently nibbling or sucking on your partner's bottom lip. But the lips should be in a natural position. While you're kissing, the lips part a little from time to time, so you don't touch your partner's lips "butt-to-butt". Gently wrap your lips around your partner's bottom lip, suck on it a little, and bite it lightly. This will be an exciting new experience for your partner, plus it will add an element of surprise to the kiss.

    Gently kiss your partner. Sometimes less is not worse. Gently kissing your partner, you create an atmosphere for something more, it can be very romantic if, during the kiss, you approach your partner's face and exhale slowly - this will add romance to the kiss.

    Kiss your partner at certain times of the day. For example, greeting with a passionate kiss can be a pleasant surprise and lead to a passionate follow-up. The same goes for the sweet morning kiss and goodbye kiss. In fact, there is no wrong time of day for a kiss. But it is at this time of day that the kiss will be more sensual and passionate. Try to think of other romantic situations suitable for a kiss.

    Kiss your partner on the earlobe or on the cheek. Light languid breathing on the partner's ear will help make the kiss even more passionate. Don't be scared - soft breathing will be the real focus. To enhance the effect of kissing and breathing, you can gently whisper his name into your partner's ear, but you need to whisper quietly and calmly, because sounds heard directly near the auricle are perceived stronger and louder. Then, if you want, you can gently kiss your partner on the cheek.

    Kiss your partner on the neck or under the chin. A kiss on the neck is a classic kiss that has many benefits. People like this kiss, and sometimes you want to take a break between kisses on the lips, because they are too close. Try to gently bite or suck a little on the skin of the neck, but don't overdo it, you don't want to leave an unattractive mark on your partner's neck! In fact, you don't even need to use your tongue in this kiss, otherwise the kiss will become wet and slobbery.

    Shower your partner with kisses! There is nothing wrong with kissing your partner's body as long as they feel comfortable doing it. It looks like you are exploring your partner's body and showing him that you completely accept him - just kiss him. A perfect example of this technique is kissing a pregnant wife on the tummy.

Connect other parts of the body

    Try running your fingers through your partner's hair. Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, such a gesture will be very romantic and passionate. Obviously, if a girl has a very long hair, do not try to cover them completely. Just stroke your hair a little, without touching it. This technique works best when you move your hand from your partner's neck to the back of their head. In addition, you can gently stroke your partner on the head, caressing his ears with your fingers (whatever comes to your mind).

Kiss is ancient art, which, like many classes, comes with practice. A person who kisses for the first time does it timidly and uncertainly, because this phenomenon is new and unknown to him, this is something that he had only heard and observed before, but did not do it himself.

There is another reason why the first kiss is often timid and insecure. The fact is that if a kiss happens for love or falling in love, then the people who are going to kiss value each other very much and are afraid to do something wrong.

Therefore, the first kiss is always gentle, timid and insecure. Also, this kiss is short, not sucky, but reminiscent of the touch of lips to lips.

Why do people kiss?

People kiss because nature is arranged in such a way that sympathy first appears between a man and a woman, then it develops into love, which involves the convergence of bodies. At first, it usually manifests itself in a kiss. If people trust each other and want to be closer, then they touch each other's lips.

This intimate place, which, when touched, produces the hormone pheromone responsible for sexual desire.

With a kiss, people of the opposite sex also get acquainted with their bodies. They sniff each other (yes, like animals!) and thus get used to it.

It may happen that after a kiss, people disperse, they realize that they are not suitable for each other. This process began millions of years ago with the advent of mankind. This is a natural action that serves people for procreation.

If after the process of acquaintance with lips and sniffing, people realized that they are suitable for each other, then their relationship develops into more intimate ones and they begin the process of procreation.

Not only in humans, but also in animals, kissing also takes place in life. However, each animal kiss occurs in its own way. Many animals simply sniff, some look closely, while others intuitively find a mate.

Kisses, if they occur between loving friend friend by people, should bring pleasure from touch. Therefore, it is better for those who do not know how to kiss to learn this in order to further give the opportunity to enjoy kissing themselves and their partner (partner).

Features of kissing passionately

Suction kisses are considered deeper and more intimate kisses, characteristic of passionate love and attraction. It is considered indecent to engage in such activities in public. After all, a kiss is an intimate activity, unless of course it is symbolic and friendly.

Kissing passionately is an art that requires some preparation. After all, there is a technique for kissing passionately that allows it to be correct.

Since ancient times, girls have learned to kiss on tomatoes, as they are approximately similar in shape to lips. They are just as soft and rounded.

But it does not mean at all that if a girl or a guy has not trained to kiss on tomatoes, then he will not be able to do it beautifully with the opposite sex. Many people are born with the ability to kiss.

From how well a person knows how to kiss, his temperament depends. If a person is choleric or sanguine, then he does it skillfully, passionately and loves this process. And melancholic and phlegmatic people, as a rule, do not like to show their feelings and therefore kiss rarely and reluctantly.

You can kiss passionately in two ways:

  • with tongue;
  • without language.

Both of these options are correct.

The opinion that it is necessary to kiss passionately only with the tongue is erroneous. Often people confuse a passionate kiss with a French kiss.

Indeed, in a French kiss, there is a participation of both languages. However, if we talk about a kiss with a suction, then this means touching the lips tightly, sucking a little on each lip in turn and without sticking out the tongue.

In order not to be in an idiotic situation, a passionate kiss must follow some elementary rules. If you take them into account, then even any timid teenager will not fail, but will be able to kiss his partner with special pleasure, even if this is his first kiss in his life.

The rules of kissing passionately:

  • brush your teeth thoroughly;
  • use a mouth freshener or chewing gum;
  • relax completely;
  • throw all thoughts out of your head and concentrate on your partner;
  • do not overdo it with the suction of the lips, otherwise you can hurt your partner.

If the kiss is not the first in life, but the person has sufficient practice in this matter and by mutual agreement, the partners can experiment with a kiss in rather coarser tones, that is, with sucking the lips. In this case, they should be prepared for the fact that after such kisses traces may remain, for example, bruises or smudges.

They may also remain pain. After all, the area of ​​​​the lips is very tender and therefore jerky movements may injure the skin.

For many people, no matter what age they are, passionate kissing, especially with the participation of the tongue, is generally considered taboo. Many religions forbid doing this, because it looks vulgar and ugly.

And for others, there is no sexual relationship without kissing with the participation of the tongue. Thus, all people are different in character and temperament, so each kissing technique has its own and there are no rules and restrictions here. For everything to go smoothly, you need to try and get to know yourself and your partner very carefully.

Kissing technique with tongue: rules and techniques

A kiss involving the tongue is a very serious step and it requires special preparation. You can’t do this thoughtlessly, because further relations with a partner may depend on how well the kiss is made.

How to kiss passionately with tongue:

This technique is most common among lovers of passionate kisses. If the partner takes the initiative, it will be easier to sort out this situation together, even if both partners have never kissed before.

After all, nature is arranged in such a way that the bodies, touching in a kiss, must themselves control the situation. And a person only has to help them with his mind a little, following simple rules.

The kissing technique depends on how ready the partners are for the kiss. Many facts depend on how passionate and protracted the kiss is:

  • mood;
  • the nature of the partners;
  • situation;
  • condition of the skin of the lips, personal hygiene.

For a kiss to be unforgettable, the partner must ensure that her lips are in perfect condition. Not only oral hygiene should be in order, but also lips. If it's cold outside, then the lips must be moisturized with a balm.

In no case should you try to kiss a partner if there is any cut on the lip or, for example, herpes.

This can cause discomfort or even scare the partner. It is better to wait until the wound heals and proceed with the first kiss with confidence.

How to learn to kiss passionately without a partner

The question of how to learn to kiss passionately worries every teenager, because sooner or later it will have to be done.

If the student did not have time to learn how to kiss at school, then entering into adulthood, he usually becomes embarrassed at the moment when the time comes to kiss his partner, and this has never been done before. In order not to get into a mess, you need to properly prepare for a passionate kiss.

Rules for kissing without a partner:

  • learn to relax;
  • get rid of fear and stiffness;
  • lips should be soft and relaxed;
  • for the imitator of a partner, you can choose several options for objects: your own hand, a tomato, an apple, or something else that comes to hand.

An apple and a tomato are great for sucking kissing exercises.

  1. stand in front of a mirror;
  2. take an apple (tomato);
  3. slowly touch it with your mouth slightly open;
  4. gently suck the apple with your lips, grabbing it a little between your lips;
  5. imagine that in front of you is not an apple, but the lips of a partner;
  6. closing your eyes, gently move your lips over the apple, slowly tilting your head to the left, then to the right.

If you follow all the rules, then there should be nothing complicated in a kiss.

If people fit and like each other, then the process of the first kiss should go smoothly.

How to kiss on a first date

The first date is quivering and very significant event in the life of every person. To make it go smoothly and with pleasure, you need to remember a few rules:

The first date should leave some understatement to the partner so that he (she) can look forward to the next meeting and look forward to it.

At the first kiss, in principle, as with the second and third, you can not be tense, otherwise the lips will be hard and the kiss will not bring any pleasure. You can’t rush and be distracted by anything, otherwise the partner will see that his partner is not thinking about the kiss, but just kissing “for show”.

What Not to Do While Kissing

  • you can not bite and strongly suck the lips of a partner. This may result in injury. In addition, delivering pain to a partner, a kiss can be the last for both;
  • Do not eat garlic or onions before kissing. These insidious vegetables will turn breathing into a very unpleasant one, and when kissing, the partner will not feel pleasure, but rather, on the contrary, disgust;
  • you can’t use force and, without listening to the wishes of the partner, continue the kissing technique to your taste. You always need to listen to the desires of a partner, and listen - this is in a figurative sense. After all, a couple during a kiss does not talk and does not discuss the kiss itself. Therefore, with eyes and touches, you need to learn to understand each other's desires.

Whatever happens, whatever the situation, you need to follow the basic rules in kissing.

Partners can always help each other find an idyll and retire, bringing unforgettable pleasure from the touch of the lips.

And more information on the topic - in the next video.

Now you can very often see on the Internet the questions of girls “how to learn to kiss well?”, “How can you learn to kiss without a partner?” There are answers to all these questions, but we will consider them a little later.

Now, you have to believe that you can learn to kiss without a partner. It has long been popular and now there are many useful advice and exercise.

So, forget about your fear and throw away your complexes, and let's see how to learn to kiss:

  1. Firstly, if you look, it is better remembered. This advice applies to our problem as well. Look online for tutorial videos that show you how to kiss. Take a closer look at how they do it, do not be shy, if you didn’t understand right away, there are still a lot of tips ahead.
  2. secondly, find an object for your training. The best object will be a mirror. Yes, and do not be surprised, the mirror will show you everything very clearly. If you want everything to be realistic, then you can dress like a date. Put on Nice dress, make up your eyes and lips, do your hair. Everything, you are ready. Now, you need to close your eyes and touch the mirror, first smack your reflection, then you can lick the mark of the lips with the tip of your tongue, now imagine that your beloved guy is in front of you and press your lips into the mirror.
We have more or less covered this method, do not be embarrassed, you can do this several times until you learn. Now, let's move on to the second method. To do this, find a juicy fruit, such as a peach, kiwi or mango, or you can take a tomato. Let's get started:
  • take the fruit, wash it well, and you can proceed.
  • now, you can touch the juicy part with your lips, then with your tongue and at the same time press the fruit with your lips more and more.
  • now stick your tongue deeper, move it inside and then pull it out.
  • repeat this procedure several times, and later you will already feel more confident in the kiss.
Well, you tried it, and now you can not be afraid to go on a date with a guy. You have done the first basics of how to learn to kiss. Don't worry, everything you do is normal and natural, you just want to learn. Such training is best done by yourself, without prying eyes, especially so that your parents do not see it. Believe me, they will not understand this and will not support it.

How good is it to learn to kiss passionately if you don't have a partner?

  • First, sit on the couch or chair, or you can lie down on the bed and relax. For the best effect, turn on romantic, unobtrusive music. And start relaxing.
  • Throw all unnecessary thoughts out of your head, forget all problems. Think of nothing but a kiss. When you feel that you are completely distracted from the outside world, start imagining your boyfriend, try to imagine him as accurately and concretely as possible.
  • Lick your lips, slightly open and mentally touch the guy's lips. And try to feel the taste of a kiss, what it will be, we hope pleasant.

How to learn to kiss without a tongue if there is no partner yet?

Kissing is much easier without a tongue. There is nothing complicated to remember or do here. First, find a mannequin, if it is also as tall as you or even taller, that's even better. Now just do everything the same as with the tongue, only now only the lips take part. You can imagine your boyfriend, hug him however you want, fake a real kiss with a real partner.

Well, you have tried some exercises, now you are a little trained in this craft. Now you can go with your head held high and kiss your young man. And, don't forget, there is no need to worry, relax and enjoy the process, restore your breath, close your eyes and surrender to emotions. Kiss is great.

Not a problem! If you want, you will learn right! We will show you exactly how to do this to a girl without a boyfriend.

Take a large tomato. Wash it well and peel off the skin. Touch your lips to the juicy tomato pulp. Repeat the tongue touch so that it goes deeper and deeper into the tomato. Do this carefully so as not to splatter. Enjoy every drop of juice that flows out, imagining that your boyfriend's lips are touching your lips. do it this procedure several times, "bypassing" the entire tomato. Did you enjoy training this way? Then a peach is for you. An alternative is large plums, apricots, and other fruits and vegetables that contain pulp.

How to practice kissing without a partner?

Buy a male mannequin. Put it in the center of your room and study it properly. The study of the dummy is necessary in order to take into account its every depression and bulge. It's not a living person! Mannequins, unfortunately, do not come to life from kisses. So don't hesitate to get attached to him. Learn to hug your "imaginary boyfriend" so that he does not slip away during the kiss. Tilt your head to the side so that the nose of the mannequin does not interfere with kissing.

Some girls train on big soft toys. They, as a rule, choose their most beloved to achieve such a responsible and romantic goal. You can follow the example of these girls! Just don't laugh and take this thing seriously.

Go to special psychological trainings if you are not one of the super shy people. In principle, you can “kill” your shyness and sign up for a training. These classes are as useful as studying at a prestigious university!

Practice on a friend! She will not be considered a partner (partner) if you are a girl of the "correct" orientation. You will achieve tremendous success when the training "goes uphill."

Watch videos online on how to kiss

You will go through sites for a long time until you find what you need and what really helps you. Be patient so as not to get angry and despair during the search.

Try kissing in a dream if you know how to control the actions and events of your dreams. We will assume that learning in a dream is learning without the help and presence of partners. What is the beauty of learning "kissing" therapy in your sleep? The fact that you have a chance to train the ability to kiss even with your favorite cat!

The easiest kissing method

Kisses trained on their own imagination. Lock yourself in your room so that you are not disturbed by the people (relatives) with whom you live. Sit on your favorite couch, relax and close your eyes. It is important that they are closed tightly (any light penetrating the "gap" of half-open eyes will be a terrible hindrance to the work of the imagination). Imagine a person to whom you are not indifferent. Presented? Touch his warm and tender lips. Touch them with your tongue. And then act as shown in your favorite movie. We forgot to remind you to watch a segment of your favorite movie that has a kissing scene.

Read books wherever you can detailed description romantic activities. Imagine yourself in the place of each heroine who kisses. It will be great if you close your eyes and completely dissolve in the description of the scenes that interest you. Nothing should distract you! Therefore, read books in the dark, with a flashlight, right under the covers. At first you will be uncomfortable, but then you will get used to it so much that you will not notice any inconvenience. You will definitely remember this workout forever!

Take a large and juicy cucumber. Cut it into several halves. Choose one of them. Take the one you like the most. Touch the cucumber pulp with your lips and tongue. Make sure your breathing is even. By the way, if you daydream, you will hear your heart beating restlessly.

Buy your favorite ice cream (in a "cup"). Put it in a warm place so that it thaws a little. Touch him with your tongue. Lick. Close your eyes and repeat the movements. Enjoy the taste of sweetness. Imagine kissing your boyfriend's lips. Do not stop imagining it to enjoy the process for real. When you're tired, smile and eat the ice cream that's left.

Stand in front of a large mirror. Adjust it so that it is stable and does not fall to the floor or to the side. It's great if the mirror is built into the closet or "attached" to the nightstand. Look at your own reflection and imagine that it is not you, but the ideal of your boyfriend. Gently touch your lips to the lips of the reflection, close your eyes and turn on your fantasy. Play with the tongue, passing it along the mirror surface. I constantly swallow saliva so as not to spoil all the romance. This workout will help you a lot.

Do you want to know the whole truth about kissing training?

Let's talk! It's stupid to learn to kiss without a partner! If you are afraid that the guy will misunderstand you or laugh at you, then you are mistaken! He will never do that! Well, in that case, of course, if you are not indifferent to him.

There is nothing terrible and shameful in the fact that you have never kissed before! There are many, by the way, like you. This idea does not come to everyone and not immediately. Hence the "legs grow" in the problem.

Do you have a boyfriend, but are you afraid to admit to him that you have not been "kissed"? Stop being afraid! Either talk to him frankly about everything, or kiss him yourself! You yourself will not notice how you can kiss him! Believe that you can do it. Strong faith will help you. You just need to believe sincerely.

Could it be like this... that the guy of your dreams has never kissed either. Have you ever thought about this? This thought may also play an important role in your situation. Kiss your loved one without stopping thinking about it. Imagine (at least for a moment) that you will be the "kissing teacher". Did you enjoy using your imagination? Bring it to reality! Kissing is easy.

Kissing is very, very nice! You need to kiss, not be afraid!

Learn to kiss together... -

There is also such ... -

How to kiss without tongue? This question sooner or later begins to worry every teenager who wants to learn how to kiss correctly.

How to kiss without a tongue

A huge number of articles and various materials have been written on a given topic. At the same time, in the above articles, the emphasis is on the fact that a real man must be able to kiss using a variety of techniques. Nowadays, many methods of modern kissing have been developed. For this reason, if you have not yet mastered the art of kissing, you should not despair, because this can be easily learned. Improving your skills in this matter, it is important to strive to ensure that for both partners this kiss becomes unique and unforgettable.

Some mistakenly believe that a kiss without a sucking tongue is simply impossible. Such an opinion is associated with a lack of full understanding of this kissing technique and its association with a French kiss. Therefore, we propose to figure out what a kiss sucks is. It is worth noting that this kissing technique requires serious preparation. Be sure to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, use a freshener, because your partner will probably be unpleasant to feel the persistent “flavor” of garlic. In such a situation, there can be no talk of closeness. Also, don't forget the romantic setting.

A passionate kiss involves a powerful attraction to each other of both partners, the complete contact of their lips. Such a kiss is inherently so passionate that sometimes minor bruising may remain after it. It is for this reason that it is often confused with the French kiss. A distinctive feature of the French kiss is the participation in it of the language of each of the partners.

A kiss without a tongue is the most suitable technique for tasting the sweetness of the first kiss, determining the body's reaction to this kind of external influence. All people are different, and not everyone may like to feel the presence of a second language in their mouth. This matter must be approached consciously. Often, especially on the first date, there is anxiety to fail. Remember that peace is the key to success. If necessary, you can pre-work out on an apple or your wrist. This will help reduce morale.

Remember that in the process of kissing, the lips should be in a relaxed state. Do not strain your lips - this will not bring any pleasure to your partner. The pace and technique of a kiss without a tongue, depending on the temperaments of the partners, can change each time. If you want to merge with your partner in a loving kiss, start with gentle hugs and touches. When kissing, close your eyes, grasp alternately one or the other lip of your partner, suck it. Try not to tense up - he will immediately understand that you are nervous. Think only of your soul mate. Learn to listen to your partner's breathing and movements. If you notice an increase in breathing behind him, this is sure sign that he gets untold pleasure. If he is limp - most likely, he did not like something.

Such a kiss is considered a combined kissing technique that combines a kiss without a tongue and a kiss with a suction. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it and not hurt your partner. Also, if you understand that you are not ready for this yet, do not rush. Take this step only when you fully feel this desire.

Experiment, try, listen to each other's body urges. Many consider a kiss to be the peak of the spiritual unity of two hearts. Good luck!